Comparing to the construction of stringy cohomology ring of equivariant sta-ble almost complex manifolds and its relation with the Chen-Ruan cohomology ring of the quotient almost complex orbifolds,the authors constru...Comparing to the construction of stringy cohomology ring of equivariant sta-ble almost complex manifolds and its relation with the Chen-Ruan cohomology ring of the quotient almost complex orbifolds,the authors construct in this note a Chen-Ruan cohomology ring for a stable almost complex orbifold.The authors show that for a finite group G and a G-equivariant stable almost complex manifold X,the G-invariant part of the stringy cohomology ring of(X,G)is isomorphic to the Chen-Ruan cohomology ring of the global quotient stable almost complex orbifold[X/G].Similar result holds when G is a torus and the action is locally free.Moreover,for a compact presentable stable almost complex orbifold,they study the stringy orbifold K-theory and its relation with Chen-Ruan cohomology ring.展开更多
Comparing to the Ch-~Ruan cohomology theory for the almost complex orbifolds, we study the orbifold cohomology theory for almost contact orbifolds. We define the Chen-Ruan cohomology group of any almost contact orbifo...Comparing to the Ch-~Ruan cohomology theory for the almost complex orbifolds, we study the orbifold cohomology theory for almost contact orbifolds. We define the Chen-Ruan cohomology group of any almost contact orbifold. Using the methods for almost complex orbifolds, we define the obstruction bundle for any 3-multisector of the almost contact orbifolds and the Chen^Ruan cup product for the Che-Ruan cohomology. We also prove that under this cup product the direct sum of all dimensional orbifold cohomology groups constitutes a cohomological ring. Finally we calculate two examples.展开更多
Let X be a compact complex manifold. Consider a small deformation π : X → B of X, the dimensions of the cohomology groups of tangent sheaf Hq(xt, Txt ) may vary under this deformation. This article studies such p...Let X be a compact complex manifold. Consider a small deformation π : X → B of X, the dimensions of the cohomology groups of tangent sheaf Hq(xt, Txt ) may vary under this deformation. This article studies such phenomena by studying the obstructions to deform a class in Hq(X, 5TX) with parameter t and gets a formula for the obstructions.展开更多
In the previous papers I and II, we have studied the difference discrete variational principle and the Euler?Lagrange cohomology in the framework of multi-parameter differential approach. We have gotten the difference...In the previous papers I and II, we have studied the difference discrete variational principle and the Euler?Lagrange cohomology in the framework of multi-parameter differential approach. We have gotten the difference discrete Euler?Lagrange equations and canonical ones for the difference discrete versions of classical mechanics and field theory as well as the difference discrete versions for the Euler?Lagrange cohomology and applied them to get the necessary and sufficient condition for the symplectic or multisymplectic geometry preserving properties in both the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms. In this paper, we apply the difference discrete variational principle and Euler?Lagrange cohomological approach directly to the symplectic and multisymplectic algorithms. We will show that either Hamiltonian schemes or Lagrangian ones in both the symplectic and multisymplectic algorithms are variational integrators and their difference discrete symplectic structure-preserving properties can always be established not only in the solution space but also in the function space if and only if the related closed Euler?Lagrange cohomological conditions are satisfied.展开更多
In this second paper of a series of papers, we explore the difference discrete versions for the Euler?Lagrange cohomology and apply them to the symplectic or multisymplectic geometry and their preserving properties in...In this second paper of a series of papers, we explore the difference discrete versions for the Euler?Lagrange cohomology and apply them to the symplectic or multisymplectic geometry and their preserving properties in both the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms for discrete mechanics and field theory in the framework of multi-parameter differential approach. In terms of the difference discrete Euler?Lagrange cohomological concepts, we show that the symplectic or multisymplectic geometry and their difference discrete structure-preserving properties can always be established not only in the solution spaces of the discrete Euler?Lagrange or canonical equations derived by the difference discrete variational principle but also in the function space in each case if and only if the relevant closed Euler?Lagrange cohomological conditions are satisfied.展开更多
In this article, using the WDVV equation, the author first proves that all Gromov-Witten invariants of blowups of surfaces can be computed from the Cromov- Witten invariants of itself by some recursive relations. Furt...In this article, using the WDVV equation, the author first proves that all Gromov-Witten invariants of blowups of surfaces can be computed from the Cromov- Witten invariants of itself by some recursive relations. Furthermore, it may determine the quantum product on blowups. It also proves that there is some degree of functoriality of the big quantum cohomology for a blowup.展开更多
The authors prove that all n-th completely bounded cohomology groups of a nest algebra T(N) acting on a separable Hilbert space are trivial when the coefficients lie in any ultraweakly closed T(N)-bimodule contain...The authors prove that all n-th completely bounded cohomology groups of a nest algebra T(N) acting on a separable Hilbert space are trivial when the coefficients lie in any ultraweakly closed T(N)-bimodule containing the nest algebra. They also prove that Hcb^n(A, M) ≌ Hcb^n(A, M) for all n ≥ 1 and a CSL algebra .A with an ultraweakly closed .A-bimodul.M containing A.展开更多
This paper presents a sufficient condition for the cohomology groups of an associative superalgebra to vanish. As its application, we prove that the cohomology groups H n(L,M) vanish when L is a strongly semi...This paper presents a sufficient condition for the cohomology groups of an associative superalgebra to vanish. As its application, we prove that the cohomology groups H n(L,M) vanish when L is a strongly semisimple Lie superalgebra and M is an irreducible faithful L module.展开更多
Let (R, m) be a commutative Noetherian local ring, I an ideal of R and M a finitely generated R-module. Let limnHm^i(M/I^nM)be the ith formal local cohomology module of M with respect to I.In this paper, we discus...Let (R, m) be a commutative Noetherian local ring, I an ideal of R and M a finitely generated R-module. Let limnHm^i(M/I^nM)be the ith formal local cohomology module of M with respect to I.In this paper, we discuss some properties of formal local cohomology modules limnHm^i(M/I^nM),which are analogous to the finiteness and Artinianness of local cohomology modules of a finitely generated module.展开更多
In this paper, we suggested exact-volume differential form (for short:EVDF) and proved four theorems correlative with them: 1. existence theorem, 2. cohomology theorem,3. constant multiple theorem, and 4. equal gauge ...In this paper, we suggested exact-volume differential form (for short:EVDF) and proved four theorems correlative with them: 1. existence theorem, 2. cohomology theorem,3. constant multiple theorem, and 4. equal gauge theorem. And their application were discussed also. For examlpe, we deduced the particle dynamic equation of the special theory of relativity. At the same time we analyzed and contrasted cohomology theory with Hamilton's variational principle. The contrast showed the superiority of cohomology theory. Moreover,we gave a more complete classification list of differential forms.展开更多
Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring, I and J be two ideals of R, and M be an R-module. We study the cofiniteness and finiteness of the local cohomology module HiI,J(M) and give some conditions for the finiteness ...Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring, I and J be two ideals of R, and M be an R-module. We study the cofiniteness and finiteness of the local cohomology module HiI,J(M) and give some conditions for the finiteness of HomR(R/I, HsI,J(M)) and Ext1R(R/I, HsI,J(M)). Also, we get some results on the attached primes of HdimMI,J (M).展开更多
The main objective of this paper is to provide the tool rather than the classical adjoint representation of Lie algebra;which is essential in the conception of the Chevalley Eilenberg Cohomology. We introduce the noti...The main objective of this paper is to provide the tool rather than the classical adjoint representation of Lie algebra;which is essential in the conception of the Chevalley Eilenberg Cohomology. We introduce the notion of representation induced by a 2 - 3 matrix. We construct the corresponding Chevalley Eilenberg differential and we compute all its cohomological groups.展开更多
In this paper, we determine the second Hochschild cohomology group for a class of self-injective algebras of tame representation type namely, which are standard one-parametric but not weakly symmetric. These were clas...In this paper, we determine the second Hochschild cohomology group for a class of self-injective algebras of tame representation type namely, which are standard one-parametric but not weakly symmetric. These were classified up to derived equivalence by Bocian, Holm and Skowroński in [1]. We connect this to the deformation of these algebras.展开更多
Motivated by the classical Gorenstein homological theory and structure of Tate cohomology, we develop a theory of Gorenstein projective objects and Tate cohomology in an exact category A with enough projectives. We st...Motivated by the classical Gorenstein homological theory and structure of Tate cohomology, we develop a theory of Gorenstein projective objects and Tate cohomology in an exact category A with enough projectives. We study some properties of Gorenstein projective objects and establish Tate cohomology of objects with finite Gorenstein projective dimension.展开更多
In this paper, let (R, m) be a Noetherian local ring, I lohtain in R an ideal, M and N be two finitely generated modules. Firstly, we study the properties of HI^t(M), t = f-depth(I, M) and discuss the relationsh...In this paper, let (R, m) be a Noetherian local ring, I lohtain in R an ideal, M and N be two finitely generated modules. Firstly, we study the properties of HI^t(M), t = f-depth(I, M) and discuss the relationship between the Artinianness of HI^i(M, N) and the Artinianness of HI^i(N). Then, we get that HI^d(M, N) is I-cofinite, if (R, m) is a d-dimensional Gorenstein local ring.展开更多
Let M2n be a cohomology CPn and p a prime. S et Dp(M2n)={d>0|M2n admits a smooth Gp action such tha t the fixed point set of the action contains a codimension-2 submanifold of deg ree d}, DEp(M2n)={(d; m1, m2, …...Let M2n be a cohomology CPn and p a prime. S et Dp(M2n)={d>0|M2n admits a smooth Gp action such tha t the fixed point set of the action contains a codimension-2 submanifold of deg ree d}, DEp(M2n)={(d; m1, m2, …, mμ)|M2n admits a GP action of Type Ⅱ0, having multiplicities m1, m2, …, mμ at the isolated fixed points, and m1+m2+…+mμ=n, d is the degree of the fixed codimension-2 submanifold}. In this paper, we prove that for n=5 or 7 , if D5(M2n)≠φ, then D5(M2n)={1}; if DE5(M2n )≠φ, then DE5(M2n)={(1; n, 0)}.展开更多
Let X be a non-primary Hopf Surface with Abelian fundamental group π1 (X)(≌) Z Zm, L a line bundle on X, we give a formula for computing the dimension of cohomology H^q(X,Ω^P(L)) and the explicit results fo...Let X be a non-primary Hopf Surface with Abelian fundamental group π1 (X)(≌) Z Zm, L a line bundle on X, we give a formula for computing the dimension of cohomology H^q(X,Ω^P(L)) and the explicit results for non-primary exceptional Hopf surface.展开更多
In this paper, we introduce the concept of weakly reducible maxi mal triangular algebras S*!which form a large class of maximal t riangular algebras. Let B be a weakly closed algebra containing S, we prove that the co...In this paper, we introduce the concept of weakly reducible maxi mal triangular algebras S*!which form a large class of maximal t riangular algebras. Let B be a weakly closed algebra containing S, we prove that the cohomology spaces Hn(S , B) ( n≥1) are trivial.展开更多
This paper proposes a novel application of cohomology to protein structure analysis. Since proteins interact each other by forming transient protein complexes, their shape (e.g., shape complementarity) plays an import...This paper proposes a novel application of cohomology to protein structure analysis. Since proteins interact each other by forming transient protein complexes, their shape (e.g., shape complementarity) plays an important role in their functions. In our mathematical toy models, proteins are represented as a loop of triangles (2D model) or tetrahedra (3D model), where their interactions are defined as fusion of loops. The purpose of this paper is to describe the conditions for loop fusion using the language of cohomology. In particular, this paper uses cohomology to describe the conditions for “allosteric regulation”, which has been attracted attention in safer drug discovery. I hope that this paper will provide a new perspective on the mechanism of allosteric regulation. Advantages of the model include its topological nature. That is, we can deform the shape of loops by deforming the shape of triangles (or tetrahedra) as long as their folded structures are preserved. Another advantage is the simplicity of the “allosteric regulation” mechanism of the model. Furthermore, the effect of the “post-translational modification” can be understood as a resolution of singularities of a flow of triangles (or tetrahedra). No prior knowledge of either protein science, exterior calculus, or cohomology theory is required. The author hopes that this paper will facilitate the interaction between mathematics and protein science.展开更多
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.11501393,11626050,11901069)Sichuan Science and Technology Program(No.2019YJ0509)+1 种基金joint research project of Laurent Mathematics Research Center of Sichuan Normal University and V.C.&V.R.Key Lab of Sichuan Province,by Science and Technology Research Program of Chongqing Education Commission of China(No.KJ1600324)Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing,China(No.cstc2018jcyjAX0465).
文摘Comparing to the construction of stringy cohomology ring of equivariant sta-ble almost complex manifolds and its relation with the Chen-Ruan cohomology ring of the quotient almost complex orbifolds,the authors construct in this note a Chen-Ruan cohomology ring for a stable almost complex orbifold.The authors show that for a finite group G and a G-equivariant stable almost complex manifold X,the G-invariant part of the stringy cohomology ring of(X,G)is isomorphic to the Chen-Ruan cohomology ring of the global quotient stable almost complex orbifold[X/G].Similar result holds when G is a torus and the action is locally free.Moreover,for a compact presentable stable almost complex orbifold,they study the stringy orbifold K-theory and its relation with Chen-Ruan cohomology ring.
基金supported in part by NSFC Project 60603004, 10631060
文摘Comparing to the Ch-~Ruan cohomology theory for the almost complex orbifolds, we study the orbifold cohomology theory for almost contact orbifolds. We define the Chen-Ruan cohomology group of any almost contact orbifold. Using the methods for almost complex orbifolds, we define the obstruction bundle for any 3-multisector of the almost contact orbifolds and the Chen^Ruan cup product for the Che-Ruan cohomology. We also prove that under this cup product the direct sum of all dimensional orbifold cohomology groups constitutes a cohomological ring. Finally we calculate two examples.
基金partially supported by China-France-Russian mathematics collaboration grant,No.34000-3275100,from Sun Yat-Sen University
文摘Let X be a compact complex manifold. Consider a small deformation π : X → B of X, the dimensions of the cohomology groups of tangent sheaf Hq(xt, Txt ) may vary under this deformation. This article studies such phenomena by studying the obstructions to deform a class in Hq(X, 5TX) with parameter t and gets a formula for the obstructions.
文摘In the previous papers I and II, we have studied the difference discrete variational principle and the Euler?Lagrange cohomology in the framework of multi-parameter differential approach. We have gotten the difference discrete Euler?Lagrange equations and canonical ones for the difference discrete versions of classical mechanics and field theory as well as the difference discrete versions for the Euler?Lagrange cohomology and applied them to get the necessary and sufficient condition for the symplectic or multisymplectic geometry preserving properties in both the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms. In this paper, we apply the difference discrete variational principle and Euler?Lagrange cohomological approach directly to the symplectic and multisymplectic algorithms. We will show that either Hamiltonian schemes or Lagrangian ones in both the symplectic and multisymplectic algorithms are variational integrators and their difference discrete symplectic structure-preserving properties can always be established not only in the solution space but also in the function space if and only if the related closed Euler?Lagrange cohomological conditions are satisfied.
文摘In this second paper of a series of papers, we explore the difference discrete versions for the Euler?Lagrange cohomology and apply them to the symplectic or multisymplectic geometry and their preserving properties in both the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms for discrete mechanics and field theory in the framework of multi-parameter differential approach. In terms of the difference discrete Euler?Lagrange cohomological concepts, we show that the symplectic or multisymplectic geometry and their difference discrete structure-preserving properties can always be established not only in the solution spaces of the discrete Euler?Lagrange or canonical equations derived by the difference discrete variational principle but also in the function space in each case if and only if the relevant closed Euler?Lagrange cohomological conditions are satisfied.
基金Supported in part by NSF of China (1017114, 10231050 and NCET)
文摘In this article, using the WDVV equation, the author first proves that all Gromov-Witten invariants of blowups of surfaces can be computed from the Cromov- Witten invariants of itself by some recursive relations. Furthermore, it may determine the quantum product on blowups. It also proves that there is some degree of functoriality of the big quantum cohomology for a blowup.
基金Supported partially by NSF of China (10201007)National Tianyuan Foundation of China (A0324614)
文摘The authors prove that all n-th completely bounded cohomology groups of a nest algebra T(N) acting on a separable Hilbert space are trivial when the coefficients lie in any ultraweakly closed T(N)-bimodule containing the nest algebra. They also prove that Hcb^n(A, M) ≌ Hcb^n(A, M) for all n ≥ 1 and a CSL algebra .A with an ultraweakly closed .A-bimodul.M containing A.
文摘This paper presents a sufficient condition for the cohomology groups of an associative superalgebra to vanish. As its application, we prove that the cohomology groups H n(L,M) vanish when L is a strongly semisimple Lie superalgebra and M is an irreducible faithful L module.
基金The NSF (10771152,10926094) of Chinathe NSF (09KJB110006) for Colleges and Universities in Jiangsu Provincethe Research Foundation (Q4107805) of Soochow University and the Research Foundation (Q3107852) of Pre-research Project of Soochow University
文摘Let (R, m) be a commutative Noetherian local ring, I an ideal of R and M a finitely generated R-module. Let limnHm^i(M/I^nM)be the ith formal local cohomology module of M with respect to I.In this paper, we discuss some properties of formal local cohomology modules limnHm^i(M/I^nM),which are analogous to the finiteness and Artinianness of local cohomology modules of a finitely generated module.
文摘In this paper, we suggested exact-volume differential form (for short:EVDF) and proved four theorems correlative with them: 1. existence theorem, 2. cohomology theorem,3. constant multiple theorem, and 4. equal gauge theorem. And their application were discussed also. For examlpe, we deduced the particle dynamic equation of the special theory of relativity. At the same time we analyzed and contrasted cohomology theory with Hamilton's variational principle. The contrast showed the superiority of cohomology theory. Moreover,we gave a more complete classification list of differential forms.
基金The NSF(BK2011276) of Jiangsu Provincethe NSF(10KJB110007,11KJB110011) for Colleges and Universities in Jiangsu Provincethe Research Foundation(Q3107803) of Pre-research Project of Soochow University
文摘Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring, I and J be two ideals of R, and M be an R-module. We study the cofiniteness and finiteness of the local cohomology module HiI,J(M) and give some conditions for the finiteness of HomR(R/I, HsI,J(M)) and Ext1R(R/I, HsI,J(M)). Also, we get some results on the attached primes of HdimMI,J (M).
文摘The main objective of this paper is to provide the tool rather than the classical adjoint representation of Lie algebra;which is essential in the conception of the Chevalley Eilenberg Cohomology. We introduce the notion of representation induced by a 2 - 3 matrix. We construct the corresponding Chevalley Eilenberg differential and we compute all its cohomological groups.
文摘In this paper, we determine the second Hochschild cohomology group for a class of self-injective algebras of tame representation type namely, which are standard one-parametric but not weakly symmetric. These were classified up to derived equivalence by Bocian, Holm and Skowroński in [1]. We connect this to the deformation of these algebras.
文摘Motivated by the classical Gorenstein homological theory and structure of Tate cohomology, we develop a theory of Gorenstein projective objects and Tate cohomology in an exact category A with enough projectives. We study some properties of Gorenstein projective objects and establish Tate cohomology of objects with finite Gorenstein projective dimension.
文摘In this paper, let (R, m) be a Noetherian local ring, I lohtain in R an ideal, M and N be two finitely generated modules. Firstly, we study the properties of HI^t(M), t = f-depth(I, M) and discuss the relationship between the Artinianness of HI^i(M, N) and the Artinianness of HI^i(N). Then, we get that HI^d(M, N) is I-cofinite, if (R, m) is a d-dimensional Gorenstein local ring.
文摘Let M2n be a cohomology CPn and p a prime. S et Dp(M2n)={d>0|M2n admits a smooth Gp action such tha t the fixed point set of the action contains a codimension-2 submanifold of deg ree d}, DEp(M2n)={(d; m1, m2, …, mμ)|M2n admits a GP action of Type Ⅱ0, having multiplicities m1, m2, …, mμ at the isolated fixed points, and m1+m2+…+mμ=n, d is the degree of the fixed codimension-2 submanifold}. In this paper, we prove that for n=5 or 7 , if D5(M2n)≠φ, then D5(M2n)={1}; if DE5(M2n )≠φ, then DE5(M2n)={(1; n, 0)}.
基金Supported by NNSF(10171068)Supported by Beijing Excellent Talent Grant(20042D0500509)
文摘Let X be a non-primary Hopf Surface with Abelian fundamental group π1 (X)(≌) Z Zm, L a line bundle on X, we give a formula for computing the dimension of cohomology H^q(X,Ω^P(L)) and the explicit results for non-primary exceptional Hopf surface.
文摘In this paper, we introduce the concept of weakly reducible maxi mal triangular algebras S*!which form a large class of maximal t riangular algebras. Let B be a weakly closed algebra containing S, we prove that the cohomology spaces Hn(S , B) ( n≥1) are trivial.
文摘This paper proposes a novel application of cohomology to protein structure analysis. Since proteins interact each other by forming transient protein complexes, their shape (e.g., shape complementarity) plays an important role in their functions. In our mathematical toy models, proteins are represented as a loop of triangles (2D model) or tetrahedra (3D model), where their interactions are defined as fusion of loops. The purpose of this paper is to describe the conditions for loop fusion using the language of cohomology. In particular, this paper uses cohomology to describe the conditions for “allosteric regulation”, which has been attracted attention in safer drug discovery. I hope that this paper will provide a new perspective on the mechanism of allosteric regulation. Advantages of the model include its topological nature. That is, we can deform the shape of loops by deforming the shape of triangles (or tetrahedra) as long as their folded structures are preserved. Another advantage is the simplicity of the “allosteric regulation” mechanism of the model. Furthermore, the effect of the “post-translational modification” can be understood as a resolution of singularities of a flow of triangles (or tetrahedra). No prior knowledge of either protein science, exterior calculus, or cohomology theory is required. The author hopes that this paper will facilitate the interaction between mathematics and protein science.