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作者 王春红 《江苏商论》 2025年第1期135-140,共6页
新时代的中国乡村,既要有看得见的绿水青山,也要有美好的文化生态。刘伯温作为温州的代表性地域历史文化名人,其故里文成文化资源丰富,具体从居住、建筑、交往空间、耕读、入仕、信仰、规训、民俗、技艺等九个方面,挖掘地域文化元素,并... 新时代的中国乡村,既要有看得见的绿水青山,也要有美好的文化生态。刘伯温作为温州的代表性地域历史文化名人,其故里文成文化资源丰富,具体从居住、建筑、交往空间、耕读、入仕、信仰、规训、民俗、技艺等九个方面,挖掘地域文化元素,并结合新时代的发展需求,分析如何进行乡村文化生态建设。文成作为刘伯温故里,文化资源具有自身的特性,但文成属于温州,文化资源更具有温州地域文化的共性。文成新时代背景下的乡村文化生态建设,对温州其他县市区具有重要的推广价值和启示作用。 展开更多
关键词 新时代 乡村 文化生态建设 刘伯温故里 文成
贡山三尖杉的新名称(Cephalotaxus talonensis Cheng et Feng ex S.G.Lu et X.D.Lang)及分类地位(英文) 被引量:1
作者 郎学东 苏建荣 陆树刚 《植物研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期4-6,共3页
提议贡山三尖杉的新名称Cephalotaxus talonensis Cheng et Feng ex S.G.Lu et X.D.Lang替代不合法的旧名称Cephalotaxus lanceolata K.M.Feng in Cheng et al.(晚出同名)。对比贡山三尖杉和三尖杉Cephalotaxus fortunei Hooker的模式... 提议贡山三尖杉的新名称Cephalotaxus talonensis Cheng et Feng ex S.G.Lu et X.D.Lang替代不合法的旧名称Cephalotaxus lanceolata K.M.Feng in Cheng et al.(晚出同名)。对比贡山三尖杉和三尖杉Cephalotaxus fortunei Hooker的模式标本和自然生长状态下的叶片形态,支持将贡山三尖杉处理为种的等级,不赞同Silba(1990)将贡山三尖杉降为三尖杉的变种[Cephalotaxus fortunei Hooker var.lanceolata(Feng)Silba]。文中提供4幅参照图片。 展开更多
关键词 三尖杉科 Cephalotaxus talonensis cheng ET Feng EX S G LU ET X D Lang 新名称
作者 赵梦瑶 程晓昱 《中医药临床杂志》 2025年第1期62-66,共5页
慢性心力衰竭合并失眠临床较为常见。程晓昱教授结合多年临床经验认为慢性心力衰竭合并失眠以老年人多见,常因心衰日久,损及肾阳,或年岁增加,五脏渐虚,阴阳失衡,其病位主要在心肾,并可涉及多种脏腑,病机主要在于肾精不足,心肾阳虚,病及... 慢性心力衰竭合并失眠临床较为常见。程晓昱教授结合多年临床经验认为慢性心力衰竭合并失眠以老年人多见,常因心衰日久,损及肾阳,或年岁增加,五脏渐虚,阴阳失衡,其病位主要在心肾,并可涉及多种脏腑,病机主要在于肾精不足,心肾阳虚,病及他脏,以致其余脏腑阳气俱虚,无以温煦、推动脏腑气机正常运行,化生瘀血、痰饮等病理产物,导致心衰进一步发展。同时,阳气亏虚致营卫失行其道,肾精不足致脑髓失养,元神欠安,最终导致失眠的发生。程教授在临床诊疗中重视“温阳补肾,活血利水”“辨证论治,随症加减”“内外共治,顺应天时”,以达到“阴平阳秘,精神乃治”的平衡状态。 展开更多
关键词 慢性心力衰竭 失眠 程晓昱
作者 杨耀闾 周怀能 +2 位作者 肖海燕 刘建和 龙俊杰 《山东中医杂志》 2025年第1期108-111,共4页
升阳益胃汤出自李东垣《内外伤辨惑论》,主要功效为益气升阳、清热除湿。程丑夫教授结合病、证、症运用此方,异病同治,疗效显著。通过分析程教授运用升阳益胃汤治疗上胞下垂、血尿、甲状腺功能减退症、水肿的验案,总结其临床运用此方的... 升阳益胃汤出自李东垣《内外伤辨惑论》,主要功效为益气升阳、清热除湿。程丑夫教授结合病、证、症运用此方,异病同治,疗效显著。通过分析程教授运用升阳益胃汤治疗上胞下垂、血尿、甲状腺功能减退症、水肿的验案,总结其临床运用此方的要点:一辨病,明确病名诊断,把握疾病根本矛盾,疾病中心环节为脾胃虚弱,是应用升阳益胃汤的关键;二辨证,气虚湿热证是选用此方的基础;三辨症,临证结合具体症状加减药物。 展开更多
关键词 升阳益胃汤 上胞下垂 血尿 水肿 甲状腺功能减退症 程丑夫 验案
作者 黄锦蕊 常育博 +1 位作者 马鸿斌 魏锦慧 《亚太传统医药》 2025年第1期79-83,共5页
慢性肾炎是临床常见肾系疾病,病因复杂,病理类型多样,根据其蛋白尿、血尿、水肿等临床表现,大致属于中医“淋证、水肿、尿浊”的范畴,马鸿斌主任医师指出慢性肾炎病机为风、湿、热、瘀、浊五邪交织为患,脾胃肾两脏一腑虚衰,导致水液通... 慢性肾炎是临床常见肾系疾病,病因复杂,病理类型多样,根据其蛋白尿、血尿、水肿等临床表现,大致属于中医“淋证、水肿、尿浊”的范畴,马鸿斌主任医师指出慢性肾炎病机为风、湿、热、瘀、浊五邪交织为患,脾胃肾两脏一腑虚衰,导致水液通调失常,早期以祛风补虚为主,后期湿、热、瘀血流连肾脏,须清热利湿、活血祛瘀。运用程氏萆薢分清饮加减治疗慢性肾炎,以清利下焦湿热兼活血化瘀,平补肾中阴阳为原则,通过抑制炎症反应、调节肠道菌群、促进尿酸排泄、改善肾纤维化程度等,减轻患者症状,在临床效如桴鼓。 展开更多
关键词 慢性肾炎 水肿 湿热 程氏萆薢分清饮
作者 杨希玲 雍秋红 +1 位作者 侯秋科 刘凤斌 《中医学报》 2025年第2期283-287,共5页
非酒精性脂肪性肝病是本虚标实之证,基本病机为“阳化气不足、阴成形太过”,以脾肾阳虚为本,痰浊、水湿、瘀血等阴邪停聚体内为标。其病理因素可归于湿、痰、瘀等具有阴性特点的物质。线粒体功能障碍导致的活性氧产生过多、线粒体自噬... 非酒精性脂肪性肝病是本虚标实之证,基本病机为“阳化气不足、阴成形太过”,以脾肾阳虚为本,痰浊、水湿、瘀血等阴邪停聚体内为标。其病理因素可归于湿、痰、瘀等具有阴性特点的物质。线粒体功能障碍导致的活性氧产生过多、线粒体自噬异常、脂肪酸氧化异常等会引起脂质代谢异常,进一步导致肝细胞受损和炎症发展。由此可见,阳化气不足是线粒体失衡的基础条件,阴成形太过为线粒体失衡的重要表现。临证运用补气健脾、化痰祛瘀、调和阴阳等治法,使气行不滞,气有所化,调整阴阳代谢,有效减轻线粒体损伤,增加线粒体自噬能力,促进线粒体稳态恢复,稳定细胞内环境,促进疾病向愈,从而达到阴平阳秘的平衡状态。 展开更多
关键词 非酒精性脂肪性肝病 线粒体 “阳化气 阴成形” 补气健脾 化痰祛瘀 调和阴阳
作者 边谦 《风景园林》 北大核心 2025年第2期129-137,共9页
【目的】因对创园初期旨趣的回归以及对后世园林重修活动的示范,清代苏州蒋氏复园在拙政园整体景境存续过程中尤显意义非凡,深入考证该园重修后的景境书写,不仅有助于贴近拙政园历史变迁的复杂真相,还能丰富对中国园林重修传统的历史认... 【目的】因对创园初期旨趣的回归以及对后世园林重修活动的示范,清代苏州蒋氏复园在拙政园整体景境存续过程中尤显意义非凡,深入考证该园重修后的景境书写,不仅有助于贴近拙政园历史变迁的复杂真相,还能丰富对中国园林重修传统的历史认知,然而以往研究尚未就此园所“复”为何、园又何以为“复”的关键问题作出更有效的揭示。【方法】通过对相关文字、图像材料的分类统计与关联分析,梳理了复园重修后的景境线索与基本特征,明确了对此园图解复原的可能与限度,由此展开对关键史料的精读。【结果】1)对于所“复”为何:景的方面,揭示了池上山林这一复园景象经营的核心特征,继而归纳了与之密切相关的建筑、花木及动物要素的营景效果与感官体验;境的方面,以短时的复合感知与长期的互动寄情切入,辨析了此园典型综合体验与情思活动的生成与差异。2)对于何以为“复”:以“远香堂”这一核心景境的考辨与比较为例探讨复园重修的价值取向,提出了复园之“复”的真正指归。【结论】综上,对历史园林景境特征的析取方法与中国园林重修传统的认识路径进行了再思考。 展开更多
关键词 苏州园林 蒋氏复园 景境 重修 远香堂 拙政园史 城市山林
Effect of combined therapy of Yinchenhao Chengqi decoction and endoscopic sphincterotomy for endotoxemia in acute cholangitis 被引量:6
作者 SHANG Dong 1, GUAN Feng Lin 1, JIN Pei Yu 2, CHEN Hai Long 1 and CUI Jian Hua 2 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1998年第5期80-82,共3页
AIM To evaluate the therapeutic mechanism of Yinchenhao Chengqi (YCHCQ) decoction (containing mainly Herba Artemisia capillaris) combined with endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST) for endotoxemia (ETM) in acute cholangitis... AIM To evaluate the therapeutic mechanism of Yinchenhao Chengqi (YCHCQ) decoction (containing mainly Herba Artemisia capillaris) combined with endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST) for endotoxemia (ETM) in acute cholangitis.METHODS Twenty-one cases of acute cholangitis with ETM were divided randomly into two groups: group A, 10 patients treated with YCHCQ decoction combined with EST, group B, 11 patients treated with EST. The incidence rate of ETM, plasmic ET, serum superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, malonyldialdehyde (MDA), complement C3 and C-reactive protein (CRP) were studied respectively.RESULTS The ET level of group A (35.92ng/L±8.30ng/L) was significantly reduced after 7 days of treatment (P<0.05) in contrast to that of group B (47.8ng/L±11.62ng/L), so did the level of MDA and CRP. But the SOD activity and C3 level in group A increased significantly (P<0.05).CONCLUSION YCHCQ decoction combined with EST had a beneficial effect for ETM in acute cholangitis.INTRODUCTIONEndotoxemia (ETM) is one of the most important physiopathologic causes of acute cholangitis and it is the trigger of cytokines and inflammatory factors. In recent studies it has been found that Yinchenhao Chengqi (YCHCQ) decoction has a beneficial effect on ETM in acute cholangitis. With the development of endoscopic surgery, endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST) has become an effective replacement for some operations in the treatment of acute cholangitis[1]. The effect of YCHCQ decoction combined with EST on ET, oxygen free radical and complement C3 was observed in order to find out its therapeutic mechanism. 展开更多
Effects of the Extract of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus cheng f. (JA1) on Induction of Apoptosis of HepG2 in vitro and Its Molecular Mechanisms 被引量:5
作者 LEI JIA LI-ZHE AN 《Biomedical and Environmental Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第2期118-123,共6页
Objective To study the effects and the mechanisms of extract from a leguminous plant (Ammopiptanthus mongolicus cheng f.) (JAl ) in northwest China on inducing apoptosis and inhibiting proliferation of HepG2 hepat... Objective To study the effects and the mechanisms of extract from a leguminous plant (Ammopiptanthus mongolicus cheng f.) (JAl ) in northwest China on inducing apoptosis and inhibiting proliferation of HepG2 hepatocarcinoma cell in vitro. Methods The HepG2 cell line was used as target cells. The effect of 3A 1 on HepG2 cell growth was detected by microculture tetrazolium assay (MTr), flow cytometry assay, DNA agarose gel electrophoresis and transmission electronic microscopy. The expressive effect of the wt-p53 in HepG2 cells was analyzed with p53 protein test-reagent. Results JAl not only had significant anti-proliferative effects depending upon time and dosage, but also induced apoptosis of HepG2 cells. Apoptotic typical morphological changes were observed in JAl-treated HepG2 cells under transmission electronic microscope, "Sub-G 1" phase peak occurred in flow cytometry and DNA "ladder" was found in DNA agarose gel electrophoresis. The expression of the wt-p53 increased in vitro, and 3Al-treated HepG2 and the positive cell percentage of the wt-p53 protein also increased. Conclusions JAl could obviously induce apoptosis and inhibit proliferation of HepG2 cells in vitro, and these effects are closely related with the increase of wt-p53 expression. JAl can be used as a good source of medicinal plant for the treatment of hepatocarcinoma. 展开更多
关键词 Extract from Ammopiptanthus mongolicus cheng f. (JAl) HEPG2 APOPTOSIS INDUCTION WT-P53
Effects of Chai-Qin-Cheng-Qi Decoction on cefotaxime in rats with acute necrotizing pancreatitis 被引量:9
作者 Li-Hui Deng Da-Kai Xiang Ping Xue Hai-Yan Zhang Lei Huang Qing Xia 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第35期4439-4443,共5页
AIM:To investigate the effect of Chai-Qin-Cheng-Qi Decoction(CQCQD)on cefotaxime(CTX)concentration in pancreas of rats with acute necrotizing pancreatitis (ANP). METHODS:Sixty healthy male Sprague-Dawley rats were div... AIM:To investigate the effect of Chai-Qin-Cheng-Qi Decoction(CQCQD)on cefotaxime(CTX)concentration in pancreas of rats with acute necrotizing pancreatitis (ANP). METHODS:Sixty healthy male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided randomly into an ANP group(ANP model +CTX,n=20),treatment group(ANP model+CTX +CQCQD,n=20)and control group(normal rats+ CTX,n=20).ANP models were induced by retrograde intraductal injection of 3.5%sodium taurocholate (1 mL/kg),and the control group was injected intraductally with normal saline.All rats were injected introperitoneally with 0.42 g/kg CTX(at 12-h intervals for a continuous 72 h)at 6 h after intraductal injection. Meanwhile,the treatment group received CQCQD (20 mL/kg)intragastrically at 8-h intervals,and the ANP and control group were treated intragastrically with normal saline.At 15 min after the last CTX injection,blood and pancreas samples were collected for the determination of CTX concentration using validated high-performance liquid chromatography. Pathological changes and wet-to-dry-weight(W/D) ratio of pancreatic tissue were examined. RESULTS:Serum CTX concentrations in three groups were not significantly different.Pancreatic CTXconcentration and penetration ratio were lower in ANP group vs control group(4.4±0.6μg/mL vs 18.6± 1.7μg/mL,P=0.000;5%vs 19%,P=0.000),but significantly higher in treatment group vs ANP group (6.4±1.7μg/mL vs 4.4±0.6μg/mL,P=0.020;7% vs 5%,P=0.048).The histological scores and W/D ratio were significantly decreased in treatment group vs ANP and control group. CONCLUSION:CQCQD might have a promotive effect on CTX concentration in pancreatic tissues of rats with ANP. 展开更多
关键词 Acute necrotizing pancreatitis CEFOTAXIME Chai Qin cheng Qi Decoction Drug penetration Traditional Chinese medicine
Study on Origin and Evolution of Polyploids in Parakmeria Hu et Cheng Using LEAFY Gene
作者 王震 段焰青 李青青 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第5期699-702,756,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to explore the origin and evolution of poly- poids in Parakmeria Hu et Cheng through LEAFY gene clone and sequence analysis. [Method] In this study, LEAFY gene in Parakmeria species and it... [Objective] This study aimed to explore the origin and evolution of poly- poids in Parakmeria Hu et Cheng through LEAFY gene clone and sequence analysis. [Method] In this study, LEAFY gene in Parakmeria species and its relative genera was cloned and sequenced using molecular biology methods. With reference to LEAFY gene sequence published by NCBI, the origin pattern of polypoids in Parakmeria was explored and reasons for the distribution layout of different polypoids were analyzed through sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis. [Result] Different Magnoliaceae species can be distinguished using the LEAFY gene, and there was a length polymorphism found in the 3+ end of the LEAFY gene, which can be used to divide Magnoliaceae plants of different species or in different genera, thus of high application value. [Conclusion] Most Parakmeria tetraploids are produced by polyploidization of homologous chromosomes, while Parakmeria hexaploids are chiefly produced by both polyploidization of homologous chromosomes and heterologous hybridization. 展开更多
关键词 Parakmeria Hu et cheng LEAFY gene Phylogenetic evolution Polyploid origin
The mechanism of actions of Octreotide, Bupleurum-Peony Cheng Qi decoction and Salvia Miltiorrhiza in severe acute pancreatitis 被引量:9
作者 WU Xie-Ning 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1999年第3期249-251,共3页
关键词 Bupleurum-Peony cheng Qi decoction and Salvia Miltiorrhiza in severe acute pancreatitis
The Integration and Sustainable Development of Chengdu-Chongqing Urban Agglomeration 被引量:2
作者 Yang Jie Mao Hanying 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2006年第3期3-10,共8页
Urban Agglomeration is an inevitable outcome of urbanization and industrialization, and a main form of urban development. Based on the analysis of urbanization and urban system situation, this paper will discuss the i... Urban Agglomeration is an inevitable outcome of urbanization and industrialization, and a main form of urban development. Based on the analysis of urbanization and urban system situation, this paper will discuss the integration of urban agglomeration development, using the urban area of Cheng (Chengdu)-Yu (Chongqing) Urban agglomeration (CYUA) as a case study. By means of industries, population and spatial integrations, the function, strength and competition of CYUA will be improved and this urban agglomeration will transit from a budding state to a growing and mature one in future. The sustainable development of CYUA will depend on countermeasures, such as accelerating industrialization and urbanization, building a traffic network and express roads, strengthening the ability of self-sufficiency, enlarging the ecological construction and environmental protection, and establishing the synergetic institution of cross districts. 展开更多
关键词 cheng chengdu)-Yu (Chongqing) Urban Agglomeration (CYUA) INTEGRATION sustainable development
Comparison of Cheng's Index-and SSR Marker-based Classification of Asian Cultivated Rice 被引量:2
作者 WANG Cai-hong XU Qun +5 位作者 YU Ping YUAN Xiao-ping YU Han-yong WANG Yi-ping TANG Sheng-xiang WEI Xing-hua 《Rice science》 SCIE 2013年第2期103-110,共8页
A total of 100 cultivated rice accessions,with a clear isozyme-based classification,were analyzed based on Cheng's index and simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker.The results showed that the isozyme-based classificat... A total of 100 cultivated rice accessions,with a clear isozyme-based classification,were analyzed based on Cheng's index and simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker.The results showed that the isozyme-based classification was in high accordance with that based on Cheng's index and SSR markers.Mantel-test revealed that the Euclidean distance of Cheng's index was significantly correlated with Nei's unbiased genetic distance of SSR markers (r=0.466,P ≤ 0.01).According to the model-based group and cluster analysis,the Cheng's index-and SSR-based classification coincided with each other,with the goodness of fit of 82.1% and 84.7% in indica,97.4% and 95.1% in japonica,respectively,showing higher accordance than that within subspecies.Therefore,Cheng's index could be used to classify subspecies,while SSR marker could be more efficient to analyze the subgroups within subspecies. 展开更多
关键词 Oryza sativa CLASSIFICATION cheng's index simple sequence repeat marker
Professor Yuan Cheng (Bert) Fung:My Respected Mentor and Cherished Friend
作者 胡流源 《医用生物力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第S1期7-15,共9页
On September 14,2008,Drs.Shu Chien,Peter Chen,Geert Schmid-Schonbein,Pin Tong and I had the great pleasure of organizing a beautiful event in San Diego,California to celebration Dr.Fung’s 90thbirthday with his studen... On September 14,2008,Drs.Shu Chien,Peter Chen,Geert Schmid-Schonbein,Pin Tong and I had the great pleasure of organizing a beautiful event in San Diego,California to celebration Dr.Fung’s 90thbirthday with his students,friends and family[1].The team gave me the honor and privilege to be the banquet speaker.I titled my speech as“Dr.Fung:My Respected Mentor and Cherished Friend”-something for those of you who have known Dr.Fung well can“resonate”.Still,I would like to take this opportunity to share with you an excerpt of the story I told about this great gentle man. 展开更多
关键词 Fung:My Respected MENTOR and Cherished FRIEND PROFESSOR YUAN cheng
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of Da-Cheng-Qi decoction in the liver of rats with severe acute pancreatitis 被引量:28
作者 Yu-Mei Zhang Hong-Yu Ren +5 位作者 Xian-Lin Zhao Juan Li Jun-Yi Li Fu-Sheng Wu Hang Su Wen-Fu Tang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第8期1367-1374,共8页
AIM To explore the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of Da-Cheng-Qi decoction (DCQD) in the liver of rats with severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) based on an herbal recipe tissue pharmacology hypothesis. METHODS Heal... AIM To explore the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of Da-Cheng-Qi decoction (DCQD) in the liver of rats with severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) based on an herbal recipe tissue pharmacology hypothesis. METHODS Healthy male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into a sham operation group (SOG); a model group (MG); and low-, median- and high-dose treatment groups (LDG, MDG, and HDG, respectively). Different dosages (6, 12 and 24 g/kg for the LDG, MDG, and HDG, respectively) of DCQD were administered to the rats with SAP. The tissue concentrations of aloeemodin, rhein, emodin, chrysophanol, honokiol, rheo chrysophanol, magnolol, hesperidin, naringenin and naringin in the liver of the treated rats were detected by high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST) in serum, inflammatory mediators in the liver and pathological scores were evaluated. RESULTS The major components of DCQD were detected in the liver, and their concentrations increased dose-dependently. The high dose of DCQD showed a maximal effect in ameliorating the pathological damages, decreasing the pro-inflammatory mediators tumor necrosis factor-a and interleukin (IL)-6 and increasing anti-inflammatory mediators IL-4 and IL-10 in the liver. The pathological scores in the pancreas for the MG were significantly higher than those for the SOG (P < 0.05). DCQD could reduce the pathological scores in the pancreas and liver of the rats with SAP, especially in the HDG. Compared to the SOG, the ALT and AST levels in serum were higher in the MG (P < 0.05), while there was no statistical difference in the MG and HDG. CONCLUSION DCQD could alleviate liver damage by altering the inflammatory response in rats with SAP based on the liver distribution of its components. 展开更多
关键词 Pharmacokinetics PHARMACODYNAMICS Da-cheng-Qi decoction Acute pancreatitis Acute liver injury
Protection of Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu et Cheng in China
作者 WANG Xi-qun GUO Bao-xiang 《Forestry Studies in China》 CAS 2009年第4期249-257,共9页
Metasequoia (Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu et Cheng) is an important but endangered tree species. In a sense, the course of protection of the metasequoia can be considered a miniature of the history of the protect... Metasequoia (Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu et Cheng) is an important but endangered tree species. In a sense, the course of protection of the metasequoia can be considered a miniature of the history of the protection of rare Chinese plants over the past 50 years. The approval and establishment of the National Class Nature Reserve for metasequoia is a milestone in this course. A thorough understanding of this course is beneficial to design the correct future protection plans and for taking effective measures. In this paper the entire protection course of metasequoia is reviewed, three detailed measures are proposed according to the present situation and existing problems and discussed as follows. 1) We should reinforce unceasingly the establishment of National Nature Reserves of metasequoia, put emphasis on the protection of the original natural mother trees (ONMTs) of metasequoia, design far- sighted projects to protect the ONMTs and strictly implement and enforce the regulations or laws regarding the protection of meta- sequoia. The establishment and functions of the organization should meet the demands of protecting the ONMTs and developing metasequoias. The budget should support and the quality of the personnel assigned to this task should satisfy the protection and de- velopment of the ONMTs. We should also promote the complete protection of the ONMTs at the same time and strengthen the pro- tection and restoration of the ONMTs and their ecosystem in the Xiaohe valley, Lichuan County, Hubei Province, one of the natural concentration areas of ONMTs in the world. 2) A gene bank should be established for comprehensive protection of the genes of ex- isting original mother trees of metasequoia. 3) The key is to study the theoretical fundamentals of restoration and re-establishment of natural vegetation of metasequoia in the Xiaohe valley to harmonize the relation among environmental departments, forestry sectors, academies of sciences and other educational or research units, to carry out scientific research and strengthen academic exchanges to promote jointly the protection and utilization of metasequoia and other natural resources in China. 展开更多
关键词 Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu et cheng original mother trees protection course existing problems
PROFESSOR M. T. CHENG──a brief account of his life
作者 K.C.Chang Q.Y.Shi D.G.Deng 《Analysis in Theory and Applications》 1999年第3期100-102,共3页
Pseudotaxus chienii (W. C. Cheng) W. C.
作者 Professor Zhang Zhixiang 《Forestry Studies in China》 CAS 2006年第1期F0003-F0003,共1页
The White-berry Yew is indigenous to southern China,occurring in northern Guangdong,northern Guangxi,Hunan,southwest Jiangxi as well as in southerm and southwest Zhejiang Provinces.
关键词 TREE cheng Pseudotaxus chienii
Optimal timing for the oral administration of DaCheng-Qi decoction based on the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic targeting of the pancreas in rats with acute pancreatitis 被引量:5
作者 Yu-Mei Zhang Lin Zhu +7 位作者 Xian-Lin Zhao Huan Chen Hong-Xin Kang Jian-Lei Zhao Mei-Hua Wan Juan Li Lv Zhu Wen-Fu Tang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第39期7098-7109,共12页
AIM To identify the optimal oral dosing time of Da-Cheng-Qi decoction(DCQD) in rats with acute pancreatitis(AP) based on the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters.METHODS First, 24 male Sprague-Dawley rats we... AIM To identify the optimal oral dosing time of Da-Cheng-Qi decoction(DCQD) in rats with acute pancreatitis(AP) based on the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters.METHODS First, 24 male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into a sham-operated group [NG(a)] and three model groups [4 h G(a), 12 h G(a) and 24 h G(a)]. The NG(a) and model groups were administered DCQD(10 g/kg.BW) intragastrically at 4 h, 4 h, 12 h and 24 h, respectively, after AP models induced by 3% sodium taurocholate. Plasma samples were collected from the tails at 10 min, 20 min, 40 min, 1 h, 2 h, 4 h, 8 h, 12 h and 24 h after a single dosing with DCQD. Plasma and pancreatic tissue concentrations of the major components of DCQD were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectroscopy. The pharmacokinetic parameters and serum amylase were detected and compared. Second, rats were divided into a sham-operated group [NG(b)] and three treatment groups [4 h G(b), 12 h G(b) and 24 h G(b)] with three corresponding control groups [MG(b)s]. Blood and pancreatic tissues were collected 24 h after a single dosing with DCQD. Serum amylase, inflammatory cytokines and pathological scores of pancreatic tissues were detected and compared.RESULTS The concentrations of emodin, naringin, honokiol, naringenin, aloe-emodin, chrysophanol and rheochrysidin in the 12 h G(a) group were higher than those in the 4 h G(a) group in the pancreatic tissues(P < 0.05). The area under the plasma concentration-time curve from time 0 to the time of the last measurable concentration values(AUC0→t) for rhein, chrysophanol, magnolol and naringin in the 12 h G(a) group were larger than those in the 4 h G(a) or 24 h G(a) groups. The 12 h G(a) group had a higher Cmax than the other two model groups. The IL-10 levels in the 12 h G(b) and 24 h G(b) groups were higher than in the MG(b)s(96.55 ± 7.84 vs 77.46 ± 7.42, 251.22 ± 16.15 vs 99.72 ± 4.7 respectively, P < 0.05), while in the 24 h G(b) group, the IL-10 level was higher than in the other two treatment groups(251.22 ± 16.15 vs 154.41 ± 12.09/96.55 ± 7.84, P < 0.05). The IL-6 levels displayed a decrease in the 4 h G(b) and 12 h G(b) groups compared to theMG(b)s(89.99 ± 4.61 vs 147.91 ± 4.36, 90.82 ± 5.34 vs 171.44 ± 13.43, P < 0.05). CONCLUSION Late-time dosing may have higher concentrations of the most major components of DCQD, with better pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of antiinflammation than early-time dosing, which showed the late time to be the optimal dosing time of DCQD for AP. 展开更多
关键词 Da-cheng-Qi decoction Acute pancreatitis Pharmacokinetics Oral dosing time PHARMACODYNAMICS
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