Unlike acceleration, velocity, and displacement, the time derivative ofacceleration (TDoA) of ground motion has not been extensively studied. In this paper, the basiccharacteristics of TDoA are evaluated based on reco...Unlike acceleration, velocity, and displacement, the time derivative ofacceleration (TDoA) of ground motion has not been extensively studied. In this paper, the basiccharacteristics of TDoA are evaluated based on records from the 1999 Chi-Chi, earthquake (Mw 7.6)and one of its aftershocks (Mw 6.2). It is found that the maximum TDoA at a free-field station wasover 31,200 cm/s3 (31.8 g/s); and the duration of 'strong' TDoA, between the first and the last timepoints exceeding 2,000 cm/s3 (2 g/s), was almost one minute near the epicenter area. Since groundTDoA sensors are not commonly available, the time series are calculated by direct numericaldifferentiation of acceleration time series. Relative error analysis shows that the error isnon-transitive and total error is within 4%. The density function of TDoA amplitude, frequencycontent and spatial distribution of peak ground jerk (PGJ) are evaluated. The study also includesexamination of some TDoA responses from a seven-story building and comparison of ground TDoA withthe limit TDoA used in the transportation industry for ride comfort. Some potential impacts of TDoAon humans have also been reviewed.展开更多
A stochastic dynamical system with double singularities driven by non-Gaussian noise is investigated. The Fokker Plank equation of the system is obtained through the path-integral approach and the method of transforma...A stochastic dynamical system with double singularities driven by non-Gaussian noise is investigated. The Fokker Plank equation of the system is obtained through the path-integral approach and the method of transformation. Based on the definition of Shannon's information entropy and the Schwartz inequality principle, the upper bound for the time derivative of entropy is calculated both in the absence and in the presence of non-equilibrium constraint. The present calculations can be used to interpret the effects of the system dissipative parameter, the system singularity strength parameter, the noise correlation time and the noise deviation parameter on the upper bound.展开更多
Fractional calculus has been widely used to study the flow of viscoelastic fluids recently,and fractional differential equations have attracted a lot of attention.However,the research has shown that the fractional equ...Fractional calculus has been widely used to study the flow of viscoelastic fluids recently,and fractional differential equations have attracted a lot of attention.However,the research has shown that the fractional equation with constant order operators has certain limitations in characterizing some physical phenomena.In this paper,the viscoelastic fluid flow of generalized Maxwell fluids in an infinite straight pipe driven by a periodic pressure gradient is investigated systematically.Consider the complexity of the material structure and multi-scale effects in the viscoelastic fluid flow.The modified time fractional Maxwell models and the corresponding governing equations with distributed/variable order time fractional derivatives are proposed.Based on the L1-approximation formula of Caputo fractional derivatives,the implicit finite difference schemes for the distributed/variable order time fractional governing equations are presented,and the numerical solutions are derived.In order to test the correctness and availability of numerical schemes,two numerical examples are established to give the exact solutions.The comparisons between the numerical solutions and the exact solutions have been made,and their high consistency indicates that the present numerical methods are effective.Then,this paper analyzes the velocity distributions of the distributed/variable order fractional Maxwell governing equations under specific conditions,and discusses the effects of the weight coefficient(α)in distributed order time fractional derivatives,the orderα(r,t)in variable fractional order derivatives,the relaxation timeλ,and the frequencyωof the periodic pressure gradient on the fluid flow velocity.Finally,the flow rates of the distributed/variable order fractional Maxwell governing equations are also studied.展开更多
By the theory of Modern Geometry, the mechanical principle and advanced calculus, the dynamics in Newtonian_Galilean spacetime is generalized to Newtonian_Riemannian Spacetime, and the dynamics in N_R spacetime is est...By the theory of Modern Geometry, the mechanical principle and advanced calculus, the dynamics in Newtonian_Galilean spacetime is generalized to Newtonian_Riemannian Spacetime, and the dynamics in N_R spacetime is established. Being divided it into some parts. This paper is one of them. The others are to be continued.展开更多
In this paper we study the self-similar solution to a class of nonlinear integro-differential equations which correspond to fractional order time derivative and interpolate nonlinear heat and wave equation. Using the ...In this paper we study the self-similar solution to a class of nonlinear integro-differential equations which correspond to fractional order time derivative and interpolate nonlinear heat and wave equation. Using the space-time estimates which were established by Hirata and Miao in [1] we prove the global existence of self-similar solution of Cauchy problem for the nonlinear integro-differential equation in C*([0,∞];B^8pp,∞(R^n).展开更多
Steady-state periodical response is investigated for an axially moving viscoelastic beam with hybrid supports via approximate analysis with numerical confirmation. It is assumed that the excitation is spatially unifor...Steady-state periodical response is investigated for an axially moving viscoelastic beam with hybrid supports via approximate analysis with numerical confirmation. It is assumed that the excitation is spatially uniform and temporally harmonic. The transverse motion of axially moving beams is governed by a nonlinear partial-differential equation and a nonlinear integro-partial-differential equation. The material time derivative is used in the viscoelastic constitutive relation. The method of multiple scales is applied to the governing equations to investigate primary resonances under general boundary conditions. It is demonstrated that the mode uninvolved in the resonance has no effect on the steady-state response. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the effects of the boundary constraint stiffness on the amplitude and the stability of the steady-state response. The results derived for two governing equations are qualitatively the same,but quantitatively different. The differential quadrature schemes are developed to verify those results via the method of multiple scales.展开更多
The current work is an extension of the nonlocal elasticity theory to fractional order thermo-elasticity in semiconducting nanostructure medium with voids.The analysis is made on the reflection phenomena in context of...The current work is an extension of the nonlocal elasticity theory to fractional order thermo-elasticity in semiconducting nanostructure medium with voids.The analysis is made on the reflection phenomena in context of three-phase-lag thermo-elastic model.It is observed that,four-coupled longitudinal waves and an independent shear vertical wave exist in the medium which is dispersive in nature.It is seen that longitudinal waves are damped,and shear wave is un-damped when angular frequency is less than the cut-off frequency.The voids,thermal and non-local parameter affect the dilatational waves whereas shear wave is only depending upon non-local parameter.It is found that reflection coefficients are affected by nonlocal and fractional order parameters.Reflection coefficients are calculated analytically and computed numerically for a material,silicon and discussed graphically in details.The results for local(classical)theory are obtained as a special case.The study may be useful in semiconductor nanostructure,geology and seismology in addition to semiconductor nanostructure devices.展开更多
This paper reports a new derivative in the Eulerian description in flat space-the generalized covariant derivative with respect to time. The following contents are included:(a) the restricted covariant derivative with...This paper reports a new derivative in the Eulerian description in flat space-the generalized covariant derivative with respect to time. The following contents are included:(a) the restricted covariant derivative with respect to time for Eulerian component is defined;(b) the postulate of the covariant form invariability in time field is set up;(c) the generalized covariant derivative with respect to time for generalized Eulerian component is defined;(d) the algebraic structure of the generalized covariant derivative with respect to time is made clear;(e) the covariant differential transformation group in time filed is derived. These progresses reveal the covariant form invariability of Eulerian space and time.展开更多
The previous paper reported a new derivative in the Eulerian description in flat space—the generalized covariant derivative of generalized Eulerian component with respect to time. This paper extends the thought from ...The previous paper reported a new derivative in the Eulerian description in flat space—the generalized covariant derivative of generalized Eulerian component with respect to time. This paper extends the thought from the Eulerian description to the Lagrangian description:on the basis of the postulate of covariant form invariability in time field, we define a new derivative in the Lagrangian description in flat space—the generalized covariant derivative of generalized Lagrangian component with respect to time. Besides, the covariant differential transformation group is set up. The covariant form invariability of Lagrangian space-time is ascertained.展开更多
In this paper, we introduce and propose exact and explicit analytical solutions to a novel model of the nonlinear Schr¨odinger(NLS) equation. This model is derived as the equation governing the dynamics of modula...In this paper, we introduce and propose exact and explicit analytical solutions to a novel model of the nonlinear Schr¨odinger(NLS) equation. This model is derived as the equation governing the dynamics of modulated cutoff waves in a discrete nonlinear electrical lattice. It is characterized by the addition of two terms that involve time derivatives to the classical equation. Through those terms, our model is also tantamount to a generalized NLS equation with saturable;which suggests that the discrete electrical transmission lines can potentially be used to experimentally investigate wave propagation in media that are modeled by such type of nonlinearity. We demonstrate that the new terms can enlarge considerably the forms of the solutions as compared to similar NLS-type equations. Sine–Gordon expansion-method is used to derive numerous kink, antikink, dark, and bright soliton solutions.展开更多
A specific state variable in a class of 3D continuous fractional-order chaotic systems is presented. All state variables of fractional-order chaotic systems of this class can be obtained via a specific state variable ...A specific state variable in a class of 3D continuous fractional-order chaotic systems is presented. All state variables of fractional-order chaotic systems of this class can be obtained via a specific state variable and its (q-order and 2q-order) time derivatives. This idea is demonstrated by using several well-known fractional-order chaotic systems. Finally, a synchronization scheme is investigated for this fractional-order chaotic system via a specific state variable and its (q-order and 2q-order) time derivatives. Some examples are used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed synchronization method.展开更多
In recent papers, Surana et al. presented internal polar non-classical Continuum theory in which velocity gradient tensor in its entirety was incorporated in the conservation and balance laws. Thus, this theory incorp...In recent papers, Surana et al. presented internal polar non-classical Continuum theory in which velocity gradient tensor in its entirety was incorporated in the conservation and balance laws. Thus, this theory incorporated symmetric part of the velocity gradient tensor (as done in classical theories) as well as skew symmetric part representing varying internal rotation rates between material points which when resisted by deforming continua result in dissipation (and/or storage) of mechanical work. This physics referred as internal polar physics is neglected in classical continuum theories but can be quite significant for some materials. In another recent paper Surana et al. presented ordered rate constitutive theories for internal polar non-classical fluent continua without memory derived using deviatoric Cauchy stress tensor and conjugate strain rate tensors of up to orders n and Cauchy moment tensor and its conjugate symmetric part of the first convected derivative of the rotation gradient tensor. In this constitutive theory higher order convected derivatives of the symmetric part of the rotation gradient tensor are assumed not to contribute to dissipation. Secondly, the skew symmetric part of the velocity gradient tensor is used as rotation rates to determine rate of rotation gradient tensor. This is an approximation to true convected time derivatives of the rotation gradient tensor. The resulting constitutive theory: (1) is incomplete as it neglects the second and higher order convected time derivatives of the symmetric part of the rotation gradient tensor;(2) first convected derivative of the symmetric part of the rotation gradient tensor as used by Surana et al. is only approximate;(3) has inconsistent treatment of dissipation due to Cauchy moment tensor when compared with the dissipation mechanism due to deviatoric part of symmetric Cauchy stress tensor in which convected time derivatives of up to order n are considered in the theory. The purpose of this paper is to present ordered rate constitutive theories for deviatoric Cauchy strain tensor, moment tensor and heat vector for thermofluids without memory in which convected time derivatives of strain tensors up to order n are conjugate with the Cauchy stress tensor and the convected time derivatives of the symmetric part of the rotation gradient tensor up to orders 1n are conjugate with the moment tensor. Conservation and balance laws are used to determine the choice of dependent variables in the constitutive theories: Helmholtz free energy density Φ, entropy density η, Cauchy stress tensor, moment tensor and heat vector. Stress tensor is decomposed into symmetric and skew symmetric parts and the symmetric part of the stress tensor and the moment tensor are further decomposed into equilibrium and deviatoric tensors. It is established through conjugate pairs in entropy inequality that the constitutive theories only need to be derived for symmetric stress tensor, moment tensor and heat vector. Density in the current configuration, convected time derivatives of the strain tensor up to order n, convected time derivatives of the symmetric part of the rotation gradient tensor up to orders 1n, temperature gradient tensor and temperature are considered as argument tensors of all dependent variables in the constitutive theories based on entropy inequality and principle of equipresence. The constitutive theories are derived in contravariant and covariant bases as well as using Jaumann rates. The nth and 1nth order rate constitutive theories for internal polar non-classical thermofluids without memory are specialized for n = 1 and 1n = 1 to demonstrate fundamental differences in the constitutive theories presented here and those used presently for classical thermofluids without memory and those published by Surana et al. for internal polar non-classical incompressible thermofluids.展开更多
We consider a class of doubly nonlinear history-dependent problems having a convection term and a pseudomonotone nonlinear diffusion operator associated an equation of the type ?<sub>t</sub>(k * (b(v) - b(...We consider a class of doubly nonlinear history-dependent problems having a convection term and a pseudomonotone nonlinear diffusion operator associated an equation of the type ?<sub>t</sub>(k * (b(v) - b(v<sub>0</sub>))) - div(a(x,Dv) + F(v)) = f where the right hand side belongs to L<sup>1</sup>. The kernel k belongs to the large class of PC kernels. In particular, the case of fractional time derivatives of order α ∈ (0,1) is included. Assuming b nondecreasing with L<sup>1</sup>-data, we prove existence in the framework of entropy solutions. The approach adopted for the proof is based on a several step approximation method and by using a result in the case of a strictly increasing b.展开更多
This paper considers a novel distributed order time fractional dual-phase-lag model to analyze the anomalous diffusion in a comb structure,which has a widespread application in medicine and biology.The newly proposed ...This paper considers a novel distributed order time fractional dual-phase-lag model to analyze the anomalous diffusion in a comb structure,which has a widespread application in medicine and biology.The newly proposed constitution model is a generalization of the dual-phase-lag model,in which a spectrum of the time fractional derivatives with the memory characteristic governed by the weight coefficient is considered and the formulated governing equation contains both the diffusion and wave characteristics.With the L1-formula to discrete the time Caputo fractional derivatives,the finite difference method is used to discretize the model and the related numerical results are plotted graphically.By adding a source term,an exact solution is defined to verify the correctness of the numerical scheme and the convergence order of the error in spatial direction is presented.Finally,the dynamic characteristics of the particle distributions and the effects of involved parameters on the total number of particles in the x-direction are analyzed in detail.展开更多
In this paper, a generalized time fractional nonlinear foam drainage equation is investigated by means of the Lie group analysis method. Based on the Riemann–Liouville derivative, the Lie point symmetries and symmetr...In this paper, a generalized time fractional nonlinear foam drainage equation is investigated by means of the Lie group analysis method. Based on the Riemann–Liouville derivative, the Lie point symmetries and symmetry reductions of the equation are derived, respectively. Furthermore, conservation laws with two kinds of independent variables of the equation are performed by making use of the nonlinear self-adjointness method.展开更多
In the study of variation of the earth’s rotation based on the records of some ancientastronomical events, the timing records of ancient astronomical events and phenomena, suchas solar and lunar eclises and lunar occ...In the study of variation of the earth’s rotation based on the records of some ancientastronomical events, the timing records of ancient astronomical events and phenomena, suchas solar and lunar eclises and lunar occultation, are important components of the data.The reliable records, especially those from the countries and regions with advanced an-cient astronomy and timing technology, contain valuable information on the variation展开更多
In abundant old observational records of lunar eclipses in ancient China, some with timing of lunar eclipse phase are significant to the study of secular variation and fluctuation of the Earth’s rotation.Among the ov...In abundant old observational records of lunar eclipses in ancient China, some with timing of lunar eclipse phase are significant to the study of secular variation and fluctuation of the Earth’s rotation.Among the over 700 observational records for about 400 lunar eclipses,133 observational times of eclipse phases about展开更多
基金National Science Foundation Under Grant No.CMS-0202846
文摘Unlike acceleration, velocity, and displacement, the time derivative ofacceleration (TDoA) of ground motion has not been extensively studied. In this paper, the basiccharacteristics of TDoA are evaluated based on records from the 1999 Chi-Chi, earthquake (Mw 7.6)and one of its aftershocks (Mw 6.2). It is found that the maximum TDoA at a free-field station wasover 31,200 cm/s3 (31.8 g/s); and the duration of 'strong' TDoA, between the first and the last timepoints exceeding 2,000 cm/s3 (2 g/s), was almost one minute near the epicenter area. Since groundTDoA sensors are not commonly available, the time series are calculated by direct numericaldifferentiation of acceleration time series. Relative error analysis shows that the error isnon-transitive and total error is within 4%. The density function of TDoA amplitude, frequencycontent and spatial distribution of peak ground jerk (PGJ) are evaluated. The study also includesexamination of some TDoA responses from a seven-story building and comparison of ground TDoA withthe limit TDoA used in the transportation industry for ride comfort. Some potential impacts of TDoAon humans have also been reviewed.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 10872165)
文摘A stochastic dynamical system with double singularities driven by non-Gaussian noise is investigated. The Fokker Plank equation of the system is obtained through the path-integral approach and the method of transformation. Based on the definition of Shannon's information entropy and the Schwartz inequality principle, the upper bound for the time derivative of entropy is calculated both in the absence and in the presence of non-equilibrium constraint. The present calculations can be used to interpret the effects of the system dissipative parameter, the system singularity strength parameter, the noise correlation time and the noise deviation parameter on the upper bound.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.12172197,12171284,12120101001,and 11672163)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No.2019ZRJC002)。
文摘Fractional calculus has been widely used to study the flow of viscoelastic fluids recently,and fractional differential equations have attracted a lot of attention.However,the research has shown that the fractional equation with constant order operators has certain limitations in characterizing some physical phenomena.In this paper,the viscoelastic fluid flow of generalized Maxwell fluids in an infinite straight pipe driven by a periodic pressure gradient is investigated systematically.Consider the complexity of the material structure and multi-scale effects in the viscoelastic fluid flow.The modified time fractional Maxwell models and the corresponding governing equations with distributed/variable order time fractional derivatives are proposed.Based on the L1-approximation formula of Caputo fractional derivatives,the implicit finite difference schemes for the distributed/variable order time fractional governing equations are presented,and the numerical solutions are derived.In order to test the correctness and availability of numerical schemes,two numerical examples are established to give the exact solutions.The comparisons between the numerical solutions and the exact solutions have been made,and their high consistency indicates that the present numerical methods are effective.Then,this paper analyzes the velocity distributions of the distributed/variable order fractional Maxwell governing equations under specific conditions,and discusses the effects of the weight coefficient(α)in distributed order time fractional derivatives,the orderα(r,t)in variable fractional order derivatives,the relaxation timeλ,and the frequencyωof the periodic pressure gradient on the fluid flow velocity.Finally,the flow rates of the distributed/variable order fractional Maxwell governing equations are also studied.
文摘By the theory of Modern Geometry, the mechanical principle and advanced calculus, the dynamics in Newtonian_Galilean spacetime is generalized to Newtonian_Riemannian Spacetime, and the dynamics in N_R spacetime is established. Being divided it into some parts. This paper is one of them. The others are to be continued.
基金NSF of China,Special Funds for Major State Basic Research Projects of ChinaNSF of Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics
文摘In this paper we study the self-similar solution to a class of nonlinear integro-differential equations which correspond to fractional order time derivative and interpolate nonlinear heat and wave equation. Using the space-time estimates which were established by Hirata and Miao in [1] we prove the global existence of self-similar solution of Cauchy problem for the nonlinear integro-differential equation in C*([0,∞];B^8pp,∞(R^n).
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (10902064 and 10932006)China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists (10725209)+2 种基金the Program of Shanghai Subject Chief Scientist (09XD1401700)Shanghai Leading Talent Program,Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Project (S30106)the program for Cheung Kong Scholars Programme and Innovative Research Team in University (IRT0844)
文摘Steady-state periodical response is investigated for an axially moving viscoelastic beam with hybrid supports via approximate analysis with numerical confirmation. It is assumed that the excitation is spatially uniform and temporally harmonic. The transverse motion of axially moving beams is governed by a nonlinear partial-differential equation and a nonlinear integro-partial-differential equation. The material time derivative is used in the viscoelastic constitutive relation. The method of multiple scales is applied to the governing equations to investigate primary resonances under general boundary conditions. It is demonstrated that the mode uninvolved in the resonance has no effect on the steady-state response. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the effects of the boundary constraint stiffness on the amplitude and the stability of the steady-state response. The results derived for two governing equations are qualitatively the same,but quantitatively different. The differential quadrature schemes are developed to verify those results via the method of multiple scales.
文摘The current work is an extension of the nonlocal elasticity theory to fractional order thermo-elasticity in semiconducting nanostructure medium with voids.The analysis is made on the reflection phenomena in context of three-phase-lag thermo-elastic model.It is observed that,four-coupled longitudinal waves and an independent shear vertical wave exist in the medium which is dispersive in nature.It is seen that longitudinal waves are damped,and shear wave is un-damped when angular frequency is less than the cut-off frequency.The voids,thermal and non-local parameter affect the dilatational waves whereas shear wave is only depending upon non-local parameter.It is found that reflection coefficients are affected by nonlocal and fractional order parameters.Reflection coefficients are calculated analytically and computed numerically for a material,silicon and discussed graphically in details.The results for local(classical)theory are obtained as a special case.The study may be useful in semiconductor nanostructure,geology and seismology in addition to semiconductor nanostructure devices.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China(No.11272175)the Specialized Research Found for Doctoral Program of Higher Education(No.20130002110044)
文摘This paper reports a new derivative in the Eulerian description in flat space-the generalized covariant derivative with respect to time. The following contents are included:(a) the restricted covariant derivative with respect to time for Eulerian component is defined;(b) the postulate of the covariant form invariability in time field is set up;(c) the generalized covariant derivative with respect to time for generalized Eulerian component is defined;(d) the algebraic structure of the generalized covariant derivative with respect to time is made clear;(e) the covariant differential transformation group in time filed is derived. These progresses reveal the covariant form invariability of Eulerian space and time.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China(No.11272175)the Specialized Research Found for Doctoral Program of Higher Education(No.20130002110044)
文摘The previous paper reported a new derivative in the Eulerian description in flat space—the generalized covariant derivative of generalized Eulerian component with respect to time. This paper extends the thought from the Eulerian description to the Lagrangian description:on the basis of the postulate of covariant form invariability in time field, we define a new derivative in the Lagrangian description in flat space—the generalized covariant derivative of generalized Lagrangian component with respect to time. Besides, the covariant differential transformation group is set up. The covariant form invariability of Lagrangian space-time is ascertained.
文摘In this paper, we introduce and propose exact and explicit analytical solutions to a novel model of the nonlinear Schr¨odinger(NLS) equation. This model is derived as the equation governing the dynamics of modulated cutoff waves in a discrete nonlinear electrical lattice. It is characterized by the addition of two terms that involve time derivatives to the classical equation. Through those terms, our model is also tantamount to a generalized NLS equation with saturable;which suggests that the discrete electrical transmission lines can potentially be used to experimentally investigate wave propagation in media that are modeled by such type of nonlinearity. We demonstrate that the new terms can enlarge considerably the forms of the solutions as compared to similar NLS-type equations. Sine–Gordon expansion-method is used to derive numerous kink, antikink, dark, and bright soliton solutions.
文摘A specific state variable in a class of 3D continuous fractional-order chaotic systems is presented. All state variables of fractional-order chaotic systems of this class can be obtained via a specific state variable and its (q-order and 2q-order) time derivatives. This idea is demonstrated by using several well-known fractional-order chaotic systems. Finally, a synchronization scheme is investigated for this fractional-order chaotic system via a specific state variable and its (q-order and 2q-order) time derivatives. Some examples are used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed synchronization method.
文摘In recent papers, Surana et al. presented internal polar non-classical Continuum theory in which velocity gradient tensor in its entirety was incorporated in the conservation and balance laws. Thus, this theory incorporated symmetric part of the velocity gradient tensor (as done in classical theories) as well as skew symmetric part representing varying internal rotation rates between material points which when resisted by deforming continua result in dissipation (and/or storage) of mechanical work. This physics referred as internal polar physics is neglected in classical continuum theories but can be quite significant for some materials. In another recent paper Surana et al. presented ordered rate constitutive theories for internal polar non-classical fluent continua without memory derived using deviatoric Cauchy stress tensor and conjugate strain rate tensors of up to orders n and Cauchy moment tensor and its conjugate symmetric part of the first convected derivative of the rotation gradient tensor. In this constitutive theory higher order convected derivatives of the symmetric part of the rotation gradient tensor are assumed not to contribute to dissipation. Secondly, the skew symmetric part of the velocity gradient tensor is used as rotation rates to determine rate of rotation gradient tensor. This is an approximation to true convected time derivatives of the rotation gradient tensor. The resulting constitutive theory: (1) is incomplete as it neglects the second and higher order convected time derivatives of the symmetric part of the rotation gradient tensor;(2) first convected derivative of the symmetric part of the rotation gradient tensor as used by Surana et al. is only approximate;(3) has inconsistent treatment of dissipation due to Cauchy moment tensor when compared with the dissipation mechanism due to deviatoric part of symmetric Cauchy stress tensor in which convected time derivatives of up to order n are considered in the theory. The purpose of this paper is to present ordered rate constitutive theories for deviatoric Cauchy strain tensor, moment tensor and heat vector for thermofluids without memory in which convected time derivatives of strain tensors up to order n are conjugate with the Cauchy stress tensor and the convected time derivatives of the symmetric part of the rotation gradient tensor up to orders 1n are conjugate with the moment tensor. Conservation and balance laws are used to determine the choice of dependent variables in the constitutive theories: Helmholtz free energy density Φ, entropy density η, Cauchy stress tensor, moment tensor and heat vector. Stress tensor is decomposed into symmetric and skew symmetric parts and the symmetric part of the stress tensor and the moment tensor are further decomposed into equilibrium and deviatoric tensors. It is established through conjugate pairs in entropy inequality that the constitutive theories only need to be derived for symmetric stress tensor, moment tensor and heat vector. Density in the current configuration, convected time derivatives of the strain tensor up to order n, convected time derivatives of the symmetric part of the rotation gradient tensor up to orders 1n, temperature gradient tensor and temperature are considered as argument tensors of all dependent variables in the constitutive theories based on entropy inequality and principle of equipresence. The constitutive theories are derived in contravariant and covariant bases as well as using Jaumann rates. The nth and 1nth order rate constitutive theories for internal polar non-classical thermofluids without memory are specialized for n = 1 and 1n = 1 to demonstrate fundamental differences in the constitutive theories presented here and those used presently for classical thermofluids without memory and those published by Surana et al. for internal polar non-classical incompressible thermofluids.
文摘We consider a class of doubly nonlinear history-dependent problems having a convection term and a pseudomonotone nonlinear diffusion operator associated an equation of the type ?<sub>t</sub>(k * (b(v) - b(v<sub>0</sub>))) - div(a(x,Dv) + F(v)) = f where the right hand side belongs to L<sup>1</sup>. The kernel k belongs to the large class of PC kernels. In particular, the case of fractional time derivatives of order α ∈ (0,1) is included. Assuming b nondecreasing with L<sup>1</sup>-data, we prove existence in the framework of entropy solutions. The approach adopted for the proof is based on a several step approximation method and by using a result in the case of a strictly increasing b.
基金The work is supported by the Project funded by the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China(No.11801029)Fundamental Research Funds for the Cen-tral Universities(FRF-TP-20-013A2)author Feng wishes to acknowledge thesupport from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NNSFC)(No.11801060).
文摘This paper considers a novel distributed order time fractional dual-phase-lag model to analyze the anomalous diffusion in a comb structure,which has a widespread application in medicine and biology.The newly proposed constitution model is a generalization of the dual-phase-lag model,in which a spectrum of the time fractional derivatives with the memory characteristic governed by the weight coefficient is considered and the formulated governing equation contains both the diffusion and wave characteristics.With the L1-formula to discrete the time Caputo fractional derivatives,the finite difference method is used to discretize the model and the related numerical results are plotted graphically.By adding a source term,an exact solution is defined to verify the correctness of the numerical scheme and the convergence order of the error in spatial direction is presented.Finally,the dynamic characteristics of the particle distributions and the effects of involved parameters on the total number of particles in the x-direction are analyzed in detail.
基金Supported by the National Training Programs of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Undergraduates under Grant No.201410290039the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities under Grant Nos.2015QNA53 and 2015XKQY14+2 种基金the Fundamental Research Funds for Postdoctoral at the Key Laboratory of Gas and Fire Control for Coal Minesthe General Financial Grant from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation under Grant No.2015M570498Natural Sciences Foundation of China under Grant No.11301527
文摘In this paper, a generalized time fractional nonlinear foam drainage equation is investigated by means of the Lie group analysis method. Based on the Riemann–Liouville derivative, the Lie point symmetries and symmetry reductions of the equation are derived, respectively. Furthermore, conservation laws with two kinds of independent variables of the equation are performed by making use of the nonlinear self-adjointness method.
文摘In the study of variation of the earth’s rotation based on the records of some ancientastronomical events, the timing records of ancient astronomical events and phenomena, suchas solar and lunar eclises and lunar occultation, are important components of the data.The reliable records, especially those from the countries and regions with advanced an-cient astronomy and timing technology, contain valuable information on the variation
文摘In abundant old observational records of lunar eclipses in ancient China, some with timing of lunar eclipse phase are significant to the study of secular variation and fluctuation of the Earth’s rotation.Among the over 700 observational records for about 400 lunar eclipses,133 observational times of eclipse phases about