THE dance drama "Love at the Sanxia Gorge" tells the story of an ordinary young couple who are passionately in love. Because there have been quite a few national dance dramas depicting love between a man and...THE dance drama "Love at the Sanxia Gorge" tells the story of an ordinary young couple who are passionately in love. Because there have been quite a few national dance dramas depicting love between a man and a woman, the creators of this drama and the performers with the Chongqing Song and Dance Troupe have tried their best to impress their audience. The female lead dances in a展开更多
THE large-scale dance drama The Border Town performed by the Hunan Provincial Troupe attracted a large audience with its natural human touch, strong local flavour and elegant literature, provoking reverie from the peo...THE large-scale dance drama The Border Town performed by the Hunan Provincial Troupe attracted a large audience with its natural human touch, strong local flavour and elegant literature, provoking reverie from the people. The Border Town dance drama was adapted from the novel of the same name by Shen Congwen, an influential writer on Chinese modern literature. The Border Town, written in 1934, was his masterpiece, which gives a delicate account of the young love between the orphan girl Cuicui (who was a...展开更多
AFTER serving for eight years as the chief artistic supervisor in the Hong Kong Dance Troupe, Shu Qiao recently returned to Beijing with a brand-new dance drama. named "Memorial Ceremony for Youth." The back...AFTER serving for eight years as the chief artistic supervisor in the Hong Kong Dance Troupe, Shu Qiao recently returned to Beijing with a brand-new dance drama. named "Memorial Ceremony for Youth." The background story of "Memorial Ceremony for Youth" is based on the life of the poet Yin Fu (1909-1931). Yin Fu is an important revolutionary poet of China’s modern literature. He展开更多
文摘THE dance drama "Love at the Sanxia Gorge" tells the story of an ordinary young couple who are passionately in love. Because there have been quite a few national dance dramas depicting love between a man and a woman, the creators of this drama and the performers with the Chongqing Song and Dance Troupe have tried their best to impress their audience. The female lead dances in a
文摘THE large-scale dance drama The Border Town performed by the Hunan Provincial Troupe attracted a large audience with its natural human touch, strong local flavour and elegant literature, provoking reverie from the people. The Border Town dance drama was adapted from the novel of the same name by Shen Congwen, an influential writer on Chinese modern literature. The Border Town, written in 1934, was his masterpiece, which gives a delicate account of the young love between the orphan girl Cuicui (who was a...
文摘AFTER serving for eight years as the chief artistic supervisor in the Hong Kong Dance Troupe, Shu Qiao recently returned to Beijing with a brand-new dance drama. named "Memorial Ceremony for Youth." The background story of "Memorial Ceremony for Youth" is based on the life of the poet Yin Fu (1909-1931). Yin Fu is an important revolutionary poet of China’s modern literature. He