A Way with Dragons是一本探索幻想与时空穿梭幻想兼具的儿童幻想小说。该小说情节精彩连贯,富有教育意义,适合儿童阅读。该文从儿童观的角度去分析小说源语文本,总结源语文本具有口语化、生动性和教育性等三个特征。另外,以接受美学为...A Way with Dragons是一本探索幻想与时空穿梭幻想兼具的儿童幻想小说。该小说情节精彩连贯,富有教育意义,适合儿童阅读。该文从儿童观的角度去分析小说源语文本,总结源语文本具有口语化、生动性和教育性等三个特征。另外,以接受美学为理论指导,从词汇、句法和修辞手法三个维度入手,探讨翻译难点,力争重现原作的风格与儿童情趣。展开更多
Chinese Patent: CN1113964A Patentee: Mr. Zhidong Zhang et al, Research Institute of Metals, The Chinese Academy of Sciences Subject: 1:12 type permanent magnetic material Composition(at%): General formula: R(FeT)...Chinese Patent: CN1113964A Patentee: Mr. Zhidong Zhang et al, Research Institute of Metals, The Chinese Academy of Sciences Subject: 1:12 type permanent magnetic material Composition(at%): General formula: R(FeT)<sub>12-y</sub>X<sub>y</sub>,R( = rare earth) 4.0-10.0. Fe and T( = Transition metals) 61.0-95.0, X( = C and/or B) 0.385-30.5 and y =0.04-4.0. Abstract: The invention covers a 1:12 type rare earth permanent magnetic material with R(FeT)<sub>12-y</sub>X<sub>y</sub> as its main phase. The magnet made from the material has a better magnetic properties than the existing 1: 12 type magnets.展开更多
Chinese Patent: CN1116193A Patentee:Mr. Chenglin Hong et al, Tonghua, Jilin Province Subject: Magnetized Rare Earth Composite Fertilizer Abstract: The invention includes a magnetized rare earth composite nutrient fert...Chinese Patent: CN1116193A Patentee:Mr. Chenglin Hong et al, Tonghua, Jilin Province Subject: Magnetized Rare Earth Composite Fertilizer Abstract: The invention includes a magnetized rare earth composite nutrient fertilizer and its preparation. The main composition of the fertilizer is animal manure, chemical fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphate and potash, coal dust and rare earth and Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> dopants. The whole mixture is magnetized. The fertilizer is characterized by cheap price and long lasting effect and can improve the quality of the soil when展开更多
Chinese Patent: CN 1118012A Patentee:Mr. Shencheng Tao, Beijing Subject:Process for High Curie Temperature Amorphous RE Magnetic Material Abstract: The invention covers a heat treatment process for high Curie temperat...Chinese Patent: CN 1118012A Patentee:Mr. Shencheng Tao, Beijing Subject:Process for High Curie Temperature Amorphous RE Magnetic Material Abstract: The invention covers a heat treatment process for high Curie temperature amorphous rare earth magnetic material powder. The .conventional heat treatment process for high Curie temperature rare earth magnetic material powder with a size range 0.3—10 micron usually results in law efficiency, high cost and the oxidation of the powder when the temperature is raised from room temperature to the phase transition point. The invented process has solved these problems by controlling the following 4 steps: a. searching for phase transition point, b. searching for Curie point, c.展开更多
WANG Fengzhai never thought that he would become closely connected with Africa through a business opportunity. A few years ago, as a student at Shanghai Finance University. his image of Africa was a continent shrouded...WANG Fengzhai never thought that he would become closely connected with Africa through a business opportunity. A few years ago, as a student at Shanghai Finance University. his image of Africa was a continent shrouded in hunger, poverty and backward- ness.展开更多
Chinese Patent: CN1125652A Patentee:Mr. Wanxiang Ren et al, Anshan Iron & Steel Company Subject: Welding Rod for Mn-Steel Welding Abstract: The invented welding rod consists of two parts, one is the core alloy wit...Chinese Patent: CN1125652A Patentee:Mr. Wanxiang Ren et al, Anshan Iron & Steel Company Subject: Welding Rod for Mn-Steel Welding Abstract: The invented welding rod consists of two parts, one is the core alloy with a composition of C=O.08-0.25%, Si=O.30-1.51%, Mn=3.0-15.0%, Cr=5.0-15.0%, Ni=O.5-2.0%, B=O.005-0.1%, P【0.03%, S【0.03% and Fe balance, and the other is the outer coat alloy展开更多
Dragon boat racing dates back 2,000 years ago.The first participants,who celebrated the fifth day of the fifth lunar month of the Chinese calendar,were very superstitious.The race itself is related to the legend of Qu...Dragon boat racing dates back 2,000 years ago.The first participants,who celebrated the fifth day of the fifth lunar month of the Chinese calendar,were very superstitious.The race itself is related to the legend of Qu Yuan,a respected poet and statesman.It commemorates his passing and pays tribute to his spirit.The races are short with teams of up to 20 people fitting into a canoe-like boat.Each participant has a paddle which they must all use in unison to defeat the other teams they are racing.At the front of the boat,there will be a drummer who helps motivate and maintain rhythm,and ensures that the team is coordinated by using a percussion instrument.They provide a consistent and steadybeat to guide the paddler's strokes.展开更多
针对波浪能发电量取决于当地波浪特征和波浪能发电装置,而传统单一的波能流密度评估法则只考虑了地区波浪特性,未结合装置加以分析,评估结果偏向理论的问题,本文利用欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather For...针对波浪能发电量取决于当地波浪特征和波浪能发电装置,而传统单一的波能流密度评估法则只考虑了地区波浪特性,未结合装置加以分析,评估结果偏向理论的问题,本文利用欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, ECMWF)提供的第五代大气再分析数据集(ECMWF Reanalysis v5, ERA5)中的再分析波浪数据,通过装置得分的波浪能评估方法对北太平洋区域1979—2020年波浪能的空间分布进行了分析。结果表明:在本研究所涉及的地区中,纬度较高的地区波能流密度大且装置得分高,本研究所用评估方法的结论同传统评估方法一致,但在中国南海和部分太平洋纬度较低的地区,发电装置有着较好的连续发电条件,发电效率较高。不同装置间的适配区域也有很大不同,AquaBuoy和Pelamis装置的最佳适用区位于北太平洋纬度较高的地区,而Wave Dragon装置的最佳适用区范围更广,在150°E—160°W之间的纬度较低的地区也表现突出。对于中国南海海域,AquaBuoy装置的适配性最好,而北太平洋纬度较高的地区则最适合布置Pelamis装置,北太平洋纬度中游和较低区域最适合布置Wave Dragon装置。展开更多
反中子阱型研究堆独特的堆芯和反射层结构对传统上适用于动力堆的确定论堆芯物理计算方法提出了挑战。使用确定论程序DRAGON/DONJON对反中子阱型设计的中国先进研究堆(China Advanced Research Reactor,CARR)进行了堆芯物理计算与适用...反中子阱型研究堆独特的堆芯和反射层结构对传统上适用于动力堆的确定论堆芯物理计算方法提出了挑战。使用确定论程序DRAGON/DONJON对反中子阱型设计的中国先进研究堆(China Advanced Research Reactor,CARR)进行了堆芯物理计算与适用性分析。采用了多组件方法改善CARR堆芯组件均匀化计算的环境影响;使用OPTEX反射层优化方法对反射层均匀化群常数进行修正。将蒙特卡罗方法的计算结果作为参考解,使用DRAGON程序挂载几种常用的多群截面库进行组件计算,选择偏差最小的SHEM-295作为CARR堆芯物理计算截面库。将DRAGON/DONJON的计算结果与传统“三步法”和参考解进行对比表明:临界工况附近的有效增殖系数keff、堆芯活性区和重水箱中间位置的热中子注量率分布以及标准燃料组件的功率分布等核特性参数偏差较小。对于堆芯与重水箱交界、水池外真空边界、跟随体组件等处计算结果出现较大偏差的原因进行了分析。证明了使用DRAGON/DONJON程序进行CARR物理计算具备可行性且相较于传统“三步法”计算精度有了明显改善,能够满足CARR堆上实验方案设计、运行参数快速计算分析等需求。展开更多
两步法作为反应堆数值计算中的主流方法,因其受制于组件均匀化计算和堆芯扩散近似计算中引入的简化假设,对于精细化模型的计算可靠性需要进一步研究。基于DRAGON/DONJON计算BEAVRS 2.02(Benchmark for Evaluation And Validation of Rea...两步法作为反应堆数值计算中的主流方法,因其受制于组件均匀化计算和堆芯扩散近似计算中引入的简化假设,对于精细化模型的计算可靠性需要进一步研究。基于DRAGON/DONJON计算BEAVRS 2.02(Benchmark for Evaluation And Validation of Reactor Simulations Rev.2.0.2)基准题在热态零功率状态下的各项参数,先对组件进行输运计算,获得均匀化少群常数;再使用少群常数完成全堆芯扩散计算,最后比较了传统均匀化、一次多区均匀化和多次多区均匀化三种方案的计算误差。结果表明:本文计算结果与基准值相比吻合良好,临界硼浓度的误差在5×10^(-5)以内,控制棒价值的误差在5×10^(-4)以内。进一步对比裂变率发现,采用一次多区均匀化方案能将非对称燃料组件及相邻组件的平均误差从5.62%降低至3.345%,检验了两步法在精细化模型计算中的适用性。展开更多
特征线方法(Method of Characteristics,MOC)因其具备强大的几何处理能力,且在计算过程中亦能兼顾计算成本和计算精度,被广泛应用于高保真数值模拟计算中。常见的中子输运计算方法除MOC外,还包括碰撞概率法(Collision Probability metho...特征线方法(Method of Characteristics,MOC)因其具备强大的几何处理能力,且在计算过程中亦能兼顾计算成本和计算精度,被广泛应用于高保真数值模拟计算中。常见的中子输运计算方法除MOC外,还包括碰撞概率法(Collision Probability method,CP)和界面流法(Interface Current method,IC)等。本文从方法理论以及数值计算两方面将MOC、CP和IC进行比较分析,评估其在pin-by-pin计算中的能力。同时在MOC计算中,不同的参数选择会对计算成本和计算精度产生影响,因此有必要进行敏感性分析以寻求最佳参数。本文首先将三种计算方法从原理上进行比较分析,再基于2D C5G7-MOX基准题完成了数值计算及MOC参数敏感性初步分析。计算结果表明:MOC在计算精度、计算效率和内存开销上均优于CP和IC。MOC的计算耗时和内存开销分别为23.9 min和37.5 MB,与参考解的相对误差仅为6.04×10^(-4)。而CP和IC的计算耗时分别为MOC的56.7倍和15.6倍,内存开销分别为MOC的407.7倍和32.8倍。进一步通过参数敏感性分析发现:网格划分对计算内存开销以及计算时间的影响最大,而极角的选择对计算精度的影响最大,并且给出一组综合优化建议参数:网格划分6×6,极角为GAUS且数目为2,方位角个数为30。该组参数的计算耗时为45.4 min,内存开销为264.7 MB,相对误差为5.9×10^(-5),归一化后的栅元均方根误差为0.002 55。展开更多
‘Dragon king’theory of extreme events has been systematically proposed and discussed since 2012,the last‘year of dragon’in the Chinese lunar calendar(Sornette and Ouillon,2012;Yukalov and Sornette,2012;Sachs et al...‘Dragon king’theory of extreme events has been systematically proposed and discussed since 2012,the last‘year of dragon’in the Chinese lunar calendar(Sornette and Ouillon,2012;Yukalov and Sornette,2012;Sachs et al.,2012),and has been under discussion till present(e.g.,Eliazar,2017;Lin et al.,2018;Glette-Iversen and Aven,2021;Premraj et al.,2021;Lei et al.,2023).In this theoretical framework based on the physics of complexity,a‘dragon king’is defined as an event so extreme that it lies outside a power-law distribution.What is of special interest is that,according to its theory,a‘dragon king’event should pose significant predictability(Sornette and Ouillon,2012).As the next‘year of dragon’approaches soon,it is worth revisiting this concept.展开更多
Background:The incidence of lumbar disc herniation(LDH)is notably high.Consensus among experts highlights non-surgical treatments as the primary therapeutic approach for LDH.Contemporary medicine frequently employs ph...Background:The incidence of lumbar disc herniation(LDH)is notably high.Consensus among experts highlights non-surgical treatments as the primary therapeutic approach for LDH.Contemporary medicine frequently employs pharmacotherapy and epidural injections in such treatments,which are associated with numerous adverse effects.Prolonged use can severely impair the liver and kidney functions of patients.Hence,the role of safe and effective traditional Chinese medicine techniques becomes pivotal.Among various traditional Chinese medicine approaches for treating LDH,fire dragon cupping,renowned for its remarkable efficacy,cost-effectiveness,and ease of application,is extensively utilised in clinical settings for managing LDH.Nonetheless,there is a scarcity of systematic and standardised evidence from evidence-based medicine studies.Therefore,conducting a meta-analysis is imperative.Methods:A comprehensive computerised search was conducted in databases including China National Knowledge Infrastructure,WanFang Data,VIP,China Biology Medicine disc,PubMed,EMbase,The Cochrane Library,Web of Science,and CINAHL.The search aimed to gather randomised controlled trials on fire dragon cupping therapy for LDH,spanning from the inception of these databases until December 2023.Two researchers independently screened the literature according to inclusion and exclusion criteria,extracted data,and assessed the methodological quality of the studies included,utilising RevMan 5.3 software for meta-analysis.Results:The results show that the fire dragon cupping therapy group had better clinical effectiveness(relative risk=1.23,95%confidence interval(CI)(1.14,1.33),P<0.00001),less pain(standardized mean difference=–1.33,95%CI(–1.49,–1.16),P<0.00001),and some improvement in lumbar function(Japanese Orthopaedic Association scores:mean difference=3.37,95%CI(2.31,4.43),P<0.00001.Conclusion:The fire dragon cupping therapy significantly alleviates LDH,warranting its extensive application.However,considering the limitations in the number and quality of studies included,the aforementioned conclusion necessitates further validation through more high-quality research.展开更多
Dragon is a traditional totem of the Chinese nation and is worshiped by the Chinese people all over the world,representing auspiciousness,strength and wisdom.China has a vast territory.As for the rich and diverse inta...Dragon is a traditional totem of the Chinese nation and is worshiped by the Chinese people all over the world,representing auspiciousness,strength and wisdom.China has a vast territory.As for the rich and diverse intangible cultural heritage,there are many cultural treasures directly related to"dragon",and fire dragon dance is one of them.展开更多
My journey to Zhongshan City in Guangdong Province alongside experts,foreign correspondents,and local Chinese journalists proved to be an enlightening exploration of the intricacies of China’s development,especially ...My journey to Zhongshan City in Guangdong Province alongside experts,foreign correspondents,and local Chinese journalists proved to be an enlightening exploration of the intricacies of China’s development,especially within its smaller cities.While a brief five-day sojourn wasn’t sufficient for intimacy with the city’s entirety,the immersion into Zhongshan’s cultural,historical,and modern facets,including Zhongshan Museum,urban planning zones,business hubs,an industrial park,ancient villages,Dr.Sun Yat-sen Museum,and a monumental bridge project,left me with the impression that the city is awakening like a dragon ascending from the heart of Guangdong.展开更多
Your comments are welcome!Please feel free to contact us with your personal stories or vivid pictures!Address:24 Baiwanzhuang St.,Xicheng Dist.,Beijing,100037 E-mail:chinatodaynews@aliyun.com I am a consultant and ana...Your comments are welcome!Please feel free to contact us with your personal stories or vivid pictures!Address:24 Baiwanzhuang St.,Xicheng Dist.,Beijing,100037 E-mail:chinatodaynews@aliyun.com I am a consultant and analyst on international relations and co-editor of Friends of Socialist China based in London.My article“Embracing the Year of the Dragon”was published by China Today in the February issue.The Dragon,or Long in Chinese,is the only mythical creature among the 12 Chinese zodiac signs.展开更多
Artificial animals are increasingly used as conspecific stimuli in animal behavior research.However,researchers often have an incomplete understanding of how the species under study perceives conspecifics,and,he...Artificial animals are increasingly used as conspecific stimuli in animal behavior research.However,researchers often have an incomplete understanding of how the species under study perceives conspecifics,and,hence,which features are needed for a stimulus to be perceived appropriately.To investigate the features that bearded dragons(Pogona vitticeps)attend to,we measured their lateralized eye use when assessing a successive range of stimuli.These ranged through several stages of realism in artificial conspecifics,to see how features such as color,the presence of eyes,body shape and motion influence behavior.We found differences in lateralized eye use depending on the sex of the observing bearded dragon and the artificial conspecific,as well as the artificial conspecific’s behavior.Therefore,this approach can inform the design of robotic animals that elicit biologically-meaningful responses in live animals.展开更多
Ready to Race Contestants take part in a dragon boat race in the village of Longtan in Foshan,Guangdong Province,on 13 June.The race is part of activities across China to mark the Dragon Boat Festival.The festival com...Ready to Race Contestants take part in a dragon boat race in the village of Longtan in Foshan,Guangdong Province,on 13 June.The race is part of activities across China to mark the Dragon Boat Festival.The festival commemorates famous Chinese poet Qu Yuan,who was also a minister in the State of Chu during the Warring States Period(475 B.C.-221 B.C.).展开更多
文摘A Way with Dragons是一本探索幻想与时空穿梭幻想兼具的儿童幻想小说。该小说情节精彩连贯,富有教育意义,适合儿童阅读。该文从儿童观的角度去分析小说源语文本,总结源语文本具有口语化、生动性和教育性等三个特征。另外,以接受美学为理论指导,从词汇、句法和修辞手法三个维度入手,探讨翻译难点,力争重现原作的风格与儿童情趣。
文摘Chinese Patent: CN1113964A Patentee: Mr. Zhidong Zhang et al, Research Institute of Metals, The Chinese Academy of Sciences Subject: 1:12 type permanent magnetic material Composition(at%): General formula: R(FeT)<sub>12-y</sub>X<sub>y</sub>,R( = rare earth) 4.0-10.0. Fe and T( = Transition metals) 61.0-95.0, X( = C and/or B) 0.385-30.5 and y =0.04-4.0. Abstract: The invention covers a 1:12 type rare earth permanent magnetic material with R(FeT)<sub>12-y</sub>X<sub>y</sub> as its main phase. The magnet made from the material has a better magnetic properties than the existing 1: 12 type magnets.
文摘Chinese Patent: CN1116193A Patentee:Mr. Chenglin Hong et al, Tonghua, Jilin Province Subject: Magnetized Rare Earth Composite Fertilizer Abstract: The invention includes a magnetized rare earth composite nutrient fertilizer and its preparation. The main composition of the fertilizer is animal manure, chemical fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphate and potash, coal dust and rare earth and Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> dopants. The whole mixture is magnetized. The fertilizer is characterized by cheap price and long lasting effect and can improve the quality of the soil when
文摘Chinese Patent: CN 1118012A Patentee:Mr. Shencheng Tao, Beijing Subject:Process for High Curie Temperature Amorphous RE Magnetic Material Abstract: The invention covers a heat treatment process for high Curie temperature amorphous rare earth magnetic material powder. The .conventional heat treatment process for high Curie temperature rare earth magnetic material powder with a size range 0.3—10 micron usually results in law efficiency, high cost and the oxidation of the powder when the temperature is raised from room temperature to the phase transition point. The invented process has solved these problems by controlling the following 4 steps: a. searching for phase transition point, b. searching for Curie point, c.
文摘WANG Fengzhai never thought that he would become closely connected with Africa through a business opportunity. A few years ago, as a student at Shanghai Finance University. his image of Africa was a continent shrouded in hunger, poverty and backward- ness.
文摘Chinese Patent: CN1125652A Patentee:Mr. Wanxiang Ren et al, Anshan Iron & Steel Company Subject: Welding Rod for Mn-Steel Welding Abstract: The invented welding rod consists of two parts, one is the core alloy with a composition of C=O.08-0.25%, Si=O.30-1.51%, Mn=3.0-15.0%, Cr=5.0-15.0%, Ni=O.5-2.0%, B=O.005-0.1%, P【0.03%, S【0.03% and Fe balance, and the other is the outer coat alloy
文摘Dragon boat racing dates back 2,000 years ago.The first participants,who celebrated the fifth day of the fifth lunar month of the Chinese calendar,were very superstitious.The race itself is related to the legend of Qu Yuan,a respected poet and statesman.It commemorates his passing and pays tribute to his spirit.The races are short with teams of up to 20 people fitting into a canoe-like boat.Each participant has a paddle which they must all use in unison to defeat the other teams they are racing.At the front of the boat,there will be a drummer who helps motivate and maintain rhythm,and ensures that the team is coordinated by using a percussion instrument.They provide a consistent and steadybeat to guide the paddler's strokes.
文摘反中子阱型研究堆独特的堆芯和反射层结构对传统上适用于动力堆的确定论堆芯物理计算方法提出了挑战。使用确定论程序DRAGON/DONJON对反中子阱型设计的中国先进研究堆(China Advanced Research Reactor,CARR)进行了堆芯物理计算与适用性分析。采用了多组件方法改善CARR堆芯组件均匀化计算的环境影响;使用OPTEX反射层优化方法对反射层均匀化群常数进行修正。将蒙特卡罗方法的计算结果作为参考解,使用DRAGON程序挂载几种常用的多群截面库进行组件计算,选择偏差最小的SHEM-295作为CARR堆芯物理计算截面库。将DRAGON/DONJON的计算结果与传统“三步法”和参考解进行对比表明:临界工况附近的有效增殖系数keff、堆芯活性区和重水箱中间位置的热中子注量率分布以及标准燃料组件的功率分布等核特性参数偏差较小。对于堆芯与重水箱交界、水池外真空边界、跟随体组件等处计算结果出现较大偏差的原因进行了分析。证明了使用DRAGON/DONJON程序进行CARR物理计算具备可行性且相较于传统“三步法”计算精度有了明显改善,能够满足CARR堆上实验方案设计、运行参数快速计算分析等需求。
文摘两步法作为反应堆数值计算中的主流方法,因其受制于组件均匀化计算和堆芯扩散近似计算中引入的简化假设,对于精细化模型的计算可靠性需要进一步研究。基于DRAGON/DONJON计算BEAVRS 2.02(Benchmark for Evaluation And Validation of Reactor Simulations Rev.2.0.2)基准题在热态零功率状态下的各项参数,先对组件进行输运计算,获得均匀化少群常数;再使用少群常数完成全堆芯扩散计算,最后比较了传统均匀化、一次多区均匀化和多次多区均匀化三种方案的计算误差。结果表明:本文计算结果与基准值相比吻合良好,临界硼浓度的误差在5×10^(-5)以内,控制棒价值的误差在5×10^(-4)以内。进一步对比裂变率发现,采用一次多区均匀化方案能将非对称燃料组件及相邻组件的平均误差从5.62%降低至3.345%,检验了两步法在精细化模型计算中的适用性。
文摘特征线方法(Method of Characteristics,MOC)因其具备强大的几何处理能力,且在计算过程中亦能兼顾计算成本和计算精度,被广泛应用于高保真数值模拟计算中。常见的中子输运计算方法除MOC外,还包括碰撞概率法(Collision Probability method,CP)和界面流法(Interface Current method,IC)等。本文从方法理论以及数值计算两方面将MOC、CP和IC进行比较分析,评估其在pin-by-pin计算中的能力。同时在MOC计算中,不同的参数选择会对计算成本和计算精度产生影响,因此有必要进行敏感性分析以寻求最佳参数。本文首先将三种计算方法从原理上进行比较分析,再基于2D C5G7-MOX基准题完成了数值计算及MOC参数敏感性初步分析。计算结果表明:MOC在计算精度、计算效率和内存开销上均优于CP和IC。MOC的计算耗时和内存开销分别为23.9 min和37.5 MB,与参考解的相对误差仅为6.04×10^(-4)。而CP和IC的计算耗时分别为MOC的56.7倍和15.6倍,内存开销分别为MOC的407.7倍和32.8倍。进一步通过参数敏感性分析发现:网格划分对计算内存开销以及计算时间的影响最大,而极角的选择对计算精度的影响最大,并且给出一组综合优化建议参数:网格划分6×6,极角为GAUS且数目为2,方位角个数为30。该组参数的计算耗时为45.4 min,内存开销为264.7 MB,相对误差为5.9×10^(-5),归一化后的栅元均方根误差为0.002 55。
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC,contract number U2039207 and 41704093).
文摘‘Dragon king’theory of extreme events has been systematically proposed and discussed since 2012,the last‘year of dragon’in the Chinese lunar calendar(Sornette and Ouillon,2012;Yukalov and Sornette,2012;Sachs et al.,2012),and has been under discussion till present(e.g.,Eliazar,2017;Lin et al.,2018;Glette-Iversen and Aven,2021;Premraj et al.,2021;Lei et al.,2023).In this theoretical framework based on the physics of complexity,a‘dragon king’is defined as an event so extreme that it lies outside a power-law distribution.What is of special interest is that,according to its theory,a‘dragon king’event should pose significant predictability(Sornette and Ouillon,2012).As the next‘year of dragon’approaches soon,it is worth revisiting this concept.
基金supported by the 2022 study on the effectiveness of Fire Dragon Cupping in treating cold-dampness obstructive type shoulder stiffness,funded by the Bao'an District Healthcare Research Project in Shenzhen(Shen Bao Ke[2023]No.13,Project No.2022JD237)2023 study on the therapeutic observation and mechanism exploration of Fire Dragon Cupping in cold-dampness obstructive type acute gout,funded by the Guangdong Provincial Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine(Yue Zhong Yi Han[2023]No.205,Project No.20242077)+1 种基金National Clinical Key Specialty(Traditional Chinese Medicine)Construction Project(2013-239)Sanming Project of Medicine in Shenzhen(No.SZZYSM202206014).
文摘Background:The incidence of lumbar disc herniation(LDH)is notably high.Consensus among experts highlights non-surgical treatments as the primary therapeutic approach for LDH.Contemporary medicine frequently employs pharmacotherapy and epidural injections in such treatments,which are associated with numerous adverse effects.Prolonged use can severely impair the liver and kidney functions of patients.Hence,the role of safe and effective traditional Chinese medicine techniques becomes pivotal.Among various traditional Chinese medicine approaches for treating LDH,fire dragon cupping,renowned for its remarkable efficacy,cost-effectiveness,and ease of application,is extensively utilised in clinical settings for managing LDH.Nonetheless,there is a scarcity of systematic and standardised evidence from evidence-based medicine studies.Therefore,conducting a meta-analysis is imperative.Methods:A comprehensive computerised search was conducted in databases including China National Knowledge Infrastructure,WanFang Data,VIP,China Biology Medicine disc,PubMed,EMbase,The Cochrane Library,Web of Science,and CINAHL.The search aimed to gather randomised controlled trials on fire dragon cupping therapy for LDH,spanning from the inception of these databases until December 2023.Two researchers independently screened the literature according to inclusion and exclusion criteria,extracted data,and assessed the methodological quality of the studies included,utilising RevMan 5.3 software for meta-analysis.Results:The results show that the fire dragon cupping therapy group had better clinical effectiveness(relative risk=1.23,95%confidence interval(CI)(1.14,1.33),P<0.00001),less pain(standardized mean difference=–1.33,95%CI(–1.49,–1.16),P<0.00001),and some improvement in lumbar function(Japanese Orthopaedic Association scores:mean difference=3.37,95%CI(2.31,4.43),P<0.00001.Conclusion:The fire dragon cupping therapy significantly alleviates LDH,warranting its extensive application.However,considering the limitations in the number and quality of studies included,the aforementioned conclusion necessitates further validation through more high-quality research.
文摘Dragon is a traditional totem of the Chinese nation and is worshiped by the Chinese people all over the world,representing auspiciousness,strength and wisdom.China has a vast territory.As for the rich and diverse intangible cultural heritage,there are many cultural treasures directly related to"dragon",and fire dragon dance is one of them.
文摘My journey to Zhongshan City in Guangdong Province alongside experts,foreign correspondents,and local Chinese journalists proved to be an enlightening exploration of the intricacies of China’s development,especially within its smaller cities.While a brief five-day sojourn wasn’t sufficient for intimacy with the city’s entirety,the immersion into Zhongshan’s cultural,historical,and modern facets,including Zhongshan Museum,urban planning zones,business hubs,an industrial park,ancient villages,Dr.Sun Yat-sen Museum,and a monumental bridge project,left me with the impression that the city is awakening like a dragon ascending from the heart of Guangdong.
文摘Your comments are welcome!Please feel free to contact us with your personal stories or vivid pictures!Address:24 Baiwanzhuang St.,Xicheng Dist.,Beijing,100037 E-mail:chinatodaynews@aliyun.com I am a consultant and analyst on international relations and co-editor of Friends of Socialist China based in London.My article“Embracing the Year of the Dragon”was published by China Today in the February issue.The Dragon,or Long in Chinese,is the only mythical creature among the 12 Chinese zodiac signs.
文摘Artificial animals are increasingly used as conspecific stimuli in animal behavior research.However,researchers often have an incomplete understanding of how the species under study perceives conspecifics,and,hence,which features are needed for a stimulus to be perceived appropriately.To investigate the features that bearded dragons(Pogona vitticeps)attend to,we measured their lateralized eye use when assessing a successive range of stimuli.These ranged through several stages of realism in artificial conspecifics,to see how features such as color,the presence of eyes,body shape and motion influence behavior.We found differences in lateralized eye use depending on the sex of the observing bearded dragon and the artificial conspecific,as well as the artificial conspecific’s behavior.Therefore,this approach can inform the design of robotic animals that elicit biologically-meaningful responses in live animals.
文摘Ready to Race Contestants take part in a dragon boat race in the village of Longtan in Foshan,Guangdong Province,on 13 June.The race is part of activities across China to mark the Dragon Boat Festival.The festival commemorates famous Chinese poet Qu Yuan,who was also a minister in the State of Chu during the Warring States Period(475 B.C.-221 B.C.).