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Exploring Critical Thinking Dispositions among Fourth Year BSc Nursing Students of Various Colleges of Nursing, Pakistan
作者 Sadaf Younis Najma Balquees Anwar Syeda Fakhar Batool 《Open Journal of Nursing》 2024年第6期267-281,共15页
Background: Critical Thinking (CT) dispositions in nursing are prominent predictors of competence in delivering high-quality care, and of professionalism, in newly graduated nurses. CT skills, in isolation of CT dispo... Background: Critical Thinking (CT) dispositions in nursing are prominent predictors of competence in delivering high-quality care, and of professionalism, in newly graduated nurses. CT skills, in isolation of CT dispositions, do not guarantee success in the workplace, because Critical Thinking Dispositions (CTD) are important elements of intellectual reasoning that simulate a person towards using the CT skills. Therefore, nursing educational programs should promote lifelong learning rather than focusing on transferring the content of nursing knowledge only. And for this purpose, quality education is the key. Education should focus on teaching from diverse perspectives, incorporating various teaching learning strategies that are congruent with the modern era. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore critical thinking dispositions among final year Baccalaureate Nursing students of various military colleges of nursing, in Pakistan. Methodology: A descriptive qualitative exploratory study design was used to investigate the CTD of BSc final year nursing students. The study population included twelve willing nursing students, from six military colleges across the country. Demographic information and consent was taken from the participants of the study. In-depth interviews, through a semi structured interview guide, and probes were used to obtain data related to personal experiences of CTD amongst the nursing students. Results: Data analysis showed two broad themes: 1) Perceptions of CT, and 2) Experiences of CT dispositions. In theme one, the emerging category was: Clarity of CT;whereas in theme two, the categories that emerged were: a) Truth Seeking, b) Open Mindedness, c) Inquisitiveness, and d) Self Organization. Conclusion: The findings of the study revealed positive dispositions towards truth seeking, open mindedness, and self-organization, whereas disposition towards inquisitiveness was weak. Self-confidence and maturity also emerged as positive factors that the students possessed. This study recommends that faculty and learners should extend their concept of CTD, and emphasizes its application in daily routine. Additionally, faculty should modify their instructional strategies and focus on the cultivation of dispositions of inquisitiveness, curiosity, and allow questioning by students in the class. 展开更多
关键词 Critical Thinking Critical Thinking Disposition Nursing Students
On the Proof of the Contradiction of Set Theory
作者 Yury M. Volin 《Advances in Pure Mathematics》 2024年第3期139-159,共21页
The article is devoted to proving the inconsistency of set theory arising from the existence of strange trees. All steps of the proof rely on common informal set-theoretic reasoning, but they take into account the pro... The article is devoted to proving the inconsistency of set theory arising from the existence of strange trees. All steps of the proof rely on common informal set-theoretic reasoning, but they take into account the prohibitions that were introduced into axiomatic set theories in order to overcome the difficulties encountered by the naive Cantor set theory. Therefore, in fact, the article is about proving the inconsistency of existing axiomatic set theories, in particular, the ZFC theory. 展开更多
关键词 Set Theory Inconsistency TREE Strange Tree Through Way Almost through Way ISOMORPHISM Almost Isomorphism Isomorphism Tree Place Plane Superposition of Trees on the Place Plane Disposition of Trees on the Place Plane
A Comparative Analysis of Contemporary Methods of Final Disposition
作者 Dina Cirigliano 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 2024年第7期1762-1774,共13页
This article illustrates the procedural specificities of the following eight contemporary methods of final disposition: (1) Natural Organic Reduction, (2) Alkaline Hydrolysis, (3) Plastination, (4) Body Farm, (5) Cryo... This article illustrates the procedural specificities of the following eight contemporary methods of final disposition: (1) Natural Organic Reduction, (2) Alkaline Hydrolysis, (3) Plastination, (4) Body Farm, (5) Cryonics, (6) Memorial Reefs, (7) Organic Burial Pods, and (8) Space Funeral. After comparing the differences in the duration of body-processing time of all eight methods, Alkaline Hydrolysis was determined to take the shortest length of time to complete (6 - 8 hours), while Plastination was deemed to take the longest length of time to complete (1 year). Additionally, with regard to comparing the differences in cost to the consumer, Plastination and Body Farm were both deemed to be of the lowest cost ($0/body donation only), while Cryonics was deemed to be the most expensive ($200,000+ due to ongoing subfreezing storage and maintenance fees). Finally, after comparing the differences in each state’s set of sanctioned methods of final disposition, it was established that the seventeen states that restrict their residents’ options the most, permitting only two out of the eight contemporary options, include Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, and Wisconsin, and that the two states that restrict their residents the least, permitting six out of the eight contemporary options include California and Florida. 展开更多
关键词 Mortuary Science Biological Decomposition Chemical Decomposition THANATOLOGY Death Studies Body Disposition
The fate of surplus embryos in the setting of assisted reproductive technology:A scoping review
作者 I Gusti Agung Ngurah Agung Sentosa Sarrah Ayuandari +1 位作者 Rafhani Rosyidah Agung Dewanto 《Asian pacific Journal of Reproduction》 2023年第1期1-9,共9页
Objective:To identify the attitudes of infertile couples toward their surplus frozen embryos.Methods:This study was according to PRISMA-ScR as the guideline for scoping review.Studies that assessed the attitudes of pa... Objective:To identify the attitudes of infertile couples toward their surplus frozen embryos.Methods:This study was according to PRISMA-ScR as the guideline for scoping review.Studies that assessed the attitudes of patients or infertile couples who had surplus embryos were included.We conducted systematic searches in English studies from April 2011-April 2021 using 7 databases:PubMed,Science Direct,EBSCO,Scopus,the Cochrane Library,Sage Journals,and Google Scholar.Data were charted based on author,year of publication,country,purpose,data collection,key findings,and research focus/domain.Results:A total of 37 research articles were included in the analysis.Their attitudes encompassed:supporting the donation of the surplus embryos for both research and reproductive purposes,continuing to store the frozen embryos,and disposing of the surplus embryos.Conclusions:Most of the infertile patients support donating their surplus embryos for research and reproductive purposes. 展开更多
关键词 ATTITUDE Decision making Infertile patients or couples Male infertility Female infertility Surplus embryos Embryo disposition Embryo leftover
上海市食品安全风险监测评估和调查处置体系现状及对策 被引量:2
作者 吴春峰 秦璐昕 +4 位作者 刘弘 蔡华 陆晔 郭常义 付晨 《中国卫生资源》 北大核心 2021年第1期71-74,共4页
分析上海市食品安全风险监测评估和调查处置体系调研数据,探讨上海市食品安全风险监测评估和调查处置体系建设现状、存在的主要问题,并提出对策与建议。当前现况和主要问题是:上海市食品安全风险监测评估和调查处置的体系架构已相对完整... 分析上海市食品安全风险监测评估和调查处置体系调研数据,探讨上海市食品安全风险监测评估和调查处置体系建设现状、存在的主要问题,并提出对策与建议。当前现况和主要问题是:上海市食品安全风险监测评估和调查处置的体系架构已相对完整,运转效率有待提升;工作的职责不断明确,人员队伍缺失严重;工作的规范有所提升,投入保障有待完善;实验平台技术领先,网络能级差距较大;信息化建设尚在起步阶段。建议加强政府引导,统筹规划,通过推进专业技术核心机构建设,加大人员队伍和设施设备的投入保障,完善食品安全的实验室网络构建,重点推进食品安全信息化建设,完善信息利用和共享机制等,进一步提升食品安全风险监测评估与调查处置在保障上海市居民食品安全中的作用。 展开更多
关键词 食品安全food safety 风险监测risk surveillance 调查处置investigation and disposition 对策分析countermeasure analysis 上海市Shanghai
浅析文化性在园林植物配置中的体现 被引量:1
作者 林汉 郄亚微 +2 位作者 徐有明 刘聪 赵巧只 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2009年第1期16-18,共3页
1特定文化环境的植物配置特定的文化环境,要通过不同的植物配置,形成不同种类的植物群落,从而使其具有相应的文化氛围。如陵墓公园,常用常绿的松科植物和塔型柏科植物对称列植;幼儿园的绿化设计,常用低矮和色彩丰富的树种,显示出活泼的... 1特定文化环境的植物配置特定的文化环境,要通过不同的植物配置,形成不同种类的植物群落,从而使其具有相应的文化氛围。如陵墓公园,常用常绿的松科植物和塔型柏科植物对称列植;幼儿园的绿化设计,常用低矮和色彩丰富的树种,显示出活泼的气氛;要营造私密性强、郁闭的园林空间,应选用高大浓密的树种将四周围合起来;要营造开朗舒适、自由的感觉,则应选用疏林草地。 展开更多
高档住宅区植物选择与配置探析(英文) 被引量:1
作者 张若冰 包志毅 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2011年第5期49-51,共3页
With rapid development of economy and emergence of more and more high-grade residences,it had highlighted that high-grade residence was the inevitable tendency of economic development and urban construction.Based on t... With rapid development of economy and emergence of more and more high-grade residences,it had highlighted that high-grade residence was the inevitable tendency of economic development and urban construction.Based on the fact that high-grade residences paid more attention to harmony of human and architecture with nature and required higher for landscaping,the paper emphasized that landscape quality of high-grade residences was the key factor deciding quality of the residence.In view of insufficiencies of plant landscaping planning in high-grade residences at home and abroad,by taking high-grade residences in Hangzhou City for example,analysis had been conducted by selecting typical cases.It pointed out that plants disposition in high-grade residences was unreasonable,architectures and landscapes were isolated,and greening ratio was stressed while design was neglected.And then,corresponding solutions had been proposed.In terms of plants selection,it should reasonably utilize native tree species,and properly select new and high-quality plant species.In terms of harmonious unity between plant landscape and architecture,it should lay stress on unity between sensory design and comfort design.In terms of plant design and disposition,it should stick to the theme of "residential environment",so as to rationalize plant design and disposition,and create more comfortable residential environment. 展开更多
试论disposition概念的伦理意蕴 被引量:1
作者 陈晓曦 《郑州轻工业学院学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第2期30-36,共7页
disposition是道德哲学中的一个重要范畴,其基本涵义是道德意向或道德性情。古往今来,许多道德哲学家都对此做过深入分析。亚里士多德的《尼各马可伦理学》明确地将disposition视为"理性规训",并且从伦理德性和理智德性两个... disposition是道德哲学中的一个重要范畴,其基本涵义是道德意向或道德性情。古往今来,许多道德哲学家都对此做过深入分析。亚里士多德的《尼各马可伦理学》明确地将disposition视为"理性规训",并且从伦理德性和理智德性两个层面强调了这一范畴的形而上意蕴。康德的《实践理性批判》从人性分析和人如何向善的角度,赋予disposition这一范畴以更加具体的内容。康德坚持人性善恶并存的观点,把disposition界定为向善的禀赋,并且赋予其三重内涵,即机械性质的自保自爱、人超越于物的类本质意识和敬重道德普遍法则的敏感性人格。另外,哈奇森也对disposition做出了自己的界定。哈奇森力图在情感领域确立一个秩序,以阐明道德意识结构,disposition成了他判断道德与否的一个易感性的尺度和关键位置,它指向何处,将直接决定人的道德善恶倾向。回顾以上这些哲学家们关于disposition的思想和观点,发现在disposition这个重要的道德哲学范畴里蕴含着伦理学的原初家园追求。精神世界、道德世界的理想无疑也是建立一种家园,让出于种种原因暂时不能在家园安顿的人,回归到其应有的居所。这个理想的实现过程,恰恰也是性情的调整、意向态度的觉悟、情感秩序的确立及灵魂的再安顿过程。 展开更多
关键词 DISPOSITION 易感性 性情理论 伦理态度 道德情感
作者 张淑英 代亚丽 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2011年第10期54-58,61,共6页
Based on relevant materials, the paper had analyzed the macro-function of roadside trees from the perspectives of urban eco-environment construction and urban plants landscape construction. By taking Yangling City as ... Based on relevant materials, the paper had analyzed the macro-function of roadside trees from the perspectives of urban eco-environment construction and urban plants landscape construction. By taking Yangling City as the demonstration area, the field study had been conducted on trees along 38 roads, which had been analyzed from the aspects of the species of roadside trees, disposition modes and seasonable change. It had found that roadside trees were abundant, including 27 species belonging to 22 families, but the disposition mode was simple. In view of existing problems, suggestions had been proposed. It should make use of native tree species to construct regional characteristic roads; enhance evergreen tree species and enrich seasonable scenery; cultivate fast-growing and slowly-growing tree species alternately and avoid landscape blank; dispose upper, middle and lower layer of plants species reasonably and construct multiple layers of plants landscape. Several good roadside tree species had been recommended, so as to provide scientific reference for roadside greening construction. 展开更多
作者 谢学强 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第12期68-72,共5页
Based on survey of plant species and disposition in major gardens at arid valley and optimization of plant disposition in Sichuan University for Nationalities,the study pointed out the overall target for disposition o... Based on survey of plant species and disposition in major gardens at arid valley and optimization of plant disposition in Sichuan University for Nationalities,the study pointed out the overall target for disposition optimization of garden plants in arid valley,concluded the principles and approaches to optimize garden plant disposition at arid valley and highlight garden features at arid valley,emphasized the vital significance to develop local wild plant resources and introduce exotic garden plants. 展开更多
作者 汪诗德 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第12期63-67,共5页
With ecological theory followed during disposition and application of landscape plants in residential area as the guidance,ecological landscape concept was established.It emphasized that landscape plants disposition s... With ecological theory followed during disposition and application of landscape plants in residential area as the guidance,ecological landscape concept was established.It emphasized that landscape plants disposition should aim at making the nature reappear,ameliorating and maintaining ecological balance in residential area,with harmonious coexistence between human and nature as the goal,and with systematicness of landscape greening,diversity of biological development and sustainability of plant landscaping as the mission,so as to achieve plane systematicness,spatial hierarchy and temporal relevance. 展开更多
关键词 RESIDENTIAL area Landscape plants DISPOSITION and application Ecological VIEW AESTHETIC VIEW
作者 刘根平 《教育论丛》 1987年第1期50-54,65,共6页
一、和谐人格的理想结构与德育的缺陷人格,英文中通常有三种含义:(1)personality(个人的存在);(2)character(性格);(3)moral quailty(道德品质)。而英文中“性格”一词又有三种基本含义:(1)nature(肉体、精神的自然与本性);(2)dispositi... 一、和谐人格的理想结构与德育的缺陷人格,英文中通常有三种含义:(1)personality(个人的存在);(2)character(性格);(3)moral quailty(道德品质)。而英文中“性格”一词又有三种基本含义:(1)nature(肉体、精神的自然与本性);(2)disposition(倾向性);(3)tem perament(气质).从辞源中,我们发现,人格首先体现为其层级性。 展开更多
关键词 PERSONALITY 道德品质 和谐发展 DISPOSITION 层级性 人格形成 审美基础 思想政治教育 效果评价标准 社会化的过程
Critical Thinking Disposition among Nurses Working in Puplic Hospitals at Port-Said Governorate 被引量:4
作者 Amal Sobhy Mahmoud Hind Abdullah Mohamed 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 2017年第2期128-134,共7页
Aim: This study aimed to investigate critical thinking disposition among nurses working in Public Hospitals in Port-Said Governorate.Methods: A descriptive research design was conducted in this study. Totally 196 resp... Aim: This study aimed to investigate critical thinking disposition among nurses working in Public Hospitals in Port-Said Governorate.Methods: A descriptive research design was conducted in this study. Totally 196 respondents were chosen by systemic random sampling, to take part in the study as the sample. Data was collected from April to September in 2015. Tools of data collection: A personal and job characteristics data sheet and California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory(CCTDI) were used. Results: The results revealed that the total critical thinking disposition score mean was 257.05 ± 20.16 and the highest score mean was 48.67 ± 6.28 for inquisitiveness subscale, while the lowest score mean was 21.36 ± 7.19 for the truth-seeking subscale. Also, none of the personal&job characteristics showed statistically significant relations with the total critical thinking disposition. Conclusion: More than three quarters of the nurses had an ambivalent disposition toward critical thinking, and most nurses' scores indicated a negative tendency towards truth-seeking. So the findings pointed for upgrading nurses' critical thinking through educational programs and a need for more problem-based learning with advanced teaching strategies in clinical areas. 展开更多
关键词 California critical thinking disposition Critical thinking disposition Nurses
Three-axis magnetic flux leakage in-line inspection simulation based on finite-element analysis 被引量:4
作者 冯健 张峻峰 +2 位作者 卢森骧 王宏阳 马瑞泽 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第1期531-536,共6页
With the increase of pipelines, corrosion leakage accidents happen frequently. Therefore, nondestructive testing technology is important for ensuring the safe operation of the pipelines and energy mining. In this pape... With the increase of pipelines, corrosion leakage accidents happen frequently. Therefore, nondestructive testing technology is important for ensuring the safe operation of the pipelines and energy mining. In this paper, the structure and principle of magnetic flux leakage (MFL) in-line inspection system is introduced first. Besides, a mathematic model of the system according to the ampere circuit rule, flux continuity theorem, and column coordinate transform is built, and the magnetic flux density in every point of space is calculated based on the theory of finite element analysis. Then we analyze and design the disposition of measurement section probes and sensors combining both three-axis MFL in-line inspection and multi-sensor fusion technology. Its advantage is that the three-axis changes of magnetic flux leakage field are measured by the multi-probes at the same time, so we can determine various defects accurately. Finally, the theory of finite element analysis is used to build a finite element simulation model, and the relationship between defects and MFL inspection signals is studied. Simulation and experiment results verify that the method not only enhances the detection ability to different types of defects but also improves the precision and reliability of the inspection system. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic flux leakage in-line inspection multi-sensor data fusion sensor disposition finite element analysis
Status Quo and Development Prospects of Vertical Greening in Urban Districts of Chongqing City 被引量:2
作者 MA Lihui XIE Yingzan +2 位作者 FANG Wen HUANG Shiyou LIU Yanxin 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2013年第5期11-13,16,共4页
On the basis of investigating vertical greening in urban districts of Chongqing City, major problems were analyzed, dominant greening patterns were summarized, and major plant species suitable for the vertical greenin... On the basis of investigating vertical greening in urban districts of Chongqing City, major problems were analyzed, dominant greening patterns were summarized, and major plant species suitable for the vertical greening of urban districts in Chongqing City were given. On this basis, key technologies and development prospects of the vertical greening were explored. 展开更多
Realizing profits immediately:disposition effect of open-end fund investors in China 被引量:1
作者 Li Yajing1 Zhu Hongquan2 Luan Mingjing2(1 School of Economics and Management, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu 610054, China)(2 School of Economics and Management, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China) 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第S1期180-186,共7页
This paper explores the disposition effect, the tendency of investors to hold losing investments too long and sell winning investments too soon, by analyzing a unique data set that consists of the buying and selling p... This paper explores the disposition effect, the tendency of investors to hold losing investments too long and sell winning investments too soon, by analyzing a unique data set that consists of the buying and selling positions of open-end fund investors in China. Results show that investors' buying and selling behaviors are significantly affected by fund performance. The reasons that lie behind such results are mainly related to the non-persistence of fund performance. When fund performance is non-persistent, investors are not clear about the future returns on funds. So, investors, especially individual investors, would have to realize the profits on hand immediately. Meanwhile, fund investors are highly sensitive to fund age and loading fees, but not sensitive to management fees charged by funds when they buy or sell fund shares. 展开更多
关键词 INVESTORS open-end fund disposition effect fund shares
Application of CITYgreen5.0 model to tender appraisement of small-scale green-space designs 被引量:1
作者 LIAO Wen-yan ZHAO Lin-sen 《Forestry Studies in China》 CAS 2008年第2期112-118,共7页
Developed by the American Forests, CITYgreen5.0 model has been widely applied to urban forestry research and has played an important role in analyzing quantitatively the ecological benefits produced by varied green-sp... Developed by the American Forests, CITYgreen5.0 model has been widely applied to urban forestry research and has played an important role in analyzing quantitatively the ecological benefits produced by varied green-space ecosystems. One of the functions of this model is to evaluate quickly and objectively on parts of the ecological benefits possibly produced by different design schemes for the same small-scale green-space project before the establishment. A comparative analysis was conducted by modeling partial ecological benefits potentially produced by green-spaces of two different design schemes for the same roof garden of Chuangfushidai-Junjingyuan in Shenzhen, given the growth status of plants both immediately after the establishment and 20 years later. Meanwhile, the project costs for each design scheme were also taken into consideration. The results showed that scheme II, mainly designed with a natural style of plant disposition, had a better greenery structure than that of scheme I, which was basically designed with a regular style of plant disposition. The estimated value of the partial ecological benefits produced by scheme II was larger than that of scheme I and the benefit-cost ratio of scheme II was more rational. It was suggested that scheme II be put into practice. 展开更多
关键词 CITY green 5.0 GARDEN design ecological benefit evaluation plant disposition
Plants Disposition of Waterfront Area Based on River Ecological Restoration in China 被引量:1
作者 LIU Jingxia AN Zengqiang WU Huaijing 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2012年第9期52-54,共3页
After the illustration of ecological restoration and research situation of foreign and domestic rivers,the paper has analyzed the relation between plants and river ecological restoration.By taking Jialu River that is ... After the illustration of ecological restoration and research situation of foreign and domestic rivers,the paper has analyzed the relation between plants and river ecological restoration.By taking Jialu River that is the main river of Zhengzhou City,for example,it has introduced the general situation of the project and the site,water quality of the river,and soil survey and testing.It has pointed out that the structural system of ecological space of "one corridor,one core and five areas" has formed in ecological restoration project.On this basis,it has analyzed plants disposition forms in waterfront area,emphasized combining aquatic plants and urban waterfront areas to construct a natural ecological river channel which will be a new design idea for ecological reconstruction in modern urban waterfront area. 展开更多
The relationships among critical thinking disposition, caring behavior, and learning styles in student nurses 被引量:1
作者 Hsiang-Chu Pai Cheng-Joo Eng 《Open Journal of Nursing》 2013年第2期249-256,共8页
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationships among disposition toward critical thinking, learning styles, and caring behaviors in student nurses enrolled in three 5-year junior nursing colleges in South... The purpose of this study was to identify the relationships among disposition toward critical thinking, learning styles, and caring behaviors in student nurses enrolled in three 5-year junior nursing colleges in Southern Taiwan. Methods: This cross-sectional study used a convenience sample that comprised 777 nursing students from two cities. The data were obtained through the Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory, Chinese Version (CTDI-CV), Index of Learning Styles (ILS), and the Caring Behavior Scale (CBS). The sample ranged in age from 16 to 22 years (M = 18.21). Results: Students scored highest on the inquisitiveness subscale and lowest on the truth-seeking subscale. Additionally, some dimensions of disposition toward critical thinking differed significantly by learning style. There was a positive relationship between overall critical thinking dispositions and caring behaviors (r = 0.23, p < 0.01). Finally, dimensions of caring behavior, with the exception of the maturity dimension, were significantly positively related to most dimensions of the disposition toward critical thinking (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The findings indicate that not only is learning style related to critical thinking disposition but also to caring behaviors. However, the cause of these relationships warrants further study. 展开更多
关键词 CARING Behavior Critical Thinking DISPOSITION Student NURSE
Validation of a Risk-Based Biomarker-Enhanced Scoring System for Lower Respiratory Tract Infections (OPTIMA I Basel)—An Observational Survey 被引量:1
作者 Richard X. Sousa Da Silva Frank Dusemund +4 位作者 Christian Nickel Roland Bingisser Andreas Huber Beat Müller Werner C. Albrich 《International Journal of Clinical Medicine》 2013年第2期69-77,共9页
Background: Despiteits recommendation in management guide lines for community acquired pneumonia (CAP), the CURB65 score is frequently not followed for disposition decisions in clinical routine. We therefore proposed ... Background: Despiteits recommendation in management guide lines for community acquired pneumonia (CAP), the CURB65 score is frequently not followed for disposition decisions in clinical routine. We therefore proposed an improved CURB65 A score, supplemented by proadre nome dull in (ProADM) levels for patients with CAP and other lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs). In this study, we vali dated this risk based biomarker enhanced disposition in patients with LRTIs presenting to the emergency department of the University Hospital of Basel. Methods: In this prospective observational cohort study of 85 patients presenting with LRTIs, site of care was decided by the physicians in charge according to their judgement. Retro spectively the CURB65 A score was calculated and a virtual disposition assigned. This was compared with the existing disposition in order to identify efficacy of the novel risk based biomarker enhanced disposition. Results: The novel disposition criteria considered 14 patients suitable for outpatient treatment compared to 11 in the current disposition (p = 0.5). It detected 7 patients to be best treated outside the hospital for nursing reasons, while the current disposition detected only 1 patient requiring geriatric care (p = 0.09). Further, it decreased regular hospitalizations considerably (32 vs. 64, p 0.001). Conclusions: The novel risk based biomarker enhanced disposition is an objective, safe and probably more efficient disposition system to identify outpatient treatment options than the current practice at the University Hospital of Basel. 展开更多
关键词 Lower Respiratory TRACT Infection Proadrenomedullin Biomarker-Enhanced DISPOSITION CURb65-A-Score OUTPATIENT Treatment
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