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Population genomic data reveal low genetic diversity,divergence and local adaptation among threatened Reeves's Pheasant(Syrmaticus reevesii)
作者 Qi Lu Pengcheng Wang +4 位作者 Jiang Chang De Chen Shenghan Gao Jacob Hoglund Zhengwang Zhang 《Avian Research》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期1-11,共11页
Population genomic data could provide valuable information for conservation efforts;however,limited studies have been conducted to investigate the genetic status of threatened pheasants.Reeves’s Pheasant(Syrmaticus r... Population genomic data could provide valuable information for conservation efforts;however,limited studies have been conducted to investigate the genetic status of threatened pheasants.Reeves’s Pheasant(Syrmaticus reevesii)is facing population decline,attributed to increases in habitat loss.There is a knowledge gap in understanding the genomic status and genetic basis underlying the local adaptation of this threatened bird.Here,we used population genomic data to assess population structure,genetic diversity,inbreeding patterns,and genetic divergence.Furthermore,we identified candidate genes linked with adaptation across the current distribution of Reeves’s Pheasant.The present study assembled the first de novo genome sequence of Reeves’s Pheasant and annotated 19,458 genes.We also sequenced 30 individuals from three populations(Dabie Mountain,Shennongjia,Qinling Mountain)and found that there was clear population structure among those populations.By comparing with other threatened species,we found that Reeves’s Pheasants have low genetic diversity.Runs of homozygosity suggest that the Shennongjia population has experienced serious inbreeding.The demographic history results indicated that three populations experienced several declines during the glacial period.Local adaptative analysis among the populations identified 241 candidate genes under directional selection.They are involved in a large variety of processes,including the immune response and pigmentation.Our results suggest that the three populations should be considered as three different conservation units.The current study provides genetic evidence for conserving the threatened Reeves’s Pheasant and provides genomic resources for global biodiversity management. 展开更多
关键词 Conservation genetics Local adaptation pheasant Whole-genome sequencing
The clutch size,incubation behavior of Reeves’s Pheasant(Syrmaticus reevesii) and their responses to ambient temperature and precipitation
作者 Ting Jin Shuai Lu +7 位作者 Yunqi Wang Junqin Hua Zhengxiao Liu Qian Hu Yating Liu Yuze Zhao Jianqiang Li Jiliang Xu 《Avian Research》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期72-80,共9页
Weather conditions play a pivotal role in embryo development and parental incubation costs,potentially impacting the clutch size and incubation behavior of birds.Understanding these effects is crucial for bird conserv... Weather conditions play a pivotal role in embryo development and parental incubation costs,potentially impacting the clutch size and incubation behavior of birds.Understanding these effects is crucial for bird conservation.Reeves’ s Pheasant(Syrmaticus reevesii) is a threatened species endemic to China,which is characterized by female-only incubation.However,there is a lack of information regarding the impact of weather conditions on clutch size and incubation behavior in this species.Using satellite tracking,we tracked 27 wild female Reeves’ s Pheasants from 2020 to 2023 in Hubei Province,China.We explored their clutch size and incubation behavior,as well as their responses to ambient temperature and precipitation.Clutch size averaged 7.75 ±1.36,had an association with average ambient temperature and average daily precipitation during the egglaying period,and was potentially linked to female breeding attempts.Throughout the incubation period,females took an average of 0.73 ±0.46 recesses every 24 h,with an average recess duration of 100.80 ±73.37 min and an average nest attendance of 92.98 ±5.27%.They showed a unimodal recess pattern in which nest departures peaked primarily between 13:00 and 16:00.Furthermore,females rarely left nests when daily precipitation was high.Recess duration and nest attendance were influenced by the interaction between daily mean ambient temperature and daily precipitation,as well as day of incubation.Additionally,there was a positive correlation between clutch size and recess duration.These results contribute valuable insights into the lifehistory features of this endangered species. 展开更多
关键词 Ambient temperature Clutch size Incubation behavior PRECIPITATION Reeves’s pheasant
1株山鸡源致病性大肠杆菌的分离鉴定 被引量:1
作者 张春晓 赵玉林 +5 位作者 杨富琳 王利丽 赵奇 侯冠欣 孙欣艺 张志强 《现代畜牧兽医》 2024年第1期1-7,共7页
为查明秦皇岛市某山鸡养殖场山鸡大批量死亡病因,试验对分离到的致病优势菌株进行生化鉴定和16S rRNA基因序列分析,并测试分离菌对21种抗生素的敏感性,进一步采用PCR方法检测分离菌的耐药基因。利用清洁级昆明小鼠和SPF鸡胚分别对分离... 为查明秦皇岛市某山鸡养殖场山鸡大批量死亡病因,试验对分离到的致病优势菌株进行生化鉴定和16S rRNA基因序列分析,并测试分离菌对21种抗生素的敏感性,进一步采用PCR方法检测分离菌的耐药基因。利用清洁级昆明小鼠和SPF鸡胚分别对分离菌进行致病性试验,并采用PCR方法检测分离菌的毒力基因。结果显示:分离菌为革兰氏阴性杆菌,在伊红美蓝培养基上生长出有金属光泽的菌落,生化特性与大肠杆菌生化特性符合率高达99%。BLAST分析发现,分离菌16S rRNA序列与大肠杆菌的基因相似性高达99.8%。分离菌对恩诺沙星和阿米卡星高度敏感,对青霉素、头孢曲松等15种药物耐药。分离菌的磺胺类、β-内酰胺类、四环素类的耐药基因与耐药表型基本相符,其余耐药基因与耐药表型不符,提示该分离菌可能存在其他的耐药机制。致病性试验结果显示,分离菌具有较强致病性,共检测到12种大肠杆菌主要毒力基因。研究表明,分离菌为山鸡源致病性大肠杆菌,且耐药情况复杂,具有较强的毒力和致病性。 展开更多
关键词 山鸡源致病性大肠杆菌 药敏试验 毒力基因 耐药基因 致病性试验
作者 尹光华 覃忠义 +12 位作者 罗文富 卢立雄 李函 高文俊 徐萍 李乾恩 尹存全 李根会 张志强 李育武 刘东 蒋学龙 李学友 《兽类学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期237-246,共10页
为了解云南哀牢山国家级自然保护区楚雄州片区大中型兽类和雉类多样性以及人类活动情况,2020年3月至2022年5月,在保护区内按照1 km×1 km网格布设了153台红外相机,开展系统调查与监测,累积59623个相机工作日,收集到野生动物独立有... 为了解云南哀牢山国家级自然保护区楚雄州片区大中型兽类和雉类多样性以及人类活动情况,2020年3月至2022年5月,在保护区内按照1 km×1 km网格布设了153台红外相机,开展系统调查与监测,累积59623个相机工作日,收集到野生动物独立有效照片数9309张,记录到大中型兽类动物5目14科23种,雉类1目1科7种,其中,国家一级重点保护野生动物3种,国家二级重点保护野生动物14种。在监测到的物种中,物种相对多度指数最高的5种动物分别是赤麂(Muntiacus vaginalis,RAI=7.52)、毛冠鹿(Elaphodus cephalophus,RAI=2.43)、野猪(Sus scrofa,RAI=2.39)、猕猴(Macaca mulatta,RAI=2.26)和马来豪猪(Hystrix brachyura,RAI=2.16)。种-多度曲线分析结果表明,赤麂、野猪和白鹇(Lophura nycthemera)在云南哀牢山楚雄州片区多度秩排序前三位,累积相对多度占所有物种相对多度的65%。此外,还在保护区内拍摄到大量放牧等人类活动,显示保护区内存在一定的人为活动干扰。本次系统调查与监测结果完善了云南哀牢山国家级自然保护区楚雄州片区范围内大中型兽类和雉类本底信息,填补了区内大中型兽类和雉类的研究空白,为保护区后续的管理和长期监测提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 云南哀牢山国家级自然保护区 地栖大中型兽类 雉类 红外相机监测 相对多度指数
作者 许路 余鳞 +5 位作者 白俊 张塔星 曹亚珍 马朝娟 周智强 冉江洪 《四川动物》 北大核心 2024年第2期134-142,共9页
2021年和2022年的3—7月,在四川王朗国家级自然保护区采用跟踪观察和系统搜索法,对红喉雉鹑Tetraophasis obscurus的巢特征和巢址选择进行了研究。结果显示:(1)红喉雉鹑可筑地面和树上2种巢型,以树上巢为主,占88.24%(15/17);巢材包括树... 2021年和2022年的3—7月,在四川王朗国家级自然保护区采用跟踪观察和系统搜索法,对红喉雉鹑Tetraophasis obscurus的巢特征和巢址选择进行了研究。结果显示:(1)红喉雉鹑可筑地面和树上2种巢型,以树上巢为主,占88.24%(15/17);巢材包括树皮、枯草、羽毛、针叶和苔藓等。(2)树上巢均位于方枝柏Sabina saltuaria树枝基部,距离地面平均高度3.05 m±0.23 m(1.64~4.45 m),巢平均深度2.88 cm±0.07 cm(2.4~3.4 cm)。(3)红喉雉鹑偏好在坡度较小、草本盖度和落叶盖度较大、植被郁闭条件较好且距水源距离较近的生境中筑巢;草本盖度和落叶盖度是影响红喉雉鹑选择筑巢生境的关键因子,表明其选择巢址时受到安全因素和食物资源的双重影响。本研究结果丰富了红喉雉鹑繁殖生态学的基础资料,为物种保护和生境管理提供了科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 红喉雉鹑 巢址选择 雉类 濒危物种
基于红外相机技术的白鹇日活动节律分化研究 ——以都庞岭和大围山种群为例
作者 唐佳敏 杨道德 +2 位作者 曹越 李佳琦 张志强 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期2621-2631,共11页
种群行为分化是物种适应环境的基础,而同一物种不同地理种群活动节律的分化是体现其生态适应的重要内容。不同地理种群活动节律的分化是由生态条件和种间竞争等因素引起的,研究不同地理种群物种活动节律的分化,有助于对种群的动态管理... 种群行为分化是物种适应环境的基础,而同一物种不同地理种群活动节律的分化是体现其生态适应的重要内容。不同地理种群活动节律的分化是由生态条件和种间竞争等因素引起的,研究不同地理种群物种活动节律的分化,有助于对种群的动态管理和保护。为研究同一物种在不同分布区域的年周期行为节律,通过提取2017年10月至2018年9月在湖南都庞岭国家级自然保护区和湖南浏阳大围山省级自然保护区分别布设的60台红外相机中监测到的白鹇(Lophura nycthemera)种群数据,利用核密度估计方法(kernel Density Estimation)和雅各布斯选择指数(Jacobs Selection Index,JSI)对白鹇的日活动节律和日活动时间选择进行了构建与比对,同时采用皮尔逊相关系数(Pearson correlation coefficient)及T检验(T-Test)分析了两个异域分布的白鹇种群活动节律的分化趋势。结果表明:都庞岭分布的白鹇在全年和冷季的日活动节律为单峰模式,暖季为双峰模式;大围山分布的白鹇在全年的日活动节律为连续多峰模式,冷季和暖季为单峰模式。在活动时段的选择上,都庞岭分布的白鹇在全年和暖季更偏好在上午(JSI=0.479,JSI=0.461)活动,冷季更喜欢在中午(JSI=0.593)活动,全年和不同季节对日落(-0.41<JSI<0)为消极选择;而大围山分布的白鹇在全年和冷季偏好在下午(JSI=0.454,JSI=0.673)活动最多,暖季在上午(JSI=0.423)活动最多,同时对日落为正向选择(JSI=0.082)。依据活动时间重叠系数,都庞岭和大围山分布的白鹇在暖季的活动时间重叠系数最高(Dhat=0.92);依据活动频次相关性分析,2个地理种群在暖季的活动频次分化程度最高(Cor=-0.92,P<0.01)。综合分析表明,气候适应,回避人为干扰,同域竞争者和捕食者压力等因素可能是引起白鹇不同地理种群的日活动节律分化的原因。本研究结果可为雉类日活动行为分化研究提供经验线索,并为白鹇种群有效管理与栖息地保护提供理论支撑。 展开更多
关键词 白鹇 日活动节律 种群行为分化 湖南都庞岭国家级自然保护区 湖南浏阳大围山省级自然保护区
作者 杨进良 喻晶 +2 位作者 吴铙彤 闫东明 陈进 《热带林业》 2024年第1期101-103,共3页
2022年9月—2022年12月,在开展东莞市银瓶山森林公园野生动物监测的过程中,在东莞市国营清溪林场和东莞市银瓶山自然保护区4个监测点均拍到白鹇雌雄鸟的影像,栖息地以常绿阔叶林为主。经查阅相关文献,证实为广东省东莞市境内鸟类新纪录... 2022年9月—2022年12月,在开展东莞市银瓶山森林公园野生动物监测的过程中,在东莞市国营清溪林场和东莞市银瓶山自然保护区4个监测点均拍到白鹇雌雄鸟的影像,栖息地以常绿阔叶林为主。经查阅相关文献,证实为广东省东莞市境内鸟类新纪录,由此白鹇在广东省珠三角莞深广地区均有分布。 展开更多
关键词 白鹇 东莞 银瓶山森林公园 鸟类新记录
Expression levels of GSTA2 and APOD genes might be associated with carotenoid coloration in golden pheasant(Chrysolophus pictus) plumage 被引量:4
作者 Guang-Qi GAO Li-Shuang SONG +1 位作者 Bin TONG Guang-Peng LI 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 2016年第3期144-150,共7页
Carotenoids, which generate yellow, orange, and red colors, are crucial pigments in avian plumage. Investigations into genes associated with carotenoid- based coloration in avian species are important; however, such r... Carotenoids, which generate yellow, orange, and red colors, are crucial pigments in avian plumage. Investigations into genes associated with carotenoid- based coloration in avian species are important; however, such research is difficult because carotenoids cannot be synthetized in vertebrates as they are only derived from dietary sources. Here, the golden pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus) was used as a model in analysis of candidate gene expression profiles implicated in carotenoid binding and deposition. Using mass and Raman spectrometry to confirm the presence of carotenoids in golden pheasant feathers, we found C40H540 and C40H5602 in feathers with yellow to red colors, and in the rachis of iridescent feathers. The global gene expression profiles in golden pheasant skins were analyzed by RNA-seq and all six carotenoid binding candidate genes sequenced were studied by real- time PCR. STAR4, GSTA2, Scarbl, and APOD in feather follicles showed different expressions in red breast and orange nape feathers compared with that of iridescent mantle feathers. Further comparison of golden pheasant yellow rump and Lady Amherst's pheasant (Chrysolophus amherstiae) white nape feathers suggested that GSTA2 and APOD played a potential role in carotenoid-based coloration in golden pheasant. 展开更多
关键词 Expression Carotenoid coloration Candidate genes Golden pheasant FEATHER
Nest survival rate of Reeves's pheasant(Syrmaticus reevesii) based on artificial nest experiments 被引量:2
作者 Xu Luo Yu-Ze Zhao +2 位作者 Jing Ma Jian-Qiang Li Ji-Liang Xu 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 2017年第1期49-54,共6页
To explore the nest survival rate of Reeves' s pheasant(Syrmaticus reevesii) and the nest-site factors that affect it, we conducted artificial nest experiments with reference to natural nests at Dongzhai National N... To explore the nest survival rate of Reeves' s pheasant(Syrmaticus reevesii) and the nest-site factors that affect it, we conducted artificial nest experiments with reference to natural nests at Dongzhai National Nature Reserve(DNNR), Henan Province and Pingjingguan, Hubei Province from April to June 2014 simulating the situation in its early and later breeding season. We also determined distance characteristics of the nest sites by Arc GIS 10.0. Nest survival models were constructed in Program MARK for data analysis. Results indicated that in the early breeding season, the apparent survival rate(ASR) in DNNR(52.4%) was significantly greater than that in Pingjingguan(13.5%), and the ASR in the later breeding season in DNNR(26.7%) was not indistinctively correlated with Pingjingguan(3.2%). The daily survival rate(DSR) in the later breeding season was 93.8% in DNNR and 92.0% in Pingjingguan, respectively. The DSRs were both negatively correlated with nest distance to forest edges and settlements. The DSR in Pingjingguan was positively correlated with nest distance to paths and negatively correlated with nest distance to water sources. However, the DSR in DNNR was negatively correlated with nest distance to paths but positively correlated with nest distance to water sources. 展开更多
关键词 Reeves's pheasant SyrmaUcus reevesfi Nest survival rate Artificial nest experiments.
Muscle architecture of the forelimb of the Golden Pheasant(Chrysolophus pictus)(Aves: Phasianidae)and its implications for functional capacity in flight 被引量:2
作者 Yan Yang Huan Wang Zihui Zhang 《Chinese Birds》 CSCD 2015年第1期6-13,共8页
Background: Flight is the central avian adaptation in evolution. Wing muscles form an important anatomical basis for avian flight, affecting wing performance and determine modes of flight. However, the roles of distal... Background: Flight is the central avian adaptation in evolution. Wing muscles form an important anatomical basis for avian flight, affecting wing performance and determine modes of flight. However, the roles of distal muscles in adjusting the wing, as well as their functional specializations, remain largely unknown. The importance of muscle fiber architecture has long been recognized. In this study, we provide quantitative anatomical data on the muscle architecture of the forelimb of the Golden Pheasant(Chrysolophus pictus), with an emphasis on brachial,antebrachial and manual segments.Methods: The forelimbs of five Golden Pheasants were dissected and detailed measurements of all muscles were made, including muscle mass, muscle belly length, fascicle length. From these values, muscle volume, physiological cross-sectional area(PCSA) and maximum isometric force were derived.Results: General trends such as the distribution of muscle mass, fascicle length and the ratio of tendon length/belly length are revealed. Comparing PCSAs between antebrachial depressors and elevators and between intrinsics of the alular digit and major digit yielded significant differences(p < 0.05). Pronounced development of the antebrachial depressors suggests that ventral rotation of the distal half of the wing is a pivotal factor in shape change and orientation modulation. Large PCSAs in tandem with the force generation capability of the major digit intrinsics may help stabilize the digits while enhancing support of the primary feathers. The architectural properties of the alular digit confirm that alular adjustment is essential to rapid adduction and abduction.Conclusions: These observations illustrate the underlying structural basis for the functional capacities of the distal forelimb muscles and may provide additional information useful in further biomechanical and in vivo investigations. 展开更多
关键词 Architecture Functional ANATOMY GOLDEN pheasant Wing muscles
Seasonal variations in the energy budget of Elliot's pheasant (Syrmaticus ellioti) in cage 被引量:6
作者 Ying LUO Tai-Lin YU +3 位作者 Cheng-Ming HUANG Tong ZHAO Han-Hua LI Chang-Jian LI 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期I0024-I0030,共7页
This study aimed to discuss the energy budget of Elliot's pheasant Syrmaticus ellioti in different seasons, with life and health, good growth and normal digestion of Elliot's pheasant as the tested objects, Th... This study aimed to discuss the energy budget of Elliot's pheasant Syrmaticus ellioti in different seasons, with life and health, good growth and normal digestion of Elliot's pheasant as the tested objects, The energy budget of Elliot's pheasant was measured by daily collection of the trial pheasants' excrement in the biological garden of Guangxi Normal University from March 2011 to February 2012. The results showed that the gross energy consumption, metabolic energy and excrement energy varied by season, increasing as temperature decreased. There was significant difference in gross energy consumption, metabolic energy, excrement energy between adults and nonages. There was also a trend that food digestibility of pheasants increases as temperature increases. In the same season, the food digestibility of adults was better than that of nonages. Throughout spring, summer, autumn and winter, the metabolic energy of 4-year adults were 305.77±13.40 kJ/d, 263.67±11.89 kJ/d, 357.23±25.49 kJ/d and 403.12±24.91 kJ/d, respectively, and the nonages were 284.86±17.22 kJ/d, 284. 66±15.16 kJ/d, 402. 26±31.46 kJ/d and 420. 30±31.98 kJ/d, respectively. The minimum metabolic energies were 247.65±21.81 g, 265.86±26.53 g, respectively for each group, detected between 4-year adults and 1-year nonages. Further study is needed to determine whether 29.6 C is the optimal temperature for the Elliot's pheasant. 展开更多
关键词 白颈长尾雉 季节变化 能量收支 能源消耗 尾长 广西师范大学 最佳温度 能量代谢
Normal Bacterial Floras in Intestinal Tract of Ring-Necked Pheasant
作者 许树林 沈秀丽 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1998年第2期105-107,共3页
The normal bacterial floras in intestinal tract of ring-necked pheasant were investigated. Eight age groups were chosen. Samples of intestines were diluted in 10 fold series and incubated on different selective media.... The normal bacterial floras in intestinal tract of ring-necked pheasant were investigated. Eight age groups were chosen. Samples of intestines were diluted in 10 fold series and incubated on different selective media. Atter incubation. aimed bacterial colonies were counted then the number of CFU/g of gut inclusions was evaluated. The data were analyzed in statistics. The physiological values of eight main normal bacterial floras were obtained. The eubiosis of normal bacterial floras in intestinal tract of ring-necked pheasant was established from its age of 10 days old to 30 days old. The dominant bacterial floras were bifidobacterium, lactobacillus and bacteroideceae. 展开更多
关键词 NORMAL bacterial FLORA Ring-necked pheasant Intestinal TRACT
Genetic Variation of Grey-rumped Pheasant (Torquatus group) Populations in China
作者 Jiangyong QU 《Agricultural Biotechnology》 CAS 2013年第3期50-55,67,共7页
The polymerase chain reaction combined with direct sequencing was employed to deduce the variety of the grey-rumped pheasant populations in China. Totally 1079 basepair sequences of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control... The polymerase chain reaction combined with direct sequencing was employed to deduce the variety of the grey-rumped pheasant populations in China. Totally 1079 basepair sequences of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control-region gene were analyzed from 121 grey-rumpod pheasants obtained from 13 Chinese lo- calities, 76 variable sites resulted in 91 haplotypes. These populations possessed a high level of genetic diversity, indicating that during their evolution effective population size and polymorphism were not reduced by climatic fluctuations in the Pleistocene ice ages. Phylogenetie analysis indicates that all populations were clustered into two groups, western and eastern. The degree of population differentiation presumably results from a low gene flow ( N, = 0. 33, F,, = 0. 60, P 〈 0. 001 ) between the two groups, and the divergence occurred in the years (2.1 ×10^5 - 2.2 × 105 ). The genetic structure of grey-rumped pheasants in China ap- pears to be the result of the uplift of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the existence of Qinling Mountains and Liupan Mountains and cyclical climatic oscillations during the late Pleistocene. 展开更多
关键词 Genetic variation Grey-rumped pheasants Mitochondrial DNA Population differentiation
Seasonal variations in the energy budget of Elliot’s pheasant (Syrmaticus ellioti) in cage
作者 Ying LUO Tai-Lin YU +3 位作者 Cheng-Ming HUANG Tong ZHAO Han-Hua LI Chang-Jian LI 《Zoological Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第S01期19-25,共7页
This study aimed to discuss the energy budget of Elliot’s pheasant Syrmaticus ellioti in different seasons,with life and health,good growth and normal digestion of Elliot’s pheasant as the tested objects,The energy ... This study aimed to discuss the energy budget of Elliot’s pheasant Syrmaticus ellioti in different seasons,with life and health,good growth and normal digestion of Elliot’s pheasant as the tested objects,The energy budget of Elliot’s pheasant was measured by daily collection of the trial pheasants’excrement in the biological garden of Guangxi Normal University from March 2011 to February 2012.The results showed that the gross energy consumption,metabolic energy and excrement energy varied by season,increasing as temperature decreased.There was significant difference in gross energy consumption,metabolic energy,excrement energy between adults and nonages.There was also a trend that food digestibility of pheasants increases as temperature increases.In the same season,the food digestibility of adults was better than that of nonages.Throughout spring,summer,autumn and winter,the metabolic energy of 4-year adults were 305.77±13.40 kJ/d,263.67±11.89 kJ/d,357.23±25.49 kJ/d and 403.12±24.91 kJ/d,respectively,and the nonages were 284.86±17.22 kJ/d,284.66±15.16 kJ/d,402.26±31.46 kJ/d and 420.30±31.98 kJ/d,respectively.The minimum metabolic energies were 247.65±21.81 g,265.86±26.53 g,respectively for each group,detected between 4-year adults and 1-year nonages.Further study is needed to determine whether 29.6 C is the optimal temperature for the Elliot’s pheasant. 展开更多
关键词 Elliot’s pheasants Energy budget Seasonal variations
Functional and phylogenetic structures of pheasants in China
作者 Hongyan Yao Pengcheng Wang +4 位作者 Nan Wang Philip J.K.McGowan Xingfeng Si Jianqiang Li Jiliang Xu 《Avian Research》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第3期229-238,共10页
Biodiversity has been subjected to increasing anthropogenic pressures.It is critical to understand the different processes that govern community assembly and species coexistence under biogeographic processes and anthr... Biodiversity has been subjected to increasing anthropogenic pressures.It is critical to understand the different processes that govern community assembly and species coexistence under biogeographic processes and anthropogenic events.Pheasants(Aves:Phasianidae)are highly threatened birds and China supports the richest pheasant species worldwide.Unravelling the spatial patterns and underlying factors associated with multidimensional biodiversity of species richness(SR),functional diversity(FD),and phylogenetic diversity(PD)of pheasants in China is helpful to understand not only the processes that govern pheasant community assembly and species coexistence,but also pheasant biodiversity conservation.We used a total of 45 pheasant species in China and analyzed the SR,FD,PD,and functional and phylogenetic structures by integrating species distribution maps,functional traits and phylogenies based on 50 km×50 km grid cells.We further used simultaneous autoregressive(SAR)models to explore the factors that determined these patterns.The southern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau(QTP),Hengduan Mountains,southwestern Mountains,the east of the Qilian Mountains,the Qinling,southern China displayed higher SR,FD,and PD,which were determined by elevation,habitat heterogeneity,temperature seasonality,and vegetation cover.Elevation primarily determined the functional and phylogenetic structures of the pheasant communities.Assemblages in the highlands were marked by functional and phylogenetic clustering,particularly in the QTP,whereas the lowlands in eastern China comprised community overdispersion.Clustered pheasant assemblages were composed of young lineages.Patterns of functional and phylogenetic structures and richness-controlled functional and phylogenetic diversity differed between regions,suggesting that phylogenetic structures are not a good proxy for identifying functional structures.We revealed the significant role of elevation in pheasant community assemblages in China.Highlands interacted with community clustering,whereas lowlands interacted with overdispersion,supporting the environmental filtering hypothesis.Biogeographical drivers other than anthropogenic factor determined biodiversity of pheasants at the present scale of China.This study provides complementary background resources for multi-dimensional pheasant biodiversity and provides insights into avian biodiversity patterns in China. 展开更多
关键词 China Community assembly Environmental filtering Functional traits pheasantS PHYLOGENY Species richness
Population survey and conservation assessment of the globally threatened cheer pheasant(Catreus wallichi) in Jhelum Valley, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan
作者 Muhammad Naeem AWAN Hassan ALI David Charles LEE 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期338-345,共8页
The cheer pheasant Catreus wallichi is a globally threatened species that inhabits the western Himalayas. Though it is well established that the species is threatened and its numbers declining, updated definitive esti... The cheer pheasant Catreus wallichi is a globally threatened species that inhabits the western Himalayas. Though it is well established that the species is threatened and its numbers declining, updated definitive estimates are lacking, so in 2011, we conducted a survey to assess the density, population size, and threats to the species in Jhelum valley, Azad Kashmir, which holds the largest known population of cheer pheasants in Pakistan. We conducted dawn call count surveys at 17 points clustered in three survey zones of the valley, 11 of which had earlier been used for a 2002-2003 survey of the birds. Over the course of our survey, 113 birds were recorded. Mean density of cheer pheasant in the valley was estimated at 11.8±6.47 pairs per km2, with significant differences in terms of both counts and estimated density of cheer were significantly different across the three survey zones, with the highest in the Chinari region and the lowest, that is the area with no recorded sightings of the pheasants, in Gari Doppata. The total breeding population of cheer pheasants is estimated to be some 2 490 pairs, though this does not consider the actual area of occupancy in the study area. On the whole, more cheer pheasants were recorded in this survey than from the same points in 2002-2003, indicating some success in population growth. Unfortunately, increasing human settlement, fires, livestock grazing, hunting, and the collection of non-timber forest products continue to threaten the population of cheer in the Jhelum valley. To mitigate these potential impacts, some degree of site protection should be required for the conservation of cheer pheasants in Pakistan, and more effective monitoring of the species is clearly needed. 展开更多
关键词 巴基斯坦 山谷 人口调查 密度估计 考核 养护 濒危物种
Parapatric speciation with recurrent gene flow of two sexual dichromatic pheasants
作者 Zheng Li Jie Zhou +2 位作者 Minzhi Gao Wei Liang Lu Dong 《Avian Research》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第2期137-144,共8页
Understanding speciation has long been a fundamental goal of evolutionary biology.It is widely accepted that speciation requires an interruption of gene flow to generate strong reproductive isolation between species.T... Understanding speciation has long been a fundamental goal of evolutionary biology.It is widely accepted that speciation requires an interruption of gene flow to generate strong reproductive isolation between species.The mechanism of how speciation in sexually dichromatic species operates in the face of gene flow remains an open question.Two species in the genus Chrysolophus,the Golden Pheasant(C.pictus)and Lady Amherst’s Pheasant(C.amherstiae),both of which exhibit significant plumage dichromatism,are currently parapatric in southwestern China with several hybrid recordings in field.In this study,we estimated the pattern of gene flow during the speciation of the two pheasants using the Approximate Bayesian Computation(ABC)method based on data from multiple genes.Using a newly assembled de novo genome of Lady Amherst’s Pheasant and resequencing of widely distributed individuals,we reconstructed the demographic history of the two pheasants by the PSMC(pairwise sequentially Markovian coalescent)method.The results provide clear evidence that the gene flow between the two pheasants was consistent with the predictions of the isolation with migration model during divergence,indicating that there was long-term gene flow after the initial divergence(ca.2.2 million years ago).The data further support the occurrence of secondary contact between the parapatric populations since around 30 kya with recurrent gene flow to the present,a pattern that may have been induced by the population expansion of the Golden Pheasant in the late Pleistocene.The results of the study support the scenario of speciation between the Golden Pheasant and Lady Amherst’s Pheasant with cycles of mixing-isolation-mixing,possibly due to the dynamics of geographical context in the late Pleistocene.The two species provide a good research system as an evolutionary model for testing reinforcement selection in speciation. 展开更多
Buddhist Mercy for Tibetan Pheasants
《China's Tibet》 2000年第4期45-45,共1页
关键词 Buddhist Mercy for Tibetan pheasants
The Ecology and Situation of the Hainan Subspecies of Silver Pheasant
《中山大学学报论丛》 1995年第3期239-239,共1页
关键词 The Ecology and Situation of the Hainan Subspecies of Silver pheasant time
河南省白冠长尾雉和大鸨种群及栖息地现状调查与评估研究 被引量:1
作者 刘冰许 曹东伟 +4 位作者 赵文珍 周晶晶 孔德杰 马战 秦雪 《陕西林业科技》 2023年第4期89-94,100,共7页
本研究采用红外相机监测、资料查询、访问和问卷调查及各种野外调查法对河南省内国家级自然保护区、黄河湿地国家级自然保护区、国有林场、省级自然保护区和林场的白冠长尾雉和大鸨种群及其栖息地进行调查。结果显示河南省内白冠长尾雉... 本研究采用红外相机监测、资料查询、访问和问卷调查及各种野外调查法对河南省内国家级自然保护区、黄河湿地国家级自然保护区、国有林场、省级自然保护区和林场的白冠长尾雉和大鸨种群及其栖息地进行调查。结果显示河南省内白冠长尾雉种群壮大,分布区域由南向北扩散,而大鸨因为湿地区域生态环境变化较大,分布区域变小。本研究为建立白冠长尾雉和大鸨资源数据库,制定科学合理的保护及监测政策,开展科学研究,建立白冠长尾雉和大鸨保护监测网络,制定监测保护的技术规程提供数据支撑. 展开更多
关键词 河南省 白冠长尾雉 大鸨 调查 红外相机 保护
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