In this study, th e least sq u are su p p o rt v ecto r m achine (LSSVM) alg o rith m w as applied to predicting th ebearing capacity o f b ored piles e m b ed d ed in sand an d m ixed soils. Pile g eo m etry an d c...In this study, th e least sq u are su p p o rt v ecto r m achine (LSSVM) alg o rith m w as applied to predicting th ebearing capacity o f b ored piles e m b ed d ed in sand an d m ixed soils. Pile g eo m etry an d cone p e n e tra tio nte s t (CPT) resu lts w ere used as in p u t variables for pred ictio n o f pile bearin g capacity. The d ata u se d w erecollected from th e existing litera tu re an d consisted o f 50 case records. The application o f LSSVM w ascarried o u t by dividing th e d ata into th re e se ts: a train in g se t for learning th e pro b lem an d obtain in g arelationship b e tw e e n in p u t variables an d pile bearin g capacity, and testin g an d validation sets forevaluation o f th e predictive an d g en eralization ability o f th e o b tain ed relationship. The predictions o f pilebearing capacity by LSSVM w ere evaluated by com paring w ith ex p erim en tal d ata an d w ith th o se bytrad itio n al CPT-based m eth o d s and th e gene ex pression pro g ram m in g (GEP) m odel. It w as found th a t th eLSSVM perform s w ell w ith coefficient o f d eterm in atio n , m ean, an d sta n d ard dev iatio n equivalent to 0.99,1.03, an d 0.08, respectively, for th e testin g set, an d 1, 1.04, an d 0.11, respectively, for th e v alidation set. Thelow values o f th e calculated m ean squared e rro r an d m ean ab so lu te e rro r indicated th a t th e LSSVM w asaccurate in p redicting th e pile bearing capacity. The results o f com parison also show ed th a t th e p roposedalg o rith m p red icted th e pile bearin g capacity m ore accurately th a n th e trad itio n al m eth o d s including th eGEP m odel.展开更多
Field tests in geotechnical engineering are fundamental for identification of the underground conditions.The standard penetration test(SPT) is the most commonly used geotechnical approach. There has been an increase b...Field tests in geotechnical engineering are fundamental for identification of the underground conditions.The standard penetration test(SPT) is the most commonly used geotechnical approach. There has been an increase both in the use and application of the in situ tests: cone penetration test(CPT) and dynamic probing(DP). Several empirical SPT-CPT and dynamic probing light(DPL)-CPT correlations for sandy soils have been discussed in the literature. New SPT-CPT and DPL-CPT correlations for the sandy soils of the city of Vitoria, in the southeast of Brazil, are suggested in this paper. Statistical analyses to evaluate the quality of the data used are performed, and the suggested correlations are validated with several previous published datasets. The paper also provides some insights into SPT-CPT correlations and soil characteristics(i.e. the mean particle size and the fines fraction of the soil).展开更多
文摘In this study, th e least sq u are su p p o rt v ecto r m achine (LSSVM) alg o rith m w as applied to predicting th ebearing capacity o f b ored piles e m b ed d ed in sand an d m ixed soils. Pile g eo m etry an d cone p e n e tra tio nte s t (CPT) resu lts w ere used as in p u t variables for pred ictio n o f pile bearin g capacity. The d ata u se d w erecollected from th e existing litera tu re an d consisted o f 50 case records. The application o f LSSVM w ascarried o u t by dividing th e d ata into th re e se ts: a train in g se t for learning th e pro b lem an d obtain in g arelationship b e tw e e n in p u t variables an d pile bearin g capacity, and testin g an d validation sets forevaluation o f th e predictive an d g en eralization ability o f th e o b tain ed relationship. The predictions o f pilebearing capacity by LSSVM w ere evaluated by com paring w ith ex p erim en tal d ata an d w ith th o se bytrad itio n al CPT-based m eth o d s and th e gene ex pression pro g ram m in g (GEP) m odel. It w as found th a t th eLSSVM perform s w ell w ith coefficient o f d eterm in atio n , m ean, an d sta n d ard dev iatio n equivalent to 0.99,1.03, an d 0.08, respectively, for th e testin g set, an d 1, 1.04, an d 0.11, respectively, for th e v alidation set. Thelow values o f th e calculated m ean squared e rro r an d m ean ab so lu te e rro r indicated th a t th e LSSVM w asaccurate in p redicting th e pile bearing capacity. The results o f com parison also show ed th a t th e p roposedalg o rith m p red icted th e pile bearin g capacity m ore accurately th a n th e trad itio n al m eth o d s including th eGEP m odel.
基金the sponsorship from the Brazilian government agencies CNPqFAPES
文摘Field tests in geotechnical engineering are fundamental for identification of the underground conditions.The standard penetration test(SPT) is the most commonly used geotechnical approach. There has been an increase both in the use and application of the in situ tests: cone penetration test(CPT) and dynamic probing(DP). Several empirical SPT-CPT and dynamic probing light(DPL)-CPT correlations for sandy soils have been discussed in the literature. New SPT-CPT and DPL-CPT correlations for the sandy soils of the city of Vitoria, in the southeast of Brazil, are suggested in this paper. Statistical analyses to evaluate the quality of the data used are performed, and the suggested correlations are validated with several previous published datasets. The paper also provides some insights into SPT-CPT correlations and soil characteristics(i.e. the mean particle size and the fines fraction of the soil).