In order to improve competitive ability of market, mo torcycle enterprises, special the small and middle sized ones must use IT to org anize social resource and adopt effective production mode, namely the dispersed ne...In order to improve competitive ability of market, mo torcycle enterprises, special the small and middle sized ones must use IT to org anize social resource and adopt effective production mode, namely the dispersed networked design and manufacturing (DNDM), which was put forward and proved to b e one of vitality production modes in recent years. In responding to the new pro duction mode of VMCE, a dispersed networked CAD/CAM system (DNCADMS) of motorcyc le products should be developed. The objective of this paper is to investigate a new design and manufacturing mode and technical environment of motorcycle produ ction based on the concept of the DNDM for the small and meddle sized motorcycle enterprises. Because there are various CAx software systems, including differen t kinds of isolated CD, CAD, CAE, CAPP, CAM, PDM, and so on, are used at differe nt stages of the life period of motorcycle products under heterogeneous environm ents, to build a DNCADMS of motorcycle with high performance, some key issues, n amely the architecture of the DNCADMS, the integration of the isolated CAx softw are systems (CAxs), the data communication and exchange between these isolated s ystems and the data share problem under the dispersed heterogeneous database env ironment, should be solved well. For this, the idea we propose is the combinatio n of Web, CORBA, STEP and Java, which provides an effective mechanism to support the integration of isolated CAxs, and support communication and interoperabilit y among CAx systems. Each isolated CAx has been encapsulated respectively by a c ontainer, which is implemented by the ORBs and the IDL of the COBRA technology s tandard, and managed by the application index server. Each container is connecte d with the others by a local network or intranet/Extranet/internet and communica tes through network. For exchanging design and manufacturing information and kno wledge via a local network or the Internet, a commmerical product data translato r has been employed as a product data translating server to complete product dat a communication and exchange between the isolated CAx systems. And for solving t he data share problem under the dispersed networked heterogeneous database envir onment, the idea we propose is to build a meta-database for the native database s, which is a dispersed database, and links various native databases into a whol e logical database. For managing the meta-database, the database index server, a Java-based integrating mechanism, has been also put forward in this paper. Th e application and database index servers have been implemented with Java lan guage. Moreover, the native data base and knowledge base related to each isolate d CAx are be integrated into a dispersed database system by a meta-base.展开更多
文摘In order to improve competitive ability of market, mo torcycle enterprises, special the small and middle sized ones must use IT to org anize social resource and adopt effective production mode, namely the dispersed networked design and manufacturing (DNDM), which was put forward and proved to b e one of vitality production modes in recent years. In responding to the new pro duction mode of VMCE, a dispersed networked CAD/CAM system (DNCADMS) of motorcyc le products should be developed. The objective of this paper is to investigate a new design and manufacturing mode and technical environment of motorcycle produ ction based on the concept of the DNDM for the small and meddle sized motorcycle enterprises. Because there are various CAx software systems, including differen t kinds of isolated CD, CAD, CAE, CAPP, CAM, PDM, and so on, are used at differe nt stages of the life period of motorcycle products under heterogeneous environm ents, to build a DNCADMS of motorcycle with high performance, some key issues, n amely the architecture of the DNCADMS, the integration of the isolated CAx softw are systems (CAxs), the data communication and exchange between these isolated s ystems and the data share problem under the dispersed heterogeneous database env ironment, should be solved well. For this, the idea we propose is the combinatio n of Web, CORBA, STEP and Java, which provides an effective mechanism to support the integration of isolated CAxs, and support communication and interoperabilit y among CAx systems. Each isolated CAx has been encapsulated respectively by a c ontainer, which is implemented by the ORBs and the IDL of the COBRA technology s tandard, and managed by the application index server. Each container is connecte d with the others by a local network or intranet/Extranet/internet and communica tes through network. For exchanging design and manufacturing information and kno wledge via a local network or the Internet, a commmerical product data translato r has been employed as a product data translating server to complete product dat a communication and exchange between the isolated CAx systems. And for solving t he data share problem under the dispersed networked heterogeneous database envir onment, the idea we propose is to build a meta-database for the native database s, which is a dispersed database, and links various native databases into a whol e logical database. For managing the meta-database, the database index server, a Java-based integrating mechanism, has been also put forward in this paper. Th e application and database index servers have been implemented with Java lan guage. Moreover, the native data base and knowledge base related to each isolate d CAx are be integrated into a dispersed database system by a meta-base.