Trees on sand dunes are more sensitive to environmental changes because sandy soils have extremely low water holding capacity and nutrient availability. We investigated the dynamics of soil respiration(Rs) for seconda...Trees on sand dunes are more sensitive to environmental changes because sandy soils have extremely low water holding capacity and nutrient availability. We investigated the dynamics of soil respiration(Rs) for secondary natural Litsea forest and plantations of casuarina,pine, acacia and eucalyptus. Results show that significant diurnal variations of Rsoccurred in autumn for the eucalyptus species and in summer for the pine species, with higher mean soil respiration at night. However, significant seasonal variations of Rswere found in all five forest stands. Rschanged exponentially with soil temperatures at the 10-cm depth; the models explain 43.3–77.0% of Rs variations. Positive relationships between seasonal Rsand soil moisture varied with stands. The correlations were significant only in the secondary forest, and the eucalyptus and pine plantations. The temperature sensitivity parameter(Q10 value) of Rsranged from 1.64 in casuarina plantation to 2.32 the in secondary forest; annual Rswas highest in the secondary forest and lowest in the pine plantation. The results indicate that soil temperatures and moisture are the primary environmental controls of soil respiration and mainly act through a direct influence on roots and microbial activity. Differences in root biomass, quality of litter,and soil properties(pH, total N, available P, and exchangeable Mg) were also significant factors.展开更多
Information on habitat use is critical in sizing protected areas for endangered reptile species. To investigate habitat use, home range, and hibernaculum of the endangered Mongolian Racerunner(Eremias argus), we radio...Information on habitat use is critical in sizing protected areas for endangered reptile species. To investigate habitat use, home range, and hibernaculum of the endangered Mongolian Racerunner(Eremias argus), we radio-tracked 40 specimens in a coastal sand dune in South Korea. Of the 163 locations recorded during the breeding season, 150(92.0%) were in grass sand dunes, and the rest(8.0%), all associated with the same lizard, were in shrub sand dunes. All of the 123 locations recorded during the non-breeding season were in grass sand dunes. No lizards were found in the grasslands abutting the dunes. The four lizards with identifiable hibernation sites were found under an average of 17.8 cm of sand and were all located in grass sand dunes. The lizards moved approximately 5 m daily and used 162 m2of home range(computed by minimum convex polygon, MCP) during the breeding season, and they moved approximately 2 m and used 68 m2of home range during the non-breeding season. However, the mean daily moved distances and MCP home ranges were not statistically significantly different between the seasons or between males and females. Our results suggest that in coastal sand dunes, E. argus uses grass sand dunes as its main habitat throughout the year. This finding could be used to determine the appropriate habitat size and to designate for the conservation of this endangered species.展开更多
Evaluation of 450 surface sterilized tissue segments of a seasonal wild legume, Sesbania bispinosa (Jacq.), of coastal sand dunes and mangroves of southwest India yielded 546 isolates comprising 39 endophytic fungi ...Evaluation of 450 surface sterilized tissue segments of a seasonal wild legume, Sesbania bispinosa (Jacq.), of coastal sand dunes and mangroves of southwest India yielded 546 isolates comprising 39 endophytic fungi with six dominant taxa (Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Cladosporium tenuissimum, Fusarium moniliforme, Penicillium chrysogenum and morpho sp. 1). A consortium of saprophytic, pathogenic and toxigenic fungi exists as endophytes in S. bispinosa. Number of segments colonized, number of isolates obtained, species richness and diversity were higher in S. bispinosa in mangroves compared to coastal sand dunes. Seeds yielded more fungal isolates, but species richness and diversity were low. In spite of low fungal colonization in root segments, the diversity was high. Up to 30-40 % endophytic fungi of S. bispinosa differed between coastal sand dunes and mangroves revealing partial host- and habitat-specificity. As S. bispi- nosa is extensively used as green manure and forage in southwest India, further studies especially on the bioactive compounds of its endophytic fungi might broaden its range of uses. In addition to conventional morphologicaltechniques, molecular tools would provide precise insight on the endophytic fungi of coastal sand dunes and mangroves.展开更多
Coastal sand dune ecosystems generally have infertile soil with low water-holding capacity and high salinity. However, many plant species have adapted to the harsh sand environment along the southeastern coast of Chin...Coastal sand dune ecosystems generally have infertile soil with low water-holding capacity and high salinity. However, many plant species have adapted to the harsh sand environment along the southeastern coast of China. Studying the microbial biomass in such an ecosystem can improve our understanding of the roles that microbes play in soil fertility and nutrient cycling. We investigated the differences in soil microbial biomass carbon(MBC) and nitrogen(MBN) contents and their seasonal dynamics in five forest types(a secondary forest and plantations of Casuarinas, Pine, Acacia, and Eucalyptus). The results indicated that the seasonal variations of soil MBC and MBN contents in all five forest stands were higher in spring and winter, but lower in summer and autumn. The MBC content was lower in the Casuarinas plantation than in the other plantations in the same soil layer. However, no significant differences were observed in MBN contents among the different forest types. The MBC and MBN concentrations were positively correlated with soil moisture, but negatively correlated with soil temperature. The MBC and MBN contents also decreased with increasing soil depth. Across all soil layers, secondary forest had the highest MBC and MBN concentrations. Our study also showed that the MBC and MBN contents were positively affected by total soil carbon(TC), pH, and litter N content, but were negatively impacted by soil bulk density and litter C content. Moreover, the MBN content was positively correlated with root N content. In summary, environmental factors and the differences in litter and fine roots, soil nutrient contents, as well as the soil physical and chemical properties caused by different tree species collectively affected the concentrations of the soil MBC and MBN.展开更多
Land reclamation is gradually posing negative impact on man due to unplanned urbanization. A study was carried out on impact of land reclamation through sand mining of coastal communities in Ikate and Ilubirin in Lago...Land reclamation is gradually posing negative impact on man due to unplanned urbanization. A study was carried out on impact of land reclamation through sand mining of coastal communities in Ikate and Ilubirin in Lagos, Nigeria. Ten waters (8 surface and 2 groundwater sources), 10 soil samples and air were collected and taken for analysis. Results of water revealed concentrations lower than WHO (2017) and SON (2007) standards. Soil/sediment with average crustal value revealed Pb and Cd above standard values, which is attributed to anthropogenic influence on soils. Quality of air in the study was mainly particulate matter arising from the sea and reclaimed land in the surroundings of the environment with the highest Total Suspended Particulate of 0.8 mg/m3 in sulfur dioxide. This explains corrosion found on the roofs of the communities. Therefore, in the development planning adequate precautions should be put in place to avert environmental degradation.展开更多
Laboratory, greenhouse and field studies were undertaken to investigate the status of Cu and Zn and to find out whether the addition of these nutrient elements in soils would increase maize grains and yield components...Laboratory, greenhouse and field studies were undertaken to investigate the status of Cu and Zn and to find out whether the addition of these nutrient elements in soils would increase maize grains and yield components and also, remediate their constraints in coastal plain sand derived soil of southeastern Nigeria, for optimization of maize (Zea mays L.) yields. Dry matter yields, plant concentrations, plant uptake, and maize grain yields were used to evaluate the effects of Cu and Zn levels. In both the greenhouse and field experiments, hydrated Cu and Zn sulphate fertilizers were applied to the soils in separate experiments at seven levels (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 kg·ha-1) for Cu and Zn respectively. The recommended N, P, and K at rates of 120, 60, 30 kg·ha-1, respectively, were also used as basal application. The results showed the status of available Cu and Zn by 0.1 N HCl was found to be low in the soil. The application of Cu and Zn into the soils significantly (P < 0.05) increased maize dry matter production, concentration, uptake and grain yields. The estimated optimum rates for Cu and Zn under greenhouse environments were established at 10 kg·Cu·ha-1 and 8 kg·Zn·ha-1, respectively. Maximum uptake and grain yields in maize were also established at 10 kg·Cu·ha-1 and 8 kg·Zn·ha-1, respectively. However, maize response curve showed that for optimum grain yield, concentration for Cu was determined to be 10 mg·kg-1, while for Zn it was 8 mg·kg-1. The current study showed that though the soils have a severe Cu and Zn deficiency, which could be due to their strong sorption capacity and nutrients mining due to intensive and continuous cropping, maize production can still be increased considerably in this soil and other similar soils in the same agro-ecological zone within a coastal plain sand derived soil by applying Cu and Zn at rates of 10 kg·Cu·ha-1 and 8 kg·Zn·ha-1, respectively.展开更多
A numerical model of shoreline change of sand beaches based on long-term field wave data is proposed, the explicit and implicit finite difference forms of the model are described, and an application of the model is pr...A numerical model of shoreline change of sand beaches based on long-term field wave data is proposed, the explicit and implicit finite difference forms of the model are described, and an application of the model is presented. Results of the application indicate that the model is sensitive to the order of the input wave data, and that the effects of long-term wave series and the effects of the mean annual wave conditions on the model are different. Instead of a single wave condition, the wave series will make the calibration and the verification of the model more practical and the results of the model more reasonable.展开更多
Sand is a crucial resource for society’s development. Among the most exploited sand quarries in the world are the lagoon and wetland sand. Although mechanical sand dredging is the most spread technique, manual and tr...Sand is a crucial resource for society’s development. Among the most exploited sand quarries in the world are the lagoon and wetland sand. Although mechanical sand dredging is the most spread technique, manual and traditional techniques are still widely used in West Africa. The purpose of this paper is twofold: to describe traditional sand dredging (TSD), highlighting the procedure used and the structural organization of this activity, and to evaluate the total economic value of TSD in order to help decision making about wetland management. Therefore, TSD occurring in the coastal lagoon complex of Grand Nokoué (CLCGN) in Benin was investigated. Field surveys indicate that TSD is mainly dominated by men, about 93% of the actors. It required intense physical efforts including diving to the bottom of the lake and removing manually the sand in backed toward the surface of the water. TSD actors are organized in local associations which deliver extraction license and discuss with both the others actors and the local government. The total economic value of the benefits of TSD to the population, estimated using direct market value and replacement cost, was estimated at 2.44 million USD per year for 127,818 m3 of sand extracted. It is clear that introduction of mechanical sand dredging will increase the amount the sand removed and subsequently will increase some benefits such as reduction of flooding amplitude and mitigation of the filling of the lakes. However, mechanical sand removal will also considerably reduce the profit the local population makes from sand commercialization which currently represents 80% the total economic value of TSD.展开更多
The "Old Red Sands" are widely distributed and typically developed over the coastal areas of Southeast Fujian, but there are different views on their origin. Based on the overall field investigations and a s...The "Old Red Sands" are widely distributed and typically developed over the coastal areas of Southeast Fujian, but there are different views on their origin. Based on the overall field investigations and a series of lab studies, the paper suggests that the "Old Red Sands" are mainly formed by the beach wind-drift sands and ,locally, by slope wash and alluviation.展开更多
Coastal dunes are among the most complex interfaces to study in the world. Improving the knowledge of their morphodynamics is essential to better understand the present evolutions and try to anticipate future. The rec...Coastal dunes are among the most complex interfaces to study in the world. Improving the knowledge of their morphodynamics is essential to better understand the present evolutions and try to anticipate future. The recent use of the new vectors that are drones, UAV and UAS, improves the temporal and spatial resolutions of geomatic data acquired on these environments. Many studies attempt to measure the sedimentary variations that occur from one date to another by the use of differential volumes. In particular, they make it possible to understand the roles of storms, sometimes erosive, as well as the possible morphological responses of associated reconstruction periods. One of the primary methods for calculating volume evolutions is the assessment of a vertical delimitation of the dune toe. However, it is difficult to limit mobile and variable environment, temporally and spatially, to a simple vertical topographic delimitation. This study was realized to estimate the error induced by the use of the vertical threshold method. In the examples that were done, this error was far from being negligible and might in some cases exceed the evolutions of measured volumes. In overcoming this problem, an alternative method was developed. It was the seemingly better adaptability to these mobile environments that are the coastal dunes.展开更多
In studying sand beach erosion and protection tactics in Liaoning Province, the authors calculated the wavedata of 27 a Period (1963-1991) at Bayuquan Observation Station in Liaodong Gulf. Together with the beach leve...In studying sand beach erosion and protection tactics in Liaoning Province, the authors calculated the wavedata of 27 a Period (1963-1991) at Bayuquan Observation Station in Liaodong Gulf. Together with the beach levellingsand some simple marking stakes monitoring and by having the aid of local annals, the paper analysed the present situationsof the coastline and the causes of sand coastal recession and serious consequences, and then discussed the dynamic processof alongshore sand transport. Simultaneously, based on alongshore sand transport model, oneline cut-and-fill theory anddynamical water model(sea level rise), the authors preliminary estimated beach process for the future in the area.Recently, the coastline is being eroded and 2/3 of the sand coast is subjected to erosion, which the recession rate ofthe individual sector exceed 7. 0 m/a. Coastal erosion has threatened villages, roads, factories and tourist resources. Sealevel rises and the decreasing amount of materials by rivers discharged into the sea and the activities of man, made coast line recession rate accelerate, and cause a great loss of land in the area.展开更多
The northern section of the UAE is bordered by the Gulf of Oman’s northern extension (East Coast) and Arabian Gulf’s Eastern extension (northern West Coast). Unlike the rest, the coastline of this section is more or...The northern section of the UAE is bordered by the Gulf of Oman’s northern extension (East Coast) and Arabian Gulf’s Eastern extension (northern West Coast). Unlike the rest, the coastline of this section is more or less faced by mountainous areas of various rock types. The beach sands a long this coastline at both sides (East and northern-West) signify some heavy minerals concentration of an important consideration.展开更多
Coastal dunes are a common geomorphic type in sandy coastal zones.They are a record of the coupled evolutionary processes of the wind and ocean waves.Many coastal dune fields have developed on the east coast of Fujian...Coastal dunes are a common geomorphic type in sandy coastal zones.They are a record of the coupled evolutionary processes of the wind and ocean waves.Many coastal dune fields have developed on the east coast of Fujian China and now occur as widespread typical coastal aeolian sand landforms on the Liuao Peninsula,Gulei Peninsula and Dongshan Island,but it is difficult to evaluate the dynamic geomorphologic process of sandy coast due to the lack of systematic and accurate chronological data.In this study,we selected the Hutoushan(HTS)aeolian dune on the Liuao Peninsula as the research object.Optical dating and grain-size analysis were applied to sand samples from the aeolian sequence of a profile of the HTS dune.The results show that the ages of seven samples of this profile were in the range of 37.8–0.19 ka from 4.0 to 0.2 m deep.These correspond to the Marine Isotope Stage 3(MIS3),abrupt climatic change events of 4.2 and 1.1 ka and the Little Ice Age(LIA),respectively.These samples displayed evidence of a longer-term climate trend in this area.The period of formation of this coastal aeolian dune corresponds to a cold and arid climate associated with the East Asia Winter Monsoon(EAWM).Periods of dune fixation and rubification are evidence of a hot and humid climate.Mobilization and stabilization of the aeolian dune is an important characteristic of the coastal evolution in South China since the late Pleistocene.展开更多
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31570604,41371269)The Basal Research Fund of Fujian provincial Public Scientific Research Institution support(2014R1011-7)the Casuarina Research Center of Engineering and Technology,and the Key Laboratory of Forest Culture and Forest Product Processing Utilization of Fujian Province
文摘Trees on sand dunes are more sensitive to environmental changes because sandy soils have extremely low water holding capacity and nutrient availability. We investigated the dynamics of soil respiration(Rs) for secondary natural Litsea forest and plantations of casuarina,pine, acacia and eucalyptus. Results show that significant diurnal variations of Rsoccurred in autumn for the eucalyptus species and in summer for the pine species, with higher mean soil respiration at night. However, significant seasonal variations of Rswere found in all five forest stands. Rschanged exponentially with soil temperatures at the 10-cm depth; the models explain 43.3–77.0% of Rs variations. Positive relationships between seasonal Rsand soil moisture varied with stands. The correlations were significant only in the secondary forest, and the eucalyptus and pine plantations. The temperature sensitivity parameter(Q10 value) of Rsranged from 1.64 in casuarina plantation to 2.32 the in secondary forest; annual Rswas highest in the secondary forest and lowest in the pine plantation. The results indicate that soil temperatures and moisture are the primary environmental controls of soil respiration and mainly act through a direct influence on roots and microbial activity. Differences in root biomass, quality of litter,and soil properties(pH, total N, available P, and exchangeable Mg) were also significant factors.
基金supported by the Korean Ministry of Environment as "The Eco-Technopia 21 Project (#052-091-080)"
文摘Information on habitat use is critical in sizing protected areas for endangered reptile species. To investigate habitat use, home range, and hibernaculum of the endangered Mongolian Racerunner(Eremias argus), we radio-tracked 40 specimens in a coastal sand dune in South Korea. Of the 163 locations recorded during the breeding season, 150(92.0%) were in grass sand dunes, and the rest(8.0%), all associated with the same lizard, were in shrub sand dunes. All of the 123 locations recorded during the non-breeding season were in grass sand dunes. No lizards were found in the grasslands abutting the dunes. The four lizards with identifiable hibernation sites were found under an average of 17.8 cm of sand and were all located in grass sand dunes. The lizards moved approximately 5 m daily and used 162 m2of home range(computed by minimum convex polygon, MCP) during the breeding season, and they moved approximately 2 m and used 68 m2of home range during the non-breeding season. However, the mean daily moved distances and MCP home ranges were not statistically significantly different between the seasons or between males and females. Our results suggest that in coastal sand dunes, E. argus uses grass sand dunes as its main habitat throughout the year. This finding could be used to determine the appropriate habitat size and to designate for the conservation of this endangered species.
文摘Evaluation of 450 surface sterilized tissue segments of a seasonal wild legume, Sesbania bispinosa (Jacq.), of coastal sand dunes and mangroves of southwest India yielded 546 isolates comprising 39 endophytic fungi with six dominant taxa (Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Cladosporium tenuissimum, Fusarium moniliforme, Penicillium chrysogenum and morpho sp. 1). A consortium of saprophytic, pathogenic and toxigenic fungi exists as endophytes in S. bispinosa. Number of segments colonized, number of isolates obtained, species richness and diversity were higher in S. bispinosa in mangroves compared to coastal sand dunes. Seeds yielded more fungal isolates, but species richness and diversity were low. In spite of low fungal colonization in root segments, the diversity was high. Up to 30-40 % endophytic fungi of S. bispinosa differed between coastal sand dunes and mangroves revealing partial host- and habitat-specificity. As S. bispi- nosa is extensively used as green manure and forage in southwest India, further studies especially on the bioactive compounds of its endophytic fungi might broaden its range of uses. In addition to conventional morphologicaltechniques, molecular tools would provide precise insight on the endophytic fungi of coastal sand dunes and mangroves.
基金The Science and Technology Major Project of Fujian Province (2018NZ0001-1)The Basal Research Fund of Fujian Province Public Scientific Research Institution (2019R1009-6)+1 种基金The Casuarina Research Center of Engineering and TechnologyThe Key Laboratory of Forest Culture and Forest Product Processing Utilization of Fujian Province。
文摘Coastal sand dune ecosystems generally have infertile soil with low water-holding capacity and high salinity. However, many plant species have adapted to the harsh sand environment along the southeastern coast of China. Studying the microbial biomass in such an ecosystem can improve our understanding of the roles that microbes play in soil fertility and nutrient cycling. We investigated the differences in soil microbial biomass carbon(MBC) and nitrogen(MBN) contents and their seasonal dynamics in five forest types(a secondary forest and plantations of Casuarinas, Pine, Acacia, and Eucalyptus). The results indicated that the seasonal variations of soil MBC and MBN contents in all five forest stands were higher in spring and winter, but lower in summer and autumn. The MBC content was lower in the Casuarinas plantation than in the other plantations in the same soil layer. However, no significant differences were observed in MBN contents among the different forest types. The MBC and MBN concentrations were positively correlated with soil moisture, but negatively correlated with soil temperature. The MBC and MBN contents also decreased with increasing soil depth. Across all soil layers, secondary forest had the highest MBC and MBN concentrations. Our study also showed that the MBC and MBN contents were positively affected by total soil carbon(TC), pH, and litter N content, but were negatively impacted by soil bulk density and litter C content. Moreover, the MBN content was positively correlated with root N content. In summary, environmental factors and the differences in litter and fine roots, soil nutrient contents, as well as the soil physical and chemical properties caused by different tree species collectively affected the concentrations of the soil MBC and MBN.
文摘Land reclamation is gradually posing negative impact on man due to unplanned urbanization. A study was carried out on impact of land reclamation through sand mining of coastal communities in Ikate and Ilubirin in Lagos, Nigeria. Ten waters (8 surface and 2 groundwater sources), 10 soil samples and air were collected and taken for analysis. Results of water revealed concentrations lower than WHO (2017) and SON (2007) standards. Soil/sediment with average crustal value revealed Pb and Cd above standard values, which is attributed to anthropogenic influence on soils. Quality of air in the study was mainly particulate matter arising from the sea and reclaimed land in the surroundings of the environment with the highest Total Suspended Particulate of 0.8 mg/m3 in sulfur dioxide. This explains corrosion found on the roofs of the communities. Therefore, in the development planning adequate precautions should be put in place to avert environmental degradation.
文摘Laboratory, greenhouse and field studies were undertaken to investigate the status of Cu and Zn and to find out whether the addition of these nutrient elements in soils would increase maize grains and yield components and also, remediate their constraints in coastal plain sand derived soil of southeastern Nigeria, for optimization of maize (Zea mays L.) yields. Dry matter yields, plant concentrations, plant uptake, and maize grain yields were used to evaluate the effects of Cu and Zn levels. In both the greenhouse and field experiments, hydrated Cu and Zn sulphate fertilizers were applied to the soils in separate experiments at seven levels (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 kg·ha-1) for Cu and Zn respectively. The recommended N, P, and K at rates of 120, 60, 30 kg·ha-1, respectively, were also used as basal application. The results showed the status of available Cu and Zn by 0.1 N HCl was found to be low in the soil. The application of Cu and Zn into the soils significantly (P < 0.05) increased maize dry matter production, concentration, uptake and grain yields. The estimated optimum rates for Cu and Zn under greenhouse environments were established at 10 kg·Cu·ha-1 and 8 kg·Zn·ha-1, respectively. Maximum uptake and grain yields in maize were also established at 10 kg·Cu·ha-1 and 8 kg·Zn·ha-1, respectively. However, maize response curve showed that for optimum grain yield, concentration for Cu was determined to be 10 mg·kg-1, while for Zn it was 8 mg·kg-1. The current study showed that though the soils have a severe Cu and Zn deficiency, which could be due to their strong sorption capacity and nutrients mining due to intensive and continuous cropping, maize production can still be increased considerably in this soil and other similar soils in the same agro-ecological zone within a coastal plain sand derived soil by applying Cu and Zn at rates of 10 kg·Cu·ha-1 and 8 kg·Zn·ha-1, respectively.
基金This work is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘A numerical model of shoreline change of sand beaches based on long-term field wave data is proposed, the explicit and implicit finite difference forms of the model are described, and an application of the model is presented. Results of the application indicate that the model is sensitive to the order of the input wave data, and that the effects of long-term wave series and the effects of the mean annual wave conditions on the model are different. Instead of a single wave condition, the wave series will make the calibration and the verification of the model more practical and the results of the model more reasonable.
文摘Sand is a crucial resource for society’s development. Among the most exploited sand quarries in the world are the lagoon and wetland sand. Although mechanical sand dredging is the most spread technique, manual and traditional techniques are still widely used in West Africa. The purpose of this paper is twofold: to describe traditional sand dredging (TSD), highlighting the procedure used and the structural organization of this activity, and to evaluate the total economic value of TSD in order to help decision making about wetland management. Therefore, TSD occurring in the coastal lagoon complex of Grand Nokoué (CLCGN) in Benin was investigated. Field surveys indicate that TSD is mainly dominated by men, about 93% of the actors. It required intense physical efforts including diving to the bottom of the lake and removing manually the sand in backed toward the surface of the water. TSD actors are organized in local associations which deliver extraction license and discuss with both the others actors and the local government. The total economic value of the benefits of TSD to the population, estimated using direct market value and replacement cost, was estimated at 2.44 million USD per year for 127,818 m3 of sand extracted. It is clear that introduction of mechanical sand dredging will increase the amount the sand removed and subsequently will increase some benefits such as reduction of flooding amplitude and mitigation of the filling of the lakes. However, mechanical sand removal will also considerably reduce the profit the local population makes from sand commercialization which currently represents 80% the total economic value of TSD.
文摘The "Old Red Sands" are widely distributed and typically developed over the coastal areas of Southeast Fujian, but there are different views on their origin. Based on the overall field investigations and a series of lab studies, the paper suggests that the "Old Red Sands" are mainly formed by the beach wind-drift sands and ,locally, by slope wash and alluviation.
文摘Coastal dunes are among the most complex interfaces to study in the world. Improving the knowledge of their morphodynamics is essential to better understand the present evolutions and try to anticipate future. The recent use of the new vectors that are drones, UAV and UAS, improves the temporal and spatial resolutions of geomatic data acquired on these environments. Many studies attempt to measure the sedimentary variations that occur from one date to another by the use of differential volumes. In particular, they make it possible to understand the roles of storms, sometimes erosive, as well as the possible morphological responses of associated reconstruction periods. One of the primary methods for calculating volume evolutions is the assessment of a vertical delimitation of the dune toe. However, it is difficult to limit mobile and variable environment, temporally and spatially, to a simple vertical topographic delimitation. This study was realized to estimate the error induced by the use of the vertical threshold method. In the examples that were done, this error was far from being negligible and might in some cases exceed the evolutions of measured volumes. In overcoming this problem, an alternative method was developed. It was the seemingly better adaptability to these mobile environments that are the coastal dunes.
文摘In studying sand beach erosion and protection tactics in Liaoning Province, the authors calculated the wavedata of 27 a Period (1963-1991) at Bayuquan Observation Station in Liaodong Gulf. Together with the beach levellingsand some simple marking stakes monitoring and by having the aid of local annals, the paper analysed the present situationsof the coastline and the causes of sand coastal recession and serious consequences, and then discussed the dynamic processof alongshore sand transport. Simultaneously, based on alongshore sand transport model, oneline cut-and-fill theory anddynamical water model(sea level rise), the authors preliminary estimated beach process for the future in the area.Recently, the coastline is being eroded and 2/3 of the sand coast is subjected to erosion, which the recession rate ofthe individual sector exceed 7. 0 m/a. Coastal erosion has threatened villages, roads, factories and tourist resources. Sealevel rises and the decreasing amount of materials by rivers discharged into the sea and the activities of man, made coast line recession rate accelerate, and cause a great loss of land in the area.
文摘The northern section of the UAE is bordered by the Gulf of Oman’s northern extension (East Coast) and Arabian Gulf’s Eastern extension (northern West Coast). Unlike the rest, the coastline of this section is more or less faced by mountainous areas of various rock types. The beach sands a long this coastline at both sides (East and northern-West) signify some heavy minerals concentration of an important consideration.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41301012, 41771020)Special Research of Public Welfare Scientific Research Institutes of Fujian Province, China (Grant No. 2018R1034-5)the Innovation Research Team Fund of Fujian Normal University (Grant No. IRTL1705)
文摘Coastal dunes are a common geomorphic type in sandy coastal zones.They are a record of the coupled evolutionary processes of the wind and ocean waves.Many coastal dune fields have developed on the east coast of Fujian China and now occur as widespread typical coastal aeolian sand landforms on the Liuao Peninsula,Gulei Peninsula and Dongshan Island,but it is difficult to evaluate the dynamic geomorphologic process of sandy coast due to the lack of systematic and accurate chronological data.In this study,we selected the Hutoushan(HTS)aeolian dune on the Liuao Peninsula as the research object.Optical dating and grain-size analysis were applied to sand samples from the aeolian sequence of a profile of the HTS dune.The results show that the ages of seven samples of this profile were in the range of 37.8–0.19 ka from 4.0 to 0.2 m deep.These correspond to the Marine Isotope Stage 3(MIS3),abrupt climatic change events of 4.2 and 1.1 ka and the Little Ice Age(LIA),respectively.These samples displayed evidence of a longer-term climate trend in this area.The period of formation of this coastal aeolian dune corresponds to a cold and arid climate associated with the East Asia Winter Monsoon(EAWM).Periods of dune fixation and rubification are evidence of a hot and humid climate.Mobilization and stabilization of the aeolian dune is an important characteristic of the coastal evolution in South China since the late Pleistocene.