Based on the simulation experiments of water and nitrogen transport, transformation and uptaking, under the condition of different cropping pattern of winter wheat in the greenhouse and the condition of different wast...Based on the simulation experiments of water and nitrogen transport, transformation and uptaking, under the condition of different cropping pattern of winter wheat in the greenhouse and the condition of different wastewater irrigation plan. An united computing model of crop growth, distribution of roots, water and nitrogen uptaking by roots and transformation in soil crop system was developed. Growth status of crops, root growth condition and water, nitrogen uptaking pattern by roots under different watering and N pollution conditions were simulated and analyzed due to the development of this mathematical model and the identification of parameters and boundary conditions in the greenhouse, so that it provided a primary computing method for selecting an efficient, productive watering and wastewater irrigating plan.展开更多
A series of simulation experiments of nitrogen transportation, absorption and transformation were conducted, and the different cropping patterns of winter wheat and wastewater irrigation plans were taken into consider...A series of simulation experiments of nitrogen transportation, absorption and transformation were conducted, and the different cropping patterns of winter wheat and wastewater irrigation plans were taken into consideration. Based on the experiments, an integrated model of crop growth, roots distribution, water and nitrogen absorption by roots, water and nitrogen movement and transformation in soil-crop system by two-dimension was developed. Parameters and boundary conditions were identified and an effective computing method for optimizing watering and wastewater irrigating plans was provided.展开更多
An analysis of the impact of simulation modelling in three diverse crop-livestock improvement projects in Agricultural Research for Development(AR4D) reveals benefits across a range of aspects including identificati...An analysis of the impact of simulation modelling in three diverse crop-livestock improvement projects in Agricultural Research for Development(AR4D) reveals benefits across a range of aspects including identification of objectives, design and implementation of experimental programs, effectiveness of participatory research with smallholder farmers, implementation of system change and scaling-out of results.In planning change, farmers must consider complex interactions within both biophysical and socioeconomic aspects of their crop and animal production activities.For this, whole-farm models that include household models of food, workload and financial requirements have the most utility and impact.The analysis also proposes improvements in design and implementation of AR4 D projects to improve the utility of simulation modelling for securing positive agronomic and livestock outcomes and lasting legacies.展开更多
The experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of crop system (DSSAT) OILCROP-SUN model simulating growth & development and achene yield of sunflower hybrids in response to nitrogen under irrigated con...The experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of crop system (DSSAT) OILCROP-SUN model simulating growth & development and achene yield of sunflower hybrids in response to nitrogen under irrigated conditions in semi arid environment, Sargodha, Punjab. The model was evaluated with observed data collected in trials which were conducted during spring season in 2010 and 2011 in Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan. Split plot design was used in layout of experiment with three replications. The hybrids (Hysun-33 & S-278) and N levels (0, 75, 150 and 225 kg.ha-1) were allotted in main and sub plots, respectively. The OILCROP-SUN model showed that the model was able to simulate growth and yield of sunflower with an average of 10.44 error% between observed and simulated achene yield (AY). The results of simulation analysis indicated that nitrogen rate of 150 kg.N.ha-1 (N3) produced the highest yield as compared to other treatments. Furthermore, the economic analysis through mean Gini Dominance also showed the dominance of this treatment compared to other treatment combinations. Thus management strategy consisting?of treatment 150 kg.N.ha-1 was the best for high yield of sunflower hybrids.展开更多
Accurate models to simulate the soil water balance in semiarid cropping systems are needed to evaluate management practices for soil and water conservation in both irrigated and dryland production systems. The objecti...Accurate models to simulate the soil water balance in semiarid cropping systems are needed to evaluate management practices for soil and water conservation in both irrigated and dryland production systems. The objective of this study was to evaluate the application of the Precision Agricultural Landscape Modeling System (PALMS) model to simulate soil water content throughout the growing season for several years and for three major soil series of the semiarid Texas Southern High Plains (SHP). Accuracy of the model was evaluated by comparing measured and calculated values of soil water content and using root mean squared difference (RMSD), squared bias (SB), squared difference between standard deviations (SDSD), and lack of correlation weighted by the standard deviation (LCS). Different versions of the model were obtained by modifying soil hydraulic properties, including saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) and residual (θr) and saturated (θs) soil volumetric water content, which were calculated using Rosetta pedotransfer functions. These modifications were combined with updated routines of the soil water solver in PALMS to account for rapid infiltration into dry soils that often occur in the SHP. Field studies were conducted across a wide range of soil and water conditions in the SHP. Soil water content was measured by neutron attenuation and gravimetrically throughout the growing seasons at each location to compare absolute values and the spatial distribution of soil water with PALMS calculated values. Use of Rosetta calculated soil hydraulic properties improved PALMS soil water calculation from 1% - 13% of measured soil volumetric water content (θv) depending on soil type. Large-scale models such as PALMS have the potential to more realistically represent management effects on soil water availability in agricultural fields. Improvements in PALMS soil water calculations indicated that the model may be useful to assess long-term implications of management practices designed to conserve irrigation water and maximize the profitability of dryland and irrigated cropping systems in the SHP.展开更多
Decision support system for agro-technology transfer (DSSAT), OIL CROP-SUN Model was used to stimulate the phenology, growth, yield of different two sunflower hybrids. i.e. Hysun-33 and S-78 by applying different nitr...Decision support system for agro-technology transfer (DSSAT), OIL CROP-SUN Model was used to stimulate the phenology, growth, yield of different two sunflower hybrids. i.e. Hysun-33 and S-78 by applying different nitrogen levels. The effect of nitrogen (N) on growth and yield components of different sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrids were evaluated under agro-climatic conditions of Sargodha, Pakistan during spring 2013. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with split plot arrangement having three replications, keeping cultivars in the main plots and nitrogen levels (0, 45, 90,135 and 180 kg/ha) in sub plots. OIL CROP-SUN Model showed that the model was able to simulate the growth and yield of sunflower with an average of 10.44 error% between observed and simulate achene yield (AY). The result of simulation indicates that nitrogen rate of 180 kg/ha produced highest achene yield in S-78 hybrid as compared to other treatments and Hysun-33 cultivar.展开更多
In order to develop basis for tactical or strategic decision making towards agricultural productivity improvement in Tanzania, a new approach in which crop models could be used is required. Crop specific parameters fo...In order to develop basis for tactical or strategic decision making towards agricultural productivity improvement in Tanzania, a new approach in which crop models could be used is required. Crop specific parameters for maize cultivars in Tanzania have not been determined before and consequently;crop modeling approaches to address biophysical resource management challenges has not been effective. The objective of this study was to evaluate DSSAT (v4.5) Cropping System Model (CSM) using four adapted maize cultivars namely Stuka, Staha, TMV1 and Pioneer HB3253 for quantifying model parameters. The results indicate that maize cultivars did not differ significantly in terms of the number of days to anthesis, maturity, or grain weight except final aboveground biomass. Also, there was no difference between variables with respect to growing seasons. The cultivar specific parameters obtained were within the acceptable range of those for a hypothetical maize medium season cultivar (990002) included in the DSSAT 45 CSM. Model evaluation results indicate that using the estimated cultivar coefficients, the model simulated well the effects of varying nitrogen management as indicated by the agreement index (d-statistic) closer to unity. Therefore, it is concluded that model calibration and evaluation was satisfactory within the limits of test conditions, and that the model fitted with cultivar specific parameters can be used in simulation studies for research, farm management or decision making.展开更多
明确农户水平稻油系统的产量差及进一步增产的限制因素对保障我国粮油安全具有重要作用。本研究以我国典型稻油系统生产区湖北省武穴市为研究对象,采用作物模型与田间调查相结合的方法评估了该地区稻油系统周年产量差,并使用单因素方差...明确农户水平稻油系统的产量差及进一步增产的限制因素对保障我国粮油安全具有重要作用。本研究以我国典型稻油系统生产区湖北省武穴市为研究对象,采用作物模型与田间调查相结合的方法评估了该地区稻油系统周年产量差,并使用单因素方差分析和条件推断树综合比较了农户在土壤条件和管理措施上的差异,以探究该地区限制稻油系统产量进一步增长的主要栽培因素及可行的增产途径,为因地制宜地缩小产量差提供新思路。结果表明:(1)武穴市水稻季和油菜季的潜在产量分别为11.79 t hm^(-2)和4.43 t hm^(-2),按照水稻和油菜籽粒的能量当量换算系统周年能量后,稻油系统的最高周年潜在能量为284 GJ hm^(-2)。水稻季和油菜季的平均实际产量分别为8.11 t hm^(-2)和1.82 t hm^(-2),系统平均实际周年能量为165 GJ hm^(-2)。该地区稻油系统的平均周年相对产量差(产量差与潜在产量的比值)为42%,其中油菜季(59%)比水稻季(31%)具有更大的产量提升空间。相较于湖北省和长江流域的平均水平,武穴市稻油系统周年潜在能量相近,而周年实际能量分别低13%和5%,导致该地区的产量差相对较大,其中分别有83%和61%的农户相对产量差大于湖北省和长江流域平均水平。(2)该地区周年产量较低的农户具有以下主要特征:土壤为沙壤土,耕层较浅;水稻季虫草害防治效果差,水稻季肥料做底肥一次施用且轻施氮、钾肥;油菜季重施肥料,且油菜机收损失较大。(3)武穴市89%的农户选择种植常规稻品种黄华占,其实际产量已达到该品种潜在产量的90%左右;种植油菜品种的种类较多且产量差异较大。综上,武穴市稻油系统仍具有较大的增产空间;缩小当地稻油系统产量差的技术措施包括:适当深耕提高土壤生产力;油菜季选择当地适宜的高产油菜品种;水稻季加强推广高产优质杂交稻品种,重点关注增加水稻用种量,提高直播密度和播种时的封闭除草,系统周年施肥管理上应降低油菜季而提高水稻季的肥料用量,水稻季仅施底肥的农户适当增施追肥等。展开更多
在保障粮食安全的前提下,东北黑土区作物和畜牧生产的耦合促进了农业绿色发展。本研究选择位于东北黑土区的吉林省农安县为研究区域,以农牧系统为研究边界,通过实地调研、统计数据和文献,结合食物链养分流动模型(NUFER:NUtrient flows i...在保障粮食安全的前提下,东北黑土区作物和畜牧生产的耦合促进了农业绿色发展。本研究选择位于东北黑土区的吉林省农安县为研究区域,以农牧系统为研究边界,通过实地调研、统计数据和文献,结合食物链养分流动模型(NUFER:NUtrient flows in Food chains,Environment and Resources use)定量分析1990—2020年农牧系统氮磷养分流动、利用效率和环境损失,探究气候和社会经济因素对氮磷排放的驱动作用,并设置平衡施肥(减少化肥施用)和有机肥替代(提升有机物料替代)两种情景评估该县减排潜力。结果表明,相对于1990年,2020年农安县农牧体系氮磷输入量分别下降45%和23%,其中化肥施用是最大的输入项。作物和农牧系统养分利用率波动增加,而畜禽系统养分利用率下降并逐渐趋于稳定。农牧体系氮磷损失量较1990年分别减少41%和增加29%。农田氨挥发、径流侵蚀和畜禽粪便直排为主要排放途径。通过平衡施肥和有机替代,土壤氮磷积累处于较低水平,至2030年农安县化学氮肥有80%的减施潜力,化学磷肥有85%的减施潜力,且氮磷养分环境排放均减少67%,作物和农牧系统养分利用率均增长50%以上。综上,农安县农牧体系未来可通过增加秸秆和粪便还田量提升化肥减施潜力。东北黑土区应继续深化化肥零增长政策,推行有机废弃物资源化利用,实现农牧系统协同优化发展。展开更多
通过分析定量化不同肥料管理模式下的农田水氮利用效率和氮素平衡状况,为推荐合理的肥料管理模式提供依据。以连续6年(1992年9月—1998年7月)不同肥料管理模式(传统化肥,T1;有机肥,T2;有机无机配施,T3)的田间试验数据为基础,对土壤-作...通过分析定量化不同肥料管理模式下的农田水氮利用效率和氮素平衡状况,为推荐合理的肥料管理模式提供依据。以连续6年(1992年9月—1998年7月)不同肥料管理模式(传统化肥,T1;有机肥,T2;有机无机配施,T3)的田间试验数据为基础,对土壤-作物系统碳氮水循环过程模型WHCNS进行了校验,应用校验后的模型定量化分析了不同肥料管理模式下的农田氮素淋失、水氮利用效率及氮素平衡。结果表明:3个处理6年的总渗漏量均很大,在1230 mm左右,占总降雨量(无灌溉)的35%~38%,与试验地土壤质地偏砂性有关。3个处理的水分利用效率大小顺序为T3>T1>T2,作物产量的差异是其主要原因,T3处理的作物产量最高而T2处理的作物产量最低。3个处理的氮素利用效率大小顺序为T3>T2>T1,氮素的主要去向是作物吸收和硝态氮淋洗,其中只施化肥处理的氮素淋洗率最大,占氮肥总量的33.6%,有机无机配施处理的氮素淋洗率最低,仅占氮肥总量的23.5%。经过6年轮作后的土壤与初始条件相比,只施用化肥的土壤氮素亏缺严重,达到144 kg N·hm-2,而加入有机肥模式土壤氮素亏缺较小,T2和T3处理分别为55、79 kg N·hm-2。有机无机配施模式在保证作物较高产量的情况下,不仅减小了硝态氮的淋洗,提高了水氮利用效率,而且有利于保持土壤氮素平衡,是3种肥料管理模式中最好的。展开更多
作物模型对人们认识作物生长过程以及对生长的调控提供了一种高效的工具。针对农业技术推广决策支持系统DSSAT(Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer)作物系统模型的发展历程、模型结构、数据输入输出、研究进展等进行...作物模型对人们认识作物生长过程以及对生长的调控提供了一种高效的工具。针对农业技术推广决策支持系统DSSAT(Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer)作物系统模型的发展历程、模型结构、数据输入输出、研究进展等进行了综述,为该模型在我国的应用提供参考。展开更多
运用知识工程和信息技术原理,将温室小型西瓜生长模型与A IP 1.0专家系统平台相结合,建立了基于生长模型的温室小型西瓜栽培管理专家系统(ESW CM),包括知识库(KB)、模型库(M B)、数据库(DB)、推理机(IE)和人机界面。系统综合运用推理、...运用知识工程和信息技术原理,将温室小型西瓜生长模型与A IP 1.0专家系统平台相结合,建立了基于生长模型的温室小型西瓜栽培管理专家系统(ESW CM),包括知识库(KB)、模型库(M B)、数据库(DB)、推理机(IE)和人机界面。系统综合运用推理、预测、解释等机制帮助用户设计栽培管理方案,解答栽培技术问题,以及动态模拟和预测温室小型西瓜的生育进程。基于生长模型的温室小型西瓜栽培管理专家系统将模型的预测功能与专家系统的逻辑推理相结合,提高了温室小型西瓜的栽培管理水平。展开更多
文摘Based on the simulation experiments of water and nitrogen transport, transformation and uptaking, under the condition of different cropping pattern of winter wheat in the greenhouse and the condition of different wastewater irrigation plan. An united computing model of crop growth, distribution of roots, water and nitrogen uptaking by roots and transformation in soil crop system was developed. Growth status of crops, root growth condition and water, nitrogen uptaking pattern by roots under different watering and N pollution conditions were simulated and analyzed due to the development of this mathematical model and the identification of parameters and boundary conditions in the greenhouse, so that it provided a primary computing method for selecting an efficient, productive watering and wastewater irrigating plan.
文摘A series of simulation experiments of nitrogen transportation, absorption and transformation were conducted, and the different cropping patterns of winter wheat and wastewater irrigation plans were taken into consideration. Based on the experiments, an integrated model of crop growth, roots distribution, water and nitrogen absorption by roots, water and nitrogen movement and transformation in soil-crop system by two-dimension was developed. Parameters and boundary conditions were identified and an effective computing method for optimizing watering and wastewater irrigating plans was provided.
基金the various projects and others who participated in the review and to ACIAR and CSIRO for logistical and financial supportPC was a research manager for these projects in CSIRO
文摘An analysis of the impact of simulation modelling in three diverse crop-livestock improvement projects in Agricultural Research for Development(AR4D) reveals benefits across a range of aspects including identification of objectives, design and implementation of experimental programs, effectiveness of participatory research with smallholder farmers, implementation of system change and scaling-out of results.In planning change, farmers must consider complex interactions within both biophysical and socioeconomic aspects of their crop and animal production activities.For this, whole-farm models that include household models of food, workload and financial requirements have the most utility and impact.The analysis also proposes improvements in design and implementation of AR4 D projects to improve the utility of simulation modelling for securing positive agronomic and livestock outcomes and lasting legacies.
文摘The experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of crop system (DSSAT) OILCROP-SUN model simulating growth & development and achene yield of sunflower hybrids in response to nitrogen under irrigated conditions in semi arid environment, Sargodha, Punjab. The model was evaluated with observed data collected in trials which were conducted during spring season in 2010 and 2011 in Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan. Split plot design was used in layout of experiment with three replications. The hybrids (Hysun-33 & S-278) and N levels (0, 75, 150 and 225 kg.ha-1) were allotted in main and sub plots, respectively. The OILCROP-SUN model showed that the model was able to simulate growth and yield of sunflower with an average of 10.44 error% between observed and simulated achene yield (AY). The results of simulation analysis indicated that nitrogen rate of 150 kg.N.ha-1 (N3) produced the highest yield as compared to other treatments. Furthermore, the economic analysis through mean Gini Dominance also showed the dominance of this treatment compared to other treatment combinations. Thus management strategy consisting?of treatment 150 kg.N.ha-1 was the best for high yield of sunflower hybrids.
文摘Accurate models to simulate the soil water balance in semiarid cropping systems are needed to evaluate management practices for soil and water conservation in both irrigated and dryland production systems. The objective of this study was to evaluate the application of the Precision Agricultural Landscape Modeling System (PALMS) model to simulate soil water content throughout the growing season for several years and for three major soil series of the semiarid Texas Southern High Plains (SHP). Accuracy of the model was evaluated by comparing measured and calculated values of soil water content and using root mean squared difference (RMSD), squared bias (SB), squared difference between standard deviations (SDSD), and lack of correlation weighted by the standard deviation (LCS). Different versions of the model were obtained by modifying soil hydraulic properties, including saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) and residual (θr) and saturated (θs) soil volumetric water content, which were calculated using Rosetta pedotransfer functions. These modifications were combined with updated routines of the soil water solver in PALMS to account for rapid infiltration into dry soils that often occur in the SHP. Field studies were conducted across a wide range of soil and water conditions in the SHP. Soil water content was measured by neutron attenuation and gravimetrically throughout the growing seasons at each location to compare absolute values and the spatial distribution of soil water with PALMS calculated values. Use of Rosetta calculated soil hydraulic properties improved PALMS soil water calculation from 1% - 13% of measured soil volumetric water content (θv) depending on soil type. Large-scale models such as PALMS have the potential to more realistically represent management effects on soil water availability in agricultural fields. Improvements in PALMS soil water calculations indicated that the model may be useful to assess long-term implications of management practices designed to conserve irrigation water and maximize the profitability of dryland and irrigated cropping systems in the SHP.
文摘Decision support system for agro-technology transfer (DSSAT), OIL CROP-SUN Model was used to stimulate the phenology, growth, yield of different two sunflower hybrids. i.e. Hysun-33 and S-78 by applying different nitrogen levels. The effect of nitrogen (N) on growth and yield components of different sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrids were evaluated under agro-climatic conditions of Sargodha, Pakistan during spring 2013. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with split plot arrangement having three replications, keeping cultivars in the main plots and nitrogen levels (0, 45, 90,135 and 180 kg/ha) in sub plots. OIL CROP-SUN Model showed that the model was able to simulate the growth and yield of sunflower with an average of 10.44 error% between observed and simulate achene yield (AY). The result of simulation indicates that nitrogen rate of 180 kg/ha produced highest achene yield in S-78 hybrid as compared to other treatments and Hysun-33 cultivar.
文摘In order to develop basis for tactical or strategic decision making towards agricultural productivity improvement in Tanzania, a new approach in which crop models could be used is required. Crop specific parameters for maize cultivars in Tanzania have not been determined before and consequently;crop modeling approaches to address biophysical resource management challenges has not been effective. The objective of this study was to evaluate DSSAT (v4.5) Cropping System Model (CSM) using four adapted maize cultivars namely Stuka, Staha, TMV1 and Pioneer HB3253 for quantifying model parameters. The results indicate that maize cultivars did not differ significantly in terms of the number of days to anthesis, maturity, or grain weight except final aboveground biomass. Also, there was no difference between variables with respect to growing seasons. The cultivar specific parameters obtained were within the acceptable range of those for a hypothetical maize medium season cultivar (990002) included in the DSSAT 45 CSM. Model evaluation results indicate that using the estimated cultivar coefficients, the model simulated well the effects of varying nitrogen management as indicated by the agreement index (d-statistic) closer to unity. Therefore, it is concluded that model calibration and evaluation was satisfactory within the limits of test conditions, and that the model fitted with cultivar specific parameters can be used in simulation studies for research, farm management or decision making.
文摘明确农户水平稻油系统的产量差及进一步增产的限制因素对保障我国粮油安全具有重要作用。本研究以我国典型稻油系统生产区湖北省武穴市为研究对象,采用作物模型与田间调查相结合的方法评估了该地区稻油系统周年产量差,并使用单因素方差分析和条件推断树综合比较了农户在土壤条件和管理措施上的差异,以探究该地区限制稻油系统产量进一步增长的主要栽培因素及可行的增产途径,为因地制宜地缩小产量差提供新思路。结果表明:(1)武穴市水稻季和油菜季的潜在产量分别为11.79 t hm^(-2)和4.43 t hm^(-2),按照水稻和油菜籽粒的能量当量换算系统周年能量后,稻油系统的最高周年潜在能量为284 GJ hm^(-2)。水稻季和油菜季的平均实际产量分别为8.11 t hm^(-2)和1.82 t hm^(-2),系统平均实际周年能量为165 GJ hm^(-2)。该地区稻油系统的平均周年相对产量差(产量差与潜在产量的比值)为42%,其中油菜季(59%)比水稻季(31%)具有更大的产量提升空间。相较于湖北省和长江流域的平均水平,武穴市稻油系统周年潜在能量相近,而周年实际能量分别低13%和5%,导致该地区的产量差相对较大,其中分别有83%和61%的农户相对产量差大于湖北省和长江流域平均水平。(2)该地区周年产量较低的农户具有以下主要特征:土壤为沙壤土,耕层较浅;水稻季虫草害防治效果差,水稻季肥料做底肥一次施用且轻施氮、钾肥;油菜季重施肥料,且油菜机收损失较大。(3)武穴市89%的农户选择种植常规稻品种黄华占,其实际产量已达到该品种潜在产量的90%左右;种植油菜品种的种类较多且产量差异较大。综上,武穴市稻油系统仍具有较大的增产空间;缩小当地稻油系统产量差的技术措施包括:适当深耕提高土壤生产力;油菜季选择当地适宜的高产油菜品种;水稻季加强推广高产优质杂交稻品种,重点关注增加水稻用种量,提高直播密度和播种时的封闭除草,系统周年施肥管理上应降低油菜季而提高水稻季的肥料用量,水稻季仅施底肥的农户适当增施追肥等。
文摘在保障粮食安全的前提下,东北黑土区作物和畜牧生产的耦合促进了农业绿色发展。本研究选择位于东北黑土区的吉林省农安县为研究区域,以农牧系统为研究边界,通过实地调研、统计数据和文献,结合食物链养分流动模型(NUFER:NUtrient flows in Food chains,Environment and Resources use)定量分析1990—2020年农牧系统氮磷养分流动、利用效率和环境损失,探究气候和社会经济因素对氮磷排放的驱动作用,并设置平衡施肥(减少化肥施用)和有机肥替代(提升有机物料替代)两种情景评估该县减排潜力。结果表明,相对于1990年,2020年农安县农牧体系氮磷输入量分别下降45%和23%,其中化肥施用是最大的输入项。作物和农牧系统养分利用率波动增加,而畜禽系统养分利用率下降并逐渐趋于稳定。农牧体系氮磷损失量较1990年分别减少41%和增加29%。农田氨挥发、径流侵蚀和畜禽粪便直排为主要排放途径。通过平衡施肥和有机替代,土壤氮磷积累处于较低水平,至2030年农安县化学氮肥有80%的减施潜力,化学磷肥有85%的减施潜力,且氮磷养分环境排放均减少67%,作物和农牧系统养分利用率均增长50%以上。综上,农安县农牧体系未来可通过增加秸秆和粪便还田量提升化肥减施潜力。东北黑土区应继续深化化肥零增长政策,推行有机废弃物资源化利用,实现农牧系统协同优化发展。
文摘通过分析定量化不同肥料管理模式下的农田水氮利用效率和氮素平衡状况,为推荐合理的肥料管理模式提供依据。以连续6年(1992年9月—1998年7月)不同肥料管理模式(传统化肥,T1;有机肥,T2;有机无机配施,T3)的田间试验数据为基础,对土壤-作物系统碳氮水循环过程模型WHCNS进行了校验,应用校验后的模型定量化分析了不同肥料管理模式下的农田氮素淋失、水氮利用效率及氮素平衡。结果表明:3个处理6年的总渗漏量均很大,在1230 mm左右,占总降雨量(无灌溉)的35%~38%,与试验地土壤质地偏砂性有关。3个处理的水分利用效率大小顺序为T3>T1>T2,作物产量的差异是其主要原因,T3处理的作物产量最高而T2处理的作物产量最低。3个处理的氮素利用效率大小顺序为T3>T2>T1,氮素的主要去向是作物吸收和硝态氮淋洗,其中只施化肥处理的氮素淋洗率最大,占氮肥总量的33.6%,有机无机配施处理的氮素淋洗率最低,仅占氮肥总量的23.5%。经过6年轮作后的土壤与初始条件相比,只施用化肥的土壤氮素亏缺严重,达到144 kg N·hm-2,而加入有机肥模式土壤氮素亏缺较小,T2和T3处理分别为55、79 kg N·hm-2。有机无机配施模式在保证作物较高产量的情况下,不仅减小了硝态氮的淋洗,提高了水氮利用效率,而且有利于保持土壤氮素平衡,是3种肥料管理模式中最好的。
文摘作物模型对人们认识作物生长过程以及对生长的调控提供了一种高效的工具。针对农业技术推广决策支持系统DSSAT(Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer)作物系统模型的发展历程、模型结构、数据输入输出、研究进展等进行了综述,为该模型在我国的应用提供参考。
文摘运用知识工程和信息技术原理,将温室小型西瓜生长模型与A IP 1.0专家系统平台相结合,建立了基于生长模型的温室小型西瓜栽培管理专家系统(ESW CM),包括知识库(KB)、模型库(M B)、数据库(DB)、推理机(IE)和人机界面。系统综合运用推理、预测、解释等机制帮助用户设计栽培管理方案,解答栽培技术问题,以及动态模拟和预测温室小型西瓜的生育进程。基于生长模型的温室小型西瓜栽培管理专家系统将模型的预测功能与专家系统的逻辑推理相结合,提高了温室小型西瓜的栽培管理水平。