Burial depth is a crucial factor affecting the forces and deformation of tunnels during earthquakes.One key issue is a lack of understanding of the effect of a change in the buried depth of a single-side tunnel on the...Burial depth is a crucial factor affecting the forces and deformation of tunnels during earthquakes.One key issue is a lack of understanding of the effect of a change in the buried depth of a single-side tunnel on the seismic response of a double-tunnel system.In this study,shaking table tests were designed and performed based on a tunnel under construction in Dalian,China.Numerical models were established using the equivalent linear method combined with ABAQUS finite element software to analyze the seismic response of the interacting system.The results showed that the amplification coefficient of the soil acceleration did not change evidently with the burial depth of the new tunnel but decreased as the seismic amplitude increased.In addition,the existing tunnel acceleration,earth pressure,and internal force were hardly affected by the change in the burial depth;for the new tunnel,the acceleration and internal force decreased as the burial depth increased,while the earth pressure increased.This shows that the earth pressure distribution in a double-tunnel system is relatively complex and mainly concentrated on the arch spandrel and arch springing of the relative area.Overall,when the horizontal clearance between the center of the two tunnels was more than twice the sum of the radius of the outer edges of the two tunnels,the change in the burial depth of the new tunnel had little effect on the existing one,and the tunnel structure was deemed safe.These results provide a preliminary understanding and reference for the seismic performance of a double-tunnel system.展开更多
Taking the Lower Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation in the southern margin of Junggar Basin as an example,the influences of the burial process in a foreland basin on the diagenesis and the development of high-quality res...Taking the Lower Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation in the southern margin of Junggar Basin as an example,the influences of the burial process in a foreland basin on the diagenesis and the development of high-quality reservoirs of deep and ultra-deep clastic rocks were investigated using thin section,scanning electron microscope,electron probe,stable isotopic composition and fluid inclusion data.The Qingshuihe Formation went through four burial stages of slow shallow burial,tectonic uplift,progressive deep burial and rapid deep burial successively.The stages of slow shallow burial and tectonic uplift not only can alleviate the mechanical compaction of grains,but also can maintain an open diagenetic system in the reservoirs for a long time,which promotes the dissolution of soluble components by meteoric freshwater and inhibits the precipitation of dissolution products in the reservoirs.The late rapid deep burial process contributed to the development of fluid overpressure,which effectively inhibits the destruction of primary pores by compaction and cementation.The fluid overpressure promotes the development of microfractures in the reservoir,which enhances the dissolution effect of organic acids.Based on the quantitative reconstruction of porosity evolution history,it is found that the long-term slow shallow burial and tectonic uplift processes make the greatest contribution to the development of deep-ultra-deep high-quality clastic rock reservoirs,followed by the late rapid deep burial process,and the progressive deep burial process has little contribution.展开更多
Hedysarum laeve Maxim. (Leguminosae) is one of the major species used frequently in revegetation of dune_field in the sandlands of the northern part of China by means of aerial sowing. Seedlings of the species after e...Hedysarum laeve Maxim. (Leguminosae) is one of the major species used frequently in revegetation of dune_field in the sandlands of the northern part of China by means of aerial sowing. Seedlings of the species after emergence above the sand surface may be buried in sand to various depths during its establishment in late spring and early summer. A study was made to examine the effects of sand burial at different levels of 0 (control), 33%, 67%, 100% and 133% of their shoot height, on the survivorship, growth, and biomass allocation pattern of H. laeve seedlings (one and two weeks old after emergence). When burial depth was up to 100% of their shoot height, about 70% seedlings died; and the burial at depth of 133% of their shoot height led to death of all seedlings. When seedlings was buried at depth of 33% and 67% of their shoot height, respectively, after six_week growth, their biomass of whole plant, blade, and root and relative growth rate were higher than the unburied counterparts. The seedlings in both 33% and 67% sand burial treatments did not significantly change their biomass allocation pattern comparing with the unburied ones. Furthermore, the number of leaves and shoot height of the seedlings in both 33% and 67% sand burial treatments were not significantly different from those of unburied individuals, respectively. The newly born leaves of the surviving seedlings, in 33%, 67%, and 100% burial treatments, during the period of experiment, were significantly more than those in control.展开更多
Organic carbon (OC), total nitrogen (TN), and ^210Pb in core sediment were measured to quantify the burial of organic carbon and the relative importance of allochthonous and autochthonous contributions during the ...Organic carbon (OC), total nitrogen (TN), and ^210Pb in core sediment were measured to quantify the burial of organic carbon and the relative importance of allochthonous and autochthonous contributions during the past one hundred years in Jiaozhou Bay, North China. The core sediment was dated using ^210Pb chronology, which is the most promising method for estimation of sedimentation rate on a time scale of 100-150 years. The variation of the burial flux of organic carbon in the past one hundred years can be divided into the following three stages: (1) relatively steady before 1980s; (2) increasing rapidly from the 1980s to a peak in the 1990s, and (3) decreasing from the 1990s to the present. The change is consistent with the amount of solid waste and sewage emptied into the bay. The OC:TN ratio was used to evaluate the source of organic carbon in the Jiaozhou Bay sediment. In the inner bay and bay mouth, the organic carbon was the main contributor from terrestrial sources, whereas only about half of organic carbon was contributed from terrestrial source in the outer bay. In the inner bay, the terrestrial source of organic carbon showed a steady change with an increase in the range of 69%-77% before 1990 to 93% in 2000, and then decreased from 2000 because of the decrease in the terrestrial input. In the bay mouth, the percentage of organic carbon from land reached the highest value with 94% in 1994. In the outer bay, the sediment source maintained steady for the past one hundred years.展开更多
The redox sensitive elements, molybdenum (Mo) and uranium (U), in marine sediments from the latest Permian Dalong (大隆) Formation at the Shangsi (上寺) Section, Northeast Sichnan (四川), South China, were a...The redox sensitive elements, molybdenum (Mo) and uranium (U), in marine sediments from the latest Permian Dalong (大隆) Formation at the Shangsi (上寺) Section, Northeast Sichnan (四川), South China, were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to determine their response to a range of redox conditions, and to estimate the organic carbon burial rate. On the basis of the correlation between anthigenic Mo abundance and organic carbon content in modern oceans, the organic carbon burial rates were calculated for the rocks at Dalong Formation, ranging from 0.48-125.83 mmol/(m^2.d), which shows a larger range than the mineralization rate of organic carbon at the continental margins (1.6-4.23 mmol/(m^2-d)). The Zr-normalized Mo and U abundances show large fluctuations in the entire section. The maxima of Zr-normalized Mo abundance and thus the maxima of the organic carbon burial rates were observed at the interval between the 155th and 156th beds (404-407 m above the base of Middle Permian). A decrease (the minimum) in U/Mo ratios is present in this interval. It is speculated that the oxygen-limited conditions and ultimately anoxia or euxinia may develop within this depth interval. In contrast, an enhanced enrichment of Zr-normalized U abundance is found, in association with less enrichment in Zr-normalized Mo abundance in the interval from the 151st to 154th beds (395-404 m above the base of Middle Permian), inferring the dominance of a suboxic/anoxic depositional condition (denitrifying condition), or without free H2S. The presence of small quantities of dissolved oxygen may have caused the solubilization and loss of Mo from sediments. It is proposed that the multiple cycles of abrupt oxidation and reduction due to the upwelling at this interval lead to the enhanced accumulation of authigenic U, but less enrichment of Mo. A decrease in the contents of U, Mo, and TOC is found above the 157th bed (407 m above the base of Middle Permian), in association with the enhanced U/Mo ratio, suggesting the overall oxic conditions at the end of the Dalong Formation.展开更多
With a comprehensive study on the petrology, geology and geochemistry of some Ordovician granule limestone samples in the Tahe Oiifieid of the Tarim Basin, two stages of burial dissolution were put forward as an in-so...With a comprehensive study on the petrology, geology and geochemistry of some Ordovician granule limestone samples in the Tahe Oiifieid of the Tarim Basin, two stages of burial dissolution were put forward as an in-source dissolution and out-source dissolution based on macro-microcosmic petrology and geochemistry features. The main differences in the two stages are in the origin and moving pass of acid fluids. Geochemical evidence indicates that burial dissolution fluids might be ingredients of organic acids, CO2 and H2S associated with organic matter maturation and hydrocarbon decomposition, and the in-source fluid came from organic matter in the granule limestone itself, but the out-source was mainly from other argillaceous carbonate rocks far away. So, the forming of a burial dissolution reservoir resulted from both in-source and the out-source dissolutions. The granule limestone firstly formed unattached pinholes under in-source dissolution in situ, and afterwards suffered wider dissolution with out-source fluids moving along unconformities, seams, faults and associate fissures. The second stage was much more important, and the mineral composition in the stratum and heat convection of the fluid were also important in forming favorable reservoirs.展开更多
Several paleoseismic events are recorded in the Neogene Linqu Group, exposed in the Linqu area, Shandong Province, China. The events were interpreted on the basis of fleldwork and laboratory analysis, which showed the...Several paleoseismic events are recorded in the Neogene Linqu Group, exposed in the Linqu area, Shandong Province, China. The events were interpreted on the basis of fleldwork and laboratory analysis, which showed the presence of seismites with plastically deformed soft-sediment deformation structures in the Shanwang Formation, and of seismic volcanic rocks in the Yaoshan Formation which show brittle deformation. The earthquake-triggered soft-sediment deformations in the seismites include load structures, ball-and-pillow structures, flame structures, piUow-like beds, boudinage structures, slump folds, syn-depositional faults, veins of liquefied sand, and dikes of liquefied sandy lime-mud. The seismic activity is also reflected in what might be called 'brittle seismites'; these originated when, under the influence of seismic vibrations, semi-consolidated conglomerate was shattered. Moreover, volcanic activity is related to intense earthquakes that affected basalts intercalated with sand layers; these successions are known as 'seismic volcanic rocks', which are characterized by veins of liquefied sand intruding the basalts. AH above traces of paleoseismic activity were left from one single time span of 4 Ma with active seismicity that took place 14-10 Ma. This time span is known as 'the Linqu Neogene Paleoseismic Active Period', which is divided into four paleoseismic episodes, which were responses to tectonic extension and basin rifting in this area. It even includes the activity of the Yishu Fault Zone during the Miocene and the Neogene. The ratios of trace elements in the seismites, w(La)/w(Sc) and w (La)/w(Th) are higher than the average value of the upper crust, but w(Th)/w(Sc) is lower; this is geochemical evidence for the basin rifting that resulted in a high sedimentation rate. The intense and frequent paleo-earthquakes are held responsible for the rapid burial of the Shanwang Biota. Secondary earthquake-induced processes (e.g. slumping of a lake shore and the strongly increased lacustrine sedimentation rate) contributed to the rapid burial of the biota.展开更多
Agriophyllum squarrosum is an annual desert plant widely distributed on mobile and semi-mobile dunes in all the sandy deserts of China. We studied the growth and physiological properties of A. squarrosum seedlings und...Agriophyllum squarrosum is an annual desert plant widely distributed on mobile and semi-mobile dunes in all the sandy deserts of China. We studied the growth and physiological properties of A. squarrosum seedlings under different sand burial depths in 2010 and 2011 at Horqin Sandy Land, Inner Mongolia to understand the ability and mechanism that A. squarrosum withstands sand burial. The results showed that A. squarrosum had a strong ability to withstand sand burial. Its survival rate, plant height and biomass increased significantly at a burial depth 25% of seedling height and decreased significantly only when the burial depth exceeded the height of the seedlings; some plants still survived even if the burial depth reached 266% of a seedling height. The malondialdehyde (MDA) content and membrane permeability of the plant did not change significantly as long as the burial depth was not greater than the seedling height; lipid peroxidation increased and cell membranes were damaged if the burial depth was increased further. When subjected to sand burial stress, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) activities and free proline content increased in the seedlings, while the catalase (CAT) activity and soluble sugar content decreased. Sand burial did not lead to water stress. Reductions in photosynthetic area and cell membrane damage caused by sand burial may be the major mechanisms increasing mortality and inhibiting growth of the seedling. But the increases in SOD and POD activities and proline content must play a certain role in reducing sand burial damage.展开更多
As a high-precision survey method,seismic surveying has been increasingly applied to inland water research,although its application to artificial reservoirs has remained limited.As a special artificial water body,rese...As a high-precision survey method,seismic surveying has been increasingly applied to inland water research,although its application to artificial reservoirs has remained limited.As a special artificial water body,reservoirs have important effects on the fluvial transport of material from land to ocean,and inevitably have complex terrain which can complicate and distort the results of seismic surveys.Therefore,there are still some problems need to be resolved in the application of seismic surveys in reservoirs with complex terrain.For this study,the Dongfeng Reservoir located in the upper reaches of the Wujiang River was chosen as an example to test the seismic survey method.Our testing showed that(1)because of the complex underwater terrain,the signal-to-noise ratio of the echo signal in canyon reservoir is low,making it difficult to determine sediment layers thicknesses in some areas;and(2)due to the large spatial heterogeneity of sediment distribution,insufficient density of cross-sections can lead to inaccurate interpolation results.To improve the accuracy of calculations,a mathematical method was used.Ultimately,the total burial mass of sediment was estimated at 2.85 x 107 tons,and the average burial rates of total organic carbon,total phosphorus,and total nitrogen were estimated at 0.194,0.011,and 0.014 g cm-2 year-1,respectively.These values were close to the results of previous studies and hydrographic station data,indicating that seismic survey can be a reliable and efficient method for the mapping of reservoirs.展开更多
Weedy rice(Oryza sativa f. spontanea) is one of the three worst paddy weeds in most rice growing areas. The unexpected heavy infestation is derived from a persistence of soil seed bank of weedy rice, which the shatter...Weedy rice(Oryza sativa f. spontanea) is one of the three worst paddy weeds in most rice growing areas. The unexpected heavy infestation is derived from a persistence of soil seed bank of weedy rice, which the shattered seeds chiefly feed back to. Information on soil seed bank dynamics is imperative to predict the infestation of weeds. In the present paper,the effect of rotary tillage on weedy rice seed bank structure was studied first, and a burial experiment of marked seeds was conducted to observe the overwintering survival, seed viability and seedling emergence of weedy rice. The results showed that the proportion of weedy rice seeds in deeper soil increased but seedling emergence decreased with increasing plowing depth. The viability of weedy rice seeds decreased as the burial duration time extended but more slowly in deeper soil layers. Additionally, there was no significant effect of burial density on seed viability. Moreover, the logistic model fitted well(R^2≥0.95, P≤0.01) with the depressive trends of seed viability with increasing burial time under all burial depths and densities which can provide us further information about seed survival. In field experiments, number of seedling emergence significantly decreased as seed burial depth increased, conversely, proportion of seedling emergence increased as seed burial density decreased. This study has important implications for determining strategies for weedy rice management by exhausting its seed bank through the alteration of tillage practices.展开更多
Long-term changes of composition, sources and burial fluxes of TOC (total organic carbon) in sediments of the central Yellow Sea mud area and their possible affecting factors are discussed in this paper. Firstly, si...Long-term changes of composition, sources and burial fluxes of TOC (total organic carbon) in sediments of the central Yellow Sea mud area and their possible affecting factors are discussed in this paper. Firstly, similarity analysis is employed to confirm that the carbon burial features resulted from two collected cores are typical in the central Yellow Sea mud area where YSWC (Yellow Sea Warm Current) is prevalent. On this basis, the burial flux of TOC here was considered to be 235.5-488.4 pmol/(cm^2.a) since the first industrial revolution, accounting for about 70%-90% among burial fluxes of TC (total carbon) in the sediments. Compared TOC/TC ratio in the two cores with that in other marine sediments worldwide, we suggest that the growth of calcareous/non-calcareous organisms and dissolution of IC (inorganic carbon) are important factors controlling the TOC/TC ratio in sediment. Results of two-end mixed model based on fi13C data indicate that marine-derived organic carbon (OCa) is the main part among total burial organic carbon which accounts for a ratio over 85%. Due to the high TOC/TC ratio in the two cores, TC in the sediments also mainly exists as OCa, and the proportion of OCa is about 60%-80%. Away from the shore and relatively high primary production in upper waters are the main reasons that OCa is predominant among all burial OC in sediments of the central Yellow Sea mud area. Burial of OC in this mud area is probably mainly influenced by the human activities. Although the economic development during the late 19th century caused by the first industrial revolution in China did not obviously increase the TOC burial fluxes in the sediments, the rise of industry and agriculture after the founding of new China has clearly increased the TOC burial flux since 1950s. Otherwise, we also realize that among TC burial fluxes, TIC account for about 10%-30% in sediments of the central Yellow Sea mud area, so its burial could not be simply ignored here. Distinct from TOC burial, long-term TIC burial fluxes variations relate with climate changes more closely: the East Asian summer monsoon may influence the strength of the Huanghe River (Yellow River) flood, which could further affect the transport of terrestrial IC from land to the central Yellow Sea as well as the burial of these IC in the sediments.展开更多
One deficiency of the NCAR Community Land Model (CLM3) is the disappearance of the simulated snow even in the middle of winter over a boreal grassland site due to unrealistically modeled high downward turbulent flux...One deficiency of the NCAR Community Land Model (CLM3) is the disappearance of the simulated snow even in the middle of winter over a boreal grassland site due to unrealistically modeled high downward turbulent fluxes. This is caused by the inappropriate treatment of the vertical snow burial fraction for short vegetation. A new snow burial fraction formulation for short vegetation is then proposed and validated using in situ observations. This modification in the CLM3 largely removes the unrealistic surface turbulent fluxes, leading to a more reasonable snowmelt process, and improves the snow water equivalent (SWE) simulation. Moreover, global offline simulations show that the proposed formulation decreases sensible and latent heat fluxes as well as the ground temperature during the snowmelt season over short vegetation dominant regions. Correspondingly, the SWE is enhanced, leading to the increase in snowmelt-induced runoff during the same period. Furthermore, sensitivity tests indicate that these improvements are insensitive to the exact functional form or parameter values in the proposed formulation.展开更多
基金Scientific Research Fund of Liaoning Provincial Education Department under Grant No.LJKZ0336。
文摘Burial depth is a crucial factor affecting the forces and deformation of tunnels during earthquakes.One key issue is a lack of understanding of the effect of a change in the buried depth of a single-side tunnel on the seismic response of a double-tunnel system.In this study,shaking table tests were designed and performed based on a tunnel under construction in Dalian,China.Numerical models were established using the equivalent linear method combined with ABAQUS finite element software to analyze the seismic response of the interacting system.The results showed that the amplification coefficient of the soil acceleration did not change evidently with the burial depth of the new tunnel but decreased as the seismic amplitude increased.In addition,the existing tunnel acceleration,earth pressure,and internal force were hardly affected by the change in the burial depth;for the new tunnel,the acceleration and internal force decreased as the burial depth increased,while the earth pressure increased.This shows that the earth pressure distribution in a double-tunnel system is relatively complex and mainly concentrated on the arch spandrel and arch springing of the relative area.Overall,when the horizontal clearance between the center of the two tunnels was more than twice the sum of the radius of the outer edges of the two tunnels,the change in the burial depth of the new tunnel had little effect on the existing one,and the tunnel structure was deemed safe.These results provide a preliminary understanding and reference for the seismic performance of a double-tunnel system.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41872113,42172109,42172108)CNPC-China University of Petroleum(Beijing)Strategic Cooperation Project(ZLZX2020-02)+1 种基金National Key R&D Program Project(2018YFA0702405)China University of Petroleum(Beijing)Research Project(2462020BJRC002,2462020YXZZ020)。
文摘Taking the Lower Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation in the southern margin of Junggar Basin as an example,the influences of the burial process in a foreland basin on the diagenesis and the development of high-quality reservoirs of deep and ultra-deep clastic rocks were investigated using thin section,scanning electron microscope,electron probe,stable isotopic composition and fluid inclusion data.The Qingshuihe Formation went through four burial stages of slow shallow burial,tectonic uplift,progressive deep burial and rapid deep burial successively.The stages of slow shallow burial and tectonic uplift not only can alleviate the mechanical compaction of grains,but also can maintain an open diagenetic system in the reservoirs for a long time,which promotes the dissolution of soluble components by meteoric freshwater and inhibits the precipitation of dissolution products in the reservoirs.The late rapid deep burial process contributed to the development of fluid overpressure,which effectively inhibits the destruction of primary pores by compaction and cementation.The fluid overpressure promotes the development of microfractures in the reservoir,which enhances the dissolution effect of organic acids.Based on the quantitative reconstruction of porosity evolution history,it is found that the long-term slow shallow burial and tectonic uplift processes make the greatest contribution to the development of deep-ultra-deep high-quality clastic rock reservoirs,followed by the late rapid deep burial process,and the progressive deep burial process has little contribution.
文摘Hedysarum laeve Maxim. (Leguminosae) is one of the major species used frequently in revegetation of dune_field in the sandlands of the northern part of China by means of aerial sowing. Seedlings of the species after emergence above the sand surface may be buried in sand to various depths during its establishment in late spring and early summer. A study was made to examine the effects of sand burial at different levels of 0 (control), 33%, 67%, 100% and 133% of their shoot height, on the survivorship, growth, and biomass allocation pattern of H. laeve seedlings (one and two weeks old after emergence). When burial depth was up to 100% of their shoot height, about 70% seedlings died; and the burial at depth of 133% of their shoot height led to death of all seedlings. When seedlings was buried at depth of 33% and 67% of their shoot height, respectively, after six_week growth, their biomass of whole plant, blade, and root and relative growth rate were higher than the unburied counterparts. The seedlings in both 33% and 67% sand burial treatments did not significantly change their biomass allocation pattern comparing with the unburied ones. Furthermore, the number of leaves and shoot height of the seedlings in both 33% and 67% sand burial treatments were not significantly different from those of unburied individuals, respectively. The newly born leaves of the surviving seedlings, in 33%, 67%, and 100% burial treatments, during the period of experiment, were significantly more than those in control.
文摘Organic carbon (OC), total nitrogen (TN), and ^210Pb in core sediment were measured to quantify the burial of organic carbon and the relative importance of allochthonous and autochthonous contributions during the past one hundred years in Jiaozhou Bay, North China. The core sediment was dated using ^210Pb chronology, which is the most promising method for estimation of sedimentation rate on a time scale of 100-150 years. The variation of the burial flux of organic carbon in the past one hundred years can be divided into the following three stages: (1) relatively steady before 1980s; (2) increasing rapidly from the 1980s to a peak in the 1990s, and (3) decreasing from the 1990s to the present. The change is consistent with the amount of solid waste and sewage emptied into the bay. The OC:TN ratio was used to evaluate the source of organic carbon in the Jiaozhou Bay sediment. In the inner bay and bay mouth, the organic carbon was the main contributor from terrestrial sources, whereas only about half of organic carbon was contributed from terrestrial source in the outer bay. In the inner bay, the terrestrial source of organic carbon showed a steady change with an increase in the range of 69%-77% before 1990 to 93% in 2000, and then decreased from 2000 because of the decrease in the terrestrial input. In the bay mouth, the percentage of organic carbon from land reached the highest value with 94% in 1994. In the outer bay, the sediment source maintained steady for the past one hundred years.
基金supported by the SINOPEC project (G0800-06-ZS-319)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 40673020 and 90714010)
文摘The redox sensitive elements, molybdenum (Mo) and uranium (U), in marine sediments from the latest Permian Dalong (大隆) Formation at the Shangsi (上寺) Section, Northeast Sichnan (四川), South China, were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to determine their response to a range of redox conditions, and to estimate the organic carbon burial rate. On the basis of the correlation between anthigenic Mo abundance and organic carbon content in modern oceans, the organic carbon burial rates were calculated for the rocks at Dalong Formation, ranging from 0.48-125.83 mmol/(m^2.d), which shows a larger range than the mineralization rate of organic carbon at the continental margins (1.6-4.23 mmol/(m^2-d)). The Zr-normalized Mo and U abundances show large fluctuations in the entire section. The maxima of Zr-normalized Mo abundance and thus the maxima of the organic carbon burial rates were observed at the interval between the 155th and 156th beds (404-407 m above the base of Middle Permian). A decrease (the minimum) in U/Mo ratios is present in this interval. It is speculated that the oxygen-limited conditions and ultimately anoxia or euxinia may develop within this depth interval. In contrast, an enhanced enrichment of Zr-normalized U abundance is found, in association with less enrichment in Zr-normalized Mo abundance in the interval from the 151st to 154th beds (395-404 m above the base of Middle Permian), inferring the dominance of a suboxic/anoxic depositional condition (denitrifying condition), or without free H2S. The presence of small quantities of dissolved oxygen may have caused the solubilization and loss of Mo from sediments. It is proposed that the multiple cycles of abrupt oxidation and reduction due to the upwelling at this interval lead to the enhanced accumulation of authigenic U, but less enrichment of Mo. A decrease in the contents of U, Mo, and TOC is found above the 157th bed (407 m above the base of Middle Permian), in association with the enhanced U/Mo ratio, suggesting the overall oxic conditions at the end of the Dalong Formation.
文摘With a comprehensive study on the petrology, geology and geochemistry of some Ordovician granule limestone samples in the Tahe Oiifieid of the Tarim Basin, two stages of burial dissolution were put forward as an in-source dissolution and out-source dissolution based on macro-microcosmic petrology and geochemistry features. The main differences in the two stages are in the origin and moving pass of acid fluids. Geochemical evidence indicates that burial dissolution fluids might be ingredients of organic acids, CO2 and H2S associated with organic matter maturation and hydrocarbon decomposition, and the in-source fluid came from organic matter in the granule limestone itself, but the out-source was mainly from other argillaceous carbonate rocks far away. So, the forming of a burial dissolution reservoir resulted from both in-source and the out-source dissolutions. The granule limestone firstly formed unattached pinholes under in-source dissolution in situ, and afterwards suffered wider dissolution with out-source fluids moving along unconformities, seams, faults and associate fissures. The second stage was much more important, and the mineral composition in the stratum and heat convection of the fluid were also important in forming favorable reservoirs.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC-41272066)the Program for Changjiang Scholars & Innovative Research Team of the University of China (IRT-13075)
文摘Several paleoseismic events are recorded in the Neogene Linqu Group, exposed in the Linqu area, Shandong Province, China. The events were interpreted on the basis of fleldwork and laboratory analysis, which showed the presence of seismites with plastically deformed soft-sediment deformation structures in the Shanwang Formation, and of seismic volcanic rocks in the Yaoshan Formation which show brittle deformation. The earthquake-triggered soft-sediment deformations in the seismites include load structures, ball-and-pillow structures, flame structures, piUow-like beds, boudinage structures, slump folds, syn-depositional faults, veins of liquefied sand, and dikes of liquefied sandy lime-mud. The seismic activity is also reflected in what might be called 'brittle seismites'; these originated when, under the influence of seismic vibrations, semi-consolidated conglomerate was shattered. Moreover, volcanic activity is related to intense earthquakes that affected basalts intercalated with sand layers; these successions are known as 'seismic volcanic rocks', which are characterized by veins of liquefied sand intruding the basalts. AH above traces of paleoseismic activity were left from one single time span of 4 Ma with active seismicity that took place 14-10 Ma. This time span is known as 'the Linqu Neogene Paleoseismic Active Period', which is divided into four paleoseismic episodes, which were responses to tectonic extension and basin rifting in this area. It even includes the activity of the Yishu Fault Zone during the Miocene and the Neogene. The ratios of trace elements in the seismites, w(La)/w(Sc) and w (La)/w(Th) are higher than the average value of the upper crust, but w(Th)/w(Sc) is lower; this is geochemical evidence for the basin rifting that resulted in a high sedimentation rate. The intense and frequent paleo-earthquakes are held responsible for the rapid burial of the Shanwang Biota. Secondary earthquake-induced processes (e.g. slumping of a lake shore and the strongly increased lacustrine sedimentation rate) contributed to the rapid burial of the biota.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31270752, 30972422)the National Key Technology R&D Program (2011BAC07B02-06)the Foundation for Excellent Youth Scholars of CAREERI, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Y451081001, Y451111001)
文摘Agriophyllum squarrosum is an annual desert plant widely distributed on mobile and semi-mobile dunes in all the sandy deserts of China. We studied the growth and physiological properties of A. squarrosum seedlings under different sand burial depths in 2010 and 2011 at Horqin Sandy Land, Inner Mongolia to understand the ability and mechanism that A. squarrosum withstands sand burial. The results showed that A. squarrosum had a strong ability to withstand sand burial. Its survival rate, plant height and biomass increased significantly at a burial depth 25% of seedling height and decreased significantly only when the burial depth exceeded the height of the seedlings; some plants still survived even if the burial depth reached 266% of a seedling height. The malondialdehyde (MDA) content and membrane permeability of the plant did not change significantly as long as the burial depth was not greater than the seedling height; lipid peroxidation increased and cell membranes were damaged if the burial depth was increased further. When subjected to sand burial stress, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) activities and free proline content increased in the seedlings, while the catalase (CAT) activity and soluble sugar content decreased. Sand burial did not lead to water stress. Reductions in photosynthetic area and cell membrane damage caused by sand burial may be the major mechanisms increasing mortality and inhibiting growth of the seedling. But the increases in SOD and POD activities and proline content must play a certain role in reducing sand burial damage.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41573064)the National Key Research and Development program of China (No. 2016YFA0601003)
文摘As a high-precision survey method,seismic surveying has been increasingly applied to inland water research,although its application to artificial reservoirs has remained limited.As a special artificial water body,reservoirs have important effects on the fluvial transport of material from land to ocean,and inevitably have complex terrain which can complicate and distort the results of seismic surveys.Therefore,there are still some problems need to be resolved in the application of seismic surveys in reservoirs with complex terrain.For this study,the Dongfeng Reservoir located in the upper reaches of the Wujiang River was chosen as an example to test the seismic survey method.Our testing showed that(1)because of the complex underwater terrain,the signal-to-noise ratio of the echo signal in canyon reservoir is low,making it difficult to determine sediment layers thicknesses in some areas;and(2)due to the large spatial heterogeneity of sediment distribution,insufficient density of cross-sections can lead to inaccurate interpolation results.To improve the accuracy of calculations,a mathematical method was used.Ultimately,the total burial mass of sediment was estimated at 2.85 x 107 tons,and the average burial rates of total organic carbon,total phosphorus,and total nitrogen were estimated at 0.194,0.011,and 0.014 g cm-2 year-1,respectively.These values were close to the results of previous studies and hydrographic station data,indicating that seismic survey can be a reliable and efficient method for the mapping of reservoirs.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31500350)the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFD0200805)
文摘Weedy rice(Oryza sativa f. spontanea) is one of the three worst paddy weeds in most rice growing areas. The unexpected heavy infestation is derived from a persistence of soil seed bank of weedy rice, which the shattered seeds chiefly feed back to. Information on soil seed bank dynamics is imperative to predict the infestation of weeds. In the present paper,the effect of rotary tillage on weedy rice seed bank structure was studied first, and a burial experiment of marked seeds was conducted to observe the overwintering survival, seed viability and seedling emergence of weedy rice. The results showed that the proportion of weedy rice seeds in deeper soil increased but seedling emergence decreased with increasing plowing depth. The viability of weedy rice seeds decreased as the burial duration time extended but more slowly in deeper soil layers. Additionally, there was no significant effect of burial density on seed viability. Moreover, the logistic model fitted well(R^2≥0.95, P≤0.01) with the depressive trends of seed viability with increasing burial time under all burial depths and densities which can provide us further information about seed survival. In field experiments, number of seedling emergence significantly decreased as seed burial depth increased, conversely, proportion of seedling emergence increased as seed burial density decreased. This study has important implications for determining strategies for weedy rice management by exhausting its seed bank through the alteration of tillage practices.
基金The National Key Basic Research Program of China under contract No.2010CB428902the United Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China and Shandong Province under contract No.U1406403the Special Fund for Basic Scientific Research Business of Central Public Research Institutes under contrast No.20603022013003
文摘Long-term changes of composition, sources and burial fluxes of TOC (total organic carbon) in sediments of the central Yellow Sea mud area and their possible affecting factors are discussed in this paper. Firstly, similarity analysis is employed to confirm that the carbon burial features resulted from two collected cores are typical in the central Yellow Sea mud area where YSWC (Yellow Sea Warm Current) is prevalent. On this basis, the burial flux of TOC here was considered to be 235.5-488.4 pmol/(cm^2.a) since the first industrial revolution, accounting for about 70%-90% among burial fluxes of TC (total carbon) in the sediments. Compared TOC/TC ratio in the two cores with that in other marine sediments worldwide, we suggest that the growth of calcareous/non-calcareous organisms and dissolution of IC (inorganic carbon) are important factors controlling the TOC/TC ratio in sediment. Results of two-end mixed model based on fi13C data indicate that marine-derived organic carbon (OCa) is the main part among total burial organic carbon which accounts for a ratio over 85%. Due to the high TOC/TC ratio in the two cores, TC in the sediments also mainly exists as OCa, and the proportion of OCa is about 60%-80%. Away from the shore and relatively high primary production in upper waters are the main reasons that OCa is predominant among all burial OC in sediments of the central Yellow Sea mud area. Burial of OC in this mud area is probably mainly influenced by the human activities. Although the economic development during the late 19th century caused by the first industrial revolution in China did not obviously increase the TOC burial fluxes in the sediments, the rise of industry and agriculture after the founding of new China has clearly increased the TOC burial flux since 1950s. Otherwise, we also realize that among TC burial fluxes, TIC account for about 10%-30% in sediments of the central Yellow Sea mud area, so its burial could not be simply ignored here. Distinct from TOC burial, long-term TIC burial fluxes variations relate with climate changes more closely: the East Asian summer monsoon may influence the strength of the Huanghe River (Yellow River) flood, which could further affect the transport of terrestrial IC from land to the central Yellow Sea as well as the burial of these IC in the sediments.
基金supported by the Key Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences under grant KZCX2-YW-217the National Natural Science Foundation of China (40830103)+1 种基金supported by NSF (ATM0634762)NOAA (NA07NES4400002)
文摘One deficiency of the NCAR Community Land Model (CLM3) is the disappearance of the simulated snow even in the middle of winter over a boreal grassland site due to unrealistically modeled high downward turbulent fluxes. This is caused by the inappropriate treatment of the vertical snow burial fraction for short vegetation. A new snow burial fraction formulation for short vegetation is then proposed and validated using in situ observations. This modification in the CLM3 largely removes the unrealistic surface turbulent fluxes, leading to a more reasonable snowmelt process, and improves the snow water equivalent (SWE) simulation. Moreover, global offline simulations show that the proposed formulation decreases sensible and latent heat fluxes as well as the ground temperature during the snowmelt season over short vegetation dominant regions. Correspondingly, the SWE is enhanced, leading to the increase in snowmelt-induced runoff during the same period. Furthermore, sensitivity tests indicate that these improvements are insensitive to the exact functional form or parameter values in the proposed formulation.