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作者 虞宁宁 钱诗佳 徐国英 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2025年第1期30-38,共9页
邓小平是我国伟大的战略思想家,他高度重视教育、科技和人才的统一发展,多次明晰地阐释三者之间的内在逻辑关系。邓小平认为:教育是国家发展和社会进步的重要基石,发挥着基础性和先导性作用;经济发展和国家强大要靠科技和人才,而人才培... 邓小平是我国伟大的战略思想家,他高度重视教育、科技和人才的统一发展,多次明晰地阐释三者之间的内在逻辑关系。邓小平认为:教育是国家发展和社会进步的重要基石,发挥着基础性和先导性作用;经济发展和国家强大要靠科技和人才,而人才培养靠教育。邓小平强调科技和教育必须同时抓;同时,要坚持实事求是的原则,基于中国国情,将科技、教育和人才的良性互动与发展统一于中国特色社会主义现代化建设的进程中。为促进教育科技人才的发展,要遵循“三个面向”培养科技人才,完善体制机制,统筹教育科技发展,并重视营造教育科技人才和谐发展的社会风气。邓小平对教育科技人才统一发展的前瞻性认识和力行改革,为中国在现代化建设进程中确立并秉持教育科技人才一体化发展战略奠定了良好的理论和实践基础。 展开更多
关键词 邓小平 教育 科技 人才 发展观
“邓小平理论”就是Deng Xiaoping Theory吗?——从词语搭配的视角谈 被引量:6
作者 唐义均 《上海翻译》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期61-65,共5页
词语搭配几乎是每一种语言所独特的,一种语言中可搭配的词语在另一种语言中不一定可搭配。因此,在翻译实践中,词语搭配句型在大多数情况下不能进行简单的语际转换。这样做很可能会产生搭配冲突,甚至会在不同程度上改变源语文本的意义,... 词语搭配几乎是每一种语言所独特的,一种语言中可搭配的词语在另一种语言中不一定可搭配。因此,在翻译实践中,词语搭配句型在大多数情况下不能进行简单的语际转换。这样做很可能会产生搭配冲突,甚至会在不同程度上改变源语文本的意义,从而降低译文的精确度。本文拟讨论英汉两种语言不同的词语搭配句型,并由此探讨"邓小平理论"译文的正确性。本文通过对两个目标语语料库中的"noun+theory/theories"的调查发现,"邓小平理论"译为DengXiaoping's Theory/legacy更贴近英语读者的语言思维习惯。 展开更多
关键词 邓小平理论 词语搭配 搭配句型
A Functional Analysis on the Translations Of Deng Guanquelou
作者 李孝婷 《海外英语》 2016年第1期145-147,共3页
Systemic functional linguistics is correlated with the translation study for the theory can be applied to analyze and evaluate the translations. The poem Deng Guanquelou and its translated versions can be approached a... Systemic functional linguistics is correlated with the translation study for the theory can be applied to analyze and evaluate the translations. The poem Deng Guanquelou and its translated versions can be approached and compared within the Hallidayan framework in so far as the translation processes and details can be better comprehended and described. The applicability and operability of functional grammar can be validated by virtue of the analysis of the translations. 展开更多
关键词 deng Guanquelou metafunction SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTICS
作者 陈磊 冯洺楠 刘欣 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2025年第1期39-44,共6页
邓小平在指导我国教育事业改革与发展过程中,全面论述了教师的劳动价值、阶级属性、物质待遇和科学发展等问题,形成了较为系统的人民教师观。在纪念邓小平同志诞辰120周年之际,重新学习与研究其人民教师观,对于提升我国教师队伍水平和... 邓小平在指导我国教育事业改革与发展过程中,全面论述了教师的劳动价值、阶级属性、物质待遇和科学发展等问题,形成了较为系统的人民教师观。在纪念邓小平同志诞辰120周年之际,重新学习与研究其人民教师观,对于提升我国教师队伍水平和改进教师教育质量具有重要的理论价值与现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 邓小平 人民教师观 劳动价值观 阶级属性观 物质待遇观 科学发展观
作者 陈鹏 郭飞飞 《应用数学进展》 2014年第4期155-159,共5页
关键词 deng伪度量 Shi伪度量 模糊点 Lx完全分配格
作者 苏慧慧 谭丽萍 《玉林师范学院学报》 2019年第6期44-50,共7页
在壮语中,Deng(te:η)字意蕴丰富,用法灵活,可起到事件因果关系的连接作用,构成事件因果关系句。通过实验方法,收集到72个deng字句,其中45句是事件因果关系句。可见其在壮语deng字句中比较突显。认知语法中的意象、注意、背景和突显等... 在壮语中,Deng(te:η)字意蕴丰富,用法灵活,可起到事件因果关系的连接作用,构成事件因果关系句。通过实验方法,收集到72个deng字句,其中45句是事件因果关系句。可见其在壮语deng字句中比较突显。认知语法中的意象、注意、背景和突显等理论可对此类句型进行解读。研究发现,壮语deng字句具以下特征:1) Deng字语义蕴含丰富,但"偶发性、遭受义"突显;2)因意象与注意都具有选择性,思维方式不同,语言结构各异而使壮语中deng字因果关系句的表征与英语有差异;3)使因事件前景化,结果事件背景化;4) Deng字在因果关系句中起到连接使因事件与结果事件的作用,Deng字前后的使因事件与结果事件关系最密切、最直接。 展开更多
关键词 壮语deng(te:η)字句 事件因果关系 认知识解
The Power of Patronage Exercised in the Translation of Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping
作者 韩媛媛 赵伟兴 《科技信息》 2010年第4期17-18,共2页
By referring to Lefevere’s theory of patronage, this paper examines the issue of patronage in the translation of Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping, a remarkable political work of our country. It addresses the questions... By referring to Lefevere’s theory of patronage, this paper examines the issue of patronage in the translation of Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping, a remarkable political work of our country. It addresses the questions like"Who are the patrons?","What is the structure of patronage?", and "How does patronage work in the translation?"Through investigating these issues, the paper concludes that if it had not been for the powerful manipulation by patronage, there could not have been the high-quality translation of such voluminous works. The power of patronage made undeniable contribution to the translation of Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping. 展开更多
关键词 英语学习 学习方法 英语翻译 语言学
作者 吴国林 卢志华 《华南理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2025年第1期1-12,共12页
邓小平的“南方谈话”是描绘中国式现代化宏伟蓝图的经典文本,它为中国特色社会主义视域下的现代化总体形态构建了“四梁八柱”。“南方谈话”以中国式现代化为叙事主题,统合政治意蕴、精神条件、依靠要素这三大维度:政治意蕴是前提,统... 邓小平的“南方谈话”是描绘中国式现代化宏伟蓝图的经典文本,它为中国特色社会主义视域下的现代化总体形态构建了“四梁八柱”。“南方谈话”以中国式现代化为叙事主题,统合政治意蕴、精神条件、依靠要素这三大维度:政治意蕴是前提,统领着中国式现代化形态;精神条件是重点,支撑着中国式现代化形态;依靠要素是基础,夯实着中国式现代化形态。同时,每个维度又包含了三个基本要点:政治意蕴包含着政治效应、政治定力、政治建设;精神条件包含着创新精神、学习精神、制度精神;依靠要素包含着发展机会、增长速度、科学技术。“三大维度九个要点”最终可以形成一个立体式的中国式现代化叙事体系。 展开更多
关键词 邓小平 中国式现代化 “南方谈话” 政治意蕴 精神条件 依靠要素
作者 张若菲 《语言与文化研究》 2025年第1期65-68,共4页
部编教材与教科版小学语文教材都将《九月九日忆山东兄弟》中“登高”看作一个动宾短语,作为一个词条来解释,即“登高处”的停顿方式当作“登高/处”,但同时还有很多现代注释将“登高处”作为一个词条,又有偏正结构“登高的地方”和动... 部编教材与教科版小学语文教材都将《九月九日忆山东兄弟》中“登高”看作一个动宾短语,作为一个词条来解释,即“登高处”的停顿方式当作“登高/处”,但同时还有很多现代注释将“登高处”作为一个词条,又有偏正结构“登高的地方”和动宾结构“登上高处”两种释义,“登高的地方”停顿方式是“登高/处”“登上高处”的停顿方式是“登/高处”。小学语文教材“登高/处”的停顿方式既存在语义的严谨性,也符合诗歌的节律,也更能体现诗意。 展开更多
关键词 《九月九日忆山东兄弟》 登高处 停顿 辨析
Trial Study on DENG Tie-tao's Coronary Heart Disease Capsules in Improving Patients' Quality of Life 被引量:5
作者 吴焕林 王侠 +2 位作者 李新梅 罗文杰 邓铁涛 《Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine》 2005年第3期173-178,共6页
Objective: To assess the efficacy of the Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Capsules worked out by Prof. Deng -- in improving quality of life of CHD patients of qi deficiency with phlegm and blood stasis syndrome. Method... Objective: To assess the efficacy of the Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Capsules worked out by Prof. Deng -- in improving quality of life of CHD patients of qi deficiency with phlegm and blood stasis syndrome. Method: According to the WHO's diagnosis criteria of CHD, a total of 93 stable angina patients were divided into 3 groups using the single blinded method. The groups were evenly distributed into CHD Capsule treated group (CHDC), isosorbide dinitrate control group (ID), and Compound Prescription Danshen Droplet Pills control group (CPDDP). Two courses of treatment lasting for 6 months were given. During the courses of treatment, the following parameters were observed: clinical symptoms of angina pectoris, ECG change, treadmill exercise test, 36 items in short form of health survey (SF-36) and Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ) scale. Results: After 6 months of treatment, all the three groups showed good curative effect in angina pectoris, ECG and treadmill exercise test, differences between them had no statistical significance. The CHDC group showed a better result in nitro-glycerine stopping or alleviation rate and in improving symptoms than the other groups (P〈0.05). The general health, vitality, role-emotional, mental health and reported health transition in the CHDC group were significantly better than those in the control groups (P〈 0.05). The scores in physiological functioningrole, physiological function and pain alleviation were not different among the three groups. Conclusion. Prof. DENG Tie-tao's CHDC is effective in treating CHD with qi deficiency, phlegm and blood stasis and also in improving the quality of life. CHDC is more suitable to be used in long-term treatment than isosorbide dinitrate. The SF-36 and SAQ can be used to appraise the curative effect of traditional Chinese medicine agents for CHD angina pectoris. 展开更多
关键词 Prof. deng Tie-tao coronary heart disease angina pectoris quality of life
Logging identification method of depositional facies in Sinian Dengying Formation of the Sichuan Basin 被引量:6
作者 Qing-Fu Feng Yu-Xiang Xiao +5 位作者 Xiu-Lin Hou Hong-Kui Chen Ze-Cheng Wang Zhou Feng Han Tian Hua Jiang 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第4期1086-1096,共11页
The sedimentary facies/microfacies,which can be correlated with well logs,determine reservoir quality and hydrocarbon productivity in carbonate rocks.The identification and evaluation of sedimentary facies/microfacies... The sedimentary facies/microfacies,which can be correlated with well logs,determine reservoir quality and hydrocarbon productivity in carbonate rocks.The identification and evaluation of sedimentary facies/microfacies using well logs are very important in order to effectively guide the exploration and development of oil and gas.Previous carbonate facies/microfacies identification methods based on conventional well log data often exist multiple solutions.This paper presents a new method of facies/microfacies identification based on core-conventional logs-electrical image log-geological model,and the method is applied in the fourth member of the Dengying Formation(Deng 4)in the Gaoshiti-Moxi area of the Sichuan Basin.Firstly,core data are used to calibrate different types of facies/microfacies,with the aim to systematically clarify the conventional and electrical image log responses for each type of facies/microfacies.Secondly,through the pair wise correlation analysis of conventional logs,GR,RT and CNL,are selected as sensitive curves to establish the microfacies discrimination criteria separately.Thirdly,five well logging response models and identification charts of facies/microfacies are established based on electrical image log.The sedimentary microfacies of 60 exploratory wells was analyzed individually through this method,and the microfacies maps of 4 layers of the Deng 4 Member were compiled,and the plane distribution of microfacies in the Gaoshiti-Moxi area of the Sichuan Basin was depicted.The comparative analysis of oil testing or production results of wells reveals three most favorable types of microfacies and they include algal psammitic shoal,algal agglutinate mound,and algal stromatolite mound,which provide a reliable technical support to the exploration,development and well deployment in the study area. 展开更多
关键词 deng 4 member Core calibration MICROFACIES Electrical image log Log facies Karst reservoir
作者 陈再生 邹剑平 《吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2025年第1期10-16,共7页
党的二十届三中全会通过的《决定》提出,进一步全面深化改革必须贯彻“六个坚持”重大原则。“六个坚持”重大原则是对改革开放宝贵经验的科学总结,更是对邓小平改革思想的继承与发展。坚持“党的全面领导”“守正创新”“全面依法治国... 党的二十届三中全会通过的《决定》提出,进一步全面深化改革必须贯彻“六个坚持”重大原则。“六个坚持”重大原则是对改革开放宝贵经验的科学总结,更是对邓小平改革思想的继承与发展。坚持“党的全面领导”“守正创新”“全面依法治国”深刻反映了习近平总书记在改革方向论与方法论上坚持并深化了邓小平对此的相关认识。同时,习近平总书记以宽广的视野,从坚持“以人民为中心”“系统观念”“以制度建设为主线”上继承和发展了邓小平的改革价值论与布局论。习近平总书记对邓小平改革思想的历史性继承与创新性发展,具有理论、实践和时代等不同维度上的深远意义。把握运用好“六个坚持”重大原则,将其转化为在推进中国式现代化建设进程中助力改革发展创造新辉煌的政治能力、实践能力和执行能力,确保进一步全面深化改革行稳致远。 展开更多
关键词 习近平 邓小平 党的二十届三中全会 全面深化改革 “六个坚持”原则
Mussaenda lancipetala X.F.Deng&D.X.Zhang,a new species of Rubiaceae from China 被引量:2
作者 邓小芳 张奠湘 《植物分类学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期220-225,共6页
报道了在云南发现的玉叶金花属Mussaenda一新种——狭瓣玉叶金花M. lancipetala X. F. Deng & D. X. Zhang。狭瓣玉叶金花的性系统为柱头缩入式雌雄异位; 花冠裂片卵状披针形且具有细长的长尖头, 花冠管外被有粉末状的毛被, 可以很... 报道了在云南发现的玉叶金花属Mussaenda一新种——狭瓣玉叶金花M. lancipetala X. F. Deng & D. X. Zhang。狭瓣玉叶金花的性系统为柱头缩入式雌雄异位; 花冠裂片卵状披针形且具有细长的长尖头, 花冠管外被有粉末状的毛被, 可以很容易与玉叶金花属其他种类相区别。 展开更多
关键词 玉叶金花属 狭瓣玉叶金花 新种 花粉形态学 性系统 分类学
Floristic diversity and carbon stocks in the periphery of Deng–Deng National Park,Eastern Cameroon
作者 Louis Paul Roger Kabelong Banoho Louis Zapfack +16 位作者 Robert Bertrand Weladji Cedric Chimi Djomo Melanie Chichi Nyako Yannick Enock Bocko Damien Marie Essono Julliete Mancho Nasang Nade`ge Madountsap Tagnang Charles Innocent Memvi Abessolo Kenneth Roger Mvondo Sakouma Farikou Mamadou Souahibou Florence Jeanne Sarah Palla Tonga Ketchatang Peguy Remi Jiagho Thierry Loic Kenmou Ulrich Arnaud Choumele Kana Jumo Boris Armel Anyam Yi Andjik Roger Bruno Tabue Mbobda 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第3期989-1003,共15页
Carbon is continuously being removed from the atmosphere by photosynthesis and stored in carbon pools(live,dead,and soil carbon)of forest ecosystems.However,carbon stock in dead wood and of trees with diameters at bre... Carbon is continuously being removed from the atmosphere by photosynthesis and stored in carbon pools(live,dead,and soil carbon)of forest ecosystems.However,carbon stock in dead wood and of trees with diameters at breast height(dbh)between 5 and 10 cm is often not considered in many studies carried out in the Congo Basin Forest.The relationship between tree diversity,life-forms and carbon stocks has received little attention.This study was carried out on the outskirts of Deng Deng National Park(DDNP)to determine tree diversity(dominant families,species richness and Shannon index),assess carbon stocks in the five carbon compartments(living tree,understory,fine roots,dead wood and litter)as well as to analyze the relationship between(1)carbon stocks and tree diversity;and,(2)between carbon stock and life-forms.The Shannon index of trees≥10 cm dbh ranged from 2.6 in riparian forest to 4.3 in secondary forest;and for the tree between 5 and 10 cm,it ranged to 1.56 in riparian forest to 3.68 in the secondary forest.The study site housed 16 species,7 genera and 3 families which are only found in trees of dbh between 5 and 10 cm.The average total carbon stock of the five compartments varied from 200.1 t ha-1 in forest residues to 439.1 t ha-1 in secondary forest.Dead wood carbon stock varied from 1.2 t ha-1 in riparian forests to 12.51t ha-1 in agroforests.The above ground carbon stocks for trees with diameter between 5 and 10 cm varied from 0.7 t ha-1 in young fallow fields to 5.02 t ha-1 in old secondary forests.This study reveals a low but positive correlation between species richness and total carbon stocks,as well as a significant positive relationship between life-forms and total carbon stocks.The findings highlight the need for more data concerning carbon content of dead wood,carbon of trees≥5 cm<10 cm dbh and the relationship between carbon stocks and tree diversity from other areas of the Congo Basin for a good understanding of the contribution of tropical forests to climate change mitigation. 展开更多
关键词 deng deng national PARK Carbon stocks Land COVER types Species diversity DEAD wood
Emotional Expression of the Memorial Landscape in Deng Xiaoping's Hometown Scenic Spot
作者 YAO Dequan CAI Jun 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2018年第6期81-85,共5页
Starting from the meaning and characteristics of emotional expression of memorial landscape, design strategies are proposed by optimization of emotional symbol, expression of emotional space and situational expression... Starting from the meaning and characteristics of emotional expression of memorial landscape, design strategies are proposed by optimization of emotional symbol, expression of emotional space and situational expression to improve the emotional expression in current memorial landscape design. Finally, combined with the research on Deng Xiaoping's hometown, it demonstrates how the designers convey the memorial theme and emotions of the landscape through grasping the local history and culture and analyzing emotional symbols from the perspective of human experience and psychological needs. 展开更多
关键词 deng Xiaoping’s HOMETOWN SCENIC SPOT MEMORIAL landscape EMOTION Analysis
Stand Diversity and Carbon Stock of a Tropical Forest in the Deng Deng National Park, Cameroon
作者 Seraphine E. Mokake Babila K. Weyi +3 位作者 Neculina Anyinkeng Lyonga M. Ngoh Obenarreyneke E. Berkeley Egbe E. Andrew 《Open Journal of Ecology》 2023年第7期461-496,共36页
Tropical rainforests are crucial in maintaining about 70% of the world’s plant and animal biodiversity and are also the highest terrestrial carbon reservoir. This study aimed to determine the tree species composition... Tropical rainforests are crucial in maintaining about 70% of the world’s plant and animal biodiversity and are also the highest terrestrial carbon reservoir. This study aimed to determine the tree species composition, structure and carbon stocks of the Deng Deng National Park which is a semi-deciduous tropical forest (plots 1 and 2 and the transition zone to the savannah (plot 3). Plots demarcation and enumeration followed standard protocols for permanent monitoring plots. The inventory of tree species ≥ 2 cm revealed a total of 5523 individuals of 64 species in 53 genera belonging to 26 families with plot 2 having the highest (2135 individuals/ha) and plot 3 the least (1291 individuals/ha). Tabernaemontana crassa was the most important tree species in the tropical forest and Lecythis idatimon in the savannah. Basal area was highest in the tropical forest and least in the savannah. The diameter distribution of trees in all forest types displayed a reverse J-pattern. Aboveground biomass was highest in the tropical forest (530.2 ± 66.4 t·C/ha) and least in the savannah (184.3 ± 20.1 t·C/ha). The carbon stock of the above ground biomass was twice as much as that of the below ground biomass, soil organic matter and litter. The total carbon stock estimated in all pools was 278.75 t·C/ha. The study site was poor in plant diversity, biomass and carbon stock, indicating a disturbed site with the absence of large trees and undergoing natural regeneration. This underlines an urgent need for efficient restoration management practices. 展开更多
关键词 DIVERSITY Above Ground Biomass Below Ground Biomass Carbon Stock deng deng National Park
Relativistic symmetries of Deng Fan and Eckart potentials with Coulomb-like and Yukawa-like tensor interactions 被引量:1
作者 Akpan N.Ikot S.Zarrinkamar +1 位作者 B.H.Yazarloo H.Hassanabadi 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第10期45-55,共11页
Relativistic symmetries of the Dirac equation under spin and pseudo-spin symmetries are investigated and a combina- tion of Deng-Fan and Eckart potentials with Coulomb-like and Yukawa-like tensor interaction terms are... Relativistic symmetries of the Dirac equation under spin and pseudo-spin symmetries are investigated and a combina- tion of Deng-Fan and Eckart potentials with Coulomb-like and Yukawa-like tensor interaction terms are considered. The energy equation is obtained by using the Nikiforov-Uvarov method and the corresponding wave functions are expressed in terms of the hypergeometric functions. The effects of the Coulomb and Yukawa tensor interactions are numerically discussed as well. 展开更多
关键词 deng-Fan potential Eckart potential Nikiforov-Uvarov method spin and pseudo-spin symme-tries
作者 Lizhong Peng Lixin Yan 《Analysis in Theory and Applications》 2009年第1期1-3,共3页
Donggao Deng, professor of mathematics, the associate Editor of ATA,was born in June 8, 1935 in Rongqi Town, Shunde City, GuangdongProvince, China. He passed away by illness in Guangzhou on October21, 2007.
Holding high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory
《开放导报》 1997年第9期1-1,共1页
关键词 HIGH Holding high the great banner of deng Xiaoping Theory
作者 Yu Xiaoqiu Deputy Director,Associate Research Professor,Division for World Changes Deputy Secretary General,Center for China’s Foreign Policy Studies,China Institute of Contemporary International Relations. 《Contemporary International Relations》 1997年第4期1-19,共19页
As the chief architect of China’s reform and opening up and a leading personalityof world class,Deng Xiaoping played a historical role in China’s political and e-conomic development in the period of its reform and o... As the chief architect of China’s reform and opening up and a leading personalityof world class,Deng Xiaoping played a historical role in China’s political and e-conomic development in the period of its reform and opening.And so did his globalstrategic thinking,which not only had a decisive bearing on the adjustments,andchanges in China’s foreign strategy and policies,but also made a great 展开更多
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