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A Translator’s Feed-Back About the Practice of Pun-Translation-From the Chinese Version of The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte
作者 ZHANG Li 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2024年第2期89-93,共5页
It has been acknowledged by Chinese translators that in translating English puns the center should be put on the thorough comprehension of the original expression that more often than not has more than one meanings an... It has been acknowledged by Chinese translators that in translating English puns the center should be put on the thorough comprehension of the original expression that more often than not has more than one meanings and the flexible handling of conversion from the native language to the target one. Literal translation will often be impossible, annotation redundant, and the restructuring and remaking of new ways that create and maintain balance or similarity in function and value will be more preferred as a possible way-out for pun-translation. Examples attached are from the writer of this article who is also the translator of a published historical book where punning can be found. 展开更多
关键词 PUN TRANSLATION The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte
Creative Translation as a Faithful Translating Technique Disguised-With Examples in the Chinese Version of The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte
作者 ZHANG Li 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2024年第1期79-84,共6页
Under the core guideline of creating a reading response that is the same on both sides of the native and target readers,Eugene A.Nida puts his translation theory in form of functional equivalence.Thus translation beco... Under the core guideline of creating a reading response that is the same on both sides of the native and target readers,Eugene A.Nida puts his translation theory in form of functional equivalence.Thus translation becomes a task of reproduction of providing in the target language the closest version that is natural and idiomatic in style,context and semantics.Due to various reasons,creative translations can be made to fulfill that purpose.The second thought and the thorough manipulation of words and expressions help bridge the discrepancy in comprehending the source language and the translated one,whose requirements literal and traditional ways of handling translation may fail to meet. 展开更多
关键词 creative translation Eugene A.Nida functional equivalence The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte
澳大利亚Bonaparte盆地大陆边缘裂陷期局限海相页岩发育特征与模式 被引量:2
作者 侯宇光 何生 +3 位作者 杨香华 朱光辉 段威 许晓明 《现代地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期109-118,共10页
发育于大陆边缘裂陷阶段以局限海相为主要沉积环境的富含浮游藻类泥页岩可能是Bonaparte盆地潜在的重要"油"源岩。从构造地质背景、沉积充填特征以及有机地球化学特征等多方面进行综合分析表明,局限海相页岩形成于大陆边缘裂... 发育于大陆边缘裂陷阶段以局限海相为主要沉积环境的富含浮游藻类泥页岩可能是Bonaparte盆地潜在的重要"油"源岩。从构造地质背景、沉积充填特征以及有机地球化学特征等多方面进行综合分析表明,局限海相页岩形成于大陆边缘裂陷阶段的衰减期,盆地基底的差异裂陷活动为页岩的形成提供了高可容纳空间和欠补偿的沉积环境,同时,"小隆大凹"的沉积格局更加有利于大规模相对稳定的半封闭的局限海沉积环境的形成和海相浮游藻类的繁盛。以扇三角洲和海底扇为主的物源体系带来大量"陆源"营养物质,同时,保持营养物质的供给与欠补偿条件的平衡。局限海相页岩主要形成于弱氧化、陆源物质供给较弱、局限海范围较大的沉积环境;岩性上以海相泥岩为主,陆源孢粉化石与沟鞭藻化石均较发育,或后者含量略高;沉积厚度适中、分布范围局限;有机质丰度相对较高,以混合型有机质为主,成熟度较低,气相色谱以前峰型为主,(n C21+n C22)/(n C28+n C29)和Pr/Ph比值相对较高,甾萜等生物标志化合物参数以低C19三环二萜和C24四环萜烷、高孕甾烷、高αααC27R/αααC29R为特征。 展开更多
关键词 地球化学特征 发育模式 局限海相页岩 大陆边缘裂陷期 Bonaparte盆地 澳大利亚
基于多波束背向散射强度信号的海底表层沉积物粒度分类研究——以澳洲Joseph Bonaparte湾为例 被引量:1
作者 徐韦 程和琴 +2 位作者 黄知 郑树伟 陈钢 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期172-182,共11页
近海海底地形探测与沉积物精确分类对涉海工程建设、生物栖息地反演以及海底资源勘查与开发具有重要的现实意义。以澳洲Joseph Bonaparte湾为例,利用多波束测深技术获取了该海湾约880 km^2水域的水深数据与背向散射强度信号,结合同步采... 近海海底地形探测与沉积物精确分类对涉海工程建设、生物栖息地反演以及海底资源勘查与开发具有重要的现实意义。以澳洲Joseph Bonaparte湾为例,利用多波束测深技术获取了该海湾约880 km^2水域的水深数据与背向散射强度信号,结合同步采集的54个海底表层沉积物样品,通过随机决策树模型对该海域海底表层沉积物进行了分类研究。结果表明:(1)利用随机决策树模型分析该海域沉积物类型与背向散射强度的关系时,当模型内部参数设置:树的总数为200,最小分裂节点为2,每棵树的最大分裂级数为5时,可提高预测准确率;(2)该参数设置下,利用13°和37°入射角的背向散射强度预测该海域沉积物类型时,准确率最高,其值为83.3%,且在研究海域,砂质砾和砾质砂分布在背向散射强度较强的深槽或海沟等地区,而砾质泥质砂和含砾泥质砂主要分布在背向散射强度较弱的浅水海域。分析还发现,当水深数据作为预测海底表层沉积物类型的特征变量时,有可能降低最终预测结果的准确率。 展开更多
关键词 底质分类 随机决策树模型 背向散射强度 JOSEPH Bonaparte湾
数值沉积模拟在澳大利亚W区块沉积储层研究中的应用 被引量:3
作者 王颖 吕明 王晓州 《山东科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2012年第2期10-17,共8页
利用古环境、古生物年龄、钻井岩性、岩心等资料,应用Dinosos软件对澳大利亚W区块的Elang-Frigate组进行了数值沉积模拟。研究区重点层位Elang-Frigate组共划分为3个层序,海平面为向上脉动加深变化形式,东南方为主要物源方向,通过各个... 利用古环境、古生物年龄、钻井岩性、岩心等资料,应用Dinosos软件对澳大利亚W区块的Elang-Frigate组进行了数值沉积模拟。研究区重点层位Elang-Frigate组共划分为3个层序,海平面为向上脉动加深变化形式,东南方为主要物源方向,通过各个层序的构造图以及井资料读取的各个层序的残留厚度,利用软件自动恢复古地貌、古构造的功能,得到了相对真实的沉积背景,利用这些参数进行了三维数值模拟,进一步得到了本地区沉积体系的时空展布特征。结果显示,该区的三角洲-河口湾沉积体系,具有早期浪控、晚期潮控,近源扇三角洲、相对远源三角洲的复合型沉积特点。 展开更多
关键词 澳大利亚 Bonaparte盆地 沉积模拟 储层快速评价
沉积模拟方法在Bonaparte盆地的应用 被引量:11
作者 吕明 王颖 徐微 《中国海上油气》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第2期83-90,共8页
在有一定的钻井资料但地震资料分辨率不高的情况下,尝试借助沉积模拟方法对澳大利亚Bonaparte盆地某研究区进行了平面沉积相编图和储层快速评价工作。根据钻井岩心、岩性、古生物年龄、古环境等资料,在研究区Elang组—Frigate组识别出了... 在有一定的钻井资料但地震资料分辨率不高的情况下,尝试借助沉积模拟方法对澳大利亚Bonaparte盆地某研究区进行了平面沉积相编图和储层快速评价工作。根据钻井岩心、岩性、古生物年龄、古环境等资料,在研究区Elang组—Frigate组识别出了3个层序界面,确定相对海平面呈脉动上升变化;通过类比分析,认为研究区沉积为水进型三角洲河口湾体系,主物源在盆地东南方向;输入这些参数进行沉积模拟,得到了研究区岩性及沉积结构的时空展布特征,并以此指导平面沉积相图的编制。研究区具有湾内潮控、湾外浪控,高位潮控、低位浪控,近源扇三角洲与相对远源三角洲共存的复合型沉积特点。将沉积模拟方法用于储层研究,是在特定条件下进行储层快速评价的有效方法。 展开更多
关键词 沉积模拟 沉积相编图 储层快速评价 Bonaparte盆地
澳大利亚西北大陆架Bonaparte盆地Sahul区块Elang组成岩作用 被引量:2
作者 卢景美 陈景阳 +1 位作者 姜培海 谭卓 《现代地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期78-84,共7页
Elang组是Bonaparte盆地Sahul区块的主要含油气层,属于浅海相三角洲前缘沉积,钻探结果表明研究区该套储层的物性呈现出"南好北差"的特点。利用铸体薄片、扫描电镜和X光衍射等多种方法和手段重点研究了Elang组砂岩的成岩作用... Elang组是Bonaparte盆地Sahul区块的主要含油气层,属于浅海相三角洲前缘沉积,钻探结果表明研究区该套储层的物性呈现出"南好北差"的特点。利用铸体薄片、扫描电镜和X光衍射等多种方法和手段重点研究了Elang组砂岩的成岩作用特征。研究表明该套砂岩在区块南北的物理和化学成岩作用均不同,北部地区处于中成岩阶段的A1期,主要发育胶结、溶蚀等成岩作用;南部储层处于中成岩阶段的A2期和B期,主要发育机械压实和胶结、交代等成岩作用。这种差异成岩作用是影响储层孔隙发育的主控因素之一,也是导致储层物性北好南差的主要原因。研究这种差异性对于寻找有利储层发育区具有重要的理论价值和实际意义。 展开更多
关键词 Bonaparte盆地 Sahul区块 Elang组砂岩 差异成岩作用 储层物性
Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Generated and Expelled from the Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Source Rocks in the Lynedoch Field, Northern Bonaparte Basin, Australia 被引量:1
作者 Rakotondravoavy Jules Jiaren Ye Qiang Cao 《International Journal of Geosciences》 2016年第4期584-597,共14页
The Lynedoch field is located on the west flank of the Calder Graben in the north-eastern Bonaparte Basin, Australia. The data from the wells Lynedoch 1 and Lynedoch 2 and Seismic Line N11809 were used to reconstruct ... The Lynedoch field is located on the west flank of the Calder Graben in the north-eastern Bonaparte Basin, Australia. The data from the wells Lynedoch 1 and Lynedoch 2 and Seismic Line N11809 were used to reconstruct the burial and thermal histories and evaluate the hydrocarbon generated and expelled from the Jurassic to Early Cretaceous source rocks of the study area. Basin Mod 1-D and 2-D softwares were used for modeling. The Upper Jurassic Cleia (Lower Frigate) and Lower Cretaceous Echuca Shoals formations source rocks in the well Lynedoch 1 were a fair-to-good source richness with poor hydrocarbon generating potential, showing kerogen type III and gas prone. The Middle Jurassic Plover Formation source rock in the well Lynedoch 2 was a good organic matter richness with poor hydrocarbon generative potential, the late Middle Jurassic (Callovian) Elang Formation source rock in the same well was a fair source rock with poor hydrocarbon generation potential, and the Lower Cretaceous Echuca Shoals Formation source rock in the same well was a fair-to-very good organic richness with poor-to-fair hydrocarbon generating potential, gas prone with kerogen type III, and reaching wet gas window at present day. These previous formations of the both wells generated oil at the Late Cretaceous and gas at the Early Neogene. But, only Echuca Shoals Formation source rock in the well Lynedoch 2 was able to expelled hydrocarbon at the Middle Paleogene and continued up to present day. This Formation represents fair to slightly good potential source rock in the Lynedoch field. 展开更多
关键词 Calder Graben Hydrocarbon Generation Hydrocarbon Expulsion Lynedoch Field Northern Bonaparte Basin
Geological Conditions and Hydrocarbon Accumulation Processes in the Sahul Platform, Northern Bonaparte Basin, Australia 被引量:1
作者 Rakotondravoavy Jules Jiaren Ye Qiang Cao 《International Journal of Geosciences》 2016年第6期792-827,共37页
The Sahul Platform where the Sunset-Loxton Shoals and Chuditch gas fields were discovered is located between the Timor Trough to the north and the Malita Graben to the south. These areas are located respectively 440 k... The Sahul Platform where the Sunset-Loxton Shoals and Chuditch gas fields were discovered is located between the Timor Trough to the north and the Malita Graben to the south. These areas are located respectively 440 km and 380 km northwest of Darwin in the northern Bonaparte Basin, Australia. Based on the structural evolution of the northern Bonaparte Basin, data from the wells Loxton Shoals 1, Sunset 1 and Chuditch 1 in the Sahul Platform and Heron 1 in the Malita Graben depocentre, and the Seismic Line N11606 were used to clarify the geological conditions and reconstruct the hydrocarbon accumulation processes in the study area. BasinMod 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D software was used for modeling. The Plover Formation source rock was a poor-to-good hydrocarbon generative potential and reached the middle to late mature oil window in the Sunset-Loxton Shoals field whereas in the Chuditch field, it was an overall fair-to-good hydrocarbon generative potential, and attained the Late mature oil window. The Flamingo, and the Echuca Shoals formations source rocks in the same field were a fair and good hydrocarbon generation potential respectively, and both reached mid-mature oil window. In the Malita Graben depocentre, the Petrel (Frigate) and the Echuca Shoals formations source rocks were a poor-to-very good hydrocarbon generating potential, and had attained wet gas window at the present day. The analyses of organic matter showed that the source rocks in the study area and Malita Graben were gas prone with kerogen types II2 & III and III predominantly. The Middle Jurassic Plover Formation sandstone reservoir in the Sunset-Loxton field was a poor-to-very good quality and potential for gas beds, and it was a very poor-to-very good quality and potential for gas beds in the Chuditch field. The intensities of gas generation and expulsion were more than of oil ones either in the Sahul Platform or in the Malita Graben. The Plover, Petrel (Frigate) and Echuca Shoals formations source rocks in the wells Chuditch 1 and Heron 1, except for the Flamingo Formation in the well Chuditch 1, had higher gas and oil expelling efficiencies than the Plover Formation source rock of the wells in the Sunset-Loxton Shoals field. The hydrocarbon migrated mainly from the Upper Jurassic Frigate Shale source rock in the Malita Graben depocentre (structurally lower) to the Plover Formation sandstone reservoir in the Sunset-Loxton Shoals field during the Late Cretaceous at 66 Ma. In the Chuditch field, the hydrocarbon migration to the Plover Formation sandstone reservoir was initiated during the Late Miocene at 7.5 Ma from the Middle Jurassic Plover Formation source rock in the well Chuditch 1. Nowadays, the main migration pathways are from the southeastward and southward of the Sunset-Loxton Shoals field, and from southward and eastward of the Chuditch field, precisely from the hydrocarbon source kitchens of the Malita Graben depocentre. The traps in the Sahul Platform have been effective to receive the migrated hydrocarbon. 展开更多
关键词 Basin Modeling Hydrocarbon Accumulations Northern Bonaparte Basin Sahul Platform
作者 陈爱民 《吉林大学学报(地球科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期965-980,共16页
Bonaparte盆地属于陆内裂谷与被动大陆边缘相叠加的叠合型盆地,WA-406-P区块就位于盆地早-中侏罗世发育的大型Plover三角洲沉积体系之上,该区块油气成藏条件及控制因素的研究是确定下步有利勘探目标的前提与基础。本文结合油气地质、分... Bonaparte盆地属于陆内裂谷与被动大陆边缘相叠加的叠合型盆地,WA-406-P区块就位于盆地早-中侏罗世发育的大型Plover三角洲沉积体系之上,该区块油气成藏条件及控制因素的研究是确定下步有利勘探目标的前提与基础。本文结合油气地质、分析化验、三维地震、测井曲线等资料进行综合分析,研究表明:WA-406-P区块发育两种烃源岩类型,西北部以Ⅱ1型为主,东南部以Ⅱ2型为主,成岩作用控制着储层的储集性能,整体上属于低孔高渗透型储层;中-下侏罗统的Plover组和Elang组及上侏罗统-下白垩统的Flamingo组三套三角洲砂体与大套的海相泥岩配置形成两套有利储盖组合,由于圈闭形成期早于大规模油气运聚期,因此,油气经历两期充注后,具备良好的成藏匹配关系。烃源岩分布特征控制着油气藏的流体类型,构造形态及断层展布控制着油气藏的类型,储层物性控制着油气地质储量的丰度,断层活化作用控制着油气藏能否完整保存。油气成藏控制作用的明确指明了有利勘探区域:北部垒堑间互带为Ⅰ类勘探区,西南斜坡带为Ⅱ类勘探区,东南洼槽区为Ⅲ类勘探区。 展开更多
关键词 成藏条件 控制因素 侏罗系-白垩系 WA-406-P区块 油气 Bonaparte盆地 澳大利亚
Thermal History and Potential of Hydrocarbon Generated from Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Source Rocks in the Malita Graben, Northern Bonaparte Basin, Australia
作者 Rakotondravoavy Jules Ye Jia Ren Cao Qiang 《International Journal of Geosciences》 2015年第8期894-916,共23页
The Malita Graben is located in the northern Bonaparte Basin, between the Sahul Platform to the northwest and the Petrel Sub-basin and Darwin Shelf to the south. The wells Beluga 1, Heron 1, Evans Shoal 1, Evans Shoal... The Malita Graben is located in the northern Bonaparte Basin, between the Sahul Platform to the northwest and the Petrel Sub-basin and Darwin Shelf to the south. The wells Beluga 1, Heron 1, Evans Shoal 1, Evans Shoal 2 and Seismic Line N11805 are selected to determine the thermal history and potential of hydrocarbon generated from the Plover, Elang, Frigate Shale (Cleia and Flamingo), and Echuca Shoals formations source rocks. The modeling was performed by using Basin Mod 1-D and 2-D techniques. The model results show that the geothermal gradients range from 3.05 to 4.05°C/100 m with an average of 3.75°C/100 m and present day heat flow values from 46.23 to 61.99 mW/m2 with an average of 56.29 mW/m2. The highest geothermal gradient and present-day heat flow values occurred on a terrace north of the Malita Graben. These most likely indicate that hot fluids are currently variably migrating into this structure. The lower geothermal gradient and heat flow values have been modeled in the southeast sites in the well Beluga 1. The northern Bonaparte Basin experienced several deformation phases including lithospheric thinning;hence, heat flow is expected to vary over the geological history of the basin. The higher paleo-heat flow values changing from 83.54 to 112.01 mW/m2 with an average of 101.71 mW/m2 during Jurassic rift event (syn-rift) were sufficient for source rocks maturation and hydrocarbon generation during Cretaceous post-breakup sequence (post-rift) in the study area. The Tuatara (Upper Frigate Shale) Formation source rock with type II & III kerogen dominantly showing mixed oil- and gas-prone, and Plover Formation with type III and gas prone have never reached the peak mature oil window in the well Beluga 1. This area indicates that the maturity of source rocks is low and considered to be from poor-to-good organic richness with poor-to-fair potential for hydrocarbons generation. The post mature Cleia (Lower Frigate Shale) and Echuca Shoals formations source rocks in the well Evans Shoal 1 and an early mature oil window Echuca Shoals formation source rock in the well Evans Shoal 2, characterized by type III kerogen dominantly showing gasprone are a fair-to-very good source richness with poor potential for hydrocarbons generation. The low to high maturity of Echuca Shoals and Petrel (Frigate Shale) formations source rocks in the well Heron 1, Plover Formation source rock in the Evans Shoal 1 well, and Cleia (Lower Frigate Shale) and Plover formations in the well Evans Shoal 2, showing gas-prone with type III and II & III kerogens predominantly, have reached the late mature oil and wet gas generation stages at present day. These last five formations source rocks are seen from poor-to-very good organic richness with poor-to-very good potential for hydrocarbons generation in the Malita Graben. 展开更多
关键词 Malita GRABEN NORTHERN Bonaparte BASIN POTENTIAL Generating HYDROCARBON Thermal History
作者 周阳 《经济》 2007年第3期90-92,共3页
关键词 酒店 皇宫 拿破仑三世 波拿巴(Bonaparte Louis 1808-1873) 爱德华七世 比亚里茨 古典家具 法兰西第二帝国 拿破仑第二帝国 茜茜公主 别墅 欧洲 法国 法兰西共和国 舞会 文娱活动
牵手艺术 世博华丽转身
作者 舍予 王振宇 《浦东开发》 2009年第2期57-58,共2页
关键词 世博会 艺术宫 沃斯 塞纳河畔 华丽转身 巴黎 法国 欧仁尼 小裁缝 水晶宫 时装 服装 现实主义 英国人 英吉利人 拿破仑三世 波拿巴(Bonaparte Louis 1808-1873)
作者 鸿渐 《军事文摘》 2017年第1期69-72,共4页
对于大多数读者朋友来说,发生在1859年6月的苏法利诺战役并不具有多少知名度,而作为第二次意大利独立战争中的一部分,这场战役其实堪称特色鲜明,影响深远。就国家进程而言,此战被认为是塑造了现代意大利的关键一役;就战役领导而言,此战... 对于大多数读者朋友来说,发生在1859年6月的苏法利诺战役并不具有多少知名度,而作为第二次意大利独立战争中的一部分,这场战役其实堪称特色鲜明,影响深远。就国家进程而言,此战被认为是塑造了现代意大利的关键一役;就战役领导而言,此战是欧洲大陆最后一次上演三个国王同时亲临战场的壮观一幕;就军事科技而言,此战乃是欧洲军队首次大规模使用铁路、电报和来复枪; 展开更多
关键词 拿破仑三世 国王 波拿巴(Bonaparte Louis 1808-1873) 法利 战役 皮埃蒙特 麦克马洪 国际红十字会 红十字会 约瑟夫一世 维也纳 维也那 奥地利 埃曼 欧洲 奥地利帝国 意大利北部 米兰 意大利 部队 战场上
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