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作者 吴佳莉 孙雨萌 《教育与教学研究》 2024年第5期78-89,共12页
《中华人民共和国家庭教育促进法》的颁布标志着我国进入家庭教育有法可依的新时代。政策是制定法律法规的依据,法律法规是政策的具体化。文章关注政策工具的选择和优化,基于政策工具与政策内容的二维分析框架,运用内容分析法对《中华... 《中华人民共和国家庭教育促进法》的颁布标志着我国进入家庭教育有法可依的新时代。政策是制定法律法规的依据,法律法规是政策的具体化。文章关注政策工具的选择和优化,基于政策工具与政策内容的二维分析框架,运用内容分析法对《中华人民共和国家庭教育促进法》政策文本进行编码、统计与分析,洞悉新时代家庭教育政策特征及存在的问题。研究发现:政策工具的使用存在结构性失衡,政策内容的分布凸显决策偏好,政策工具与政策内容的适配度有待调整。建议从以下三方面进行优化:理性分析,提升政策工具选择的科学性;均衡配置,促进家庭教育共同体的协同性;精准匹配,提升政策工具与内容的适配性。 展开更多
关键词 家庭教育促进法 新时代家庭教育 政策工具
What Efforts has the Chinese Government Made to Reduce Educa­tional Inequality in Poor Areas?
作者 Kuan Lu Yuqi Fang 《Journal of Educational Theory and Management》 2022年第1期6-14,共9页
Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949,China’s per capita education level has risen from less than two years to 9.91 years.However,as the province with the lowest per capita education level in ... Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949,China’s per capita education level has risen from less than two years to 9.91 years.However,as the province with the lowest per capita education level in China,Tibet has only reached the level of 6.75 years per capita.This illustrates the worrying educational inequality that still exists between China’s poorer and more developed regions.This educational inequality can also be expressed by the Gini coefficient of education.In order to eliminate this educational inequality,the Chinese government has made great efforts.The Chinese government has expanded the demand for education through the right incentive system and the nine-year compulsory education law.On the other hand,the Chinese government directly or indirectly grants subsidies to education suppliers and demanders to achieve the purpose of increasing education output.Based on the positive externality of education itself,the Chinese government attaches great importance to the cultivation of human resources for offspring,and hopes to transform China’s quantity-based demographic dividend into quality-based demographic dividend,and finally realize sustained economic growth.We believe that some education-related policies promulgated by China have indeed reduced educational inequality in poor areas to some extent,but there is still potential for progress in further addressing educational inequality in poor areas by the Chinese government. 展开更多
关键词 chinas education policies Poor areas Education inequity
Policy-Driven Development and the Strategic Initiative of One-Million Enrollment Expansion in China’s Higher Vocational Education 被引量:1
作者 Xiaoxian Fan 《ECNU Review of Education》 2020年第1期179-186,共8页
Purpose:This article explores the relationship between governmental policy and the development of higher vocational education in China.Design/Approach/Methods:The article begins with a textual analysis of dozens of po... Purpose:This article explores the relationship between governmental policy and the development of higher vocational education in China.Design/Approach/Methods:The article begins with a textual analysis of dozens of policy documents on higher vocational education issued by the Chinese government since 1999.Findings:The article argues that the development of higher vocational education in China has been largely policy-driven.This development can be divided into four stages:scale development,quality improvement,capacity building,and systemwide enhancement.The transition between each of these developmental stages was marked by new policy initiatives undertaken by the Chinese government.Originality/Value:The government’s recent efforts to expand higher vocational education enrollment by one million students have significant implications for China’s higher vocational education.Additionally,the proposed“1 + X”model—which attaches equal importance to academic education and skill training—may represent the beginning of a new stage in the development of higher vocational education in China. 展开更多
关键词 chinas higher vocational education development stage one-million enrollment expansion policy incentives
陕西省高等教育与经济增长的关系研究 被引量:21
作者 师萍 《西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第6期58-62,共5页
收集陕西省1952—2004年数据对高等教育与经济增长之间的关系进行研究,利用协整理论加以分析,结论是:二者之间没能存在协整关系即长期均衡关系。陕西省高等教育的发展更多的是人为因素,不是自身发展的结果。陕西高等教育规模扩大对提升... 收集陕西省1952—2004年数据对高等教育与经济增长之间的关系进行研究,利用协整理论加以分析,结论是:二者之间没能存在协整关系即长期均衡关系。陕西省高等教育的发展更多的是人为因素,不是自身发展的结果。陕西高等教育规模扩大对提升陕西省人力资本存量和促进经济发展作用并不明显。Granger因果检验结果表明,陕西省经济增长同高等教育尤其是普通高等教育之间尽管在改革开放的市场化进程中逐步回复了本身固有的关系,但仍未形成一个良性互动的关系。 展开更多
关键词 高等教育 经济增长 协整分析
全面建设小康社会时期的中国教育政策 被引量:4
作者 袁振国 《北京教育学院学报》 2004年第1期1-7,共7页
本文根据十六大提出的全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,具体探讨了我国全面建设小康社会的教育目标和教育政策的主要内容,基于对北京市经济和教育发展状况与全国小康预期目标的比较,分析了我国教育改革和发展的重点和难点,提出了我国教育深... 本文根据十六大提出的全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,具体探讨了我国全面建设小康社会的教育目标和教育政策的主要内容,基于对北京市经济和教育发展状况与全国小康预期目标的比较,分析了我国教育改革和发展的重点和难点,提出了我国教育深化改革、健康发展的制度创新策略。 展开更多
关键词 小康社会 教育政策 中国 教育改革 人力资源 教育质量
China’s New Laws and Policies on Nongovernmental Education: Background, Characteristics, and Impact Analysis
作者 Shengzu Dong 《ECNU Review of Education》 2020年第2期346-356,共11页
Purpose:China has a long history of private school education.Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China,nongovernmental education(private school education)once disappeared from Chinese society until its rev... Purpose:China has a long history of private school education.Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China,nongovernmental education(private school education)once disappeared from Chinese society until its revival following the 3rd Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.With its development of more than four decades,nongovernmental education has become an important part of China’s educational system and is vigorously promoting the modernization progress of Chinese education.Design/Approach/Methods:Being different from the overseas private school education,which is mostly funded by donations,China’s nongovernmental education sector has operated on the basis of private capital investments and contributions,with the organizers(contributors)typically expecting economic returns.Marked by the introduction of regulations and policies for nongovernmental education around the year of 2016,China’s nongovernmental education sector officially entered a new era of registration,support,and regulation by category.Findings:The macroscopic policies of China’s nongovernmental education in new era present the following new characters:(Ⅰ)Emphasizing education provision as a public interest and comprehensively strengthening private school leadership;(Ⅱ)managing negative lists and broadening the means by which social forces participate in operating schools;(Ⅲ)implementing preferential policies for private schools through categories based on the principle of being fair but different;(Ⅳ)supporting the development of private schools with the goal of improving education quality;(Ⅴ)standardizing private schools’operating practices in order to promote healthy and orderly development.Originality/Value:The implementing of the new policies on nongovernmental education shall have significant impact on the development and reform of China’s nongovernmental education in the future:(1)The rapid development of nonprofit private schools due to government support;(2)for-profit private schools may face polarization in a fiercely competitive market environment;(3)heavy burden of categorizing and transferring existing stock of schools due to various historical and realistic constraints. 展开更多
关键词 chinas nongovernmental education development history policy trend system change
How did women’s education and differential family planning policies shape transition to second and third births in historical China? New evidence from micro data
作者 Min Qin Sabu S.Padmadas Jane Falkingham 《China Population and Development Studies》 2022年第1期1-33,共33页
The influence of China’s family planning policies on fertility transition is widely acknowledged in research studies.However,little is known about how improve-ments in women’s education have shaped reproductive deci... The influence of China’s family planning policies on fertility transition is widely acknowledged in research studies.However,little is known about how improve-ments in women’s education have shaped reproductive decisions of Chinese women across different family planning regimes,particularly at micro level.This study uses retrospective pooled birth history data from five consecutive population and fam-ily planning surveys collected over the period 1982-2006 to systematically examine the interrelationship between family planning policies and women’s education,and their interactive effect on the second and third birth transitions.We hypothesize that family planning policies had a differential influence on educational groups in reduc-ing the transition to second and third births.The results from discrete time com-plementary log-log survival models provide strong evidence of differential repro-ductive behavior of education groups across time in China,and the simultaneous influence of women’s education and family planning policies in lowering risks to higher parities.The rates of progression to second and third births tend to be lower after the introduction of rigid family planning policies,and more importantly,the policy impact persisted even after adjusting for demographic and socioeconomic factors.The increase in women’s education overall had a depressing effect on transi-tion to higher parities,and family planning policies implemented overtime have had differential effects on women from different educational groups.The findings show that both family planning policies and women’s education have been instrumental in shaping fertility behavior in China. 展开更多
关键词 Family planning policies china Women’s education second birth Log-log survival analysis Micro birth history data
作者 李双辰 刘登科 《当代教育理论与实践》 2020年第2期1-7,共7页
通过对新中国成立70年来我国学前教育政策文本进行研究发现,我国民办学前教育政策的演进深受政府、市场和社会三者关系变化的影响,民办学前教育当前已经成为我国学前教育发展的重要增长点和促进学前教育改革的重要力量,深刻影响着我国... 通过对新中国成立70年来我国学前教育政策文本进行研究发现,我国民办学前教育政策的演进深受政府、市场和社会三者关系变化的影响,民办学前教育当前已经成为我国学前教育发展的重要增长点和促进学前教育改革的重要力量,深刻影响着我国学前教育事业的发展。回顾过去,在国家制度和政策的影响下,我国民办学前教育政策的演进逻辑呈现出由效率向公平、由粗放向集约转变的特点。放眼未来,我国民办学前教育的发展将更加注重优化供给结构、提升教学质量,朝着公益普惠的方向不断发展。 展开更多
关键词 新中国成立70年 民办教育 学前教育 政策文本
作者 伏科俊 《安徽科技学院学报》 2011年第6期121-124,共4页
我国中西部地区农村教师存在数量不足,质量不高的问题,严重制约着农村教育的发展,应加快实行农村免费定向师范生政策。目前,在我国中西部地区加快实行农村免费师范生政策既是必要的,也是可行的。为确保顺利推行此政策,还应对招收对象、... 我国中西部地区农村教师存在数量不足,质量不高的问题,严重制约着农村教育的发展,应加快实行农村免费定向师范生政策。目前,在我国中西部地区加快实行农村免费师范生政策既是必要的,也是可行的。为确保顺利推行此政策,还应对招收对象、培养院校及让他们留得住、干得好同时进行政策设计。 展开更多
关键词 免费定向师范生 农村教师 政策
英语用法词典中语言文化对比信息的传递 被引量:5
作者 郑立信 《外国语》 CSSCI 北大核心 1999年第5期75-79,共5页
本文探讨以我国英语学习者为读者对象的英汉双语用法词典应如何有效传递语言文化对比信息的途径。笔者提出, 要解决这一问题, 首先应该考虑的是跨文化交际中词汇空缺的弥补, 以及两种不同语言的搭配习惯与搭配意义的介绍, 其次应该... 本文探讨以我国英语学习者为读者对象的英汉双语用法词典应如何有效传递语言文化对比信息的途径。笔者提出, 要解决这一问题, 首先应该考虑的是跨文化交际中词汇空缺的弥补, 以及两种不同语言的搭配习惯与搭配意义的介绍, 其次应该为学习者的联想性学习提供素材, 并为他们提供目的语文化中的语用信息。 展开更多
关键词 编纂方针 词汇空缺 词汇搭配 联想性学习 语用信息
美国卫生政策教育及其对我国高等医学教育的启示 被引量:1
作者 纪海英 《中华医学教育杂志》 2012年第3期475-477,共3页
为了更好地参与医疗改革及为患者提供有效的卫生保健,21世纪的医师应当具有一定的卫生政策知识,因此,医学院校的卫生政策教育对医学生今后的从医工作具有重要的意义。本文阐述了美国卫生政策教育的发展、美国卫生政策教育的现状,以... 为了更好地参与医疗改革及为患者提供有效的卫生保健,21世纪的医师应当具有一定的卫生政策知识,因此,医学院校的卫生政策教育对医学生今后的从医工作具有重要的意义。本文阐述了美国卫生政策教育的发展、美国卫生政策教育的现状,以及对我国高等医学教育的启示:我国的高等医学教育有必要完善医学院校人文社科课程的设置;加强卫生政策教育领域的师资力量建设;探索卫生政策教育的教学方法与实施方法。 展开更多
关键词 美国 卫生政策教育 中国高等医学教育 启示
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