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Corrosion of NiFe_2O_4-10NiO-based cermet inert anodes for aluminium electrolysis 被引量:3
作者 何汉兵 王原 +1 位作者 龙佳驹 陈照辉 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第12期3816-3821,共6页
NiFe2O4-10NiO-based cermet inert anodes for aluminium electrolysis were prepared and their properties were investigated in a lab-scale electrolysis cell. The results show that the inert anodes exhibit good performance... NiFe2O4-10NiO-based cermet inert anodes for aluminium electrolysis were prepared and their properties were investigated in a lab-scale electrolysis cell. The results show that the inert anodes exhibit good performance during electrolysis in molten salt cryolite at 960 °C, but according to the analyses of phase compositions and microstructures through XRD, SEM/EDX and metallographic analysis, the metal in the anodes is preferentially corroded and many pores are produced on the anode surface after electrolysis. The preferential dissolution of Fe in the NiFe2O4 phase may lead to the non-uniform corrosion of NiFe2O4 grains. Moreover, a dense protective layer of NiFe2O4-NiAl2O4-FeAl2O4 is formed on the anode surface, which originates from the reaction of Al2O3 dissolved in the electrolyte with NiO or FeO, the annexation of NiFe2O4-NiAl2O4-FeAl2O4 to NiO and volume expansion. Thus, the dense NiFe2O4-NiAl2O4-FeAl2O4 layer inhibits the metal loss and ceramic-phase corrosion on the surface of the cermet inert anodes. 展开更多
关键词 NIFE2O4-10NIO aluminium electrolysis inert anode CERMET corrosion
作者 张辉 杜春燕 +1 位作者 吕鸣凤 张晓琳 《炼油与化工》 CAS 2024年第5期58-60,共3页
烟气脱硫装置需要测定烟气脱硫系统的碱液、脱硫塔循环液、滤清水样品中Cl^(-),但现有标准在检测范围和适用性上不能满足生产需求。为了使分析检测更加准确,对生产实际起到指导作用,采用电量法建立了适合某公司烟气脱硫装置碱液中Cl^(-... 烟气脱硫装置需要测定烟气脱硫系统的碱液、脱硫塔循环液、滤清水样品中Cl^(-),但现有标准在检测范围和适用性上不能满足生产需求。为了使分析检测更加准确,对生产实际起到指导作用,采用电量法建立了适合某公司烟气脱硫装置碱液中Cl^(-)浓度的分析方法,用标样和样品加标回收法进行了回收率验证,回收率在100%±5%范围内,准确度高,可检测Cl^(-)浓度范围为10~1000 mg/L内的碱液。通过对烟气脱硫装置碱液等测量结果进行重复性验证,满足95%概率水平要求,制定了测量结果在10~400 mg/L范围内的重复性限值,为测量未知样品的Cl^(-)含量提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 烟气脱硫 碱液 Cl^(-) 电量法
含铜低碳钢在不同pH值的Cl^(-)环境中的腐蚀性能研究 被引量:1
作者 王建斌 许秀婷 +4 位作者 薛云升 刘宏宇 海国泉 郭菁 滕莹雪 《材料保护》 CAS CSCD 2024年第1期80-87,共8页
为探究含铜低碳钢在不同pH值条件下的腐蚀规律,采用电化学工作站和金相显微镜对不同pH值的NaCl环境中的普通耐候钢(Q345)、含铜低碳钢(0Cu3Cr)和船体含铜低碳钢(0CuAl)的极化曲线、交流阻抗谱和微观形貌进行分析,观察在不同pH值的NaCl... 为探究含铜低碳钢在不同pH值条件下的腐蚀规律,采用电化学工作站和金相显微镜对不同pH值的NaCl环境中的普通耐候钢(Q345)、含铜低碳钢(0Cu3Cr)和船体含铜低碳钢(0CuAl)的极化曲线、交流阻抗谱和微观形貌进行分析,观察在不同pH值的NaCl环境中的含铜钢与低碳钢的腐蚀性能差异。结果表明:在NaCl环境中,pH=12时3种试样的自腐蚀电位较高,0Cu3Cr和0CuAl的腐蚀过程受阳极溶解反应控制,而Q345受阴极反应控制,Q345和0Cu3Cr在pH=6时的自腐蚀电位略大于pH=8时的;3种试样在pH=12的NaCl环境中的电荷转移电阻值最大;pH=6时0Cu3Cr表面的点蚀坑较小且数量较少,pH=8时表面点蚀坑较大且数量较多;0CuAl在pH=8时的耐蚀性比pH=6时的好。 展开更多
关键词 Cl^(-)环境 交流阻抗 PH 极化曲线
作者 赵恒瑞 侯政煜 +4 位作者 杨海燕 梁守才 程龙生 王丹 谢飞 《材料保护》 CAS CSCD 2024年第6期81-87,共7页
为了降低腐蚀对海洋油气管道正常运行的危害,利用电化学试验中的交流阻抗技术以及循化极化技术研究了模拟南海海洋环境中Cl^(-)与SO_(4)^(2-)的协同作用对316L不锈钢腐蚀行为的影响,并结合扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对316L不锈钢表面的腐蚀形... 为了降低腐蚀对海洋油气管道正常运行的危害,利用电化学试验中的交流阻抗技术以及循化极化技术研究了模拟南海海洋环境中Cl^(-)与SO_(4)^(2-)的协同作用对316L不锈钢腐蚀行为的影响,并结合扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对316L不锈钢表面的腐蚀形貌进行表征。结果表明,当SO_(4)^(2-)含量恒定时,Cl^(-)含量的升高会使容抗弧半径、极化电阻R_(p)以及点蚀电位E_(b)均降低,当Cl^(-)含量从0升至50 g/L时,316L不锈钢表面出现了明显的腐蚀情况。当Cl^(-)含量恒定时,SO_(4)^(2-)含量的升高会使容抗弧半径、R_(p)以及E_(b)值均减小,同时试件表面的腐蚀坑直径扩大,深度出现逐渐加深的情况。 展开更多
关键词 316L不锈钢 海洋环境 Cl^(-) SO_(4)^(2-) 协同作用 循环极化
作者 汤雨霖 刘卫丽 +2 位作者 闫旭 陈霞 孙强 《广东化工》 CAS 2024年第11期173-175,共3页
利用离子色谱法进行油田水中无机离子含量的测定操作简便,分析结果准确,在油田化学行业检测实验室中得到了广泛应用。但测试过程中不可避免地会引入不确定度。依据CNAS-CL01:2018《检测和校准实验室能力认可准则》的要求,所有从事检测... 利用离子色谱法进行油田水中无机离子含量的测定操作简便,分析结果准确,在油田化学行业检测实验室中得到了广泛应用。但测试过程中不可避免地会引入不确定度。依据CNAS-CL01:2018《检测和校准实验室能力认可准则》的要求,所有从事检测的实验室都必须进行测量不确定度的评定。本研究参考了CNAS-GL006:2019《化学分析中不确定度的评估指南》建立离子色谱法测定油田水中Cl^(-)、SO_(4)^(2-)含量的不确定度评定方法。依据SY/T 5523-2016《油田水分析方法》进行采样、运输和保存,依据GB/T 14642-2009进行油田水中Cl^(-)、SO_(4)^(2-)的测定,建立测量模型,确定不确定度来源,对各个不确定度分量进行评定,并计算合成标准不确定度。在95%置信区间下,油田水样品检测结果显示:Cl^(-)含量为(10.99±0.10)mg·L^(-1),SO_(4)^(2-)含量为(14.05±0.08)mg·L^(-1)。标准溶液配制过程中引入的相对标准不确定度和平行样重复性测定引入的相对标准不确定度较大,是提高该测定结果准确度的关键。 展开更多
关键词 离子色谱 油田水分析方法 不确定度 Cl^(-) SO_(4)^(2-)
作者 孔令娥 晋琪 +5 位作者 李寒 孙子怡 张宇航 郑磊 马常宝 汪洪 《中国土壤与肥料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期269-278,共10页
为建立盐碱土中水溶性Cl^(-)、NO_(3)^(-)和SO_(4)^(2-)的提取与离子色谱仪同时测定的方法,选取采自新疆和宁夏2个盐碱地土样进行正交试验,优化土壤水溶性阴离子浸提过程,水土比例对水溶性离子的测定结果影响显著。选择浸提条件为水土比... 为建立盐碱土中水溶性Cl^(-)、NO_(3)^(-)和SO_(4)^(2-)的提取与离子色谱仪同时测定的方法,选取采自新疆和宁夏2个盐碱地土样进行正交试验,优化土壤水溶性阴离子浸提过程,水土比例对水溶性离子的测定结果影响显著。选择浸提条件为水土比例5∶1,振荡时间为3 min,浸提液离心后过0.45μm滤膜,待测液Cl^(-)、NO_(3)^(-)、SO_(4)^(2-)采用离子色谱同时测定。结果表明,离子色谱法测定3种离子线性范围均为0.2~20 mg/L;方法检出限Cl^(-)为0.18 mg/kg,NO_(3)^(-)为0.12 mg/kg,SO_(4)^(2-)为0.38 mg/kg。3种离子6次测定结果相对标准偏差均<5%;加标回收率90.6%~104%;11种不同地点的盐碱土土壤水溶性盐浸提液中Cl^(-)、NO_(3)^(-)、SO_(4)^(2-)的测定结果分别与电位滴定法、连续流动分析仪法、硫酸钡质量法测定数值之间具有较好的相关性。本方法的检出限、准确度、精密度能满足盐碱土土壤水溶性Cl^(-)、NO_(3)^(-)和SO_(4)^(2-)离子含量的同时测定,省时省力。 展开更多
关键词 离子色谱仪 盐碱土 水溶性Cl^(-) 水溶性NO_(3)^(-) 水溶性SO_(4)^(2-)
作者 丁浪勇 赵国仙 +6 位作者 刘冉冉 张思琦 宋洋 王映超 张雅妮 胥聪敏 李兰云 《焊管》 2024年第1期13-19,共7页
针对油田复杂环境下管材发生腐蚀失效问题,采用SEM、EDS及XRD对试样在不同Cl^(-)浓度下(0 g/L、20 g/L、40 g/L、80 g/L和120 g/L)腐蚀后的表面形貌、腐蚀产物的成分及物相组成进行分析,通过电化学测试,研究了不同Cl^(-)浓度下SRB对抗... 针对油田复杂环境下管材发生腐蚀失效问题,采用SEM、EDS及XRD对试样在不同Cl^(-)浓度下(0 g/L、20 g/L、40 g/L、80 g/L和120 g/L)腐蚀后的表面形貌、腐蚀产物的成分及物相组成进行分析,通过电化学测试,研究了不同Cl^(-)浓度下SRB对抗微生物腐蚀管材性能的影响。结果发现,Cl^(-)浓度为20 g/L时最适宜SRB生长,但此时SRB对抗微生物腐蚀管材的腐蚀性最小,此后随着Cl^(-)浓度升高,生物膜减少,腐蚀速率增大;当Cl^(-)浓度分别为0 g/L、20 g/L时,在腐蚀产物中检测出FeS和Fe_(3)(PO_(4))_(2),且腐蚀均受阴极反应控制。因此,在不同Cl^(-)浓度下,SRB对抗微生物腐蚀管材性能的影响与试样表面形成的生物膜有关,随着Cl^(-)浓度的增加,SRB对抗微生物腐蚀管材腐蚀作用减小。 展开更多
关键词 抗微生物腐蚀管材 SRB Cl^(-)浓度 腐蚀产物 腐蚀速率
高温高压下P110H套管钢的Cl^(-)腐蚀行为研究 被引量:1
作者 朱德学 谭伟 《广东化工》 CAS 2024年第5期83-86,118,共5页
套管的服役环境日益复杂,关于热采井套管在高温高压Cl^(-)溶液中的腐蚀行为需要进一步探索。为此,使用高温高压真空反应釜进行腐蚀模拟实验,并通过腐蚀失重法、扫描电镜、X射线衍射等分析技术,对P110H钢在高温高压Cl^(-)溶液中的腐蚀行... 套管的服役环境日益复杂,关于热采井套管在高温高压Cl^(-)溶液中的腐蚀行为需要进一步探索。为此,使用高温高压真空反应釜进行腐蚀模拟实验,并通过腐蚀失重法、扫描电镜、X射线衍射等分析技术,对P110H钢在高温高压Cl^(-)溶液中的腐蚀行为进行了研究。结果表明:高温高压Cl^(-)环境下,P110钢的腐蚀主要为均匀腐蚀,5 MPa时,腐蚀速率随着温度升高先降低后增高,在10 MPa时,腐蚀速率在250℃达到最高;在相同温度时,随着压力的增大,P110H钢在Cl^(-)溶液中的腐蚀越严重。 展开更多
关键词 P110H Cl^(-)溶液 高温高压 腐蚀
Corrosion and chemical behavior of Mg_(97)Zn_(1)Y_(2)-1wt.%SiC under different corrosion solutions 被引量:3
作者 Di-qing Wan Yan-dan Xue +2 位作者 Jia-jun Hu Hou-bin Wang Wei Liu 《China Foundry》 SCIE CAS 2021年第1期68-74,共7页
To explore the corrosion properties of magnesium alloys, the chemical behavior of a high strength Mg_(97)Zn_(1)Y_(2)-1 wt.%Si C alloy in different corrosion environments was studied. Three solutions of 0.2 mol·L^... To explore the corrosion properties of magnesium alloys, the chemical behavior of a high strength Mg_(97)Zn_(1)Y_(2)-1 wt.%Si C alloy in different corrosion environments was studied. Three solutions of 0.2 mol·L^(-1) NaCl, Na_(2)SO_(4) and NaNO_(3) were selected as corrosion solutions. The microstructures, corrosion rate, corrosion potential, and mechanism were investigated qualitatively and quantitatively by optical microscopy(OM), scanning electron microscopy(SEM), immersion testing experiment, and electrochemical test. Microstructure observation shows that the Mg_(97) Zn_(1)Y_(2)-1 wt.%Si C alloy is composed of α-Mg matrix, LPSO(Mg_(12) ZnY) phase and Si C phase. The hydrogen evolution and electrochemical test results reflect that the Mg_(97)Zn_(1)Y_(2)-1 wt.%SiC in 0.2 mol·L^(-1) Na Cl solution has the fastest corrosion rate, followed by Na_(2)SO_(4) and NaNO_(3) solutions, and that the charge-transfer resistance presents the contrary trend and decreases in turn. 展开更多
关键词 Mg_(97)Zn_(1)Y_(2)-1wt.%Si C corrosion rate corrosion morphology corrosion mechanism
作者 王孝磊 《材料保护》 CAS CSCD 2024年第3期130-136,165,共8页
为了探明在辽河油田采出水环境中Cl^(-)和CO_(2)对316L不锈钢腐蚀行为的影响,通过浸泡实验、交流阻抗(EIS)和极化曲线技术分别研究了不同Cl^(-)浓度和CO_(2)分压对316L不锈钢的影响,其中Cl^(-)浓度梯度为0,0.0300,0.0515,0.0700 mol/L,C... 为了探明在辽河油田采出水环境中Cl^(-)和CO_(2)对316L不锈钢腐蚀行为的影响,通过浸泡实验、交流阻抗(EIS)和极化曲线技术分别研究了不同Cl^(-)浓度和CO_(2)分压对316L不锈钢的影响,其中Cl^(-)浓度梯度为0,0.0300,0.0515,0.0700 mol/L,CO_(2)分压为0.2,0.4,0.6 MPa,并结合X射线衍射技术(XRD)对腐蚀产物进行了分析。结果表明:Cl^(-)浓度的增大使容抗弧直径减小,弥散指数降低,腐蚀情况加剧;容抗弧的直径随着CO_(2)分压的增大先变小后变大,弥散指数先降低后升高,腐蚀情况先加剧后减缓。这是由于Cl^(-)会破坏316L表面的钝化膜,而CO_(2)会与基体反应生成FeCO_(3),随着CO_(2)分压升高,FeCO_(3)保护膜愈加致密。 展开更多
关键词 316L不锈钢 油田采出水 Cl^(-) CO_(2) 腐蚀行为 钝化膜
作者 苏俊诚 《建材技术与应用》 2024年第2期43-47,共5页
为研究混凝土在盐碱环境中的多维Cl^(-)扩散规律及对应的保护层厚度设计,利用ANSYS有限元建模,选取了4个不同的时间节点,研究了不同时间下混凝土中Cl^(-)浓度分布情况,并预测不同扩散维度下混凝土的耐久性服役寿命,从而建立了混凝土保... 为研究混凝土在盐碱环境中的多维Cl^(-)扩散规律及对应的保护层厚度设计,利用ANSYS有限元建模,选取了4个不同的时间节点,研究了不同时间下混凝土中Cl^(-)浓度分布情况,并预测不同扩散维度下混凝土的耐久性服役寿命,从而建立了混凝土保护层厚度与设计寿命的映射关系。研究结果表明:相比1维扩散,2维与3维扩散在混凝土表层的Cl^(-)浓度与扩散深度较大,2维与3维扩散深度分别为1维扩散的1.47倍与1.84倍;Cl^(-)侵蚀环境中混凝土耐久性服役寿命较短,在1维Cl^(-)侵蚀下寿命不足20年,而在3维侵蚀下寿命不足10年。对于C40混凝土在50年设计使用寿命下,1维、2维及3维Cl^(-)扩散状态下保护层厚度分别为50 mm、60 mm和68 mm。 展开更多
关键词 混凝土耐久性 Cl^(-)侵蚀 寿命预测
Influence of rare earth elements on corrosion resistance of BFe10-1-1 alloys in flowing marine water 被引量:1
作者 林高用 杨伟 +3 位作者 万迎春 唐鹏钧 魏笔 张胜华 《Journal of Rare Earths》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第2期259-263,共5页
The corrosion behavior of BFe10-1-1 alloy with different rare earth (RE) contents in simulated flowing marine water was investigated by X-ray diffractometer and scanning electron microscope (SEM). It was demonstra... The corrosion behavior of BFe10-1-1 alloy with different rare earth (RE) contents in simulated flowing marine water was investigated by X-ray diffractometer and scanning electron microscope (SEM). It was demonstrated that the corrosion rate of BFel0-1-1 alloy with the same chemical compositions in faster flow velocity of marine water was higher than that in a lower flow velocity of marine water. Fixing the flow velocity, BFe 10-1-1 alloy had the best flushing corrosion resistance when the RE content was 0.04wt.%. The consequence of such good corrosion resistance was attributed to the formation of compact protective film on alloy surface containing RE phase such as CeNis. The RE-contained film combines with other corrosion products firmly, which was difficult to fall off from the alloy surface in the flowing marine water. Additionally, SEM analysis confirmed that pitting mechanism, which would be transformed to spalling mechanism gradually with further increasing RE content, was the prevalent mechanism when the alloy contained 0.04wt.%RE. 展开更多
关键词 rare earths BFe10-1-1 alloy corrosion resistance PITTING
作者 C.S.Wu Z.Zhang +3 位作者 F.H.Cao J.Q.Zhang J.M.Wang C.N.Cao 《Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2004年第1期92-96,共5页
The influence of chloride or sulphur dioxide on the corrosion behavior of copper tube in the air-conditioning system was studied using scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersion spectrometer (EDS) and cycli... The influence of chloride or sulphur dioxide on the corrosion behavior of copper tube in the air-conditioning system was studied using scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersion spectrometer (EDS) and cyclic polarization techniques. The results showed that the corrosion of copper tube are mainly caused by the SO42- and Cl- ions in the circulating water, and the former is mainly responsible for the general corrosion of the copper tube whilst the latter for the pitting corrosion. The different influences of SG42- and Cl- ions on the corrosion type of copper tube may be attributed to that the radius of SO42- ion is much larger than that of Cl- ion. Meanwhile the results also indicated that SO42- inhibits the pitting corrosion caused by Cl- and Cl- inhibits the general corrosion initiated by SO42- due to their competitive adsorption on the copper matrix. 展开更多
关键词 copper corrosion behavior INFLUENCE SO42- ion Cl- ion
Effect of CaO doping on corrosion resistance of Cu/(NiFe_2O_4-10NiO) cermet inert anode for aluminum electrolysis 被引量:1
作者 赖延清 黄礼峰 +3 位作者 田忠良 王家伟 张刚 张勇 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 2008年第6期743-747,共5页
The CaO-doped Cu/(NiFe2O4-10NiO) cermet inert anodes were prepared by the cold isostatie pressing-sintering process, and their corrosion resistance to Na3AlF6-K3AlF6-Al203 melt was studied. The results show that the... The CaO-doped Cu/(NiFe2O4-10NiO) cermet inert anodes were prepared by the cold isostatie pressing-sintering process, and their corrosion resistance to Na3AlF6-K3AlF6-Al203 melt was studied. The results show that the relative density of 5Cu/(NiFe2O4-10NiO) cermet sintered at 1 200 ℃ increases from 82.83% to 97.63% when 2% CaO (mass fraction) is added. During the electrolysis, the relative density of cermet inert anode descends owing to the chemical dissolution of additive CaO at ceramic grain boundary, which accelerates the penetration of electrolyte. Thus, the corrosion resistance to melts of Cu/(NiFe2O4-10NiO) cermet inert anode is reduced. To improve the corrosion resistance of the cermet inert anode, the content of CaO doped should be decreased and the technology of cleaning the ceramic grain boundary should be applied. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum electrolysis Cu/(NiFe2O4-10NiO) cermet CAO inert anode corrosion resistance
作者 李春香 盛昆 熊琳强 《建材发展导向》 2024年第16期25-27,共3页
关键词 混凝土外加剂 Cl^(-) 电位滴定法 离子色谱法
Corrosion of Magnesia-chrome Brick by Smelting Reduction Slag with Iron Bath
作者 LI Jianqiang WANG Wenwu +1 位作者 GAN Feifang WU Jiguang 《China's Refractories》 CAS 2013年第3期32-37,共6页
Effects of FeO content (0, 5%, 10%, and 15% in mass, respectively ) in lab-synthesized smelting redttc- tion slag with iron bath and test temperature (1 450, 1 500, 1550, anti 1 600 ℃ ) on corrosion am,amount and... Effects of FeO content (0, 5%, 10%, and 15% in mass, respectively ) in lab-synthesized smelting redttc- tion slag with iron bath and test temperature (1 450, 1 500, 1550, anti 1 600 ℃ ) on corrosion am,amount and microstructure of fused rebonded magnesia - chrome brick with 26.02 massqc of Cr2O3 were researched by rotary cylinder method. The results show that : ( 1 ) the corro- sion amolult of magnesia -chrome brick by slag without FeO is higher than that by the slag with 5% FeO, and the vorrosion amount increases when FeO content increa- ses from 5% to 15% ; (2) the test temperature is one of the important factors affecting the slag corrosion resist- ance of magnesia - chrome brick, and the corrosion of smelting reduction slag to brick increases with the temperature rising. 展开更多
关键词 smelting reduction slag with iron bath magnesia - chrome brick corrosion
Corrosion Resistance of Heat-Treated NST 37-2 Steel in Hydrochloric Acid Solution
作者 David Abimbola Fadare Taiwo Gbolarumi Fadara 《Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering》 2013年第1期1-7,共7页
Corrosion of metal components constitutes a major challenge in many engineering systems, with appropriate design, proper material selection, and heat treatment as commonly used control strategies. In this study, the c... Corrosion of metal components constitutes a major challenge in many engineering systems, with appropriate design, proper material selection, and heat treatment as commonly used control strategies. In this study, the corrosion behaviour of heat-treated (annealed, normalised, hardened, and tempered) NST 37-2 steel in three concentrations (1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 M) of hydrochloric acid solution was investigated using weight loss and electrode-potential methods. Results showed that corrosion rate increased with increase in acid concentration. The decreasing order of corrosion resistance was Tempered > Annealed > Normalised > Hardened > Untreated. The surface pictures of the heat-treated and untreated samples showed uniform and pitting corrosion with the latter becoming more pronounced as concentration increased. 展开更多
关键词 HEAT Treatment corrosion Resistance Hydrochloric ACID NST 37-2 STEEL
7-(2-Ethyltiophenyl) Theophylline as Copper Corrosion Inhibitor in 1M HNO<sub>3</sub>
作者 Ouédraogo Augustin Akpa Sagne Jacques +3 位作者 Diki N’guessan Yao Silvère Diomande Gbe Gondo Didier Coulibaly Nagnonta Hippolyte Trokourey Albert 《Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering》 2018年第8期31-49,共19页
7-(2-ethyltiophenyl) theophylline was used as copper corrosion inhibitor in 1M HNO3 solution. The study was performed using mass loss, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Density Functional Theory (DFT) methods. Th... 7-(2-ethyltiophenyl) theophylline was used as copper corrosion inhibitor in 1M HNO3 solution. The study was performed using mass loss, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Density Functional Theory (DFT) methods. The results show that the inhibition efficiency increases up to 91.29% with increase of the inhibitor concentration (from 0.05 to 5 mM) but decreases with raising temperature of the solution. Copper dissolution was found to be temperature and 7-(2-ethyltiophenyl) theophylline concentration dependent. The thermodynamic functions related to the adsorption of the molecule on the copper surface and that of the metal dissolution were determined. The results point out a spontaneous adsorption and an endothermic dissolution processes. Adsorption models including Langmuir, El-Awady and Flory-Huggins isotherms were examined. The results also suggest spontaneous and predominant physical adsorption of 7-(2-ethyltiophenyl) theophylline on the metal surface which obeys Langmuir isotherm model. Further investigation on the morphology using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) has confirmed the existence of a protective film of inhibitor molecules on copper surface. Furthermore, the global and local reactivity parameters of the studied molecule were analyzed. Experimental and theoretical results were found to be in good agreement. 展开更多
关键词 corrosion 7-(2-Ethyltiophenyl) THEOPHYLLINE MASS LOSS SEM DFT
降雨量对不同质地土壤外源Cl^(-)淋洗效率及其空间分布的影响 被引量:2
作者 孙磊 原琳 +4 位作者 符强 聂鑫 于洪涛 汤金融 董乐 《东北农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期27-38,共12页
为雨养地区不同质地土壤含氯化肥的合理施用提供理论基础,采用土柱模拟研究不同降雨量(55、110、220和440 mm)对不同质地土壤(黏壤土、壤土、砂质壤土和砂土)中外源Cl^(-)淋洗效率和残留Cl^(-)在土壤耕层分布。结果表明,土壤中外源Cl^(-... 为雨养地区不同质地土壤含氯化肥的合理施用提供理论基础,采用土柱模拟研究不同降雨量(55、110、220和440 mm)对不同质地土壤(黏壤土、壤土、砂质壤土和砂土)中外源Cl^(-)淋洗效率和残留Cl^(-)在土壤耕层分布。结果表明,土壤中外源Cl^(-)在降雨量66 mm(砂土)、77 mm(壤土和砂质壤土)和88 mm(黏壤土)时开始淋出,降雨量110 mm(砂土)和132 mm(黏壤土、壤土和砂质壤土)时Cl^(-)淋出速率达到最大值,降雨量220 mm(砂土和砂质壤土)和264 mm(黏壤土和壤土)时累计淋出率达到92.2%~92.9%,此时,Cl^(-)淋出量与降雨量相关系数可达0.913~0.958(P<0.05)。土壤中Cl^(-)分布显著受降雨量影响,降雨量为55 mm时,外源Cl^(-)主要集中在10~30 cm土层;降雨量为110 mm时,不同质地土壤Cl^(-)含量均表现为20~30 cm>10~20 cm>0~10 cm,土壤黏粒含量越高,Cl^(-)在0~10 cm土层积累比例越高;降雨量220 mm时,砂质壤土和砂土中各土层Cl^(-)含量与不施氯处理差异不显著,黏壤土和壤土固未达到最大淋洗率,10~20 cm、20~30 cm土层中Cl^(-)含量仍显著高于0~10 cm土层(P<0.05);降雨量为440 mm时,各处理均达到最大淋洗率,施氯土壤与不施氯土壤Cl^(-)含量均无差异。4种质地土壤中Cl^(-)大量淋洗均发生在降雨量为55~220 mm时,在此降雨量范围内,施氯量和土壤黏粒含量与土壤Cl^(-)含量呈正相关,降雨量与土壤Cl^(-)含量呈负相关。以降雨量、施氯量和黏粒含量估算得到绥化壤土中Cl^(-)含量与田间实测Cl^(-)含量误差在[-9.5%,21.3%],因此可根据当地土壤黏粒含量、实际降雨量和施氯量估算土壤中Cl^(-)残留量,或根据当地土壤黏粒含量、历史降雨量和作物耐氯临界值确定含氯肥料施用量。 展开更多
关键词 Cl^(-) 土柱模拟 淋洗 降雨量 空间分布
添加剂甲基紫-Cl^(-)作用下铜的快速电结晶过程 被引量:2
作者 张震 黄家龙 《中国有色金属学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期1723-1731,共9页
采用线性电势扫描、循环伏安和计时电流等电化学方法研究40℃下甲基紫和Clˉ单独存在与同时存在时,含315 g/L CuSO4、110 g/L H2SO4的高浓度酸铜溶液中Cu在铜电极上的电结晶过程。结果表明:甲基紫和Clˉ单独存在或同时存在时Cu的电结晶... 采用线性电势扫描、循环伏安和计时电流等电化学方法研究40℃下甲基紫和Clˉ单独存在与同时存在时,含315 g/L CuSO4、110 g/L H2SO4的高浓度酸铜溶液中Cu在铜电极上的电结晶过程。结果表明:甲基紫和Clˉ单独存在或同时存在时Cu的电结晶过程较为复杂,开始先按瞬时成核三维生长方式进行;随着时间的延长,逐渐向连续成核三维生长方式进行,但当成核时间较长时,其电结晶成核偏离理论模型,表现出扩散与电化学反应混合控制,而且甲基紫和Clˉ共同作用时更快进入混合控制。甲基紫和Clˉ在电沉积过程表现出显著的去极化作用,且它们的共同作用使Cu2+的扩散系数增大,明显促进铜的快速电结晶和成核过程。适宜的甲基紫和Clˉ浓度,例如2.5 mg/L甲基紫和20 mg/L Clˉ,会增大Cu2+的扩散系数,同时获得足够大的成核数密度,对铜电结晶有利。 展开更多
关键词 CU 甲基紫 Cl^(-) 电结晶 扩散系数
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