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The Catch Distribution of Ommastrephes batramii in Squid Jigging Fishery and the Relationship between Fishing Ground and SST in the North Pacific Ocean in 2004 被引量:4
作者 陈新军 刘必林 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2006年第2期83-91,共9页
Neon flying squid Ommastrephes batramii is widely distributed in the North Pacific Ocean, which has become the main fishing species for Chinese squid jigging fleets since 1993. Many authors have made the studies on th... Neon flying squid Ommastrephes batramii is widely distributed in the North Pacific Ocean, which has become the main fishing species for Chinese squid jigging fleets since 1993. Many authors have made the studies on the fields of fishing ground and its environment conditions. However, the squid catch per fishing vessel attained the highest level of about 550 t in 2004. In this paper, the catch and its distribution in 2004 would be compared with the previous year. Based on the catch data from Chinese squid jigging vessels and sea surface temperature with the format of 1 °latitude by 1 °longitude from May to November in 2004, the distribution maps were drawn by Marine explorer 4.0. The results show that the production in the east waters to 160°E was low during May and July. During October and November, the production in the waters from 150°E to 160°E was relatively higher, which occupied 62.5 percent of the total catch. During November, the production in the west waters to 150°E was also low. The highest CPUE area located in the west waters to 150°E, the next was the area from 150°E to 160°E and the lowest CPUE area located in the east waters to 160°E. The SST in the fishing ground seems to change seasonally. The suitable SST for each month is as follows: 12-14 ℃ in May, 15 ℃ - 16 ℃ in June, 14 ℃ - 16 ℃ in July, 18 ℃ - 19 ℃ in August, 16 ℃ -17 ℃ in September, 15 ℃- 16 ℃ in October and 12 ℃ - 13 ℃ in November. The result of K-S test shows that the above monthly suitable SST is considered as the indicator of looking for the main fishing ground. 展开更多
关键词 Ommastrephes batramii North Pacific catch distribution Sea surface temperature K-S test
DiGeorge综合征是CATCH22综合征的一部分 被引量:3
作者 应大明 《临床儿科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第5期269-270,共2页
由于在儿科领域内各种学科的不断飞速发展,分工也愈来愈细.每个学科的医师在越来越深入钻研本学科的同时,难免会在诊治工作中发生忽略对患儿整体综合分析的偏差,尤其是对一些较为少见却涉及多个不同系统的疾病或综合征,更易被忽略,值得... 由于在儿科领域内各种学科的不断飞速发展,分工也愈来愈细.每个学科的医师在越来越深入钻研本学科的同时,难免会在诊治工作中发生忽略对患儿整体综合分析的偏差,尤其是对一些较为少见却涉及多个不同系统的疾病或综合征,更易被忽略,值得引起我们的注意.我们应当在对各个专科儿科医师的培养工作中注意加强综合分析和研究能力培养,从而不断提高临床的诊治水平. 展开更多
关键词 DIGEORGE综合征 catch22综合征 免疫缺陷病
CATCH22综合征与染色体22q11缺失 被引量:1
作者 陈萍 常才 黄国英 《国外医学(妇产科学分册)》 2005年第5期287-290,共4页
CATCH22综合征是以先天性心脏畸形、异常面容、低钙血症、胸腺发育不良等为特征的遗传性疾病,与人类22号染色体长臂1区1带(22q11)的1.5-3Mb缺失有关,22q11区域中某些基因有可能是致病关键基因,22q11微缺失的检测有助于CATCH22综合征产... CATCH22综合征是以先天性心脏畸形、异常面容、低钙血症、胸腺发育不良等为特征的遗传性疾病,与人类22号染色体长臂1区1带(22q11)的1.5-3Mb缺失有关,22q11区域中某些基因有可能是致病关键基因,22q11微缺失的检测有助于CATCH22综合征产前和产后的诊断,减少患病儿出生率,提高人口质量。 展开更多
关键词 catch22 染色体 缺失 先天性 畸形 catch22综合征 染色体22q11缺失 先天性心脏畸形 胸腺发育不良 22q11区
采用123D Catch建立建筑设备3D模型
作者 刘理 刘杨 《阜阳职业技术学院学报》 2017年第3期44-46,共3页
文章主要介绍了采用Autodesk 123D Catch软件,基于真实照片的3D建模技术,把高职建筑类课程教学中所需的建筑构配件和设备制作成3D模型的过程,同时阐释了3D模型的应用价值。
关键词 123D catch 建筑设备 3D建模
作者 钟慧 李晓驷 《国外医学(精神病学分册)》 2005年第1期32-36,共5页
本文对 CATCH2 2综合征的含义、临床表现、发生机制、与精神障碍尤其是精神分裂症的关系以及相关神经影像学研究的进展等做一介绍。
关键词 catch 22综合征 22q11 精神障碍 精神分裂症
P公钥随机矩阵及解决Catch22问题的方案 被引量:3
作者 彭典祥 李业清 彭宏祥 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 2000年第5期1-3,共3页
关键词 P公钥 随机矩阵 catch22问题 保密通信
Modern American Society—— An Absurd World Behind Catch- 22 被引量:2
作者 吴泽庆 《内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2000年第S1期163-166,共4页
本文分别对约瑟夫·海勒的两部小说《第二十二条军规》和《出了毛病》的主人公约塞连和鲍勃·斯洛柯姆进行了分析 ,两人都生活在一个相互猜疑的社会里 ,他们无法摆脱社会对他们的控制。“军规”是一种高度的抽象和集中 ,象征着... 本文分别对约瑟夫·海勒的两部小说《第二十二条军规》和《出了毛病》的主人公约塞连和鲍勃·斯洛柯姆进行了分析 ,两人都生活在一个相互猜疑的社会里 ,他们无法摆脱社会对他们的控制。“军规”是一种高度的抽象和集中 ,象征着冥冥中统治世界的力量 ;“某种毛病”的无处不在也反映了人们思想上的危机感 ,展示了充满愤怒和辛辣讽刺的“和平”美国景象 。 展开更多
关键词 catch ABSURD rationalzation PARANOIA
CATCH模型在神经内科住院患者跌倒预防管理中的应用 被引量:2
作者 龚喜燕 张翠翠 +2 位作者 钟英 张雨燕 廖常菊 《现代医药卫生》 2023年第1期141-143,147,共4页
目的 探讨CATCH模型在神经内科住院患者跌倒预防管理中的应用效果。方法 选取自贡市第一人民医院神经内科2015-2017年17 220例住院患者为对照组,实施常规跌倒预防措施;2018-2020年19 264例住院患者为试验组,在常规措施基础上应用CATCH... 目的 探讨CATCH模型在神经内科住院患者跌倒预防管理中的应用效果。方法 选取自贡市第一人民医院神经内科2015-2017年17 220例住院患者为对照组,实施常规跌倒预防措施;2018-2020年19 264例住院患者为试验组,在常规措施基础上应用CATCH模型开展跌倒管理工作;比较两组患者跌倒发生率及伤害率,分析跌倒发生的规律。结果 干预后跌倒发生率由0.370‰降至0.274‰,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);试验组跌倒伤害占比为66.04%,低于对照组(75.00%),但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);中重度跌倒伤害占比由43.06%降至18.87%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 CATCH模型能有效降低神经内科住院患者跌倒发生率及中重度跌倒伤害占比。 展开更多
关键词 catch跌倒管理模型 患者 跌倒 神经内科
基于JCI标准下运用CATCH模式对住院患者进行跌倒安全管理 被引量:7
作者 阳国兴 李欢欢 《临床合理用药杂志》 2018年第16期41-44,共4页
目的基于JCI标准下,观察某三甲医院以跨学科团队合作的方式(CATCH)对住院患者进行跌倒安全管理的效果。方法收集某三级甲等医院2015年全年住院患者的跌倒发生数据,根据JCI跌倒护理敏感指标进行回顾性分析,针对跌倒发生原因联合康复科、... 目的基于JCI标准下,观察某三甲医院以跨学科团队合作的方式(CATCH)对住院患者进行跌倒安全管理的效果。方法收集某三级甲等医院2015年全年住院患者的跌倒发生数据,根据JCI跌倒护理敏感指标进行回顾性分析,针对跌倒发生原因联合康复科、药剂科、社区医疗科、信息科、宣传科等多部门制定《易致跌倒药物咨询手册》、《跌倒预防宣传手册》、拍摄《住院患者预防跌倒视频》、改进病员服等一系列措施进行干预,通过问卷及回访形式进行效果访谈及评价。结果通过多部门合作共同干预,跌倒发生率及跌倒伤害率明显降低,各项干预措施的制定及实施科学合理有效,患者及护理人员的满意度显著提升,医院跌倒安全管理落实到位。结论住院患者跌倒安全管理是全面和多方位的,以跌倒高危因素为切入点,以多学科合作、综合预防为核心,通过应用CATCH模式进行多学科合作的管理团队综合干预会更为全面有效,该模式值得借鉴和推广。 展开更多
关键词 JCI标准 catch 住院患者 跌倒 安全管理
CATCH跌倒管理模型在老年住院患者跌倒预防管理中的应用 被引量:26
作者 霍晓鹏 杜红娣 +3 位作者 刘晓萱 闫丽 卢静 裴丽 《护理学报》 2017年第18期13-16,共4页
目的探讨CATCH跌倒管理模型在老年住院患者跌倒预防管理中的应用效果。方法选取期间在我院老年病房住院的患者为研究对象,对2016年1—12月住院的老年患者应用CATCH跌倒管理模型进行跌倒预防管理:成立CATCH跌倒预防管理模型小组;从多学... 目的探讨CATCH跌倒管理模型在老年住院患者跌倒预防管理中的应用效果。方法选取期间在我院老年病房住院的患者为研究对象,对2016年1—12月住院的老年患者应用CATCH跌倒管理模型进行跌倒预防管理:成立CATCH跌倒预防管理模型小组;从多学科合作、领导参与、技术支持、沟通、环境等5个方面具体实施。并与实施前(2015年1—12月)的跌倒发生率及跌倒相关伤害的严重程度进行对比。结果 CATCH跌倒管理模型实施后跌倒发生率为0.47%,低于实施前的2.05%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);实施后跌倒伤害程度低于实施前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 CATCH跌倒管理模型能有效降低老年患者跌倒发生率及跌倒相关伤害的严重程度。 展开更多
关键词 老年患者 跌倒 catch管理模型
CATCH模型在住院患者跌倒管理中的应用 被引量:4
作者 姜绪红 颜海萍 柯妙珠 《齐鲁护理杂志》 2017年第21期110-112,共3页
目的:探讨CATCH模型(多学科合作-领导参与-技术支持-沟通文化)在住院患者跌倒管理中的应用效果。方法:以现有的管理模型"评估-沟通-监测-环境"为基础,应用CATCH模型,加入多学科合作与领导协作支持等内容,不断完善跌倒不良事... 目的:探讨CATCH模型(多学科合作-领导参与-技术支持-沟通文化)在住院患者跌倒管理中的应用效果。方法:以现有的管理模型"评估-沟通-监测-环境"为基础,应用CATCH模型,加入多学科合作与领导协作支持等内容,不断完善跌倒不良事件的管理。结果:应用CATCH模型后,患者跌倒发生率由应用前的3.56%降至1.10%(P<0.01),跌倒数据上报的及时率、上报数据的正确率、跌倒分析表的合格率较应用前有所上升(P<0.01)。结论:在住院患者跌倒管理中CATCH模型的,对患者入院病情评估与干预的全面性有促进作用,有效降低了住院患者跌倒发生率。 展开更多
关键词 catch模型 多学科合作 跌倒管理
CATCH模式在住院患者跌倒安全管理中的应用 被引量:2
作者 阳国兴 杜光会 +1 位作者 高山 李欢欢 《四川医学》 CAS 2018年第3期257-261,共5页
目的探讨和评估CATCH模式在住院患者跌倒安全管理中的临床效果及应用。方法对我院2015年1月至2016年12月应用CATCH模式进行对跌倒风险进行全面、全程、全员参与的系统管理前后的跌倒上报事件的临床资料进行回顾性分析。其中2015年1月至2... 目的探讨和评估CATCH模式在住院患者跌倒安全管理中的临床效果及应用。方法对我院2015年1月至2016年12月应用CATCH模式进行对跌倒风险进行全面、全程、全员参与的系统管理前后的跌倒上报事件的临床资料进行回顾性分析。其中2015年1月至2015年12月我院未应用CATCH模式进行系统管理收治患者总床日数为1399473例,2016年1月至2016年12月我院应用CATCH模式进行系统管理后收治患者总床日数为1411789例。分析应用CATCH模式的前后两组两组患者跌倒发生情况、特征及对于护理工作的满意程度。结果与未应用CATCH模式进行对跌倒风险管理的2015年相比,2016年我院患者在住院期间跌倒数降低,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。同时,跌倒后造成总体伤害率较2015年显著降低(P<0.05),跌倒后1级伤害的发生率显著降低(P<0.05)。同时,2016年患者对于护理工作的满意度明显更高(P<0.05)。结论以跌倒高危因素为切入点,以多学科合作、综合预防为核心,通过应用CATCH模式进行多学科合作的管理团队更为全面有效,该模式值得借鉴和推广。 展开更多
关键词 catch 住院患者 跌倒 安全管理
Dual-Ion Co-Regulation System Enabling High-Performance Electrochemical Artificial Yarn Muscles with Energy-Free Catch States 被引量:1
作者 Ming Ren Lizhong Dong +11 位作者 Xiaobo Wang Yuxin Li Yueran Zhao Bo Cui Guang Yang Wei Li Xiaojie Yuan Tao Zhou Panpan Xu Xiaona Wang Jiangtao Di Qingwen Li 《Nano-Micro Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第10期15-27,共13页
Artificial yarn muscles show great potential in applications requiring low-energy consumption while maintaining high performance. However, conventional designs have been limited by weak ion-yarn muscle interactions an... Artificial yarn muscles show great potential in applications requiring low-energy consumption while maintaining high performance. However, conventional designs have been limited by weak ion-yarn muscle interactions and inefficient “rocking-chair” ion migration. To address these limitations, we present an electrochemical artificial yarn muscle design driven by a dual-ion co-regulation system. By utilizing two reaction channels, this system shortens ion migration pathways, leading to faster and more efficient actuation. During the charging/discharging process, PF_6~- ions react with carbon nanotube yarn, while Li~+ ions react with an Al foil. The intercalation reaction between PF_6~- and collapsed carbon nanotubes allows the yarn muscle to achieve an energy-free high-tension catch state. The dual-ion coordinated yarn muscles exhibit superior contractile stroke, maximum contractile rate, and maximum power densities, exceeding those of “rocking-chair” type ion migration yarn muscles. The dual-ion co-regulation system enhances the ion migration rate during actuation, resulting in improved performance. Moreover, the yarn muscles can withstand high levels of isometric stress, displaying a stress of 61 times that of skeletal muscles and 8 times that of “rocking-chair” type yarn muscles at higher frequencies. This technology holds significant potential for various applications, including prosthetics and robotics. 展开更多
关键词 Artificial muscles Carbon nanotube yarns Electrochemical actuators catch state Dual-ion co-regulation
Catch-bond behavior of DNA condensate under tension 被引量:1
作者 李伟 Wong Wei-Juan +4 位作者 Lim Ci-Ji 车海鹏 李明 严洁 王鹏业 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第12期105-108,共4页
Toroid formation is an important mechanism underlying DNA condensation, which has been investigated extensively by single-molecule experiments in vitro. Here, the de-condensation dynamics of DNA condensates were studi... Toroid formation is an important mechanism underlying DNA condensation, which has been investigated extensively by single-molecule experiments in vitro. Here, the de-condensation dynamics of DNA condensates were studied using magnetic tweezers combined with Brownian dynamics simulations. The experimental results revealed a surprising nonmonotonic dependence of the unfolding rate on the force applied under strong adhesion conditions, resembling the catchbond behavior reported in the field of ligand-receptor interactions. Simulation results showed that the different unfolding pathways of DNA condensate under large forces derive from the force-dependent deformation of the DNA toroid, which explains the catch-bond behavior of DNA condensate in the magnetic tweezers experiments. These results challenge the universality of the regular toroidal DNA unwrapping mechanism and provide the most complete description to date of multivalent cation-dependent DNA unwrapping under tension. 展开更多
关键词 DNA toroid magnetic tweezers catch bond
Experimental testing of low-energy rockfall catch fence meshes 被引量:1
作者 Zhiwei Gao Hassan Al-Budairi Andrew Steel 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第4期798-804,共7页
Flexible catch fences are widely used to protect infrastructure like railways, roads and buildings from rockfall damage. The wire meshes are the most critical components for catch fences as they dissipate most of the ... Flexible catch fences are widely used to protect infrastructure like railways, roads and buildings from rockfall damage. The wire meshes are the most critical components for catch fences as they dissipate most of the impact energy. Understanding their mechanical response is crucial for a catch fence design. This paper presents a new method for testing the wire meshes under rock impact. Wire meshes with different lengths can be used and the supporting cables can be readily installed in the tests. It is found that a smaller boulder causes more deformation localisation in the mesh. Longer mesh length makes the fence more flexible. Under the same impact condition, the longer mesh deforms more along the impact direction and shrinks more laterally. Supporting cables can reduce the lateral shrinkage of the mesh effectively. Most of the impact energy is dissipated by stretching of the wires.Wire breakage has not been observed. 展开更多
关键词 Rockfall catch fence Steel wire mesh Impact test Energy dissipation
Smoke movement in a tunnel of a running metro train on fire 被引量:4
作者 周丹 田红旗 +1 位作者 郑晋丽 颜鑫 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期208-213,共6页
Research on the distribution of smoke in tunnels is significant for the fire emergency rescue after an operating metro train catches fire. A dynamic grid technique was adopted to research the law of smoke flow diffusi... Research on the distribution of smoke in tunnels is significant for the fire emergency rescue after an operating metro train catches fire. A dynamic grid technique was adopted to research the law of smoke flow diffusion inside the tunnel when the bottom of a metro train was on fire and to compare the effect of longitudinal ventilation modes on the smoke motion when the burning train stopped. Research results show that the slipstream curves around the train obtained by numerical simulation are consistent with experimental data. When the train decelerates, the smoke flow first extends to the tail of the train. With the decrease of the train's speed, the smoke flow diffuses to the head of the train. After the train stops, the slipstream around the train formed in the process of train operation plays a leading role in the smoke diffusion in the tunnel. The smoke flow quickly diffuses to the domain in front of the train. After forward mechanical ventilation is provided, the smoke flow inside the tunnel continues to diffuse downstream. When reverse mechanical ventilation operates, the smoke in front of the train flows back rapidly and diffuses to the rear of the train. 展开更多
关键词 subway tunnel train catching fire moving fire source smoke movement ventilation control
Estimation of catch losses resulting from overexploitation in the global marine fisheries 被引量:2
作者 DING Qi CHEN Xinjun +1 位作者 CHEN Yong TIAN Siquan 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第12期37-44,共8页
Many fish stocks in the world are depleted as a result of overexploitation, which reduces stock productivity and results in loss of potential yields. In this study we analyzed the catch trends and approximate threshol... Many fish stocks in the world are depleted as a result of overexploitation, which reduces stock productivity and results in loss of potential yields. In this study we analyzed the catch trends and approximate thresholds of sustainable fishing for fished stocks to estimate the potential loss of catch and revenue of global fisheries as a result of overexploitation during the period of 1950–2010 in 14 FAO fishing areas. About 35% of stocks in the global marine ocean have or had suffered from overexploitation at present. The global catch losses amounted to 332.8 million tonnes over 1950–2010, resulting in a direct economic loss of US$298.9 billion(constant 2005 US$).Unsustainable fishing caused substantial potential losses worldwide, especially in the northern hemisphere.Estimated potential losses due to overfishing for different groups of resources showed that the low-value but abundant small-medium pelagics made the largest contribution to the global catch loss, with a weight of 265.0 million tonnes. The geographic expansion of overfishing not only showed serial depletion of world's fishery resources, but also reflected how recent trends towards sustainability can stabilize or reverse catch losses.Reduction of global fishing capacity and changes in fishery management systems are necessary if the long-term sustainability of marine fisheries in the world is to be achieved. 展开更多
关键词 overfishing catch loss sustainability exploitation status
The study of productivity in the Bohai Sea-Ⅱ. Primary productivity and estimation of potential fish catch 被引量:1
《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1990年第2期303-313,共11页
-On the basis of the data obtained from the surveys in the Bohai Sea during 1982-1983, this paper analysed and discussed the distribution and seasonal variation of primary productivity in the Bohai Sea, and the correl... -On the basis of the data obtained from the surveys in the Bohai Sea during 1982-1983, this paper analysed and discussed the distribution and seasonal variation of primary productivity in the Bohai Sea, and the correlations between the primary productivity and environmental factors. The organic carbon production and prospect of fishery production in the waters of this sea are estimated. It is shown that, there exists production patential in the Bohai Sea, the primary production is 112 gC/ (m2 ?a)the production of organic carbon being 10 million ton per year, the fishery yields 1 million ton and the maximum catch of sea products 0. 5 million ton. The results of the investigation can serve as the basic data for the exploitation, utilization and management of the fishery resources in the Bohai Sea. 展开更多
关键词 Primary productivity and estimation of potential fish catch The study of productivity in the Bohai Sea
作者 陆钦红 《外国语文》 1999年第4期53-56,共4页
关键词 时髦词 英语流行语 catch 表达法 民俗语言 异同 莎士比亚 语义特征 跨文化传播 平民性
Can Emerging Economies Catch-up Sustainably?-An Analysis of BRICS' Economic Growth Pattern 被引量:1
作者 林跃勤 《China Economist》 2012年第1期106-115,共10页
The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and other emerging economies have become a driving global force for the past twenty years. However, their growth patterns are obsolete, impeding the quality ... The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and other emerging economies have become a driving global force for the past twenty years. However, their growth patterns are obsolete, impeding the quality and competitiveness of their economic growth, while simultaneously threatening the sustainability of their economic convergence with developed nations. Transforming the domestic growth pattern-the solution to the middle-income trap-has therefore become a key priority for each of these economies. This paper presents a comparative analysis of how to transform the pattern of economic growth in BRICS and achieve sustainable economic convergence with a comparative analysis of the pattern of economic growth and problems among BRICS countries. 展开更多
关键词 emerging economies BRICS countries transformation of growth pattern sustaining catch up
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