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作者 毕刚 李蒙蒙 +3 位作者 刘志坤 窦亮彬 王瑞 韩强 《高教学刊》 2024年第16期142-145,共4页
完井工程是石油工程本科专业的主干课程之一,针对传统教学方式在石油人才培养中的现状及教学中存在的问题,提出基于CDIO-OBE理念的完井工程课程教学设计与实践,以提高学生自主学习、创新实践和团队合作的能力。该文通过对课前-课堂-课... 完井工程是石油工程本科专业的主干课程之一,针对传统教学方式在石油人才培养中的现状及教学中存在的问题,提出基于CDIO-OBE理念的完井工程课程教学设计与实践,以提高学生自主学习、创新实践和团队合作的能力。该文通过对课前-课堂-课后三个教学活动阶段的方案设计,从理论教学、实践教学、考评模式等方面对完井工程课程教学模式进行创新,初步形成“课前线上预习、课堂理论学习、课后拓展实践和以赛促教”的教学模式。在CDIO-OBE特定理念背景下的教育过程,帮助学生树立职业道德、团队精神和分享意识,为应用型人才培养模式创新提供参考和启示。 展开更多
关键词 cdio-obe理念 完井工程 教学方法 教学改革 石油工程人才培养
作者 陈志祥 鄢丽丽 《黑龙江教育(理论与实践)》 2024年第8期71-75,共5页
“生产与运作管理”是一门来源于企业生产实践,具有明显实践性和操作性及工程思维特征的管理类课程。在“双一流”建设背景下,文章将工程教育CDIO的推式教学理念和成果导向的OBE拉式教学理念相结合,通过创新教学思路和方法,优化教学资源... “生产与运作管理”是一门来源于企业生产实践,具有明显实践性和操作性及工程思维特征的管理类课程。在“双一流”建设背景下,文章将工程教育CDIO的推式教学理念和成果导向的OBE拉式教学理念相结合,通过创新教学思路和方法,优化教学资源,反复论证和提炼,创新性提出以培养学生“双创”(创新创业)能力为核心的“生产与运作管理”课程教学模式和教学方法体系。该教学模式围绕育人三目标——“知识—能力—素质”展开,构建“知识体系构建—实践能力训练—综合素质和创新创业能力训练”三阶段递进教学方法体系;为配合教学改革,通过与企业合作,在全国首创制作了企业现场教学影视片立体化多媒体教学资源,把传统“教师—学生”的平面教学模式,改变为“企业—教师—学生”多维立体的教学模式。 展开更多
关键词 研究型教学 实践型教学 cdio-obe 创新能力
CDIO-OBE理念下电气工程专业教学新范式 被引量:3
作者 李文娟 付敏 +2 位作者 张颖 高晗璎 赵鹏舒 《中国现代教育装备》 2024年第1期104-106,110,共4页
针对电气工程专业在教学设计、创新能力培养、个性化差异教学方面存在的问题,提出将CDIO模式和OBE理念融入教学之中。更新教学内容,重塑教学知识点,加强线上、线下一流课程建设;精选适合的工程项目,拓展虚拟仿真实验,开发快速原型创新... 针对电气工程专业在教学设计、创新能力培养、个性化差异教学方面存在的问题,提出将CDIO模式和OBE理念融入教学之中。更新教学内容,重塑教学知识点,加强线上、线下一流课程建设;精选适合的工程项目,拓展虚拟仿真实验,开发快速原型创新实验平台;适时引入思政元素,实现师生多维互动,积极开展分类教学,多方面引导并帮助学生顺利完成学业。教学实践表明,学生的创新能力显著提升,毕业生就业率高、专业素质过硬、受到企业好评,育人效果得到学生和家长的赞许。 展开更多
关键词 教学范式 电气工程专业 CDIO模式 OBE理念
基于CDIO-OBE工程教学理念的单片机课程教学方法探究 被引量:1
作者 谭洁 刘震 《物联网技术》 2024年第1期159-162,共4页
单片机课程是物联网技术等专业的核心课程,是多门学科的延伸和拓展。为培养学生的工程实践能力和思维创新能力,借鉴CDIO-OBE工程教育理念,以学生兴趣为抓手,重构教学内容,自制SPOC教学视频,丰富教学资源;采用虚拟仿真与实物制作相结合... 单片机课程是物联网技术等专业的核心课程,是多门学科的延伸和拓展。为培养学生的工程实践能力和思维创新能力,借鉴CDIO-OBE工程教育理念,以学生兴趣为抓手,重构教学内容,自制SPOC教学视频,丰富教学资源;采用虚拟仿真与实物制作相结合的理实一体化“翻转课堂”教学模式,促进学生自主实践学习,探索全方位的单片机课程教学改革方法。 展开更多
关键词 cdio-obe教学理念 实践能力 单片机 教学方法 人才培养 教学改革
作者 胡桃英 虞娟 《电脑知识与技术》 2024年第11期137-139,共3页
研究首先对传统的Java程序设计课程进行了分析,发现其存在理论与实践脱节、学生缺乏实际应用能力等问题。根据CDIO-OBE工程教育理念设计了一套Java程序设计课程改革方案。该方案包括课程案例的重新设定、课程内容的优化、教学模式的改... 研究首先对传统的Java程序设计课程进行了分析,发现其存在理论与实践脱节、学生缺乏实际应用能力等问题。根据CDIO-OBE工程教育理念设计了一套Java程序设计课程改革方案。该方案包括课程案例的重新设定、课程内容的优化、教学模式的改进、考核评价方式的创新和完善等。改革方案的实施有效提高了学生的实际应用能力和就业竞争力,为职业教育的发展提供了有益的借鉴和参考。 展开更多
关键词 cdio-obe JAVA程序设计 就业导向 项目驱动 课程改革
作者 何淑娟 《教师》 2024年第16期117-119,共3页
随着人工智能技术的迅猛发展,高职院校纷纷设立人工智能专业以培养相关人才。然而,这些专业面临教学目标模糊、知识迭代快速、多学科融合等挑战,亟需优化教学体系。文章探讨了基于CDIO-OBE理念的高职人工智能专业教学体系构建要点,旨在... 随着人工智能技术的迅猛发展,高职院校纷纷设立人工智能专业以培养相关人才。然而,这些专业面临教学目标模糊、知识迭代快速、多学科融合等挑战,亟需优化教学体系。文章探讨了基于CDIO-OBE理念的高职人工智能专业教学体系构建要点,旨在通过创新课程体系、实施项目教学、促进成果导向、构建评价体系,推动高职人工智能专业学生主体和能力本位的发展。在把握CDIO-OBE理念核心要素的同时,提出确定教学目标、改革教学方法、优化评价体系、丰富教学资源等构建路径。这些措施预期将提高学生的实践技能和创新素养,以适应人工智能行业的快速发展和动态的人才需求。 展开更多
关键词 cdio-obe 高职人工智能专业 教学体系 构建路径
作者 郑娜 邓奥强 林陈煊 《亚太教育》 2024年第13期89-92,共4页
CDIO-OBE模式强调以学生为中心、以成果为导向,培养实践能力、创新精神和综合素质。基于此分析了当前中职学校计算机网络课程教学存在的问题,探讨了CDIO-OBE模式在计算机网络课程中的作用,包括多样化教学资源、技术基础知识掌握和综合... CDIO-OBE模式强调以学生为中心、以成果为导向,培养实践能力、创新精神和综合素质。基于此分析了当前中职学校计算机网络课程教学存在的问题,探讨了CDIO-OBE模式在计算机网络课程中的作用,包括多样化教学资源、技术基础知识掌握和综合能力培养,提出了基于CDIO-OBE模式的计算机网络课程教学改革策略,包括全面整合课程内容、创新教学方法、引入项目化实践教学和认证与竞赛活动及完善考核方案。 展开更多
关键词 cdio-obe模式 中职计算机网络课程 教学改革 课程体系 混合式教学 项目化实践 以赛促学 考核
作者 田靓 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)教育科学》 2024年第9期0193-0196,共4页
《人力资源管理》是一门理论、实践和应用于一体的专业课程,其“以结果为导向,以学生为本,理论与实践相结合”的“CDIO-OBE”思想与本课程的教学需求相吻合。为此,本课题将CDIO-OBE的思想引入《人力资源管理》课程的教学改革中,在课程... 《人力资源管理》是一门理论、实践和应用于一体的专业课程,其“以结果为导向,以学生为本,理论与实践相结合”的“CDIO-OBE”思想与本课程的教学需求相吻合。为此,本课题将CDIO-OBE的思想引入《人力资源管理》课程的教学改革中,在课程的构思、设计、实施和运行过程中,以学生的学习结果为导向,在CDIO-OBE的基础上,建立一种新型的《人力资源管理》实践教学模式,对学生的理论知识、实践能力、品德素质进行全面的训练,推动《人力资源管理》实践教学内涵的内涵发展。 展开更多
关键词 cdio-obe理念 人力资源管理 实践教学
作者 要秀宏 刘静 《喀什大学学报》 2024年第3期102-105,共4页
常规的以教师为主导的“数据库原理与应用”课程教学存在着实践技能培养欠缺、教学评价体系不够完善等问题.基于此,根据新工科背景下人才培养目标,在教学中,融入CDIO和OBE教学理念.基于OBE理念进行课程目标的设计,结合CDIO模式进行课程... 常规的以教师为主导的“数据库原理与应用”课程教学存在着实践技能培养欠缺、教学评价体系不够完善等问题.基于此,根据新工科背景下人才培养目标,在教学中,融入CDIO和OBE教学理念.基于OBE理念进行课程目标的设计,结合CDIO模式进行课程教学实践,并设计基于超星平台的多元混合教学评价体系,力求全面系统地收集教与学的过程数据,实现实时分析教学效果,改进教学及学习方法,更好地培养具备国际竞争力的高素质复合型新工科人才. 展开更多
关键词 “数据库原理与应用” 新工科 OBE理念 CDIO模式 多元混合教学评价体系
作者 李平 段士伟 《安徽工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第6期63-65,共3页
将CDIO和OBE两种教育理念的核心思想相融合,重构了工程估价课程教学体系,以能力培养为核心,准确定位教学目标。反向设计各教学环节,建立了以工程项目为载体、以任务为驱动的体验式教学模式。以学习成果为导向建立了多元化考核评价系统,... 将CDIO和OBE两种教育理念的核心思想相融合,重构了工程估价课程教学体系,以能力培养为核心,准确定位教学目标。反向设计各教学环节,建立了以工程项目为载体、以任务为驱动的体验式教学模式。以学习成果为导向建立了多元化考核评价系统,促进教学效果提升。 展开更多
关键词 cdio-obe 工程估价 教学改革 实践创新
作者 郭宏斌 吉燕宁 《中国科技经济新闻数据库 教育》 2023年第2期34-37,共4页
教学质量是高等教育的主要根本,而实践教学又会对教学质量造成严重影响。对于城乡规划这一专业来讲,其本身便属于实践性要求较高的专业方向,所以立足CDIO-OBE理念对实践教学体系进行优化与构建是提高教学质量的核心所在,同时也是强化人... 教学质量是高等教育的主要根本,而实践教学又会对教学质量造成严重影响。对于城乡规划这一专业来讲,其本身便属于实践性要求较高的专业方向,所以立足CDIO-OBE理念对实践教学体系进行优化与构建是提高教学质量的核心所在,同时也是强化人才教育质量的主要关键点。基于此,本文主要以CDIO-OBE理念为前提,详细分析城乡规划专业实践教学体系构建思路。 展开更多
关键词 cdio-obe理念 城乡规划专业 实践教学体系
新工科背景下融合CDIO-OBE理念的城市地理信息系统课程教学改革与实践 被引量:1
作者 王慧敏 魏毓洁 温莉 《科教文汇》 2023年第9期73-76,共4页
新工科学科建设强调培养复合型创新应用人才。在新时代国土空间规划的背景下,文章以CDIO-OBE模式为基础,从教学内容体系更新、教学方式的项目化、考核方式的多元化等方面探索城市地理信息系统课程教学改革与实践的目标、内容及具体措施... 新工科学科建设强调培养复合型创新应用人才。在新时代国土空间规划的背景下,文章以CDIO-OBE模式为基础,从教学内容体系更新、教学方式的项目化、考核方式的多元化等方面探索城市地理信息系统课程教学改革与实践的目标、内容及具体措施,构建基于理论知识、实践技能及综合素质构建的“三位一体”课程体系,提高学生利用地理信息技术进行空间分析与规划决策的综合能力,为国土空间规划实践提供新工科规划人才支持。 展开更多
关键词 新工科 国土空间规划 城市地理信息系统 cdio-obe模式
A concept analysis of vicarious resilience in mental health nursing
作者 Nora Ghalib AlOtaibi 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2024年第4期485-494,共10页
Objective:The introduction of the vicarious resilience concept in psychology and mental health nursing literature is a highly promising advancement.By utilizing this novel concept,experts in various domains can enhanc... Objective:The introduction of the vicarious resilience concept in psychology and mental health nursing literature is a highly promising advancement.By utilizing this novel concept,experts in various domains can enhance their comprehension of how to foster resilience in individuals by observing and learning from the resilience of others.This concept analysis aims to elucidate the concept of vicarious resilience in mental health nursing by defining its related attributes,antecedents,and consequences.Methods:Walker and Avant’s strategy for concept analysis method was used.This review specifically examined mental health nurse providers.A comprehensive literature search was performed in the PubMed,Medline,the Cochrane Library,and CINAHL databases.The inclusion criterion was Englishlanguage documents on vicarious resilience within mental health nursing.Results:A total of 24 articles were included.The concept’s attributes were empathy,hope,resourcefulness,awareness,and spirituality.Antecedents were associated with listening to patients’trauma narratives,self-care,self-awareness,and support from colleagues.Consequences were enhanced well-being,changes in life goals,adaptation,personal growth,and increased personal resilience.Currently,there is only one tool in the empirical reference.Conclusion:Interpreting the concept of vicarious resilience in mental health nursing and determining its characteristics can be utilized to design nursing interventions to develop vicarious resilience and enhance the quality of care in mental health facilities. 展开更多
关键词 Vicarious resilience concept analysis Mental health Psychology health Nurses
Rule acquisition of three-way semi-concept lattices in formal decision context
作者 Jie Zhao Renxia Wan +1 位作者 Duoqian Miao Boyang Zhang 《CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology》 SCIE EI 2024年第2期333-347,共15页
Three-way concept analysis is an important tool for information processing,and rule acquisition is one of the research hotspots of three-way concept analysis.However,compared with three-way concept lattices,three-way ... Three-way concept analysis is an important tool for information processing,and rule acquisition is one of the research hotspots of three-way concept analysis.However,compared with three-way concept lattices,three-way semi-concept lattices have three-way operators with weaker constraints,which can generate more concepts.In this article,the problem of rule acquisition for three-way semi-concept lattices is discussed in general.The authors construct the finer relation of three-way semi-concept lattices,and propose a method of rule acquisition for three-way semi-concept lattices.The authors also discuss the set of decision rules and the relationships of decision rules among object-induced three-way semi-concept lattices,object-induced three-way concept lattices,classical concept lattices and semi-concept lattices.Finally,examples are provided to illustrate the validity of our conclusions. 展开更多
关键词 finer relation rule acquisition three-way concept analysis three-way semi-concept lattices
Learning of Concepts: A Review of Relevant Advances Since 2010 and Its Inspirations for Teaching
作者 Zhong Wang 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2024年第6期1-15,共15页
This article reviews the psychological and neuroscience achievements in concept learning since 2010 from the perspectives of individual learning and social learning,and discusses several issues related to concept lear... This article reviews the psychological and neuroscience achievements in concept learning since 2010 from the perspectives of individual learning and social learning,and discusses several issues related to concept learning,including the assistance of machine learning about concept learning.In terms of individual learning,current evidence shows that the brain tends to process concrete concepts through typical features(shared features);and for abstract concepts,semantic processing is the most important cognitive way.In terms of social learning,interpersonal neural synchrony(INS)is considered the main indicator of efficient knowledge transfer(such as teaching activities between teachers and students),but this phenomenon only broadens the channels for concept sources and does not change the basic mode of individual concept learning.Ultimately,this article argues that the way the human brain processes concepts depends on the concept’s own characteristics,so there are no“better”strategies in teaching,only more“suitable”strategies. 展开更多
关键词 concept learning Concrete concepts Abstract concepts Interpersonal neural synchrony Machine learning Review
Value and Measures of Integrating Local Red Culture into the Ideological and Political Course of Environmental Disciplines under the OBE Concept
作者 Xiong YAN Wenzhao LI +5 位作者 Shenwen CAI Bailian XIONG Liumei CHEN Junwei CHENG Qinghe WANG Leilei FAN 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2024年第2期40-42,共3页
Based on output-oriented education,the OBE(Outcome-Based Education)concept integrates local red culture into the ideological and political course of environmental disciplines,and is an important part of training appli... Based on output-oriented education,the OBE(Outcome-Based Education)concept integrates local red culture into the ideological and political course of environmental disciplines,and is an important part of training applied talents of environmental disciplines in the new era.This educational model makes an innovation on the traditional educational and teaching concepts and centers on students.This paper analyzes the value of integrating local red culture into the ideological and political course under the OBE concept,and puts forward an effective implementation path. 展开更多
关键词 OBE(Outcome-Based Education)concept Local red culture Environmental disciplines Ieological and political course
Clinical Study of Applying Enhanced Recovery after Surgery Concept in Single-Segment Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Surgery
作者 Yinwen Mai Weikang Yang +3 位作者 Yuanjian Huang Wanxia Lu Guosheng Su Chengkua Huang 《Open Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation》 2024年第3期263-273,共11页
Objective: With the aging population and changes in lifestyle, lumbar spinal stenosis has become a common spinal disorder. Treatment modalities have been advancing, and the application of Enhanced Recovery After Surge... Objective: With the aging population and changes in lifestyle, lumbar spinal stenosis has become a common spinal disorder. Treatment modalities have been advancing, and the application of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) principles provides a new approach to postoperative recovery in patients. This study aims to investigate the clinical application effects of ERAS principles in single-level lumbar spinal stenosis surgery. Methods: This study included 64 patients who underwent lumbar fusion surgery in the Spinal Surgery Department of Baise People’s Hospital from July 2022 to July 2024. These patients were divided into an experimental group (ERAS group, 33 cases) and a control group (conventional group, 31 cases) based on perioperative care, receiving ERAS principles and traditional treatment, respectively. A comparison was made between the two groups in terms of gender, age, BMI, intraoperative blood loss, postoperative length of hospital stay, postoperative complications, hospital costs, VAS scores (preoperative/postoperative day 3), and ODI scores (preoperative/postoperative day 3). Results: There were no significant differences in gender, age, and BMI between the ERAS group and the conventional group (gender: χ2 = 0.5008, P = 0.4792;age: 54.55 ± 8.51 years vs. 57.39 ± 8.16 years, P = 0.0892;BMI: 25.11 ± 2.70 vs. 24.77 ± 2.75, P = 0.3098). However, during surgery, patients in the ERAS group had significantly less blood loss than those in the conventional group (197.58 ± 195.51ml vs. 438.71 ± 349.22 ml, P = 0.0006), and the postoperative length of hospital stay was significantly shorter (7.00 ± 2.24 days vs. 11.55 ± 5.23 days, P = 0.0000). On postoperative day 3, VAS scores were significantly better in the ERAS group compared to the conventional group (3.70 ± 0.88 vs. 4.32 ± 0.87, P = 0.0031), and the ODI scores showed significant improvement as well (46.00 ± 3.04 vs. 48.00 ± 3.39, P = 0.0078). Although there were no significant differences in postoperative complications and hospital costs (complications: 3 cases vs. 0 cases, P = 0.2154;hospital costs: 63524.29 ± 17891.80 RMB vs. 58733.84 ± 13280.82 RMB, P = 0.1154), ERAS demonstrated better postoperative recovery outcomes in single-level lumbar spinal stenosis surgery. Conclusion: The study results support the implementation of ERAS principles in single-level lumbar spinal stenosis surgery to promote rapid recovery, reduce healthcare resource consumption, and improve overall patient satisfaction. 展开更多
关键词 Enhanced Recovery after Surgery concept Single-Segment Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Perioperative Period VAS Score ODI Score
Conceptual Analysis of Self-Management in Patients with Hypertension
作者 Li Yang Yutian Hao +4 位作者 Liling Zhong Shilin Xu Saiqiong Zhong Yanying Lu Hui Liu 《Journal of Clinical and Nursing Research》 2024年第5期356-368,共13页
Objective:To clarify the concept of self-management in hypertensive patients by analyzing the definition,attributes,and measurement tools through a literature review.Methods:An Internet-based search of the databases w... Objective:To clarify the concept of self-management in hypertensive patients by analyzing the definition,attributes,and measurement tools through a literature review.Methods:An Internet-based search of the databases was conducted using Academic Search Complete,Medical Line,CINAHL,Health Source:Nursing/Scholarly Edition,and Google Scholar.In the search process,keywords or free text were combined by using Boolean operators,with the search terms“self of management”or“self-management,”“concept*analysis”or“concept*definition,”and Walker and Avant’s concept analysis method was used.Results:Analysis of relevant literature summarized the conceptual attributes of self-management in hypertensive patients as the active participation of patients in the treatment process;the presence of interaction provided by patients and health care providers;the use of certain health management tools;and the aim of maintaining and improving the health status and living capacity of hypertensive patients.Conclusion:The concept of self-management for hypertensive patients was clarified,which helps to promote the application of hypertensive self-management in clinical work and improve outcomes and quality of life for patients with hypertension. 展开更多
关键词 HYPERTENSION SELF-MANAGEMENT concept analysis Walker and Avant’s concept analysis method
The Sustainable Development Pathway of the Biomedical Industry Based on Environmental,Social,and Governance(ESG)Concepts
作者 Yangyan Chen 《Proceedings of Business and Economic Studies》 2024年第1期133-138,共6页
There is a growing global awareness of environmental,social,and governance(ESG)concerns.The biopharmaceutical industry is an important field that affects human health and well-being,and its sustainable development is ... There is a growing global awareness of environmental,social,and governance(ESG)concerns.The biopharmaceutical industry is an important field that affects human health and well-being,and its sustainable development is now the industry’s focus.Based on the current state of the green development of China’s biopharmaceutical industry,the article proposes suggestions and paths for promoting the industry to better fulfill its social responsibilities and protect the environment while pursuing economic benefits.By doing so,the industry can make a greater contribution to global public health and become an important factor in promoting human health and social prosperity. 展开更多
关键词 ESG concept Biomedical industry Sustainable development
Self-management in patients with diabetic foot ulcer:a concept analysis
作者 Hui-Ren Zhuang Yong-Mei You +2 位作者 Qin Liu Hai-Ping Yu Minerva B.De Ala 《Frontiers of Nursing》 2024年第3期267-274,共8页
Objective:This paper presents an analysis of the concept of patient outcomes.Methods:The present study conducted searches on various databases,including Wanfang,Sinomed,CNKI,Pub Med,Cochrane Library,Embase,Web of Scie... Objective:This paper presents an analysis of the concept of patient outcomes.Methods:The present study conducted searches on various databases,including Wanfang,Sinomed,CNKI,Pub Med,Cochrane Library,Embase,Web of Science,and Ovid.The paper followed the Walker and Avant concept-analysis approach.Results:Initially,899 pieces of literature were identified through the search process,and after screening,41 of them were ultimately included in the analysis.The identified attributes of the concept included(1)capability,(2)decision making,and(3)action.These antecedents were shaped by factors such as illness perception,self-efficacy,and family and social.The consequences included(1)physiological effects,(2)psychological effects,and(3)social influence.Conclusions:The concept analysis of self-management in patients with diabetic foot ulcers(DFUs)not only aids in clinical practice and suppor ts interventions,but also contributes to the development of self-management theory.The common goal of clinical medical staff is to assist DFU patients in improving cognitive ability,making correct self-management decisions,and enhancing self-management behavior. 展开更多
关键词 conceptION conceptual analysis DFU diabetic foot ulcer SELF-MANAGEMENT
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