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Ca_(2)MgTeO_(6)∶Bi^(3+),Mn^(4+)材料的发光性能和温度探测 被引量:1
作者 祝冰心 朱肖 +5 位作者 王磊 时秋峰 郭海洁 乔建伟 崔彩娥 黄平 《发光学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期579-590,共12页
通过高温固相法成功制备了一系列Ca_(2)MgTeO_(6)∶Bi^(3+),Mn^(4+)荧光粉,对其微观结构、形貌、发光特性和温敏特性进行了表征。Ca_(2)MgTeO_(6)∶Bi^(3+),Mn^(4+)荧光粉具有不同温度敏感性的双发射中心,分别来自于Bi^(3+)离子^(3)P_(1... 通过高温固相法成功制备了一系列Ca_(2)MgTeO_(6)∶Bi^(3+),Mn^(4+)荧光粉,对其微观结构、形貌、发光特性和温敏特性进行了表征。Ca_(2)MgTeO_(6)∶Bi^(3+),Mn^(4+)荧光粉具有不同温度敏感性的双发射中心,分别来自于Bi^(3+)离子^(3)P_(1)→^(1)S_(0)跃迁和Mn^(4+)离子的^(2)E_(g)→^(4)A_(2g)跃迁。由于Bi^(3+)、Mn^(4+)离子的发光强度随温度变化的规律不同,利用该特性进行测温研究,在200~500 K范围内,该荧光粉的最大绝对灵敏度和相对灵敏度分别达到0.027 K^(-1)和1.83%·K^(-1),并且观察到荧光粉的发光颜色由橙黄色逐渐变为紫红色。实验结果表明,Ca_(2)MgTeO_(6)∶Bi^(3+),Mn^(4+)荧光粉作为光学测温材料在温度探测方面有一定的潜力。 展开更多
关键词 光学测温 荧光强度比 Bi^(3+) Mn^(4+) 温敏特性
Bi^(3+)、Eu^(3+)共掺杂La_(4)GeO_(8)荧光粉的制备及可调发光 被引量:1
作者 张文娜 黎仲寅 +3 位作者 马纪涛 陈娅鹏 杨菲 郭海 《发光学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期450-457,共8页
为了开发出高效稳定的单一基质白光发射荧光材料,本工作通过高温固相法成功合成了一系列La_(4)GeO_(8)∶Bi^(3+),Eu^(3+)荧光粉样品,并通过X射线衍射、室温光谱、变温光谱等手段研究了实验样品的结构与发光性能。研究发现,Bi^(3+)离子... 为了开发出高效稳定的单一基质白光发射荧光材料,本工作通过高温固相法成功合成了一系列La_(4)GeO_(8)∶Bi^(3+),Eu^(3+)荧光粉样品,并通过X射线衍射、室温光谱、变温光谱等手段研究了实验样品的结构与发光性能。研究发现,Bi^(3+)离子在该结构中占据两种不同的格位(Bi^(3+)(Ⅰ)和Bi^(3+)(Ⅱ)),且在紫外光激发下呈现两个峰值分别在475 nm和620 nm的宽带发射。对于Bi^(3+)、Eu^(3+)共掺样品,由于Bi^(3+)(Ⅰ)与Eu^(3+)之间的竞争吸收、Bi^(3+)(Ⅰ)至Bi^(3+)(Ⅱ)以及Bi^(3+)(Ⅱ)至Eu^(3+)的能量传递作用,可实现蓝色至红色、橙红色至红色的可调发光。特别地,样品La_(4)GeO_(8)∶0.07Bi^(3+),0.06Eu^(3+)在313 nm光激发下可获得CIE值为(0.335,0.319)的优异白色发光。此外,该白光发射材料具有较佳的发光热稳定性,当温度升高至380 K时,发光积分强度仍然为室温的59%,表明其在白光二极管上具有潜在的应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 La_(4)GeO_(8)∶Bi^(3+) Eu^(3+) 可调发光 发光热稳定性 白光二极管
红色荧光粉CaWO_(4)∶Eu^(3+),Bi^(3+)的制备和光学性能的研究 被引量:1
作者 蔡小勇 姜洪喜 《人工晶体学报》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第5期833-840,共8页
本文采用高温固相法合成了一系列红色荧光粉CaWO_(4)∶Eu^(3+),Bi^(3+)。通过X射线衍射仪、扫描电子显微镜和荧光分光光度计等手段,对样品的晶体结构、微观形貌、光学性能、能量传递方式、荧光寿命和热稳定性进行了表征。结果表明,当Eu^... 本文采用高温固相法合成了一系列红色荧光粉CaWO_(4)∶Eu^(3+),Bi^(3+)。通过X射线衍射仪、扫描电子显微镜和荧光分光光度计等手段,对样品的晶体结构、微观形貌、光学性能、能量传递方式、荧光寿命和热稳定性进行了表征。结果表明,当Eu^(3+)和Bi^(3+)的掺杂浓度分别为7%和2%时(摩尔分数),荧光粉红色发光(615 nm)最强,理论计算得到荧光粉的平均颗粒尺寸为50.27 nm,这与电子显微镜观察结果相符合。能量传递方式以电偶极-电四极相互作用为主,对CaWO_(4)∶7%Eu^(3+),yBi^(3+)(y=0~6%)系列荧光粉进行了荧光寿命测量,发现它们荧光寿命基本相同,都在0.56 ms左右。对CaWO_(4)∶7%Eu^(3+),2%Bi^(3+)荧光粉在不同温度下的光谱进行比较,并且计算相应的色度坐标,当温度升高时,色度坐标整体左移,发光强度有所变弱,但整体来说热稳定性较好。较好的热稳定性和明亮红光发射表明该荧光粉可以作为潜在商用红光荧光粉。 展开更多
关键词 CaWO_(4) 掺Eu^(3+) 掺Bi^(3+) 高温固相法 荧光粉 敏化剂 荧光寿命 热稳定性
Sb^(3+)/Bi^(3+)掺杂对Cs_(3)DyCl_(6)钙钛矿光学性能的影响 被引量:1
作者 周宇 王有力 《半导体技术》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第3期240-245,共6页
A_(2)B′BCl_(6)双钙钛矿因其极强的空气稳定性、出色的光学性能而被应用于发光材料。以Cs^(+)作为A^(+)、Dy^(3+)替代Pb^(2+)、Cl^(-)作为卤素合成新的镝基钙钛矿纳米晶体Cs_(3)DyCl_(6),以Sb^(3+)/Bi^(3+)作为激发剂掺杂,成功制备了... A_(2)B′BCl_(6)双钙钛矿因其极强的空气稳定性、出色的光学性能而被应用于发光材料。以Cs^(+)作为A^(+)、Dy^(3+)替代Pb^(2+)、Cl^(-)作为卤素合成新的镝基钙钛矿纳米晶体Cs_(3)DyCl_(6),以Sb^(3+)/Bi^(3+)作为激发剂掺杂,成功制备了非铅钙钛矿材料,研究了Sb^(3+)/Bi^(3+)掺杂对钙钛矿发光特性的影响。结果表明:Cs_(3)DyCl_(6)是一种具有高效激发和宽带发射特性的基质,在不添加任何激发剂的情况下就能够发出蓝绿光。在Sb^(3+)掺杂下,材料的发光向黄光方向移动,随着Sb^(3+)掺杂浓度的继续提高,发光强度开始下降,最佳掺杂比例为5%;Bi^(3+)掺杂时的Cs_(3)DyCl_(6)光学性能与Sb^(3+)掺杂下非常相似,当Bi^(3+)掺杂比例为1%时,发光强度达到最大值,Sb^(3+)/Bi^(3+)掺杂能够有效地改善Cs_(3)DyCl_(6)的光学性能。 展开更多
关键词 钙钛矿 镝基 掺杂 Sb^(3+)/Bi^(3) 光学性能
作者 周宇 王有力 《半导体技术》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第6期538-543,共6页
A2B′BCl_(6)型双钙钛矿因其极强的空气稳定性和出色的光学性能而被应用于发光材料。使用Na离子替代式掺杂合成非铅体系钙钛矿材料Cs_(2)NaDyCl_(6),引入In^(3+)、Sb^(3+)和Bi^(3+)等掺杂元素对双钙钛矿Cs_(2)NaDyCl_(6)发光性能进行调... A2B′BCl_(6)型双钙钛矿因其极强的空气稳定性和出色的光学性能而被应用于发光材料。使用Na离子替代式掺杂合成非铅体系钙钛矿材料Cs_(2)NaDyCl_(6),引入In^(3+)、Sb^(3+)和Bi^(3+)等掺杂元素对双钙钛矿Cs_(2)NaDyCl_(6)发光性能进行调控。结果表明:通过In^(3+)的掺杂,拓宽了材料的发射区间,进一步提高了其光学性能;Bi^(3+)掺杂能够使钙钛矿的发射光发生红移现象,Sb^(3+)掺杂可以使钙钛矿的发射光发生蓝移现象,Sb^(3+)和Bi^(3+)共同掺杂能够平衡钙钛矿在可见光区域的发射;在In^(3+)、Sb^(3+)、Bi^(3+)三种元素的共同掺杂下,Cs_(2)NaDy_(0.445)In_(0.445)Cl_(6)∶0.1Bi 0.01Sb成功实现了白光发射,在265 nm波长激发下,其CIE色坐标为(0.34,0.35),色温达到5314 K,显色指数高达94。 展开更多
关键词 双钙钛矿 掺杂 发光性能 In^(3+) Sb^(3+) Bi^(3+)
作者 周宇 王有力 《半导体技术》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第5期425-431,共7页
A2B′BCl_(6)型双钙钛矿因其极强的空气稳定性和出色的光学特性而被应用于发光材料。以Cs^(+)作为A^(+),Dy^(3+)替代Pb^(2+),Cl^(-)作为卤素制备新的镝基钙钛矿纳米晶体Cs_(3)DyCl_(6),使用Li、Na、K离子替代式掺杂合成Cs_(2)ADyCl_(6)(... A2B′BCl_(6)型双钙钛矿因其极强的空气稳定性和出色的光学特性而被应用于发光材料。以Cs^(+)作为A^(+),Dy^(3+)替代Pb^(2+),Cl^(-)作为卤素制备新的镝基钙钛矿纳米晶体Cs_(3)DyCl_(6),使用Li、Na、K离子替代式掺杂合成Cs_(2)ADyCl_(6)(A=Li,Na,K)非铅体系钙钛矿材料,通过掺杂Sb^(3+)/Bi^(3+)作为激发剂实现了不同发光性能的调控。结果表明:Cs_(2)NaDyCl_(6)发射曲线更加平滑且在蓝光与黄光区域均可实现发射,表现出优异的光学特性;通过Sb^(3+)/Bi^(3+)掺杂,双钙钛矿的光学特性得到显著提升,Na^(+)和Sb^(3+)的共同作用可以使钙钛矿材料发光产生蓝移,而Na^(+)与Bi^(3+)的共同作用则可以使其发光产生红移。 展开更多
关键词 双钙钛矿 掺杂 激发 发光性能 Sb^(3+)/Bi^(3+) Na^(+)
作者 胡栋凯 向燕 戴鹏鹏 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期143-153,共11页
通过高温固相法成功合成了一系列Sr_(2)LaAlO_(5)∶xBi^(3+)蓝色荧光粉,并通过等价阳离子取代,合成了一系列发光颜色可调的Sr_(2-y)Ba_(y)LaAlO_(5)∶0.02Bi^(3+)固溶体荧光粉。通过X射线衍射、发射光谱、激发光谱、荧光显微和量子产率... 通过高温固相法成功合成了一系列Sr_(2)LaAlO_(5)∶xBi^(3+)蓝色荧光粉,并通过等价阳离子取代,合成了一系列发光颜色可调的Sr_(2-y)Ba_(y)LaAlO_(5)∶0.02Bi^(3+)固溶体荧光粉。通过X射线衍射、发射光谱、激发光谱、荧光显微和量子产率测试对荧光粉的物相结构及发光特性进行表征,并分析了阳离子取代对发光特性的影响。在322 nm激发下,Sr_(2)LaAlO_(5)∶xBi^(3+)荧光粉的发射峰位于452 nm。在最优的Bi^(3+)掺杂浓度下,通过Ba2+取代Sr2+,发现Sr_(2-y)Ba_(y)LaAlO_(5)∶0.02Bi^(3+)荧光粉的发光在蓝绿色区域规律红移,荧光粉的光谱变化主要是由于晶体场劈裂和散射效应造成的。此外,随着激发波长增加,Sr_(2)LaAlO_(5)∶0.02Bi^(3+)荧光粉发射光谱逐渐红移,表明Bi^(3+)占据不同的阳离子位点,形成多个发光中心。得益于多激发和多发射的发光特性,制备的Sr_(2-y)Ba_(y)LaAlO_(5)∶0.02Bi^(3+)固溶体荧光粉可以成为防伪应用中的潜在候选材料。 展开更多
关键词 颜色可调 固溶体 Bi^(3+)掺杂 防伪应用 铝酸盐
A flexible design strategy to modify Ti3C2Tx MXene surface terminations via nucleophilic substitution for long-life Li-S batteries 被引量:5
作者 Tianpeng Zhang Wenlong Shao +5 位作者 Siyang Liu Zihui Song Runyue Mao Xin Jin Xigao Jian Fangyuan Hu 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第11期349-358,I0010,共11页
MXene-based materials have gained considerable attention for lithium-sulfur(Li-S)batteries cathode materials due to their superior electric conductivity and high affinitive to polysulfides.However,there are still chal... MXene-based materials have gained considerable attention for lithium-sulfur(Li-S)batteries cathode materials due to their superior electric conductivity and high affinitive to polysulfides.However,there are still challenges in modifying the surface functional groups of MXene to further improve the electrochemical performance and increase the structure variety for MXene-based sulfur host.Herein,we report an efficient and flexible nucleophilic substitution(S_(N))strategy to modify the Ti_(3)C_(2)T_(x) surface terminations and purposefully designed Magnolol-modified Ti_(3)C_(2)T_(x)(M-Ti_(3)C_(2)T_(x))as powerful cathode host materials.Benefiting from more C-Ti-O bonds forming and diallyl groups terminations reducing after the dehalogenation and nucleophilic addition reactions,the given M-Ti_(3)C_(2)T_(x) electrode could effectively suppress the lithium polysulfides shuttling via chemisorption and C—S covalent bond formation.Besides,the Magnolol-modified Ti_(3)C_(2)T_(x) significantly accelerates polysulfide redox reaction and reduces the activation energy of Li_(2) S decomposition.As a result,the as-prepared M-Ti_(3)C_(2)T_(x) electrode displays an excellent rate capability and a high reversible capacity of 7.68 mAh cm^(-2)even under 7.2 mg cm^(-2)S-loaded with a low decay rate of 0.07%(from 2 nd cycle).This flexible surface-modified strategy for MXene terminations is expected to be extended to other diverse MXene applications. 展开更多
关键词 Lithium-sulfur batteries Nucleophilic substitution Magnolol-modified Ti3C2Tx Multifunctional sulfur host Long-cycle life
A Novel Nucleophilic Substitution of 3-Halo-6-phenoxypyridazines 被引量:1
作者 Kang Tat REN Hut Ying LI +3 位作者 Jun QI Hong Hai SONG Xiang WANG Hua Zheng YANG(Institute of Elemento-Organic Chemistry,State Key Laboratory of Elemento-Organic Chemistry, Tianjin, 300071) 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1999年第1期13-14,共2页
A novel nucleophilic substitution of pyridazines is found, in which phenoxy group is dislodged rather than the halogen atom, on treating 3-halo-6-phenoxypyridazines with alkoxy anion. The reactivity of substituents on... A novel nucleophilic substitution of pyridazines is found, in which phenoxy group is dislodged rather than the halogen atom, on treating 3-halo-6-phenoxypyridazines with alkoxy anion. The reactivity of substituents on benzene ring and the halogen atom of pyridazines are studied. Reasonable explanation based on the quantum chemical calculations are given. 展开更多
关键词 nucleophilic substitution 3-halo-6-phenoxypyridazines MECHANISMS
Influence of Er^(3+) Substitution on Microwave Magnetic Performance of BaFe_(12)O_(19) 被引量:1
作者 王丽熙 黄强 +1 位作者 张其土 宋杰 《Journal of Rare Earths》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第S1期214-217,共4页
Barium hexaferrites doped with Er3+, Ba1-xErxFe12O19, x=0.0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, were prepared by the conventional ceramic technology. The structure and electromagnetic properties of the calcined samples were stud... Barium hexaferrites doped with Er3+, Ba1-xErxFe12O19, x=0.0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, were prepared by the conventional ceramic technology. The structure and electromagnetic properties of the calcined samples were studied using powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) and network analyzer (Agilent 8722ET). All the XRD patterns showed the single phase of the magnetoplumbite barium ferrite without other intermediate phase when x is below 0.02. The lattice parameters of ferrites doped with Er3+ decreased, indicating that the substitution of Er3+ occurs on Ba2+ basis site and results in a contract of the crystal cell. The microwave electromagnetic properties of the samples have been studied at the frequency range from 2 to 18 GHz. It was shown that ε′ increased slightly, and the maximum of ε″ appeared at low frequency position with Er3+ doping. μ″ and μ′ were improved significantly when x=0.01, and the maxima are 2 and 1.7, respectively. The reasons were also discussed using electromagnetic theory. 展开更多
关键词 barium hexaferrites microwave electromagnetic properties Er^(3+) substitution rare earths
作者 王佳旭 李忠辉 +2 位作者 赵炎 蒋小康 周恒为 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第18期253-260,共8页
现需开发一种低耗能、绿色环保制备双钙钛矿荧光粉的工艺,并将其他金属离子掺入该基质,获得一种高量子效率的新型发光材料.本文采用微波固相法制备了Bi^(3+)掺杂无铅双钙钛矿Cs_(2)Ag_(0.6)Na0_(.4)InCl_(6)荧光粉,该方法无需配体辅助,... 现需开发一种低耗能、绿色环保制备双钙钛矿荧光粉的工艺,并将其他金属离子掺入该基质,获得一种高量子效率的新型发光材料.本文采用微波固相法制备了Bi^(3+)掺杂无铅双钙钛矿Cs_(2)Ag_(0.6)Na0_(.4)InCl_(6)荧光粉,该方法无需配体辅助,绿色环保.通过X射线衍射仪和扫描电子显微镜对晶体结构和形貌进行表征,并通过激发光谱、发射光谱和时间分辨光谱以及量子效率对其发光性能进行研究.结果表明:1)Cs_(2)Ag_(0.6)Na0_(.4)InCl_(6)为立方晶体,属于Fm3 m空间群,晶粒形貌为不规则颗粒;2)当Bi^(3+)的最佳掺杂浓度为0.0013 mmol时,Cs_(2)Ag_(0.6)Na0_(.4)InCl_(6)材料发射中心波长为562 nm,平均荧光寿命达到2.60μs,量子效率达到45.28%;3)当Bi^(3+)离子浓度超过0.0013 mmol时,会产生明显的浓度猝灭效应,主要是因为Bi^(3+)离子之间电四极-电四极(q-q)相互作用;4)Cs_(2)Ag_(0.6)Na0_(.4)InCl_(6)掺杂Bi^(3+)荧光粉的色度坐标(CIE)位于黄光区域,是一种具有潜在应用价值的暖白光LED用黄色荧光粉. 展开更多
关键词 无铅双钙钛矿 微波固相法 Bi^(3+)掺杂 黄色荧光粉
作者 绳星星 吕锦彬 肖峰 《人工晶体学报》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第2期322-328,共7页
完全人工光控植物生长技术的快速发展对光源的要求精益求精,发光强度高、热稳定性良好的蓝紫色荧光粉是植物生长的关键材料。本文采用固相法合成了非稀土Bi^(3+)激活耐高温蓝紫色Zn_(3)B_(2)O_(6)∶xBi^(3+)(0≤x≤0.03)荧光粉。X射线... 完全人工光控植物生长技术的快速发展对光源的要求精益求精,发光强度高、热稳定性良好的蓝紫色荧光粉是植物生长的关键材料。本文采用固相法合成了非稀土Bi^(3+)激活耐高温蓝紫色Zn_(3)B_(2)O_(6)∶xBi^(3+)(0≤x≤0.03)荧光粉。X射线衍射和能谱分析结果表明Bi^(3+)成功进入Zn_(3)B_(2)O_(6)基质晶格。荧光光谱观察到Zn_(3)B_(2)O_(6)∶xBi^(3+)荧光粉在430 nm(3P1~1S0)处呈现窄带蓝紫光,半峰全宽仅为56 nm,最佳Bi3+掺杂浓度为0.02。依据激发光谱峰形和寿命衰减行为,证明了Bi^(3+)在Zn_(3)B_(2)O_(6)基质中仅占据Zn格位。另外,Zn_(3)B_(2)O_(6)∶0.02Bi3+荧光粉发射光谱在423 K下的发射峰强和积分面积均为室温下的85%,表明该样品具有优良的热稳定性和潜在的高温器件应用。Zn_(3)B_(2)O_(6)∶0.02Bi^(3+)的发射光谱分别占叶绿素a/b吸收光谱(370~525 nm)的70.4%和84.6%,表明该合成蓝紫色荧光粉在植物生长领域的潜在应用。 展开更多
关键词 Zn_(3)B_(2)O_(6) 热稳定性 蓝紫色荧光粉 Bi^(3+) 发光材料 植物生长
Effect of erbium substitution on thermoelectric properties of complex oxide Ca_3Co_2O_6 at high temperatures 被引量:2
作者 陆冬青 陈刚 +2 位作者 裴健 杨曦 线恒泽 《Journal of Rare Earths》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第2期168-172,共5页
Polycrystalline particles of Ca3-xErxCo2O6 (x=0.0, 0.15, 0.3, 0.45 and 0.6) were synthesized using sol-gel method combined with Low Temperature Sintering procedure (LTS) to evaluate the effect of Er substitution o... Polycrystalline particles of Ca3-xErxCo2O6 (x=0.0, 0.15, 0.3, 0.45 and 0.6) were synthesized using sol-gel method combined with Low Temperature Sintering procedure (LTS) to evaluate the effect of Er substitution on the thermoelectric properties of Ca3Co2O6. The crystal structure and microstructure were investigated using X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscope. The electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient of the complex oxides were measured from 300 to 1073 K. The results showed that all the sampies were p-type semiconductors. The electrical conductivity increased with the increase in temperature. Er substitutions at Ca site affected carrier concentrations and carder mobility, resulting an increase in Seebeck coefficient and decrease in electrical conductivity. The power factor of Ca2.85Er0.15Co2O6 reached 10.66 μw/mK^2 at 1073 K. 展开更多
关键词 Ca3Co2O6 thermoelectric properties rare earth substitution cobalt oxide rare earths
Ductilization of Ni_3Al by Alloying with Substitutional Elements 被引量:1
作者 Department of Metallurgy,Faculty of Engineering,Iwate University,Morioka 020,Japan A.Chiba S.Hanada Institute for Materials Research,Tohoku University,Sendai 980,Japan 《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 1993年第6期391-399,共9页
This paper reviews recent research on ductility improvement of B-undoped Ni_3Al alloys.Ni_3Al binary alloys with hypostoichiometric compositions show appreciable ductility at room temperature when the samples are prep... This paper reviews recent research on ductility improvement of B-undoped Ni_3Al alloys.Ni_3Al binary alloys with hypostoichiometric compositions show appreciable ductility at room temperature when the samples are prepared by recrystallization annealing after cold pressing,although the alloys with stoichiometric and hyperstoichiometric compositions remain brittle.Melt-spun ribbons with hypostoichiometric compositions contain fine anti-phase domains (APDs),while no APD can be seen in melt-spun ribbons with a hyperstoichiometric composition.The ductility in hypostoichiometric Ni_3Al alloys is associated with low ordering energy of the alloys.The addition of ternary elements,which have been classified as γ formers such as Pd,Pt,Cu,Co and Ag.improves ductility of Ni_3Al alloys.Correspondingly,the microstructure of the melt-spun ribbons consists of fine APDs.The addition of γ' formers such as Si,Ti,Zr,V,Nb and Ta leads to brittle intergranular frac- ture.No APD was observed in the melt-spun ribbons of these ternary alloys. 展开更多
关键词 DUCTILITY Ni_3Al substitutional element
In situ Raman spectroscopy reveals the mechanism of titanium substitution in P2–Na_(2/3)Ni_(1/3)Mn_(2/3)O_(2): Cathode materials for sodium batteries 被引量:3
作者 Xiao-Bin Zhong Chao He +2 位作者 Fan Gao Zhong-Qun Tian Jian-Feng Li 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第2期323-328,I0011,共7页
Layered P2–Na_(2/3)Ni_(1/3)Mn_(2/3)O_2 is a promising cathode material. It exhibits a high capacity and suitable operating voltage and undergoes a phase transition from P2 to O2 during charge/discharge.Researchers ha... Layered P2–Na_(2/3)Ni_(1/3)Mn_(2/3)O_2 is a promising cathode material. It exhibits a high capacity and suitable operating voltage and undergoes a phase transition from P2 to O2 during charge/discharge.Researchers have used Ti substitution to improve the cathode, yet the chemical principles that underpin elemental substitution and functional improvement remain unclear. To clarify these principles, we used in situ Raman spectroscopy to monitor chemical changes in P2–Na2/3 Ni1/3 Mn1/3 Ti1/3 O2 and P2–Na_(2/3)Ni_(1/3)Mn_(2/3)O_2 during charge/discharge. Based on the change in the A_(1g) and E_g peaks during charge/discharge, we concluded that Ti substitution compressed the transition metal layer and expanded the planar oxygen layer in the unit cell. Titanium stabilized the P2 phase structure, which improved the cycling stability of P2–NaNMT. Our results provide clear theoretical support for future research on modifying electrodes by elemental substitution. 展开更多
关键词 In situ Raman spectroscopy P2–Na_(2/3)Ni_(1/3)Mn_(2/3)O_(2) Titanium substitution
Influence of CaxSr1-x(0≤x≤1)Substitution for Zn on Microwave Dielectric Properties of Li2ZnTi3O8 Ceramic as Temperature Stable Materials 被引量:1
作者 TIAN Shi LIAO Zelin +1 位作者 WANG Heng WANG Weimin 《Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science)》 SCIE EI CAS 2020年第4期686-690,共5页
A temperature stable Li2Zn0.95(SrxCa1-x)0.05Ti3O8(0≤x≤1)ceramics were fabricated using a conventional solid-state route sintered at 1100℃for 4 h.The XRD results indicate that the main phase Li2ZnTi3O8 and secondary... A temperature stable Li2Zn0.95(SrxCa1-x)0.05Ti3O8(0≤x≤1)ceramics were fabricated using a conventional solid-state route sintered at 1100℃for 4 h.The XRD results indicate that the main phase Li2ZnTi3O8 and secondary phase including SrxCa1-xTiO3(0≤x≤1)solid solution and TiO2 co-exist in composite and form a stable composite system when the(CaxSr1-x)(0≤x≤1)substitutes for Zn of Li2ZnTi3O8 ceramic.As x is increased from 0 to 1,the relative permittivity(εr)increases from 26.65 to 27.12,and the quality factor(Q×f)increases from 63300 to 66600 GHz.With the increased of x,the temperature coefficient of resonant frequency(τf)increases from 0.27 to 8.23 ppm/℃,and then decreases to 3.51 ppm/℃.On the whole,the Li2Zn0.95(SrxCa1-x)0.05Ti3O8(0≤x≤1)ceramics show excellent comprehensive properties of middleεr=25-27,higher Q×f≥60000 GHz andτf≤±8.5 ppm/℃. 展开更多
关键词 Li2Zn0.95(SrxCa1-x)0.05Ti3O8(0≤x≤1) microwave dielectric properties temperature stable materials substitution
Effect of B and Fe substitution on structure of AB_3-type Co-free hydrogen storage alloy
作者 吴锋 张旻昱 穆道斌 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第10期1885-1891,共7页
A series of hydrogen storage Co-free AB3-type alloys were directly synthesized with vacuum mid-frequency melting method,within which Ni of La0.7Mg0.3Ni3 alloy was substituted by Fe,B and(FeB) alloy,respectively.Alloys... A series of hydrogen storage Co-free AB3-type alloys were directly synthesized with vacuum mid-frequency melting method,within which Ni of La0.7Mg0.3Ni3 alloy was substituted by Fe,B and(FeB) alloy,respectively.Alloys were characterized by XRD,EDS and SEM to investigate the effects of B and Fe substitution for Ni on material structure.The content of LaMg2Ni9 phase within La0.7Mg0.3Ni3 alloy reaches 37.9% and that of La0.7Mg0.3Ni2.9(FeB)0.1 alloys reduces to 23.58%.Among all samples,ground particles with different shapes correspond to different phases.The major substitution occurs in LaMg2Ni9 phase.Electrochemical tests indicate that substituted alloys have different electrochemical performance,which is affected by phase structures of alloy.The discharge capacity of La0.7Mg0.3Ni3 alloy reaches 337.3 mA·h/g,but La0.7Mg0.3Ni2.9(FeB)0.1 alloy gets better high rate discharge(HRD) performance at the discharge rate of 500 mA/g with a high HRD value of 73.19%. 展开更多
关键词 Ni-MH battery AB3-type B substitution Co-free hydrogen storage alloy
Introducing Ag in Ba_(0.9)La_(0.1)FeO_(3-δ):Combining cationic substitution with metal particle decoration
作者 Alessio Belotti Jiapeng Liu +5 位作者 Antonino Curcio Jian Wang Zheng Wang Emanuele Quattrocchi Mohammed BEffat Francesco Ciucci 《Materials Reports(Energy)》 2021年第2期77-89,共13页
BaFeO_(3-δ)-derived perovskites are promising cathodes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells.The activity of these perovskites depends on the number of oxygen vacancies in their lattice,which can be tun... BaFeO_(3-δ)-derived perovskites are promising cathodes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells.The activity of these perovskites depends on the number of oxygen vacancies in their lattice,which can be tuned by cationic substitution.Our first-principle calculations show that Ag is a promising substitute for the Fe site,resulting in a reduced oxygen vacancy formation energy compared with the pristine BaFeO_(3-δ).Ag has limited solubility in perovskites,and its introduction generates an Ag metal secondary phase,which influences the cathode performances.In this work,we investigate the matter,using a Ba0:9La0:1Fe_(1-x)AgxO_(3-δ)series of materials as a case study.Acknowledging the limited solubility of Ag in Ba0:9La0:1Fe_(1-x)AgxO_(3-δ),we aim to distinguish the effects of Ag substitution from those of the Ag secondary phase.We observed that Ag substitution increases the number of oxygen vacancies,confirming our calculations,and facilitates the oxygen incorporation.However,Ag substitution lowers the number of holes,in this way reducing the electronic p-type conductivity.On the other hand,Ag metal positively affects the electronic conductivity and helps the redistribution of the electronic charge at the cathode-electrolyte interface. 展开更多
关键词 Solid oxide fuel cells Mixed ionic electronic conductors Ag substitution Ag particles decoration BaFeO_(3-δ)-derived perovskites
Effect of Substitution Sr Cations on the Structure in the Gd_(1)(Ba_(2−x)Sr_(x))Cu_(3)O_(7−δ) Phases
作者 Made Sumadiyasa Nyoman Wendri +1 位作者 Putu Suardana Ni Nyoman Rupiasih 《Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering》 2020年第1期44-53,共10页
In an effort to improve the performance of superconductors in the field and high temperatures it is important to study the superconducting mechanism. For this reason, the cation substitution can be conducted. One of t... In an effort to improve the performance of superconductors in the field and high temperatures it is important to study the superconducting mechanism. For this reason, the cation substitution can be conducted. One of the high Tc superconductors Gd1Ba2Cu3O7&minus;δ phase with Sr substitution has been synthesized, i.e. Gd1(Ba2&minus;xSrx)Cu3O7&minus;δ compound. The sample was synthesized by using a solid-state reaction method with a wet mixing, sintered for 12 hours at temperature 900°C. The synthesis results are characterized by using XRD. The results of Match-3 software analysis showed high (higher 85%) Gd1Ba2Cu3O7&minus;δ phase was formed. The Sr substitution causes changes to the structure, i.e. the lattice parameters a, b and c, where the orthorhombicity tends to decrease with increasing Sr content. Refinement results show that based on the oxygen occupancy, the total oxygen content tends to increase. 展开更多
关键词 Wet Mixing Gd_(1)(Ba_(2-x)Sr_(x))Cu_(3)O_(7-δ) Compound Sr substitution Lattice Parameters Orthorhombicity
Bi^(3+)和Eu^(3+)在Ca_2SiO_4中的发光和能量传递 被引量:9
作者 李彬 田一光 +1 位作者 白玉白 周映雪 《发光学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1989年第2期110-116,共7页
用高温固态反应合成了Ca_2SiO_4:Bi^(3+),Ca_2SiO_4:Eu^(3+)和Ca_2SiO_4:Eu^(3+),Bi^(3+)发光体。讨论了不同掺杂量和掺杂种类时Bi^(3+)对Eu^(3+)的~5D_0-~7F_1,~5D_0-~7F_2发射的影响规律。实验发现,Ca_2SiO_4:Bi^(3+)在紫外线激发下... 用高温固态反应合成了Ca_2SiO_4:Bi^(3+),Ca_2SiO_4:Eu^(3+)和Ca_2SiO_4:Eu^(3+),Bi^(3+)发光体。讨论了不同掺杂量和掺杂种类时Bi^(3+)对Eu^(3+)的~5D_0-~7F_1,~5D_0-~7F_2发射的影响规律。实验发现,Ca_2SiO_4:Bi^(3+)在紫外线激发下发出明亮的蓝色光,Ca_2SiO_4:Eu^(3+),Bi^(3+)中的Bi^(3+)能将激发能传递给Eu^(3+),使Eu^(3+)的~5D_0-~7F_1和~5D_0-~7F_2两种跃迁都大大加强,同时,Bi^(3+)也发出鲜艳的紫色光。 展开更多
关键词 BI^3+ EU^3+ CaSIO4 发光 能量传递
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