Bladder urothelial carcinoma is the most common malignant tumor disease in urinary system,and its incidence rate ranks ninth in the world.In recent years,the continuous development of hyperspectral imaging technology ...Bladder urothelial carcinoma is the most common malignant tumor disease in urinary system,and its incidence rate ranks ninth in the world.In recent years,the continuous development of hyperspectral imaging technology has provided a new tool for the auxiliary diagnosis of bladder cancer.In this study,based on microscopic hyperspectral data,an automatic detection algorithm of bladder tumor cells combining color features and shape features is proposed.Support vector machine(SVM)is used to build classification models and compare the classification performance of spectral feature,spectral and shape fusion feature,and the fusion feature proposed in this paper on the same classifier.The results show that the sensitivity,specificity,and accuracy of our classification algorithm based on shape and color fusion features are 0.952,0.897,and 0.920,respectively,which are better than the classification algorithm only using spectral features.Therefore,this study can effectively extract the cell features of bladder urothelial carcinoma smear,thus achieving automatic,real-time,and noninvasive detection of bladder tumor cells,and then helping doctors improve the efficiency of pathological diagnosis of bladder urothelial cancer,and providing a reliable basis for doctors to choose treatment plans and judge the prognosis of the disease.展开更多
Background: bladder tumors rank 2nd among urological tumors in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in Côte d’Ivoire. Objective: to report the results of transurethral resection of the bladder (TURB) for the treatme...Background: bladder tumors rank 2nd among urological tumors in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in Côte d’Ivoire. Objective: to report the results of transurethral resection of the bladder (TURB) for the treatment of non-muscle-infiltrating bladder tumors (NMIBT) in Bouaké. Patients and methods: we conducted a cross-sectional, descriptive study of transurethral resection of the bladder (TURB) for the treatment of non-muscle-infiltrating bladder tumors (NMIBT) between January 2022 and April 2023. All patients and their families were informed in advance and had signed an informed consent form. All patients with a non-muscle-invasive bladder tumor confirmed by an initial TURB were included, and patients with a bladder tumor infiltrating the bladder muscle were excluded. Diagnosis was based on cystoscopy and anatomopathological examination of resection shavings. Parameters studied were: age, sex, risk factors, reason for consultation, clinical signs, cystoscopy findings, stage, grade, Evolution. Results: 17 patients with a mean age of 53.7 years (22-73 years) underwent trans-ureteral bladder resection to treat a non-muscle-infiltrating bladder tumor (NMIBT). Male gender predominated with 88.23% (n = 15), the majority of patients came from the ME region with 47.05% (n = 8), farmers were the most numerous (52.94%;n = 9). The most frequent reason for consultation was macroscopic hematuria with 64.1% (n = 11), risk factors were dominated by urinary bilharziasis with 70.58% (n = 12), physical examination was normal in 47.05% (n = 8). Hemoglobin (HB) levels were between 7.5 and 8.5 g/dl in 52.94% (n = 9). On cystoscopy, the tumor was budding in 76.45% (n = 13), the localization was trigonal in 52.9% (n = 9) and the base of implantation was sessile in 70.52% (n = 12). On ultrasound, the tumor was 3 cm or larger in 70.52% (n = 12). Therapeutically, 82.35% (n = 14) of patients received a blood transfusion. TURB was complete in the majority of cases 88.23% (n = 15). Squamous cell carcinoma was the most frequent histological type with 76.47% (n = 13). PTa and PT1 grade accounted for 23.52% (n = 4) and 76.47% (n = 13) respectively. High-grade PT1 accounted for 64.70% (n = 11). Follow-up to TURB was straightforward in 94.11% (n = 16). At three months post-TURB, seven patients presented a tumor recurrence, with 41.17% (n = 7) requiring a second TURB. At 6 months, follow-up noted 14 patients free of any clinical or endoscopic signs of bladder tumors. Conclusion: TURB is a safe and effective means of treating non-muscle-invasive bladder tumors.展开更多
Aim: To compare the results of bladder tumor associated antigen (BTA TRAK), nuclear matrix protein 22 (NMP 22) and voided urine cytology (VUC) in detecting bladder cancer. Methods: A total of 135 elderly male ...Aim: To compare the results of bladder tumor associated antigen (BTA TRAK), nuclear matrix protein 22 (NMP 22) and voided urine cytology (VUC) in detecting bladder cancer. Methods: A total of 135 elderly male and 50 healthy volunteers enrolled in this study were classified into three groups: (i) 93 patients with bladder cancer; (ii) 42 patients with urinary benign conditions; and (iii) 50 healthy volunteers. BTA TRAK and NMP 22 kits were used to detect bladder cancer. Voided urine cytology was used to compare the sensitivity and specificity of the screening tests. Results: The sensitivity and specificity of cytology, BTA TRAK and NMP 22 were 24% and 97%, 51% and 73%, 78% and 73%, respectively. The level of NMP 22 increased with tumor grading. The BTA TRAK kit has the lowest sensitivity among the screening tests. The NMP 22 with the best sensitivity can be an adjunct to cytology for evaluating bladder cancer. Conclusion: The NMP 22 test has a better correlation with the grading of the bladder cancer than BTA TRAK. As cytology units are typically not available in hospitals or in outpatient clinics, NMP 22 might be a promising tool for screening bladder cancer.展开更多
Objective: To observe the advantage of total intravenous anesthesia for transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TURBT). Methods.. Sixty ASA Ⅰ-Ⅱ patients undergoing TURBT were randomly assigned to 2 groups. Spin...Objective: To observe the advantage of total intravenous anesthesia for transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TURBT). Methods.. Sixty ASA Ⅰ-Ⅱ patients undergoing TURBT were randomly assigned to 2 groups. Spinal anesthesia with 0. 75% pure bupivacaine (8-12 rag) was applied to patients in Group Ⅰ (n= 30). Patients in Group Ⅱ (n=30) received total intravenous anesthesia with continuous infusion of Propofol and Remifentanil ; and a laryngeal mask was used to ensure the airway and ventilation. BP, HR, SPO2 and pertinent side effects were monitored and recorded. Results : The patients in group Ⅱ experienced more stable hemodynamics than those in group Ⅰ . Obturator nerve reflex was observed in 15 (50. 0%) patients in Group Ⅰ , but none (0%) in Group Ⅱ (P〈0. 01). Conclusion.. Total intravenous anesthesia with laryngeal mask is a safe, reliable, controllable and simple manual for patient undergoing TURBT.展开更多
Objective: To investigate whether human dendritic cells (DC) derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), which were pulsed by heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) isolated from human bladder tumor cell lin...Objective: To investigate whether human dendritic cells (DC) derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), which were pulsed by heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) isolated from human bladder tumor cell lines of E J, were able to induce peptide specific cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL) response in vitro and give the experimental foundation for the future clinical trials of immunotherapy in bladder tumor. Methods: The E J-derived HSP70 co-cultured with DC from the healthy volunteers' PBMC, along with the crude lysate (the supematant before HSP70 purification) from EJ cells were used as the experimental groups and DC not pulsed by any tumor cells antigen were the blank control. The autologous T-lymphocytes were added into the above various DC groups, and after incubation, the stimulation indexes (SI) and interferon-y (IFN-γ) were detected to evaluate the immune activities of various DC groups. The killing effects of CTL to target cells, EJ and Hela cells, were determined with 51^Cr releasing test. Results: Both DC/HSP70 and DC/the crude lysate could effectively activate CTL in vitro and kill target cells EJ. The killing effect of DC/HSP70 to EJ was much stronger than DC/the crude lysate (the supernatant before HSP70 purification) (P 〈 0.05). DC without any tumor cell antigens had a lower killing power to EJ. Meanwhile, DC/ HSP70 had little killing power to Hela non-relevant to bladder tumor histopathologically as compared with EJ cells (P 〈 0.05). Conclusion: The DC pulsed by HSP70 derived from the autologous tumor cells could induce a peptide complexes specific CTL response to tumor cells, and the CTL response induced by the DC/HSP70 was stronger, which display the basis of the possible clinical application of DC/HSP70 for bladder tumor.展开更多
In order to investigate the changes of serum hyaluronic acid (HA) and laminin (LN) le-vels and their clinical implication in the patients with bladder tumors, the serum HA and LN levels in 34 patients with bladder tum...In order to investigate the changes of serum hyaluronic acid (HA) and laminin (LN) le-vels and their clinical implication in the patients with bladder tumors, the serum HA and LN levels in 34 patients with bladder tumor and 30 cases of control group were detected by radioimmunoassay before and after operation. The results showed that the serum HA and LN levels in the patients with bladder tumors were significantly higher than those in control group (P<0.01) before operation, and decreased significantly after operation (P<0.05). The serum levels of HA and LN in infiltration tumors were higher than those in superficial tumors (P<0.05). The serum HA and LN levels in patients with lymph node metastasis were higher than those without lymph node metastasis (P<0.01). The investigation revealed that HA and LN might be involved in the malignant biology behavior of bladder tumors and could be used as important markers of assistant diagnosis and condition monitoring.展开更多
Introduction: Polymyositis (PM) is a type of inflammatory myopathy that is associated with a broad range of malignant disorders. An association of PM with synchronous carcinoma of the bladder and prostate is extremely...Introduction: Polymyositis (PM) is a type of inflammatory myopathy that is associated with a broad range of malignant disorders. An association of PM with synchronous carcinoma of the bladder and prostate is extremely rare. Case: A 65-year-old man admitted to hematology with complaints of severe progressive weakness of lower extremities, hematuria and irritative urinary symptoms lasting for a month. The hemogram and erythrocyte sedimentation rate were normal. ALT was normal but AST was 405.56 U/l. There was marked elevation of serum creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase, which were 14,065.15 U/l and 1267.50 U/l, respectively. PSA was 4.28 and DRE was positive. The abdominal ultrasound revealed a 24 × 20 mm soft tissue echogenicity lesion at the right wall and a 35 × 21 mm soft tissue echogenicity lesion at the left wall of the bladder. The rest of the abdominal viscera were normal. Computed tomography found, two 6 mm solid lesions at left anterolateral and a 18 × 12 mm solid lesion at inferoanterior bladder wall in addition to the above findings. Patient counseled to us. We resected all of the bladder masses with transurethral (TUR-BT) way and pathology revealed T2 high grade bladder tumor. Two days after TUR-BT, we performed a trans rectal ultrasonography guided prostate biopsy and pathology revealed a Gleason 3 + 4 prostate cancer. EMG showed sensorimotor polyneuropathy at the lower extremities, sustaining polymyozitis. Biopsy of the right peroneus brevis muscle showed no vasculitis with low grade neurologic changes. We offered to perform a radical cystoprostatectomy operation but the patient prefered chemotherapy. Two months after his initial presentation at the second cure of the chemotherapy all muscle weaknesses showed a dramatic regression. Conclusion: This case report indicates that both bladder carcinoma and prostate cancer should be kept in mind in elderly PM patients presenting with lower urinary tract symptoms and hematuria.展开更多
In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the efficiency and cost ofpirarubicin (THP) and epirubicin (EPI) as prophylaxis for recurrence in patients with superficial bladder tumors by bladder instillation after t...In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the efficiency and cost ofpirarubicin (THP) and epirubicin (EPI) as prophylaxis for recurrence in patients with superficial bladder tumors by bladder instillation after transurethral resection of a bladder tumor (TUR-BT). Standardized evaluation was performed by analyzing research papers. Moreover, expert opinions, studies and cost data were combined to evaluate cost of THP and EPI. With systematic review and expert opinions, we confirmed that THP and EPI were not statistically different when they were used as prophylaxis for recurrence in patients with superficial bladder tumors by bladder instillation after TUR-BT. Moreover, the cost evaluation of THP and EPI needs to be separately discussed according to original/generic drug. The original drug THP had more cost advantages than EPI, while generic EPI had more cost advantages than THP.展开更多
The relation between morphometric grades (M grading) of 84 cases of bladder tumor and prognoses was evaluated. The results shown that the higher the M grading, the lower the survival rate and the higher the recurrence...The relation between morphometric grades (M grading) of 84 cases of bladder tumor and prognoses was evaluated. The results shown that the higher the M grading, the lower the survival rate and the higher the recurrence rate. As the M grade increases, the tumor has partial of total absence of ABO(H) antigens of tumor cell surface and could be accompanied with muscular invasion. When recurring, the tumor has a poor prognosis if M grading increases from lower to higher grades. The morphometric grading system is able to make a quantitative pathologic diagnosis and can predict the biological behavior of bladder tumors.展开更多
BACKGROUND Intravesical explosion during transurethral resection of bladder tumor(TUR-BT)is a very rare complication,and it may result in rupture of the bladder,which usually requires surgical correction and causes a ...BACKGROUND Intravesical explosion during transurethral resection of bladder tumor(TUR-BT)is a very rare complication,and it may result in rupture of the bladder,which usually requires surgical correction and causes a potential threat to the patient’s life.CASE SUMMARY This paper reports a case of intravesical explosion during TUR-BT.Combined with the literature review,the risk factors are analyzed and measures of prevention and treatment are discussed.CONCLUSION Although rare,intravesical explosions can cause serious consequences,and the loud explosion can also lead to a profound psychological shadow on the patient.Urologists must be aware of this potential complication.Careful operative techniques and special precautions can reduce the risk of this complication.展开更多
Bladder tumor is the most common malignant tumor in urinary system and always com- panied with lymph node metastasis. The accurate staging plays a significant role in treatment for bladder tumor and prognostic evaluat...Bladder tumor is the most common malignant tumor in urinary system and always com- panied with lymph node metastasis. The accurate staging plays a significant role in treatment for bladder tumor and prognostic evaluation, and the distant metastasis predicts worse prognosis. The objective of this study was to assess the clinical significance of 18F-FDG PET/CT imaging in diagnosing bladder tumor metastasis lesions. A retrospective analysis of 60 patients with bladder tumor from October 2008 to May 2010 was done. The patients were stratified based on the imaging technique. Among all 60 cases, besides the primary lesion, 81 suspected lesions were spotted and 73 confirmed as metastasis, including 50 lymph node metastases, 22 distant metastases, and 1 bone metastasis. For PET/CT imaging, its sensitivity was 94.5%, specificity 87.5%, positive predictive value 98.6%, negative predictive value 63.6% and accuracy 93.8% respectively. For CT, its sensitivity was 82.2%, specificity 50%, positive predictive value 93.8%, negative predictive value 23.5% and accuracy 79% respectively. PET/CT im- aging was superior to CT in sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. In conclusion, 18F-FDG PET/CT imaging is more significant in diagnosing bladder tumor metastasis lesions.展开更多
OBJECTIVE To observe the inhibitory effect on bladder tumor proliveration after transfection with the expression plasmid pcDNA3.1(+)/Madl. METHODS Bladder tumors were induced in SD rats by intravesical instillation...OBJECTIVE To observe the inhibitory effect on bladder tumor proliveration after transfection with the expression plasmid pcDNA3.1(+)/Madl. METHODS Bladder tumors were induced in SD rats by intravesical instillation of MNU . The tumor-bearing rats were randomly divided into 3 groups: group A, transfected with pcDNA3.1 (+)/Mad1, group B, transfected with an empty vector and group C, transfected with saline. Rat body weight (RBW), bladder absolute weight (BAW) and bladder relative weight (BRW) were measured and expression levels of Mad1 and TERT were assayed. Flow cytometer analysis was used to observe the effect of Mad1 on the bladder tumors. RESULTS Comparions of RBW among the 3 groups showed there were no differences (P〉0.05). But the BAW and BRW for group A were significantly decreased (P〈0.01, P〈0.05, respectively) comparded to groups B and C. In group A, the Mad1 mRNA expression level was markedly improved, while the TERT mRNA expression level was decreased. Flow cytometry showed an increase in GJG1-phase cells and a decrease of Sphase cells after transfection with Mad1. CONCLUSION Over expression of Mad1 can inhibit the cellular proliferation of bladder tumors.展开更多
A retrospective study of flow cytometric measurements on paraffin-embedded tumor specimens from 188 patients with bladder tumor was conducted. The results were analyzed in combination with the morphological variation ...A retrospective study of flow cytometric measurements on paraffin-embedded tumor specimens from 188 patients with bladder tumor was conducted. The results were analyzed in combination with the morphological variation of bladder tumors. It was found that the DNA ploid pottern, degree of infiltration and the multiplicity of bladder tumor were closely related with tumor recurrence, among which the DNA ploid pattern was most significant. In aneuploid bladder tumors the recurrent rate and mean annual recurrence frequency were 76.7% and 1.46, and those in the diploid bladder tumors were 18.7% and 0.33 respectively. Aneuploid was the most indicative parameter of the recurrence in bladder tumors. In addition, according to the DNA ploid pattern and DNA index (DI), the aneuploid tumors in our group were divided into 4 types, namely, tetraploid tumors, npn-euploid with DI(?)1.5, non-euploid tumors with DI>1.5 and two-aneuploid tumors. The results showed that the recurrent rate of tetraploid tumors was relatively lower and it became higher and higher in the following order: non-euploid tumors with DI(?)1.5, non-euploid tumors with DI>1.5, and two-aneuploid tumors. This indicates that there are different biological behaviors in tumors with different ploid pattern. Finally, the correlation between DNA ploid pattern and tumor metastasis was also discussed.展开更多
Objective To study the therapeutic efficacy of combined interventional chemotherapy and intravesical instillation of mitomycin on preventing bladder cancers from recurring after local ablation. Methods 28 patients wit...Objective To study the therapeutic efficacy of combined interventional chemotherapy and intravesical instillation of mitomycin on preventing bladder cancers from recurring after local ablation. Methods 28 patients with superficial bladder cancers were randomized into combined interventional chemotherapy and intravesical instillation of mitomycin or intravesical instillation of mitomycin alone for preventing recurrence after local ablation. The result was assessed by x2 test. Results The patients have been followed up for 12-26 months (mean 21 months). 1 case has had tumor recurrence in the combined modality therapy group and 4 in the intravesical instillation alone group, the tumor recurrence rate being 7% (1/14) and 29% (4/14) respectively (P【0.05). Conclusion Combined use of interventional chemotherapy and intravesical instillation of mitomycin is effective in preventing superficial bladder cancer from recurring after local ablation with fewer adverse effects. The ragimen is not only reliable but展开更多
Objective To study the practical value of 3-dimensional computed tomography on diagnosis of bladder tumor, Methods Fifteen patients with bladder masses were examined by thin-layer computed tomography. The results of 3...Objective To study the practical value of 3-dimensional computed tomography on diagnosis of bladder tumor, Methods Fifteen patients with bladder masses were examined by thin-layer computed tomography. The results of 3-dimensional reconstructed images were compared with the final diagnosis and the pathological stages. Results According to 3-dimensional reconstructed images, among the 15 cases, 12 cases of bladder cancer were diagnosed, and the pathological types were transitional carcinoma. Two cases were diagnosed as benign tumor (leiomyoma), and the other one was colon cancer, which invaded bladder. The accuracy was 100% . The clinical stages were determined. Of the 12 bladder carcinomas,5 was in stage T1, 3 in T2,, 3 in T3 and 1 in T4.The accuracy of staging was up to 83% (10/12) compared with pathological stages. Conclusion The 3-dimensional reconstructed technology may improve the accuracy of staging of bladder carcinoma, and to provide important evidence for surgery options. 3 refs,2 figs.展开更多
The diagnostic and treatment guidelines of superficial non-ampullary duodenal tumors have not been standardized due to their low prevalence.Previous reports suggested that a superficial adenocarcinoma(SAC) should be t...The diagnostic and treatment guidelines of superficial non-ampullary duodenal tumors have not been standardized due to their low prevalence.Previous reports suggested that a superficial adenocarcinoma(SAC) should be treated via local resection because of its low risk of lymph node metastasis,whereas a highgrade adenoma(HGA) should be resected because of its high risk of progression to adenocarcinoma.Therefore,pretreatment diagnosis of SAC or HGA is important to determine the appropriate treatment strategy.There are certain endoscopic features known to be associated with SAC or HGA,and current practice prioritizes the endoscopic and biopsy diagnosis of these conditions.Surgical treatment of these duodenal lesions is often related to high risk of morbidity,and therefore endoscopic resection has become increasingly common in recent years.Endoscopic mucosal resection(EMR) and endoscopic submucosal dissection(ESD) are the commonly performed endoscopic resection methods.EMR is preferred due to its lower risk of adverse events;however,it has a higher risk of recurrence than ESD.Recently,a new and safer endoscopic procedure that reduces adverse events from EMR or ESD has been reported.展开更多
Background: Continuous exposure to millimolar (mM) Vitamin C (AA) in vitro kills cancer cells. For superficial bladder carcinoma (SBC), standard chemotherapy is instillation of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin. The recurrence...Background: Continuous exposure to millimolar (mM) Vitamin C (AA) in vitro kills cancer cells. For superficial bladder carcinoma (SBC), standard chemotherapy is instillation of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin. The recurrence rate with this therapy is 91%. But high dosage vitamins including AA reduced the recurrence to 41%. Aim: To determine the oral dosage of AA that causes the highest concentration of AA [AA] in the bladder. Method: We conducted a clinical trial of 14 people who took various dosages of AA, and analyzed the [AA] in their urine. Results: AA above 2 g twice a day was not absorbed. But that intake produced a bladder [AA] above 1 mM in all participants. Conclusion: Taking 2 g of AA BID will increase [AA] in the bladder to a level likely to kill cancer cells that cause SBC. Taking that dosage 2 consecutive days a week is likely to reduce the recurrence rate of SBC substantially.展开更多
BACKGROUND The selection of endoscopic treatments for superficial non-ampullary duodenal epithelial tumors(SNADETs)is controversial.AIM To compare the efficacy and safety of endoscopic mucosal resection(EMR)and endosc...BACKGROUND The selection of endoscopic treatments for superficial non-ampullary duodenal epithelial tumors(SNADETs)is controversial.AIM To compare the efficacy and safety of endoscopic mucosal resection(EMR)and endoscopic submucosal dissection(ESD)for SNADETs.METHODS We retrospectively analyzed the data of patients with SNADETs from a database of endoscopic treatment for SNADETs,which included eight hospitals in Fukuoka,Japan,between April 2001 and October 2017.A total of 142 patients with SNADETs treated with EMR or ESD were analyzed.Propensity score matching was performed to adjust for the differences in the patient characteristics between the two groups.We analyzed the treatment outcomes,including the rates of en bloc/complete resection,procedure time,adverse event rate,hospital stay,and local or metastatic recurrence.RESULTS Twenty-eight pairs of patients were created.The characteristics of patients between the two groups were similar after matching.The EMR group had a significantly shorter procedure time and hospital stay than those of the ESD group[median procedure time(interquartile range):6(3-10.75)min vs 87.5(68.5-136.5)min,P<0.001,hospital stay:8(6-10.75)d vs 11(8.25-14.75)d,P=0.006].Other outcomes were not significantly different between the two groups(en bloc resection rate:82.1%vs 92.9%,P=0.42;complete resection rate:71.4%vs 89.3%,P=0.18;and adverse event rate:3.6%vs 17.9%,P=0.19,local recurrence rate:3.6%vs 0%,P=1;metastatic recurrence rate:0%in both).Only one patient in the ESD group underwent emergency surgery owing to intraoperative perforation.CONCLUSION EMR has significantly shorter procedure time and hospital stay than ESD,and provides acceptable curability and safety compared to ESD.Accordingly,EMR for SNADETs is associated with lower medical costs.展开更多
BACKGROUND Superficial CD34-positive fibroblast tumors(SCPFTs)are newly recognized fibroblast and myofibroblast tumors representing intermediate tumors.To the best of our knowledge,fewer than 50 cases have been report...BACKGROUND Superficial CD34-positive fibroblast tumors(SCPFTs)are newly recognized fibroblast and myofibroblast tumors representing intermediate tumors.To the best of our knowledge,fewer than 50 cases have been reported.Perianal SCPFT has not been previously reported.CASE SUMMARY A 55-year-old man was hospitalized upon discovering a painless perianal lump 10 d prior.Physical examination showed a lump of approximately 3 cm×4 cm in the 7 to 8 o’clock direction in the perianal area.Perianal abscess was considered the primary diagnosis.Lump removal surgery was performed under epidural anesthesia.Postoperative pathology showed a well-circumscribed,soft tissuederived,spindle-cell tumor with strong CD34 positivity by immunohistochemistry.The final diagnosis was perianal SCPFT.There were no complications,and the patient was followed for more than 8 mo without recurrence or metastasis.CONCLUSION We report a case of perianal superficial CD34-positive fibroblast tumor.This rare mesenchymal neoplasm has distinctive histomorphology,which is important for diagnosis.Comprehensive consideration of clinical information,imaging,histology,and immunohistochemistry is important for diagnosis.展开更多
基金Bethune Medical Engineering and Instrument Center Fund(E10133Y8H0)Jilin province science and technology development plan project(20210204216YY,20210204146YY).
文摘Bladder urothelial carcinoma is the most common malignant tumor disease in urinary system,and its incidence rate ranks ninth in the world.In recent years,the continuous development of hyperspectral imaging technology has provided a new tool for the auxiliary diagnosis of bladder cancer.In this study,based on microscopic hyperspectral data,an automatic detection algorithm of bladder tumor cells combining color features and shape features is proposed.Support vector machine(SVM)is used to build classification models and compare the classification performance of spectral feature,spectral and shape fusion feature,and the fusion feature proposed in this paper on the same classifier.The results show that the sensitivity,specificity,and accuracy of our classification algorithm based on shape and color fusion features are 0.952,0.897,and 0.920,respectively,which are better than the classification algorithm only using spectral features.Therefore,this study can effectively extract the cell features of bladder urothelial carcinoma smear,thus achieving automatic,real-time,and noninvasive detection of bladder tumor cells,and then helping doctors improve the efficiency of pathological diagnosis of bladder urothelial cancer,and providing a reliable basis for doctors to choose treatment plans and judge the prognosis of the disease.
文摘Background: bladder tumors rank 2nd among urological tumors in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in Côte d’Ivoire. Objective: to report the results of transurethral resection of the bladder (TURB) for the treatment of non-muscle-infiltrating bladder tumors (NMIBT) in Bouaké. Patients and methods: we conducted a cross-sectional, descriptive study of transurethral resection of the bladder (TURB) for the treatment of non-muscle-infiltrating bladder tumors (NMIBT) between January 2022 and April 2023. All patients and their families were informed in advance and had signed an informed consent form. All patients with a non-muscle-invasive bladder tumor confirmed by an initial TURB were included, and patients with a bladder tumor infiltrating the bladder muscle were excluded. Diagnosis was based on cystoscopy and anatomopathological examination of resection shavings. Parameters studied were: age, sex, risk factors, reason for consultation, clinical signs, cystoscopy findings, stage, grade, Evolution. Results: 17 patients with a mean age of 53.7 years (22-73 years) underwent trans-ureteral bladder resection to treat a non-muscle-infiltrating bladder tumor (NMIBT). Male gender predominated with 88.23% (n = 15), the majority of patients came from the ME region with 47.05% (n = 8), farmers were the most numerous (52.94%;n = 9). The most frequent reason for consultation was macroscopic hematuria with 64.1% (n = 11), risk factors were dominated by urinary bilharziasis with 70.58% (n = 12), physical examination was normal in 47.05% (n = 8). Hemoglobin (HB) levels were between 7.5 and 8.5 g/dl in 52.94% (n = 9). On cystoscopy, the tumor was budding in 76.45% (n = 13), the localization was trigonal in 52.9% (n = 9) and the base of implantation was sessile in 70.52% (n = 12). On ultrasound, the tumor was 3 cm or larger in 70.52% (n = 12). Therapeutically, 82.35% (n = 14) of patients received a blood transfusion. TURB was complete in the majority of cases 88.23% (n = 15). Squamous cell carcinoma was the most frequent histological type with 76.47% (n = 13). PTa and PT1 grade accounted for 23.52% (n = 4) and 76.47% (n = 13) respectively. High-grade PT1 accounted for 64.70% (n = 11). Follow-up to TURB was straightforward in 94.11% (n = 16). At three months post-TURB, seven patients presented a tumor recurrence, with 41.17% (n = 7) requiring a second TURB. At 6 months, follow-up noted 14 patients free of any clinical or endoscopic signs of bladder tumors. Conclusion: TURB is a safe and effective means of treating non-muscle-invasive bladder tumors.
文摘Aim: To compare the results of bladder tumor associated antigen (BTA TRAK), nuclear matrix protein 22 (NMP 22) and voided urine cytology (VUC) in detecting bladder cancer. Methods: A total of 135 elderly male and 50 healthy volunteers enrolled in this study were classified into three groups: (i) 93 patients with bladder cancer; (ii) 42 patients with urinary benign conditions; and (iii) 50 healthy volunteers. BTA TRAK and NMP 22 kits were used to detect bladder cancer. Voided urine cytology was used to compare the sensitivity and specificity of the screening tests. Results: The sensitivity and specificity of cytology, BTA TRAK and NMP 22 were 24% and 97%, 51% and 73%, 78% and 73%, respectively. The level of NMP 22 increased with tumor grading. The BTA TRAK kit has the lowest sensitivity among the screening tests. The NMP 22 with the best sensitivity can be an adjunct to cytology for evaluating bladder cancer. Conclusion: The NMP 22 test has a better correlation with the grading of the bladder cancer than BTA TRAK. As cytology units are typically not available in hospitals or in outpatient clinics, NMP 22 might be a promising tool for screening bladder cancer.
文摘Objective: To observe the advantage of total intravenous anesthesia for transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TURBT). Methods.. Sixty ASA Ⅰ-Ⅱ patients undergoing TURBT were randomly assigned to 2 groups. Spinal anesthesia with 0. 75% pure bupivacaine (8-12 rag) was applied to patients in Group Ⅰ (n= 30). Patients in Group Ⅱ (n=30) received total intravenous anesthesia with continuous infusion of Propofol and Remifentanil ; and a laryngeal mask was used to ensure the airway and ventilation. BP, HR, SPO2 and pertinent side effects were monitored and recorded. Results : The patients in group Ⅱ experienced more stable hemodynamics than those in group Ⅰ . Obturator nerve reflex was observed in 15 (50. 0%) patients in Group Ⅰ , but none (0%) in Group Ⅱ (P〈0. 01). Conclusion.. Total intravenous anesthesia with laryngeal mask is a safe, reliable, controllable and simple manual for patient undergoing TURBT.
基金Supported by a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 3000754).
文摘Objective: To investigate whether human dendritic cells (DC) derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), which were pulsed by heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) isolated from human bladder tumor cell lines of E J, were able to induce peptide specific cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL) response in vitro and give the experimental foundation for the future clinical trials of immunotherapy in bladder tumor. Methods: The E J-derived HSP70 co-cultured with DC from the healthy volunteers' PBMC, along with the crude lysate (the supematant before HSP70 purification) from EJ cells were used as the experimental groups and DC not pulsed by any tumor cells antigen were the blank control. The autologous T-lymphocytes were added into the above various DC groups, and after incubation, the stimulation indexes (SI) and interferon-y (IFN-γ) were detected to evaluate the immune activities of various DC groups. The killing effects of CTL to target cells, EJ and Hela cells, were determined with 51^Cr releasing test. Results: Both DC/HSP70 and DC/the crude lysate could effectively activate CTL in vitro and kill target cells EJ. The killing effect of DC/HSP70 to EJ was much stronger than DC/the crude lysate (the supernatant before HSP70 purification) (P 〈 0.05). DC without any tumor cell antigens had a lower killing power to EJ. Meanwhile, DC/ HSP70 had little killing power to Hela non-relevant to bladder tumor histopathologically as compared with EJ cells (P 〈 0.05). Conclusion: The DC pulsed by HSP70 derived from the autologous tumor cells could induce a peptide complexes specific CTL response to tumor cells, and the CTL response induced by the DC/HSP70 was stronger, which display the basis of the possible clinical application of DC/HSP70 for bladder tumor.
文摘In order to investigate the changes of serum hyaluronic acid (HA) and laminin (LN) le-vels and their clinical implication in the patients with bladder tumors, the serum HA and LN levels in 34 patients with bladder tumor and 30 cases of control group were detected by radioimmunoassay before and after operation. The results showed that the serum HA and LN levels in the patients with bladder tumors were significantly higher than those in control group (P<0.01) before operation, and decreased significantly after operation (P<0.05). The serum levels of HA and LN in infiltration tumors were higher than those in superficial tumors (P<0.05). The serum HA and LN levels in patients with lymph node metastasis were higher than those without lymph node metastasis (P<0.01). The investigation revealed that HA and LN might be involved in the malignant biology behavior of bladder tumors and could be used as important markers of assistant diagnosis and condition monitoring.
文摘Introduction: Polymyositis (PM) is a type of inflammatory myopathy that is associated with a broad range of malignant disorders. An association of PM with synchronous carcinoma of the bladder and prostate is extremely rare. Case: A 65-year-old man admitted to hematology with complaints of severe progressive weakness of lower extremities, hematuria and irritative urinary symptoms lasting for a month. The hemogram and erythrocyte sedimentation rate were normal. ALT was normal but AST was 405.56 U/l. There was marked elevation of serum creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase, which were 14,065.15 U/l and 1267.50 U/l, respectively. PSA was 4.28 and DRE was positive. The abdominal ultrasound revealed a 24 × 20 mm soft tissue echogenicity lesion at the right wall and a 35 × 21 mm soft tissue echogenicity lesion at the left wall of the bladder. The rest of the abdominal viscera were normal. Computed tomography found, two 6 mm solid lesions at left anterolateral and a 18 × 12 mm solid lesion at inferoanterior bladder wall in addition to the above findings. Patient counseled to us. We resected all of the bladder masses with transurethral (TUR-BT) way and pathology revealed T2 high grade bladder tumor. Two days after TUR-BT, we performed a trans rectal ultrasonography guided prostate biopsy and pathology revealed a Gleason 3 + 4 prostate cancer. EMG showed sensorimotor polyneuropathy at the lower extremities, sustaining polymyozitis. Biopsy of the right peroneus brevis muscle showed no vasculitis with low grade neurologic changes. We offered to perform a radical cystoprostatectomy operation but the patient prefered chemotherapy. Two months after his initial presentation at the second cure of the chemotherapy all muscle weaknesses showed a dramatic regression. Conclusion: This case report indicates that both bladder carcinoma and prostate cancer should be kept in mind in elderly PM patients presenting with lower urinary tract symptoms and hematuria.
文摘In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the efficiency and cost ofpirarubicin (THP) and epirubicin (EPI) as prophylaxis for recurrence in patients with superficial bladder tumors by bladder instillation after transurethral resection of a bladder tumor (TUR-BT). Standardized evaluation was performed by analyzing research papers. Moreover, expert opinions, studies and cost data were combined to evaluate cost of THP and EPI. With systematic review and expert opinions, we confirmed that THP and EPI were not statistically different when they were used as prophylaxis for recurrence in patients with superficial bladder tumors by bladder instillation after TUR-BT. Moreover, the cost evaluation of THP and EPI needs to be separately discussed according to original/generic drug. The original drug THP had more cost advantages than EPI, while generic EPI had more cost advantages than THP.
文摘The relation between morphometric grades (M grading) of 84 cases of bladder tumor and prognoses was evaluated. The results shown that the higher the M grading, the lower the survival rate and the higher the recurrence rate. As the M grade increases, the tumor has partial of total absence of ABO(H) antigens of tumor cell surface and could be accompanied with muscular invasion. When recurring, the tumor has a poor prognosis if M grading increases from lower to higher grades. The morphometric grading system is able to make a quantitative pathologic diagnosis and can predict the biological behavior of bladder tumors.
文摘BACKGROUND Intravesical explosion during transurethral resection of bladder tumor(TUR-BT)is a very rare complication,and it may result in rupture of the bladder,which usually requires surgical correction and causes a potential threat to the patient’s life.CASE SUMMARY This paper reports a case of intravesical explosion during TUR-BT.Combined with the literature review,the risk factors are analyzed and measures of prevention and treatment are discussed.CONCLUSION Although rare,intravesical explosions can cause serious consequences,and the loud explosion can also lead to a profound psychological shadow on the patient.Urologists must be aware of this potential complication.Careful operative techniques and special precautions can reduce the risk of this complication.
文摘Bladder tumor is the most common malignant tumor in urinary system and always com- panied with lymph node metastasis. The accurate staging plays a significant role in treatment for bladder tumor and prognostic evaluation, and the distant metastasis predicts worse prognosis. The objective of this study was to assess the clinical significance of 18F-FDG PET/CT imaging in diagnosing bladder tumor metastasis lesions. A retrospective analysis of 60 patients with bladder tumor from October 2008 to May 2010 was done. The patients were stratified based on the imaging technique. Among all 60 cases, besides the primary lesion, 81 suspected lesions were spotted and 73 confirmed as metastasis, including 50 lymph node metastases, 22 distant metastases, and 1 bone metastasis. For PET/CT imaging, its sensitivity was 94.5%, specificity 87.5%, positive predictive value 98.6%, negative predictive value 63.6% and accuracy 93.8% respectively. For CT, its sensitivity was 82.2%, specificity 50%, positive predictive value 93.8%, negative predictive value 23.5% and accuracy 79% respectively. PET/CT im- aging was superior to CT in sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. In conclusion, 18F-FDG PET/CT imaging is more significant in diagnosing bladder tumor metastasis lesions.
文摘OBJECTIVE To observe the inhibitory effect on bladder tumor proliveration after transfection with the expression plasmid pcDNA3.1(+)/Madl. METHODS Bladder tumors were induced in SD rats by intravesical instillation of MNU . The tumor-bearing rats were randomly divided into 3 groups: group A, transfected with pcDNA3.1 (+)/Mad1, group B, transfected with an empty vector and group C, transfected with saline. Rat body weight (RBW), bladder absolute weight (BAW) and bladder relative weight (BRW) were measured and expression levels of Mad1 and TERT were assayed. Flow cytometer analysis was used to observe the effect of Mad1 on the bladder tumors. RESULTS Comparions of RBW among the 3 groups showed there were no differences (P〉0.05). But the BAW and BRW for group A were significantly decreased (P〈0.01, P〈0.05, respectively) comparded to groups B and C. In group A, the Mad1 mRNA expression level was markedly improved, while the TERT mRNA expression level was decreased. Flow cytometry showed an increase in GJG1-phase cells and a decrease of Sphase cells after transfection with Mad1. CONCLUSION Over expression of Mad1 can inhibit the cellular proliferation of bladder tumors.
文摘A retrospective study of flow cytometric measurements on paraffin-embedded tumor specimens from 188 patients with bladder tumor was conducted. The results were analyzed in combination with the morphological variation of bladder tumors. It was found that the DNA ploid pottern, degree of infiltration and the multiplicity of bladder tumor were closely related with tumor recurrence, among which the DNA ploid pattern was most significant. In aneuploid bladder tumors the recurrent rate and mean annual recurrence frequency were 76.7% and 1.46, and those in the diploid bladder tumors were 18.7% and 0.33 respectively. Aneuploid was the most indicative parameter of the recurrence in bladder tumors. In addition, according to the DNA ploid pattern and DNA index (DI), the aneuploid tumors in our group were divided into 4 types, namely, tetraploid tumors, npn-euploid with DI(?)1.5, non-euploid tumors with DI>1.5 and two-aneuploid tumors. The results showed that the recurrent rate of tetraploid tumors was relatively lower and it became higher and higher in the following order: non-euploid tumors with DI(?)1.5, non-euploid tumors with DI>1.5, and two-aneuploid tumors. This indicates that there are different biological behaviors in tumors with different ploid pattern. Finally, the correlation between DNA ploid pattern and tumor metastasis was also discussed.
文摘Objective To study the therapeutic efficacy of combined interventional chemotherapy and intravesical instillation of mitomycin on preventing bladder cancers from recurring after local ablation. Methods 28 patients with superficial bladder cancers were randomized into combined interventional chemotherapy and intravesical instillation of mitomycin or intravesical instillation of mitomycin alone for preventing recurrence after local ablation. The result was assessed by x2 test. Results The patients have been followed up for 12-26 months (mean 21 months). 1 case has had tumor recurrence in the combined modality therapy group and 4 in the intravesical instillation alone group, the tumor recurrence rate being 7% (1/14) and 29% (4/14) respectively (P【0.05). Conclusion Combined use of interventional chemotherapy and intravesical instillation of mitomycin is effective in preventing superficial bladder cancer from recurring after local ablation with fewer adverse effects. The ragimen is not only reliable but
文摘Objective To study the practical value of 3-dimensional computed tomography on diagnosis of bladder tumor, Methods Fifteen patients with bladder masses were examined by thin-layer computed tomography. The results of 3-dimensional reconstructed images were compared with the final diagnosis and the pathological stages. Results According to 3-dimensional reconstructed images, among the 15 cases, 12 cases of bladder cancer were diagnosed, and the pathological types were transitional carcinoma. Two cases were diagnosed as benign tumor (leiomyoma), and the other one was colon cancer, which invaded bladder. The accuracy was 100% . The clinical stages were determined. Of the 12 bladder carcinomas,5 was in stage T1, 3 in T2,, 3 in T3 and 1 in T4.The accuracy of staging was up to 83% (10/12) compared with pathological stages. Conclusion The 3-dimensional reconstructed technology may improve the accuracy of staging of bladder carcinoma, and to provide important evidence for surgery options. 3 refs,2 figs.
文摘The diagnostic and treatment guidelines of superficial non-ampullary duodenal tumors have not been standardized due to their low prevalence.Previous reports suggested that a superficial adenocarcinoma(SAC) should be treated via local resection because of its low risk of lymph node metastasis,whereas a highgrade adenoma(HGA) should be resected because of its high risk of progression to adenocarcinoma.Therefore,pretreatment diagnosis of SAC or HGA is important to determine the appropriate treatment strategy.There are certain endoscopic features known to be associated with SAC or HGA,and current practice prioritizes the endoscopic and biopsy diagnosis of these conditions.Surgical treatment of these duodenal lesions is often related to high risk of morbidity,and therefore endoscopic resection has become increasingly common in recent years.Endoscopic mucosal resection(EMR) and endoscopic submucosal dissection(ESD) are the commonly performed endoscopic resection methods.EMR is preferred due to its lower risk of adverse events;however,it has a higher risk of recurrence than ESD.Recently,a new and safer endoscopic procedure that reduces adverse events from EMR or ESD has been reported.
文摘Background: Continuous exposure to millimolar (mM) Vitamin C (AA) in vitro kills cancer cells. For superficial bladder carcinoma (SBC), standard chemotherapy is instillation of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin. The recurrence rate with this therapy is 91%. But high dosage vitamins including AA reduced the recurrence to 41%. Aim: To determine the oral dosage of AA that causes the highest concentration of AA [AA] in the bladder. Method: We conducted a clinical trial of 14 people who took various dosages of AA, and analyzed the [AA] in their urine. Results: AA above 2 g twice a day was not absorbed. But that intake produced a bladder [AA] above 1 mM in all participants. Conclusion: Taking 2 g of AA BID will increase [AA] in the bladder to a level likely to kill cancer cells that cause SBC. Taking that dosage 2 consecutive days a week is likely to reduce the recurrence rate of SBC substantially.
基金We thank all members at the Department of Medicine and Bioregulatory Science,Graduate School of Medical Sciences,Kyushu University for cooperating with us in the data collection.
文摘BACKGROUND The selection of endoscopic treatments for superficial non-ampullary duodenal epithelial tumors(SNADETs)is controversial.AIM To compare the efficacy and safety of endoscopic mucosal resection(EMR)and endoscopic submucosal dissection(ESD)for SNADETs.METHODS We retrospectively analyzed the data of patients with SNADETs from a database of endoscopic treatment for SNADETs,which included eight hospitals in Fukuoka,Japan,between April 2001 and October 2017.A total of 142 patients with SNADETs treated with EMR or ESD were analyzed.Propensity score matching was performed to adjust for the differences in the patient characteristics between the two groups.We analyzed the treatment outcomes,including the rates of en bloc/complete resection,procedure time,adverse event rate,hospital stay,and local or metastatic recurrence.RESULTS Twenty-eight pairs of patients were created.The characteristics of patients between the two groups were similar after matching.The EMR group had a significantly shorter procedure time and hospital stay than those of the ESD group[median procedure time(interquartile range):6(3-10.75)min vs 87.5(68.5-136.5)min,P<0.001,hospital stay:8(6-10.75)d vs 11(8.25-14.75)d,P=0.006].Other outcomes were not significantly different between the two groups(en bloc resection rate:82.1%vs 92.9%,P=0.42;complete resection rate:71.4%vs 89.3%,P=0.18;and adverse event rate:3.6%vs 17.9%,P=0.19,local recurrence rate:3.6%vs 0%,P=1;metastatic recurrence rate:0%in both).Only one patient in the ESD group underwent emergency surgery owing to intraoperative perforation.CONCLUSION EMR has significantly shorter procedure time and hospital stay than ESD,and provides acceptable curability and safety compared to ESD.Accordingly,EMR for SNADETs is associated with lower medical costs.
文摘BACKGROUND Superficial CD34-positive fibroblast tumors(SCPFTs)are newly recognized fibroblast and myofibroblast tumors representing intermediate tumors.To the best of our knowledge,fewer than 50 cases have been reported.Perianal SCPFT has not been previously reported.CASE SUMMARY A 55-year-old man was hospitalized upon discovering a painless perianal lump 10 d prior.Physical examination showed a lump of approximately 3 cm×4 cm in the 7 to 8 o’clock direction in the perianal area.Perianal abscess was considered the primary diagnosis.Lump removal surgery was performed under epidural anesthesia.Postoperative pathology showed a well-circumscribed,soft tissuederived,spindle-cell tumor with strong CD34 positivity by immunohistochemistry.The final diagnosis was perianal SCPFT.There were no complications,and the patient was followed for more than 8 mo without recurrence or metastasis.CONCLUSION We report a case of perianal superficial CD34-positive fibroblast tumor.This rare mesenchymal neoplasm has distinctive histomorphology,which is important for diagnosis.Comprehensive consideration of clinical information,imaging,histology,and immunohistochemistry is important for diagnosis.