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Effect of Certain Toxicants on Gonadotropin-Induced Ovarian Non-Esterified Cholesterol Depletion and Steroidogenic Enzyme Stimulation of the Common Carp Cyprinus carpio in vitro 被引量:1
作者 DILIP MUKHERJEE DHRITI GUHA VINOD KUMAR 《Biomedical and Environmental Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1992年第2期92-98,共7页
Isolated ovarian tissues from the common carp, Cyprinus carpio were incubated in vitro to obtain a discrete effect of four common toxicants of industrial origin, namely phenol, sulfide, mercuric chloride and cadmium c... Isolated ovarian tissues from the common carp, Cyprinus carpio were incubated in vitro to obtain a discrete effect of four common toxicants of industrial origin, namely phenol, sulfide, mercuric chloride and cadmium chloride, on gonadotropin-induced alteration of nonesterified and esterified cholesterol and steroidogenic enzymes, △5-3β-HSD and 17β-HSD activity. Stage II ovarian tissue containing 30-40% mature oocytes were shown to be most responsive to gonadotropins in depleting only nonesterified cholesterol moiety and stimulating the activity of both. Safe doses of above mentioned toxicants when added separately to stage II ovarian tissue with oLH (1 μg/incubation) gonadotropin-induced depletion of nonesterified cholesterol and gonadotropin-induced stimulation of the activity of both enzymes was significantly inhibited. Esterified cholesterol remained almost unaltered. Findings clearly indicate the impairment of gonadotropin induced fish ovarian steroidogenesis by the four toxicants separately. 展开更多
关键词 Effect of Certain Toxicants on Gonadotropin-Induced Ovarian Non-Esterified Cholesterol Depletion and Steroidogenic Enzyme Stimulation of the common carp cyprinus carpio in vitro
鲤鱼(Cyprinus carpio L.)体重和体长QTL的定位 被引量:9
作者 刘继红 张研 +5 位作者 常玉梅 梁利群 张晓峰 鲁翠云 徐美佳 孙效文 《广东海洋大学学报》 CAS 2009年第4期19-25,共7页
利用265个AFLP标记、127个微卫星分子标记、37个EST-SSR标记和16个RAPD标记(共445个标记)对大头鲤/荷包红鲤抗寒品系的F2代雌核发育群体44个个体进行基因型检测,构建鲤鱼(Cyprinus carpio L.)遗传连锁图谱;利用软件WinQTLCart2.5采用复... 利用265个AFLP标记、127个微卫星分子标记、37个EST-SSR标记和16个RAPD标记(共445个标记)对大头鲤/荷包红鲤抗寒品系的F2代雌核发育群体44个个体进行基因型检测,构建鲤鱼(Cyprinus carpio L.)遗传连锁图谱;利用软件WinQTLCart2.5采用复合区间作图法对体重和体长两个性状进行了QTL定位分析。结果共检测到与两个与体重性状相关的QTL,分别定位到LG24连锁群(qBWh-24-1)和LG20连锁群(qBWh-20-1)上,可解释的表型变异分别为7.98%和20.05%;检测到两个与体长性状相关的QTL,分别位于LG2连锁群(qFS-2-1)和LG20连锁群(qFS-20-1),可解释的表型变异分别为5.69%和12.69%,4个QTL的加性效应均为负值。 展开更多
关键词 鲤鱼 体长 体重 QTL
镉污染对鲤鱼(Cyprinus carpio Linn.)同工酶酶谱的影响 被引量:13
作者 朱毅 陈家长 张瑞涛 《南京农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第3期70-75,共6页
应用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和酶活性测定技术,比较和分析了饲养于不同浓度镉液中的鲤鱼在镉含量达到积累-释放平衡后,其肌肉和肝脏组织的酯酶同工酶、碱性磷酸酶同工酶及过氧化物酶同工酶酶谱。结果显示,镉的残留量使鲤鱼肌肉和肝脏组... 应用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和酶活性测定技术,比较和分析了饲养于不同浓度镉液中的鲤鱼在镉含量达到积累-释放平衡后,其肌肉和肝脏组织的酯酶同工酶、碱性磷酸酶同工酶及过氧化物酶同工酶酶谱。结果显示,镉的残留量使鲤鱼肌肉和肝脏组织酯酶同工酶和碱性磷酸酶同工酶谱带减少,活性减弱;过氧化物酶同工酶谱带增多,活性增强。 展开更多
关键词 鲤鱼 同工酶
鲤(Cyprinus carpio)Rh糖蛋白家族基因的克隆与组织mRNA表达 被引量:4
作者 董晓丽 位莹莹 徐奇友 《水产学杂志》 CAS 2013年第5期6-10,共5页
为了研究鱼类氨代谢机制,克隆了鲤(Cyprinus carpio)Rh糖蛋白家族的Rhag、Rhbg、Rhcg1基因的cDNA全序列,与人类Rh基因的氨基酸序列比对结果显示,鲤Rh糖蛋白保守性较高。系统分析表明,鲤3个Rh基因与斑马鱼(Danio rerio)Rh基因的亲缘关系... 为了研究鱼类氨代谢机制,克隆了鲤(Cyprinus carpio)Rh糖蛋白家族的Rhag、Rhbg、Rhcg1基因的cDNA全序列,与人类Rh基因的氨基酸序列比对结果显示,鲤Rh糖蛋白保守性较高。系统分析表明,鲤3个Rh基因与斑马鱼(Danio rerio)Rh基因的亲缘关系较近。Rhag、Rhbg、Rhcg1基因在鲤鳃组织中表达较高,而在其它组织表达的相对量极低。比较3个基因在鳃组织的表达,Rhbg的表达量极显著高于其它2个基因。这一结果预示Rhag、Rhbg、Rhcg1与鲤的氨代谢密切相关,尤其是Rhbg基因,可能是鲤氨代谢的重要因子。 展开更多
关键词 Rh糖蛋白 克隆 表达
油酸诱导建鲤(Cyprinus carpio var. Jian)肝细胞脂肪变性模型的建立 被引量:2
作者 杜金梁 曹丽萍 +6 位作者 贾睿 王涛 顾郑琰 张春云 骆仁军 徐跑 殷国俊 《渔业科学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期107-113,共7页
通过对油酸诱导时间及有效作用浓度的研究,建立油酸致建鲤肝细胞脂肪变性模型。本研究以胰蛋白酶消化法获得的原代肝细胞作为实验材料,加入不同浓度油酸(0、0.05、0.1、0.2、0.4、0.8 mmol/L)与肝细胞共培养24–48 h,诱导肝细胞脂肪变性... 通过对油酸诱导时间及有效作用浓度的研究,建立油酸致建鲤肝细胞脂肪变性模型。本研究以胰蛋白酶消化法获得的原代肝细胞作为实验材料,加入不同浓度油酸(0、0.05、0.1、0.2、0.4、0.8 mmol/L)与肝细胞共培养24–48 h,诱导肝细胞脂肪变性,分别收集不同时段的肝细胞及上清液,采用试剂盒测定肝细胞中甘油三酯(TG)、总胆固醇(TC)的含量,同时测定上清培养液中谷丙转氨酶(GPT)、谷草转氨酶(GOT)、γ-谷氨酰转肽酶(γ-GT)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的活性,MTT法测定肝细胞的存活情况,确定油酸最佳诱导浓度,油红O染色法观察细胞内脂肪滴的形成情况。研究结果显示,0.4 mmol/L油酸与肝细胞共培养48 h,可以显著提高肝细胞内TG、TC含量(P﹤0.05或P﹤0.01),极显著提高上清培养液中GOT、GPT、LDH、γ-GT的活性,显著降低上清培养液中SOD的活性,但与24 h相比有升高趋势,0.4 mmol/L油酸与肝细胞共培养24 h,光镜下可见细胞内有脂肪滴形成,以48 h最明显。综上所述,油酸浓度0.4 mmol/L、诱导时间48 h成功构建了肝细胞脂肪变性模型,为研究鱼类脂肪肝类疾病奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 建鲤 肝细胞脂肪变性 油酸
Effect of Mercuric Chloride and Cadmium Chloride on Gonadal Function and Its Regulation in SexuallyMature Common Carp Cyprinus carpio
作者 DilipMUKHERJEE VinodKumar 《Biomedical and Environmental Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1994年第1期13-24,共12页
Gonadal function in fish, CJprinus carpio was significantly affected by sublethal doses of mercuric chloride (HgCl2 ) and cadmium chloride (CdCl2 ) in chronic (45 days ) exposure.Parameters investigated were nonesteri... Gonadal function in fish, CJprinus carpio was significantly affected by sublethal doses of mercuric chloride (HgCl2 ) and cadmium chloride (CdCl2 ) in chronic (45 days ) exposure.Parameters investigated were nonesterified (NE) and esterified (E) cholestcrol of ovary,liver and serum and ovarian 3β-Hydroxysteroid and 17β-Hydroxysteroid dehyrogenaseenzyme activity and serum and pituitary gonadotropin (GtH) levels. Both the pollutantswere able to reduce the hypothalamic extract (HE) or gonadotropin releasing hormone(GnRH) induced pituitary GtH release in vitro. Short term (96h) exposure of the fish tothe pollutants had no significant effect on the gonadal function. ln addition to thedeleterious effect of pollutants on the gonadal steroidogenesis and pituitary gonadotropin release, using [4-14C] cholesterol as a tracer it was found that for 45 days expeure, HgCl2'had an adverse effect on the transport of cholesterol from circulation to ovary. 展开更多
关键词 Effect of Mercuric Chloride and Cadmium Chloride on Gonadal Function and Its Regulation in SexuallyMature common carp cyprinus carpio
鲤鱼(cyprinuscarpio)体细胞核移植的初步研究 被引量:1
作者 尹洪滨 孟凡华 +2 位作者 孙中武 薛淑群 石连玉 《分子科学学报》 CAS CSCD 2006年第2期127-130,共4页
关键词 鲤鱼 体细胞 核移植
Interactions of Sex Steroids with Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone in the Regulation of Gonadotropin (GtH) and Growth Hormone (GH) Release in the Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio)
作者 H.R.Lin M.Lu +2 位作者 W.M.Zhang X.W.Lin L.X.Chen 《中山大学学报论丛》 1995年第3期220-222,共3页
关键词 GtH GH Interactions of Sex Steroids with Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone in the Regulation of Gonadotropin cyprinus carpio Release in the common carp and Growth Hormone
Ontogeny of Immune Related Organs during Early Development of Carp (Cyprinus Carpio L.)
作者 孟广勋 安利国 +2 位作者 杨桂文 尹苗 王钦东 《Developmental and Reproductive Biology》 1999年第2期33-39,共7页
In this paper, ontogeny of immune-related organs during theearly development of carp was studied by histochemical technique-lcineBlue staining under acid conditions and PAS reaction(AB-PAS staining). Thekidney appeare... In this paper, ontogeny of immune-related organs during theearly development of carp was studied by histochemical technique-lcineBlue staining under acid conditions and PAS reaction(AB-PAS staining). Thekidney appeared one day before hatching, spleen, liver and pancreas emergedon the same day of hatching, and thymus was not found until the third day afterhatching. Ontogeny of these immune related organs of the carp in thisresearch is earlier than that reported by Botham. 展开更多
关键词 carp (cyprinus carpio L.) development immune-related organs ONTOGENY
Protective Effect of Bacillus subtilis Peptidoglycan (PG) on β-conglycinin-induced Intestinal Epithelial Cells Damage of Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) 被引量:3
作者 Zhang Tiantian Yin Haicheng Huang Wei 《Animal Husbandry and Feed Science》 CAS 2019年第2期56-61,共6页
[Objective] The paper was to investigate the protective effects of different concentrations of Bacillus subtilis peptidoglycan(PG) on β-conglycinin-induced inflammatory injury in intestinal epithelial cells of juveni... [Objective] The paper was to investigate the protective effects of different concentrations of Bacillus subtilis peptidoglycan(PG) on β-conglycinin-induced inflammatory injury in intestinal epithelial cells of juvenile carp(Cyprinus carpio).[Method] In 24-cell microplates, the intestinal epithelial cells(IECs) of juvenile carp were primarily cultured for 72 h at 26°C and 6% CO2, and then the IECs were randomly divided into6 groups with 4 replicates per group. One of the six groups was set as negative control group, and the other groups were all supplemented with 1.0 mg/mL β-conglycinin in culture medium to establish inflammatory injury. At 24 h post induction, the culture media were changed into B. subtilis PG culture media with the concentrations of 0(positive control group), 0.15, 0.30, 0.45 and 0.60 mg/mL, respectively. The samples were collected to measure the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory indices at 12, 24 and 36 h post culture.[Result]β-conglycinin exposure significantly decreased the activity of ASA, AHR, SOD, CAT, GPx, and increased the PC content and the mRNA expression of inflammatory cytokines(IL-1β, IL-8, TNF-α1,IL-10 and TGF-β). At 12, 24 and 36 h post PG treatment, the activities of ASA, AHR, SOD, CAT, GPx and the content of PC in cells decreased in a dose-dependent manner;the mRNA levels of IL-1β, IL-8 and TNF-α1 were down-regulated and those of IL-10 and TGF-β were up-regulated.[Conclusion] Different concentrations of B. subtilis PG could protect IECs oxidative damage induced by β-conglycinin and improve the antioxidant capacity of IECs. High concentration of PG could improve the anti-inflammatory ability of IECs by inhibiting inflammatory factors and promoting the gene expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines. 展开更多
关键词 carp (cyprinus carpio) Bacillus subtilis PG Β-CONGLYCININ Intestinal epithelial cell (IECs) Antioxidant Inflammatory factor
鲤鱼(Crprinus carpio)体细胞系的建立及其生物学特性分析(简报) 被引量:9
作者 孟凡华 尹洪滨 +1 位作者 孙中武 陈维多 《实验生物学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期80-84,共5页
动物细胞的培养技术是1907年哈里逊[1]在淋巴块中对蛙的神经板培养成功开始的,其后近一个世纪以来,陆续成功地培养了哺乳动物、昆虫等各种动物细胞,并广泛用于生物科学的各个分支.鱼类的细胞培养的系统研究和建系实践大约起始于60年代,... 动物细胞的培养技术是1907年哈里逊[1]在淋巴块中对蛙的神经板培养成功开始的,其后近一个世纪以来,陆续成功地培养了哺乳动物、昆虫等各种动物细胞,并广泛用于生物科学的各个分支.鱼类的细胞培养的系统研究和建系实践大约起始于60年代,被公认的真骨鱼类的第一个永久性的细胞系--虹鳟性腺细胞系(RTG-2)是由Wolf[2]建立的. 展开更多
关键词 细胞系 淋巴 性腺 细胞体外培养 神经 肾脏 肝脏 鱼类 种鱼 虹鳟
Cloning and expression analysis in mature individuals of two chicken type-Ⅱ GnRH (cGnRH-Ⅱ) genes in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) 被引量:8
作者 LI Shuangfei HU Wei +1 位作者 WANG Yaping ZHU Zuoyan 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2004年第4期349-358,共10页
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is a conservative neurodecapeptide fam-ily, which plays a crucial role in regulating the gonad development and in controlling the final sexual maturation in vertebrate. Two differ... Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is a conservative neurodecapeptide fam-ily, which plays a crucial role in regulating the gonad development and in controlling the final sexual maturation in vertebrate. Two differing cGnRH-II cDNAs of common carp, namely cGnRH-II cDNA1 and cDNA2, were firstly cloned from the brain by rapid amplification of cDNA end (RACE) and reverse transcription- polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The length of cGnRH-II cDNA1 and cDNA2 was 622 and 578 base pairs (bp), respectively. The cGnRH-II pre-cursors encoded by two cDNAs consisted of 86 amino acids, including a signal peptide, cGnRH-II decapeptide and a GnRH-associated peptide (GAP) linked by a Gly-Lys-Arg proteolytic site. The results of intron trapping and Southern blot showed that two differing cGnRH-II genes in common carp genome were further identified, and that two genes might exist as a single copy. The multi-gene coding of common carp cGnRH-II gene offered novel evidence for gene duplica-tion hypothesis. Using semi-quantitative RT-PCR, expression and relative expression levels of cGnRH-II genes were detected in five dissected brain regions, pituitary and gonad of common carp. With the exception of no mRNA2 in ovary, two cGnRH-II genes could be expressed in all the detected tissues. However, expression levels showed an apparent difference in different brain regions, pituitary and gonad. According to the expression characterization of cGnRH-II genes in brain areas, it was presumed that cGnRH-II might mainly work as the neurotransmitter and neuromodulator and also operate in the regulation for the GnRH releasing. Then, the ex-pression of cGnRH-II genes in pituitary and gonad suggested that cGnRH-II might act as the autocrine or paracrine regulator. 展开更多
关键词 gonadotropin-releasing hormone(GnRH) gene cloning expression analysis common carp(cyprinus carpio)
Fish Production, Water Quality and Bacteriological Parameters of Koi Carp Ponds Under Live-food and Manure Based Management Regimes
作者 Prithwiraj Jha Sudip Barat Chitta R. Nayak 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期165-173,共9页
To test the effectiveness of introducing live zooplankton against direct manuring in ornamental fish ponds upon their survival and production, larvae of koi carp, Cyprinus carpio L., were cultured for 11 weeks in eart... To test the effectiveness of introducing live zooplankton against direct manuring in ornamental fish ponds upon their survival and production, larvae of koi carp, Cyprinus carpio L., were cultured for 11 weeks in earthen ponds maintained according to four management regimes: (1) live zooplankton fed to carp larvae (LF); (2) direct fertilization with poultry manure (PM); (3) direct fertilization with cowdung (CD); and (4) a control treatment (C). There were three replicates for each treatment. The growth of heterotrophic bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms like Aeromonas sp. and Pseudomonas sp. were also examined in response to pond management. Values of dissolved oxygen were significantly higher (P〈0.05) in the water of LF ponds, compared to other treatments, while the PM and CD treatments recorded were significantly higher (P〈0.05) values of PO4 - P, NH4 - N, NO3 - N, NO2 - N, specific conductivity, alkalinity, and BOD, compared to the LF and C treatments. The percentages of organic carbon and total nitrogen in the bottom sediments were higher in the PM and CD treatments compared to LF (P〈0.05). Average counts of heterotrophic bacteria in the water of PM and CD ponds were significantly higher than other treatments (P〈0.05). The development of Aeromonas sp. and Pseudomonas sp. were significantly higher (P〈0.05) in the PM and CD treatments. Weight gain of koi carp stocked in LF was significantly higher (P〈0.05) than that of fish in the other treatments. There was a significant difference in the survival rate of koi carp among the treatments ranging from 67.21% in C to 90.11% in LF. The results suggest that raising koi carp larvae in ponds and feeding them exogenously with zooplankton would support high rates of survival and production through maintenance of better water quality and greater abundance of zooplankton in the system. Significantly lower abundance of Aeromonas sp. and Pseudomonas sp. in the LF treatment considerably lowered any possibility of occurrence of bacterial disease. 展开更多
关键词 Koi carp ponds cyprinus carpio L. Management Growth Water quality BACTERIOLOGY
Effects of cadmium and copper on sialic acid levels in blood and brain tissues of Cyprinus carpio L.
作者 Utku Güner Elvan Bakar 《Journal of Coastal Life Medicine》 2014年第9期673-678,共6页
Objective:To investigate the effects of cadmium(Cd)and copper(Cu)on sialic acid levels of brain and blood tissues of Cyprinus carpio.Methods:Adult carps were exposed to 0.1,0.5 mg/L Cu,0.1,0.5 and 1.0 mg/L Cd and 0.1 ... Objective:To investigate the effects of cadmium(Cd)and copper(Cu)on sialic acid levels of brain and blood tissues of Cyprinus carpio.Methods:Adult carps were exposed to 0.1,0.5 mg/L Cu,0.1,0.5 and 1.0 mg/L Cd and 0.1 mg/L Cu+0.1 mg/L Cd under static experiment conditions for 1 week.At the end of exposure period,heavy metal accumulations and sialic acid levels in blood and brain tissues of the test animals were analyzed.Results:Cu and Cd accumulated in tissues in a dramatically increasing dose-dependent manner.Sialic acids level of the fish exposed to 0.1,0.5 and 1.0 mg/L Cu and Cd and control grups for 1 week were 0.834,1.427,0.672,0.934,2.968,4.714 mg/mL respectively.The results also showed that Cu has an antagonistic effect on tissue sialic acid level.Conclusions:We propose that Cd and Cu make a complex with sialic acids of membranes in the tissues researched.This complex between metal ions and sialic acid migth account for the cellular toxicity based on Cu and Cd. 展开更多
关键词 carp cyprinus carpio Copper CADMIUM Sialic acid BLOOD BRAIN Metal accumulation
作者 郝其睿 张植元 +4 位作者 王鹏 范泽 李晨辉 杨基先 王威 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期34-43,共10页
为探讨苯并芘对鲤鱼胆囊的毒理机制,以鲤鱼(Cyprinus carpio)为试验材料,采用15 d慢性毒性试验(苯并芘质量浓度分别为0、0.025和0.25 mg/L),通过检测鲤鱼胆囊中苯并芘质量分数、抗氧化参数、转录应答及免疫基因表达。结果显示:胆囊组织... 为探讨苯并芘对鲤鱼胆囊的毒理机制,以鲤鱼(Cyprinus carpio)为试验材料,采用15 d慢性毒性试验(苯并芘质量浓度分别为0、0.025和0.25 mg/L),通过检测鲤鱼胆囊中苯并芘质量分数、抗氧化参数、转录应答及免疫基因表达。结果显示:胆囊组织中的苯并芘质量分数积累随着苯并芘胁迫质量浓度显著升高,侧面反映了胆囊在解毒和排毒过程中扮演着重要角色;B[a]P暴露后胆囊抗氧化酶活性(超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化氢酶及谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶)和丙二醛浓度均升高,表明机体可通过激活抗氧化酶系统以应对氧化应激;低质量浓度B[a]P暴露会引起鲤胆囊组织的免疫应答,激活Notch受体信号通路,进而引起细胞凋亡并消除自身组织中过多或异常的细胞;而高质量浓度B[a]P暴露会抑制RIG-I和Notch受体信号通路,引起胆囊免疫稳态失衡,细胞凋亡受到抑制,从而延长异常细胞的存活时间,并进一步激活免疫细胞,导致自身组织的损伤。本研究初步揭示了鲤胆囊细胞应对苯并芘暴露的可能自我保护机制,实现对水环境中多环芳烃污染的早期预警及生态风险评估提供理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 苯并芘 鲤鱼 胆囊 氧化应激 细胞凋亡
作者 陈璐 杨臻 +4 位作者 徐锦华 乔璐 宋金龙 孙慧武 穆迎春 《渔业科学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期129-139,共11页
除虫脲(diflubenzuron,DFB)是一种常用的杀虫剂,其代谢物残留会威胁水生动物及人体健康。为探究水产动物响应DFB胁迫的分子机制,本研究以鲤(Cyprinus carpio)为对象,选定0.1 mg/L和1.0 mg/L的药浴浓度对鲤进行15 d暴露实验。采用RNA-Se... 除虫脲(diflubenzuron,DFB)是一种常用的杀虫剂,其代谢物残留会威胁水生动物及人体健康。为探究水产动物响应DFB胁迫的分子机制,本研究以鲤(Cyprinus carpio)为对象,选定0.1 mg/L和1.0 mg/L的药浴浓度对鲤进行15 d暴露实验。采用RNA-Seq技术对肝脏开展转录组测序,以Padj<0.05和|log2Fold Change|≥1为标准筛选差异表达基因(DEGs)进行GO功能注释和KEGG富集分析等生物信息学分析。结果显示,0.1 mg/L暴露浓度下有2406个DEGs发生显著变化,1.0mg/L暴露浓度下有2688个DEGs发生显著变化,2组共表达的DEGs有821个。GO分析结果显示,DFB暴露组DEGs富集在生物过程、细胞组成和分子功能上。KEGG富集分析显示,低浓度DFB暴露组DEGs显著富集到异生物质的生物降解和代谢、脂质代谢、碳水化合物代谢、氨基酸代谢、信号分子与相互作用、内分泌系统、免疫系统等代谢通路;高浓度DFB暴露组DEGs除了富集到上述代谢通路外,还显著富集到折叠、分类和降解、运输和分解代谢等代谢通路。结果表明,DFB暴露对鲤造成异生物质的生物降解和代谢、脂质代谢、碳水化合物代谢、氨基酸代谢紊乱,并产生内质网应激、炎症反应和免疫毒性。本研究从转录层面上解析了DFB暴露对鲤毒性作用的分子机制,为DFB在水产领域的限量标准制定和环境安全评价提供基础数据。 展开更多
关键词 除虫脲 肝脏 转录组学 毒理
作者 刘丹 米佳丽 +5 位作者 王俊丽 闫潇 秦超彬 杨丽萍 徐歆歆 聂国兴 《水产学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期267-279,共13页
为了探究牛磺酸对脂质氧化饲料饲喂下黄河鲤生长性能和肠道健康的影响,实验先用等量的氧化鱼油(记为OFO)替换基础日粮(记为FO)中的新鲜鱼油,接着将不同含量(0.4%、0.8%和1.2%,质量分数)的牛磺酸分别加入OFO组饲料中(分别记为T0.4、T0.8... 为了探究牛磺酸对脂质氧化饲料饲喂下黄河鲤生长性能和肠道健康的影响,实验先用等量的氧化鱼油(记为OFO)替换基础日粮(记为FO)中的新鲜鱼油,接着将不同含量(0.4%、0.8%和1.2%,质量分数)的牛磺酸分别加入OFO组饲料中(分别记为T0.4、T0.8和T1.2),对初始体重为(8.74±0.01)g的黄河鲤进行为期10周的养殖实验。结果显示,与FO组相比,OFO组的终末体重、增重率、特定增长率和饲料效率均显著降低。上述所有指标在T0.4、T0.8和T1.2组中均显著高于OFO组。适量牛磺酸可抑制氧化脂质饮食引起的nrf2 mRNA表达水平的降低和keap1 mRNA表达水平的升高,并且显著提高受Nrf2调控的下游转录因子(gr、gpx和sod)的mRNA表达水平。牛磺酸还能缓解氧化脂质饲料引起的肠道消化酶活性、绒毛高度、绒毛宽度和肌层厚度的降低。另外,OFO组中肠道微生物组成的丰度和多样性显著降低,条件致病菌丰度明显升高,而有益菌的丰度却有所下降,这些不良现象在牛磺酸组中均得到明显改善。研究表明,牛磺酸可缓解脂质氧化饲料对黄河鲤造成的生长性能抑制、肠道组织结构破坏、消化功能下降及肠道菌群紊乱等不良影响。结合本研究结果,在氧化脂质饲料中牛磺酸的建议添加剂量为0.4%~0.8%。本研究为进一步探索牛磺酸对鱼类肠道的生物学功能奠定理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 黄河鲤 牛磺酸 脂质氧化 生长性能 肠道健康
作者 刘亚楠 张小明 邵玲 《海洋与湖沼》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期1019-1026,共8页
鱼类Rhbdd3(Rhomboid domain-containing protein 3)蛋白具有抗水生病毒感染功能,然而生产实践中缺乏其大量制备及应用方案。为研制鲤Rhbdd3蛋白重组微生物制剂,利用乳酸菌NICE表达系统,构建了Rhbdd3蛋白重组表达质粒pNZ8148-rhbdd3,并... 鱼类Rhbdd3(Rhomboid domain-containing protein 3)蛋白具有抗水生病毒感染功能,然而生产实践中缺乏其大量制备及应用方案。为研制鲤Rhbdd3蛋白重组微生物制剂,利用乳酸菌NICE表达系统,构建了Rhbdd3蛋白重组表达质粒pNZ8148-rhbdd3,并转化获得了重组乳酸乳球菌pNZ8148-rhbdd3 NZ9000。利用乳酸链球菌素nisin进行Rhbdd3蛋白的诱导表达,并通过SDS-PAGE和Western blotting进行验证。进一步,将重组乳酸乳球菌进行饲料拌喂并开展鲤春病毒血症病毒(SVCV)人工感染实验,检测鱼体免疫因子表达水平及攻毒后鱼体组织病毒载量。结果显示:经nisin诱导后,pNZ8148-rhbdd3 NZ9000能够表达约为39 kDa的特异性蛋白,与Rhbdd3蛋白大小一致。重组乳酸乳球菌的最佳nisin诱导浓度为100 ng/mL,最佳诱导时间为5 h。重组乳酸乳球菌饲喂后14 d,与对照组相比,实验组鲤鱼组织中免疫相关基因IFN1、IRF7、Viperin、Mx1和ISG15的表达水平均显著上调。此外,SVCV攻毒后,重组乳酸乳球菌饲喂组鱼体组织中病毒滴度较对照组显著降低,表明其可以抑制病毒的增殖。研究结果为Rhbdd3蛋白的大量制备和应用提供了一种可行方案,并为鱼类病毒性疾病的防控提供了一种有效措施。 展开更多
关键词 Rhbdd3蛋白 乳酸菌 鲤鱼 鲤春病毒血症病毒 微生物制剂
作者 廖嘉仪 熊梓彤 +2 位作者 李志力 刘其根 孙佳敏 《南方农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期2813-2823,共11页
【目的】青田田鱼在浅水环境中经常面临急性低温胁迫,探究青田田鱼在急性低温和复温环境下的生理响应机制,为青田田鱼科学越冬和耐低温品种选育提供理论依据。【方法】通过液相色谱—质谱(LC-MS)非靶向代谢组学技术,提取9.0℃胁迫6 h(CO... 【目的】青田田鱼在浅水环境中经常面临急性低温胁迫,探究青田田鱼在急性低温和复温环境下的生理响应机制,为青田田鱼科学越冬和耐低温品种选育提供理论依据。【方法】通过液相色谱—质谱(LC-MS)非靶向代谢组学技术,提取9.0℃胁迫6 h(CO组)、升温至28.0℃复温恢复6 h(RE组)和28.0℃对照组(Con组)青田田鱼鳃组织样本代谢峰。预处理后的代谢组数据与数据库匹配鉴定代谢物种类。通过主成分分析(PCA)和正交最小偏二乘判别分析(OPLS-DA)鉴定代谢组学数据的可靠性。根据Student’s test检验的P值(P<0.05)和OPLS-DA模型得到的变量权重值(VIP>1)筛选组间差异代谢物。对差异代谢物进行KEGG信号通路富集分析,并用Fisher精确检验分析筛选与急性低温和复温最相关的代谢通路。对重要代谢通路制作聚类热图,显示组间差异和代谢物水平变化趋势。【结果】PCA和OPLS-DA分析结果显示,组内样本聚集,组间样本分离,组间的代谢物水平存在显著差异。OPLS-DA得分图显示各组Q2累计值均在0.5以上,R2Y累积值均接近1.0,模型具有较高的解释度和可靠性;共鉴定到1222个代谢物,其中CO vs Con,RE vs CO和RE vs Con分别筛选鉴定出232、238和300种显著差异代谢物(P<0.05)。各组间差异代谢物主要富集在花生四烯酸代谢、甘油磷脂代谢、类固醇激素生物合成和嘌呤代谢等代谢途径;急性低温胁迫下,皮质醇水平上调,而花生四烯酸及其代谢物和甘油磷脂代谢物下调。复温后花生四烯酸、甘油磷脂代谢物和嘌呤代谢物相对Con组下调,皮质醇含量下调,牛磺酸含量上调。【结论】急性低温可导致青田田鱼免疫、物质转运和信号传递等功能异常。皮质醇的合成和代谢可能是青田田鱼抵抗急性低温胁迫的重要机制。复温后青田田鱼鳃组织损伤在短期内无法得到完全恢复。牛磺酸合成可能是青田田鱼在复温过程中的重要恢复机制。 展开更多
关键词 青田田鱼 急性低温 复温恢复 代谢组学 鳃组织
作者 许岩岩 刘建朝 +1 位作者 李祖辰 齐遵利 《河北渔业》 2024年第1期21-23,27,共4页
为探索河北地区利用小型温棚进行鲤(Cyprinus carpio)提早繁殖的可行性,在11月中旬挑选3龄鲤亲鱼400组(雌雄各400尾)放入小型温棚,雌雄分开放养。通过利用太阳热能和人为控制,越冬期间小棚内水温最低温度不低于8℃,次年3月中旬,棚内水... 为探索河北地区利用小型温棚进行鲤(Cyprinus carpio)提早繁殖的可行性,在11月中旬挑选3龄鲤亲鱼400组(雌雄各400尾)放入小型温棚,雌雄分开放养。通过利用太阳热能和人为控制,越冬期间小棚内水温最低温度不低于8℃,次年3月中旬,棚内水温升至16℃,进行人工繁育。2023年3月15日、3月22日和4月13日进行三批人工催产试验,3个批次的催产率分别为48.8%、88.6%、89.7%,受精率分别为80.29%、81.27%、87.3%,出苗率分别为54%、37%、55.84%,共生产水花1.23亿尾,培育乌仔364.6万尾。鲤早繁比自然繁殖提前15~20 d。 展开更多
关键词 河北地区 鲤(cyprinus carpio) 早繁 小型温棚
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