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Insecticidal Activities of Extracts from Brucea javanica (L.) Merr. Callus 被引量:4
作者 曾宪儒 曾涛 +1 位作者 黎柳锋 韩美丽 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2008年第4期141-143,共3页
[Objective] The research aimed to lay a foundation for the screening of cell lines producing secondary metabolites of Brucea javanica(L.)Merr.[Method] The insecticidal activities of the extracts from branch and 3 diff... [Objective] The research aimed to lay a foundation for the screening of cell lines producing secondary metabolites of Brucea javanica(L.)Merr.[Method] The insecticidal activities of the extracts from branch and 3 different types of calluses of Brucea javanica(L.)Merr.was detected through methods of leaf disc and potted seedlings against the diamond back moth.[Result] Extracts from four kinds of Brucea javanica(L.)Merr.tissues assumed both the activities of antifeedant and oviposition deterrency against the diamond back moth.Antifeedant effect of extracts was in turn the callus C< callus B< callus A< branches.Oviposition deterrency activity of the extracts was in turn the callus A> branch > callus B>callus C.The insecticidal activities of callus A and B were higher than that of the callus C.[Conclusion] The results show that insecticidal activity of callus and its growth rate is inversely proportional. 展开更多
关键词 Brucea javanica(l.)merr. CAllUS INSECTICIDAl ACTIVITIES Plutella XYlOSTEllA l.
利用中国秋大豆(Glycine max(L.) Merr)筛选SSR核心位点的研究 被引量:36
作者 谢华 常汝镇 +3 位作者 曹永生 张明辉 冯忠孚 邱丽娟 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期360-366,共7页
选择中国秋大豆为试验材料 ,对基因组DNA进行SSR标记筛选和鉴定。经过 2 0 0个位点在琼脂糖胶上初筛和 96个位点在变性聚丙烯酰胺胶上复鉴 ,选出 6 0个位点 ,这些位点具有以下特点 :(1)分布在大豆 2 0个整合遗传连锁群 ,相邻位点间平均... 选择中国秋大豆为试验材料 ,对基因组DNA进行SSR标记筛选和鉴定。经过 2 0 0个位点在琼脂糖胶上初筛和 96个位点在变性聚丙烯酰胺胶上复鉴 ,选出 6 0个位点 ,这些位点具有以下特点 :(1)分布在大豆 2 0个整合遗传连锁群 ,相邻位点间平均遗传距离在 5 0cM左右。除连锁群C2 、O上分别有 5个位点 ,G、K、M上分别有 2个位点外 ,其余 15个连锁群均分布有 3个位点 ;(2 )与 96个位点在 80份秋大豆种质检测到种质间遗传关系达到极显著相关 (r =0 .910 ) ;(3)在 80份秋大豆初选核心种质中表现出较高多态性 ,平均每个位点等位变异数为 9.3,多态性信息含量 (PIC)值为 0 .773;(4)在检测的秋大豆绝大多数种质基因组中 ,均为单一拷贝的位点 ,具有较高特异性 ;(5 )在相同的PCR扩增条件下 ,同一位点不同等位变异间易于识别且扩增强度较为一致。这套SSR核心位点的确定为中国大豆核心种质的构建奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 SSR标记 SSR核心位点 大豆 遗传多样性 指纹图谱 核心种质 筛选 鉴定
大豆(Glycine max(L.) Merr.)叶片抗氧化酶对干旱及复水的响应机制 被引量:9
作者 王文斌 王晓怡 +2 位作者 张明辉 胡晓婕 栗相如 《山西农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2012年第3期193-197,共5页
采用10%PEG-6000模拟干旱胁迫,研究了抗旱品种晋大74与不抗旱品种晋大75两种大豆幼苗在水分胁迫及复水后叶片MDA含量、O2-·含量、SOD、CAT、APX及POD等的活性变化,旨在揭示抗氧化酶对干旱及复水的响应机制。结果表明,在干旱胁迫下... 采用10%PEG-6000模拟干旱胁迫,研究了抗旱品种晋大74与不抗旱品种晋大75两种大豆幼苗在水分胁迫及复水后叶片MDA含量、O2-·含量、SOD、CAT、APX及POD等的活性变化,旨在揭示抗氧化酶对干旱及复水的响应机制。结果表明,在干旱胁迫下,两种大豆叶片MDA及O2-·,含量都高于对照,且晋大75增加幅度显著大于晋大74;复水后晋大74中MDA及O2-·接近于对照水平,表明旱后复水产生了补偿效应。干旱胁迫下,晋大74通过保持较高的SOD活性或较低的APX、CAT降幅以减弱活性氧伤害,而旱后复水过程中晋大74通过维持较高的SOD、APX、CAT酶活性,利用其协同作用有效清除活性氧,避免膜伤害。总之,耐旱品种在干旱及复水过程中具有更强的抗氧化修复能力。 展开更多
关键词 大豆 干旱 复水 抗氧化酶 补偿效应
白簕(Acanthopanax trifoliatus (L.) Merr)种子的休眠机理研究 被引量:1
作者 肖娟 《西华师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2014年第3期201-206,共6页
药蔬两用的白簕(Acanthopanax trifoliatus(L.)Merr)深受人们喜爱并广泛栽培,种子具有一定的休眠特性.为了探索白簕种子的休眠机理,本研究解剖种子的内部结构、测定种壳(内果皮)的透水性和透气性以及提取果实和种子各部分內源抑制物质... 药蔬两用的白簕(Acanthopanax trifoliatus(L.)Merr)深受人们喜爱并广泛栽培,种子具有一定的休眠特性.为了探索白簕种子的休眠机理,本研究解剖种子的内部结构、测定种壳(内果皮)的透水性和透气性以及提取果实和种子各部分內源抑制物质并进行生物测定.研究结果表明:1)种胚细小,约为0.3-0.5mm,位于种子一角隅,可能存在生理后熟.2)种壳存在一定的机械束缚和透水透气障碍,相对剥皮种子和缺刻种子,可能导致完整种子萌发启动时间延后.3)白簕果实和种子各部分都可能含有抑制物质,其中果皮中存在活性较强的內源抑制物质,抑制活性为外果皮及果肉>内果皮>完整果实>完整种子>种胚和胚乳,且白簕外果皮及果肉、内果皮及完整果实随着抑制物浓度的增加,抑制作用显著增强.由此推测,白簕种子属于生理休眠类型.本研究初步阐明白簕种子的休眠机理,以期为其有性繁殖和打破休眠提供理论依据. 展开更多
关键词 白簕(Acanthopanax trifoliatus (l.) merr.) 休眠 种胚结构 种壳透性 抑制物质
Analysis of QTLs for the Trichome Density on the Upper and Downer Surface of Leaf Blade in Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] 被引量:6
作者 DU Wei-jun YU De-yue FU San-xiong 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2009年第5期529-537,共9页
Trichomes (plant hairs) are present on nearly all land plants and are known to play important roles in plant protection, specifically against insect herbivory, drought, and UV radiation. The identification of quanti... Trichomes (plant hairs) are present on nearly all land plants and are known to play important roles in plant protection, specifically against insect herbivory, drought, and UV radiation. The identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with trichome density should help to interpret the molecular genetic mechanism of soybean trichome density. 184 recombinant inbred lines (RILs), derived from a cross between soybean cultivars Kefeng 1 and Nannong 1138-2 were used as segregating population for evaluation of TDU (trichome density on the upper surface of leaf blade) and TDD (trichome density on the downer surface of leaf blade). A total of 15 QTL were detected on molecular linkage groups (MLG) A2, Dla, Dlb, E and H by composite interval mapping (CIM) and among all the QTL, qtuA2-1, qtuD 1 a-1, qtuD lb-2, qtuH-2 qtuE-1, qtdDlb-2, and qtdH- 2 were affirmed by multiple interval mapping (MIM). The contribution ofphenotypic variance of qtuH-2 was 31.81 and 29.4% by CIM and MIM, respectively, suggesting it might be major gene Ps loci. Only 10 pairs of main QTL interactions for TDU were detected, explained a range of 0.2-5.1% of phenotypic variations for each pair for a total of 22.8%. The QTL on MLG Dlb affecting trichome density were mapped near to Rsc-7 conditioning resistance to SMV (soybean mosaic virus). This study showed that the genetic mechanism of trichome density was the mixed major gene and polygene inheritance, and also suggested that the causal nature between trichome density and other agronomic traits. 展开更多
关键词 soybean [Glycine max l.) merr.] TDU TDD RI ls QTl analysis
Genetic Analysis of Combining Abilities and Heterosis for the Contents of Soybean Isoflavone and Its Components Among the Soybean Varieties [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] 被引量:2
作者 LIANGHui-zhen LIWei-dong +1 位作者 WANGHui FANGXuan-jun 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2005年第7期555-560,共6页
The genetic analysis of soybean isoflavone content and its components were carried out based on the NC Ⅱ matingdesign in eight soybean varieties. The results showed that the isoflavone contents and its components of ... The genetic analysis of soybean isoflavone content and its components were carried out based on the NC Ⅱ matingdesign in eight soybean varieties. The results showed that the isoflavone contents and its components of soybean seedare quite differences among the tested materials, the contents of isoflavone and daidzein are controlled not only byadditive effects and but also by non-additive effects, while the content of genistin is dominated by non-additive effects,and genistein, glycitin and daidzin are mainly controlled by additive effects. There are significant differences in thecontents of isoflavone and its components among the combinations derived from different parents. Results also indicatedthat the tested traits are negatively heterosis except for the contens of daidzein and daidzin are positively heterosis basedon the data of the GCA and SCA in average heterosis values. In this research we have a suggestion that soybean varietywith high isoflavone should be used as one of the parents in the breeding program, and it is the best choice that thecombinations crossed between two high isoflavone varieties or a high variety and a low one. 展开更多
关键词 Soybean[Glycine max (l.) merr.] ISOFlAVONE Component of isoflavone Combining ability HETEROSIS
Genetic Analysis of Embryo, Cytoplasm and Maternal Effects and Their Environment Interactions for Isoflavone Content in Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] 被引量:2
作者 LIANG Hui-zhen WANG Shu-feng +3 位作者 WANG Ting-feng ZHANG Hai-yang ZHAO Shuang-jin ZHANG Meng-chen 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2007年第9期1051-1059,共9页
Soybean seed products contain isoflavones (genistein, daidzein, and glycitein) that display biological effects when ingested by humans and animals. These effects are species, dose and age dependent. Therefore, the c... Soybean seed products contain isoflavones (genistein, daidzein, and glycitein) that display biological effects when ingested by humans and animals. These effects are species, dose and age dependent. Therefore, the content and quality of isoflavones in soybeans is a key factor to the biological effect. Our objective was to identify the genetic effects that underlie the isoflavone content in soybean seeds. A genetic model for quantitative traits of seeds in diploid plants was applied to estimate the genetic main effects and genotype x environment (GE) interaction effects for the isoflavone content (IC) of soybean seeds by using two years experimental data with an incomplete diallel mating design of six parents. Results showed that the IC of soybean seeds was simultaneously controlled by the genetic effects of maternal, embryo, and cytoplasm, of which maternal genetic effects were most important, followed by embryo and cytoplasmic genetic effects. The main effects of different genetic systems on IC trait were more important than environment interaction effects. The strong dominance effects on isoflavone from residual was made easily by environment conditions. Therefore, the improvement of the IC of soybean seeds would be more efficient when selection is based on maternal plants than that on the single seed. Maternal heritability (65.73%) was most important for IC, followed by embryo heritability (25.87%) and cytoplasmic heritability (8.39%). Based on predicated genetic effects, Yudou 29 and Zheng 90007 were better than other parents for increasing IC in the progeny and improving the quality of soybean, The significant effects of maternal and embryo dominance effects in variance show that the embryo heterosis and maternal heterosis are existent and uninfluenced by environment interaction effects. 展开更多
关键词 isoflavone content (IC) Glycine max l.) merr. (soybean) genetic effect HERITABIlITY
Advances in Research of Acanthopanax trifoliatus( L. ) Merr 被引量:1
作者 Linxiao GAO Meng GUO +1 位作者 Zaibo YANG Jun LIU 《Medicinal Plant》 CAS 2018年第5期1-4,共4页
Acanthopanax trifoliatus( L.) Merr is a common traditional Chinese herbal medicine in central and southern regions of China. It has high medicinal and edible value and mainly contains flavonoids,polysaccharides,saponi... Acanthopanax trifoliatus( L.) Merr is a common traditional Chinese herbal medicine in central and southern regions of China. It has high medicinal and edible value and mainly contains flavonoids,polysaccharides,saponins and volatile components. Its active extracts have antioxidant,anti-inflammatory,anti-fatigue,and analgesic effects. From the biological characteristics,effective chemical components,extraction methods,cultivation techniques,pharmacological effects,toxicological activities,and product development status,this paper reviewed in detail the research status of A. trifoliatus in China and abroad,to provide a scientific basis for in-depth research and development,and utilization of A. trifoliatus. 展开更多
关键词 ACANTHOPANAX trifol.atus(l.)merr Chemical components PHARMACOlOGICAl activity CUlTIVATION techniques PRODUCT development Extraction process BIOlOGICAl properties
Anti-melanoma action of small molecular peptides derived from Brucea javanica(L.)Merr.globulin in vitro 被引量:1
作者 Yi Zhao Huiyun Wang +5 位作者 Yanyan Yin Haoyu Shi Dong Wang Fengjue Shu Rongchun Wang Lingzhi Wang 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences》 2022年第1期85-91,共7页
Objective:The morbidity of malignant melanoma keeps increasing annually.It has high risks of metastasis,drug resistance,and poor prognosis in clinics.Moreover,the available medicines used commonly,such as dacarbazine,... Objective:The morbidity of malignant melanoma keeps increasing annually.It has high risks of metastasis,drug resistance,and poor prognosis in clinics.Moreover,the available medicines used commonly,such as dacarbazine,temozolomide,the v-Raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1(BRAF)inhibitor vemurafenib,and the programmed cell death protein 1 inhibitor pembrolizumab,have some limitations at some extent.Therefore,a more effective therapeutic strategy is still urgently necessary.Methods:In this study,Brucea javanica(L.)Merr.globulins were hydrolyzed with pepsin,then ultra-filtrated to collect small molecular peptides(≤3 kDa).The peptides were then analyzed by antiproliferative assay,cell-cycle distribution,apoptosis assay,and in vitro wound-scratch assay.Finally,western blotting was conducted to elucidate the underlying anti-melanoma mechanism.Results:The small molecular peptide from B.javanica significantly inhibited malignant melanoma cell proliferation with the IC_(50) of 2.72 mg/mL for 72 h.Further analysis indicated that B.javanica peptides arrested cell cycle at the S and G2/M phases and induced apoptosis by upregulating p21,p53,Bax,caspase-3,and cleaved PARP while downregulating Bcl-2 expression.The inhibitory migration effects were also confirmed by wound-healing assay.Conclusion:The small molecular biopeptides from B.javanica may be a promising bioactive agent candidate for melanoma treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Brucea javanica(l.)merr. Melanoma GlOBUlIN In vitro wound-scratch assay Peptide Cell-cycle assay Apoptosis assay Hydrolyze
Proteomic Studies of Petal-specific Proteins in Soybean [Glycine Max(L.)Merr.] Florets
作者 Guo Fang-liang Liu Han-miao +7 位作者 Luo Ting-ting Fang Si-jia Pang Ze Yang Ming-ming Wei Xiao-shuang Song Bo Liu Shan-shan Li Wen-bin 《Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition)》 CAS 2019年第1期10-18,共9页
A survey of petal-specific proteomes of soybean(Glycine max(L.) Merr[Non-italic].) was conducted comparing protein expression profiles in different petals. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis reference ... A survey of petal-specific proteomes of soybean(Glycine max(L.) Merr[Non-italic].) was conducted comparing protein expression profiles in different petals. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis reference maps of protein extracts from standard petals(SP), lateral wings(LW), keel petals(KP), and reproductive organs(RO)(a mixture of stamen and carpel) were obtained. Protein expression in the three petal types was compared using Image Master TM 2 D platinum 6.0 software. This indicated that the proportion of homologous proteins between SP and LW was 59.27%, between SP and KP was 61.48%, and between LW and KP was 60.05%. Within a mass range of 6.5-200.0 ku and pH 4.0-7.0, approximately 590, 646, 544, and 700 protein spots were detected in SP, LW, KP, and RO, respectively. A total of 82 differentially expressed proteins were detected. Sixty-four of these detected spots were differentially expressed and showed more than 2-fold changes in abundance; of these 64 proteins, 26 showed increased expression and 38 showed decreased expression. Among these spots, single organ-specific proteins were also identified.They were ID 49(60.9 ku), ID 45(50.0 ku), and ID 46(40.5 ku) in RO, ID 98(42.0 ku) in SP, and ID 05(29.0 ku) in KP. A total of 14 protein spots from 82 differentially expressed proteins were identified with LC-MS/MS. Further protein identification was conducted using the SwissProt and NCBInr databases. The identified proteins and their putative functions were discussed further. This was the first study reporting the comparison of petal protein profiles of soybean florets using proteomics tools. 展开更多
关键词 soybean(Glycine max(l.) merr.) 2D-PAGE lC-MS/MS PETAl protein
Genome-wide association with transcriptomics reveals a shade-tolerance gene network in soybean
作者 Yanzhu Su Xiaoshuai Hao +11 位作者 Weiying Zeng Zhenguang Lai Yongpeng Pan Can Wang Pengfei Guo Zhipeng Zhang Jianbo He Guangnan Xing Wubin Wang Jiaoping Zhang Zudong Sun Junyi Gai 《The Crop Journal》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期232-243,共12页
Shade tolerance is essential for soybeans in inter/relay cropping systems.A genome-wide association study(GWAS)integrated with transcriptome sequencing was performed to identify genes and construct a genetic network g... Shade tolerance is essential for soybeans in inter/relay cropping systems.A genome-wide association study(GWAS)integrated with transcriptome sequencing was performed to identify genes and construct a genetic network governing the trait in a set of recombinant inbred lines derived from two soybean parents with contrasting shade tolerance.An improved GWAS procedure,restricted two-stage multi-locus genome-wide association study based on gene/allele sequence markers(GASM-RTM-GWAS),identified 140 genes and their alleles associated with shade-tolerance index(STI),146 with relative pith cell length(RCL),and nine with both.Annotation of these genes by biological categories allowed the construction of a protein–protein interaction network by 187 genes,of which half were differentially expressed under shading and non-shading conditions as well as at different growth stages.From the identified genes,three ones jointly identified for both traits by both GWAS and transcriptome and two genes with maximum links were chosen as beginners for entrance into the network.Altogether,both STI and RCL gene systems worked for shade-tolerance with genes interacted each other,this confirmed that shadetolerance is regulated by more than single group of interacted genes,involving multiple biological functions as a gene network. 展开更多
关键词 Soybean(Glycine max(l.)merr.) SHADE-TOlERANCE Restricted two-stage multi-locus genomewide association study based on gene/allele sequence markers(GASM-RTM-GWAS) Shade-tolerance index(STI) Relative cell length(RCl) Transcriptome
大豆苗期耐淹性的遗传与QTL分析 被引量:17
作者 王芳 赵团结 +2 位作者 喻德跃 陈受宜 盖钧镒 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期748-753,共6页
涝害是世界上许多国家的重大自然灾害。耐涝性可分为耐湿(渍)性和耐淹性。以科丰1号(高度耐淹)×南农1138-2(不耐淹)衍生的RIL群体(NJRIKY)为材料,以盆栽全淹条件下的存活率为耐淹性指标,采用主基因+多基因混合遗传模型分离分析法... 涝害是世界上许多国家的重大自然灾害。耐涝性可分为耐湿(渍)性和耐淹性。以科丰1号(高度耐淹)×南农1138-2(不耐淹)衍生的RIL群体(NJRIKY)为材料,以盆栽全淹条件下的存活率为耐淹性指标,采用主基因+多基因混合遗传模型分离分析法进行遗传分析,并利用WinQTL Cartographer Version 2.5程序的复合区间作图法(CIM)及多区间作图法(MIM)进行QTL定位。结果表明,两次试验的耐淹性均存在超亲变异,试验间、家系间以及试验与家系互作间的差异均极显著;NJRIKY大豆群体的耐淹性为3对等加性主基因遗传模型,主基因遗传率为42.40%;在QTL分析中,用CIM和MIM共同检测到3个耐淹QTL,分别位于A1、D1a和G连锁群上的Satt648~K418_2V、Satt531~A941V、Satt038~Satt275(B53B^Satt038)区间,表型贡献率为4.4%~7.6%。分离分析与QTL定位的结果相对一致,可相互印证。 展开更多
关键词 大豆[Gl.cinemax(l.)merr.] 耐淹性 RIl 分离分析 QTl定位
多环境下野生大豆染色体片段代换系群体农艺性状相关QTL/片段的鉴定 被引量:12
作者 向仕华 王吴彬 +5 位作者 何庆元 杨红燕 刘成 邢光南 赵团结 盖钧镒 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期10-22,共13页
【目的】改进染色体片段代换系群体,挖掘野生大豆(Glycine soja Sieb.et Zucc.)中蕴藏的农艺性状优异等位变异,为拓宽栽培大豆(Glycine max(L.)Merr.)的遗传基础提供材料和依据。【方法】通过标记加密和剔除部分单标记型片段的方法,改... 【目的】改进染色体片段代换系群体,挖掘野生大豆(Glycine soja Sieb.et Zucc.)中蕴藏的农艺性状优异等位变异,为拓宽栽培大豆(Glycine max(L.)Merr.)的遗传基础提供材料和依据。【方法】通过标记加密和剔除部分单标记型片段的方法,改进以野生大豆N24852为供体,栽培大豆NN1138-2为受体的染色体片段代换系(CSSL)群体Soja CSSLP1;对改进后的群体(Soja CSSLP2)进行3年2点田间试验,通过单标记分析、区间作图、完备复合区间作图和基于混合线性模型的复合区间作图等4种定位方法,结合与轮回亲本有显著差异的染色体片段代换系间相互比对,检测与大豆开花期、株高、主茎节数、单株荚数、百粒重和单株粒重相关的野生片段。【结果】改进后的群体(Soja CSSLP2)由150个CSSL构成,其中,有130个家系与Soja CSSLP1相同;在原遗传图谱上,新增40个SSR标记,相邻标记间平均遗传距离由16.15 c M变为12.91 c M,大于20 c M的区段由32个减少至17个,标记覆盖遗传距离总长度较原图谱(2 063.04 c M)增加103.52 c M;群体NN1138-2背景回复率变幅为79.45%—99.70%,平均为94.62%。利用Soja CSSLP2群体,分别鉴定到与开花期、株高、主茎节数、单株荚数、百粒重和单株粒重相关的4、5、5、7、14和3个工作QTL(working QTL)/片段,其中有15个工作QTL/片段能在多个环境下检测到,属共性工作QTL(joint working QTL);除片段Sct_190—Sat_293上的主茎节数位点外,野生等位变异具有的加性效应方向与双亲表型差异方向一致;单个位点分别能解释5%—64%的表型变异;同时,分别检测到3、2和2个与地点存在互作的株高、主茎节数和单株荚数QTL/片段,其中与凤阳环境的互作均具有增加表型的效应,这可能与凤阳较南京所处纬度高有关;这些位点/片段分布在26个染色体片段上,其中有7个片段与2个及以上性状相关,可能是性状相关的遗传基础;与前人结果比较,有3个开花期、3个株高、2个主茎节数、2个单株荚数、8个百粒重、2个单株粒重位点能在其他遗传背景栽培大豆中检测到,说明在这些位点上野生大豆和栽培大豆间及栽培大豆间均存在遗传差异;另外18个位点(片段)为本研究利用野生大豆的新发现。【结论】大豆开花期、株高和主茎节数的遗传基础较百粒重简单,前者均存在效应较大位点/片段,后者多由小效应位点控制,遗传基础极为复杂;野生大豆中蕴藏着新的等位变异,能拓宽栽培大豆遗传基础。 展开更多
关键词 野生大豆(Glycine SOJA Sieb. et Zucc.) 栽培大豆(Glycine max (l.) merr.) 染色体片段代换系(CSSl) 农艺性状
大豆抗筛豆龟蝽Megacota cribraria(Fabricius)的QTL分析 被引量:8
作者 邢光南 周斌 +4 位作者 赵团结 喻德跃 邢邯 陈受宜 盖钧镒 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期361-368,共8页
筛豆龟蝽是我国南方大豆的主要害虫之一,本研究旨在定位筛豆龟蝽抗性QTL,分析其稳定性,为大豆抗筛豆龟蝽育种提供参考。以科丰1号×南农1138-2组合衍生的含184个重组自交系的群体NJRIKY(简称KY)和皖82-178×通山薄皮黄豆甲组... 筛豆龟蝽是我国南方大豆的主要害虫之一,本研究旨在定位筛豆龟蝽抗性QTL,分析其稳定性,为大豆抗筛豆龟蝽育种提供参考。以科丰1号×南农1138-2组合衍生的含184个重组自交系的群体NJRIKY(简称KY)和皖82-178×通山薄皮黄豆甲组合衍生的含142个重组自交系的群体NJRIWT(简称WT)为材料,2004-2006在田间自然虫源下鉴定了筛豆龟蝽抗性。不同年份内以黑霉程度为指标的方差分析结果表明家系间差异在每年都达极显著水平,遗传变异系数都相当大,遗传率中等偏高。利用Windows QTL Cartographer Version2.5的复合区间作图法(CIM),KY群体的抗性QTL主要位于D1a和C2连锁群,WT群体的抗性QTL主要位于H和D1b连锁群。KY群体3年均检测出的qRMC-d1a-1位于D1a连锁群,贡献率为7.6%~31.4%;2005和2006两年均检测出的qRMC-c2-1位于C2连锁群,与环境有互作,效应相对较小;抗性等位基因来自南农1138-2;qRMC-d1a-1和qRMC-h-1在2005年和2006年存在显著的互作。WT群体连锁群H上的qRMC-h-1在3年中都被检测到,贡献率为16.3%~36.2%;D1b连锁群上的qRMC-d1b-2在2004年和2005年被检测到,效应相对较小;抗性等位基因来自通山薄皮黄豆甲。虽然WT群体D1b和H连锁群上的这2个QTL在KY群体中也有一年被检测到,但2个群体抗性位点基本上是不同的。QTL在不同环境被重复检出,说明大豆对筛豆龟蝽的抗性由稳定的主效QTL所控制,其2侧邻近标记有希望用于标记辅助选择育种。 展开更多
关键词 大豆[Glycine max(l.)merr.] 筛豆龟蝽[Megacota cribraria(Fabricius)] 抗虫性 QTl定位
大豆低植酸突变体Gm-lpa-ZC-2的精细定位 被引量:2
作者 李佰权 姜莹 +3 位作者 付旭军 朱申龙 朱丹华 袁凤杰 《浙江农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期870-875,共6页
降低大豆植酸含量对于改善大豆营养品质极其重要。通过诱变的方法筛选到大豆低植酸突变体Gm-lpaa-ZC-2,经典遗传学分析表明:其突变性状由隐性单基因所控制,并被定位在大豆连锁群B2上。试验在大豆低植酸突变体Gm-lpa—ZC-2初步定位的... 降低大豆植酸含量对于改善大豆营养品质极其重要。通过诱变的方法筛选到大豆低植酸突变体Gm-lpaa-ZC-2,经典遗传学分析表明:其突变性状由隐性单基因所控制,并被定位在大豆连锁群B2上。试验在大豆低植酸突变体Gm-lpa—ZC-2初步定位的基础上,通过构建较大的遗传群体,运用生物信息学发展新的连锁标记,结合大豆基因组学和传统定位的方法,进行突变基因的精确定位。结果表明:位于大豆B2连锁群上的Gm-lpa-ZC-2突变基凶,与连锁标记Satt168和Satt416的遗传距离远大于初步定位的结果,为18.2cM;4E此基础上,利用大豆基因组序列信息,在Satt168标记的上游序列与目的基因之间的染色体片段,4900~8200kb的区域中,发掘到9对在遗传群体亲本间具有多态性的SSR引物;其中SSR位点psmlpa-224,psmlpa-225和psmlpa-226与目的基因的距离仅为0.8cM,实现了突变基凶的精细定位。 展开更多
关键词 大豆[Glycine max l.merr.] 低植酸 突变体 精细定位
菠萝DNA的提取及AFLP反应体系的建立 被引量:19
作者 刘卫国 易干军 +1 位作者 张秋明 刘岩 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期51-54,共4页
为了应用AFLP分子标记对菠萝种资源进行种质鉴定、分类及亲缘关系等方面的研究,最重要的是要获得高质量的DNA,菠萝叶片革质化程度较高,且纤维、多糖、多酚等次生代谢物质含量较多,严重干扰DNA的抽提或影响其后的AFLP双酶切及其扩增反应... 为了应用AFLP分子标记对菠萝种资源进行种质鉴定、分类及亲缘关系等方面的研究,最重要的是要获得高质量的DNA,菠萝叶片革质化程度较高,且纤维、多糖、多酚等次生代谢物质含量较多,严重干扰DNA的抽提或影响其后的AFLP双酶切及其扩增反应,本研究以菠萝叶片为材料,利用改良CTAB法得到了39个高质量的菠萝分类群的DNA基因组,并进行了AFLP分析,得到了条带清晰、多态性好的菠萝品种指纹图谱,这为菠萝基因库的建立、优良品种选育以及亲缘关系的系列研究提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 菠萝 CTAB DNA提取 AFlP
用AFLP标记饱和大豆SSR遗传连锁图 被引量:11
作者 吕蓓 张丽霞 +3 位作者 宛煜嵩 肖英华 刘丕庆 方宣钧 《分子植物育种》 CAS CSCD 2005年第2期163-172,共10页
本研究将52个AFLP标记整合到由宛煜嵩等(2005)构建的含有227个SSR标记的大豆遗传连锁图上,绘制成一张基于SSR-AFLP标记的大豆遗传连锁图,总遗传图距为2512cM,相邻标记间的平均距离为9.0cM。AFLP标记的整合使得图谱的总图距增长了32%。在... 本研究将52个AFLP标记整合到由宛煜嵩等(2005)构建的含有227个SSR标记的大豆遗传连锁图上,绘制成一张基于SSR-AFLP标记的大豆遗传连锁图,总遗传图距为2512cM,相邻标记间的平均距离为9.0cM。AFLP标记的整合使得图谱的总图距增长了32%。在D1a、E、F、G、K连锁群上,AFLP标记主要整合在连锁群的末端,其中G连锁群尤为明显,末端增加了19个AFLP标记,使得G连锁群的长度由原来的121.2cM增加到259.1cM,相邻标记间的平均距离由原来的7.129cM变为7.197cM;在A2、B1、C2、D2、H、J、L、N、O连锁群,由于加入了AFLP标记使得这些连锁群的标记密度有所增加,改善了标记分布的均匀性。A2连锁群上添加了1个AFLP标记,消除了1个间隙;D2连锁群上添加了2个AFLP标记,提高了原来的一个超过40cM的区间(Satt301和Satt186)标记密度;J连锁群上添加了2个AFLP标记,消除了2个间隙。AFLP标记整合后,大多数连锁群上的SSR标记的顺序和遗传图距几乎与宛煜嵩等(2005)构建的大豆遗传连锁图上的顺序和图距一致,只有M、N和O3个连锁群上的SSR标记顺序发生了一些变化,如M连锁群上的Satt590、Satt201和Satt150及O连锁群上的Satt241和Satt479发生换位;N连锁群上的几个SSR标记的位置发生随机换位。我们认为构建一张理想的遗传图谱,需要来源于不同遗传背? 展开更多
关键词 AFlP标记 连锁群 遗传连锁图 SSR标记 大豆 遗传图 添加 末端 构建 遗传背景
大豆叶片性状QTL的定位及Meta分析 被引量:13
作者 仕相林 孙亚男 +3 位作者 王家麟 刘春燕 陈庆山 胡国华 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期256-263,共8页
利用Charleston×东农594重组自交系构建SSR遗传图谱,采用WinQTLCartographer Ver.2.5软件的CIM和MIM分析方法对2006—2010年(F2:14~F2:18)连续5年的大豆叶长、叶宽以及叶柄长数据进行QTL定位。检测到8个与叶长有关的QTL,位于染色... 利用Charleston×东农594重组自交系构建SSR遗传图谱,采用WinQTLCartographer Ver.2.5软件的CIM和MIM分析方法对2006—2010年(F2:14~F2:18)连续5年的大豆叶长、叶宽以及叶柄长数据进行QTL定位。检测到8个与叶长有关的QTL,位于染色体Gm01、02、05、11和18上;9个与叶宽有关的QTL,位于染色体Gm01、03、05、06、11、12和16上;8个与有关叶柄长的QTL,位于染色体Gm01、03、05、06、11、17和18上。2年以上均检测到的叶长QTL为qLL5a、qLL5b、qLL1a和qLL18;叶宽QTL为qLW5a、qLW11a、qLW11b和qLW12;叶柄长QTL为qLSL11b。另外,利用BioMercator2.1的映射功能将国内外常用的大豆图谱上的叶长、叶宽QTL通过公共标记映射整合到大豆公共遗传连锁图谱Soymap2上,将搜集到的35个叶长QTL、37个叶宽QTL和本研究得到的QTL整合分析,最终得到5个大豆叶长的"通用"QTL,位于Gm09、18和19,其置信区间最小可达5.66cM;4个大豆叶宽的"通用"QTL,位于Gm07、Gm18和Gm19上,其置信区间最小可达5.67cM,为今后对大豆叶片性状QTL精细定位提供了信息。 展开更多
关键词 大豆 叶片性状 QTl定位 整合分析
大豆籽粒维生素E含量的QTL分析 被引量:14
作者 张红梅 李海朝 +6 位作者 文自翔 顾和平 袁星星 陈华涛 崔晓艳 陈新 卢为国 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期187-196,共10页
维生素E(VE)具有提高人体免疫力、抗癌、预防心血管疾病等保健作用,从大豆中提取的VE安全性更高。本研究采用高效液相色谱技术(HPLC)检测大豆BIEX群体(Essex×ZDD2315)维生素E的α-生育酚、γ-生育酚和δ-生育酚含量。应用QTL... 维生素E(VE)具有提高人体免疫力、抗癌、预防心血管疾病等保健作用,从大豆中提取的VE安全性更高。本研究采用高效液相色谱技术(HPLC)检测大豆BIEX群体(Essex×ZDD2315)维生素E的α-生育酚、γ-生育酚和δ-生育酚含量。应用QTLNetwork 2.1软件分别检测到8个和12对控制大豆维生素E及组分含量的加性和互作QTL。α-生育酚含量加性和互作QTL累计贡献值分别为8.68%(2个)和15.57%(4对),γ-生育酚含量加性和互作QTL累计贡献值分别为8.59%(2个)和11.57%(2对),δ-生育酚含量加性和互作QTL累计贡献值分别为5.44%(1个)和17.61%(3对),维生素E总含量的加性和互作QTL累计贡献值分别为11.39%(3个)和9.48%(3对)。未检测到维生素E及组分含量和环境互作的QTL。未定位到的微效QTL累计贡献值为66.16%-75.32%,说明未定位到的微效基因的变异占2/3以上。各性状的遗传构成中,未检测出的微效QTL份额最大,加性QTL和互作QTL贡献相差不大。在育种中应考虑常规方法聚合微效QTL与标记辅助方法聚合主要QTL相结合。 展开更多
关键词 大豆 籽粒 维生素E含量 QTl定位
大豆耐旱种质鉴定和相关根系性状的遗传与QTL定位 被引量:37
作者 刘莹 盖钧镒 +2 位作者 吕慧能 王永军 陈受宜 《Acta Genetica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第8期855-863,共9页
从301份黄淮海和长江中下游地区代表性大豆地方品种和育成品种(系)中按根系类型选取59份,在苗期干旱胁迫和非胁迫条件下对地上部和地下部性状进行2年重复鉴定,发现材料间性状隶属函数值具有丰富遗传变异,以株高、叶龄、根干重和茎叶干... 从301份黄淮海和长江中下游地区代表性大豆地方品种和育成品种(系)中按根系类型选取59份,在苗期干旱胁迫和非胁迫条件下对地上部和地下部性状进行2年重复鉴定,发现材料间性状隶属函数值具有丰富遗传变异,以株高、叶龄、根干重和茎叶干重隶属函数的算术平均数为抗旱综合指标从中筛选出汉中八月黄、晋豆14,科丰1号,圆黑豆等强耐旱型(1级)和临河大粉青、宁海晚黄豆等干旱敏感型(5级)材料。比根干重、比总根长、比根体积与耐旱隶属函数平均值均呈极显著正相关,可作为耐旱性的根系性状指标。利用“科丰1号×南农1138 2”(1级×4级)衍生的RIL群体为材料,对耐旱相关根系性状采用主基因+多基因混合遗传模型分离分析法进行遗传分析并进行QTL定位。结果表明,该两亲本间比根干重、比总根长、比根体积的遗传均为两对主基因加多基因模型,后两者主基因间有连锁(重组率分别为4.30%和1.93%);主基因遗传率为62.26%~91.81%,多基因遗传率为2.99%~24.75%;耐旱相关根系性状各主要由1对主基因控制,另1对效应较小。QTL分析检测到5、3、5个QTLs分别控制比根重、比根总长、比根体积,位于N6 C2、N8 D1b+W、N11 E、N18 K连锁群上。3性状各有1个贡献率大的QTL(Dw1,Rl1,Rv1),而且均位在N6 C2的STAS8_3T STAS8_6T相同距离的区段上,其他QTLs效应均较小。分离分析与QTL定位的结果相对一致。 展开更多
关键词 大豆 耐旱性 根系性状 相关 遗传 数量性状分离分析 QTl定位
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