Trachytic rock and its altered rock—fenite—in the Bayan Obo ore district, Inner Mongolia, China, were referred to as slate or feldspar rock before, and identified by the authors for the first time (in 1992). In the ...Trachytic rock and its altered rock—fenite—in the Bayan Obo ore district, Inner Mongolia, China, were referred to as slate or feldspar rock before, and identified by the authors for the first time (in 1992). In the paper the mineral assemblages, structures and textures and petrochemical compositions of the rocks, as well as the electron microprobe analysis of feldspars in the rocks are described. The Sm-Nd isochron age of the trachytic rock is 1096 ± 56 Ma, with INd=0.51100±4 (2 s?) and ?Nd(t)= ?4.4 ± 0.7. Alterations of the trachytic rock, including microclinization, riebeckitization, aegirinization and biotitization, and accompanied rare element and REE mineralizations are discussed. Based on the occurrence of the trachytic rock and associated fenitization it is deduced that the Bayan Obo Fe-Nb-REE ore deposit is genetically related to magmatic-hydrothermal activity of an alkali carbonatite complex.展开更多
Bayan Obo ore deposit is endowed with and lie hidden in the Proterozoic strata. The localities and occurrences of the minerals in the ore deposit were described. It is obviously that some minerals are strata minerals ...Bayan Obo ore deposit is endowed with and lie hidden in the Proterozoic strata. The localities and occurrences of the minerals in the ore deposit were described. It is obviously that some minerals are strata minerals and some are post strata minerals. The rare earths, niobium and tantalum minerals are exactly the post strata minerals. In these minerals the hydrothermal metasomatic phenomena distinctly reveal their metallogenic characteristics. According to tectonic movement, magma activity, mineral paragenesis, hydrothermal metasomatism, geological age and lasting time scale of metallogenesis, and some other factors, it is supposed that genesis of rare earths, niobium and tantalum minerals in Bayan Obo ore deposit are closely related with hydrothermal metallogenic solution which is differentiated from silica acid and carbonic acid magma and derived from deep seated source, and then intruded into Proterozoic strata and metasomatized. It is recognized that the metallogenesis of Bayan Obo ore deposit is undergoing a long geological period and many episodes.展开更多
Geochemical study on trace and rare earth element geochemistry was carried out for different carbonates including the very REE-rich ones in the main ore bodies, a carbonatite dyke and two micrite mounds from Heilaobao...Geochemical study on trace and rare earth element geochemistry was carried out for different carbonates including the very REE-rich ones in the main ore bodies, a carbonatite dyke and two micrite mounds from Heilaobao far away from the Bayan Obo ore deposit, and Xishan in west Beijing. The results show that both carbonatite dyke and REE mineralized carbonates (dolomite and marble) in the main ore bodies and outside ore bodies have similarities to each other, with very extreme positive anomaly of Ba, Th, Nb, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Pb, medium positive anomaly of Y, Ho, Tb, Er, Yb and negative anomaly of Sc, Ti and Cu. The REE concentration in the mineralized carbonates changes greatly, the total REE content changes from 262×10^(-6) in both east and west ore deposits to 104562 ×10^(-6) (10.46%), which is relatively lower than those samples of carbonatite dyke, whose REE contents vary greatly, from 1% up to 20 % of mass fraction. Light REE in the carbonatites are enriched and highly fractionated relative to heavy REE and there is no Eu anomaly. The REE distribution patterns of both mineralized carbonate and carbonatite dyke are of some similarities. However, the sedimentary carbonate micrite of Salinhudong Group in Heilaobao far outside the ore bodies and the pure carbonates from Xishan in Beijing, central part of North China plate, have the similarities in REE distributions with much lower REE contents, which are significantly different from those of carbonatite dyke and REE mineralized carbonate. In Bayan Obo district, both carbonates in the ore deposit and micrite mound outside the ore deposit underwent widespread metasomatism by fluids that resulted in formation of the superlager Fe-Nb-REE mineralization. It appears that the carbonates represent the evolution products of different geological stages.展开更多
The Bayan Obo supergiant carbonatite-related rare-earth-element-niobium-iron(REE-Nb-Fe) endogenetic deposit(thereafter as the Bayan Obo deposit), located at 150 km north of Baotou City in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous...The Bayan Obo supergiant carbonatite-related rare-earth-element-niobium-iron(REE-Nb-Fe) endogenetic deposit(thereafter as the Bayan Obo deposit), located at 150 km north of Baotou City in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, is the largest rare-earth element(REE) resource in the world. Tectonically,this deposit is situated on the northern margin of the North China Craton and adjacent to the Xing’anMongolian orogenic belt to the south. The main strata within the mining area include the Neoarchean Se’ertengshan Group and the Mesoproterozoic Bayan Obo Group. Generally, the rare earth, niobium, and iron mineralization within the deposit are intrinsically related to the dolomite carbonatites and the extensive alteration of the country rocks caused by the carbonatite magma intrusion. The alteration of country rocks can be categorized into three types: contact metasomatism(anti-skarn and skarn alteration), fenitization,and hornfelsic alternation. As indicated by previous studies and summarized in this review, the multielement mineralization at Bayan Obo is closely associated with the metasomatic replacement of siliceous country rocks by carbonatite magmatic-hydrothermal fluids. The metasomatic process is comparable to the conventional skarnification that formed due to the intrusion of intermediate-acid magmatic rocks into limestone strata. However, the migration pattern of Si O2, Ca O, and Mg O in this novel metasomatic process is opposite to the skarn alteration. Accordingly, this review delineates, for the first time, an antiskarn metallogenic model for the Bayan Obo deposit, revealing the enigmatic relationship between the carbonatite magmatic-hydrothermal processes and the related iron and rare earth mineralization.Moreover, this study also contributes to a better understanding of the REE-Nd-Fe metallogenetic processes and the related fluorite mineralization at the Bayan Obo deposit.展开更多
The West Mine of the Bayan Obo deposit, located in the northern-central part of Inner Mongolia, China, is enriched in Nb, rare earth elements and iron (Nb-REE-Fe) mineral resources. This paper presents a combined me...The West Mine of the Bayan Obo deposit, located in the northern-central part of Inner Mongolia, China, is enriched in Nb, rare earth elements and iron (Nb-REE-Fe) mineral resources. This paper presents a combined method to explore metallogenic correlation of the Nb-REE-Fe mineralization at the Bayan Obo West Mine. The method integrates factor analysis and Back Propagation (BP) neural network technology into processing and modeling of geological data. In this study, the Nb and REE contents of samples were transformed into discrete values to analyze the correlations among the metallogenic elements. The results show weak mineralization correlations between Nb and REEs. Nb and U are closely related in the geochemical patterns, while Fe is closely related to both Th and Mn. LREEs are an important factor for the mineralization of the Bayan Obo deposit, while Fe and Nb can be considered as the results of passive mineralization. On the basis of a metallogenic correlation analysis, the factors affecting the Fe-REE-Nb mineralization were extracted, and the Nb mineralization model was established by the BP neural network. Based on the BP neural network data computing, the variability of the Nb concentration displays a coupled multi-factor nonlinear relationship, which can be used to reveal the inherent metallogenic elemental regularities and predict the degree of element mineralization enrichment in the mining area.展开更多
Bayan Obo ore deposit is the largest rare-earth element(REE) resource,and the second largest niobium(Nb) resource in the world.Due to the complicated element/mineral compositions and involving several geological e...Bayan Obo ore deposit is the largest rare-earth element(REE) resource,and the second largest niobium(Nb) resource in the world.Due to the complicated element/mineral compositions and involving several geological events,the REE enrichment mechanism and genesis of this giant deposit still remains intense debated.The deposit is hosted in the massive dolomite,and nearly one hundred carbonatite dykes occur in the vicinity of the deposit.The carbonatite dykes can be divided into three types from early to late:dolomite,co-existing dolomite-calcite and calcite type,corresponding to different evolutionary stages of carbonatite magmatism based on the REE and trace element data.The latter always has higher REE content.The origin of the ore-hosting dolomite at Bayan Obo has been addressed in various models,ranging from a normal sedimentary carbonate rocks to volcano-sedimentary sequence,and a large carbonatitic intrusion.More geochemical evidences show that the coarse-grained dolomite represents a Mesoproterozoic carbonatite pluton and the fine-grained dolomite resulted from the extensive REE mineralization and modification of the coarse-grained variety.The ore bodies,distributed along an E-W striking belt,occur as large lenses and underwent more intense fluoritization and fenitization.The first episode mineralization is characterized by disseminated mineralization in the dolomite.The second or main-episode is banded and/or massive mineralization,cut by the third episode consisting of aegirinerich veins.Various dating methods gave different mineralization ages at Bayan Obo,resulting in long and hot debates.Compilation of available data suggests that the mineralization is rather variable with two peaks at~1400 and 440 Ma.The early mineralization peak closes in time to the intrusion of the carbonatite dykes.A significant thermal event at ca.440 Ma resulted in the formation of late-stage veins with coarse crystals of REE minerals.Fluids involving in the REE-Nb-Fe mineralization at Bayan Obo might be REE-F-C02-NaCI-H20 system.The presence of REE-carbonates as an abundant solid in the ores shows that the original ore-forming fluids are very rich in REE,and therefore,have the potential to produce economic REE ores at Bayan Obo.the Bayan Obo deposit is a product of mantle-derived carbonatitic magmatism at ca.1400 Ma,which was likely related to the breakup of Columbia.Some remobilization of REE occurred due to subduction of the Palaeo-Asian oceanic plate during the Silurian,forming weak vein-like mineralization.展开更多
Most of the so-called Bayan Obo fine-grained dolomite marbles collected from the main and east orebodies show a microporphyritic texture,namely the microphenocrysts are set in a very finegrained matrix,although nearly...Most of the so-called Bayan Obo fine-grained dolomite marbles collected from the main and east orebodies show a microporphyritic texture,namely the microphenocrysts are set in a very finegrained matrix,although nearly all of them have undergone recrystallization caused either by deformation or alteration.The texture seems likely to have maintained the original features.It is known that one of the most characteristic textures of volcanic rocks is the porphyritic texture,and the microporphyritic texture is a variety in which both the phenocrysts and the matrix are only distinguishable with the microscope.Therefore,the dolomite marbles in the main and east orebodies may be related to the extrusive carbonatites.In addition,there also occur some carbonatite sills and dykes with different textures at Bayan Obo.Thus,the Bayan Obo carbonatites are polyphase intrusive and extrusive carbonatites.展开更多
Based on studies of sequence stratigraphy, event stratigraphy, biostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy, it is concluded that the Sailinhudong Group is a part of the Bayan Obo Group. Some trilobite fragments are first fo...Based on studies of sequence stratigraphy, event stratigraphy, biostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy, it is concluded that the Sailinhudong Group is a part of the Bayan Obo Group. Some trilobite fragments are first found in thin sections of the rock from the lower part of the Sailinhudong Group and some Ordovician acritarchs and chitinozoans are also found in this group. A formationa unit of carbonate seismites is first recognized in the upper part and a huge micrite mound is first identified at the top. Dolomite, the host rock of the super giant Bayan Obo Fe-Nb-REE deposits, is neither an igneous carbonatite nor a common bedded sedimentary carbonate, but a huge micrite mound. It has the same macroscopic characters as the micrite mounds at the top of the Sailinhudong Group, which suggests that they should be of the same horizon. According to the fossils, the Sailinhudong and Bayan Obo Groups should be of the Early Palaeozoic rather than the Middle Proterozoic. The new discovery and new idea will throw light on the explanation of the genesis of the supergiant Bayan Obo Fe-Nb-REE deposits.展开更多
An REE-rich carbonatite dyke was found in Dulahala, close to the Bayan Obo superlarge REE-Nb-Fe mineral deposit in Inner Mongolia, northern China. The REE content in the dyke varies greatly, from 1% up to 20% (wt), wh...An REE-rich carbonatite dyke was found in Dulahala, close to the Bayan Obo superlarge REE-Nb-Fe mineral deposit in Inner Mongolia, northern China. The REE content in the dyke varies greatly, from 1% up to 20% (wt), which might constitute rich REE ores. Light REEs in the carbonatite are enriched and highly fractionated relative to heavy REEs and there is no Eu anomaly. The REE and trace element distribution patterns of the carbonatite are identical to those of fine-grained dolomite marble which is the host rock of the Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe superlarge mineral deposit. This indicates a petrogenetic linkage between the REE-rich carbonatite and the mineralizations in this region.展开更多
The first carbonatite dyke at Bayan Obo is well exposed on the surface for a length and width of approximately 60 m and 1.1-1.5 m, respectively. Along its strike, the fenitized H1 (Qs) and H2 (Cs) quartzite is rep...The first carbonatite dyke at Bayan Obo is well exposed on the surface for a length and width of approximately 60 m and 1.1-1.5 m, respectively. Along its strike, the fenitized H1 (Qs) and H2 (Cs) quartzite is replaced by Na-amphiboles, aegirines, and alkali-feldspars, intermittently stretching as far away as 800 m in length. Based on petrographical characteristics, the dyke's fenitized wall rocks are divisible into different zones: (1) outer, (2) middle, and (3) inner. The outer zone is 5-17 m from the NW margin of the dyke. The middle zone is located at 3.5-5 m from the NW margin of the dyke. The inner contact zone is located between direct contact with the dyke and 3.5 m from the dyke. In the outer zone, upon visual examination, no evidence of outcrop fenitization was found and the major elemental rock composition is nearly identical to the unaltered H1 and H2 lithologies. In the thin sections, however, small amounts of Na-amphibole and phlogopite are present. Despite relatively poor development throughout the 5 m of fenitization, the wall rocks have retained at least a small geochemical signature comparable to the original sedimentary protolith. The fenites occurring in the inner zone exhibit distinct variations, not only for the sharp contact at the outcrop scale, but also for variations in major, rare earth elements (REE), and trace elements and Sm-Nd isotope composition. The wall rocks within 3.5 m have undergone strong fenitization, inheriting the geochemical signature derived from the carbonatite dyke. Fenitization in the middle zone was not as strong, at least compared to the inner zone, but was stronger than the outer zone. Compared to some trace elements and REEs, the major elements are relatively immobile during fenitization. The Sm-Nd isotope data for the carbonatite dyke and the adjacent fenitized wall rocks, where the Sm and Nd originate solely from the dyke, plots as a six-point isochron with an age of 1308~56 Ma. This age is identical to that of ore-bearing dolomite carbonatite and the related ore-forming events, indicating that there may be a petrogenetic link between the two. Based on Sr and Nd isotope compositional data, the first carbonatite dyke may be derived from an enriched mantle.展开更多
The Bayan Obo deposit in northern China is an ultra-large Fe–REE–Nb deposit.The occurrences,and geochemical characteristics of thorium in iron ores from the Bayan Obo Main Ore Body were examined using chemical analy...The Bayan Obo deposit in northern China is an ultra-large Fe–REE–Nb deposit.The occurrences,and geochemical characteristics of thorium in iron ores from the Bayan Obo Main Ore Body were examined using chemical analysis,field emission scanning electron microscopy,energy dispersive spectrometer,and automatic mineral analysis software.Results identified that 91.69%of ThO2 in the combined samples was mainly distributed in rare earth minerals(bastnaesite,huanghoite,monazite;56.43%abundance in the samples),iron minerals(magnetite,hematite,pyrite;20.97%),niobium minerals(aeschynite;14.29%),and gangue minerals(aegirine,riebeckite,mica,dolomite,apatite,fluorite;4.22%).An unidentified portion(4.09%)of ThO2 may occur in other niobium minerals(niobite,ilmenorutile,pyrochlore).Only a few independent minerals of thorium occur in the iron ore samples.Thorium mainly occurs in rare earth minerals in the form of isomorphic substitution.Analyses of the geochemical characteristics of the major elements indicate that thorium mineralization in the Main Ore Body was related to alkali metasomatism,which provided source material and favorable porosity for hydrothermal mineralization.Trace elements such as Sc,Nb,Zr,and Ta have higher correlation coefficients with thorium,which resulted from being related to the relevant minerals formed during thorium mineralization.In addition,correlation analysis of ThO2 and TFe,and REO and TFe in the six types of iron ore samples showed that ThO2 did not always account for the highest distribution rate in rare earth minerals,and the main occurrence minerals of ThO2 were closely related to iron ore types.展开更多
The whole-rock geochemistry of a rare earths rich carbonatite dykes that locates at Dulahala and lies 3 km north-east to the East Ore body of the giant Bayan Obo RE-Nb-Fe deposit was analysed. The dyke cuts cross H1 c...The whole-rock geochemistry of a rare earths rich carbonatite dykes that locates at Dulahala and lies 3 km north-east to the East Ore body of the giant Bayan Obo RE-Nb-Fe deposit was analysed. The dyke cuts cross H1 coarse quartz sandstone and H2 fine quartzite of the Proterozoic Bayan Obo group. RE content in the dyke varies greatly up to 20% (mass fraction), which comprises rich RE ores. Light RE in carbonatites are extremely enriched and strongly fractionated relative to heavy RE, but no Eu anomaly. The carbonatite may be produced by mechanisms as follows: the carbonatite mana is directly formed by very low degree (F <1%) partial melting of enriched lithospheric mantle, leaving residual minerals characterized by abundant garnet; then the magma arises into a chamber within the crust where they will undergo fractional crystallization, which makes RE further concentrated in carbonatite. The RE patterns and spider diagrams of the carbonatite are identical to those fine-grained dolomite marble that is the ore-host rock for the Bayan Obo deposit. However, the carbonatite is calcic, which is different from the fine-grained dolomite marble in major element geochemistry. The difference is suggested to be resulted from that the carbonatite dyke is not affected by a large scale dolomitization, while the fine-grained dolomite marble might be the product of dolomitized carbonatite intrusive body that might set up a hydrothermal system in the region, which transported Mg from the Bayan Obo sediments, especially form the shales to the carbonatite intrusion.展开更多
Detailed studies on U-Pb ages and Hf isotope have been carried out in zircons from a carbonatite dyke associated with the Bayan Obo giant REE-Nb-Fe deposit,northern margin of the North China Craton(NCC),which provide ...Detailed studies on U-Pb ages and Hf isotope have been carried out in zircons from a carbonatite dyke associated with the Bayan Obo giant REE-Nb-Fe deposit,northern margin of the North China Craton(NCC),which provide insights into the plate tectonic in Paleoproterozoic.Analyses of small amounts of zircons extracted from a large sample of the Wu carbonatite dyke have yielded two ages of late Archaean and late Paleoproterozoic(with mean 207 Pb/206 Pb ages of 2521±25 Ma and 1921±14 Ma,respectively).Mineral inclusions in the zircon identified by Raman spectroscopy are all silicate minerals,and none of the zircon grains has the extremely high Th/U characteristic of carbonatite,which are consistent with crystallization of the zircon from silicate,and the zircon is suggested to be derived from trapped basement complex.Hf isotopes in the zircon from the studied carbonatite are different from grain to grain,suggesting the zircons were not all formed in one single process.Majority ofεHf(t)values are compatible with ancient crustal sources with limited juvenile component.The Hf data and their TDM2 values also suggest a juvenile continental growth in Paleoproterozoic during the period of 1940–1957 Ma.Our data demonstrate the major crustal growth during the Paleoproterozoic in the northern margin of the NCC,coeval with the assembly of the supercontinent Columbia,and provide insights into the plate tectonic of the NCC in Paleoproterozoic.展开更多
The Bayan Obo in the northern North China Craton is the world’s largest light rare earth element(LREE)deposit and the largest niobium(Nb)and thorium(Th)deposit in China(e.g.,Wu,2008;Kynicky et al.,2012;Ling et al.,
As a powerful tracer in high-temperature geochemistry,Fe isotopes have been studied for their behaviour during fl uid exsolution and evolution related to felsic magma system,but that for carbonatite magma system remai...As a powerful tracer in high-temperature geochemistry,Fe isotopes have been studied for their behaviour during fl uid exsolution and evolution related to felsic magma system,but that for carbonatite magma system remains unknown.Here we study the Fe isotope fractionation behaviour during fenitization–processes that widely occur associated with carbonatite or alkaline intrusions.Nine fenite/carbonatite samples from carbonatite dykes at Bayan Obo area are analyzed for their Fe isotope compositions as well as elemental compositions.Combined with previous reported carbonatite δ^(56)Fe data,the results show that carbonatites range from-0.35‰to 0.28‰,with an average of-0.10‰in δ^(56)Fe values,while fenites range from-0.17‰to 0.30‰,with an average of 0.11‰in δ^(56)Fe values.This indicates that fenitizing fl uids exsolved from carbonatite melts are enriched in heavier Fe isotopes.Such a Fe isotope fractionation trend is diff erent from that for fl uid exsolution from felsic magmatism.δ^(56)Fe values in fenites are negatively correlated with indicators of fenitization intensity such as(Na+K),Ti,Ba,Th,Nb,U or Pb abundances,likely refl ecting that Fe isotopes fractionate during the evolution of the fenitizing fl uids.Thus,Fe isotopes are a valuable tool for tracing fl uid exsolution and evolution relevant to carbonatite magmatism and related metal mineralization.展开更多
This paper focused on the investigation of the mineralogical characteristics of rare earth minerals from Bayan Obo tailings during the roasting process in the presence of coal,Ca(OH)_2 and NaOH.Roasting experiments ...This paper focused on the investigation of the mineralogical characteristics of rare earth minerals from Bayan Obo tailings during the roasting process in the presence of coal,Ca(OH)_2 and NaOH.Roasting experiments and leaching experiments were carried out to study the decomposition of rare earth minerals.The results indicated that bastnaesite and monazite could be completely decomposed at 650 ℃ and the leaching ratio of rare earths could reach 89.78%.The reaction mechanisms of bastnaesite and monazite at 650 ℃were analyzed.For bastnaesite,both the outer layer decomposition and inner core decomposition occurred simultaneously during the roasting.However,monazite was decomposed in a spatial sequence starting from the outer layer and proceeding to the inner core.展开更多
文摘Trachytic rock and its altered rock—fenite—in the Bayan Obo ore district, Inner Mongolia, China, were referred to as slate or feldspar rock before, and identified by the authors for the first time (in 1992). In the paper the mineral assemblages, structures and textures and petrochemical compositions of the rocks, as well as the electron microprobe analysis of feldspars in the rocks are described. The Sm-Nd isochron age of the trachytic rock is 1096 ± 56 Ma, with INd=0.51100±4 (2 s?) and ?Nd(t)= ?4.4 ± 0.7. Alterations of the trachytic rock, including microclinization, riebeckitization, aegirinization and biotitization, and accompanied rare element and REE mineralizations are discussed. Based on the occurrence of the trachytic rock and associated fenitization it is deduced that the Bayan Obo Fe-Nb-REE ore deposit is genetically related to magmatic-hydrothermal activity of an alkali carbonatite complex.
文摘Bayan Obo ore deposit is endowed with and lie hidden in the Proterozoic strata. The localities and occurrences of the minerals in the ore deposit were described. It is obviously that some minerals are strata minerals and some are post strata minerals. The rare earths, niobium and tantalum minerals are exactly the post strata minerals. In these minerals the hydrothermal metasomatic phenomena distinctly reveal their metallogenic characteristics. According to tectonic movement, magma activity, mineral paragenesis, hydrothermal metasomatism, geological age and lasting time scale of metallogenesis, and some other factors, it is supposed that genesis of rare earths, niobium and tantalum minerals in Bayan Obo ore deposit are closely related with hydrothermal metallogenic solution which is differentiated from silica acid and carbonic acid magma and derived from deep seated source, and then intruded into Proterozoic strata and metasomatized. It is recognized that the metallogenesis of Bayan Obo ore deposit is undergoing a long geological period and many episodes.
文摘Geochemical study on trace and rare earth element geochemistry was carried out for different carbonates including the very REE-rich ones in the main ore bodies, a carbonatite dyke and two micrite mounds from Heilaobao far away from the Bayan Obo ore deposit, and Xishan in west Beijing. The results show that both carbonatite dyke and REE mineralized carbonates (dolomite and marble) in the main ore bodies and outside ore bodies have similarities to each other, with very extreme positive anomaly of Ba, Th, Nb, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Pb, medium positive anomaly of Y, Ho, Tb, Er, Yb and negative anomaly of Sc, Ti and Cu. The REE concentration in the mineralized carbonates changes greatly, the total REE content changes from 262×10^(-6) in both east and west ore deposits to 104562 ×10^(-6) (10.46%), which is relatively lower than those samples of carbonatite dyke, whose REE contents vary greatly, from 1% up to 20 % of mass fraction. Light REE in the carbonatites are enriched and highly fractionated relative to heavy REE and there is no Eu anomaly. The REE distribution patterns of both mineralized carbonate and carbonatite dyke are of some similarities. However, the sedimentary carbonate micrite of Salinhudong Group in Heilaobao far outside the ore bodies and the pure carbonates from Xishan in Beijing, central part of North China plate, have the similarities in REE distributions with much lower REE contents, which are significantly different from those of carbonatite dyke and REE mineralized carbonate. In Bayan Obo district, both carbonates in the ore deposit and micrite mound outside the ore deposit underwent widespread metasomatism by fluids that resulted in formation of the superlager Fe-Nb-REE mineralization. It appears that the carbonates represent the evolution products of different geological stages.
基金jointly funded by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2022YFC2905301)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (42072114)+1 种基金geological survey projects (DD20230366, DD202211695)the scientific research projects supported by the Baotou Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. (HE2224, HE2228, and HE2313)。
文摘The Bayan Obo supergiant carbonatite-related rare-earth-element-niobium-iron(REE-Nb-Fe) endogenetic deposit(thereafter as the Bayan Obo deposit), located at 150 km north of Baotou City in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, is the largest rare-earth element(REE) resource in the world. Tectonically,this deposit is situated on the northern margin of the North China Craton and adjacent to the Xing’anMongolian orogenic belt to the south. The main strata within the mining area include the Neoarchean Se’ertengshan Group and the Mesoproterozoic Bayan Obo Group. Generally, the rare earth, niobium, and iron mineralization within the deposit are intrinsically related to the dolomite carbonatites and the extensive alteration of the country rocks caused by the carbonatite magma intrusion. The alteration of country rocks can be categorized into three types: contact metasomatism(anti-skarn and skarn alteration), fenitization,and hornfelsic alternation. As indicated by previous studies and summarized in this review, the multielement mineralization at Bayan Obo is closely associated with the metasomatic replacement of siliceous country rocks by carbonatite magmatic-hydrothermal fluids. The metasomatic process is comparable to the conventional skarnification that formed due to the intrusion of intermediate-acid magmatic rocks into limestone strata. However, the migration pattern of Si O2, Ca O, and Mg O in this novel metasomatic process is opposite to the skarn alteration. Accordingly, this review delineates, for the first time, an antiskarn metallogenic model for the Bayan Obo deposit, revealing the enigmatic relationship between the carbonatite magmatic-hydrothermal processes and the related iron and rare earth mineralization.Moreover, this study also contributes to a better understanding of the REE-Nd-Fe metallogenetic processes and the related fluorite mineralization at the Bayan Obo deposit.
基金supported by National Key Research and Development Program(Grant No.2016YFC0501102)National Science and Technology Major Project(Grant No.2016ZX05066-001)
文摘The West Mine of the Bayan Obo deposit, located in the northern-central part of Inner Mongolia, China, is enriched in Nb, rare earth elements and iron (Nb-REE-Fe) mineral resources. This paper presents a combined method to explore metallogenic correlation of the Nb-REE-Fe mineralization at the Bayan Obo West Mine. The method integrates factor analysis and Back Propagation (BP) neural network technology into processing and modeling of geological data. In this study, the Nb and REE contents of samples were transformed into discrete values to analyze the correlations among the metallogenic elements. The results show weak mineralization correlations between Nb and REEs. Nb and U are closely related in the geochemical patterns, while Fe is closely related to both Th and Mn. LREEs are an important factor for the mineralization of the Bayan Obo deposit, while Fe and Nb can be considered as the results of passive mineralization. On the basis of a metallogenic correlation analysis, the factors affecting the Fe-REE-Nb mineralization were extracted, and the Nb mineralization model was established by the BP neural network. Based on the BP neural network data computing, the variability of the Nb concentration displays a coupled multi-factor nonlinear relationship, which can be used to reveal the inherent metallogenic elemental regularities and predict the degree of element mineralization enrichment in the mining area.
基金financed by Major State Basic Research Development Program(No.2012CB416605)Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41372099)
文摘Bayan Obo ore deposit is the largest rare-earth element(REE) resource,and the second largest niobium(Nb) resource in the world.Due to the complicated element/mineral compositions and involving several geological events,the REE enrichment mechanism and genesis of this giant deposit still remains intense debated.The deposit is hosted in the massive dolomite,and nearly one hundred carbonatite dykes occur in the vicinity of the deposit.The carbonatite dykes can be divided into three types from early to late:dolomite,co-existing dolomite-calcite and calcite type,corresponding to different evolutionary stages of carbonatite magmatism based on the REE and trace element data.The latter always has higher REE content.The origin of the ore-hosting dolomite at Bayan Obo has been addressed in various models,ranging from a normal sedimentary carbonate rocks to volcano-sedimentary sequence,and a large carbonatitic intrusion.More geochemical evidences show that the coarse-grained dolomite represents a Mesoproterozoic carbonatite pluton and the fine-grained dolomite resulted from the extensive REE mineralization and modification of the coarse-grained variety.The ore bodies,distributed along an E-W striking belt,occur as large lenses and underwent more intense fluoritization and fenitization.The first episode mineralization is characterized by disseminated mineralization in the dolomite.The second or main-episode is banded and/or massive mineralization,cut by the third episode consisting of aegirinerich veins.Various dating methods gave different mineralization ages at Bayan Obo,resulting in long and hot debates.Compilation of available data suggests that the mineralization is rather variable with two peaks at~1400 and 440 Ma.The early mineralization peak closes in time to the intrusion of the carbonatite dykes.A significant thermal event at ca.440 Ma resulted in the formation of late-stage veins with coarse crystals of REE minerals.Fluids involving in the REE-Nb-Fe mineralization at Bayan Obo might be REE-F-C02-NaCI-H20 system.The presence of REE-carbonates as an abundant solid in the ores shows that the original ore-forming fluids are very rich in REE,and therefore,have the potential to produce economic REE ores at Bayan Obo.the Bayan Obo deposit is a product of mantle-derived carbonatitic magmatism at ca.1400 Ma,which was likely related to the breakup of Columbia.Some remobilization of REE occurred due to subduction of the Palaeo-Asian oceanic plate during the Silurian,forming weak vein-like mineralization.
基金supported by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China(No. 40472057)the National Major Basic Development Project(2006CB403503)
文摘Most of the so-called Bayan Obo fine-grained dolomite marbles collected from the main and east orebodies show a microporphyritic texture,namely the microphenocrysts are set in a very finegrained matrix,although nearly all of them have undergone recrystallization caused either by deformation or alteration.The texture seems likely to have maintained the original features.It is known that one of the most characteristic textures of volcanic rocks is the porphyritic texture,and the microporphyritic texture is a variety in which both the phenocrysts and the matrix are only distinguishable with the microscope.Therefore,the dolomite marbles in the main and east orebodies may be related to the extrusive carbonatites.In addition,there also occur some carbonatite sills and dykes with different textures at Bayan Obo.Thus,the Bayan Obo carbonatites are polyphase intrusive and extrusive carbonatites.
基金This research was jointly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 4962008)the "Sequence Sea Level Change"-a state key project of the State Science and Technology Commission
文摘Based on studies of sequence stratigraphy, event stratigraphy, biostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy, it is concluded that the Sailinhudong Group is a part of the Bayan Obo Group. Some trilobite fragments are first found in thin sections of the rock from the lower part of the Sailinhudong Group and some Ordovician acritarchs and chitinozoans are also found in this group. A formationa unit of carbonate seismites is first recognized in the upper part and a huge micrite mound is first identified at the top. Dolomite, the host rock of the super giant Bayan Obo Fe-Nb-REE deposits, is neither an igneous carbonatite nor a common bedded sedimentary carbonate, but a huge micrite mound. It has the same macroscopic characters as the micrite mounds at the top of the Sailinhudong Group, which suggests that they should be of the same horizon. According to the fossils, the Sailinhudong and Bayan Obo Groups should be of the Early Palaeozoic rather than the Middle Proterozoic. The new discovery and new idea will throw light on the explanation of the genesis of the supergiant Bayan Obo Fe-Nb-REE deposits.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grant No.49872032)for YXMthe Ministry of Science and Technology of China(grant No.G1999043204)for ZYF
文摘An REE-rich carbonatite dyke was found in Dulahala, close to the Bayan Obo superlarge REE-Nb-Fe mineral deposit in Inner Mongolia, northern China. The REE content in the dyke varies greatly, from 1% up to 20% (wt), which might constitute rich REE ores. Light REEs in the carbonatite are enriched and highly fractionated relative to heavy REEs and there is no Eu anomaly. The REE and trace element distribution patterns of the carbonatite are identical to those of fine-grained dolomite marble which is the host rock of the Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe superlarge mineral deposit. This indicates a petrogenetic linkage between the REE-rich carbonatite and the mineralizations in this region.
基金financially supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (grant No. 41372081)
文摘The first carbonatite dyke at Bayan Obo is well exposed on the surface for a length and width of approximately 60 m and 1.1-1.5 m, respectively. Along its strike, the fenitized H1 (Qs) and H2 (Cs) quartzite is replaced by Na-amphiboles, aegirines, and alkali-feldspars, intermittently stretching as far away as 800 m in length. Based on petrographical characteristics, the dyke's fenitized wall rocks are divisible into different zones: (1) outer, (2) middle, and (3) inner. The outer zone is 5-17 m from the NW margin of the dyke. The middle zone is located at 3.5-5 m from the NW margin of the dyke. The inner contact zone is located between direct contact with the dyke and 3.5 m from the dyke. In the outer zone, upon visual examination, no evidence of outcrop fenitization was found and the major elemental rock composition is nearly identical to the unaltered H1 and H2 lithologies. In the thin sections, however, small amounts of Na-amphibole and phlogopite are present. Despite relatively poor development throughout the 5 m of fenitization, the wall rocks have retained at least a small geochemical signature comparable to the original sedimentary protolith. The fenites occurring in the inner zone exhibit distinct variations, not only for the sharp contact at the outcrop scale, but also for variations in major, rare earth elements (REE), and trace elements and Sm-Nd isotope composition. The wall rocks within 3.5 m have undergone strong fenitization, inheriting the geochemical signature derived from the carbonatite dyke. Fenitization in the middle zone was not as strong, at least compared to the inner zone, but was stronger than the outer zone. Compared to some trace elements and REEs, the major elements are relatively immobile during fenitization. The Sm-Nd isotope data for the carbonatite dyke and the adjacent fenitized wall rocks, where the Sm and Nd originate solely from the dyke, plots as a six-point isochron with an age of 1308~56 Ma. This age is identical to that of ore-bearing dolomite carbonatite and the related ore-forming events, indicating that there may be a petrogenetic link between the two. Based on Sr and Nd isotope compositional data, the first carbonatite dyke may be derived from an enriched mantle.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) (2012CBA01200)Northern Rare Earth Science and Technology Project (BFXT-2015D-0002) and (2016H1928)
文摘The Bayan Obo deposit in northern China is an ultra-large Fe–REE–Nb deposit.The occurrences,and geochemical characteristics of thorium in iron ores from the Bayan Obo Main Ore Body were examined using chemical analysis,field emission scanning electron microscopy,energy dispersive spectrometer,and automatic mineral analysis software.Results identified that 91.69%of ThO2 in the combined samples was mainly distributed in rare earth minerals(bastnaesite,huanghoite,monazite;56.43%abundance in the samples),iron minerals(magnetite,hematite,pyrite;20.97%),niobium minerals(aeschynite;14.29%),and gangue minerals(aegirine,riebeckite,mica,dolomite,apatite,fluorite;4.22%).An unidentified portion(4.09%)of ThO2 may occur in other niobium minerals(niobite,ilmenorutile,pyrochlore).Only a few independent minerals of thorium occur in the iron ore samples.Thorium mainly occurs in rare earth minerals in the form of isomorphic substitution.Analyses of the geochemical characteristics of the major elements indicate that thorium mineralization in the Main Ore Body was related to alkali metasomatism,which provided source material and favorable porosity for hydrothermal mineralization.Trace elements such as Sc,Nb,Zr,and Ta have higher correlation coefficients with thorium,which resulted from being related to the relevant minerals formed during thorium mineralization.In addition,correlation analysis of ThO2 and TFe,and REO and TFe in the six types of iron ore samples showed that ThO2 did not always account for the highest distribution rate in rare earth minerals,and the main occurrence minerals of ThO2 were closely related to iron ore types.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China!4987203 a Grant from China Ministry of Education
文摘The whole-rock geochemistry of a rare earths rich carbonatite dykes that locates at Dulahala and lies 3 km north-east to the East Ore body of the giant Bayan Obo RE-Nb-Fe deposit was analysed. The dyke cuts cross H1 coarse quartz sandstone and H2 fine quartzite of the Proterozoic Bayan Obo group. RE content in the dyke varies greatly up to 20% (mass fraction), which comprises rich RE ores. Light RE in carbonatites are extremely enriched and strongly fractionated relative to heavy RE, but no Eu anomaly. The carbonatite may be produced by mechanisms as follows: the carbonatite mana is directly formed by very low degree (F <1%) partial melting of enriched lithospheric mantle, leaving residual minerals characterized by abundant garnet; then the magma arises into a chamber within the crust where they will undergo fractional crystallization, which makes RE further concentrated in carbonatite. The RE patterns and spider diagrams of the carbonatite are identical to those fine-grained dolomite marble that is the ore-host rock for the Bayan Obo deposit. However, the carbonatite is calcic, which is different from the fine-grained dolomite marble in major element geochemistry. The difference is suggested to be resulted from that the carbonatite dyke is not affected by a large scale dolomitization, while the fine-grained dolomite marble might be the product of dolomitized carbonatite intrusive body that might set up a hydrothermal system in the region, which transported Mg from the Bayan Obo sediments, especially form the shales to the carbonatite intrusion.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41603053)the National Key R & D Program of China (No. 2018YFC0604206)
文摘Detailed studies on U-Pb ages and Hf isotope have been carried out in zircons from a carbonatite dyke associated with the Bayan Obo giant REE-Nb-Fe deposit,northern margin of the North China Craton(NCC),which provide insights into the plate tectonic in Paleoproterozoic.Analyses of small amounts of zircons extracted from a large sample of the Wu carbonatite dyke have yielded two ages of late Archaean and late Paleoproterozoic(with mean 207 Pb/206 Pb ages of 2521±25 Ma and 1921±14 Ma,respectively).Mineral inclusions in the zircon identified by Raman spectroscopy are all silicate minerals,and none of the zircon grains has the extremely high Th/U characteristic of carbonatite,which are consistent with crystallization of the zircon from silicate,and the zircon is suggested to be derived from trapped basement complex.Hf isotopes in the zircon from the studied carbonatite are different from grain to grain,suggesting the zircons were not all formed in one single process.Majority ofεHf(t)values are compatible with ancient crustal sources with limited juvenile component.The Hf data and their TDM2 values also suggest a juvenile continental growth in Paleoproterozoic during the period of 1940–1957 Ma.Our data demonstrate the major crustal growth during the Paleoproterozoic in the northern margin of the NCC,coeval with the assembly of the supercontinent Columbia,and provide insights into the plate tectonic of the NCC in Paleoproterozoic.
基金financially supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (2012CB416604)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41372230, 41572204)the China Geological Survey (1212011121070)
文摘The Bayan Obo in the northern North China Craton is the world’s largest light rare earth element(LREE)deposit and the largest niobium(Nb)and thorium(Th)deposit in China(e.g.,Wu,2008;Kynicky et al.,2012;Ling et al.,
基金the National Key R&D Programmes of China(Nos.2019YFA0708604 and 2019YFA0708404)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41773018)the Key Laboratory of Deep-Earth Dynamics of Ministry of Natural Resources(No.J1901-29)。
文摘As a powerful tracer in high-temperature geochemistry,Fe isotopes have been studied for their behaviour during fl uid exsolution and evolution related to felsic magma system,but that for carbonatite magma system remains unknown.Here we study the Fe isotope fractionation behaviour during fenitization–processes that widely occur associated with carbonatite or alkaline intrusions.Nine fenite/carbonatite samples from carbonatite dykes at Bayan Obo area are analyzed for their Fe isotope compositions as well as elemental compositions.Combined with previous reported carbonatite δ^(56)Fe data,the results show that carbonatites range from-0.35‰to 0.28‰,with an average of-0.10‰in δ^(56)Fe values,while fenites range from-0.17‰to 0.30‰,with an average of 0.11‰in δ^(56)Fe values.This indicates that fenitizing fl uids exsolved from carbonatite melts are enriched in heavier Fe isotopes.Such a Fe isotope fractionation trend is diff erent from that for fl uid exsolution from felsic magmatism.δ^(56)Fe values in fenites are negatively correlated with indicators of fenitization intensity such as(Na+K),Ti,Ba,Th,Nb,U or Pb abundances,likely refl ecting that Fe isotopes fractionate during the evolution of the fenitizing fl uids.Thus,Fe isotopes are a valuable tool for tracing fl uid exsolution and evolution relevant to carbonatite magmatism and related metal mineralization.
基金supported by National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program)(2012CBA01205)
文摘This paper focused on the investigation of the mineralogical characteristics of rare earth minerals from Bayan Obo tailings during the roasting process in the presence of coal,Ca(OH)_2 and NaOH.Roasting experiments and leaching experiments were carried out to study the decomposition of rare earth minerals.The results indicated that bastnaesite and monazite could be completely decomposed at 650 ℃ and the leaching ratio of rare earths could reach 89.78%.The reaction mechanisms of bastnaesite and monazite at 650 ℃were analyzed.For bastnaesite,both the outer layer decomposition and inner core decomposition occurred simultaneously during the roasting.However,monazite was decomposed in a spatial sequence starting from the outer layer and proceeding to the inner core.