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The Need for International Cooperation between Israel and Other Middle East Nations to Protect the Jordan River Landscape
作者 Kenneth Ray Olson 《Open Journal of Soil Science》 2024年第5期283-307,共25页
The Jordan River, also referred to as Nahr Al Sharieat in Arabic, is a long river in the Middle East that flows from north to south through the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea. The Jordan River is bordered by the Golan... The Jordan River, also referred to as Nahr Al Sharieat in Arabic, is a long river in the Middle East that flows from north to south through the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea. The Jordan River is bordered by the Golan Heights and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in the east and by Israel and the Palestinian West Bank (Judea and Samaria) in the west. Soil tunnels, including those in the Jordan River watershed and on the Israel, Syria, and Lebanon borders, have a long history of use for warfare, as invasion pathways, smuggling, and storage of rockets, missiles and ordnance and are causes of serious political tension between the countries. Soil tunnel construction and destruction often has adverse environmental and human health impacts in the Jordan River landscape. Due to agricultural wastes, the discharge of untreated sewage, and diversion of saline springs into the river water there has been serious deterioration in the water quality in the lower courses of the Jordan River. The primary objective of this research is to encourage the development of a multi-country clean-up, mitigation, and protection plan for the Jordan River. 展开更多
关键词 Jordan River JORDAN Israel Lebanon SYRIA Dead Sea Sea of Galilee Six-Day War Soil Tunnels
作者 柴昕辰 郭晓明 +2 位作者 董广宁 刘斌 姜宇超 《船舶与海洋工程》 2023年第4期66-71,共6页
以惠州油田海域百米水深的海底管道铺设为例,分析南海冬季海况对海底管道铺设的影响,并针对3个具体过程提出新的海底管道施工设计方案。在设计前期,通过对统计数据进行比较确认动力定位作业船能有效提升作业的应急反应能力;在设计中期,... 以惠州油田海域百米水深的海底管道铺设为例,分析南海冬季海况对海底管道铺设的影响,并针对3个具体过程提出新的海底管道施工设计方案。在设计前期,通过对统计数据进行比较确认动力定位作业船能有效提升作业的应急反应能力;在设计中期,必须对海底管道铺设过程进行动态分析和疲劳分析,以保证施工质量满足要求,并量化应急预案;在设计后期,为克服现场恶劣的海况,提出一种安全高效的起始锚铺设方案。实际应用证明所提方案的有效性,为今后南海其他类似铺管项目的开展提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 南海 冬季 海底管道铺设 动态分析 疲劳分析 起始锚安装
内陆湖盆“深水成盐”形成条件和识别标志:以东濮凹陷与现代盐湖为例 被引量:2
作者 禚喜准 郑旭 +2 位作者 陈骁帅 徐田武 崔建军 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期43-59,共17页
位于我国东部的许多新生代盆地,在地质历史时期发育了巨厚的岩盐沉积。尽管这些盆地的成盐模式研究已经历了40多年,但由于缺乏“深水成盐”的现代沉积模式,到底是“深盆深水”还是“深盆浅水”成盐,一直难以定论。为了理解“深水成盐”... 位于我国东部的许多新生代盆地,在地质历史时期发育了巨厚的岩盐沉积。尽管这些盆地的成盐模式研究已经历了40多年,但由于缺乏“深水成盐”的现代沉积模式,到底是“深盆深水”还是“深盆浅水”成盐,一直难以定论。为了理解“深水成盐”的控制因素,很多现代盐湖开展了水文学和水化学调查,然而这些湖盆的矿物组合各不相同,“深水成盐”的形成条件和控制因素尚不清楚。本文对死海、佛瑞湖等“深水成盐”的现代盐湖以及我国东濮凹陷沙三段的成盐特征进行了解剖,从盐度、水深、湖平面波动以及卤水分层等角度探讨了“深水成盐”的形成条件,对比分析了“深水成盐”的相对位置以及沉积物特征,总结了“深水成盐”的识别标志。研究表明,盐岩层系在岩心和测井资料上显示出多尺度的旋回性。“深水成盐”为水深较大的洼陷中心成盐,与盆缘的“浅水成盐”同盆共存。沉积相对岩盐层系的结构和组成有明显的控制作用,其中洼陷带的“深水成盐”,主要在洼陷带的卤水湖底沉积物界面附近,析出和增生粗晶的盐类矿物,常与富含有机质和黄铁矿的暗色泥岩共存;而湖滨附近的“浅水成盐”,单层厚度薄,结晶粒度细小,通常含有较多的陆源碎屑。死海为代表的现代盐湖以及东濮凹陷等古代成盐盆地的沉积特征表明,“深水成盐”发生于湖平面的下降期,而且卤水剖面的厚度对蒸发岩的形成分布有明显的控制作用,同时具有“深水”和“深盆”特征的内陆盐湖更容易形成单层厚度大、横向稳定的岩盐沉积。本研究有助于改变人们以往对内陆湖盆成盐机理的认知,尤其是现代盐湖的卤水分层析盐特征,对解读地质历史中的其他成盐事件具有重要启示。基于现代沉积实例的“深水成盐”识别标志,可以为古代岩盐沉积模式的建立提供限定条件。 展开更多
关键词 深盆 深水成盐 洼陷中心成盐 卤水分层 形成条件 东濮凹陷 死海
《死海古卷》中的《圣经》古卷对于《旧约》文本研究的意义述评 被引量:3
作者 王新生 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第6期45-52,共8页
《死海古卷》中的《圣经》手稿提供了用《圣经》原文语言写成的迄今最古老的《圣经》文本见证。一方面 ,它们印证了作为传世的各种现代语言《圣经》译本之底本的马所拉本的精确性和权威性 ;另一方面 ,它们表明马所拉本并非希伯来文本中... 《死海古卷》中的《圣经》手稿提供了用《圣经》原文语言写成的迄今最古老的《圣经》文本见证。一方面 ,它们印证了作为传世的各种现代语言《圣经》译本之底本的马所拉本的精确性和权威性 ;另一方面 ,它们表明马所拉本并非希伯来文本中唯一的范本 ,并证明与马所拉本时有不同的《七十子希腊文本》有其希伯来底本 ,有效地消除了人们在马所拉本的局限下对《七十子希腊文本》所持的怀疑态度。此外 ,《死海古卷》不仅补足了一些重要的文本细节 ,而且让我们窥见某些经卷和章节的历史演化轨迹。 展开更多
关键词 旧约 死海古卷 库姆兰 七十子希腊文本 马所拉本 撒玛利亚五经
基于最优切削深度的深海采矿车定位研究 被引量:2
作者 卜英勇 贺茂坤 鲁志佩 《海洋通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期88-93,共6页
最优切削深度对矿石开采有着重要意义。为了获取相关深海地貌数据计算采矿车最优切削深度,实现最优开采,先要获得该地貌的准确位置数据,即采矿车准确定位的位置。考虑到深海地貌崎岖不平、车轮打滑、周围能见度低等复杂的工作环境,提出... 最优切削深度对矿石开采有着重要意义。为了获取相关深海地貌数据计算采矿车最优切削深度,实现最优开采,先要获得该地貌的准确位置数据,即采矿车准确定位的位置。考虑到深海地貌崎岖不平、车轮打滑、周围能见度低等复杂的工作环境,提出了一种基于从动轮的航位推算定位。通过建立非平坦地形上采矿车的运动学模型,采用电子罗盘等传感器测量采矿车的动态参数,依据运动学模型进行航位推算,从而实现采矿车的准确定位。试验结果较好地达到了预期的要求,为深海采矿车的最优切削深度控制、自主导航、路径规划等提供了前提条件。 展开更多
关键词 最优切削深度 采矿车 深海地貌 航位推算 从动轮
区域旅游合作的现实基础与途径探讨——以自贡“盐都”、大英“死海”盐文化旅游为例 被引量:1
作者 练红宇 王玉琼 夏敬标 《经济研究导刊》 2013年第21期275-277,共3页
在区域经济一体化背景下,区域旅游合作成为中国旅游发展的总体趋势。自贡盐都和大英死海都在打造盐文化旅游品牌,这种资源类似地区存在旅游合作的基础,可以采取以政府为主导,旅游管理经营部门密切合作;实施差异化主题定位,发挥整合效应... 在区域经济一体化背景下,区域旅游合作成为中国旅游发展的总体趋势。自贡盐都和大英死海都在打造盐文化旅游品牌,这种资源类似地区存在旅游合作的基础,可以采取以政府为主导,旅游管理经营部门密切合作;实施差异化主题定位,发挥整合效应;加大整体营销力度,建立良好的市场运作机制等相应的合作途径,达到区域旅游协调发展。 展开更多
关键词 区域旅游合作 大英“死海” 自贡“盐都”
推算船位/罗兰C(GPS)组合导航系统的研究及其海上试验 被引量:9
作者 赵琳 孙枫 郝燕玲 《中国航海》 CSCD 北大核心 1996年第1期69-70,共2页
该文研究了推算船位/罗兰C(GPS)组合导航系统的组合模式和推广的非线性卡尔曼滤波算法在该组合模式中的应用,详细推导了舰船运动的七状态数学模型及其机械编排。该文还给出了该组合系统在南海进行试验时的舰船轨迹及定位误差曲... 该文研究了推算船位/罗兰C(GPS)组合导航系统的组合模式和推广的非线性卡尔曼滤波算法在该组合模式中的应用,详细推导了舰船运动的七状态数学模型及其机械编排。该文还给出了该组合系统在南海进行试验时的舰船轨迹及定位误差曲线,并进行了比较分析。结果表明:组合系统克服了推位系统的积累误差,抑制了罗兰C(GPS)的随机定位误差,有效地改善了导航定位精度,滤波方案正确,算法稳定。该组合系统已成功地装备于多种型号的舰船上。 展开更多
关键词 组合导航系数 推算 船位 海上试验 罗兰C GPS
运城盐湖旅游现状的调查与研究 被引量:3
作者 盛德华 《山西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第1期104-109,共6页
关键词 盐湖旅游 调查 对策 运城
Semi Operational Prediction of the Dead Sea Evaporation—A Synoptic Systems Approach
作者 Eyal Ilotoviz Haim Shafir +1 位作者 Philipp Gasch Pinhas Alpert 《Journal of Water Resource and Protection》 2015年第13期1058-1074,共17页
The predictability of pan evaporation and air temperature in the southern part of the Dead-Sea region (Sdom) was investigated according to two approaches, prediction by mesoscale models and with the aid of synoptic cl... The predictability of pan evaporation and air temperature in the southern part of the Dead-Sea region (Sdom) was investigated according to two approaches, prediction by mesoscale models and with the aid of synoptic classification. First, the predicted temperature, wind speed and relative humidity that directly affect the evaporation are obtained from the WRF mesoscale model predictions. Predictions according to multilinear regression equations and a Penman-Monteith approach were also validated against observations in Sdom. The WRF model predicts the temperature reasonably well. However, the wind speed and relative humidity predictions were found to be very poor. The unique approach in this paper is employing a semi-objective synoptic systems classification according to the global GFS model. Relationships were defined between the 19 Eastern Mediterranean’s (EM) synoptic systems and the Sdom evaporation, temperature, wind speed and relative humidity. A monthly evaluation was performed for each of the systems and the semi-objective prediction was verified by the semi-objective classification. Since some synoptic systems affect the evaporation and temperature similarly, the 19 synoptic systems were grouped into seven clusters, each containing systems with similar evaporation and temperature records. This method has yielded a significant improvement in the daily prediction of evaporation and temperature. Semi-objective definitions for the synoptic systems were performed for the ranges of 12 - 132 hours. The synoptic system approach succeeded in the prediction of the evaporation and temperature changes in Sdom for a few days in advance. The predictability skill for the 12 hour forecast achieved about 80% of success, dropping to 70% at 36 hours. For 60 to 132 hours the prediction stabilized at a skill of 60%.The method presented here is a new attempt to predict meteorological parameters by using a synoptic classification approach in the Dead-Sea area where even high-resolution mesoscale modeling forecasts are not very successful. 展开更多
关键词 SYNOPTIC Classification dead-sea EVAPORATION EASTERN Mediterranean
深海钴结壳自行式采矿车航迹推算方法研究 被引量:2
作者 卜英勇 刘光华 +1 位作者 史春雪 王纪蝉 《郑州大学学报(工学版)》 CAS 2007年第1期12-15,共4页
针对深海钴结壳矿区地形不平坦、采矿车作业环境恶劣、车体打滑严重等复杂情况,设计研究了一种具有地形感知能力的从动轮测速机构,用不同时刻不同斜面复合三维地形的方法,建立非平坦地形上作业采矿车的航迹推算模型.采用倾角传感器、电... 针对深海钴结壳矿区地形不平坦、采矿车作业环境恶劣、车体打滑严重等复杂情况,设计研究了一种具有地形感知能力的从动轮测速机构,用不同时刻不同斜面复合三维地形的方法,建立非平坦地形上作业采矿车的航迹推算模型.采用倾角传感器、电子罗盘、角位移传感器、光电编码器等测量采矿车的动态参数,依据航迹推算模型实现采矿车水下定位.与传统的基于驱动轮转速的航迹推算方法相比,它能适应各种复杂的工作条件,保证较高的定位精度.试验结果证明了上述方法的有效性. 展开更多
关键词 深海采矿车 钴结壳 非平坦地形 航迹推算 从动地轮
作者 卜英勇 张涛 《矿冶工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期1-4,9,共5页
针对深海钴结壳矿区地形不平坦,采矿车作业环境恶劣,车体打滑严重等复杂情况,设计了一种基于从动轮测速的航位推算定位方法。用不同时刻、不同斜面复合三维地形的方法,建立非平坦地形上作业采矿车的航迹推算模型,采用电子罗盘、角位移... 针对深海钴结壳矿区地形不平坦,采矿车作业环境恶劣,车体打滑严重等复杂情况,设计了一种基于从动轮测速的航位推算定位方法。用不同时刻、不同斜面复合三维地形的方法,建立非平坦地形上作业采矿车的航迹推算模型,采用电子罗盘、角位移传感器等测量采矿车的动态参数,实现采矿车连续、实时定位。试验结果表明,该定位系统能适应复杂的工作环境,具有较高的定位精度。 展开更多
关键词 深海采矿 采矿车 定位系统 航位推算 从动轮
中国死海旅游区气候舒适度与门票收入季节相关性研究 被引量:2
作者 龙敏 张小容 +3 位作者 唐勇 秦宏瑶 李晓强 谭维婷 《成都信息工程大学学报》 2016年第6期651-655,共5页
气候因素与区域旅游经济的关系是近年来学界的研究热点。为深入探讨气候舒适度对于门票收入的影响过程,选取位于四川省大英县的中国死海旅游区作为研究案例,采用非线性人体舒适度数学模型,得到人体舒适度指数(THI),并与重庆与成都的计... 气候因素与区域旅游经济的关系是近年来学界的研究热点。为深入探讨气候舒适度对于门票收入的影响过程,选取位于四川省大英县的中国死海旅游区作为研究案例,采用非线性人体舒适度数学模型,得到人体舒适度指数(THI),并与重庆与成都的计算结果作对比;考察气候舒适度变化与门票收入的季节相关性,以及公共节假日对于门票经济的影响过程。结果表明,研究区气候舒适度更趋于舒适等级,气候舒适天数与次舒适天数总计8个月,具备为成渝两地游客提供错季度假的气候条件。其中,属气候舒适天等级的月份包括4月、10月,次舒适天等级集中于2月、3月、5月、6月、9月、11月。门票收入季节性变化与人体舒适度月份趋于负相关,暑期、中秋、国庆对门票经济的拉动作用明显。研究结论揭示了盐卤文化主题型度假区气候舒适度特征,验证了气候因素与旅游经济的相关性,可为充分利用气候旅游资源开展旅游活动提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 气象学 旅游气象学 气候舒适度 人体舒适度 门票收入 季节性 中国死海旅游区
内倾船型的瘫船倾覆特性研究 被引量:4
作者 王田华 顾民 +1 位作者 鲁江 张进丰 《船舶力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期363-369,共7页
文章采用非线性时域方法进行内倾船型在横浪中横摇运动的数值预报,并在计算中考虑了船体瞬时湿表面变化对水动力的影响。在此基础上,通过对波浪时域历程下船舶的整个倾覆过程进行模拟计算,建立了船舶在瘫船状态下的倾覆概率计算方法。... 文章采用非线性时域方法进行内倾船型在横浪中横摇运动的数值预报,并在计算中考虑了船体瞬时湿表面变化对水动力的影响。在此基础上,通过对波浪时域历程下船舶的整个倾覆过程进行模拟计算,建立了船舶在瘫船状态下的倾覆概率计算方法。在耐波性水池进行了内倾船型在瘫船状态下的大幅极限运动模型试验,采用模型测试数据对计算结果进行了验证。对内倾船型在波浪中的倾覆特性进行了研究,得到不同海况下的倾覆概率和倾覆前的平均时间,并给出了内倾船型GM的建议取值。 展开更多
关键词 瘫船稳性 内倾船型 横浪 倾覆概率
作者 马小鹤 《天禄论丛》 2012年第1期67-89,共23页
吐鲁番回鹘文文书Mainz 317是摩尼教经典之一--《大力士经》的残片。它讲述了大力士马哈怀飞去见以诺的故事。死海古卷亚兰文文书4Q530 Fragment 2 Col.2告诉我们一个类似的故事:马哈怀在长途飞翔之后见到以诺,请他为大力士们的噩梦作... 吐鲁番回鹘文文书Mainz 317是摩尼教经典之一--《大力士经》的残片。它讲述了大力士马哈怀飞去见以诺的故事。死海古卷亚兰文文书4Q530 Fragment 2 Col.2告诉我们一个类似的故事:马哈怀在长途飞翔之后见到以诺,请他为大力士们的噩梦作一解释。回鹘文文书Mainz 460d,U44,U43,U42和U40的内容则类似《惠明经》(《摩尼教残经》为其汉文译本)。这些残片告诉我们新人以五种势力(怜悯、诚信、具足、忍辱、智慧)防卫怨敌,就像净风五子降伏魔怨#《大力士经》的回鹘文残片与类似《惠明经》的回鹘文残片属于同一个抄本,恐非偶然。大力士的故事是用来比喻新人与体内故人的斗争。这或许就是《大力士经》的宗教涵义。 展开更多
关键词 摩尼教 《大力士经》 死海古卷 《惠明经》 《摩尼教残经》
Soil Biota in the Arava Valley of Negev Desert,Israel 被引量:4
作者 S. PEN-MOURATOV T. MYBLAT +2 位作者 I. SHAMIR G. BARNESS Y. STEINBERGER 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期273-284,共12页
Soil microorganism biomass and respiration and the soil nematode community were observed in the hypersaline desert valley that is found between the Dead Sea and the Red Sea. The lowest point of the valley is approxima... Soil microorganism biomass and respiration and the soil nematode community were observed in the hypersaline desert valley that is found between the Dead Sea and the Red Sea. The lowest point of the valley is approximately 400 m below sea level, and is the lowest point on earth. Soil samples (n = 72) were collected from the 0-10 and 10-20 cm soil layers at different altitudes (from -400 to +100 m) in the open spaces between plants during one of the most extreme xeric periods. Both soil microbial respiration and microbial biomass were found to be negatively dependent on soil moisture (SM) and organic matter (OM), and positively dependent on pH values. The physical-chemical characteristics of this hypersaline area were extremely unfavorable for the soil nematode communities, and the nematodes were entirely absent in the open area below sea level. The bacterivores were found to be the most resistant nematodes in this hyperarid region, with the Wilsonema being the most widespread genus. We suggest that nitrogen availability may play a crucial role in the below-ground soil interaction in this region, with bacterivore nematodes as indicators of nitrogen availability. 展开更多
关键词 土壤线虫 土壤微生物生物量 沙漠 生物群 以色列 拉瓦 呼吸作用 土壤水分
作者 谷怿宸 曹乐 《环境化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期144-159,共16页
自1997年在死海地区的大气边界层中观测到午间臭氧浓度迅速下降的现象后,研究学者们即对该地区的臭氧耗损现象(ozone depletion events,简称ODEs)展开了研究。而在此之前,大气边界层内的ODEs现象普遍被认为只会发生在极地地区的特殊大... 自1997年在死海地区的大气边界层中观测到午间臭氧浓度迅速下降的现象后,研究学者们即对该地区的臭氧耗损现象(ozone depletion events,简称ODEs)展开了研究。而在此之前,大气边界层内的ODEs现象普遍被认为只会发生在极地地区的特殊大气现象。本文综述了关于死海地区ODEs研究的发展历史,主要展示了促使死海ODEs形成的物理化学机理、关于死海地区ODEs的观测和模拟研究,以及死海地区臭氧耗损现象的特点。与极地ODEs类似,造成死海地区的ODEs过程中臭氧耗损的主要化学物质是活性溴化物如氧化溴(BrO)等。但由于死海地区特殊的环境条件,该地区的ODEs在时间尺度上和空间尺度上与极地ODEs存在明显的差异。目前关于死海ODEs的观测研究主要以地面观测为主,并显示相较冬季,死海夏季ODEs的发生频率更高,臭氧耗损也更为明显。而目前关于死海ODEs的模拟研究则以零维和一维模拟为主,模拟中证实了臭氧和BrO之间的负相关关系,并揭示出非均相反应(溴爆炸机制和BrONO_(2)的水解)对于ODEs的重要影响。另外,模拟中还指出了氮氧化物对于ODEs的两面性作用,以及气象条件(如逆温层)对于ODEs产生的影响。现有研究还发现,死海地区特殊的地形、环境条件及其海水中的高溴含量都是促使当地产生ODEs的关键因素。死海ODEs的发生不仅会改变该地区大气边界层中成分(例如汞)的浓度和寿命,也会影响大气的氧化能力,而这些都会对该地区人类的生活和健康产生潜在的作用,因此有必要加深对于该现象的总体认识。 展开更多
关键词 臭氧 ODES 死海地区 卤素 氮氧化物
Mud volcano origin of the Mottled Zone,South Levant 被引量:1
作者 Igor Novikov Yevgeny Vapnik Inna Safonova 《Geoscience Frontiers》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第5期597-619,共23页
The Mottled Zone(MZ) or Hatrurim Formation,which occurs near the Levantine Transform in the South Levant,has been studied during the last 150 years but its origin remains debatable.Mottled Zone Complex/Complexes(MZ... The Mottled Zone(MZ) or Hatrurim Formation,which occurs near the Levantine Transform in the South Levant,has been studied during the last 150 years but its origin remains debatable.Mottled Zone Complex/Complexes(MZC/MZCs) consist of brecciated carbonate and low-temperature calcium-hydro-silicate rocks,which include unusual high- and ultra-high-temperature low-pressure(HT-LP) meta-morphic mineral assemblages.The MZ has been regarded as a product of combustion of bituminous chalks of the Ghareb Fm.of Cretaceous(Maastrichtian) age.In this paper we present detailed geographic, geomorphologic,structural and geological data from the MZCs of the South Levant,which show that the MZCs cannot be stratigraphically correlated with the Ghareb Fm.,because MZC late Oligocene-late Pleistocene deposits occur within or unconformable i.e.,with stratigraphic hiatus,overlap both the late Cretaceous and,in places,Neogene stratigraphic units.We propose an alternative model for the formation of MZCs by tectonically induced mud volcanism during late Oligocene-late Pleistocene time. This model explains(i) the presence of dikes and tube-like bodies,which consist of brecciated exotic clastic material derived from stratigraphically and hypsometrically lower horizons;(ii) mineral assemblages of sanidinite facies metamorphism;(iii) multi-stage character of HT-LP pyrometamorphism;and (iv) multi-stage low-temperature hydrothermal alteration.High temperatures(up to 1500℃) mineral assemblages resulted from combustion of hydrocarbon gases of mud volcanoes.Mud volcanism was spatially and structurally related to neotectonic folds and deformation zones formed in response to opening of the Red Sea rift and propagation of the Levantine Transform Fault.Our model may significantly change the prospects for oil-and-gas deposits in the region. 展开更多
关键词 HT-LP sanidinite facies metamorphism GEOMORPHOLOGY Dead Sea Levantine Transform NEOTECTONICS Hydrocarbon traps
A Dead Sea Water-Enriched Body Cream Improves Skin Severity Scores in Children with Atopic Dermatitis 被引量:2
作者 Meital Portugal-Cohen Miriam Oron +4 位作者 Efrat Merrik Ze’evi Ma’or Dan Ben-Amitai Hagai Yogev Alex Zvulunov 《Journal of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences and Applications》 2011年第3期71-78,共8页
Dead Sea (DS) mud and water are known for their unique composition of minerals, and for their therapeutic properties on inflammatory skin diseases. The objective of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of an emollie... Dead Sea (DS) mud and water are known for their unique composition of minerals, and for their therapeutic properties on inflammatory skin diseases. The objective of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of an emollient cream enriched with DS water in children with atopic dermatitis (AD). Eighty six AD children were randomized in a double-blind controlled study to receive twice-daily topical treatment with a body cream enriched with DS minerals (TP) compared to two types of control: 1) DM, DS minerals with lower DS water concentrations than TP, and 2) an emollient (E) with no DS minerals. Efficacy was assessed by a change in clinical skin severity scores: SCORing Atopic Dermatitis (SCORAD), investigator’s global assessment (IGA) and patient global assessment (PGA) as well as by objective physiological parameters: transepidermal water loss (TEWL), stratum corneum hydration (SCH), affected body surface area (BSA) and Objective Severity Assessment of Atopic Dermatitis (OSAAD). The total length of the trial was 12 weeks divided to 6 visits at weeks 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12. The study showed that both TP and DM creams improved OSAAD scores. Only TP improved TEWL and SCH. TP was the most effective regarding TEWL, SCH and OSAAD compared to DM and E. Treatment with E decreased more significantly IGA score compared to TP. Although within each treatment group significant improvements in SCH, BSA, SCORAD, IGA and PGA were observed, the reduction in BSA, SCORAD and PGA was not significantly different among the groups. Our results clearly show the benefits of TP as a leave on-skin emulsion enrich with DS water in terms of skin barrier function. Thus, TP can serve as an effective adjuvant treatment for AD skin as well as for its maintenance. 展开更多
关键词 ATOPIC DERMATITIS DEAD Sea Minerals SKIN Barrier Function Leave-on SKIN Preparation
Using Cellular Automata-Markov Analysis and Multi Criteria Evaluation for Predicting the Shape of the Dead Sea 被引量:1
作者 Maher A. El-Hallaq Mohammed O. Habboub 《Advances in Remote Sensing》 2015年第1期83-95,共13页
In order to make a rational prediction of the Dead Sea shape, data were prepared for suitability map creation using Markov Chain analysis and Multi Criteria Evaluation (MCE). Then, Markov Cellular Automata model and s... In order to make a rational prediction of the Dead Sea shape, data were prepared for suitability map creation using Markov Chain analysis and Multi Criteria Evaluation (MCE). Then, Markov Cellular Automata model and spatial statistics were used in prediction and validation processes. The validation process shows a standard Kappa index of 0.9545 which means a strong relation between the model and reality. The predicted shapes of years 2020, 2030 and 2040 follow the same conditions from 1984 to 2010. The predicted areas of 2020, 2030 and 2040 are 610, 591 and 574 km2 which are considered a logical extension of the trend from 1984 till 2010. This study can be used as an environmental alert in order to keep the Dead Sea alive. Moreover, Markov-Cellular Automata model can be used to predict closed seas as the Dead Sea from remote sensed data. 展开更多
Dead Sea Minerals-Induced Positive Stress as an Innovative Resource for Skincare Actives 被引量:1
作者 Meital Portugal-Cohen Maria F. Dominguez +2 位作者 Miriam Oron Robert Holtz Ze’evi Ma’or 《Journal of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences and Applications》 2015年第1期22-35,共14页
Objective: Exposure to certain stresses in small doses might lead to a protective effect by improving resistance to other stressors. Dead Sea (DS) minerals can be a relevant source to induce positive stress due to the... Objective: Exposure to certain stresses in small doses might lead to a protective effect by improving resistance to other stressors. Dead Sea (DS) minerals can be a relevant source to induce positive stress due to their high salinity and unique mineral combination. This concept could be further optimized using advanced unique cell biotechnology. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the innovative concept of DS minerals (water extract and black mud) supplementation in small amount to Pichia pastoris yeast growth media as a positive stress by testing the capability of accepted fermentation compounds to affect the appearance of skin. Methods: Skin equivalents were topically applied with different Pichia pastoris fermentations (Metabiotics?). Skin elasticity biomarkers were tested, since loss of elasticity and suppleness is a natural skin aging process leading to deeper wrinkles and loss of firmness. A preliminary screening at the gene level using DNA microarray was performed and subsequently, the following proteins were detected using ELISA or immunoblotting assays: elastin, fibulin-1, lysyl oxidase (LOX), metalloproteinase 3 (MMP-3), E-cadherin, claudin 4, tight junction protein (TJP)-1 and TJP-2. UVB irradiation was selected as a stressor. Results: Fermentation compounds generated in the presence of small doses of DS minerals affected the expression of various elasticity-related genes in skin. Moreover, they significantly attenuated the abnormal UVB-induced alterations, the proteins elastin, fibulin-1, LOX, MMP-3, E-cadherin and TJP-2. Conclusions: The observations clearly demonstrate that when DS Metabiotics? compounds are topically applied, significant alterations in several biomarkers that contribute to skin elasticity occur. Thus, these novel compounds have the potential to serve as skincare actives. 展开更多
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