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作者 珊迪 《现代音响技术》 2013年第6期156-156,共1页
与早先相比,这张专辑更加突出了DIANA个人在音乐上的魅力,除了演唱,她还担纲了键盘与钢琴的演奏 有些女歌手在初出茅庐的时候,就属可造之材。她们一般会走上这样一条发展之路:初时一鸣惊人,之后大红大紫,再之后蛰伏;待到时机成... 与早先相比,这张专辑更加突出了DIANA个人在音乐上的魅力,除了演唱,她还担纲了键盘与钢琴的演奏 有些女歌手在初出茅庐的时候,就属可造之材。她们一般会走上这样一条发展之路:初时一鸣惊人,之后大红大紫,再之后蛰伏;待到时机成熟,又重新爆发出后天积累的能量.于是,终登天王或天后级宝座。 展开更多
关键词 《GLAD RAG doll》 音乐 唱片 歌手
When Dolls’ Play Reveals Relational Distortions
作者 Anna-Corinne Bissouma Madjara A. P. N. Anoumatacky Regine Assi Kaudjhis 《Case Reports in Clinical Medicine》 2024年第10期432-439,共8页
In child psychiatry, the use of play, a habitual activity in children, is used as a means of communication and therapy. The psychodynamic reading of a sequence of games played by a three-year-old child with dolls, who... In child psychiatry, the use of play, a habitual activity in children, is used as a means of communication and therapy. The psychodynamic reading of a sequence of games played by a three-year-old child with dolls, who had been treated for anorexia for a year at the Children’s Guidance Center of Abidjan, shed new light on the child’s problems. The clinical history of M (3 years old) revealed, in addition to the eating disorder, a disturbance in the attachment bond and parental imagos in distress. This doll game, set up as a copy of reality, enabled the therapist to redirect his treatment and work on the mother-child bond. 展开更多
关键词 Psychodynamic Analysis doll Game Disturbance of Mother Daughter Relationship ABIDJAN
达斡尔族传统纹样在娃衣设计中的应用 被引量:1
作者 刘胜英 范铁明 《西部皮革》 2024年第4期94-96,共3页
达斡尔族是黑龙江“三少”民族之一,该民族没有本民族的语言文字,其文化传承和保护陷入困境。达斡尔族传统服饰纹样反映了达斡尔族人民生活和历史文化的演变,其设计大都来源于大自然,体现了达斡尔族人民对自然、天地、动植物等的崇拜和... 达斡尔族是黑龙江“三少”民族之一,该民族没有本民族的语言文字,其文化传承和保护陷入困境。达斡尔族传统服饰纹样反映了达斡尔族人民生活和历史文化的演变,其设计大都来源于大自然,体现了达斡尔族人民对自然、天地、动植物等的崇拜和敬畏之情,是一个重要的文化传播载体。通过研究达斡尔族服饰纹样的形式特点,分析斡尔族传统服饰的纹样、色彩、图案等服饰元素,将传统纹样进行融合创新再应用到娃衣设计中,使人们能够更好地认识和了解达斡尔族的民族文化,唤醒人们对传统文化尊重和热爱的同时,让人们感受到达斡尔族文化的独特魅力。并且能够传播保护非遗文化和达斡尔族的精神内涵,促进少数民族情感交流。 展开更多
关键词 达斡尔族 非遗文化 文化传承 传统服饰 纹样设计 娃衣
作者 吴程菲 罗戎蕾 《染整技术》 CAS 2024年第7期112-115,共4页
随着饭圈文化在国内盛行,由“粉丝经济”催生的棉花娃娃这个小众圈层,正在成为资本探索的新焦点,由此衍生的以纺织材料制作的棉花娃娃娃衣市场也呈现不容小觑的发展趋势。分析娃衣市场的现状,得到4个营销策略:优化产销流程,改善供应链;... 随着饭圈文化在国内盛行,由“粉丝经济”催生的棉花娃娃这个小众圈层,正在成为资本探索的新焦点,由此衍生的以纺织材料制作的棉花娃娃娃衣市场也呈现不容小觑的发展趋势。分析娃衣市场的现状,得到4个营销策略:优化产销流程,改善供应链;建立行业完善的监督管理制度;开展线下体验活动,做好品牌推广;与传统服饰店家合作,打造“亲子装”新市场。 展开更多
关键词 娃衣 棉花娃娃 营销策略
动画玩偶服饰形象设计中的色彩表现研究 被引量:1
作者 张莹 《染整技术》 CAS 2024年第6期126-128,共3页
动画玩偶的服饰是一种重要的视觉艺术形式,能够反映出角色的性格和心理。针对动画玩偶服饰形象设计中的色彩表现,结合色彩心理学与艺术设计的关系分析色彩在动画玩偶服饰设计中的实际应用,以深入了解色彩在动画玩偶服饰设计中的创新应用... 动画玩偶的服饰是一种重要的视觉艺术形式,能够反映出角色的性格和心理。针对动画玩偶服饰形象设计中的色彩表现,结合色彩心理学与艺术设计的关系分析色彩在动画玩偶服饰设计中的实际应用,以深入了解色彩在动画玩偶服饰设计中的创新应用,增强动画玩偶服饰的表现力。 展开更多
关键词 动画玩偶 服饰形象设计 色彩表现
作者 连思敏 谭国亮 《西部皮革》 2024年第3期99-101,共3页
近年来,随着中国传统文化的复兴,汉服作为一种具有文化传承意义的符号逐渐进入公众的视域,“华服日”“汉服文化节”等有关汉服的节日活动也引起了人们的广泛关注。基于汉服玩偶设计,文章提出在“玩”中学习中国传统服饰文化和习俗,亲... 近年来,随着中国传统文化的复兴,汉服作为一种具有文化传承意义的符号逐渐进入公众的视域,“华服日”“汉服文化节”等有关汉服的节日活动也引起了人们的广泛关注。基于汉服玩偶设计,文章提出在“玩”中学习中国传统服饰文化和习俗,亲身体验中华民族博大精深的千年礼仪,可将文化自信、民族自信潜移默化的植入儿童的血液中。虽然汉服偶玩市场尚未成熟,但随着国家和社会对儿童传统文化教育的重视程度不断提高,未来市场潜力可观。 展开更多
关键词 汉服玩偶 文化自信 传统文化
作者 惠子萱 《贵州大学学报(艺术版)》 2024年第1期88-97,共10页
《玩偶之家》是19世纪挪威戏剧家亨利·易卜生所著的一部社会问题剧,讲述了女主人公娜拉在婚姻中从顺从、觉醒到愤而出走的故事。因其无法替代的经典性,自20世纪初以来,中国文化界对其从不同角度进行的改编、阐释、上演持续不断。2... 《玩偶之家》是19世纪挪威戏剧家亨利·易卜生所著的一部社会问题剧,讲述了女主人公娜拉在婚姻中从顺从、觉醒到愤而出走的故事。因其无法替代的经典性,自20世纪初以来,中国文化界对其从不同角度进行的改编、阐释、上演持续不断。2019年上演的话剧版《玩偶之家》是“批评剧场”与“先锋剧场”的结合:人物、台词依旧,主题、舞台设计改弦更张。导演王欢在尊重经典内核的基础上追问一种全新的“观看艺术”,他打破以“摹仿”为目的、以再现为基础的“虚构性在场”的戏剧框架,运用视听觉符号的意象化叙述策略,延伸了舞台空间,消泯了观众“被情感”的欣赏惯例,在戏剧文本与舞台形式双向剥离与融合的过程中,实现了对经典内核的延续性恪守与当代表演的先锋性探索。 展开更多
关键词 《玩偶之家》 视听觉 空间 在场
作者 任婕 《连云港师范高等专科学校学报》 2024年第2期11-15,共5页
“拴娃娃”风俗作为黄河文化的重要组成部分,既根植于中国古代的土地崇拜观念、始祖崇拜和孝亲重生观念,又有民族文化、中外文化交流融汇的历史背景。当前黄河流域“拴娃娃”风俗传承与保护的突出问题是泥娃娃制作工艺传承与保护不到位... “拴娃娃”风俗作为黄河文化的重要组成部分,既根植于中国古代的土地崇拜观念、始祖崇拜和孝亲重生观念,又有民族文化、中外文化交流融汇的历史背景。当前黄河流域“拴娃娃”风俗传承与保护的突出问题是泥娃娃制作工艺传承与保护不到位。要想使泥娃娃制作工艺发扬光大,创作出既有古风韵味又符合现代艺术审美情趣的工艺品,地方政府、文化管理部门和民间就要共同发力。地方政府和文化艺术管理部门可以借助行政渠道或政策杠杆推动“拴娃娃”文化传承与保护工作,民间可以集中人力和智慧发掘和复原传统泥娃娃制作技艺,并在继承优秀传统技艺的基础上进行创新设计与现代改造。 展开更多
关键词 黄河文化 “拴娃娃”风俗 文化溯源 传承与保护
作者 刘燕 《文化创新比较研究》 2024年第10期6-9,共4页
关于易卜生《玩偶之家》的主人公娜拉最后出走的探问大家众说纷纭,该文就娜拉出走后的出路问题展开研究,认为娜拉出走后既不会堕落,也不会回来,能找到一条全新的发展道路,原因主要有以下几个方面:其一,娜拉本身具有外柔内刚的性格,有忍... 关于易卜生《玩偶之家》的主人公娜拉最后出走的探问大家众说纷纭,该文就娜拉出走后的出路问题展开研究,认为娜拉出走后既不会堕落,也不会回来,能找到一条全新的发展道路,原因主要有以下几个方面:其一,娜拉本身具有外柔内刚的性格,有忍受辛劳、独立生活的能力;其二,娜拉有追求男女平等地位的思想及自尊自重的人格;其三,戏剧中另一人物形象--娜拉的老同学林丹太太的个人命运和经历强有力地暗示出娜拉出走后能寻求到一条全新的出路,做一个独立自主、自立自强的人;其四,当时挪威女性解放运动的发展为娜拉成功出走创造了良好的外部环境。该文对戏剧中娜拉出走问题的探析对于不同时代背景下的女性命运发展研究具有一定的意义和价值。 展开更多
关键词 娜拉 出走 独立自主 自立自强 林丹太太 《玩偶之家》
作者 马强 李艳梅 毕丽丽 《中华当代医学》 2006年第4期52-52,共1页
目的 通过80例肺心病右心室肥厚患者的心电图,研究Doll—Bilger指数作为诊断肺心病右室肥厚的指标之一的敏感性、特异性、准确性。方法 选取80例正常心电图且除外右室大,80例肺心病右室肥厚心电图且除外左室大、束支传导阻滞及其他心... 目的 通过80例肺心病右心室肥厚患者的心电图,研究Doll—Bilger指数作为诊断肺心病右室肥厚的指标之一的敏感性、特异性、准确性。方法 选取80例正常心电图且除外右室大,80例肺心病右室肥厚心电图且除外左室大、束支传导阻滞及其他心脏疾患,比较肺心病右室肥厚的心电图指标,分别计算其敏感性、特异性、准确性。结果 Doll-Bilger指数的敏感性、特异性、准确性分别为75%、100%、87.5%。 展开更多
关键词 慢性肺原性心脏病 心电图 doll—Bilger指数
作者 刘建新 郝蕾 尚玲美 《丝网印刷》 2024年第19期89-93,共5页
结合真实的制作案例,详细阐述了如何运用人工智能工具的绘画等功能,从快速创意IP形象开始,经过绘制三视图、制作三维图像以及可视化虚拟预览等步骤,最终实现制作PVC软胶公仔的全过程。通过对每个环节的深入分析和实际操作展示,提供了一... 结合真实的制作案例,详细阐述了如何运用人工智能工具的绘画等功能,从快速创意IP形象开始,经过绘制三视图、制作三维图像以及可视化虚拟预览等步骤,最终实现制作PVC软胶公仔的全过程。通过对每个环节的深入分析和实际操作展示,提供了一套利用人工智能技术进行高效IP形象创作与实体化的方法。 展开更多
关键词 AI IP形象 绘画功能 三维图像 PVC软胶公仔
作者 刘逸荻 《文化创新比较研究》 2024年第7期68-72,共5页
吕胜中的作品从传统民间剪纸艺术的土壤中汲取养分,与当代艺术表现形式相结合,在新时代环境下,实现传统民间美术的现代性转化,在国内外产生强烈反响。该文对吕胜中剪纸装置艺术的典型性及民间剪纸图案“抓髻娃娃”的艺术特色进行分析,... 吕胜中的作品从传统民间剪纸艺术的土壤中汲取养分,与当代艺术表现形式相结合,在新时代环境下,实现传统民间美术的现代性转化,在国内外产生强烈反响。该文对吕胜中剪纸装置艺术的典型性及民间剪纸图案“抓髻娃娃”的艺术特色进行分析,探讨吕胜中小红人系列作品如何将民间剪纸的独特语言与当代艺术相结合,实现民间美术的现代性转化,从中感悟其作品背后蕴含的阴阳相合、正负对立共生的生命意识形态。吕胜中的系列作品为中国当代艺术的发展注入了新鲜血液,也对传统民间剪纸艺术更好地传承与发展产生重大的影响。 展开更多
关键词 吕胜中 民间美术 剪纸 抓髻娃娃 小红人 现代性转化
瞬变电磁测井原理研究I:Doll几何因子 被引量:7
作者 朱留方 臧德福 +1 位作者 沈永进 沈建国 《测井技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期150-157,共8页
瞬变电磁测井是一种通过井内大功率瞬变电磁激发测量井内电磁感应电动势的方法。与电极、侧向与感应等电测井方法不同,瞬变电磁激发的电磁场频率是连续的,采集到的感应电动势也是连续波形,测量的原始数据量大、所携带的地层信息丰富。... 瞬变电磁测井是一种通过井内大功率瞬变电磁激发测量井内电磁感应电动势的方法。与电极、侧向与感应等电测井方法不同,瞬变电磁激发的电磁场频率是连续的,采集到的感应电动势也是连续波形,测量的原始数据量大、所携带的地层信息丰富。瞬变电磁激发的电磁场在地层中会产生二次场,该二次场可以用Doll几何因子进行描述。给出瞬变电磁激发信号为阶跃函数时井内二次感应电动势的响应曲线。从曲线上发现,在激发波形发生突变的位置,井内电磁感应电动势响应信号的幅度最大,当激发波形恒定后,响应信号从最大值连续变化到0。二次感应电动势曲线的幅度与地层电导率成正比。实际的瞬变激发波形不会突变,会有一定的延迟和过渡过程,用一阶网络的指数衰减模拟激发波形后发现,其响应波形的幅度减小,指数衰减越慢,其二次场响应幅度越小。 展开更多
关键词 瞬变电磁测井 电磁感应 doll几何因子 电磁场 感应电动势 连续谱
作者 黄佐贵 吴太元 《心功能杂志》 1997年第1期49-49,51,共2页
Dol-Bilger指数对肺心病右室肥厚的诊断价值黄佐贵吴太元(四川省万县市中心人民医院心内科634000)关键词肺心病心电描记术作者对365例肺心病患者的心电图进行分析,应用Dol-Bilger指数诊断肺心病右心室... Dol-Bilger指数对肺心病右室肥厚的诊断价值黄佐贵吴太元(四川省万县市中心人民医院心内科634000)关键词肺心病心电描记术作者对365例肺心病患者的心电图进行分析,应用Dol-Bilger指数诊断肺心病右心室肥厚,以观察其敏感性、特异性和准确... 展开更多
关键词 肺心病 右室肥厚 心电图 doll Bilger 指数
Dixon Doll的中国经
作者 李紫微 《互联网周刊》 2007年第1期80-81,共2页
关键词 DIXON doll 美国 市场竞争 投资收益 管理体制
A lamp In The House, a lamp in the heart——Katherine Mansfield and her The Doll's House
作者 杨晖 《白城师范高等专科学校学报》 2002年第1期39-41,共3页
"When dear old Mrs. Hay went back to town after staying with the Burnells she sent the children a doll's house." There are three girls in the Burnells , one is Isabel---the eldest sister, the second one ... "When dear old Mrs. Hay went back to town after staying with the Burnells she sent the children a doll's house." There are three girls in the Burnells , one is Isabel---the eldest sister, the second one is Lottie, and the third one is Kezia. Kazia is the heroine of the story. When the marvellous house stood in the garden, the Burnell children sounded as though they were in despair. 展开更多
关键词 Katherine Mansfield and her The doll’s House a lamp in the heart A lamp In The House
Effects of NaCl and NaHCO3 Stress on Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics of Hemerocallis fulva ‘Golden Doll’ 被引量:1
作者 Ying BAO Jiaxin WANG +1 位作者 Chao CHEN Xinmiao YU 《Agricultural Biotechnology》 CAS 2020年第3期18-25,28,共9页
With Hemerocallis fulva‘Golden Doll'as an experimental material,the effects of different concentrations of neutral salt( NaCl) and alkaline salt( NaHCO3) stresses on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence ch... With Hemerocallis fulva‘Golden Doll'as an experimental material,the effects of different concentrations of neutral salt( NaCl) and alkaline salt( NaHCO3) stresses on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics in H. fulva seedlings were studied. The results showed that salt stress treatment significantly reduced the photosynthetic capacity of H. fulva. Under the NaCl and NaHCO3 stresses,the photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of H. fulva seedlings were basically the same,but the photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence parameter values of H. fulva seedlings were significantly different under different salt types and salt concentrations. With the extension of days of salt stress and the increase of salt concentration,the initial fluorescence yield( Fo) and non-photochemical quenching coefficient( NPQ) increased;the maximum fluorescence yield( Fm),maximum photochemical efficiency( Fv/Fm),PSII actual photosynthetic quantum yield( Y) and apparent quantum efficiency( AQY) all showed a downward trend;and moreover,with the extension of days of salt stress and the increase of salt concentration,the net photosynthetic rate( Pn) decreased and the intercellular CO2 concentration( Ci) increased. It was speculated that under salt stress,the photosynthetic characteristics of H. fulva leaves were inhibited. On the one hand,the non-stomatal limiting factor,i. e.,the chlorophyll content decreased,which led to the inhibition of photosynthetic characteristics. On the other hand,the decrease in the photosynthetic performance of mesophyll cells led to a decrease in the net photosynthetic rate of H. fulva. The changes of photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in H. fulva caused by salt stress were closely related to the types of salts and salt concentration. High salt stress significantly inhibited the photosynthetic capacity of H. fulva‘Golden Doll',and the effect of NaHCO3 on H. fulva seedlings was significantly greater than that of NaCl. 展开更多
关键词 Hemerocallis fulva‘Golden doll Salt stress Photosynthetic characteristics Chlorophyll fluorescence
A Rapid Generation Method of Character Doll with Rotatable Limbs Oriented to 3D Printer 被引量:2
作者 LI Lin CHU Xiao-li Nie Wenchao 《Computer Aided Drafting,Design and Manufacturing》 2014年第1期23-26,共4页
Currently, 3D printing of the character dolls is a very practical application for the average person. But the model of doll which can be obtained is static so the posture of the doll is single. On the other hand, the ... Currently, 3D printing of the character dolls is a very practical application for the average person. But the model of doll which can be obtained is static so the posture of the doll is single. On the other hand, the modification of the model is very difficult to non-professions. This paper proposes an rapid generation method of character doll with rotatable limbs, which is through adding the sphere joint to the doll's model automatically. After the model is segmented by drawing a line interactively, the sphere joint is created based on the segmentation boundary through entity modeling method. Lastly the two models of the doll and the joint are composited and printed. Some doll's model are tested on the FDM(Fused Deposition Modeling) 3D printer using this process. The results are more interesting and the efficiency has been greatly improved compared with modifying the model manually. 展开更多
关键词 3D Printer character doll sphere joint parametric modeling
Karakuri Ningyo Dolls and Toyota Commemorative Museum as Resources of Industrial Tourism
作者 Masami Morita Shinji Morita 《Sociology Study》 2015年第9期728-736,共9页
There are many Karakuri Ningyo dolls in the Chubu district of Japan. Karakuri Ningyo dolls are, so to speak, wooden automata with exemplification of creative technology unique to Japan. But Karakuri Ningyo dolls have ... There are many Karakuri Ningyo dolls in the Chubu district of Japan. Karakuri Ningyo dolls are, so to speak, wooden automata with exemplification of creative technology unique to Japan. But Karakuri Ningyo dolls have not been appreciated as a significant resource of industrial tourism. The Chubu district of Japan has conserved and cultivated its treasures of Karakuri Ningyo dolls and Karakuri culture in the Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology and Toyota company culture. The Museum provides an opportunity to consider the areal power to build up inter-connectivity between several local industrial elements; cotton manufacture as endogenous industry, nearby wood production and the assembly of skilled craftsman of wood working. So the region is one of the representative industrial tourism destinations which the tourist gaze directs upon. However, the region has not been generally recognized as an attractive destination for industrial tourism. This paper explored the significance of Chubu's resources of industrial tourism by tracing the technological development of Karakuri Ningyo dolls and Toyoda looms. This paper also demonstrated the historical uniqueness of the process of the modernaization of Japan. 展开更多
关键词 Karakuri Ningyo dolls Karakuri culture Toyoda looms Toyota company culture
Preliminary Exploration on the Application of Saussure Sign Concept in Bio-Inspired Design: A Case of Tiantoushui Doll-Design
作者 Yu-Chun Yao Shiu-Hua Wu Ai-Li Wang 《World Journal of Engineering and Technology》 2021年第3期548-554,共7页
Simply, shape bionics is to extract an image feature of natural objects, and most of the techniques for transforming and presenting are focused on metaphorical effects. In particular, the extraction process of metapho... Simply, shape bionics is to extract an image feature of natural objects, and most of the techniques for transforming and presenting are focused on metaphorical effects. In particular, the extraction process of metaphor design seems to be related to the concept of Saussure signs. Therefore, this research <span>took the doll design of the Tiantoushui community in Changhua County, Ta</span>iwan as an example and attempted to use the Saussure concept to extract and evaluate the signs of bio-inspired design. The results showed that a total of three doll works symbolized respectively rice, guava, and pomelo implied the signification of local region by integrating the Saussure code image with the sign-image of the regional nature and transforming its content into “com<span>modity design” and further transferring into “the product value of cultural an</span>d creative”. In addition, the specific extraction process included 1) Extraction of image—adjectives in creative products;2) Meaning space of image—adjec</span><span style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"">- </span><span style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"">tives in creative products;3) Extraction and determination of design elements of creative products, and 4) Combined the sensibility of creative products and <span>design elements to derive design rules. After preliminary exploration of the</span> <span>extraction steps above, a concrete and efficient bio-inspired design proces</span>s was proposed in this work. Besides, it was inferred that if further combined with the post-modern design style, it may not only simplify the design elements of creative products but also enhance the design connotations in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Bio-Inspired Design Saussure Sign Concept doll-Design Code-Image
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