Eclogite lenses in marbles from the Dabie-Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terrane are deeply subducted meta-sedimentary rocks. Zircons in these rocks have been used to constrain the ages of prograde and UHP metamorphi...Eclogite lenses in marbles from the Dabie-Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terrane are deeply subducted meta-sedimentary rocks. Zircons in these rocks have been used to constrain the ages of prograde and UHP metamorphism during subduction, and later retrograde metamorphism during exhumation. Inherited (detrital) and metamorphic zircons were distinguished on the basis of transmitted light microscopy, cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging, trace element contents and mineral inclusions. The distribution of mineral inclusions combined with CL imaging of the metamorphic zircon make it possible to relate zircon zones (domains) to different metamorphic stages. Domain 1 consists of rounded, oblong and spindly cores with dark-luminescent images, and contains quartz eclogite facies mineral inclusion assemblages, indicating formation under high-pressure (HP) metamorphic conditions of T = 571-668℃ and P =1.7-2.02 GPa. Domain 2 always surrounds domain 1 or occurs as rounded and spindly cores with white-luminescent images. It contains coesite eclogite facies mineral inclusion assemblages, indicating formation under UHP metamorphic conditions of T = 782-849℃ and P 〉 5.5 GPa. Domain 3, with gray-luminescent images, always surrounds domain 2 and occurs as the outermost zircon rim. It is characterized by low-pressure mineral inclusion assemblages, which are related to regional amphibolite facies retrograde metamorphism of T = 600- 710℃ and P = 0.7-1.2 GPa. The three metamorphic zircon domains have distinct ages; sample H1 from the Dabie terrane yielded SHRIMP ages of 245 ± 4 Ma for domain 1, 235 ± 3 Ma for domain 2 and 215± 6 Ma for domain 3, whereas sample H2 from the Sulu terrane yielded similar ages of 244 ± 4 Ma, 233 ± 4 Ma and 214 ± 5 Ma for Domains 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The mean ages of these zones suggest that subduction to UHP depths took place over 10-11 Ma and exhumation of the rocks occurred over a period of 19-20 Ma. Thus, subduction from - 55 km to 〉 160 km deep mantle depth took place at rates of approximately 9.5-10.5 km/Ma and exhumation from depths 〉160 km to the base of the crust at -30 km occurred at approximately 6.5 km/Ma. We propose a model for these rocks involving deep subduction of continental margin lithosphere followed by ultrafast exhumation driven by buoyancy forces after break-off of the UHP slab deep within the mantle.展开更多
: The 3He/4He ratios of most eclogites from the Dabie-Sulu terrane range from 0.056 to 0.67 Ra; the data points fall into the mixing part of the crust and the mantle in the 3He-4He diagram. The 3He/4He ratios of eclog...: The 3He/4He ratios of most eclogites from the Dabie-Sulu terrane range from 0.056 to 0.67 Ra; the data points fall into the mixing part of the crust and the mantle in the 3He-4He diagram. The 3He/4He ratios of eclogites are obviously correlated with the types of their surrounding rocks. The helium isotope composition of the eclogites from the Bixiling complex possesses characters of mantle-derived rocks with the 3He/4He ratio being 5.6 Ra. The 4He concentration of the eclogites exhibits visible inverse correlation with the δ18O value of the quartz in the eclogites from the Sulu area. The δ18O values of the eclogites change synchronously with those of the country rocks. Those results suggest that protoliths of the eclogites were basic-ultrabasic rock bodies or veins intruding into the continental crust in the early stage; strong exchange and hybridization between the basic-ultrabasic rocks and continental rocks and the atmospheric water during the intrusion led to abrupt increase of the 3He/4He ratios, δ18O values and Nd(0) values of the intrusive bodies or veins, which show characters of continental rocks. This indicates that the eclogites are autochthonous.展开更多
Destruction of the North China Craton has caused extensive concern on its multiple potential mechanisms including thermal erosion,chemical erosion and delamination.It is widely accepted that thinning of the
Whether the HP and UHP metamorphic rocks of the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt are of an "in-situ" or "foreign" origin is a long-standing dispute among geologists. Eclogites preserved today in the HP and...Whether the HP and UHP metamorphic rocks of the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt are of an "in-situ" or "foreign" origin is a long-standing dispute among geologists. Eclogites preserved today in the HP and UHP units constitute merely 5-10%, which are not isolated exotic bodies tectonically intruding into amphibolite facies gneiss, but remnants of once pervasive or widespread eclogite-facies terranes or slabs. The present spatial distribution and forms of the eclogites have resulted from polyphase and progressive deformation and strain partitioning of the HP and UHP slabs. From their formation in deep mantle to their exhumation to the surface, the eclogites have experienced long-term deformation with different strain regimes. The dominant regime responsible for the present spatial distribution and forms of the eclogites is the shear process. The deformation patterns of the eclogites and gneiss matrix also clearly show that the eclogites were metamorphosed in situ. The original distribution area of the eclogites展开更多
The Dabie metamorphic terrane is tectonically located within the intersection area of the WNW trending east Qinling orogenic belt with the NNE trending west Pacific domain. The Punctuated multistage convergent movemen...The Dabie metamorphic terrane is tectonically located within the intersection area of the WNW trending east Qinling orogenic belt with the NNE trending west Pacific domain. The Punctuated multistage convergent movement and the emplacemeat of YanShanian granitoid intrusions account for the complication of its tectonic framework. The Dabie metamorphic complex is composed of 3 units: supracrustals of early Precambrian age, granite gneiss and metamorphic magic rocks of lats Precambrian age. Three major metsmorphic Stages can be traced, i. e. granulite factes, amphibolite facies of Precambrian and the HP/ LT epidote amphibolite and greenschist facies of Phanerozoic. The Hong'an Group underlying the Dabie complex shows epidote amphibolite facies which is probably synchronous with the amphibolite facies of the Dabie complex. The Protolith of the HP and UHP eclogiter are diversided. The amphibole, epidote and other mineral inclusions within the eclogite minerals testify to the earlier history of Pre-eclogitic metamorphism. The peak metamorphic assemblage coesite-omphacite-garnet is superimposed by amphibolite, epidote amphibolite and greenschist facies of retrograde metamorphism. In many regions the eclogites appear as pods, lenses and layers within ductile shear zones having synkinematic greenschist or epidote amphibolite facies of retrograde metamorphism. The Sm-Nd isochron of whole rock and garnet combined with Ph-Ph dating of zircon crystals from Mifengjian eclogite block in Hubei suggest that the UHI, metamorphism probably took Place nearly 480 Ma Which evideoces one of the most important tertono-thermal events of the punctuated evolution in the Dabie terrane.展开更多
The Drillhole ZK703 with a depth of 558 m is located in the Donghai area of the southern Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt, eastern China, and penetrates typical UHP eclogites and various non-mafic rocks,...The Drillhole ZK703 with a depth of 558 m is located in the Donghai area of the southern Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt, eastern China, and penetrates typical UHP eclogites and various non-mafic rocks, including peridotite, gneiss, schist and quartzite. Their protoliths include ultramafic, mafic, intermediate, intermediate-acidic, acidic igneous rocks and sediments. These rocks are intimately interlayered, which are meters to millimeters thick with sharp and nontectonic contacts, suggesting in-situ metamorphism under UHP eclogite facies conditions. The following petrologic features indicate that the non-mafic rocks have experienced early-stage UHP metamorphism together with the eclogites: (1) phengite relics in gneisses and schists contain a high content of Si, up to 3.52 p.f.u. (per formula unit), while amphibolite-facies phengites have considerably low Si content (<3.26 p.f.u.); (2) jadeite relics are found in quartzite and jadeitite; (3) various types of symplectitic coronas and pseud展开更多
The Dabie UHP metamorphic belt, central China,contains two contrasting types of mafic-ultramafic complex. The Bixiling peridotite in the southern Dabie terrane contains abundant garnet (21.1-32.2 vol% )and thus ha... The Dabie UHP metamorphic belt, central China,contains two contrasting types of mafic-ultramafic complex. The Bixiling peridotite in the southern Dabie terrane contains abundant garnet (21.1-32.2 vol% )and thus has high CaO + Al2O3 (9.81-15.9 wt% ).……展开更多
In order to constrain temperature during subduction and subsequent exhumation of fel- sic continental crust, we carried out a Ti-in-zircon thermometer coupled with zircon internal structure and U-Pb age on migmatitic ...In order to constrain temperature during subduction and subsequent exhumation of fel- sic continental crust, we carried out a Ti-in-zircon thermometer coupled with zircon internal structure and U-Pb age on migmatitic gneisses from the Weihai region in the Sulu ultra-high pres- sure (UHP) metamorphic terrane, eastern China. The Weihai migmatitic gneisses are composed of in- tercalated compositional layers of melanosome and plagioclase (Pl)-rich lencosome and K-feldspar (Kfs)-rich pegmatite veins. Four stages of zircon growth were recognized in the Weihai migmatitic gneisses. They successively recorded informations of protolith, prograde metamorphism, decompres- sional partial melting during early stage exhumation and subsequent fractional crystallization of pri- mary melt during later stage cooling exhumation. The inherited cores in zircon from the melanosome and the Pl-rich leucosome suggest that the pro- tolith of the migmatitic gneiss is Mid- Neoproterozoic (-780 Ma) magmatic rock. Metamorphic zircons with concordant ages ranging from 243 to 256 Ma occur as over- growth mantles on the protolith magmatic zir- con cores. The estimated growth temperatures (625-717 "C) of the metamorphic zircons have a negative correlation with their ages, indicating a progressive metamorphism in HP eciogite-facies condition during subduction. Zircon recrystal- lized rims (228-2 Ma) in the PI-rich ieucosome layers provide the lower limit of the decompress-sional partial melting time during exhumation. The ages from 228^-2 to 219~2 Ma recorded in the Pl-rich leucosome and the Kfs-rich pegmatite vein, respectively, suggest the duration of the fractional crystallization of primary melt during exhumation. The calculated growth temperatures of the zircon rims from the Pl-rich leucosome range from 858 to 739 , and the temperatures of new growth zircon grains (219±2 Ma) in Kfs-rich vein are between 769 and 529 . The estimated temperatures have a positive correlation with ages from the Pl-rich leucosome to the Kfs-rich pegmatite vein, strongly indi- cating that a process of fractional crystallization of the partial melt during exhumation.展开更多
Some geologists reported their discovery of sandwiched low-grade metamorphic slabs within UHP metamorphic Complexes in Changpu, Yuexi County, Anhui Province. They also suggested that some coesite-bearing eclogites are...Some geologists reported their discovery of sandwiched low-grade metamorphic slabs within UHP metamorphic Complexes in Changpu, Yuexi County, Anhui Province. They also suggested that some coesite-bearing eclogites are igneous veins, which intruded low-grade metamorphic slabs and other related rocks. Moreover they further called in question to UHP matamorphic process and continental collision tectonism in the Dabieshan terrane. Based on our recent study so-called low-grade metamorphic slabs are strongly deformed fabric, fine-grained and tectonic recrystallized mylonites and tectonites. Their protolith rocks are garnet-bearing orthogneiss, eclogite and marble, as well as a few amounts of strongly deformed acid and basic veins. Their metamorphic, geochemical and geochronological characteristics are also identical with UHPM rocks and regional country orthogneisses. Therefore we conclude that there are not low-grade metamorphic slabs sand wiched with UHP metamorphic rocks in the Dabieshan terrane.展开更多
基金the National 973 Project of Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (Grant No. 2003CB716502) the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40399143) +1 种基金 the German Science Foundation (DFG grant No. GE 1152/2-2 , WE2850/3- 1).
文摘Eclogite lenses in marbles from the Dabie-Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terrane are deeply subducted meta-sedimentary rocks. Zircons in these rocks have been used to constrain the ages of prograde and UHP metamorphism during subduction, and later retrograde metamorphism during exhumation. Inherited (detrital) and metamorphic zircons were distinguished on the basis of transmitted light microscopy, cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging, trace element contents and mineral inclusions. The distribution of mineral inclusions combined with CL imaging of the metamorphic zircon make it possible to relate zircon zones (domains) to different metamorphic stages. Domain 1 consists of rounded, oblong and spindly cores with dark-luminescent images, and contains quartz eclogite facies mineral inclusion assemblages, indicating formation under high-pressure (HP) metamorphic conditions of T = 571-668℃ and P =1.7-2.02 GPa. Domain 2 always surrounds domain 1 or occurs as rounded and spindly cores with white-luminescent images. It contains coesite eclogite facies mineral inclusion assemblages, indicating formation under UHP metamorphic conditions of T = 782-849℃ and P 〉 5.5 GPa. Domain 3, with gray-luminescent images, always surrounds domain 2 and occurs as the outermost zircon rim. It is characterized by low-pressure mineral inclusion assemblages, which are related to regional amphibolite facies retrograde metamorphism of T = 600- 710℃ and P = 0.7-1.2 GPa. The three metamorphic zircon domains have distinct ages; sample H1 from the Dabie terrane yielded SHRIMP ages of 245 ± 4 Ma for domain 1, 235 ± 3 Ma for domain 2 and 215± 6 Ma for domain 3, whereas sample H2 from the Sulu terrane yielded similar ages of 244 ± 4 Ma, 233 ± 4 Ma and 214 ± 5 Ma for Domains 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The mean ages of these zones suggest that subduction to UHP depths took place over 10-11 Ma and exhumation of the rocks occurred over a period of 19-20 Ma. Thus, subduction from - 55 km to 〉 160 km deep mantle depth took place at rates of approximately 9.5-10.5 km/Ma and exhumation from depths 〉160 km to the base of the crust at -30 km occurred at approximately 6.5 km/Ma. We propose a model for these rocks involving deep subduction of continental margin lithosphere followed by ultrafast exhumation driven by buoyancy forces after break-off of the UHP slab deep within the mantle.
文摘: The 3He/4He ratios of most eclogites from the Dabie-Sulu terrane range from 0.056 to 0.67 Ra; the data points fall into the mixing part of the crust and the mantle in the 3He-4He diagram. The 3He/4He ratios of eclogites are obviously correlated with the types of their surrounding rocks. The helium isotope composition of the eclogites from the Bixiling complex possesses characters of mantle-derived rocks with the 3He/4He ratio being 5.6 Ra. The 4He concentration of the eclogites exhibits visible inverse correlation with the δ18O value of the quartz in the eclogites from the Sulu area. The δ18O values of the eclogites change synchronously with those of the country rocks. Those results suggest that protoliths of the eclogites were basic-ultrabasic rock bodies or veins intruding into the continental crust in the early stage; strong exchange and hybridization between the basic-ultrabasic rocks and continental rocks and the atmospheric water during the intrusion led to abrupt increase of the 3He/4He ratios, δ18O values and Nd(0) values of the intrusive bodies or veins, which show characters of continental rocks. This indicates that the eclogites are autochthonous.
文摘Destruction of the North China Craton has caused extensive concern on its multiple potential mechanisms including thermal erosion,chemical erosion and delamination.It is widely accepted that thinning of the
基金support from the Major State Basic Research Development Program of China(No:G1999075506)the Ministry of Land and Resources(No.20001010203).
文摘Whether the HP and UHP metamorphic rocks of the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt are of an "in-situ" or "foreign" origin is a long-standing dispute among geologists. Eclogites preserved today in the HP and UHP units constitute merely 5-10%, which are not isolated exotic bodies tectonically intruding into amphibolite facies gneiss, but remnants of once pervasive or widespread eclogite-facies terranes or slabs. The present spatial distribution and forms of the eclogites have resulted from polyphase and progressive deformation and strain partitioning of the HP and UHP slabs. From their formation in deep mantle to their exhumation to the surface, the eclogites have experienced long-term deformation with different strain regimes. The dominant regime responsible for the present spatial distribution and forms of the eclogites is the shear process. The deformation patterns of the eclogites and gneiss matrix also clearly show that the eclogites were metamorphosed in situ. The original distribution area of the eclogites
文摘The Dabie metamorphic terrane is tectonically located within the intersection area of the WNW trending east Qinling orogenic belt with the NNE trending west Pacific domain. The Punctuated multistage convergent movement and the emplacemeat of YanShanian granitoid intrusions account for the complication of its tectonic framework. The Dabie metamorphic complex is composed of 3 units: supracrustals of early Precambrian age, granite gneiss and metamorphic magic rocks of lats Precambrian age. Three major metsmorphic Stages can be traced, i. e. granulite factes, amphibolite facies of Precambrian and the HP/ LT epidote amphibolite and greenschist facies of Phanerozoic. The Hong'an Group underlying the Dabie complex shows epidote amphibolite facies which is probably synchronous with the amphibolite facies of the Dabie complex. The Protolith of the HP and UHP eclogiter are diversided. The amphibole, epidote and other mineral inclusions within the eclogite minerals testify to the earlier history of Pre-eclogitic metamorphism. The peak metamorphic assemblage coesite-omphacite-garnet is superimposed by amphibolite, epidote amphibolite and greenschist facies of retrograde metamorphism. In many regions the eclogites appear as pods, lenses and layers within ductile shear zones having synkinematic greenschist or epidote amphibolite facies of retrograde metamorphism. The Sm-Nd isochron of whole rock and garnet combined with Ph-Ph dating of zircon crystals from Mifengjian eclogite block in Hubei suggest that the UHI, metamorphism probably took Place nearly 480 Ma Which evideoces one of the most important tertono-thermal events of the punctuated evolution in the Dabie terrane.
基金supported by the Chinese National Key Scientific Program--the Chinese Continental Seientitle Drilling Projectthe National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC Grant 49772142)1:250000 Regional Geological Survey of the Lianyungang Sheet(I50C002004)of P.R.China and the Laboratory of Continental Dynamics of the Land and Resource Ministry of China
文摘The Drillhole ZK703 with a depth of 558 m is located in the Donghai area of the southern Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt, eastern China, and penetrates typical UHP eclogites and various non-mafic rocks, including peridotite, gneiss, schist and quartzite. Their protoliths include ultramafic, mafic, intermediate, intermediate-acidic, acidic igneous rocks and sediments. These rocks are intimately interlayered, which are meters to millimeters thick with sharp and nontectonic contacts, suggesting in-situ metamorphism under UHP eclogite facies conditions. The following petrologic features indicate that the non-mafic rocks have experienced early-stage UHP metamorphism together with the eclogites: (1) phengite relics in gneisses and schists contain a high content of Si, up to 3.52 p.f.u. (per formula unit), while amphibolite-facies phengites have considerably low Si content (<3.26 p.f.u.); (2) jadeite relics are found in quartzite and jadeitite; (3) various types of symplectitic coronas and pseud
基金This study was supported by the Nature Science Foundation of China (40673002) .
文摘 The Dabie UHP metamorphic belt, central China,contains two contrasting types of mafic-ultramafic complex. The Bixiling peridotite in the southern Dabie terrane contains abundant garnet (21.1-32.2 vol% )and thus has high CaO + Al2O3 (9.81-15.9 wt% ).……
基金supported by the National Key Basic Research Program of China (No.2009CB825001)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.40603002,41072046,and 41090371)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan (No.CUG120121)
文摘In order to constrain temperature during subduction and subsequent exhumation of fel- sic continental crust, we carried out a Ti-in-zircon thermometer coupled with zircon internal structure and U-Pb age on migmatitic gneisses from the Weihai region in the Sulu ultra-high pres- sure (UHP) metamorphic terrane, eastern China. The Weihai migmatitic gneisses are composed of in- tercalated compositional layers of melanosome and plagioclase (Pl)-rich lencosome and K-feldspar (Kfs)-rich pegmatite veins. Four stages of zircon growth were recognized in the Weihai migmatitic gneisses. They successively recorded informations of protolith, prograde metamorphism, decompres- sional partial melting during early stage exhumation and subsequent fractional crystallization of pri- mary melt during later stage cooling exhumation. The inherited cores in zircon from the melanosome and the Pl-rich leucosome suggest that the pro- tolith of the migmatitic gneiss is Mid- Neoproterozoic (-780 Ma) magmatic rock. Metamorphic zircons with concordant ages ranging from 243 to 256 Ma occur as over- growth mantles on the protolith magmatic zir- con cores. The estimated growth temperatures (625-717 "C) of the metamorphic zircons have a negative correlation with their ages, indicating a progressive metamorphism in HP eciogite-facies condition during subduction. Zircon recrystal- lized rims (228-2 Ma) in the PI-rich ieucosome layers provide the lower limit of the decompress-sional partial melting time during exhumation. The ages from 228^-2 to 219~2 Ma recorded in the Pl-rich leucosome and the Kfs-rich pegmatite vein, respectively, suggest the duration of the fractional crystallization of primary melt during exhumation. The calculated growth temperatures of the zircon rims from the Pl-rich leucosome range from 858 to 739 , and the temperatures of new growth zircon grains (219±2 Ma) in Kfs-rich vein are between 769 and 529 . The estimated temperatures have a positive correlation with ages from the Pl-rich leucosome to the Kfs-rich pegmatite vein, strongly indi- cating that a process of fractional crystallization of the partial melt during exhumation.
文摘Some geologists reported their discovery of sandwiched low-grade metamorphic slabs within UHP metamorphic Complexes in Changpu, Yuexi County, Anhui Province. They also suggested that some coesite-bearing eclogites are igneous veins, which intruded low-grade metamorphic slabs and other related rocks. Moreover they further called in question to UHP matamorphic process and continental collision tectonism in the Dabieshan terrane. Based on our recent study so-called low-grade metamorphic slabs are strongly deformed fabric, fine-grained and tectonic recrystallized mylonites and tectonites. Their protolith rocks are garnet-bearing orthogneiss, eclogite and marble, as well as a few amounts of strongly deformed acid and basic veins. Their metamorphic, geochemical and geochronological characteristics are also identical with UHPM rocks and regional country orthogneisses. Therefore we conclude that there are not low-grade metamorphic slabs sand wiched with UHP metamorphic rocks in the Dabieshan terrane.