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Effects of Channelization on Fish Biomass in River Ecosystems
作者 Scott S. Knight R.F. Cullum +1 位作者 F.D. Shields Jr. P.C. Smiley 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第8期980-985,共6页
Channel straightening in a naturally meandering river is a common historical trigger of channel incision which typically results in stream bank destabilization. Several of the larger river systems in the upland portio... Channel straightening in a naturally meandering river is a common historical trigger of channel incision which typically results in stream bank destabilization. Several of the larger river systems in the upland portion of the Yazoo River Basin have subjected channelization resulting in profound changes in the physical and geomorphological characteristics of these systems. Fish were sampled using electroshocking gear and hoop nets to evaluate the impact of stream bank destabilization and loss of habitat heterogeneity resulting from channelization on fish communities. While distinct differences in the fish communities were evident, only the Skuna appeared to have characteristics of a damaged system. More than 95% of the biomass was comprised of species reaching an adult length of less than 300 mm. The lotic omnivorous fishes that dominated the biomass from Skuna are often associated with smaller streams rather than rivers. Furthermore, 72% of the catch consisted of fish preferring littoral zone habitats. The shallow depth and lack of woody debris in Skuna provided a selective advantage for smaller species of fish that could use shoreline habitats as protection from the current. Based on results from the Skuna River, channel straightening that leads to channel incision, bank failure and over widening provide habitats too shallow to support a community of fishes typical of northern Mississippi riverine system. This information may be useful in making comparison of damaged riverine ecosystems and assist managers in determining impairment and success in the TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) process. 展开更多
关键词 channel incision channel straightening fish biomass.
Morphologic Response of a River Channel to Sand Mining in River Tyaa,Kitui County,Kenya
作者 Philip Gathogo Muiruri +1 位作者 Joy A.Obando Ishmail O.Mahiri 《Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences》 2020年第2期12-18,共7页
Over 40 billion tons of sand is mined worldwide every year which isestimated to be higher than the natural replacement rates. In Kenya, therate of sand mining is raising concerns over its environmental effects sinceit... Over 40 billion tons of sand is mined worldwide every year which isestimated to be higher than the natural replacement rates. In Kenya, therate of sand mining is raising concerns over its environmental effects sinceit is not regulated. This paper presents findings on the geomorphic effectsof sand mining in the ephemeral River Tyaa channel in Kitui County. Thestudy adopts the concept of feedback response mechanism of a naturalgeomorphic system. Through purposive sampling River Tyaa was selectedfor the study, where rampant sand mining was reportedly taking place.Random sampling on the five sand mining sites identified came up with arepresentative site namely Kanginga on which systematic sampling wasapplied while collecting data at both the active and control sites. Dataon channel width, depth and slope angles was obtained through physicalmeasurements while data on quantity of sand mined was obtained fromMwingi Sand Mining Cooperative. Multiple logistic regression analysiswas used to analyse data whereby the model compared active and controlsites. Test results indicated that sand mining had significantly increasedriver channel’s width (O.R. =1.531), depth (O.R. =1.527) and slope angles(O.R. =1.634) at active mining sites compared to control sites as deducedfrom the respective Odds Ratios. It concluded that sand mining had alteredchannel’s morphology resulting to adverse environmental effects such asloss of riparian vegetation and channel incision. It recommended curbingof illegal sand mining through licencing operators and reducing quantity ofsand mined by closing some mines. Furthers, it recommended monitoringthrough regular Environmental Impact Assessment (E.I.A) and Audit (E.A)to inform protection of the river system from degrading. 展开更多
关键词 channel incision Ephemeral stream Morphologic response Sand mining Sustainable development
Experimental study on evolution of bed structures of natural mountain rivers
作者 Huai-xiang LIU Zhao-yin WANG +1 位作者 Guo-an YU Kang ZHANG 《Water Science and Engineering》 EI CAS 2011年第2期192-203,共12页
Bed structures in many mountain rivers provide additional resistance to the flow. A field experiment was conducted on debris flow deposits in the valley of the Jiangjiagou Ravine, a tributary of the Yangtze River in s... Bed structures in many mountain rivers provide additional resistance to the flow. A field experiment was conducted on debris flow deposits in the valley of the Jiangjiagou Ravine, a tributary of the Yangtze River in southwestern China, to study the evolution and distribution of bed structures and their relationship with environmental conditions. Water and sediment from the Jiangjiagou main stream were diverted into the experimental channel. Several hydrological schemes were adopted to scour the channel until equilibrium was reached. During this process the evolutions of bed structures and channel configuration were investigated. The results indicate that stronger bed structures mean greater stream power consumption, greater resistance, and greater slope in a certain section when rivers are in dynamic equilibrium. Thus, to some extent the longitudinal profiles of channels can be determined by the distribution of bed structures. In natural cases, the strength and evolution of bed structures are under the influence of environmental conditions such as discharge and bed-load transportation rate. That is, given the same conditions, the same bed structure distribution and longitudinal profile can be predicted. 展开更多
关键词 bed structures channel configuration channel incision SLOPE resistance
作者 马柯 徐永明 江伟 《临床麻醉学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2008年第1期55-57,共3页
目的研究急性切口痛模型中脊髓背根神经节(DRG)河豚毒素不敏感型钠通道(TTX-R)信使核糖核酸(mRNA)表达、通道分布改变,探讨急性切口痛这种复合炎性痛和神经源性疼痛的分子基础,并探讨钠离子通道在其中的可能作用。方法30只SD大... 目的研究急性切口痛模型中脊髓背根神经节(DRG)河豚毒素不敏感型钠通道(TTX-R)信使核糖核酸(mRNA)表达、通道分布改变,探讨急性切口痛这种复合炎性痛和神经源性疼痛的分子基础,并探讨钠离子通道在其中的可能作用。方法30只SD大鼠随机均分为两组,实验组(A组):大鼠右足底行1cm长手术切口建立急性痛模型;对照组(B组):行假手术处理。原位杂交、实时(RT)-PCR监测术前、术后24、48、96h右侧L4~L6 DRG上Nav1.8和Nav1.9 TTX-R钠通道mRNA表达水平、通道分布情况的变化。结果原位杂交和RT-PCR表明两组Nav1.8和Nav1.9的mRNA水平差异无统计学意义,但A组在术后各时点不同直径DRG细胞上存在“再分布”现象。结论DRG细胞TTX-R钠通道“再分布”现象可能在急性切口痛模型痛敏状态中起到一定作用。 展开更多
关键词 切口痛 钠通道 背根神经节
Permian sequence stratigraphy of shallow water basin in Tarim Basin 被引量:1
作者 LIU Chensheng GUO Jianhua YIN Qiong 《Global Geology》 2011年第4期221-230,共10页
Based on analysis of drilling, logging and field profile data, six sequence boundaries in Permian are identified in Bachu and Tazhong regions of Tarim Basin. All sequence boundaries are of type I sequence bound- aries... Based on analysis of drilling, logging and field profile data, six sequence boundaries in Permian are identified in Bachu and Tazhong regions of Tarim Basin. All sequence boundaries are of type I sequence bound- aries, and are characterized by down cut. According to the six sequence boundaries, the Permian in this area can be divided into 5 third-order sequences, and all the sequences correspond with classic sequence model of Vail. Sequence Psq4 indicates lake transgressive system tract (TST) and highstand system tract (HST). Se- quences Psql, Psq2, Psq3, Psq5 indicate low stand system tract ( LST), transgressive system tract and high- stand system tract. LST is deposited by incised channel infilling with features of fluvial facies. TST is deposited by shore-shallow lake and semi-deep lake. HST is deposited by semi-deep lake, shore-shallow lake and delta. In addition, volcanic rocks are present on the top part of HST in sequence Psq3. Incised channel infilling and deltaic deposits were mainly distributed on western slope of Tadong uplift. 展开更多
关键词 Tarim Basin PERMIAN sequence stratigraphy incised channel infilling deltaic deposit
背根神经节Nav1.8在切口痛模型大鼠诱发痛觉过敏中的作用 被引量:1
作者 何小妹 付艾平 +1 位作者 宋慧洁 蓝雨雁 《中国临床研究》 CAS 2017年第10期1297-1300,共4页
目的通过建立切口痛大鼠模型,探索背根神经节电压门控性钠通道Nav1.8与痛觉敏化形成的关系,为临床术后疼痛的防治提供参考。方法取成功行颈内静脉置管的雄性SD大鼠24只,随机分为3组(n=8):生理盐水对照组(N组)、切口痛组(I组)、拮抗剂+... 目的通过建立切口痛大鼠模型,探索背根神经节电压门控性钠通道Nav1.8与痛觉敏化形成的关系,为临床术后疼痛的防治提供参考。方法取成功行颈内静脉置管的雄性SD大鼠24只,随机分为3组(n=8):生理盐水对照组(N组)、切口痛组(I组)、拮抗剂+切口痛组(JI组)。N组经颈内静脉导管注射生理盐水;I组制作右后爪切口痛模型,经颈内静脉注射生理盐水;JI组制作右后爪切口痛模型,10 min后经颈内静脉注射20 mg/kg Nav1.8拮抗剂A-803467。采用鼠尾光照测痛仪分别测量大鼠热痛觉阈值基础值(T_0)、给药前置管后(T_1),造模后0.5 h(T_2)、1 h(T_3)、2 h(T_4)各时点大鼠的热痛阈值。最后一次热痛阈值检测后处死大鼠,取其背根神经节采用逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)及免疫组化法分别检测Nav1.8 mRNA和蛋白的表达。结果大鼠热痛阈值,在T_0、T_1时点3组间比较差异无统计学意义(P均>0.05),在N组各时点间比较差异亦无统计学意义(P>0.05);在I、JI组T_2、T_3、T_4时点分别较N组明显降低(P均<0.05);在JI组T_2、T_3、T_4时点分别较I组升高(P均<0.05)。大鼠背根神经节Nav1.8 mRNA及蛋白相对表达量,在I组(2.37±0.10,0.25±0.03)、JI组(2.31±0.07,0.23±0.06)分别较N组(1.09±0.02,0.13±0.02)增高(P均<0.05);在I组与JI组间比较差异无统计学意义(P均>0.05)。结论背根神经节Nav1.8参与了切口痛模型大鼠痛觉过敏的形成。 展开更多
关键词 电压门控性钠通道Nav1.8 背根神经节 切口痛 痛觉过敏 Nav1.8拮抗剂 热痛阈值
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