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The Effect Tariff Policy before and after WTO Agreement Signature to Sedan Made in Japan Demand in Indonesia
作者 Didi Tarmidi 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 2014年第4期176-183,共8页
The focus of this research is to know the effect of tariff policy of automobile demand before and after World Trade Organization (WTO). Analysis method used in this research is quantitative analysis with simultaneous ... The focus of this research is to know the effect of tariff policy of automobile demand before and after World Trade Organization (WTO). Analysis method used in this research is quantitative analysis with simultaneous model and estimated using Two Stage Least Square (TSLS) approach, and the next analysis is a test of hypothesis using partial and simultaneous test. Based on the result of the estimation, it can be concluded that the independent variable in the first model, car price and PDB per capita is positive and dummy variable of economic crisis is negative to Japanese automobile demand. And independent variable in the second model, demand and tariff (the first dummy) is positive but fuel price and tariff (the second and the third dummy) are negative to Japanese automobile price. In other words, the influence of tariff policy in 1980-1994 is positive, and those in 1995-1997 and 1998-2005 are negative to Japanese automobile demand. 展开更多
关键词 DEMand TARIFF wto
WTO争端解决机制改革的现状与未来——部长级会议决定解读 被引量:1
作者 杨国华 《国际商务研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第4期49-60,共12页
从2022年开始,WTO争端解决机制改革谈判陆续展开,并且在第十三届部长级会议前取得了一定成果,形成了谈判文本。谈判是在美国主导下进行的,谈判文本的核心是回应美国关注。然而,美国仍然不同意恢复上诉机构,以至于谈判文本中的上诉/审议... 从2022年开始,WTO争端解决机制改革谈判陆续展开,并且在第十三届部长级会议前取得了一定成果,形成了谈判文本。谈判是在美国主导下进行的,谈判文本的核心是回应美国关注。然而,美国仍然不同意恢复上诉机构,以至于谈判文本中的上诉/审议部分出现空缺。由此可见,谈判是以争端解决其他方面改革换取美国对上诉机构的支持,但是这一目标没有实现。有鉴于此,加上成员意见分歧和美国大选在即,争端解决改革谈判的前景不容乐观,WTO成员应该考虑更多路径,包括使用上诉仲裁和新立上诉机构。 展开更多
关键词 wto争端解决改革 第十三届部长级会议 上诉机构 美国
作者 何小伟 熊东相 李毅 《农村金融研究》 北大核心 2024年第7期43-53,共11页
日本是继美国之后第二个在全国范围内推行农业收入保险的国家,在国际上广受关注。论文立足于WTO关于农业收入保险的约束规则,分析了日本农业收入保险的设立背景、发展历程和运作机制,对比了日本农业收入保险条款与WTO约束规则的差异,并... 日本是继美国之后第二个在全国范围内推行农业收入保险的国家,在国际上广受关注。论文立足于WTO关于农业收入保险的约束规则,分析了日本农业收入保险的设立背景、发展历程和运作机制,对比了日本农业收入保险条款与WTO约束规则的差异,并探讨了日本农业收入保险的WTO通报策略。论文的主要结论包括:第一,日本农业收入保险在实施之后,并没有改变日本农业共济保险的主导地位;第二,日本农业收入保险政策具有一定的创新性,但并不完全符合WTO的“绿箱”范畴;第三,尽管日本在WTO通报中对其农业收入保险按照“黄箱-非特定产品支持”进行了通报,但是仍存在一定的不透明性。最后,论文探讨了日本农业收入保险对我国的三点启示:一是应妥善处理完全成本保险与农业收入保险的优先发展次序;二是应关注特定农产品收入保险与综合性农业收入保险的合规风险差异;三是在对农业收入保险补贴进行通报时可提供总量而非分项数据,保留一定的模糊空间。 展开更多
关键词 日本 农业收入保险 农业保险补贴 农业国内支持 wto合规性
作者 李思奇 孙梦迪 《太平洋学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第6期62-76,共15页
渔业补贴是各国支持渔业发展的重要工具,但其引发的过度捕捞问题成为亟待解决的各方关切。2022年6月17日,在世界贸易组织(WTO)第12届部长级会议上通过了《渔业补贴协定》,这是20年来国际渔业补贴谈判的重要成果。作为第一个旨在实现环... 渔业补贴是各国支持渔业发展的重要工具,但其引发的过度捕捞问题成为亟待解决的各方关切。2022年6月17日,在世界贸易组织(WTO)第12届部长级会议上通过了《渔业补贴协定》,这是20年来国际渔业补贴谈判的重要成果。作为第一个旨在实现环境可持续发展目标的WTO多边协定,《渔业补贴协定》通过减少具有破坏性的捕捞补贴,促进渔业资源的可持续利用,保护海洋生态系统的健康和海洋生物的多样性。在未来前景方面,《渔业补贴协定》为全球贸易与环境问题的讨论提供了模板,WTO成员在推动该协定最终生效的同时,还将对未决问题继续开展谈判。对于中国而言,实施《渔业补贴协定》的机遇大于挑战,有助于我国实现渔业高质量可持续发展、主动参与全球渔业治理、积极参与WTO有关贸易和环境议题的讨论。中国应积极履行协定承诺,并建设性地参与未决事宜的谈判,提出符合自身核心利益的提案。 展开更多
关键词 wto 渔业补贴 可持续发展 贸易和环境议题 世界贸易组织
作者 胡建国 杨雅月 《天津法学》 2024年第1期77-86,共10页
2022年7月25日公布仲裁裁决的土耳其药品案,是DSU第25条上诉仲裁“第一案”,也是涉及药品报销制度的WTO“第一案”。该案专家组和上诉仲裁庭裁定土耳其政府报销私人药店所售药品不构成政府采购,本地化措施也不符合GATT1994第20条(b)项... 2022年7月25日公布仲裁裁决的土耳其药品案,是DSU第25条上诉仲裁“第一案”,也是涉及药品报销制度的WTO“第一案”。该案专家组和上诉仲裁庭裁定土耳其政府报销私人药店所售药品不构成政府采购,本地化措施也不符合GATT1994第20条(b)项公共健康例外。上诉仲裁庭纠正了专家组的一项错误法律解释,尊重专家组的事实认定,但本案仍有许多法律解释和适用问题有待澄清和完善。土耳其药品案给中国带来如下启示:关注WTO规则对医疗体制改革的规制和影响;供应链韧性建设必须遵守WTO规则;可以合理利用WTO政府采购豁免确保国内供应链安全,但应避免设置超出豁免范围的歧视性附加条件。 展开更多
关键词 wto 土耳其药品案 药品报销 政府采购 供应链本土化
作者 马迁 孙瑞阳 《福建技术师范学院学报》 2024年第1期53-62,共10页
《多方临时上诉仲裁安排》(简称MPIA)是WTO成员国中的参加方为应对上诉机构停摆危机,经过平等协商而建立的临时上诉仲裁机制。同原上诉机构相比,MPIA机制具有临时性、开放性、多边性、迅速性等特点。通过对MPIA机制的程序运行规则进行分... 《多方临时上诉仲裁安排》(简称MPIA)是WTO成员国中的参加方为应对上诉机构停摆危机,经过平等协商而建立的临时上诉仲裁机制。同原上诉机构相比,MPIA机制具有临时性、开放性、多边性、迅速性等特点。通过对MPIA机制的程序运行规则进行分析,可以发现MPIA机制在实践中仍存在:上诉仲裁与上诉机构的衔接规定不明、第三方参与界定不明以及缺乏经费和行政支持等问题,为提升MPIA机制的可操作性,应当赋予争端当事方对程序的选择权、明确第三方界定范围、完善关于争端解决规则与程序的谅解(简称DSU)及MPIA相关仲裁条款等措施,以实现MPIA作为上诉机构的长期补充性程序能够顺利运作和良性发展。 展开更多
关键词 MPIA机制 上诉机构 上诉仲裁 wto争端解决
作者 张兴海 王欢雪 +1 位作者 周永青 张晗辞 《中国标准化》 2024年第19期246-251,共6页
近年来,技术性贸易措施已成为制约我国产品出口的重要非关税性措施。TBT通报作为WTO最官方和正式的技术性贸易措施发布渠道,是体现WTO成员技术性贸易措施方向和趋势的重要文件。通报评议是反映企业实际诉求和降低产业出口损失的有效途... 近年来,技术性贸易措施已成为制约我国产品出口的重要非关税性措施。TBT通报作为WTO最官方和正式的技术性贸易措施发布渠道,是体现WTO成员技术性贸易措施方向和趋势的重要文件。通报评议是反映企业实际诉求和降低产业出口损失的有效途径。本文对移动通信技贸措施研究评议基地的工作机制、工作流程及应对成功案例进行分析,并基于分析结果提出高质量建设技贸基地、有效应对技贸措施的可行性建议。 展开更多
关键词 技术性贸易措施 wto-TBT通报 技贸评议基地
作者 张军旗 《当代世界》 CSSCI 2024年第6期46-51,共6页
多哈回合谈判失败的主要原因在于多边贸易谈判模式要求世贸组织(WTO)所有成员协商一致达成一揽子协议。仅由部分成员参加并通常针对单一议题的诸边谈判模式具有明显效率优势,有望取代多边谈判模式成为WTO规则发展的主要途径。诸边谈判... 多哈回合谈判失败的主要原因在于多边贸易谈判模式要求世贸组织(WTO)所有成员协商一致达成一揽子协议。仅由部分成员参加并通常针对单一议题的诸边谈判模式具有明显效率优势,有望取代多边谈判模式成为WTO规则发展的主要途径。诸边谈判及开放式诸边协定在WTO体系中具有合法性,但也应在《马拉喀什建立世界贸易组织的协定》中加以明确,并规定诸边协定与WTO体系的衔接方式。硬性规定诸边协定的多边化会妨碍WTO规则的发展。作为WTO的重要成员,中国一直在诸边谈判实践中发挥着积极的建设性作用。 展开更多
关键词 wto改革 多边谈判模式 诸边谈判模式 诸边协定
Implementation of enteral feeding protocol in an intensive care unit: Before-and-after study 被引量:25
作者 Martin Padar Gerli Uusvel +2 位作者 Liis Starkopf Joel Starkopf Annika Reintam Blaser 《World Journal of Critical Care Medicine》 2017年第1期56-64,共9页
AIM To determine the effects of implementing an enteral feeding protocol on the nutritional delivery and outcomes of intensive care patients.METHODS An uncontrolled, observational before-and-after study was performed ... AIM To determine the effects of implementing an enteral feeding protocol on the nutritional delivery and outcomes of intensive care patients.METHODS An uncontrolled, observational before-and-after study was performed in a tertiary mixed medical-surgical intensive care unit(ICU). In 2013, a nurse-driven enteral feeding protocol was developed and implemented in the ICU. Nutrition and outcome-related data from patients who were treated in the study unit from 2011-2012(the Before group) and 2014-2015(the After group) were obtained from a local electronic database, the national Population Registry and the hospital's Infection ControlService. Data from adult patients, readmissions excluded, who were treated for at least 7 d in the study unit were analysed. RESULTS In total, 231 patients were enrolled in the Before and 249 in the After group. The groups were comparable regarding demographics, patient profile, and severity of illness. Fewer patients were mechanically ventilated on admission in the After group(86.7% vs 93.1% in the Before group, P = 0.021). The prevalence of hospitalacquired infections, length of ICU stay and ICU, 30-and 60-d mortality did not differ between the groups. Patients in the After group had a lower 90-d(P = 0.026) and 120-d(P = 0.033) mortality. In the After group, enteral nutrition was prescribed less frequently(P = 0.039) on day 1 but significantly more frequently on all days from day 3. Implementation of the feeding protocol resulted in a higher cumulative amount of enterally(P = 0.049) and a lower cumulative amount of parenterally(P < 0.001) provided calories by day 7, with an overall reduction in caloric provision(P < 0.001). The prevalence of gastrointestinal symptoms was comparable in both groups, as was the frequency of prokinetic use. Underfeeding(total calories < 80% of caloric needs, independent of route) was observed in 59.4% of the study days Before vs 76.9% After(P < 0.001). Inclusion in the Before group, previous abdominal surgery, intraabdominal hypertension and the sum of gastrointestinal symptoms were found to be independent predictors of insufficient enteral nutrition.CONCLUSION The use of a nurse-driven feeding protocol improves the delivery of enteral nutrition in ICU patients without concomitant increases in gastrointestinal symptoms or intra-abdominal hypertension. 展开更多
Immune regulation of the gut-brain axis and lung-brain axis involved in ischemic stroke 被引量:4
作者 Xiaodi Xie Lei Wang +2 位作者 Shanshan Dong ShanChun Ge Ting Zhu 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第3期519-528,共10页
Local ischemia often causes a series of inflammatory reactions when both brain immune cells and the peripheral immune response are activated.In the human body,the gut and lung are regarded as the key reactional target... Local ischemia often causes a series of inflammatory reactions when both brain immune cells and the peripheral immune response are activated.In the human body,the gut and lung are regarded as the key reactional targets that are initiated by brain ischemic attacks.Mucosal microorganisms play an important role in immune regulation and metabolism and affect blood-brain barrier permeability.In addition to the relationship between peripheral organs and central areas and the intestine and lung also interact among each other.Here,we review the molecular and cellular immune mechanisms involved in the pathways of inflammation across the gut-brain axis and lung-brain axis.We found that abnormal intestinal flora,the intestinal microenvironment,lung infection,chronic diseases,and mechanical ventilation can worsen the outcome of ischemic stroke.This review also introduces the influence of the brain on the gut and lungs after stroke,highlighting the bidirectional feedback effect among the gut,lungs,and brain. 展开更多
关键词 enteric glia cells gut microbiota gut-brain axis immune response inflammation ischemic stroke lung-brain axis microglia
论WTO争端解决机制改革的价值取向与规则构造:以RCEP为参照样本 被引量:1
作者 李诗娴 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第1期97-111,共15页
争端解决机制是WTO有效运作的核心支柱之一,但WTO争端解决机构(DSB)因其上诉机构的停摆已陷入前所未有的危机当中。RCEP作为全球覆盖面最广、体量最大的区域贸易协定(RTA),其争端解决机制的构建极具创新与特色。鉴于WTO与RCEP的社会基... 争端解决机制是WTO有效运作的核心支柱之一,但WTO争端解决机构(DSB)因其上诉机构的停摆已陷入前所未有的危机当中。RCEP作为全球覆盖面最广、体量最大的区域贸易协定(RTA),其争端解决机制的构建极具创新与特色。鉴于WTO与RCEP的社会基础一定程度的相似性,争端解决机制内在价值的兼容性,以及争端解决机制规则基础的共同性,RCEP争端解决机制的创新与特色对于WTO争端解决机制的改革具有现实的参照意义。因此,WTO可以充分参照RCEP争端解决机制内在价值取向和具体规则创新,从以下几个方面展开争端解决机制的改革:第一,将提高效率作为改革的首要价值;第二,将提高争端解决规则和程序的透明度作为改革的重要目标;第三,以专家组为核心重构DSU,既要发挥上诉机构的作用,又要规范和约束上诉机构的职权,完善上诉机构与专家组之间的关系;第四,务实改革特殊与差别待遇制度。 展开更多
关键词 争端解决机制 RCEP wto 上诉机构 改革
作者 王淼 唐妍琪 +2 位作者 王若雅 黄炘宇 卢丽丽 《标准科学》 2024年第5期54-60,共7页
当前,国际贸易在WTO框架下,传统关税壁垒影响力逐渐削弱,以标准为基础的技术性贸易措施引起的新型贸易壁垒影响力日渐增大。为增进我国参与相关国际市场经济活动的企业和个人对各国技术性贸易壁垒和贸易状况的了解,减少国际贸易遭遇技... 当前,国际贸易在WTO框架下,传统关税壁垒影响力逐渐削弱,以标准为基础的技术性贸易措施引起的新型贸易壁垒影响力日渐增大。为增进我国参与相关国际市场经济活动的企业和个人对各国技术性贸易壁垒和贸易状况的了解,减少国际贸易遭遇技术性贸易壁垒的可能性,本文以2023年WTO贸易政策审议成员的秘书处工作报告和政府政策声明作为研究对象,通过分析对其贸易政策有关标准和技术要求的审议,有助于持续加强国际标准化对话,对推动构建我国双循环发展新格局也具有十分重要的意义。 展开更多
关键词 技术性贸易壁垒 贸易政策审议 wto 标准
作者 聂蕙雯 马其家 《河北法律职业教育》 2024年第9期80-88,共9页
在数字经济时代,数据跨境流动对全球贸易至关重要。WTO作为国际贸易的监管机构,面临着更新规则以适应数据驱动经济的挑战。各国数据本地化政策虽出于隐私和安全考虑,却限制了数据自由流通。通过考察国家、双边、区域协定及WTO层面的数... 在数字经济时代,数据跨境流动对全球贸易至关重要。WTO作为国际贸易的监管机构,面临着更新规则以适应数据驱动经济的挑战。各国数据本地化政策虽出于隐私和安全考虑,却限制了数据自由流通。通过考察国家、双边、区域协定及WTO层面的数据管制政策,可以看出WTO框架在处理数据贸易上的存在一定的局限性。对此,需要制定国际统一的数据交易标准、加强网络安全国际合作、采纳国际网络安全标准,并关注发展中国家的需求;同时,WTO还需推动数据自由交易,减少贸易壁垒,促进全球数字经济发展。 展开更多
关键词 数据跨境交易 wto法框架 数据自由贸易
Risk Factors of Enternal Nutrition Intolerance in Septic Patients:A Case-control Study
作者 Li-zhu WANG Yan XIANG +4 位作者 Qian LI Yi-rong ZHU Jue FANG Xiao-dan LU Zhao-cai ZHANG 《Current Medical Science》 SCIE CAS 2024年第2期328-332,共5页
Objective:This study aimed to investigate the incidence of enteral nutrition intolerance(ENI)in patients with sepsis and explore potential risk factors.Methods:A case-control study was conducted in patients with sepsi... Objective:This study aimed to investigate the incidence of enteral nutrition intolerance(ENI)in patients with sepsis and explore potential risk factors.Methods:A case-control study was conducted in patients with sepsis who were receiving enteral nutrition(EN)at a tertiary hospital in China.The included patients were divided into the ENI group and the non-ENI group.Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to identify the risk factors for ENI.Results:A total of 859 patients were included in the study.Among them,288(33.53%)patients experienced symptoms of ENI,including diarrhea,vomiting,bloating,and gastric retention.Logistic regression analysis revealed that the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation H(APACHE H)score,thoracocentesis,and usage of cardiotonic drugs(namely,inotropes)were independent predictors of the ENI.Conclusion:The incidence of ENI is relatively high in patients with sepsis,especially in those who have higher APACHE H scores,have undergone thoracocentesis,and have received inotropes. 展开更多
关键词 SEPSIS enteral nutrition intolerance influencing factor
Biopolymer Entering into and Escaping from a Nanometer Pore
作者 DING Ke-jian ZHENG Yan-peng +1 位作者 GUAN Wei-jun MA Yue-hui 《Chemical Research in Chinese Universities》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第6期945-949,共5页
We theoretically investigated negative entropy S of biopolymer which passes through a nanometer pore(such as a-hemolysin), especially entering process and escaping process, on the basis of which we also studied biop... We theoretically investigated negative entropy S of biopolymer which passes through a nanometer pore(such as a-hemolysin), especially entering process and escaping process, on the basis of which we also studied biopolymer entering-pore time rent, biopolymer entering mean velocity Vent, biopolymer escaping-pore time resc, and biopolymer escaping mean velocity vesc, respectively. Our results illustrate that the entering and escaping processes of biopolymer depend on its negative entropy, and entering process is more difficult than escaping process for biopolymer translocation. This tremendous difference between the two processes will offer a useful engineering hint for single macromolecule identification. 展开更多
关键词 BIOPOLYMER Nanometer pore Negative entropy entering Escaping
Relationship between nutritional therapy and beneficial bacteria ratio in severe disease
作者 Kento Nakayama Hiroyuki Koami Yuichiro Sakamoto 《Journal of Acute Disease》 2024年第1期26-30,共5页
Objective:To evaluate relationship between changes in the beneficial bacteria in intensive care unit(ICU)patients and nutritional therapy type.Methods:Ten patients aged≥18 years admitted to the ICU between January an... Objective:To evaluate relationship between changes in the beneficial bacteria in intensive care unit(ICU)patients and nutritional therapy type.Methods:Ten patients aged≥18 years admitted to the ICU between January and December 2020,were included.Good enteral nutrition was defined as early achievement of target calorie intake through enteral feeding.The ratio of beneficial bacteria at the first and second bowel movements after each patient’s admission was calculated and the patients were classified into the increase or decrease group.Among all patients,five each were in the increase and decrease groups.We investigated patient background,changes in sequential organ failure assessment(SOFA)and acute physiology and chronic health evaluation(APACHE)Ⅱscores,nutritional doses or methods,and clinical outcomes.Results:No relationship was found between changes in the ratio of beneficial bacteria and changes in SOFA/APACHEⅡscores at the time of admission.The rate of good enteral nutrition was significantly higher in the increase group than in the decrease group(4/5 vs.0/5,P=0.01).Conclusions:An increase in beneficial bacteria may be significantly related to the early establishment of enteral nutrition.In the future,accumulating cases may make it possible to establish a new nutritional strategy for critically ill patients from an intestinal microbiota perspective. 展开更多
关键词 Beneficial bacteria Enteral nutrition Parenteral nutrition Intensive care unit Good enteral nutrition Severe disease Nutritional therapy
Time trends and outcomes of gastrostomy placement in a Swedish national cohort over two decades
作者 Martin Löfling Skogar Magnus Sundbom 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2024年第10期1358-1367,共10页
BACKGROUND Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy(PEG)and laparoscopically inserted gastrostomy have become the gold standard for adult patients and children,respectively,requiring long-term enteral nutrition support.Pro... BACKGROUND Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy(PEG)and laparoscopically inserted gastrostomy have become the gold standard for adult patients and children,respectively,requiring long-term enteral nutrition support.Procedure-related mortality is a rare event,often reported to be zero in smaller studies.National data on 30-d mortality and long-term survival rates after gastrostomy placement are scarce in the literature.AIM To study the use of gastrostomies in Sweden from 1998-2019 and to analyze procedure-related mortality and short-term(<30 d)and long-term survival.METHODS In this retrospective,population-based cohort study,individuals that had received a gastrostomy between 1998-2019 in Sweden were included.Individuals were identified in the Swedish National Patient Register,and survival analysis was possible by cross-referencing the Swedish Death Register.The cohort was divided into three age groups:Children(0-18 years);adults(19-64 years);and elderly(≥65 years).Kaplan-Meier with log-rank test and Cox regression were used for survival analysis.RESULTS In total 48682 individuals(52%males,average age 60.9±25.3 years)were identified.The cohort consisted of 12.0%children,29.5%adults,and 58.5%elderly.An increased use of gastrostomies was observed during the study period,from 13.7/100000 to 22.3/100000 individuals(P<0.001).The use of PEG more than doubled(about 800 to 1800/year),with a corresponding decrease in open gastrostomy(about 700 to 340/year).Laparoscopic gastrostomy increased more than ten-fold(about 20 to 240/year).Overall,PEG,open gastrostomy,and laparoscopic gastrostomy constituted 70.0%(n=34060),23.3%(n=11336),and 4.9%(n=2404),respectively.Procedure-related mortality was 0.1%(n=44)overall(PEG:0.05%,open:0.24%,laparoscopic:0.04%).The overall 30-d mortality rate was 10.0%(PEG:9.8%,open:12.4%,laparoscopic:1.7%)and decreased from 11.6%in 1998-2009 vs 8.5%in 2010-2019(P<0.001).One-year and ten-year survival rates for children,adults,and elderly were 93.7%,67.5%,and 42.1%and 79.9%,39.2%,and 6.8%,respectively.The most common causes of death were malignancies and cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.CONCLUSION The annual use of gastrostomies in Sweden increased during the study period,with a shift towards more minimally invasive procedures.Although procedure-related death was rare,the overall 30-d mortality rate was high(10%).To overcome this,we believe that patient selection should be improved. 展开更多
关键词 GASTROSTOMY Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy DYSPHAGIA Enteral nutrition Long-term Survival COMPLICATION
Two intestinal microbiota-derived metabolites, deoxycholic acid and butyrate, synergize to enhance host defense peptide synthesis and alleviate necrotic enteritis
作者 Dohyung M.Kim Jing Liu +3 位作者 Melanie A.Whitmore Isabel Tobin Zijun Zhao Guolong Zhang 《Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第3期1158-1172,共15页
Background Necrotic enteritis(NE)is a major enteric disease in poultry,yet effective mitigation strategies remain elusive.Deoxycholic acid(DCA)and butyrate,two major metabolites derived from the intestinal microbiota,... Background Necrotic enteritis(NE)is a major enteric disease in poultry,yet effective mitigation strategies remain elusive.Deoxycholic acid(DCA)and butyrate,two major metabolites derived from the intestinal microbiota,have independently been shown to induce host defense peptide(HDP)synthesis.However,the potential synergy between these two compounds remains unexplored.Methods To investigate the possible synergistic effect between DCA and butyrate in regulating HDP synthesis and barrier function,we treated chicken HD11 macrophage cells and jejunal explants with DCA and sodium butyrate(NaB),either individually or in combination,for 24 h.Subsequently,we performed RNA isolation and reverse transcrip-tion-quantitative PCR to analyze HDP genes as well as the major genes associated with barrier function.To further determine the synergy between DCA and NaB in enhancing NE resistance,we conducted two independent trials with Cobb broiler chicks.In each trial,the diet was supplemented with DCA or NaB on the day-of-hatch,followed by NE induction through sequential challenges with Eimeria maxima and Clostridium perfringens on d 10 and 14,respectively.We recorded animal mortality after infection and assessed intestinal lesions on d 17.The impact of DCA and NaB on the microbiota in the ileum and cecum was evaluated through bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequencing.Results We found that the combination of DCA and NaB synergistically induced multiple HDP genes in both chicken HD11 cells and jejunal explants.Additionally,the gene for claudin-1,a major tight junction protein,also exhibited synergistic induction in response to DCA and NaB.Furthermore,dietary supplementation with a combination of 0.75 g/kg DCA and 1 g/kg NaB led to a significant improvement in animal survival and a reduction in intestinal lesions compared to either compound alone in a chicken model of NE.Notably,the cecal microbiota of NE-infected chickens showed a marked decrease in SCFA-producing bacteria such as Bacteroides,Faecalibacterium,and Cuneatibacter,with lactobacilli becoming the most dominant species.However,supplementation with DCA and NaB largely restored the intestinal microbiota to healthy levels.Conclusions DCA synergizes with NaB to induce HDP and claudin-1 expression and enhance NE resistance,with potential for further development as cost-effective antibiotic alternatives. 展开更多
关键词 Bile acids Host defense peptides METABOLITES MICROBIOME Necrotic enteritis Short-chain fatty acids
Dietary Macleaya cordata extract supplementation improves the growth performance and gut health of broiler chickens with necrotic enteritis
作者 Bochen Song Jie He +4 位作者 Xue Pan Linglian Kong Chuanpi Xiao Chake Keerqin Zhigang Song 《Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第1期374-395,共22页
Background The poultry industry needs effective antibiotic alternatives to control outbreaks of necrotic enteritis(NE)caused by Clostridium perfringens.Methods The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of d... Background The poultry industry needs effective antibiotic alternatives to control outbreaks of necrotic enteritis(NE)caused by Clostridium perfringens.Methods The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation with Macleaya cordata extract(MCE)on the immune function and gut microbiota of broilers with NE.A total of 2881-day-old broiler chicks were randomly assigned to a 2×2 factorial arrangement with two concentrations of dietary MCE supplementation(0 or 350 mg/kg of diet)and two disease challenge statuses(control or NE).Results The results revealed that NE significantly increased the feed conversion rate(FCR),mortality,intestinal lesion score,the levels of IL-1β,IL-17 and IFN-γ/IL-4 in serum and IL-17/IL-10 in the jejunal mucosa,m RNA levels of TLR2,IFN-γand p Ig R in the jejunum,and Clostridium perfringens concentrations in the cecum.NE significantly decreased the body weight(BW),body weight gain(BWG),jejunal villus height,V/C,m RNA level of AMPK-α1 in jejunum,IL-4 level in the jejunal mucosa and lactic acid bacteria abundance in the cecum.MCE significantly increased BW,BWG,jejunal villus height,V/C,m RNA levels of occludin,ZO-1 and AMPK-α1 in the jejunum,the levels of Ig A and Ig G in serum and IL-10 in the jejunal mucosa and m RNA levels of NF-κB,IL-10 and MHC-II in the jejunum.Additionally,MCE significantly decreased the FCR,mortality,intestinal lesion score,jejunal crypt depth,the levels of IFN-γand IL-17 in serum and IL-17/IL-10 in the jejunal mucosa,Clostridium perfringens concentrations in the cecum,and m RNA levels of IL-17/IL-10 in the jejunum.Moreover,NE significantly increased the abundance of bacteria that are associated with inflammation,obesity and depression(Alistipes,Barnesiella,Intestinimonas,RF39 and UCG-005)and significantly decreased the abundance of short-chain fatty acid(SCFA)-producing bacteria(Anaerotruncus,Butyricicoccus and Bacteroides)in the cecum.MCE significantly increased the abundance of SCFA-producing bacteria(Streptococcus,Ruminococcus_torques_group and Lachnospiraceae_NK4A136_group)and significantly reduced the abundance of bacteria that are associated with inflammation and obesity(Alistipes,Barnesiella and UCG-010)in the cecum.In the cecum of broilers with NE,the relative abundance of Barnesiella and Alistipes was higher and that of Lachnoclostridium and Shuttleworthia was lower.Interestingly,these trends were reversed by the addition of MCE to the diet.Spearman correlation analysis showed that Barnesiella and Alistipes were associated with enhanced intestinal inflammation and inhibited growth performance,whereas Lachnoclostridium and Shuttleworthia were associated with anti-inflammatory effects.Conclusions MCE ameliorated the loss of growth performance in broiler chickens with NE,probably by regulating the intestinal barrier,immune function,and gut microbiota. 展开更多
关键词 Broiler chicken Gut microbiota Immune function Macleaya cordata extract Necrotic enteritis
作者 张思汇 《区域国别学刊》 2024年第5期92-108,158,159,共19页
在世界经济格局深刻调整的背景下,对世界贸易组织(WTO)实行现代化改革已成为国际共识。作为多边贸易体制的创始成员和新兴经济体代表,巴西参与WTO改革的角色备受关注。国家角色通常是由在决策者的角色认知及体系内其他行为体的角色期望... 在世界经济格局深刻调整的背景下,对世界贸易组织(WTO)实行现代化改革已成为国际共识。作为多边贸易体制的创始成员和新兴经济体代表,巴西参与WTO改革的角色备受关注。国家角色通常是由在决策者的角色认知及体系内其他行为体的角色期望共同塑造的。从WTO既往的改革历程来看,巴西决策者形成了较为稳定的领导者认知,其余成员也希望利用巴西的大国效应推动改革向有利于自身的方向发展。然而,成员间的利益分歧引发了角色冲突,为巴西的大国追求设置了障碍。在维护外交密度与贸易网络的需求驱使下,巴西化解角色冲突的方式具有较强的中间性与妥协性,最终导致改革主要推动方的力量对比趋于平衡,激化了多边贸易治理的话语权之争。当前,拉丁美洲一体化与战略自主发展的新形势为巴西积极应对角色冲突、弥合各方分歧注入了新动能,也为中国与巴西加强在多边机制下交流、共同推动WTO改革取得实质性进展提供了历史新机遇。 展开更多
关键词 巴西 wto改革 国家角色 角色冲突
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