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适合普通发烧友的入门级数播 德生“传奇播放器”HD-100试用报告
作者 小路(文/图) 《视听前线》 2024年第3期40-44,共5页
关键词 试用报告 播放器 HD HI-FI 传奇
《新作文(小学中高年级版)》 2024年第6期28-28,共1页
关键词 有朋自远方来 播放器 离别
作者 赵静 徐永生 姚青梅 《电声技术》 2024年第4期149-153,共5页
阐述了耳机和个人音乐播放器声安全给听力健康带来的风险问题,并介绍了新版安全标准新增的耳机和个人音乐播放器声安全部分的主要内容和技术背景。通过对声安全和声剂量测试的方法与限值要求等内容进行详细说明,分析新标准经过半年实际... 阐述了耳机和个人音乐播放器声安全给听力健康带来的风险问题,并介绍了新版安全标准新增的耳机和个人音乐播放器声安全部分的主要内容和技术背景。通过对声安全和声剂量测试的方法与限值要求等内容进行详细说明,分析新标准经过半年实际使用后的实施情况,旨在使行业内尽快了解并掌握新标准,从而推动新标准顺利实施。 展开更多
关键词 声安全 声剂量 耳机 个人音乐播放器 最大声压级 测量方法
《新作文(小学中高年级版)》 2024年第1期54-55,共2页
前情提要:寒假到了,“欢乐播放器”却“无米下锅”,小编们不由得好奇:难道小作者们的“冬眠”时间也到了吗?众小编正思量间,忽有一日,一小星星留言:看多了同龄人的日常,好好奇编辑部的日常啊!好吧,逢此良机,本期我们就一起进入编辑部的... 前情提要:寒假到了,“欢乐播放器”却“无米下锅”,小编们不由得好奇:难道小作者们的“冬眠”时间也到了吗?众小编正思量间,忽有一日,一小星星留言:看多了同龄人的日常,好好奇编辑部的日常啊!好吧,逢此良机,本期我们就一起进入编辑部的欢乐“播放”时间。 展开更多
关键词 播放器 好奇 欢乐 编辑部 同龄人
《新作文(小学中高年级版)》 2024年第4期29-29,共1页
大名鼎鼎与光明正大。放学回家的路上,我从书包里拿出自己做的小卡包,想跟妈妈炫耀一下我积揽已久的勤学星。妈妈看到这团包得里三层外三层的“纸球”,忍不住打趣我:“下次别再‘故弄玄虚’了,直接展示吧。”妈妈这是又要跟我“对成语... 大名鼎鼎与光明正大。放学回家的路上,我从书包里拿出自己做的小卡包,想跟妈妈炫耀一下我积揽已久的勤学星。妈妈看到这团包得里三层外三层的“纸球”,忍不住打趣我:“下次别再‘故弄玄虚’了,直接展示吧。”妈妈这是又要跟我“对成语”了。 展开更多
关键词 里三层外三层 播放器 纸球 勤学 妈妈
清风扑面而来 评ATOLL ST200 Signature数字播放器
作者 剑萍 《视听前线》 2024年第2期62-65,共4页
发烧友都喜欢尝鲜。就讯源而言CD机是最常见的,玩的时间长了想换换口味也在情理之中,可选的主要有模拟唱盘和数字播放器(以下简称作“数播”)。相比之下,玩数播更易入手,因为现在流媒体非常丰富而且价格低廉,数播也不需要复杂的调试,基... 发烧友都喜欢尝鲜。就讯源而言CD机是最常见的,玩的时间长了想换换口味也在情理之中,可选的主要有模拟唱盘和数字播放器(以下简称作“数播”)。相比之下,玩数播更易入手,因为现在流媒体非常丰富而且价格低廉,数播也不需要复杂的调试,基本什么人都可以轻松操作,而且一旦设置好便一劳永逸、不用再动了。 展开更多
关键词 流媒体 CD机 数字播放器 情理之中
加大功率 更易搭配 Naim Uniti Nova Power Edition一体化播放器
作者 晨光(图/文) 《视听前线》 2024年第4期17-20,共4页
Uniti系列自推出以来,一直都是英国Naim的当家产品。特别是在2016年推出全新的Uniti后,更是深受市场的欢迎,以极具科技感和时尚气息的外观,丰富的功能以及便捷的使用体验,俘虏了不少用家的心。2024年,Uniti系列再添新品,在原有UnitiNov... Uniti系列自推出以来,一直都是英国Naim的当家产品。特别是在2016年推出全新的Uniti后,更是深受市场的欢迎,以极具科技感和时尚气息的外观,丰富的功能以及便捷的使用体验,俘虏了不少用家的心。2024年,Uniti系列再添新品,在原有UnitiNova的基础上,推出了功率增强版Uniti NovaPowerEdition。究竟这款全新升级版旗舰级一体化播放器有何特别之处?我们一起一探究竟! 展开更多
关键词 播放器 时尚气息 POWER EDITION 旗舰级 一体化 升级版 使用体验
数码播放器的超值之选!Cambridge Audio CXN100网络播放器
作者 晨光 小路(图) 《视听前线》 2024年第7期31-34,共4页
近年来,随着流媒体平台的飞速发展,越来越多的传统Hi-Fi品牌都推出了数码播放器产品。来自英国的Cambridge Audio剑桥,近年来在网络播放器方面也是非常进取,从旗舰级别的EDGENQ,到多功能一体机系列的EVO75和EVO150,再到中端级别的CXN以... 近年来,随着流媒体平台的飞速发展,越来越多的传统Hi-Fi品牌都推出了数码播放器产品。来自英国的Cambridge Audio剑桥,近年来在网络播放器方面也是非常进取,从旗舰级别的EDGENQ,到多功能一体机系列的EVO75和EVO150,再到中端级别的CXN以及入门系列的AXN10和MXN10。 展开更多
关键词 多功能一体机 AUDIO 网络播放器 旗舰级 流媒体平台 EVO
作者 任修齐 《集成电路应用》 2024年第6期56-57,共2页
关键词 数字电视 ANDROID系统 FFmpeg集成 流媒体播放器
作者 家祺 《视听前线》 2024年第2期83-87,共5页
什么是高清音乐多年来人们欣赏音乐的方式发生了很大的变化,除了实体唱片外,人们会下载数字音乐、通过流媒体欣赏音乐。随着存储空间和网络传输条件的改善,人们对数字音乐的音质要求也逐渐提高,从压缩到无损,再到超过无损的高清音乐,音... 什么是高清音乐多年来人们欣赏音乐的方式发生了很大的变化,除了实体唱片外,人们会下载数字音乐、通过流媒体欣赏音乐。随着存储空间和网络传输条件的改善,人们对数字音乐的音质要求也逐渐提高,从压缩到无损,再到超过无损的高清音乐,音乐的还原、细节的保留当然是越多越好了。和分辨率、编码、顿率统一的高清视频不一样,高清音乐到底有多“高”多“清”并没有一个详细的标准。 展开更多
关键词 有源音箱 数字音乐 高清视频 播放器 网络传输 流媒体 KEF 存储空间
《新作文(小学中高年级版)》 2024年第3期38-38,共1页
“明”可以组什心词上语文课的时候,老师问我:“明天的明可以组什么词?”我想都没想便脱口而出:“明天的明可以组词为明天。”【山东省临沂市齐鲁园小学五(5)班刘以琳】“吃货”的眼里只有美食“香蕉应节起,高飞……”正当我读陶渊明的... “明”可以组什心词上语文课的时候,老师问我:“明天的明可以组什么词?”我想都没想便脱口而出:“明天的明可以组词为明天。”【山东省临沂市齐鲁园小学五(5)班刘以琳】“吃货”的眼里只有美食“香蕉应节起,高飞……”正当我读陶渊明的《杂诗》读得起劲时,爸爸却紧急喊停了。 展开更多
关键词 《杂诗》 组词 山东省临沂市 播放器 语文课 陶渊明 脱口而出 小学
不只多了8K一次重要的升级 芝杜Z3000 PRO 媒体播放器
作者 家祺 小路(图) 《视听前线》 2024年第8期41-44,共4页
芝杜Zidoo作为媒体播放器行业的巨头,其产品销量在国内外市场长期保持领先地位,这份傲人的成绩足以说明芝杜品牌的强悍实力。而且芝杜品牌一直较为低调,从来不和竞品做对比,也不主动蹭热度,一直稳扎稳打以产品说话。对于芝杜而言,始终... 芝杜Zidoo作为媒体播放器行业的巨头,其产品销量在国内外市场长期保持领先地位,这份傲人的成绩足以说明芝杜品牌的强悍实力。而且芝杜品牌一直较为低调,从来不和竞品做对比,也不主动蹭热度,一直稳扎稳打以产品说话。对于芝杜而言,始终追求极致的用户体验与音画质优化永远是他们的核心竞争力。今年7月芝杜发布了4款支持8K播放的硬盘播放器,又再次成为了高清视频播放器的领先者。 展开更多
关键词 媒体播放器 用户体验 核心竞争力 高清视频播放 产品销量 国内外市场
基于鸿蒙系统的分布式音乐播放器设计与实现 被引量:2
作者 刘丹 董明华 刘正 《安徽电子信息职业技术学院学报》 2023年第4期15-19,共5页
随着全场景多设备生活方式的不断深入,用户拥有的设备越来越多,为满足用户流畅完整的沉浸式体验需求,需要实现音乐在不同设备间的无缝流转。文章提供了基于鸿蒙系统的分布式音乐播放器的设计思路及实现过程。系统采用Java语言和DevEco S... 随着全场景多设备生活方式的不断深入,用户拥有的设备越来越多,为满足用户流畅完整的沉浸式体验需求,需要实现音乐在不同设备间的无缝流转。文章提供了基于鸿蒙系统的分布式音乐播放器的设计思路及实现过程。系统采用Java语言和DevEco Studio工具开发实现,可满足本地音乐的跨设备迁移需求,且迁移时保持当前播放的音乐、播放状态、播放进度的一致。 展开更多
关键词 HarmonyOS 音乐播放器 分布式 流转 数据迁移
Changes of China’s Status in the Global System and Its Influencing Factors:A Multiple Contact Networks Perspective
作者 LIU Jian LIU Jibin +2 位作者 YANG Qingshan CAI Sikai LIU Jie 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第2期265-279,共15页
Clarifying China’s position in the global system is an important logical basis for developing national diplomacy.Although much research has been done on China’s development status,most studies have been based on cou... Clarifying China’s position in the global system is an important logical basis for developing national diplomacy.Although much research has been done on China’s development status,most studies have been based on country comparisons or institutional en-vironment.In today’s networked era in which the global economy,trade,personnel,and information are closely connected,studies on China’s global position and its status changes and influencing factors in multiple contact networks are still insufficient.In this study,from the perspective of diverse global contact networks,we constructed economic,cultural,and political influence indices to explore the changes and influencing factors on China’s status in the global system from 2005 to 2018.The results show that during the study period,China’s global influence in the fields of economic ties,cultural exchanges,and political contacts increased significantly,but its influ-ence in the fields of cultural exchanges and political contacts lagged far economic ties.The pattern of China’s economic influence on various economies around the world has shown a transformation from an‘upright pyramid’to an‘inverted pyramid’structure.The proportion of these economies in low-influence zones has decreased from more than 60%in 2005 to less than 20%in 2018.China’s cultural and political influence on various economies around the world has increased significantly;however,for the former,the percentage of high-influence areas is still less than 20%,whereas for the latter the percentage of these economies in medium-and high-influence areas is still less than 50%.Analyses such as a scatter plot matrix show that geographical proximity,economic globalization,close cooperation with developing countries,and a proactive and peaceful foreign policy are important factors in improving China’s status in the diverse global network system. 展开更多
关键词 global system economic ties cultural exchanges political contacts multiple contact networks China’s status
Igneous intrusion contact metamorphic system and its reservoir characteristics:A case study of Paleogene Shahejie Formation in Nanpu sag of Bohai Bay Basin,China
作者 LI Wenke WU Xiaozhou +3 位作者 LI Yandong ZHANG Yan ZHANG Xin WANG Hai 《Petroleum Exploration and Development》 SCIE 2024年第2期320-336,共17页
Taking the Paleogene Shahejie Formation in Nanpu sag of Bohai Bay Basin as an example,this study comprehensively utilizes seismic,mud logging,well logging,physical property analysis and core thin section data to inves... Taking the Paleogene Shahejie Formation in Nanpu sag of Bohai Bay Basin as an example,this study comprehensively utilizes seismic,mud logging,well logging,physical property analysis and core thin section data to investigate the metamorphic reservoir formed by contact metamorphism after igneous rock intrusion.(1)A geological model of the igneous intrusion contact met amorphic system is proposed,which can be divided into five structural layers vertically:the intrusion,upper metamorphic aureole,lower metamorphic aureole,normal sedimentary layers on the roof and floor.(2)The intrusion is characterized by xenoliths indicating intrusive facies at the top,regular changes in rock texture and mineral crystallization from the center to the edge on a microscopic scale,and low-angle oblique penetrations of the intrusion through sedimentary strata on a macroscopic scale.The metamorphic aureole has characteristics such as sedimentary rocks as the host rock,typical palimpsest textures developed,various low-temperature thermal metamorphic minerals developed,and medium-low grade thermal metamorphic rocks as the lithology.(3)The reservoir in contact metamorphic aureole has two types of reservoir spaces:matrix pores and fractures.The matrix pores are secondary"intergranular pores"distributed around metamorphic minerals after thermal metamorphic transformation in metasandstones.The fractures are mainly structural fractures and intrusive compressive fractures in metamudstones.The reservoirs generally have three spatial distribution characteristics:layered,porphyritic and hydrocarbon impregnation along fracture.(4)The distribution of reservoirs in the metamorphic aureole is mainly controlled by the intensity of thermal baking.Furthermore,the distribution of favorable reservoirs is controlled by the coupling of favorable lithofacies and thermal contact metamorphism,intrusive compression and hydrothermal dissolution.The proposal and application of the geological model of the intrusion contact metamorphic system are expected to promote the discovery of exploration targets of contact metamorphic rock in Nanpu sag,and provide a reference for the study and exploration of deep contact metamorphic rock reservoirs in the Bohai Bay Basin. 展开更多
关键词 INTRUSION contact metamorphic aureole intrusion contact metamorphic system reservoir characteristics CENOZOIC Paleogene Shahejie Formation Nanpu sag Bohai Bay Basin
A Review of Contact Electrification at Diversified Interfaces and Related Applications on Triboelectric Nanogenerator
作者 Jun Hu Mitsumasa Iwamoto Xiangyu Chen 《Nano-Micro Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期106-130,共25页
The triboelectric nanogenerator(TENG)can effectively collect energy based on contact electrification(CE)at diverse interfaces,including solid–solid,liquid–solid,liquid–liquid,gas–solid,and gas–liquid.This enables... The triboelectric nanogenerator(TENG)can effectively collect energy based on contact electrification(CE)at diverse interfaces,including solid–solid,liquid–solid,liquid–liquid,gas–solid,and gas–liquid.This enables energy harvesting from sources such as water,wind,and sound.In this review,we provide an overview of the coexistence of electron and ion transfer in the CE process.We elucidate the diverse dominant mechanisms observed at different interfaces and emphasize the interconnectedness and complementary nature of interface studies.The review also offers a comprehensive summary of the factors influencing charge transfer and the advancements in interfacial modification techniques.Additionally,we highlight the wide range of applications stemming from the distinctive characteristics of charge transfer at various interfaces.Finally,this review elucidates the future opportunities and challenges that interface CE may encounter.We anticipate that this review can offer valuable insights for future research on interface CE and facilitate the continued development and industrialization of TENG. 展开更多
关键词 contact electrification INTERFACES Triboelectric nanogenerators Diversified applications
Thermal-contact capacity of one-dimensional attractive Gaudin-Yang model
作者 张小敏 程颂 陈洋洋 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期231-235,共5页
Tan's contact C is an important quantity measuring the two-body correlations at short distances in a dilute system.Here we make use of the technique of exactly solved models to study the thermal-contact capacity K... Tan's contact C is an important quantity measuring the two-body correlations at short distances in a dilute system.Here we make use of the technique of exactly solved models to study the thermal-contact capacity K_(T),i.e.,the derivative of C with respect to temperature in the attractive Gaudin-Yang model.It is found that K_(T) is useful in identifying the low temperature phase diagram,and using the obtained analytical expression of K_(T),we study its critical behavior and the scaling law.Especially,we show K_(T) versus temperature and thus the non-monotonic tendency of C in a tiny interval,for both spin-balanced and imbalanced phases.Such a phenomenon is merely observed in multi-component systems such as SU(2)Fermi gases and spinor bosons,indicating the crossover from the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid to the spin-coherent liquid. 展开更多
关键词 Tan's contact Gaudin-Yang model Bethe ansatz
Investigation of contact behavior on a model of the dual-mobility artificial hip joint for Asians in different inner liner thicknesses
作者 Taufiq Hidayat Muhammad Imam Ammarullah +5 位作者 Rifky Ismail Eko Saputra M Danny Pratama Lamura Chethan K N Athanasius Priharyoto Bayuseno J Jamari 《World Journal of Orthopedics》 2024年第4期321-336,共16页
BACKGROUND The four components that make up the current dual-mobility artificial hip joint design are the femoral head,the inner liner,the outer liner as a metal cover to prevent wear,and the acetabular cup.The acetab... BACKGROUND The four components that make up the current dual-mobility artificial hip joint design are the femoral head,the inner liner,the outer liner as a metal cover to prevent wear,and the acetabular cup.The acetabular cup and the outer liner were constructed of 316L stainless steel.At the same time,the inner liner was made of ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene(UHMWPE).As this new dual-mobility artificial hip joint has not been researched extensively,more tribological research is needed to predict wear.The thickness of the inner liner is a significant component to consider when calculating the contact pressure.AIM To make use of finite element analysis to gain a better understanding of the contact behavior in various inner liner thicknesses on a new model of a dual-mobility artificial hip joint,with the ultimate objective of determining the inner liner thickness that was most suitable for this particular type of dual-mobility artificial hip joint.METHODS In this study,the size of the femoral head was compared between two diameters(28 mm and 36 mm)and eight inner liner thicknesses ranging from 5 mm to 12 mm.Using the finite element method,the contact parameters,including the maximum contact pressure and contact area,have been evaluated in light of the Hertzian contact theory.The simulation was performed statically with dissipated energy and asymmetric behavior.The types of interaction were surface-to-surface contact and normal contact behavior.RESULTS The maximum contact pressures in the inner liner(UHMWPE)at a head diameter of 28 mm and 36 mm are between 3.7-13.5 MPa and 2.7-10.4 MPa,respectively.The maximum von Mises of the inner liner,outer liner,and acetabular cup are 2.4–11.4 MPa,15.7–44.3 MPa,and 3.7–12.6 MPa,respectively,for 28 mm head.Then the maximum von Mises stresses of the 36 mm head are 1.9-8.9 MPa for the inner liner,9.9-32.8 MPa for the outer liner,and 2.6-9.9 MPa for the acetabular cup.A head with a diameter of 28 mm should have an inner liner with a thickness of 12 mm.Whereas the head diameter was 36 mm,an inner liner thickness of 8 mm was suitable.CONCLUSION The contact pressures and von Mises stresses generated during this research can potentially be exploited in estimating the wear of dual-mobility artificial hip joints in general.Contact pressure and von Mises stress reduce with an increasing head diameter and inner liner’s thickness.Present findings would become one of the references for orthopedic surgery for choosing suitable bearing geometric parameter of hip implant. 展开更多
关键词 contact behavior contact pressure Finite element analysis Dual-mobility Artificial hip joint
Effect of surface modification on the radiation stability of diamond ohmic contacts
作者 牟恋希 赵上熳 +7 位作者 王鹏 原晓芦 刘金龙 朱志甫 陈良贤 魏俊俊 欧阳晓平 李成明 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期444-448,共5页
The ohmic contact interface between diamond and metal is essential for the application of diamond detectors.Surface modification can significantly affect the contact performance and eliminate the interface polarizatio... The ohmic contact interface between diamond and metal is essential for the application of diamond detectors.Surface modification can significantly affect the contact performance and eliminate the interface polarization effect.However,the radiation stability of a diamond detector is also sensitive to surface modification.In this work,the influence of surface modification technology on a diamond ohmic contact under high-energy radiation was investigated.Before radiation,the specific contact resistivities(ρc)between Ti/Pt/Au-hydrogen-terminated diamond(H-diamond)and Ti/Pt/Au-oxygenterminated diamond(O-diamond)were 2.0×10^(-4)W·cm^(2) and 4.3×10^(-3)Wcm^(2),respectively.After 10 MeV electron radiation,the ρc of Ti/Pt/Au H-diamond and Ti/Pt/Au O-diamond were 5.3×10^(-3)W·cm^(2)and 9.1×10^(-3)W·cm^(2),respectively.The rates of change of ρc of H-diamond and O-diamond after radiation were 2550%and 112%,respectively.The electron radiation promotes bond reconstruction of the diamond surface,resulting in an increase in ρc. 展开更多
关键词 single crystal diamond ohmic contact surface modification electron radiation
Supposition of graphene stacks to estimate the contact resistance and conductivity of nanocomposites
作者 Y.ZARE M.T.MUNIR +1 位作者 G.J.WENG K.Y.RHEE 《Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition)》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第4期663-676,共14页
In this study,the effects of stacked nanosheets and the surrounding interphase zone on the resistance of the contact region between nanosheets and the tunneling conductivity of samples are evaluated with developed equ... In this study,the effects of stacked nanosheets and the surrounding interphase zone on the resistance of the contact region between nanosheets and the tunneling conductivity of samples are evaluated with developed equations superior to those previously reported.The contact resistance and nanocomposite conductivity are modeled by several influencing factors,including stack properties,interphase depth,tunneling size,and contact diameter.The developed model's accuracy is verified through numerous experimental measurements.To further validate the models and establish correlations between parameters,the effects of all the variables on contact resistance and nanocomposite conductivity are analyzed.Notably,the contact resistance is primarily dependent on the polymer tunnel resistivity,contact area,and tunneling size.The dimensions of the graphene nanosheets significantly influence the conductivity,which ranges from 0 S/m to90 S/m.An increased number of nanosheets in stacks and a larger gap between them enhance the nanocomposite's conductivity.Furthermore,the thicker interphase and smaller tunneling size can lead to higher sample conductivity due to their optimistic effects on the percolation threshold and network efficacy. 展开更多
关键词 graphene polymer composite stacked nanosheet tunneling conductivity contact resistance INTERPHASE
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