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花生几丁质酶基因的克隆及抗病性验证 被引量:4
作者 郭悦 姜平平 +7 位作者 潘雷雷 周文杰 徐磊 张茹琴 隋炯明 郭宝太 王晶珊 乔利仙 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期42-48,共7页
为了探讨花生几丁质酶在抵御真菌性病害中的作用,克隆了花生几丁质酶基因并通过遗传转化验证了该基因的功能。以花生品种花育23号基因组DNA和RNA为模板,通过PCR及RT-PCR扩增分别获得长度为1 779 bp的花生几丁质酶基因DNA序列及795 bp的... 为了探讨花生几丁质酶在抵御真菌性病害中的作用,克隆了花生几丁质酶基因并通过遗传转化验证了该基因的功能。以花生品种花育23号基因组DNA和RNA为模板,通过PCR及RT-PCR扩增分别获得长度为1 779 bp的花生几丁质酶基因DNA序列及795 bp的全长cDNA序列。DNA及cDNA序列比对结果表明,该基因包含3个外显子和2个内含子,内含子剪切符合"GT……AG"规则,其cDNA序列被命名为Ah-Chi,编码265个氨基酸,Gen Bank注册号为HQ439775。利用NCBI在线Blast进行序列比对,结果表明,该蛋白产物与水稻、玉米、紫花苜蓿、大豆、拟南芥的相关蛋白的同源性分别达到83%,83%,72%,58%,49%。用Ah-Chi替换掉植物表达载体pCAMBIA1301上的Gus基因,成功构建了植物过表达载体pCAMBIA1301-Ah-Chi。利用农杆菌介导法将pCAMBIA1301-Ah-Chi转化花生胚小叶外植体,获得再生小苗,经嫁接移栽获得再生植株。利用PCR扩增筛选获得转基因阳性植株,RT-PCR扩增结果表明,转基因植株中Ah-Chi基因表达量增加。用黑斑病菌接种转基因植株和非转基因对照植株离体叶片7 d后,发现非转基因植株叶片褐化及坏死程度较为严重,而转基因植株叶片褐化及坏死程度相对较轻,初步说明转基因植株抗病性增强。 展开更多
关键词 花生 几丁质酶基因 遗传转化 抗病性 黑斑病菌
花生根瘤内生细菌对花生黑斑病和褐斑病拮抗作用的初步研究 被引量:2
作者 陈殿绪 谢宏峰 +4 位作者 卢俊玲 许曼琳 樊堂群 张建建 迟玉成 《山东农业科学》 2011年第7期76-78,共3页
关键词 花生根瘤 内生细菌 褐斑病菌 黑斑病菌 拮抗作用
Epidemiology of the Groundnut (<i>Arachis hypogaea</i>L.) Leaf Spot Disease: Genetic Analysis and Developmental Cycles 被引量:1
作者 L. Tshilenge-Lukanda K. K. C. Nkongolo +1 位作者 A. Kalonji-Mbuyi R. V. Kizungu 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 2012年第5期582-588,共7页
Groundnut leaf spot is one of the important factors limiting groundnut productivity in Africa particularly in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo). Early and late leaf spot disease of groundnut caused by Cercos... Groundnut leaf spot is one of the important factors limiting groundnut productivity in Africa particularly in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo). Early and late leaf spot disease of groundnut caused by Cercospora arachidicola Hori and Cercosporidium personatum (Berk & Curt.) Deighton, respectively, can cause considerable yield losses without fungicide management. The main objectives of this research were to analyze plant and disease developmental cycles. Significant differences were observed among the groundnut varieties evaluated for resistance to the leaf spot disease. The results show that plant development cycle can be divided into three developmental stages. A first stage characterized by a low production of leaves, a second stage with a significant leaf development and finally a third stage with a reduction of leaves. Interestingly, the leaf spot disease cycle was also divided in three stages. The disease stage characterized by the highest level of symptom expression was not associated with the plant phase with the highest emerged leaves. Disease symptoms reached the highest pick only after the phase of intense leaf development. The molecular analysis revealed that all the groundnut varieties analyzed were genetically closely related even though they showed different reactions to the leaf spot disease. 展开更多
关键词 GROUNDNUT Leaf Spot CERCOSPORA arachidicola cercosporidium personatum DR CONGO Genetic Variation
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