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作者 冯琳 《安徽师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第3期61-71,共11页
二战时期,美国政府在与国民党政府建立特殊关系的过程中,曾试图在中国推行民主改革。随着冷战的发生以及国民党在内战中的失败,美国在“为什么我们丢失了中国”的反思中调整了政策。在美国干涉下,占据了中国台湾岛的国民党站在西方阵营... 二战时期,美国政府在与国民党政府建立特殊关系的过程中,曾试图在中国推行民主改革。随着冷战的发生以及国民党在内战中的失败,美国在“为什么我们丢失了中国”的反思中调整了政策。在美国干涉下,占据了中国台湾岛的国民党站在西方阵营最前线,蒋介石成为美国在亚洲“反共”的一面大旗。美国不再试图在中国台湾推行民主,并从“弃蒋”转为“容蒋”“驭蒋”,支持蒋介石抛弃美式民主的路线。蒋经国曾与苏联关系密切,且掌握着情治系统和政工系统,美方人士对其心存疑虑,但最终出于现实主义的考量,认定蒋经国是接任领导人的最佳人选。美国在冷战思维下选择将中国台湾打造成符合美国需要的安全堡垒;在维护自身利益目标下支持中国台湾以独裁政治维持现状。蒋氏“家天下”成为所谓“自由世界”的独特风景。 展开更多
关键词 美国 中国台湾地区 蒋介石 蒋经国
作者 王保存 郭懿麟 《苏区研究》 2024年第4期63-79,共17页
三大主力红军会师后,国民党“围剿”红军态势不断演进,红军面临形势极其危险。在此背景下,胡宗南所部第七十八师孤军深入,被中共和红军设伏于山城堡等地。山城堡战役是国民党“围剿”红军进入关键时期的一次重要战役,此战中国民党各路... 三大主力红军会师后,国民党“围剿”红军态势不断演进,红军面临形势极其危险。在此背景下,胡宗南所部第七十八师孤军深入,被中共和红军设伏于山城堡等地。山城堡战役是国民党“围剿”红军进入关键时期的一次重要战役,此战中国民党各路军队未能协同配合是失败的主要原因,战后国共对抗不断升级,从这个意义上讲,对山城堡战役评价过高是不适当的。山城堡战役后,蒋介石、胡宗南对山城堡战役进行了深刻反思并调整了战略部署。因西安事变爆发,国共才结束了对抗,实现了国内和平。 展开更多
关键词 山城堡战役 蒋介石 胡宗南 红军
作者 周利生 周强 《苏区研究》 2024年第3期54-64,共11页
在苏俄急于策动中国革命的大背景下,鲍罗廷被俄共(布)派往中国,出任国民党政治顾问。蒋介石虽然对苏俄并无好感,但在现实面前,他以“左”派面貌示人,由此取得鲍罗廷的信任。鲍罗廷欣赏蒋介石,在黄埔建军、应对“商团事件”、处置“廖案... 在苏俄急于策动中国革命的大背景下,鲍罗廷被俄共(布)派往中国,出任国民党政治顾问。蒋介石虽然对苏俄并无好感,但在现实面前,他以“左”派面貌示人,由此取得鲍罗廷的信任。鲍罗廷欣赏蒋介石,在黄埔建军、应对“商团事件”、处置“廖案”风波等多个重大政治事件中对其给予支持,蒋介石由此在国民党中的地位急剧上升。然而,蒋介石发动中山舰事件后,鲍罗廷、蒋介石关系恶化,鲍罗廷成为南京政府第一号通缉犯,这显然是鲍罗廷初到中国时始料未及的。 展开更多
关键词 鲍罗廷 蒋介石 关系 “商团事件” 中山舰事件
作者 冯琳 《闽台关系研究》 2024年第2期107-120,共14页
国民党退台后,具体意义上的“反攻”军事行动精神化,成为更具政治内涵和心理激励作用的口号。美国在政府层面对国民党的“反攻”议题是审慎的,但在特殊时代背景下提高了对台湾地区防务的重视程度,且军政要员时而抛出主张助蒋“反攻”的... 国民党退台后,具体意义上的“反攻”军事行动精神化,成为更具政治内涵和心理激励作用的口号。美国在政府层面对国民党的“反攻”议题是审慎的,但在特殊时代背景下提高了对台湾地区防务的重视程度,且军政要员时而抛出主张助蒋“反攻”的言论。朝鲜战争爆发,中国人民志愿军抗美援朝的行动打击了美军的气焰。在麦卡锡主义横行的年代,选举政治催化下,部分美国政客主张协助国民党“打回大陆”,较大程度上这是右翼势力情绪宣泄的体现。理性分析之下,美国政府认为助蒋“反攻”几乎没有胜算,且可能引发大战。在英国等盟友推动下,美国准备谋求朝鲜半岛问题的政治解决。麦克阿瑟被免职成为美国狂热反共情绪回落的一个转折点。美方意识到,“反攻大陆”是蒋介石维持台湾地区军民士气的工具化口号,不能强行使其放弃梦想。但梦想与现实之间是有差距的,通过控制军援水平和方式以保持这个差距,是美国找到的有效方法。 展开更多
关键词 蒋介石 “反攻” 美国 朝鲜战争
作者 梁琚牵 《苏区研究》 2024年第4期80-97,共18页
1936年10月,国民党军“迅猛”追击制约着红军宁夏战役计划的实施。为消解军事压力、实现红军休整及改变国共谈判中的被动局面,在“击破南敌”的战略目标指引下,中共中央决定在红军占据优势的山城堡地区打击胡宗南部。红军山城堡之战虽... 1936年10月,国民党军“迅猛”追击制约着红军宁夏战役计划的实施。为消解军事压力、实现红军休整及改变国共谈判中的被动局面,在“击破南敌”的战略目标指引下,中共中央决定在红军占据优势的山城堡地区打击胡宗南部。红军山城堡之战虽未歼灭国民党第二三二旅全部及第二三四旅的2个团,但击退国民党第七十八师且暂时迟滞了胡宗南部“迅猛”的追击态势。第七十八师失败出乎蒋介石意料,打乱其“聚歼”红军之企图,促使其重新审视西北“剿匪”局势,部署“剿共”的同时计划动用烧夷弹来打击红军。面对胡宗南部主力西撤,基于战场形势、红军休整及东北军统战工作的综合研判,中共作出乘胜追击、休整备战等因应,伴随国民党军进攻倾向的明晰,中共亦做好应战,双方战事一触即发。蒋介石亲赴西安督战,为张学良发动西安事变提供了前提。而西安事变的爆发,在解除红军面临国民党军“剿共”压力的同时,助力于中共北上抗日战略目标的实现,使得山城堡战役的“开局”意义充分彰显。 展开更多
关键词 山城堡战役 蒋介石 毛泽东 军事部署
作者 林孝庭 《台湾历史研究》 2024年第3期45-57,共13页
国民党当局在东南亚地区的秘密工作始于抗日战争期间,国共内战期间一度低迷或中断。朝鲜战争爆发后,国民党影响力在冷战时空背景下逐渐回到东南亚,此可谓亚太地区冷战脉络下的历史产物。然而回顾这段历史,冷战时期国民党当局的整体实力... 国民党当局在东南亚地区的秘密工作始于抗日战争期间,国共内战期间一度低迷或中断。朝鲜战争爆发后,国民党影响力在冷战时空背景下逐渐回到东南亚,此可谓亚太地区冷战脉络下的历史产物。然而回顾这段历史,冷战时期国民党当局的整体实力毕竟有限,所能发挥的作用亦有其局限性,只能在美、英等西方大国所建构的“反共”围堵网络之下,推进有限度的境外秘密工作,稍一超过范围,即遭遇严重阻碍与挫折。冷战时期国民党当局在东南亚的秘密活动,与蒋介石的军人性格及蒋经国所主导的情报工作密不可分。1949年后国民党退守台湾岛一隅,蒋介石缺乏广大腹地以利其“反攻大陆”。以有限的力量与资源秘密支持“反共”邻邦,或者设法在亚太地区布建“反共”网络,稍可经解想要回到祖国内地的两蒋父子胸中的抑郁苦闷,并藉以维系国民党在台统治的“正当性”。 展开更多
关键词 蒋介石 蒋经国 军统 国民党当局 冷战
作者 杨阳 《苏区研究》 2024年第2期52-68,共17页
北伐战争爆发后,国民革命军第八军军长唐生智势力急遽崛起,蒋介石的军事领导地位发生动摇。共产国际与联共(布)中央希望维持蒋介石在国民革命军的首领地位,中共中央虽赞成“扶蒋”政策,但反对“抑唐”,有意在北伐军内部寻求蒋唐“均势... 北伐战争爆发后,国民革命军第八军军长唐生智势力急遽崛起,蒋介石的军事领导地位发生动摇。共产国际与联共(布)中央希望维持蒋介石在国民革命军的首领地位,中共中央虽赞成“扶蒋”政策,但反对“抑唐”,有意在北伐军内部寻求蒋唐“均势”。江西作战结束后,蒋介石日益右倾,唐生智的战略地位降低,苏联顾问仍只将唐生智作为迫使蒋介石左转的外部压力使用。由于中共中央对唐生智的好感加深,要求苏联顾问改变对唐生智的消极态度,破除军事上“以蒋为中心”的局面。随着蒋唐交恶与赣汉冲突加剧,鲍罗廷作出抬唐代蒋的新决策,引发其他共产国际代表和苏联顾问反对。共产国际、中共对蒋唐之争的策略因应与分歧,折射出南方革命阵营内部新旧各势力关系变更的复杂面相。 展开更多
关键词 北伐战争 中共中央 共产国际 蒋介石 唐生智
作者 王春林 《安徽史学》 北大核心 2024年第2期74-83,共10页
西安事变和平解决后,杨虎城因领导陕甘方面与国民政府对抗而加深了国民政府对他的恶感,根本解决杨的声音很强。中央军进入西安之初,蒋介石还要借助杨,因而对其较为温和。在东北军东调后,蒋即竭力压迫杨辞职出洋。但杨虎城并不立即遵命行... 西安事变和平解决后,杨虎城因领导陕甘方面与国民政府对抗而加深了国民政府对他的恶感,根本解决杨的声音很强。中央军进入西安之初,蒋介石还要借助杨,因而对其较为温和。在东北军东调后,蒋即竭力压迫杨辞职出洋。但杨虎城并不立即遵命行事,而是有意无意地拖延,其根本目的是希望留在国内推动抗日。在受到压力后,则提出名义、经费、生病等问题。但这些办法只能敷衍蒋介石一时,最后仍然不得不辞职、出洋。事变善后时期,去除杨虎城在国民政府内有相当共识,这既满足了蒋介石的报复心理,也符合国民政府维护纲纪以及彻底控制陕甘的需要。在这种形势下,杨虎城更多的只能是遵从,延宕只能更增加蒋的恶感。 展开更多
关键词 西安事变 善后 国民政府 蒋介石 杨虎城 博弈
作者 张晶 敬知玉 《华文文学》 2024年第4期7-15,共9页
《牛津画记》是二战前后在西方世界具有极大影响力的一本英语旅游文学畅销书,作者蒋彝使用了多重语图互动策略,成功开创了华人在海外以英文书写、书画结合的“画记”体游记。首先,《牛津画记》通过语象叙事策略以文字模仿作画、演剧的... 《牛津画记》是二战前后在西方世界具有极大影响力的一本英语旅游文学畅销书,作者蒋彝使用了多重语图互动策略,成功开创了华人在海外以英文书写、书画结合的“画记”体游记。首先,《牛津画记》通过语象叙事策略以文字模仿作画、演剧的动态过程,让眼前的风景经由文字的叙事而成为流动的风景。其次,《牛津画记》以虚指性的图像辅助语言,通过虚实共现的语图叙述将英国人作为凝视的对象,智慧地表达了蒋彝对西方社会风行的刻板印象、殖民话语的无声反抗。最后,《牛津画记》以“跳跃回归”的语图叙述方式统摄语言与图像,营造了一个敞开的、无边界的城市空间,表达了蒋彝消除种族隔阂、希冀世界和平的愿望。 展开更多
关键词 蒋彝 《牛津画记》 语图互动策略 跨文化传播
作者 郝天豪 《台湾历史研究》 2024年第3期73-84,共12页
国民党败退台湾地区后,颇为重视党员训练工作,并在改造结束后将党员训练从吸纳工作中分离出来,单独办理。从1953年的《党员训练工作纲领》到1958年的《训练工作纲领》,直至1970年代,国民党的党员训练制度未有根本上的变化。作为一项日... 国民党败退台湾地区后,颇为重视党员训练工作,并在改造结束后将党员训练从吸纳工作中分离出来,单独办理。从1953年的《党员训练工作纲领》到1958年的《训练工作纲领》,直至1970年代,国民党的党员训练制度未有根本上的变化。作为一项日常党务工作,党员训练的主要内容有实施入党人及党员基本训练,研读蒋介石讲词和国民党重要文件,举行小组专题讨论、时事座谈及研究中共发展态势,编发党员训练教材等。这对于国民党的组织发展不能说没有成绩,但囿于多方面的因素,党员训练工作流于形式,训练成效要打折扣,以致该党组织发展理念未能真正贯彻到底,组织力量依然薄弱,难以发挥工作效能。 展开更多
关键词 中国国民党 台湾地区 党员训练 组织发展 蒋介石
Epidemiology of cercarial stage of trematodes in freshwater snails from Chiang Mai province,Thailand 被引量:5
作者 Thapana Chontananarth Chalobol Wongsawad 《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine》 SCIE CAS 2013年第3期237-243,共7页
Objective:To investigate the epidemiological situation of cercarial trematodes infection in freshwater snails from different water resources in Chiang Mai province,Thailand.Methods:The snail specimens were collected f... Objective:To investigate the epidemiological situation of cercarial trematodes infection in freshwater snails from different water resources in Chiang Mai province,Thailand.Methods:The snail specimens were collected from 13 districts of Chiang Mai province during April 2008 to February 2012.The prevalence of cercarial infection in snails was investigated using the crushing method.The drawing was done with the help of a camera lucida for the morphological study.Results:A total of 2479 snail individuals were collected and classified into 7 families,11 genera,and 14 species,Among them,8 snails species were found to be infected with an overall prevalence of 17.27%(428/2479),which infected with nine groups of cercariae;gymnocephalous cercaria,strigea cercaria,megalurous cercaria,monostome cercaria,parapleurolophocercous cercaria(Haplorchis cercaria),pleurolophocercous cercaria,furcocercous cercaria(Transversotrema cercaria),xiphidiocercaria,and virgulate cercaria.The parapleurolophocercous cercaria was found to be the dominant type among the cercarial infection in the snails(64.25%).Conclusions:The various species of snails found in the research location act as the intermediate hosts for the high prevalence of parasitic infection of many species of mammals.This work will provide new information on both the distribution and first intermediate host of trematodes. 展开更多
关键词 chiang MAI TREMATODES CERCARIAE Pleurolophocercous Prevalence FRESHWATER SNAILS
Geochemical characteristics of the oceanic islandtype volcanic rocks in the Chiang Mai zone,northern Thailand 被引量:4
作者 SHEN Shangyue FENG Qinglai +1 位作者 ZHANG Zhibin CHONGPAN Chonglakmani 《Chinese Journal Of Geochemistry》 EI CAS 2009年第3期258-263,共6页
The oceanic island volcanic rocks in the Chiang Mai zone, northern Thailand, are usually covered by Lower Carboniferous and Upper Permian shallow-water carbonate rocks, with the Hawaii rocks and potash trachybasalt be... The oceanic island volcanic rocks in the Chiang Mai zone, northern Thailand, are usually covered by Lower Carboniferous and Upper Permian shallow-water carbonate rocks, with the Hawaii rocks and potash trachybasalt being the main rock types. The alkaline series is dominant with sub-alkaline series occurring in few cases. The geochemical characteristics are described as follows: the major chemical compositions are characterized by high TiO2, high P2O5 and medium K2O; the rare-earth elements are characterized by right-inclined strong LREE-enrichment patterns; the trace element patterns are of the upward-bulging K-Ti enrichment type; multi-component plots falling within the fields of oceanic island basalts and alkali basalts, belonging to the oceanic island-type volcanic rocks, which are similar to the equivalents in Deqin and Gengma (the Changning-Menglian zone) of Yunnan Province, China. 展开更多
关键词 洋岛玄武岩 地球化学特征 火山岩区 泰国 稀土元素特征 碱性玄武岩 岩石类型 二氧化钛
Carbon Monoxide Emission and Concentration Models for Chiang Mai Urban Area
作者 Surachai SATHITKUNARAT Prungchan WONGWISES +1 位作者 Rudklao PAN-ARAM 张美根 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第6期901-908,共8页
An emission inventory containing emissions from traffic and other sources was complied. Based on the analysis, Carbon Monoxide (CO) emissions from traffic play a very important role in CO levels in Chiang Mai area. ... An emission inventory containing emissions from traffic and other sources was complied. Based on the analysis, Carbon Monoxide (CO) emissions from traffic play a very important role in CO levels in Chiang Mai area. Analysis showed that CO emissions from traffic during rush hours contributed approximately 90% of total CO emissions. Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) was applied to simulate wind fields and temperatures in the Chiang Mai area, and eight ca^es were selected to study annual variations in wind fields and temperatures. Model results can reflect major features of wind fields and diurnal variations in temperatures. For evaluating the model performance, model results were compared with observed wind speed, wind direction and temperature, which were monitored at a meteorological tower. Comparison showed that model results are in good agreement with observations, and the model captured many of the observed features. HYbrid Particle And Concentration Transport model (HYPACT) was used to simulate CO concentration in the Chiang Mai area. Model results generally agree well with observed CO concentrations at the air quality monitoring stations, and can explain observed CO diurnal variations. 展开更多
关键词 carbon monoxide EMISSION CONCENTRATION chiang Mai RAMS HYPACT
Prevalence of infection and molecular confirmation by using ITS-2 region of Fasciola gigantica found in domestic cattle from Chiang Mai province,Thailand
作者 Anawat Phalee Chalobol Wongsawad 《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine》 SCIE CAS 2014年第3期207-211,共5页
Objective:To investigate the infection of Fasciola gigantka(F.gigantka)in domestic cattle from Chiang Mai province and molecular confirmation using ITS-2 region.Methods:The liver and gall bladder of Bubalus bubalis(B.... Objective:To investigate the infection of Fasciola gigantka(F.gigantka)in domestic cattle from Chiang Mai province and molecular confirmation using ITS-2 region.Methods:The liver and gall bladder of Bubalus bubalis(B.bubalis)and Bos taurus(B.taunts)from slaughterhouses were examined adult worms and prevalence investigation.The species confirmation with phylogenetic analysis using ITS-2 sequences was performed by maximum likelihood and UPGMA methods.Results:The total prevalences of infection in B.bubalis and Bubalus taurus(B.taurus)were67.27%and 52.94%respectively.The respective prevalence in both B.bubalis and B.taurus were acquired from Doi-Saket,Muang,and Sanpatong districts,with 81.25%,62.50%and 60.00%for B.bubalis and 62.50%,50.00%and 47.06%for Bos taunts respectively.The species confirmation of F.gigantka and some related species by basing on maximum likelihood and UPGMA methods used,4 groups of trematodes were generated,first F.gigantka group including specimen of Chiang Mai,second 2 samples of F.hepatica,third group of 3 rumen flukes;Orthocoelium streptocoelium,F.elongatus and Paramphistomum epliclitum and fourth group of 3 minute intestinal flukes:Haplorchis taichui,Stellantchasmu falcatus.Haplorchoides sp.and liver fluke;Opisthorchis civerrini respectively.Conclusions:These results can be confirmed the Giant liver fluke which mainly caused fascioliasis in Chiang Mai was identified as F.gigantka and specimens were the same as those of F.gigantka recorded in olher different countries.Nucleotide sequence of ITS-2 region has been proven as effective diagnostic tool for the identification of F.gigantka. 展开更多
关键词 FASCIOLA gigantica Domestic cattle chiang MAI MOLECULAR CONFIRMATION ITS-2 REGION
基于NAND Flash存储器的页映射Chiang算法优化
作者 薛镭 《舰船电子工程》 2018年第12期141-145,共5页
Chiang算法将逻辑地址映射到(物理块号,物理页号),可以通过映射表直接找到对应的物理页。这种方法映射速度很快,空间利用率很高,同时也支持页的随机读写,但映射表的体积过大,需要消耗大量的系统资源。论文提出了一种基于伙伴系统算法的... Chiang算法将逻辑地址映射到(物理块号,物理页号),可以通过映射表直接找到对应的物理页。这种方法映射速度很快,空间利用率很高,同时也支持页的随机读写,但映射表的体积过大,需要消耗大量的系统资源。论文提出了一种基于伙伴系统算法的方式用于优化地址映射表,映射速度快、空间用率高,同时降低系统资源利用率和无效页的回收频率。 展开更多
关键词 chiang算法 逻辑地址 映射表 物理页 伙伴系统算法
E-tourism Usage Patterns of Tourism Business in Chiang Mai, Thailand
作者 Paisam Kanchanawong Chodok Charungkon Songsak Poonoi 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第2期193-198,共6页
The main objective of this research was to study the pattern and suggestion in ICT usage of tourism business in Chiang Mai. One hundred ninety questionnaires, referred from ICT usage pattern in organization which was ... The main objective of this research was to study the pattern and suggestion in ICT usage of tourism business in Chiang Mai. One hundred ninety questionnaires, referred from ICT usage pattern in organization which was divided into three sections: office work, communication/contacts and public relation/advertising, were gathered from tourism business in four districts in Chiang Mai. Results showed that of the tourism business only 54.7% have their own websites. Using ICT for public relations and advertisement purpose, hotel/accommodation was the highest users with majority as 29.3%; followed by tour operator with majority as 26.3%; transportation and souvenir was the lowest number of users with minority as 50.0% and 25.0%. For communication purpose hotel/accommodation business and tour operator business were high users with majority as 56.1% and 43.4% followed by restaurant business as moderate user with majority as 50.0%; and transportation business as the lowest user with minority as 31.1%. The paper suggested to owners of tourism businesses the following: (1) training on ICT application; (2) setting up center of tourism information; (3) low cost of intemet requirement from small tourism business because they lack technical person on ICT usage. Both the local and national governments should have important roles in supporting the small and medium tourism enterprises by providing good public facilities, technical expertise and easy information access. 展开更多
关键词 ICT for tourism e-tourism chiang Mai
A Comparative Analysis of Sino-Thai College English Course Teaching——A Case of Comparison between Jiujiang University and Chiang Mai University
作者 Xiangbo Yu Yiping Wu 《Journal of Educational Theory and Management》 2020年第1期68-75,共8页
English is one of the most common languages in the world,and it has become one of the most important subjects in various countries.The native languages of China and Thailand are not English,and both countries are loca... English is one of the most common languages in the world,and it has become one of the most important subjects in various countries.The native languages of China and Thailand are not English,and both countries are located in Asia and have many similarities in geographical location and cultural background.The Ministries of Education of the two countries have successively put forward relevant policies to promote the development of English education in the country.The implementation of these policies has promoted the development of college English course teaching in the country.These factors determine that the two countries have similarities in college English course teaching for Non-English majors.However,there are differences in teaching mode and teaching staff in the two countries because of their different national conditions,which make many differences,exist in college English course teaching for non-English majors in the two countries.During the author’s career as an exchange student in Chiang Mai University,she experienced the difference of college English course teaching for non-English majors in Thai universities,so the author did some researches on the basis of the understanding of English course teaching in Thai universities.Therefore,this thesis takes Sino-Thai college English course teaching for non-English majors as the research object—takes Jiujiang University and Chiang Mai University as example,and analyses their present situation from the aspects of the development and evolution,the teaching mode,and teaching staff of college English course teaching for non-English majors.On this basis,the author makes a comparative analysis of the English course teaching for non-English majors in two selected universities,then find their respective advantages and disadvantages,and put forward some suggestions on the development of Sino-Thai college English course teaching. 展开更多
关键词 Comparative analysis Jiujiang UNIVERSITY chiang MAI UNIVERSITY College English course teaching for NON-ENGLISH majors
Study on the geochemical characteristics of arc-volcanic rocks in the Chiang Rai-Lampang belt of northern Thailand
作者 SHEN Shangyue FENG Qinglai +2 位作者 YANG Wenqian ZHANG Zhibin Chongpan Chonglakmani 《Chinese Journal Of Geochemistry》 EI CAS 2010年第3期255-260,共6页
On the basis of the petrographic characteristics, rock assemblages, petrochemistry, REEs, trace elements and geotectonic settings, the authors described the characteristics of continental marginal arc-volcanic rocks i... On the basis of the petrographic characteristics, rock assemblages, petrochemistry, REEs, trace elements and geotectonic settings, the authors described the characteristics of continental marginal arc-volcanic rocks in the Late Permian-Early Triassic (P2-T1) volcanic rocks distributed on the eastern side of the ocean-ridge/oceanic island basalts in the Chiang Mai belt. The volcanic rock assemblage is basaltic andesite-andesite-rhyolite. The volcanic series is dominated by the calc-alkaline series, with the tholeitic series coming next. The chemical composition of the volcanic rocks is characterized by high Al2O3; the REE distribution patterns are of the LREE-enrichment rightward incline type; the large cation elements are highly enriched, and the volcanic rocks are generally enriched in U and Th and depleted in Ti, Cr and P. The petrochemical plot falls within the field of island-arc volcanic rocks, in consistency with the projected points of continental marginal arc-volcanic rocks in the Lancangjiang belt. These continental mar-ginal arc-volcanic rocks, together with ocean-ridge/oceanic island-type volcanic rocks in the Chiang Mai belt, con-stitute the ocean-ridge volcanic rock-arc magmatic rock belts distributed in pairs, indicative of eastward subduction of the oceanic crust in the Chiang Mai belt. This result is of great importance in exploring the evolution of the paleo-Tethys in the Chiang Mai belt. 展开更多
关键词 岛弧火山岩 地球化学特征 岩石化学成分 轻稀土元素 玄武安山岩 泰国 岩石组合 大陆边缘
民国时期蒋介石对农民问题的认知与实践 被引量:1
作者 陈红民 王锦涛 《苏区研究》 2023年第6期5-20,共16页
蒋介石基于对国情的认知,重视农民的地位和作用。他对农民艰辛的生产生活有所体察,曾试图推行一些改革措施纾解民困、改善民生,但其渐进式的方法与措施难收实效。面对中国共产党的强力竞争,蒋介石曾想拉近农民与国民党之间的距离,但国... 蒋介石基于对国情的认知,重视农民的地位和作用。他对农民艰辛的生产生活有所体察,曾试图推行一些改革措施纾解民困、改善民生,但其渐进式的方法与措施难收实效。面对中国共产党的强力竞争,蒋介石曾想拉近农民与国民党之间的距离,但国民党上下居高临下的傲慢与轻视,很难赢得农民的好感。蒋介石改善农民生活的目的还是维持其在乡村的统治,视农民为其兵源、粮源与财源等。最终,广大农民抛弃了蒋介石与国民党。引入概念史的方法与视角,统计与分析蒋介石在《先总统蒋公思想言论总集》中“农民”一词的使用情况,是了解蒋介石在内地时期对农民问题的认知与实践的一种途径。 展开更多
关键词 蒋介石 农民 认知 利用
约翰逊总统任职后期美台关于蒋介石“反攻中国内地”政策的互动分析 被引量:1
作者 陈长伟 《台湾历史研究》 2023年第4期52-66,共15页
冷战期间美国政府不支持蒋介石的“反攻内地”政策,但历任总统应对的策略有一定区别。艾森豪威尔、肯尼迪从来没有对该政策予以明确的否决,而是采取一种模糊的态度。美国在该问题上的立场到了约翰逊总统任职的后期发生了显著改变。随着1... 冷战期间美国政府不支持蒋介石的“反攻内地”政策,但历任总统应对的策略有一定区别。艾森豪威尔、肯尼迪从来没有对该政策予以明确的否决,而是采取一种模糊的态度。美国在该问题上的立场到了约翰逊总统任职的后期发生了显著改变。随着1966年中期越南战争的白热化以及中国内地进入一个特殊的历史时期,蒋介石不再以中国内地的状况作为游说美国支持发动“反攻内地”的首要理由,而是以中国台湾安全遭受内地的威胁为由请求美国加大对中国台湾的协防力度,并允许中国台湾当局对内地放手一搏。然而,此时约翰逊政府正致力于调整对华关系和严控越战规模,不希望给海峡两岸对峙的双方发出错误信号。于是,约翰逊一反前几任总统在该问题上的模糊立场,于1967年3月对蒋介石“反攻内地”的政策予以明确拒绝,实质上终结了美台在这个问题上的商讨和博弈。 展开更多
关键词 “反攻内地”政策 蒋介石 约翰逊 越南战争
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