Finite-difference(FD) methods are widely used in seismic forward modeling owing to their computational efficiency but are not readily applicable to irregular topographies. Thus, several FD methods based on the transfo...Finite-difference(FD) methods are widely used in seismic forward modeling owing to their computational efficiency but are not readily applicable to irregular topographies. Thus, several FD methods based on the transformation to curvilinear coordinates using body-fitted grids have been proposed, e.g., stand staggered grid(SSG) with interpolation, nonstaggered grid, rotated staggered grid(RSG), and fully staggered. The FD based on the RSG is somewhat superior to others because it satisfies the spatial distribution of the wave equation without additional memory and computational requirements; furthermore, it is simpler to implement. We use the RSG FD method to transform the firstorder stress–velocity equation in the curvilinear coordinates system and introduce the highprecision adaptive, unilateral mimetic finite-difference(UMFD) method to process the freeboundary conditions of an irregular surface. The numerical results suggest that the precision of the solution is higher than that of the vacuum formalism. When the minimum wavelength is low, UMFD avoids the surface wave dispersion. We compare FD methods based on RSG, SEM, and nonstaggered grid and infer that all simulation results are consistent but the computational efficiency of the RSG FD method is higher than the rest.展开更多
This paper presents a new approach for modeling the human body by considering the motion state and the shape of whole body. The body model consists of a skeleton kinematic model and a surface model. The former is used...This paper presents a new approach for modeling the human body by considering the motion state and the shape of whole body. The body model consists of a skeleton kinematic model and a surface model. The former is used to determine the posture of the body,and the latter is used to generate the body shape according to the given posture. The body surface is reconstructed with multi-segment B-spline surfaces based on the 3D scan data from a real human body.Using only a few joints parameters and the original surface scan data, the various body postures and the shape can be generated easily. The model has a strong potential of being used for ergonomic design,garment design, virtual reality environment, as well as creating human animation, etc.展开更多
The present study was conducted to present the comparative modeling, predictive and generalization abilities of response surface methodology (RSM) and artificial neural network (ANN) for the thermal structure of stabi...The present study was conducted to present the comparative modeling, predictive and generalization abilities of response surface methodology (RSM) and artificial neural network (ANN) for the thermal structure of stabilized confined jet diffusion flames in the presence of different geometries of bluff-body burners. Two stabilizer disc burners tapered at 30° and 60° and another frustum cone of 60°/30° inclination angle were employed all having the same diameter of 80 (mm) acting as flame holders. The measured radial mean temperature profiles of the developed stabilized flames at different normalized axial distances (x/dj) were considered as the model example of the physical process. The RSM and ANN methods analyze the effect of the two operating parameters namely (r), the radial distance from the center line of the flame, and (x/dj) on the measured temperature of the flames, to find the predicted maximum temperature and the corresponding process variables. A three-layered Feed Forward Neural Network in conjugation with the hyperbolic tangent sigmoid (tansig) as transfer function and the optimized topology of 2:10:1 (input neurons: hidden neurons: output neurons) was developed. Also the ANN method has been employed to illustrate such effects in the three and two dimensions and shows the location of the predicted maximum temperature. The results indicated the superiority of ANN in the prediction capability as the ranges of R2 and F Ratio are 0.868 - 0.947 and 231.7 - 864.1 for RSM method compared to 0.964 - 0.987 and 2878.8 7580.7 for ANN method beside lower values for error analysis terms.展开更多
A two and a half layer oceanic model of wind-driven, thermodynamical general circulation is appliedto study the interannual oscillation of sea surface temperature (SST) in the South China Sea (SCS). Themodel consists ...A two and a half layer oceanic model of wind-driven, thermodynamical general circulation is appliedto study the interannual oscillation of sea surface temperature (SST) in the South China Sea (SCS). Themodel consists of two active layers: the upper mixed layer (UML) and the seasonal thermocline, with themotionless abyss beneath them. The governing equations which include momentum, continuity and sea.temperature for each active layer, can describe the physics of Boussinseq approximation, reduced gravityand equatorial β-plane. The formulas for the heat flux at the surface and at the interface between twoactive layers are designed on the Haney scheme. The entrainment and detrainment at the bottom of theUML induces vertical transport of mass,momentum and heat, and couples of dynamic andthermodynamic effect.Using leap-frog integrating scheme and the Arakawa-C grid the model is forced bya time-dependent wind anomaly stress pattern obtained from category analysis of COADS. The numerical results indicate that展开更多
We present a variational method for subdivision surface reconstruction from a noisy dense mesh. A new set of subdivision rules with continuous sharpness control is introduced into Loop subdivision for better modeling ...We present a variational method for subdivision surface reconstruction from a noisy dense mesh. A new set of subdivision rules with continuous sharpness control is introduced into Loop subdivision for better modeling subdivision surface features such as semi-sharp creases, creases, and corners. The key idea is to assign a sharpness value to each edge of the control mesh to continuously control the surface features.Based on the new subdivision rules, a variational model with L_1 norm is formulated to find the control mesh and the corresponding sharpness values of the subdivision surface that best fits the input mesh. An iterative solver based on the augmented Lagrangian method and particle swarm optimization is used to solve the resulting non-linear, non-differentiable optimization problem. Our experimental results show that our method can handle meshes well with sharp/semi-sharp features and noise.展开更多
Accurate and temporally consistent modeling of human bodies is essential for a wide range of applications,including character animation,understanding human social behavior,and AR/VR interfaces.Capturing human motion a...Accurate and temporally consistent modeling of human bodies is essential for a wide range of applications,including character animation,understanding human social behavior,and AR/VR interfaces.Capturing human motion accurately from a monocular image sequence remains challenging;modeling quality is strongly influenced by temporal consistency of the captured body motion.Our work presents an elegant solution to integrating temporal constraints during fitting.This increases both temporal consistency and robustness during optimization.In detail,we derive parameters of a sequence of body models,representing shape and motion of a person.We optimize these parameters over the complete image sequence,fitting a single consistent body shape while imposing temporal consistency on the body motion,assuming body joint trajectories to be linear over short time.Our approach enables the derivation of realistic 3D body models from image sequences,including jaw pose,facial expression,and articulated hands.Our experiments show that our approach accurately estimates body shape and motion,even for challenging movements and poses.Further,we apply it to the particular application of sign language analysis,where accurate and temporally consistent motion modelling is essential,and show that the approach is well-suited to this kind of application.展开更多
目的基于体表大数据构建我国中青年下肢冠状面力线不良预测模型,为临床工作提供更加快速、准确的下肢冠状面力不良预测方法。方法采用横断面研究设计方案,筛选陆军军医大学第一附属医院运动医学中心2022年5月至2023年12月收治的915例膝...目的基于体表大数据构建我国中青年下肢冠状面力线不良预测模型,为临床工作提供更加快速、准确的下肢冠状面力不良预测方法。方法采用横断面研究设计方案,筛选陆军军医大学第一附属医院运动医学中心2022年5月至2023年12月收治的915例膝关节半月板撕裂患者的病历资料,测量其下肢冠状面力线(简称下肢力线)。按照下肢力线分级标准将915例患者分中立位下肢力线及下肢力线不良两组,按照7∶3随机分为训练集和验证集。分析训练集性别、年龄及体表大数据(包括BMI、下肢长、双膝距、双踝距、皮下脂肪厚度)的7项指标用于预测下肢力线不良的价值,建立Logistic回归模型并使用列线图对模型进行可视化,使用校准曲线、ROC曲线和DCA曲线评估模型对下肢力线不良的诊断效能。结果训练集640例,其中男性299例,女性341例,中位年龄41.5岁;验证集275例,其中男性128例,女性147例,中位年龄41.0岁。训练集中中立位下肢力线和下肢力线不良两组间的性别、年龄、BMI等7项指标之间的差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。多因素Logistic回归构建了含BMI[(24.31±3.58)kg/m^(2);OR=1.12,95%CI:1.06~1.19,P<0.001]、下肢长[82.00(78.00~87.00)cm;OR=0.95,95%CI:0.92~0.98,P=0.002]、双膝距[30.00(16.00~45.25)mm;OR=1.06,95%CI:1.05~1.07,P<0.001]、双踝距[23.00(18.00~30.00)mm;OR=0.98,95%CI:0.96~1.00,P=0.078]、性别[男性299(46.72%);OR=0.70,95%CI:0.46~1.06,P=0.089]的预测模型,模型预测下肢力线不良的受试者操作曲线下面积(area under the subject curve,AUC)在训练集和验证集中分别为0.808、0.770。结论基于体表大数据,初步构建我国中青年下肢力线不良预测模型,其对于下肢力线不良的诊断效能较高。展开更多
To study the safety and stability of large slopes, taking the right side slope of the Yuxi’an tunnel of the Yuchu Expressway Bridge in Yunnan Province as an example, limit equilibrium and finite element analysis were...To study the safety and stability of large slopes, taking the right side slope of the Yuxi’an tunnel of the Yuchu Expressway Bridge in Yunnan Province as an example, limit equilibrium and finite element analysis were applied to engineering examples to calculate the stability coefficient of the slope before and after excavation in the natural state. After comparative analysis, it was concluded that the former had a clear mechanical model and concept, which could quickly provide stability results;the latter could accurately determine the sliding surface of the slope and simulate the stress state changes of the rock and soil mass. The stability coefficients calculated by the two methods were within the stable range, but their values were different. On this basis, combined with the calculation principles, advantages and disadvantages of the two methods, a comprehensive analysis method of slope stability based on the limit equilibrium and finite element methods was proposed, and the rationality of the stability coefficient calculated by this method was judged for a slope case.展开更多
The Gulf of Guinea constitutes an area of great petroleum potential yet with very limited geophysical research information. Consequently in this study, a Bouguer anomaly map has been computed from gravity data coverin...The Gulf of Guinea constitutes an area of great petroleum potential yet with very limited geophysical research information. Consequently in this study, a Bouguer anomaly map has been computed from gravity data covering regions stretching from the Cameroon coastal basins to Bioko island (formerly Fernando Po) which is part of Equatorial Guinea. The data were further processed for Source Edge Detection (SED), Euler 3D deconvolution, 3D surface oriented models and 3D voxel solutions. The results confirmed the presence of previously identified intrusive bodies around the Douala and Kribi/Campo sedimentary sub-basins and went ahead to suggest a probable continuity between these two. A possible extension of this body offshore the Gulf of Guinea right up to Bioko island with very striking similarities was also highlighted and it shows characteristic variations in the depth to the surface of the body at different locations.展开更多
高分一号(GF-1)卫星是中国高分系列卫星的首发星,自2013年4月成功发射以来,在中国农业遥感业务工作中得到了广泛应用,已成为中国大宗农作物种植面积遥感监测的主要数据源。该文基于6S(second simulation of a satellite signal in the s...高分一号(GF-1)卫星是中国高分系列卫星的首发星,自2013年4月成功发射以来,在中国农业遥感业务工作中得到了广泛应用,已成为中国大宗农作物种植面积遥感监测的主要数据源。该文基于6S(second simulation of a satellite signal in the solar spectrum)辐射传输模型原理,设计并实现了适合于GF-1卫星数据大气校正算法与程序。算法以GF-1卫星1级数据、元数据及传感器公开参数为输入数据,不需要其他外源辅助数据,经过辐射定标,计算各波段平均太阳辐射值、表观反射率,通过选择大气模式,驱动6S模型获取表观反射率转换为地表反射率的参数,逐像元计算影像地表反射率。在算法研制的基础上,应用Fortran和IDL语言编写了大气校正批处理程序,实现了大气校正过程的批处理。该文采用2014年4月3日、6月28日、11月2日,以及2015年1月19日4个时相北京地区GF1卫星WFV(wide field view)数据,分别代表春夏秋冬4个季节,通过与ENVI软件的FLAASH(fast line-of-sight atmospheric analysis of spectral hypercubes)大气校正结果对比进行评估。2种方法 4个时相各波段全年相对偏差为3.26%,蓝光波段偏差最大为11.21%,其次是红、近红和绿光波段,分别为1.19%、0.73%和0.24%。作物覆盖区平均相对误差为12.99%,冬季最高为17.40%,秋季和春季分别为15.02%和14.15%,夏季相对差异最小为8.31%。各波段地表反射率的整体校正情况并未有太大差异,但6S校正后各波段反射率普遍比FLAASH校正结果略微偏高。2种校正结果计算的NDVI也基本一致,相对偏差0.64%;除水体外,绝对值差值的平均值均在0.0548以内。从计算效率来分析,6S模块实现了商用软件FLAASH模块中未提供的批量计算,在相同硬件环境下计算效率提高了75.0%以上。研究结果表明了该文开发的大气校正程序能够稳定批量处理GF-1卫星数据,可以作为农业遥感监测业务流程的组成部分。展开更多
基金supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China(Nos.41504102 and 41604037)National Science and Technology Major Project(No.2016ZX05015-006)Yangtze University Youth Found(No.2015cqn32)
文摘Finite-difference(FD) methods are widely used in seismic forward modeling owing to their computational efficiency but are not readily applicable to irregular topographies. Thus, several FD methods based on the transformation to curvilinear coordinates using body-fitted grids have been proposed, e.g., stand staggered grid(SSG) with interpolation, nonstaggered grid, rotated staggered grid(RSG), and fully staggered. The FD based on the RSG is somewhat superior to others because it satisfies the spatial distribution of the wave equation without additional memory and computational requirements; furthermore, it is simpler to implement. We use the RSG FD method to transform the firstorder stress–velocity equation in the curvilinear coordinates system and introduce the highprecision adaptive, unilateral mimetic finite-difference(UMFD) method to process the freeboundary conditions of an irregular surface. The numerical results suggest that the precision of the solution is higher than that of the vacuum formalism. When the minimum wavelength is low, UMFD avoids the surface wave dispersion. We compare FD methods based on RSG, SEM, and nonstaggered grid and infer that all simulation results are consistent but the computational efficiency of the RSG FD method is higher than the rest.
基金This work was funded by the Science & Technology Development Fund of Shanghai, China( No. 005111081)
文摘This paper presents a new approach for modeling the human body by considering the motion state and the shape of whole body. The body model consists of a skeleton kinematic model and a surface model. The former is used to determine the posture of the body,and the latter is used to generate the body shape according to the given posture. The body surface is reconstructed with multi-segment B-spline surfaces based on the 3D scan data from a real human body.Using only a few joints parameters and the original surface scan data, the various body postures and the shape can be generated easily. The model has a strong potential of being used for ergonomic design,garment design, virtual reality environment, as well as creating human animation, etc.
文摘The present study was conducted to present the comparative modeling, predictive and generalization abilities of response surface methodology (RSM) and artificial neural network (ANN) for the thermal structure of stabilized confined jet diffusion flames in the presence of different geometries of bluff-body burners. Two stabilizer disc burners tapered at 30° and 60° and another frustum cone of 60°/30° inclination angle were employed all having the same diameter of 80 (mm) acting as flame holders. The measured radial mean temperature profiles of the developed stabilized flames at different normalized axial distances (x/dj) were considered as the model example of the physical process. The RSM and ANN methods analyze the effect of the two operating parameters namely (r), the radial distance from the center line of the flame, and (x/dj) on the measured temperature of the flames, to find the predicted maximum temperature and the corresponding process variables. A three-layered Feed Forward Neural Network in conjugation with the hyperbolic tangent sigmoid (tansig) as transfer function and the optimized topology of 2:10:1 (input neurons: hidden neurons: output neurons) was developed. Also the ANN method has been employed to illustrate such effects in the three and two dimensions and shows the location of the predicted maximum temperature. The results indicated the superiority of ANN in the prediction capability as the ranges of R2 and F Ratio are 0.868 - 0.947 and 231.7 - 864.1 for RSM method compared to 0.964 - 0.987 and 2878.8 7580.7 for ANN method beside lower values for error analysis terms.
文摘A two and a half layer oceanic model of wind-driven, thermodynamical general circulation is appliedto study the interannual oscillation of sea surface temperature (SST) in the South China Sea (SCS). Themodel consists of two active layers: the upper mixed layer (UML) and the seasonal thermocline, with themotionless abyss beneath them. The governing equations which include momentum, continuity and sea.temperature for each active layer, can describe the physics of Boussinseq approximation, reduced gravityand equatorial β-plane. The formulas for the heat flux at the surface and at the interface between twoactive layers are designed on the Haney scheme. The entrainment and detrainment at the bottom of theUML induces vertical transport of mass,momentum and heat, and couples of dynamic andthermodynamic effect.Using leap-frog integrating scheme and the Arakawa-C grid the model is forced bya time-dependent wind anomaly stress pattern obtained from category analysis of COADS. The numerical results indicate that
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61602015)an MOE AcRF Tier 1 Grant of Singapore (RG26/15)+2 种基金Beijing Natural Science Foundation (No. 4162019)open funding project of State Key Lab of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems at Beihang University (No. BUAAVR-16KF-06)the Research Foundation for Young Scholars of Beijing Technology and Business University
文摘We present a variational method for subdivision surface reconstruction from a noisy dense mesh. A new set of subdivision rules with continuous sharpness control is introduced into Loop subdivision for better modeling subdivision surface features such as semi-sharp creases, creases, and corners. The key idea is to assign a sharpness value to each edge of the control mesh to continuously control the surface features.Based on the new subdivision rules, a variational model with L_1 norm is formulated to find the control mesh and the corresponding sharpness values of the subdivision surface that best fits the input mesh. An iterative solver based on the augmented Lagrangian method and particle swarm optimization is used to solve the resulting non-linear, non-differentiable optimization problem. Our experimental results show that our method can handle meshes well with sharp/semi-sharp features and noise.
基金This work was partly funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Agreement No.952147(Invictus)as well as the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research(BMBF)through the Research Program MoDL under Contract No.01 IS 20044.
文摘Accurate and temporally consistent modeling of human bodies is essential for a wide range of applications,including character animation,understanding human social behavior,and AR/VR interfaces.Capturing human motion accurately from a monocular image sequence remains challenging;modeling quality is strongly influenced by temporal consistency of the captured body motion.Our work presents an elegant solution to integrating temporal constraints during fitting.This increases both temporal consistency and robustness during optimization.In detail,we derive parameters of a sequence of body models,representing shape and motion of a person.We optimize these parameters over the complete image sequence,fitting a single consistent body shape while imposing temporal consistency on the body motion,assuming body joint trajectories to be linear over short time.Our approach enables the derivation of realistic 3D body models from image sequences,including jaw pose,facial expression,and articulated hands.Our experiments show that our approach accurately estimates body shape and motion,even for challenging movements and poses.Further,we apply it to the particular application of sign language analysis,where accurate and temporally consistent motion modelling is essential,and show that the approach is well-suited to this kind of application.
文摘目的基于体表大数据构建我国中青年下肢冠状面力线不良预测模型,为临床工作提供更加快速、准确的下肢冠状面力不良预测方法。方法采用横断面研究设计方案,筛选陆军军医大学第一附属医院运动医学中心2022年5月至2023年12月收治的915例膝关节半月板撕裂患者的病历资料,测量其下肢冠状面力线(简称下肢力线)。按照下肢力线分级标准将915例患者分中立位下肢力线及下肢力线不良两组,按照7∶3随机分为训练集和验证集。分析训练集性别、年龄及体表大数据(包括BMI、下肢长、双膝距、双踝距、皮下脂肪厚度)的7项指标用于预测下肢力线不良的价值,建立Logistic回归模型并使用列线图对模型进行可视化,使用校准曲线、ROC曲线和DCA曲线评估模型对下肢力线不良的诊断效能。结果训练集640例,其中男性299例,女性341例,中位年龄41.5岁;验证集275例,其中男性128例,女性147例,中位年龄41.0岁。训练集中中立位下肢力线和下肢力线不良两组间的性别、年龄、BMI等7项指标之间的差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。多因素Logistic回归构建了含BMI[(24.31±3.58)kg/m^(2);OR=1.12,95%CI:1.06~1.19,P<0.001]、下肢长[82.00(78.00~87.00)cm;OR=0.95,95%CI:0.92~0.98,P=0.002]、双膝距[30.00(16.00~45.25)mm;OR=1.06,95%CI:1.05~1.07,P<0.001]、双踝距[23.00(18.00~30.00)mm;OR=0.98,95%CI:0.96~1.00,P=0.078]、性别[男性299(46.72%);OR=0.70,95%CI:0.46~1.06,P=0.089]的预测模型,模型预测下肢力线不良的受试者操作曲线下面积(area under the subject curve,AUC)在训练集和验证集中分别为0.808、0.770。结论基于体表大数据,初步构建我国中青年下肢力线不良预测模型,其对于下肢力线不良的诊断效能较高。
文摘To study the safety and stability of large slopes, taking the right side slope of the Yuxi’an tunnel of the Yuchu Expressway Bridge in Yunnan Province as an example, limit equilibrium and finite element analysis were applied to engineering examples to calculate the stability coefficient of the slope before and after excavation in the natural state. After comparative analysis, it was concluded that the former had a clear mechanical model and concept, which could quickly provide stability results;the latter could accurately determine the sliding surface of the slope and simulate the stress state changes of the rock and soil mass. The stability coefficients calculated by the two methods were within the stable range, but their values were different. On this basis, combined with the calculation principles, advantages and disadvantages of the two methods, a comprehensive analysis method of slope stability based on the limit equilibrium and finite element methods was proposed, and the rationality of the stability coefficient calculated by this method was judged for a slope case.
文摘The Gulf of Guinea constitutes an area of great petroleum potential yet with very limited geophysical research information. Consequently in this study, a Bouguer anomaly map has been computed from gravity data covering regions stretching from the Cameroon coastal basins to Bioko island (formerly Fernando Po) which is part of Equatorial Guinea. The data were further processed for Source Edge Detection (SED), Euler 3D deconvolution, 3D surface oriented models and 3D voxel solutions. The results confirmed the presence of previously identified intrusive bodies around the Douala and Kribi/Campo sedimentary sub-basins and went ahead to suggest a probable continuity between these two. A possible extension of this body offshore the Gulf of Guinea right up to Bioko island with very striking similarities was also highlighted and it shows characteristic variations in the depth to the surface of the body at different locations.
文摘高分一号(GF-1)卫星是中国高分系列卫星的首发星,自2013年4月成功发射以来,在中国农业遥感业务工作中得到了广泛应用,已成为中国大宗农作物种植面积遥感监测的主要数据源。该文基于6S(second simulation of a satellite signal in the solar spectrum)辐射传输模型原理,设计并实现了适合于GF-1卫星数据大气校正算法与程序。算法以GF-1卫星1级数据、元数据及传感器公开参数为输入数据,不需要其他外源辅助数据,经过辐射定标,计算各波段平均太阳辐射值、表观反射率,通过选择大气模式,驱动6S模型获取表观反射率转换为地表反射率的参数,逐像元计算影像地表反射率。在算法研制的基础上,应用Fortran和IDL语言编写了大气校正批处理程序,实现了大气校正过程的批处理。该文采用2014年4月3日、6月28日、11月2日,以及2015年1月19日4个时相北京地区GF1卫星WFV(wide field view)数据,分别代表春夏秋冬4个季节,通过与ENVI软件的FLAASH(fast line-of-sight atmospheric analysis of spectral hypercubes)大气校正结果对比进行评估。2种方法 4个时相各波段全年相对偏差为3.26%,蓝光波段偏差最大为11.21%,其次是红、近红和绿光波段,分别为1.19%、0.73%和0.24%。作物覆盖区平均相对误差为12.99%,冬季最高为17.40%,秋季和春季分别为15.02%和14.15%,夏季相对差异最小为8.31%。各波段地表反射率的整体校正情况并未有太大差异,但6S校正后各波段反射率普遍比FLAASH校正结果略微偏高。2种校正结果计算的NDVI也基本一致,相对偏差0.64%;除水体外,绝对值差值的平均值均在0.0548以内。从计算效率来分析,6S模块实现了商用软件FLAASH模块中未提供的批量计算,在相同硬件环境下计算效率提高了75.0%以上。研究结果表明了该文开发的大气校正程序能够稳定批量处理GF-1卫星数据,可以作为农业遥感监测业务流程的组成部分。