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COMAS烘丝机整体改造与应用 被引量:19
作者 徐伟民 刘剑敏 +1 位作者 舒梦 徐荣华 《烟草科技》 EI CAS 北大核心 2011年第2期17-20,共4页
浙江中烟工业有限责任公司下设两个生产基地,分别配备COMAS逆流式烘丝机和HAUNI顺流式烘丝机。为了克服烘丝机设备和叶丝干燥工艺差异、统一制丝生产工艺、实现不同产地产品的同质化,在对比分析了两种烘丝机工作原理和控制方式的基础上,... 浙江中烟工业有限责任公司下设两个生产基地,分别配备COMAS逆流式烘丝机和HAUNI顺流式烘丝机。为了克服烘丝机设备和叶丝干燥工艺差异、统一制丝生产工艺、实现不同产地产品的同质化,在对比分析了两种烘丝机工作原理和控制方式的基础上,对COMAS烘丝机进行了整体改造。内容包括:热风流向变为顺流式;风机增加变频调速功能,调节热风流量,减少能源消耗;采用HAUNI方式的热风温度与筒壁温度控制方式;在出料端安装负压传感器保持烘丝机进出风量平衡。改造后的COMAS烘丝机的热风流向、控制方式趋近于HAUNI顺流式烘丝机,各项工艺和物理指标均达到或优于改造前水平,烘丝冷却后含水率控制稳定,含水率偏差控制在0.18%以内,有效控制了干头干尾烟丝量,且减少了蒸汽消耗。 展开更多
关键词 comas烘丝机 HAUNI烘丝机 控制模式 热风流向 含水率
COMAS振动输送机的研究 被引量:3
作者 胡开文 潘晓阳 《华东理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第4期401-404,共4页
关键词 多自由度振动 振动输送机 隔振 comas振机
COMAS制丝线PLC监控网络的设计 被引量:1
作者 陈德祥 徐华中 +1 位作者 赵广州 汤红 《武汉汽车工业大学学报》 CAS 2000年第2期37-39,共3页
介绍了由西门子 S 5- 115U可编程控制器构成的监控局域网的组网原则及网络的数据通讯问题。
关键词 可编程控制器 卷烟厂 comas制丝线 监控局域网
COMAS烘丝机工艺参数与叶丝质量的测试分析 被引量:12
作者 熊安言 王镇增 张志刚 《烟草科技》 EI CAS 2003年第8期6-8,共3页
为提高COMAS烘丝机烘后叶丝膨胀效果 ,对影响叶丝膨胀效果的有关工艺参数进行了测试分析。结果表明 :①改变切丝宽度可影响叶丝填充值。高档烟叶丝宽度为 0 .95mm时填充值最高 ;低档烟叶丝宽度为 1.2 0mm时填充值最高。②叶丝填充值随... 为提高COMAS烘丝机烘后叶丝膨胀效果 ,对影响叶丝膨胀效果的有关工艺参数进行了测试分析。结果表明 :①改变切丝宽度可影响叶丝填充值。高档烟叶丝宽度为 0 .95mm时填充值最高 ;低档烟叶丝宽度为 1.2 0mm时填充值最高。②叶丝填充值随加料后叶片含水率的增大而增大 ,随烘前叶丝温度的增加而增加。③在设备能力范围内 ,叶丝填充值随物料流量的增大而间接增大。④在烘前叶丝含水率和温度一定的情况下 ,增加烘丝机筒壁温度并与适宜的热风温度及热风风速相配合 ,有利于提高烘后叶丝质量。 展开更多
关键词 comas烘丝机 工艺参数 叶丝膨胀 测试分析 卷烟 烟丝
COMAS烘丝机自动加水系统 被引量:7
作者 熊安言 王镇增 +1 位作者 靳建森 陈建国 《烟草科技》 EI CAS 2001年第6期15-16,共2页
介绍了在HT与烘丝机之间加装自动加水系统 ,通过PLC控制器控制延时与加水时间 ,对每批烟丝的开头与结尾部分集中进行短时、适量的加水 ,并与烘丝机的合理操作相配合 ,降低了每批烟丝的“干头”、“干尾”量 ,提高了烟丝的有效利用率 。
关键词 comas烘丝机 自动加水系统 控制系统 “干头” “干尾” 卷烟
HAUNI梗前处理与COMAS膨胀塔的配置 被引量:2
作者 周永胜 李海刚 《烟草科技》 EI CAS 1999年第3期17-18,共2页
关键词 HAUNI 梗前处理 comas 梗丝 膨胀塔 卷烟
作者 黄松杰 《烟草科技》 EI CAS 1995年第3期15-18,共4页
COMAS制丝线烘丝水分控制程序的研究和实践黄松杰(广州卷烟一厂)烘丝是制丝生产流程中的一个重要工序。要使烘后烟丝的水分达到规定的质量指标,并使所有产出烟丝的水分均匀一致,是控制程序设计的一个难点。COMAS制丝生产... COMAS制丝线烘丝水分控制程序的研究和实践黄松杰(广州卷烟一厂)烘丝是制丝生产流程中的一个重要工序。要使烘后烟丝的水分达到规定的质量指标,并使所有产出烟丝的水分均匀一致,是控制程序设计的一个难点。COMAS制丝生产线上的烘丝机采用了热传导和热对流两... 展开更多
关键词 comas 制丝生产线 烘丝 水分 控制程序 烟草
作者 赵建周 《烟草科技》 EI CAS 1998年第6期13-14,共2页
对影响COMAS卧式打叶机的主要工艺指标及相关因素进行了分析与论证,确定了经济有效的改造方案。通过对打叶机及风分器的改造与调整,提高了打叶工序的大中片率,降低了叶中含梗率、梗中含叶率和碎片率,使叶片结构更趋于合理,提... 对影响COMAS卧式打叶机的主要工艺指标及相关因素进行了分析与论证,确定了经济有效的改造方案。通过对打叶机及风分器的改造与调整,提高了打叶工序的大中片率,降低了叶中含梗率、梗中含叶率和碎片率,使叶片结构更趋于合理,提高了烟丝的整丝率,有效降低了卷烟单箱耗叶量。 展开更多
关键词 comas 打叶机 工艺 制线 单箱耗丝量 改造
作者 卢杰英 刘晓晖 +2 位作者 王加深 梁强 孙曼玲 《烟草科技》 EI CAS 1999年第4期14-15,共2页
改造原因深圳卷烟厂的制梗丝线是国内引进的第一条原装COMAS生产线,原设计生产能力为600kg/h,其工艺流程如图1。图1COMAS600kg/h梗丝生产线工艺流程建厂初期,这条生产线尚能满足生产需要,运行也较为稳定... 改造原因深圳卷烟厂的制梗丝线是国内引进的第一条原装COMAS生产线,原设计生产能力为600kg/h,其工艺流程如图1。图1COMAS600kg/h梗丝生产线工艺流程建厂初期,这条生产线尚能满足生产需要,运行也较为稳定。但随着生产能力的逐步扩大以及对工... 展开更多
关键词 comas 梗丝生产线 卷烟 生产线 制梗
作者 彭裕民 朱巍 《烟草科技》 EI CAS 1997年第3期16-17,共2页
关键词 comas制丝线 打叶 工艺 全配方打叶 卷烟
仿COMAS SAM型贮梗(丝)柜的改造
作者 胡开利 高文杰 谢振河 《烟草科技》 EI CAS 1996年第6期2-3,共2页
仿COMASSAM型贮梗(丝)柜的改造胡开利高文杰谢振河根据仿COMASSAM型贮梗(丝)柜原来的设计方式,只有两种理想的生产方式如图1。①如果打叶线生产A类烟梗,贮梗柜SL1进料、贮梗柜SL2出料,梗线只能对B类烟... 仿COMASSAM型贮梗(丝)柜的改造胡开利高文杰谢振河根据仿COMASSAM型贮梗(丝)柜原来的设计方式,只有两种理想的生产方式如图1。①如果打叶线生产A类烟梗,贮梗柜SL1进料、贮梗柜SL2出料,梗线只能对B类烟梗进行切梗丝、膨胀处理,而加香配比... 展开更多
关键词 烟草 贮梗柜 仿comas SAM型 改造
作者 黄履东 刘志平 《烟草科技》 EI CAS 1995年第1期6-6,共1页
COMAS制丝线的使用与改进黄履东,刘志平(广东南雄卷烟厂)南雄卷烟厂COMAS制丝线的生产能力为1500kg/h.全线制丝设备自动比程度高,工艺流程布置合理.能分别对不同加工程序的烟叶和不同特性的烟叶进行不同的工艺... COMAS制丝线的使用与改进黄履东,刘志平(广东南雄卷烟厂)南雄卷烟厂COMAS制丝线的生产能力为1500kg/h.全线制丝设备自动比程度高,工艺流程布置合理.能分别对不同加工程序的烟叶和不同特性的烟叶进行不同的工艺处理。全线设有烤烟线、东方烟线、白... 展开更多
关键词 卷烟 comas制丝线 制丝线 应用 改进
仿 Comas 制丝线打叶段综合改造
作者 余斌 《西昌农业高等专科学校学报》 2000年第1期30-32,共3页
针对我厂仿 comas 制丝线叶、梗分离工艺中存在问题进行分析,采取相应措施,对部分设施进行改造以降低造碎损失,同时根据 comas 卧式打叶机与 HAUNI 立式打叶机各自的优点,把 comas 卧打线前段与立打结合使用,取得优于两者的效果。在节... 针对我厂仿 comas 制丝线叶、梗分离工艺中存在问题进行分析,采取相应措施,对部分设施进行改造以降低造碎损失,同时根据 comas 卧式打叶机与 HAUNI 立式打叶机各自的优点,把 comas 卧打线前段与立打结合使用,取得优于两者的效果。在节能降耗的同时,取得了提高“大中片率”,降低“短梗率”、“叶带梗”、“梗带叶”比率的目的,为最终提高烟丝“整丝率”、“纯净度”以满足卷接工艺需要创造了必要条件。 展开更多
关键词 仿comas制丝线 打叶段 综合改造
Prognostic Factors of Comas in the Intensive Care Unit of the University Teaching Hospital of Parakou (Benin)
作者 Tchaou Blaise Adelin Adoukonou Thierry Armel +2 位作者 Zoumenou Eugene Mehou Loko Ulrich Donald Lokossou C. Thomas 《Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science》 2015年第11期503-512,共10页
Background: Coma is a highly frequent situation associated with several diseases. Objective: That is to assess the prognostic factors of comas at the intensive care unit of the university teaching hospital of Parakou.... Background: Coma is a highly frequent situation associated with several diseases. Objective: That is to assess the prognostic factors of comas at the intensive care unit of the university teaching hospital of Parakou. Patients and Methods: It is a cross-sectional study with descriptive and analytical purpose based on prospective gathering of data. It has been performed from March 1 to July 31, 2014. The population study consists of 100 adult patients admitted to the intensive care unit for coma. The vital and functional prognosis data are studied. Results: The admission frequency of comatose patients to the intensive care unit is 44.4%. Patients’ mean age is 27 ± 13.9 years with extremes of 16 and 88 years. The average length of stay in the intensive care unit is 5.2 ± 5.6 days with extremes of 2 hours 30 minutes and 30 days. Mortality rate is 30%. Poor prognostic factors are: average Glasgow score of 6.8 ± 2.9 (p = 0.01), average outpatient simplified severity index (OSSI) of 9.1 ± 3.5 (p = 0.02), pupillary abnormality (p = 0.00), motor weakness (p = 0.00), average glycemia of 1.5 ± 0.82 g/L (p = 0.02), average systolic blood pressure of 130.9 ± 44.5 mm Hg (p = 0.03), average diastolic blood pressure of 80.8 ± 22.3 mm Hg (p = 0.03), average respiratory rate of 30.9 ± 10.6 cycles/min (p = 0.03) and average temperature of 37.8&deg;C ± 1.2&deg;C (p = 0.03). Conclusion: Coma is a pathological entity with high frequency in clinical medicine. Its positive diagnosis is easy, but etiological research is hard. Hospital mortality is high and influenced by several factors. Taking into account, those factors in care strategies can improve their prognosis. 展开更多
Epidemiological, Clinical and Etiological Aspects of Non-Traumatic Comas in Children at the Pediatric Teaching Hospital in Bangui
作者 Olivier Brice Bogning Mejiozem Moyen Engoba +1 位作者 Evodie Pierrette Bogning Kakounguere Jean Chrysostome Gody 《Open Journal of Pediatrics》 CAS 2022年第3期489-506,共18页
Background: Non-traumatic coma is the most common pediatric medical emergency. Its clinical diagnosis is easy. The difficulty lies in finding the etiology. Objective: To determine the prevalence and clinical profiles ... Background: Non-traumatic coma is the most common pediatric medical emergency. Its clinical diagnosis is easy. The difficulty lies in finding the etiology. Objective: To determine the prevalence and clinical profiles of non-traumatic Coma at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Pédiatrique de Bangui (CHUPB). Methodology: This was a descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study conducted between January 1 and June 31, 2021, at CHUPB. Children aged 1 month to 15 years, admitted to the emergency room with a Glasgow score less than or equal to 8 without any traumatism were included. The variables studied were sociodemographic, clinical and paraclinical. Data were entered and analyzed using SPSS 20.0 statistical software. The statistical test used was Pearson’s chi<sup>2</sup>, any p-value Results: Of 8551 children hospitalized during the study period, 370 were hospitalized for non-traumatic coma: 4.32%. They were divided into 57.5% (n = 213) boys and 42.44% (n = 157) girls, giving a sex ratio of 1.35. Their mean age was 35.95 ± 27.21 months. Children aged 1 to 24 months represented 54.59% (n = 202) of cases. The mean time to the consultation was 2.91 days ± 1.8. Fever 86.48% (n = 320) and convulsions 80% (n = 296) were the main reasons for consultation. Coma stages II - III and IV represented 52.44% (n = 194), 42.97% (n = 159) and 4.59% (n = 17) respectively. Neuromalaria (29.72%;n = 110), meningitis-meningoencephalitis-encephalitis (30%;n = 111), sepsis (19.72%;n = 73) and acidosis Coma (5.40%;n = 20) were the main etiologies. Conclusion: Non-traumatic coma is common at CHUPB. Infections were the main etiology, particularly cerebral malaria. The reduction of its frequency requires, among others, the strengthening of the national monitoring malaria program. The strengthening of the technical platform for a good etiological diagnosis constitutes the other axis of prevention. 展开更多
关键词 Non-Traumatic Coma Child Epidemiological-Clinical Etiological CHUPB
作者 焦阳 赵继慈 +7 位作者 杨力 余昆杰 李泽惠 谭胜 严树先 李林桔 常金贵 杨云森 《烟草科技》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期107-112,共6页
为解决COMAS翻箱机在生产中因储叶烟箱磨损导致夹紧机构无法夹紧烟箱等问题,对夹紧机构进行了分析和改进。通过增大气囊直径,调整夹紧机构底座的高度和宽度,改进进气座和堵头形状和尺寸,将耐磨条与气囊相连接,以解决夹紧机构无法夹紧固... 为解决COMAS翻箱机在生产中因储叶烟箱磨损导致夹紧机构无法夹紧烟箱等问题,对夹紧机构进行了分析和改进。通过增大气囊直径,调整夹紧机构底座的高度和宽度,改进进气座和堵头形状和尺寸,将耐磨条与气囊相连接,以解决夹紧机构无法夹紧固定烟箱等问题;通过加装横向限位装置,以解决烟箱横向移位问题。以昆明卷烟厂3条制丝生产线为对象,对改进前后COMAS翻箱机进行对比测试,结果表明:改进后COMAS翻箱机故障停机次数减少9.0次/月,故障处理时间缩短11.8 min/次,节约烟箱维修费用77.8万元/年。该技术可为提高了制丝设备运行效率提供支持。 展开更多
关键词 comas翻箱机 夹紧机构 储叶烟箱 进气座 气囊 横向限位装置
Typhoid fever presenting as neuropsychiatric oddities:A case report
作者 Prashant Badole Jivtesh Singh +1 位作者 Preetam N Wasnik Rohini Rokkam 《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine》 SCIE CAS 2024年第6期281-284,共4页
Rationale:Salmonella is a common etiological agent behind the tropical fever syndrome in the Indian subcontinent.Its prevalence in India remains high due to a lack of proper sanitation services in large parts of the c... Rationale:Salmonella is a common etiological agent behind the tropical fever syndrome in the Indian subcontinent.Its prevalence in India remains high due to a lack of proper sanitation services in large parts of the country.Its neuropsychiatric manifestations is rare and the understanding on their pathophysiology is still poor.Patient concerns:A 19-year-old male,presented with a 10-day history of altered mental status,high-grade fever and violent behaviour.2 Days prior to admission,he developed decreased responsiveness and a muttering delirium with self-talking.Diagnosis:Coma vigil secondary to salmonellosis.Interventions:Intravenous ceftriaxone and dexamethasone.Outcomes:The resolution of the coma vigil and the associated Salmonella infection were observed;however,the patient developed residual mutism.Lessons:The atypical presentation of a globally obtunded state followed by mutism in typhoid coma in this case should be brought to the attention of clinicians worldwide.Additionally,the enduring speech limitations and potential psychiatric consequences may be linked to the prolonged duration of the infection. 展开更多
关键词 SALMONELLA SALMONELLOSIS Coma vigil Typhoid fever
Effects of Sevoflurane and Propofol on Neurological Recovery of Traumatic Brain Injury Patients in the Early Postoperative Stage: A Retrospective Cohort Study
作者 Bei Wu Wan-Qing Song +6 位作者 Jin-Qian Dong Hong-Li Yue Yu Lu Yun Yu Shu-Yu Hao Bai-Yun Liu Wei-Hua Cui 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2023年第2期97-108,共12页
Objective To investigate the effects of propofol and sevoflurane on neurological recovery of traumatic brain injury(TBI)patients in the early postoperative stage.Methods We retrospectively analyzed the clinical data o... Objective To investigate the effects of propofol and sevoflurane on neurological recovery of traumatic brain injury(TBI)patients in the early postoperative stage.Methods We retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of TBI patients who underwent craniotomy or decompressive craniectomy.Generalized additive mixed model(GAMM)was used to analyze effects of propofol and sevoflurane on Glasgow Coma Scale(GCS)on postoperative days 1,3,and 7.Multivariate regression analysis was used to analyze effects of the two anesthetics on Glasgow Outcome Scale(GOS)at discharge.Results A total of 340 TBI patients were enrolled in this study.There were 110 TBI patients who underwent craniotomy including 75 in the propofol group and 35 in the sevoflurane group,and 134 patients who underwent decompressive craniectomy including 63 in the propofol group and 71 in the sevoflurane group.It showed no significant difference in GCS at admission between the propofol and the sevoflurane groups among craniotomy patients(β=0.75,95%CI:-0.55 to 2.05,P=0.260).However,elevation in GCS from baseline was 1.73 points(95%CI:-2.81 to-0.66,P=0.002)less in the sevoflurane group than that in the propofol group on postoperative day 1,2.03 points(95%CI:-3.14 to-0.91,P 0.001)less on day 3,and 1.31 points(95%CI:-2.43 to-0.19,P=0.022)less on day 7.The risk of unfavorable GOS(GOS 1,2,and 3)at discharge was higher in the sevoflurane group(OR=4.93,95%CI:1.05 to 23.03,P=0.043).No significant difference was observed among two-group decompressive craniectomy patients in GCS and GOS.Conclusions Compared to propofol,sevoflurane was associated with worse neurological recovery during the hospital stay in TBI patients undergoing craniotomy.This difference was not detected in TBI patients undergoing decompressive craniectomy. 展开更多
关键词 Glasgow Coma Scale Glasgow Outcome Scale PROPOFOL SEVOFLURANE traumatic brain injury
The Bar-Bulge Relation in Non-dwarf SB0 Galaxies in the Central Region of Coma Cluster
作者 Nagamani Poloji Priya Hasan S.N.Hasan 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第6期212-219,共8页
In this paper we explore the formation of bars and present the bulge and bar properties and their correlations for a sample of lenticular barred(SB0)and lenticular unbarred(S0)galaxies in the central region of the Com... In this paper we explore the formation of bars and present the bulge and bar properties and their correlations for a sample of lenticular barred(SB0)and lenticular unbarred(S0)galaxies in the central region of the Coma Cluster using HST/ACS data.In our sample,we identified bar features using the luminosity profile decomposition software GALFIT.We classified the bulges based on Sérsic index and Kormendy relation.We found that the average mass of the bulge in SB0 galaxies is 1.48×10^(10)M☉whereas the average mass of the bulge in S0 galaxies is 4.3×10^(10)M☉.We observe that SB0 galaxies show lower bulge concentration,low mass and also smaller B/T values compared to S0 galaxies.Using the Kormendy relation,we found that among the lenticular barred galaxies,82%have classical bulges and 18%have pseudo bulges.These classical bulges have low masses compared to the classical bulges of unbarred galaxies.S0,galaxies with massive classical bulges do not host bars.We also found that for all SB0s the bulge effective radius is less than the bar effective radius.SB0 galaxies with classical bulges suggest that the bar may have formed by mergers. 展开更多
关键词 galaxies:clusters:individual(Coma) galaxies:bulges galaxies:elliptical and lenticular cD
西学东渐——新译“Glasgow coma scale” 被引量:3
作者 邹西峰 李建民 +1 位作者 李兵 费舟 《医学争鸣》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第2期31-34,共4页
西方的科学研究成果大多来源于英语的语言文化环境,把西方的科学研究成果介绍到中国,必须重视英语的语言文化环境和汉语的语言文化环境的不同,这样才能使国人准确、方便地应用西方的科学研究成果,西学东渐。格拉斯哥昏迷评分(Glasgow co... 西方的科学研究成果大多来源于英语的语言文化环境,把西方的科学研究成果介绍到中国,必须重视英语的语言文化环境和汉语的语言文化环境的不同,这样才能使国人准确、方便地应用西方的科学研究成果,西学东渐。格拉斯哥昏迷评分(Glasgow coma scale)被翻译、介绍到国内已有数十年,但汉语版的"Glasgow coma scale"多种多样,容易造成初学者和使用者的迷惑。本文复习有关"Glasgow coma scale"的原始英式英文文献、美式英语英文文献和以往的几个主要的汉语翻译版。结合英式英语、美式英语和汉语的语言文化特点,新译了"Glasgow coma scale",以方便医护人员使用。 展开更多
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