Objective:To evaluate exploitation status of the stocks of demersal fishes in Omani artisanal fisheries.Methods:Time-series data between 2005 and 2014 on catches and effort represented by the number of fishing boats w...Objective:To evaluate exploitation status of the stocks of demersal fishes in Omani artisanal fisheries.Methods:Time-series data between 2005 and 2014 on catches and effort represented by the number of fishing boats were used to estimate catch per unit effort and maximum sustainable yields applying Schaefer surplus production model.Regression analyses were made online using GraphPad software.Results:The study revealed that increasing the number of boats on the fishery caused a decrease of catch per unit effort of some species.Maximum sustainable yields and exploitation status were estimated for these species applying.Conclusions:Some demersal fish species were found to be caught in quantities exceeding maximum sustainable yields during some fishing seasons indicating overexploitation of their stocks.展开更多
拦河筑坝所导致的物理阻隔和生态阻隔是影响鱼类迁徙的关键因素。圆口铜鱼Coreius guichenoti(Sauvage&Dabry de Thiersant,1874)作为长江上游重要的河流性洄游鱼类,其迁徙不可避免受到金沙江下游向家坝和溪洛渡大型水电站蓄水的影...拦河筑坝所导致的物理阻隔和生态阻隔是影响鱼类迁徙的关键因素。圆口铜鱼Coreius guichenoti(Sauvage&Dabry de Thiersant,1874)作为长江上游重要的河流性洄游鱼类,其迁徙不可避免受到金沙江下游向家坝和溪洛渡大型水电站蓄水的影响。关于向家坝和溪洛渡蓄水是否会显著阻隔圆口铜鱼个体的下行以及不同年龄个体之间受阻隔的影响是否存在差异,迄今为止,还未有相关报道。本文拟通过2012—2014年对长江上游永善江段和宜宾江段圆口铜鱼年龄结构变动的研究,探讨向家坝和溪洛渡蓄水对圆口铜鱼不同年龄个体下行阻隔的影响程度。结果表明:1)向家坝和溪洛渡蓄水对圆口铜鱼下行产生了明显的阻隔效应;2)向家坝和溪洛渡蓄水对1龄个体的下行阻隔最明显且最严重;3)与单一的大型水库和大坝相比,多个梯级的大型水库和大坝会对圆口铜鱼的下行产生更为严重的阻隔效应。本文拟为金沙江下游圆口铜鱼的资源保护提供基础数据支持。展开更多
Two fishing methods including gillnetting and trawling to estimate attributes of fish assemblage were compared in Dianshan Lake from August 2009 to July 2010. Species composition dif fered significantly between the ge...Two fishing methods including gillnetting and trawling to estimate attributes of fish assemblage were compared in Dianshan Lake from August 2009 to July 2010. Species composition dif fered significantly between the gears, with four significant contributors in gillnet catches and one in trawl catches. Trawling collected more proportions of benthic species by number and biomass than gillnetting. Size distribution was significantly influenced by fishing technique; gillnetting captured relatively less small-sized fishes and trawling captured less large-sized individuals. Trawling produced species richness closer to the one expected than gillnetting. On the whole, trawl catch was a quadratic polynomial function of gillnet catch and a significantly negative correlation was found between them, both of which varied as dif ferent polynomial functions of temperature. However, trawl and gillnet catches were significantly correlated only in one of five month groups. It is concluded that single-gear-based surveys can be misleading in assessments of attributes of fish assemblages, bottom trawling is a more ef fective gear for assessing fish diversity than benthic gillnetting, and using gillnet catches as an indicator of fish density depends on fishing season in the lake.展开更多
Delay-difference models are intermediate between simple surplus-production models and complicated age-structured models. Such intermediate models are more efficient and require less data than age-structured models. In...Delay-difference models are intermediate between simple surplus-production models and complicated age-structured models. Such intermediate models are more efficient and require less data than age-structured models. In this study, a delay-differ- ence model was applied to fit catch and catch per unit effort (CPUE) data (1975-2011) of the southern Atlantic albacore (Thunnus alalunga) stock. The proposed delay-difference model captures annual fluctuations in predicted CPUE data better than Fox model. In a Monte Carlo simulation, white noises (CVs) were superimposed on the observed CPUE data at four levels. Relative estimate error was then calculated to compare the estimated results with the true values of parameters a and fl in Ricker stock-recruitment model and the catchability coefficient q. a is more sensitive to CV than fl and q. We also calculated an 80% percentile confidence interval of the maximum sustainable yield (MSY, 21756 t to 23408 t; median 22490 t) with the delay-difference model. The yield of the southern Atlantic albacore stock in 2011 was 24122t, and the estimated ratios of catch against MSY for the past seven years were approxi- mately 1.0. We suggest that care should be taken to protect the albacore fishery in the southern Atlantic Ocean. The proposed de- lay-difference model provides a good fit to the data of southern Atlantic albacore stock and may be a useful choice for the assessment of regional albacore stock.展开更多
We investigated the spatio-temporal and environmental factors that affect the distribution and abundance of wintering anchovy and quantifi es the infl uences of these factors. Generalized additive models(GAMs) were de...We investigated the spatio-temporal and environmental factors that affect the distribution and abundance of wintering anchovy and quantifi es the infl uences of these factors. Generalized additive models(GAMs) were developed to examine the variation in species distribution and abundance with a set of spatiotemporal and oceanographic factors, using data collected by bottom trawl surveys and remote sensing in the central and southern Yellow Sea during 2000–2011. The fi nal model accounted for 28.21% and 41.03% of the variance in anchovy distribution and abundance, respectively. The results of a two-step GAM showed that hour, longitude, latitude, temperature gradient(TGR), and chlorophyll a(Chl- a) concentration best explained the anchovy distribution(presence/absence) and that a model including year, longitude, latitude, depth, sea surface temperature(SST), and TGR best described anchovy abundance(given presence). Longitude and latitude were the most important factors affecting both distribution and abundance, but the area of high abundance tended to be east and south of the area where anchovy were most likely to be present. Hour had a signifi cant effect on distribution, but year was more important for anchovy abundance, indicating that the anchovy catch ratio varied across the day but abundance had an apparent interannual variation. With respect to environmental factors, TGR and Chl- a concentration had effects on distribution, while depth, SST, and TGR affected abundance. Changes in SST between two successive years or between any year and the 2000–2011 mean were not associated with changes in anchovy distribution or abundance. This fi nding indicated that short- and long-term water temperature changes during 2000–2011 were not of suffi cient magnitude to give rise to variation in wintering anchovy distribution or abundance in the study area. The results of this study have important implications for fi sheries management.展开更多
The instantaneous total mortality rate(Z) of a fish population is one of the important parameters in fisheries stock assessment. The estimation of Z is crucial to fish population dynamics analysis,abundance and catch ...The instantaneous total mortality rate(Z) of a fish population is one of the important parameters in fisheries stock assessment. The estimation of Z is crucial to fish population dynamics analysis,abundance and catch forecast,and fisheries management. A catch curve-based method for estimating time-based Z and its change trend from catch per unit effort(CPUE) data of multiple cohorts is developed. Unlike the traditional catch-curve method,the method developed here does not need the assumption of constant Z throughout the time,but the Z values in n continuous years are assumed constant,and then the Z values in different n continuous years are estimated using the age-based CPUE data within these years. The results of the simulation analyses show that the trends of the estimated time-based Z are consistent with the trends of the true Z,and the estimated rates of change from this approach are close to the true change rates(the relative differences between the change rates of the estimated Z and the true Z are smaller than 10%). Variations of both Z and recruitment can affect the estimates of Z value and the trend of Z. The most appropriate value of n can be different given the effects of different factors. Therefore,the appropriate value of n for different fisheries should be determined through a simulation analysis as we demonstrated in this study. Further analyses suggested that selectivity and age estimation are also two factors that can affect the estimated Z values if there is error in either of them,but the estimated change rates of Z are still close to the true change rates. We also applied this approach to the Atlantic cod(G adus morhua) fishery of eastern Newfoundland and Labrador from 1983 to 1997,and obtained reasonable estimates of time-based Z.展开更多
文摘Objective:To evaluate exploitation status of the stocks of demersal fishes in Omani artisanal fisheries.Methods:Time-series data between 2005 and 2014 on catches and effort represented by the number of fishing boats were used to estimate catch per unit effort and maximum sustainable yields applying Schaefer surplus production model.Regression analyses were made online using GraphPad software.Results:The study revealed that increasing the number of boats on the fishery caused a decrease of catch per unit effort of some species.Maximum sustainable yields and exploitation status were estimated for these species applying.Conclusions:Some demersal fish species were found to be caught in quantities exceeding maximum sustainable yields during some fishing seasons indicating overexploitation of their stocks.
文摘拦河筑坝所导致的物理阻隔和生态阻隔是影响鱼类迁徙的关键因素。圆口铜鱼Coreius guichenoti(Sauvage&Dabry de Thiersant,1874)作为长江上游重要的河流性洄游鱼类,其迁徙不可避免受到金沙江下游向家坝和溪洛渡大型水电站蓄水的影响。关于向家坝和溪洛渡蓄水是否会显著阻隔圆口铜鱼个体的下行以及不同年龄个体之间受阻隔的影响是否存在差异,迄今为止,还未有相关报道。本文拟通过2012—2014年对长江上游永善江段和宜宾江段圆口铜鱼年龄结构变动的研究,探讨向家坝和溪洛渡蓄水对圆口铜鱼不同年龄个体下行阻隔的影响程度。结果表明:1)向家坝和溪洛渡蓄水对圆口铜鱼下行产生了明显的阻隔效应;2)向家坝和溪洛渡蓄水对1龄个体的下行阻隔最明显且最严重;3)与单一的大型水库和大坝相比,多个梯级的大型水库和大坝会对圆口铜鱼的下行产生更为严重的阻隔效应。本文拟为金沙江下游圆口铜鱼的资源保护提供基础数据支持。
文摘分析南极磷虾分布与环境因子的非线性和空间非静态性关系,对南极磷虾的高效捕捞和管理具有重要意义。本研究基于“龙腾”船2015、2016年在南设得兰群岛捕捞作业的渔捞日志数据,应用广义加模型(Generalized additive model,GAM)和地理权重回归模型(Geographical weighted regression,GWR)探究南极磷虾(Euphausia superba)渔场分布与环境因子的非线性和空间非静态性关系,并比较这2种模型的模拟性能,为南极磷虾的渔场渔情预报、资源评估和渔业管理提供基础数据。GAM模型结果显示,2015、2016年单位捕捞努力量渔获量(Catch per unit effort,CPUE)与作业水深均呈显著负相关关系(P<0.01),表明在作业水深范围内,南极磷虾在较浅水域集群密度较高;2015年CPUE与表层水温呈显著正相关关系(P<0.01),但在2016年呈显著负相关关系(P<0.01),推测是由于2年调查作业位置不同所致;CPUE与离岸距离关系不显著(P≥0.05)。GWR模型结果显示,作业水深对CPUE的影响无显著的空间变化(P>0.05);海水表温和离岸距离对CPUE的影响具显著的空间变化(P<0.01),表明这2个因子对南极磷虾渔场分布的影响在空间上不连续,存在显著空间非静态性。GAM模型可用于研究资源分布与驱动因子的一般规律;GWR模型作为全局回归模型的有效补充,可用于探究一般规律不适合的特殊区域,便于发现资源分布的“热点”区域,未来在海洋生物资源分布研究中将有广阔的应用前景。
基金Supported by the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality(Nos.08DZ1203101,08DZ1203102)the Shanghai University Knowledge Service Platform,Shanghai Ocean University Aquatic Animal Breeding Center(No.ZF1206)
文摘Two fishing methods including gillnetting and trawling to estimate attributes of fish assemblage were compared in Dianshan Lake from August 2009 to July 2010. Species composition dif fered significantly between the gears, with four significant contributors in gillnet catches and one in trawl catches. Trawling collected more proportions of benthic species by number and biomass than gillnetting. Size distribution was significantly influenced by fishing technique; gillnetting captured relatively less small-sized fishes and trawling captured less large-sized individuals. Trawling produced species richness closer to the one expected than gillnetting. On the whole, trawl catch was a quadratic polynomial function of gillnet catch and a significantly negative correlation was found between them, both of which varied as dif ferent polynomial functions of temperature. However, trawl and gillnet catches were significantly correlated only in one of five month groups. It is concluded that single-gear-based surveys can be misleading in assessments of attributes of fish assemblages, bottom trawling is a more ef fective gear for assessing fish diversity than benthic gillnetting, and using gillnet catches as an indicator of fish density depends on fishing season in the lake.
基金supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (Grant No. 201022001)
文摘Delay-difference models are intermediate between simple surplus-production models and complicated age-structured models. Such intermediate models are more efficient and require less data than age-structured models. In this study, a delay-differ- ence model was applied to fit catch and catch per unit effort (CPUE) data (1975-2011) of the southern Atlantic albacore (Thunnus alalunga) stock. The proposed delay-difference model captures annual fluctuations in predicted CPUE data better than Fox model. In a Monte Carlo simulation, white noises (CVs) were superimposed on the observed CPUE data at four levels. Relative estimate error was then calculated to compare the estimated results with the true values of parameters a and fl in Ricker stock-recruitment model and the catchability coefficient q. a is more sensitive to CV than fl and q. We also calculated an 80% percentile confidence interval of the maximum sustainable yield (MSY, 21756 t to 23408 t; median 22490 t) with the delay-difference model. The yield of the southern Atlantic albacore stock in 2011 was 24122t, and the estimated ratios of catch against MSY for the past seven years were approxi- mately 1.0. We suggest that care should be taken to protect the albacore fishery in the southern Atlantic Ocean. The proposed de- lay-difference model provides a good fit to the data of southern Atlantic albacore stock and may be a useful choice for the assessment of regional albacore stock.
基金Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program)(No.2011CB409805)the National Special Research Fund for Non-Profit Sector(Agriculture)(No.200903005)the Taishan Scholar Program of Shandong Province
文摘We investigated the spatio-temporal and environmental factors that affect the distribution and abundance of wintering anchovy and quantifi es the infl uences of these factors. Generalized additive models(GAMs) were developed to examine the variation in species distribution and abundance with a set of spatiotemporal and oceanographic factors, using data collected by bottom trawl surveys and remote sensing in the central and southern Yellow Sea during 2000–2011. The fi nal model accounted for 28.21% and 41.03% of the variance in anchovy distribution and abundance, respectively. The results of a two-step GAM showed that hour, longitude, latitude, temperature gradient(TGR), and chlorophyll a(Chl- a) concentration best explained the anchovy distribution(presence/absence) and that a model including year, longitude, latitude, depth, sea surface temperature(SST), and TGR best described anchovy abundance(given presence). Longitude and latitude were the most important factors affecting both distribution and abundance, but the area of high abundance tended to be east and south of the area where anchovy were most likely to be present. Hour had a signifi cant effect on distribution, but year was more important for anchovy abundance, indicating that the anchovy catch ratio varied across the day but abundance had an apparent interannual variation. With respect to environmental factors, TGR and Chl- a concentration had effects on distribution, while depth, SST, and TGR affected abundance. Changes in SST between two successive years or between any year and the 2000–2011 mean were not associated with changes in anchovy distribution or abundance. This fi nding indicated that short- and long-term water temperature changes during 2000–2011 were not of suffi cient magnitude to give rise to variation in wintering anchovy distribution or abundance in the study area. The results of this study have important implications for fi sheries management.
基金Supported by the USDA Cooperative State Research,Education and Extension Service,Hatch Project(No.0210510)the National Natural Science Foundations of China(Nos.31270527,40801225)+1 种基金the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province(No.LY13D010005)the Young Academic Leaders Climbing Program of Zhejiang Province(No.pd2013222)
文摘The instantaneous total mortality rate(Z) of a fish population is one of the important parameters in fisheries stock assessment. The estimation of Z is crucial to fish population dynamics analysis,abundance and catch forecast,and fisheries management. A catch curve-based method for estimating time-based Z and its change trend from catch per unit effort(CPUE) data of multiple cohorts is developed. Unlike the traditional catch-curve method,the method developed here does not need the assumption of constant Z throughout the time,but the Z values in n continuous years are assumed constant,and then the Z values in different n continuous years are estimated using the age-based CPUE data within these years. The results of the simulation analyses show that the trends of the estimated time-based Z are consistent with the trends of the true Z,and the estimated rates of change from this approach are close to the true change rates(the relative differences between the change rates of the estimated Z and the true Z are smaller than 10%). Variations of both Z and recruitment can affect the estimates of Z value and the trend of Z. The most appropriate value of n can be different given the effects of different factors. Therefore,the appropriate value of n for different fisheries should be determined through a simulation analysis as we demonstrated in this study. Further analyses suggested that selectivity and age estimation are also two factors that can affect the estimated Z values if there is error in either of them,but the estimated change rates of Z are still close to the true change rates. We also applied this approach to the Atlantic cod(G adus morhua) fishery of eastern Newfoundland and Labrador from 1983 to 1997,and obtained reasonable estimates of time-based Z.