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作者 刘颖 《外语教育研究》 2024年第2期79-84,共6页
针对奥地利战后社会虚假的和谐共存和对纳粹历史的有意遗忘,巴赫曼的小说《在杀人犯与疯子之中》以旁观者的清醒叙述触及了战后奥地利社会的禁忌话题,呈现出“混淆状态”下施害者和受害者“同桌共饮”的讽喻场景。作家借此对战后“对话... 针对奥地利战后社会虚假的和谐共存和对纳粹历史的有意遗忘,巴赫曼的小说《在杀人犯与疯子之中》以旁观者的清醒叙述触及了战后奥地利社会的禁忌话题,呈现出“混淆状态”下施害者和受害者“同桌共饮”的讽喻场景。作家借此对战后“对话式遗忘”的回忆文化和大联盟政治的本质进行了反思,对日常法西斯主义的延续及其危害进行了警示。小说为审视奥地利的二战历史记忆提供了新的观察视角。 展开更多
关键词 对话式遗忘 混淆状态 同桌共饮 历史记忆
作者 况瑞旭 张炜文 +4 位作者 邝振威 刘林 宋祯彦 张汝希 易亚乔 《陕西中医药大学学报》 2024年第2期63-69,共7页
目的用数据挖掘手段研究健忘病症用方侧重和思路。方法搜索并筛选《中医方剂大辞典》与《中华医典》中治疗健忘的方剂,利用相应软件分析四气五味、性味归经,并通过相应的数据挖掘算法手段,研究治疗“健忘”的方剂用药组方配伍规律并分... 目的用数据挖掘手段研究健忘病症用方侧重和思路。方法搜索并筛选《中医方剂大辞典》与《中华医典》中治疗健忘的方剂,利用相应软件分析四气五味、性味归经,并通过相应的数据挖掘算法手段,研究治疗“健忘”的方剂用药组方配伍规律并分析讨论其内在思路。结果共收集272首方剂,所含药物277种中药,高频药物为人参、远志、茯苓等。四气以温药为主,五味以甘、苦、辛居多,归经以心、肾、脾、肺、肝降序排列。药物关联规则分析中核心药对为11组,高频药物因子分析共提取9个公因子,系统聚类分析归为6大类。结论健忘病症治疗以虚证为主,尤其注重补益心、肾、脾三脏,用药多用甘温之品,用辛、苦温之品兼顾痰、瘀、风的祛除,并配合开窍醒神、养心安神、温阳利水共治健忘病症。 展开更多
关键词 健忘 数据挖掘 方剂 病症 记忆
作者 杨颖 钱彬 +1 位作者 陈思思 姚玉笙 《创伤与急诊电子杂志》 2024年第2期93-98,共6页
目的旨在探讨超极化激活的环核苷酸门控通道1(hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel 1,HCN1)在七氟烷诱导的顺行性遗忘中的作用机制。方法采用雄性SPF级C57BL/6J野生型小鼠(WT组,n=60)和HCN1基因全身敲... 目的旨在探讨超极化激活的环核苷酸门控通道1(hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel 1,HCN1)在七氟烷诱导的顺行性遗忘中的作用机制。方法采用雄性SPF级C57BL/6J野生型小鼠(WT组,n=60)和HCN1基因全身敲除(HCN1-/-)小鼠(HCN1-/-组,n=60)。将两组小鼠分别暴露于不同浓度的七氟烷(0%、0.1%、0.2%、0.4%、0.6%和0.8%)下,每个浓度10只小鼠。随后进行条件性恐惧实验,计算两组小鼠七氟烷抑制条件性恐惧记忆的半数效应浓度(median effective concentration,用EC50表示)。采用全细胞膜片钳技术记录0.125mmol/L七氟烷浓度灌流液对转染HCN1的人胚肾293细胞(HEK293-HCN1)上HCN1电流的影响,比较七氟烷处理前(Control组)和处理后(Sevoflurane组)HCN1电流的变化。结果与-/-WT组小鼠相比,HCN1组小鼠在七氟烷抑制场景恐惧记忆和声音恐惧记忆中的EC50值升高,差异有统计学意义(场景恐惧记忆:0.18%比0.26%,P<0.001;声音恐惧记忆:0.47%比0.49%,P<0.001)。全细胞电生理记录显示,与基础值相比,0.125mmol/L七氟烷抑制HEK293-HCN1细胞在﹣90~﹣140mV范围内的电流幅度(P值均<0.05),并增加了半最大激活电压(V1/2a)值[(﹣108±2.9)mV比(﹣100.1±3.0)mV,(P<0.001)]。结论HCN1电流的抑制可能参与了七氟烷诱导的顺行性遗忘作用。 展开更多
关键词 七氟烷 顺行性遗忘 超极化激活的环核苷酸门控阳离子通道 条件性恐惧实验 单细胞膜片钳
作者 陈彦祺 王葆华 +1 位作者 李千卉 樊欣 《华中建筑》 2024年第4期162-166,共5页
宗祠文化在中华优秀传统文化中呈现出最独特、鲜明的表征形式。鉴于宗祠建筑损毁及文化价值流失、传承意识淡薄、系统保护措施匮乏等“文化失忆”问题。选取黄河流域民间宗祠为研究对象,以探索民间宗祠文化的传承机制为研究主线,溯源民... 宗祠文化在中华优秀传统文化中呈现出最独特、鲜明的表征形式。鉴于宗祠建筑损毁及文化价值流失、传承意识淡薄、系统保护措施匮乏等“文化失忆”问题。选取黄河流域民间宗祠为研究对象,以探索民间宗祠文化的传承机制为研究主线,溯源民间宗祠文化传承与乡村振兴、文化自信的内在联系。基于SPSS分析,采用田野调查法、因子分析法、比较归纳法等定量与定性结合的方法相耦合,厘清黄河流域民间宗祠的现实困境及宗祠文化传承的影响因素。总结出抢救式保护宗祠建筑本体、活态化转译宗祠文化基因、多维度赋能乡村建设的在地性保护传承模式,以期更好地助推文化遗产的保护传承事业与乡村振兴建设的蓬勃发展。 展开更多
关键词 文化失忆 黄河流域 民间宗祠 文化传承机制 记忆重构
作者 颜晓娇 刘锋涛 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2024年第11期86-88,共3页
目的对高血压脑出血术后认知功能障碍患者应用中西医结合疗法,并分析其康复效果。方法选取2021年1月—2021年12月在中国医科大学附属盛京医院治疗的106例高血压脑出血患者。按随机数字表法分为两组,各53例。对照组应用常规西医治疗;观... 目的对高血压脑出血术后认知功能障碍患者应用中西医结合疗法,并分析其康复效果。方法选取2021年1月—2021年12月在中国医科大学附属盛京医院治疗的106例高血压脑出血患者。按随机数字表法分为两组,各53例。对照组应用常规西医治疗;观察组在对照组的基础上,应用中医疗法(中药+针刺+穴位按摩)。评价两组患者智能障碍程度[简易精神状态量表(MMSE)评分]、认知功能[蒙特利尔认知评估表(MoCA)评分]、日常活动能力[改良Barthel指数(MBI)评分]以及脑血管功能指标。结果治疗后,观察组患者各维度MMSE评分及总分均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组患者的MoCA评分、MBI评分均明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组患者的脑血管流量、脑血管流速均高于对照组,血管外周阻力低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论应用中西医结合疗法能够有效改善患者认知功能、提高患者日常活动能力、改善其脑血管功能,与单独西医治疗相比具有显著优势,值得推广。 展开更多
关键词 健忘 高血压脑出血 认知功能障碍 中西医结合疗法
Acute amnesia during pregnancy due to bilateral fornix infarction: A case report 被引量:2
作者 Min Jai Cho Dong-Ick Shin +1 位作者 Moon-Ku Han Kyu Sun Yum 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2020年第19期4494-4498,共5页
BACKGROUND Stroke is an important cause of maternal morbidity and mortality during pregnancy and puerperium.Isolated amnesia is a rare clinical symptom caused by ischemic stroke during pregnancy.We present the first d... BACKGROUND Stroke is an important cause of maternal morbidity and mortality during pregnancy and puerperium.Isolated amnesia is a rare clinical symptom caused by ischemic stroke during pregnancy.We present the first documented case of acute amnesia during pregnancy due to bilateral fornix infarction.CASE SUMMARY A 32-year-old nullipara presented at 35 wk of gestation with acute amnesia and headache.Brain magnetic resonance imaging and angiography revealed acute infarction in the bilateral anterior fornix.There was no evidence of causative abnormality after extensive work-up,including for vascular abnormality,cardiac disease,coagulopathy,and pregnancy-related conditions.The patient was diagnosed with cryptogenic stroke.Aspirin was administered immediately,and the patient recovered fully without recurrence.CONCLUSION Acute isolated amnesia due to stroke is rare during pregnancy.Early diagnosis of stroke and immediate treatment prevent neurologic sequelae. 展开更多
关键词 FORNIX Brain amnesia Cerebral infarction PREGNANCY Stroke Case report
Anti-Amnesic Activity of Vitex Negundo in Scopolamine Induced Amnesia in Rats 被引量:1
作者 Abhinav Kanwal Jogender Mehla +3 位作者 Madhusudana Kuncha Vegi Ganga Modi Naidu Yogendra Kumar Gupta Ramakrishna Sistla 《Pharmacology & Pharmacy》 2010年第1期1-8,共8页
In the present study we investigated the anti-amnesic activity of Vitex negundo in scopolamine induced amnesia in rats. Wistar rats (180-200 g) were trained on active avoidance task. Each animal received session of 15... In the present study we investigated the anti-amnesic activity of Vitex negundo in scopolamine induced amnesia in rats. Wistar rats (180-200 g) were trained on active avoidance task. Each animal received session of 15 trials with inter trial duration of 15 s for 5 days. Scopolamine (3 mg/kg, i.p) was administered at different time periods on the basis of stages of memory i.e acquisition, consolidation and retention in different groups (n = 6). Effect of Vitex negundo extract was evaluated and compared to a standard drug, Donepezil. Significant (p 【0.05) increase in the avoidance response on the 5th session has been observed as compared to 1st session in control group. Scopolamine treatment significantly (p 【0.05) reduced the avoidance response compared to control. Extract treated groups shown significant (p 【0.05) increase in number of avoidance responses as compared to scopolamine treated groups. Increased oxidative stress in brain after scopolamine treatment, as observed by increase in MDA &amp;decrease in GSH &amp;SOD, was lowered in the groups treated with extracts. AChE activity was also improved after V. negundo treatment. Results of the study have shown that V. negundo treated groups decrease the phenomenon of amnesia by increasing learning of memory through antioxidant effect and decreasing AChE activity. 展开更多
关键词 VITEX Negundo amnesia Acetylcholinestrase SCOPOLAMINE Learning and Memory OXIDATIVE Stress
Transient global amnesia after epiduroscopy in a failed back surgery syndrome patient: Case report
作者 Leonardo Consoletti Antonella Cotoia +1 位作者 Gilda Cinnella Michele Dambrosio 《Health》 2013年第11期7-11,共5页
Epiduroscopy (EDS) allows diagnosis and treatment of spinal nerve root pathology by a fiberoptic device inserted percutaneously in the epidural space. Transient global amnesia syndrome (TGA) is defined by an abrupt on... Epiduroscopy (EDS) allows diagnosis and treatment of spinal nerve root pathology by a fiberoptic device inserted percutaneously in the epidural space. Transient global amnesia syndrome (TGA) is defined by an abrupt onset of an anterograde and retrograde amnesia that lasts up to 24 h, although mild subclinical neuropsychological deficits, with concomitant vegetative symptoms, can last for days after the episode. To our knowledge no cases of TGA in association with EDS have been recognized. We present a case of a 54-year-old man who was admitted for EDS, having experienced two times the failed surgery for spinal and left leg pain. During the EDS, 10 ml of non-ionic contrast media (CM) was injected to confirm the inside lesions. The epidural adhesions were gently broken down and drugs were injected around any inflamed nerve roots. Immediately after EDS, the patient experienced a TGA with loss of memory for the recent procedure and an impaired ability to retain new information. There were no signs of confusion or altered conscious level or seizure activities and neurological examination was normal. At 24 h a cranial computerized tomography (cCT) without CM showed “abnormal contrast enhancement at subarachnoid liquoral spaces levels”, then at 72 h cCT control was normal. The patient was discharged on the seventh day with perioperative lacunar amnesia persisting at this time. Herein, we sought a possible relationship between neurotoxic effect of CM and TGA in a patient emotionally stressed, even if the CM dose was given as a normal clinical range. 展开更多
关键词 INTRATHECAL Injection of Radiopaque CONTRAST EPIDUROSCOPY FAILED Back Surgery Syndrome Transient Global amnesia NONIONIC CONTRAST Media
Effectiveness of lorazepam-assisted interviews in an adolescent with dissociative amnesia A case report
作者 Yuna Seo Mi-Hee Shin +1 位作者 Sung-Gon Kim Ji-Hoon Kim 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第2期186-190,共5页
To facilitate gathering information during a psychiatric interview, some psychiatrists advocate augmenting the interview using drugs. Rather than barbiturates, benzodiazepines have been used for drug-assisted intervie... To facilitate gathering information during a psychiatric interview, some psychiatrists advocate augmenting the interview using drugs. Rather than barbiturates, benzodiazepines have been used for drug-assisted interviews. Dissociative amnesia is one of the indications for these interviews. Herein, we present the case of a 15-year-old female who was diagnosed as having dissociative amnesia because of conflicts with her friends. She was administered a Iorazepam-assisted interview to aid recovery of her memories. In this case, a small dose of Iorazepam was sufficient to recover her memories without any adverse effects. 展开更多
关键词 neural regeneration clinical practice dissociative amnesia dissociative disorder dissociation drug-assisted interview amobarbital Iorazepam BENZODIAZEPINE ADOLESCENT memory loss emotional distress DISTRESS grant-supported paper NEUROREGENERATION
Case Study on Focal Retrograde Amnesia due to Limbic Encephalitis
作者 Nobuhiro Takahashi Mimpei Kawamura +2 位作者 Naoki Tanihara Mamiko Sato Yasutaka Kobayashi 《World Journal of Neuroscience》 2020年第2期91-100,共10页
This case study addresses episodic memory impairment or focal retrograde amnesia related to limbic encephalitis. The patient in question was a right-handed man in his 60s who developed focal retrograde amnesia due to ... This case study addresses episodic memory impairment or focal retrograde amnesia related to limbic encephalitis. The patient in question was a right-handed man in his 60s who developed focal retrograde amnesia due to limbic encephalitis. An abnormal MRI signal was observed in the right medial temporal lobe. Immediately after the encephalitis onset, mental symptoms—including impaired consciousness, disorientation, hallucinations, and delusions—appeared;however, his condition improved with medical treatment. After transfer to a convalescent and rehabilitation hospital, various neuropsychological tests were conducted but no apparent functional decline was observed in intellectual function, attention, memorization, or retention. However, the patient exhibited impairments related to autobiographical memory and memory of events 4?-?5 years before the onset of limbic encephalitis. Based on these observations, the patient was considered to exhibit focal retrograde amnesia due to limbic encephalitis. Despite exhibiting retrograde amnesia, he had no difficulty in his daily life in the ward. Moreover, after discharge from hospital, smooth work reinstatement was possible. This case demonstrates that, even after exhibiting retrograde amnesia, if its duration is relatively short and physical function and other higher-order brain functions are sustained, social rehabilitation—including work reinstatement—is feasible. 展开更多
关键词 LIMBIC ENCEPHALITIS FOCAL Retrograde amnesia MEDIAL Temporal Lobe Topographic DISORIENTATION Social Rehabilitation
Lost in the Present: Anterograde Amnesia and Medical Decision Making Capacity
作者 John McKelvie Christopher A. Pierce +2 位作者 Thomas M. Dunn Philippe Weintraub Robert M. House 《Open Journal of Medical Psychology》 2014年第1期54-59,共6页
Although there have been a limited number of case reports of human bilateral hippocampal injury, none of these have addressed the impact of such injuries on medical decision making capacity. The authors present a case... Although there have been a limited number of case reports of human bilateral hippocampal injury, none of these have addressed the impact of such injuries on medical decision making capacity. The authors present a case of an elderly man with discrete bilateral hippocampal injury. As a result of his injury, the patient was hopelessly “lost in the present” and only retained the basic cognitive functions necessary to have decision making capacity for a limited period of time. He was unable to appreciate the nature of his injury, the potential risks involved in his decisions, and the recommended course of treatment longer than a few minutes. The patient’s resultant neurocognitive deficits left him lacking medical decision making capacity, a likely outcome for patients with persistent anterograde amnesia. 展开更多
关键词 Bilateral HIPPOCAMPAL Injury ANTEROGRADE amnesia Capacity Medical Decision Making Capacity EPISODIC Memory PROSPECTIVE Brain
Unexpected anterograde amnesia associated with Buscopan used as a predmedication for endocscopy
作者 Hyuk Lee Hee Jung Son +2 位作者 Poong-Lyul Rhee Jae J Kim Jong Chul Rhee 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第28期3895-3896,共2页
It has been known that peripheral adverse event is caused by peripheral antimuscarinic action, from hyoscine butylbromide (Buscopan; Boehringer Ingelheim, Germany) used as a premedication for endoscopy. However, sympt... It has been known that peripheral adverse event is caused by peripheral antimuscarinic action, from hyoscine butylbromide (Buscopan; Boehringer Ingelheim, Germany) used as a premedication for endoscopy. However, symptoms or signs associated with the central nervous system are rarely reported in the field of anesthesiology and peripartum labor. This central anticholinergic syndrome is likely caused by blockade of muscarinic cholinergic receptors in the central nervous system. There is no report on Buscopan-induced central anticholinergic syndrome in endoscopy room so far. Three middle-aged females unexpectedly suffered from anterograde amnesia after intramuscular injection of hyoscine butylbromide as an antispasmodic premedication for endoscopy at our endoscopy unit in the Health Promotion Center. 展开更多
关键词 内窥镜检查 东莨菪碱 丁基溴化物 抗胆碱能药综合症 健忘症 顺行性遗忘
Combating Historical Amnesia:The Memory-individual as the Living Memory in Marilynne Robinson’s Gilead
作者 LU Ying-ru 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2021年第11期873-877,共5页
In Marilynne Robinson's Gilead,the first John Ames is the memory-individual whose personal memory serves as the living memory to combat the collective historical amnesia of Iowa’s antislavery movement.For all his... In Marilynne Robinson's Gilead,the first John Ames is the memory-individual whose personal memory serves as the living memory to combat the collective historical amnesia of Iowa’s antislavery movement.For all his efforts,memory is framed by the present.Gilead has forgotten its abolitionist root and anti-racial discrimination tradition.The individual effort to resist collective historical amnesia fails.Through the first Ames’s failure,Robinson presents the politics of memory,particularly the struggle between individual memory and collective historical amnesia.The historical amnesia of abolitionism over Gilead is Robinson’s criticism of the present societal betrayal of the pursuit of racial equality as epitomized in the historical antislavery movement.Robinson’s memory writing in Gilead is also her literary endeavor to remember the forgotten history and to reflect upon the racial issue pervading present American society. 展开更多
关键词 Marilynne Robinson GILEAD Historical amnesia Memory-individual
基于“肾-肝-脑”轴探讨围绝经期健忘的中医防治 被引量:1
作者 雷华娟 刘柏炎 《湖南中医药大学学报》 CAS 2023年第12期2300-2304,共5页
围绝经期健忘是女性特殊生理时期发生的脑记忆功能减退的表现,严重影响女性的生活质量,且可能增加阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease,AD)发生的风险。健忘归属于中医学“呆症”范畴。基于肝肾母子相生的生理和女性围绝经期肾虚肝郁... 围绝经期健忘是女性特殊生理时期发生的脑记忆功能减退的表现,严重影响女性的生活质量,且可能增加阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease,AD)发生的风险。健忘归属于中医学“呆症”范畴。基于肝肾母子相生的生理和女性围绝经期肾虚肝郁引起健忘发生的特点,本文首次提出“肾-肝-脑”轴及围绝经期健忘之概念,同时阐述养阴宁神方补肾滋肝以防治围绝经期健忘的重要作用,以期为中医防治围绝经期健忘提供理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 健忘 围绝经期 “肾-肝-脑”轴 中医 防治 补肾滋肝
作者 李沈阳 《南都学坛(南阳师范学院人文社会科学学报)》 2023年第3期1-6,共6页
从汉代开始,“故事”成为治国理政的新依据,它的一个来源是历史人物的事迹。霍光历仕汉武帝、昭帝和宣帝三朝,其生前和身后事迹被后人根据不同情境,有选择性地以“霍光故事”名义作为处理类似事件和达到个人目的的参照,并频繁出现在从... 从汉代开始,“故事”成为治国理政的新依据,它的一个来源是历史人物的事迹。霍光历仕汉武帝、昭帝和宣帝三朝,其生前和身后事迹被后人根据不同情境,有选择性地以“霍光故事”名义作为处理类似事件和达到个人目的的参照,并频繁出现在从《东观汉记》到《资治通鉴》的诸多史籍中,是霍光影响的具象化。“霍光故事”是汉代“故事”形成的一种模式,反映了汉代“故事”的诸多特征:应用领域广泛、地位模糊、形成主体多样和传承中去情境化。在汉代历史上,“霍光故事”在平帝时首次被提出用来解决现实问题,在东汉时成为援引次数最多的四个“故事”之一,是“故事”运用于治国理政的体现。从中国法制史的角度看,汉代“故事”尚不具备法律地位,也不是“道德权威”,但这预示了汉代“故事”地位的提升空间和演变趋势。 展开更多
关键词 霍光事迹 记忆 失忆 “霍光故事” 治国理政
作者 徐波 夏婧 +2 位作者 谢光璟 刘渊 李非洲 《世界睡眠医学杂志》 2023年第7期1506-1509,共4页
《黄帝内经》(以下简称《内经》)认为生命周期与健康息息相关,机体不同生命周期睡眠障碍、健忘、体质均不同:老人多不夜瞑、少壮之人多不昼瞑,老人脑髓空而善忘、小儿脑未满而善忘,婴儿肉脆而血少气弱、壮年人多血气充盈、老人肝心脾肺... 《黄帝内经》(以下简称《内经》)认为生命周期与健康息息相关,机体不同生命周期睡眠障碍、健忘、体质均不同:老人多不夜瞑、少壮之人多不昼瞑,老人脑髓空而善忘、小儿脑未满而善忘,婴儿肉脆而血少气弱、壮年人多血气充盈、老人肝心脾肺肾依次渐衰。研究《内经》对不同生命周期睡眠障碍、健忘、体质的认识,可为不同生命周期疾病的“因期”辨治与调养提供理论指导。 展开更多
关键词 《黄帝内经》 生命周期 睡眠障碍 健忘 体质
脑小血管病所致认知障碍的中西医研究进展 被引量:3
作者 范雪静 王兴臣 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2023年第20期199-202,共4页
随着影像学的发展,脑小血管病(Cerebral small vessel disease,CSVD)检出率逐年升高,其与血管性认知障碍的关系紧密,是导致血管性认知障碍的最重要原因之一,占血管性痴呆的36%~67%,严重影响患者生活质量。CSVD所致认知障碍起病隐匿,早... 随着影像学的发展,脑小血管病(Cerebral small vessel disease,CSVD)检出率逐年升高,其与血管性认知障碍的关系紧密,是导致血管性认知障碍的最重要原因之一,占血管性痴呆的36%~67%,严重影响患者生活质量。CSVD所致认知障碍起病隐匿,早期识别和干预CSVD能够有效延缓血管性认知障碍的进展。然而目前西医治疗缺乏循证医学证据,中医药在治疗认知障碍方面具有一定优势。文章分别从中医、西医不同角度对CSVD所致认知障碍的发病机制、治疗方法展开综述,为CSVD所致认知障碍的中西医结合防治提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 健忘 脑小血管病 认知障碍 发病机制 中西医结合疗法 综述
基于药症相应探讨历代本草辨治健忘思路 被引量:1
作者 刘红喜 梁晓 +6 位作者 申伟 魏竞竞 付国静 刘悦 石静资 迟显苏 张允岭 《中医药学报》 CAS 2023年第5期59-63,共5页
目的:基于药症相应,探讨历代本草文献中关于健忘辨治的思路,以指导临床辨治用药。方法:检索《中华医典》数据库中本草类的全部文献数据,收集整理健忘辨治的本草信息。对筛选纳入的本草进行著作收录频次统计。以健忘辨治病机要素进行分... 目的:基于药症相应,探讨历代本草文献中关于健忘辨治的思路,以指导临床辨治用药。方法:检索《中华医典》数据库中本草类的全部文献数据,收集整理健忘辨治的本草信息。对筛选纳入的本草进行著作收录频次统计。以健忘辨治病机要素进行分类统计,提取各类本草的辨治论述内容。结果:在76部历代本草专著中,筛选出39味本草中药。在筛选本草被收录频次中,居前10位者,依次为远志、石菖蒲、茯神、黄连、茯苓、山药、牛黄、人参、淫羊藿、木通。在以健忘为辨治病机要素的本草分类中,可划分为神浮、火扰、浊阻、郁滞、正虚五类病机要素。结论:健忘辨治用药以安神药、泻火药、化浊药、解郁药、补虚药为主,且互相联合运用;安神定志、补虚泻实、整体辨治为健忘辨治3大特点,符合神志失守、正虚邪实、五脏相通的生理功能紊乱状态。 展开更多
关键词 本草 文献 健忘 辨治思路
作者 闫文静 郭威 +1 位作者 吕佳楗 戴霞 《山东中医杂志》 2023年第9期938-943,共6页
目的:对《证类本草》中治疗健忘的药物进行深入挖掘整理和分析,为提高健忘中药治疗效果和中药新药研发提供理论依据。方法:对《证类本草》中治疗健忘的药物进行筛选、整理和归纳,系统分析药物的性味、归经,并结合现代医学研究成果分析... 目的:对《证类本草》中治疗健忘的药物进行深入挖掘整理和分析,为提高健忘中药治疗效果和中药新药研发提供理论依据。方法:对《证类本草》中治疗健忘的药物进行筛选、整理和归纳,系统分析药物的性味、归经,并结合现代医学研究成果分析其功效特点,挖掘具有潜在药用价值的药物。结果:挖掘出《证类本草》中31味治疗健忘的常用药物,性多温、平,味甘,多归肾、肝、心经,功效分类以补虚药居多。结论:《证类本草》中治疗健忘的用药特点为补虚为主,温寒并用;五脏论治,痰瘀为要;攻补兼顾,谨遵理法。玄明粉、赤石脂、龙胆、苍耳子、荆芥5味药物在治疗健忘方面具有潜在药用价值,值得进一步的研究。 展开更多
关键词 《证类本草》 健忘 药性 药味 归经 功效 挖掘 新药研发
作者 李泽南 刘汉明 +3 位作者 胡珍珍 黎姿 司马燊 郭港 《计算机技术与发展》 2023年第8期165-171,179,共8页
计算机技术在中国的普及,使得人们大量使用计算机输入文本,从而大大减少了汉字的书写。加上拼音等易用的汉字输入法占据主导地位,使人们对熟悉的字变得生疏,“提笔忘字”非常普遍。五笔等字形编码的汉字输入法体现了汉字的书写,可有效... 计算机技术在中国的普及,使得人们大量使用计算机输入文本,从而大大减少了汉字的书写。加上拼音等易用的汉字输入法占据主导地位,使人们对熟悉的字变得生疏,“提笔忘字”非常普遍。五笔等字形编码的汉字输入法体现了汉字的书写,可有效减少“提笔忘字”等现象,但易用性不高。研究把推荐系统中的场感知分解机与传统的五笔输入法相结合,解决了稀疏特征问题,并根据用户的历史数据,预测用户需求同时推送最可能的候选汉字,提高了第一候选字词推荐准确率,降低了使用难度。实验表明,该五笔输入法具有稳健的“推荐”能力,第一候选字词推荐准确率达到98.91%,显著优于现有输入法,并且准确率可随用户对字词使用次数的增加而提高,达到了改善用户体验、增加用户粘性的目的。 展开更多
关键词 场感知分解机 五笔输入法 推荐系统 提笔忘字 易用性
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