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Defamiliarization in John Donne's Poetry
作者 胡伶俐 《海外英语》 2013年第8X期180-181,共2页
As the representative figure of Metaphysical Poetry, John Donne's poetry is characterized by unconventional forms, pe culiar images, and abundant conceits. Though John Donne's poems were ignored in his time, y... As the representative figure of Metaphysical Poetry, John Donne's poetry is characterized by unconventional forms, pe culiar images, and abundant conceits. Though John Donne's poems were ignored in his time, yet they have catered for the taste of modern writers and readers. This paper aims to study John Donne's poetry in terms of Victor Shklovsky's theory of defamiliarization, hoping to enrich the discussions of John Donne. 展开更多
Comparisons and Contrasts between Liu Yong's Tune:Bells Ringing in the Rain and John Donne's A Valediction:Forbidding Mourning
作者 林玥 《海外英语》 2018年第22期181-182,共2页
In the eyes of history,the separation,especially separation between lovers is an eternal theme in literature works.In this paper,through comparisons and contrasts between Liu Yong’s Bells in the Ringing in the Rain a... In the eyes of history,the separation,especially separation between lovers is an eternal theme in literature works.In this paper,through comparisons and contrasts between Liu Yong’s Bells in the Ringing in the Rain and John Donne’s A Valediction:Forbidding Mourning from various perspectives and different backgrounds,the similarities as well as differences between these two Chinese and English poems can be perceived.A comprehensive and better understanding of the theme of separation can be obtained as well. 展开更多
关键词 LIU YONG John Donne Separation Lovers True Love Differences Similarities
漫谈英语墓志铭及其演变 被引量:1
作者 夏桐枝 《语言教育》 1998年第10期2-5,共4页
英语墓志铭(epitaph)源于希腊语 epigraphē,最初指在死者墓石或碑石上刻写文章以示纪念,后也指悼念性的简短诗文,因此,英语中这类刻文、碑文、铭文的文字统称为 epigraph。公元前925年编辑的《希腊文选》(Greek Anthology)中就收集了... 英语墓志铭(epitaph)源于希腊语 epigraphē,最初指在死者墓石或碑石上刻写文章以示纪念,后也指悼念性的简短诗文,因此,英语中这类刻文、碑文、铭文的文字统称为 epigraph。公元前925年编辑的《希腊文选》(Greek Anthology)中就收集了多篇碑文和铭文。随着时间的推移,一种称之为碑铭文的文学形式渐渐地形成了,尤其是17和18世纪,英国作家如约翰逊(S.Johnson)、邓恩(J.Donne)、德莱顿(J.Dry-den)、斯威夫特(J.Swift)、蒲柏(A.Pope)、彭斯(R.Burns) 展开更多
关键词 德莱顿 Donne 斯威夫特 SWIFT 彭斯 GREEK 四行诗 墓石 蒲柏 邓恩
An Analysis of the Readers' Roles in the Construction of Meaning in John Donne's The Flea under Reader-Oriented Theory
作者 许景城 《海外英语》 2011年第5X期213-217,共5页
Among the sundry studies in China on John Donne's The Flea,there has been none done from the perspective of Reader-Oriented Theory to probe into the readers' roles in the construction of meaning.The present ar... Among the sundry studies in China on John Donne's The Flea,there has been none done from the perspective of Reader-Oriented Theory to probe into the readers' roles in the construction of meaning.The present article under Wolfgang Iser's theories,in a further pursuit of the expansion of the gestalt of such studies on the poem,aims at exploring the readers' active roles in complementing,completing and recreating the textual meaning,and differentiating the implied reader and the actual reader through the poem as well as attempting to fulfill the construction of the reading cognitive model through the interpretation of the conceit the flea. 展开更多
关键词 READER-ORIENTED Theory Reader’s ROLES Wolfgang ISER John Donne The FLEA
A Comparative Image Study of two Love Songs——The Sun Rising by John Donne and The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock by T.S Eliot
作者 刘璨 《海外英语》 2013年第19期182-183,共2页
The Sun Rising is one of the most famous metaphysical poems of John Donne.The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock is known as the first Modernist poem of T.S Eliot.This paper mainly aims to analyze the strikingly unconvent... The Sun Rising is one of the most famous metaphysical poems of John Donne.The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock is known as the first Modernist poem of T.S Eliot.This paper mainly aims to analyze the strikingly unconventional images use in the two poems,and make comments on their effect on expressing the poet emotions. 展开更多
关键词 image love comparison John Donne T.S ELIOT
A Brief Survey of the Metaphysical Poets
作者 陈春红 《海外英语》 2010年第1X期99-99,共1页
The article focuses on the brief study of the metaphysical poets,who were men of learning,and to show learning was their whole endeavor. The chief metaphysical poets include John Donne,Richard Crashaw,Andrew Marvell,G... The article focuses on the brief study of the metaphysical poets,who were men of learning,and to show learning was their whole endeavor. The chief metaphysical poets include John Donne,Richard Crashaw,Andrew Marvell,George Herbert,and Henry Vaughan. They preferred wildly original images,puns,similes,and metaphors,which collectively are called metaphysical conceits. The term metaphysical implies the poetry is abstract and highly complicated. The group shares certain traits,but their themes,structures,and assorted tones in their poetry vary widely. 展开更多
作者 姜岩 《中小学教育与管理》 2003年第4期44-45,共2页
关键词 诗歌 文体 语音 格律 意象 《告别辞:请勿哀伤》 英国 John Donne 文学研究
Embryology of Iris sanguinea Donn ex Horn. and its systematic relationship
作者 Lijuan Fan Karl H.Hasenstein Ling Wang 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第6期2007-2020,共14页
Iris sangumea Dorm ex Horn. is a perennial cold-tolerant herbs of the Iris genus of Iridaceae, which has a well-formed, bright color and adaptability. Through understanding the fl ower bud differentiation, Sporogenesi... Iris sangumea Dorm ex Horn. is a perennial cold-tolerant herbs of the Iris genus of Iridaceae, which has a well-formed, bright color and adaptability. Through understanding the fl ower bud differentiation, Sporogenesis, gametogenesis, fertilization and embryogenesis of I. sangumea, we developed fl owering regulation and control breeding. I. sangumea fl ower bud differentiation was observed in April for 21 days; in this stage, the early differentiation process was slow, temperature was more than 5 °C, if the temperature is shorter than this, most fl ower bud will have no differentiation, and turn to vegetative growth; later differentiation is faster and required temperature is from 5 to 8 °C and gradually rose to 10-12 °C. The temperature in April plays the defi nitely role in the number of bud differentiation. Three stamina contain tetrasporangiate anthers and a glandular tapetum. The anther wall is composed of four cell layers inclduding the epidermis, the endothecium, one middle layer and the secretory tapetum. The type of anther wall development the dicotyledonous type. After pollen maturation, the anther wall forms a double-layer containing only epidermis and endothecium. Simultaneous cytokinesis is of the continuous type during meiosis of microspore mother cell results in a zygomorphous or tetragonal tetrad. Mature pollen grains are two-celled. I. sangumea ’s stylar canal is hollow, open type style, and the gynoecium has three carpels. The ovaries have axial placentas. The ovule is anatropous, bitegmic and crassinucellate. The primary sporogenous cell differentiates directly as the megaspore. The megaspore tetrads are linear, T-shaped or juxtaposed. Generally, the fi rst of the tetrad megaspores at the chalaza becomes functional while the other three degenerate. A mature embryo sac with seven cells and eight nuclei embryo sac is of the polygonum type. For dichogamy, the male gametophyte matures about 2 days earlier than the female gametophyte. The pollen tube entered into the embryo sac for 22–24 h after pollination. The dormancy stage of fertilized ovules is 5-6 days, and the fusion of sperm and egg nucleus is of the premitotic type. The primary endosperm cell has shorter dormancy of 4-6 days, and endosperm formation is of the nuclear type. 展开更多
关键词 IRIS sanguinea Donn EX HORN FLOWER BUD diff erentiation EMBRYOLOGY
作者 施士宇 《图书馆学刊》 1985年第3期34-35,46,共3页
查尔斯·阿密·克特(Charles Ammi Cutter),如同图书十进分类法的创始人麦尔维·杜威一样,是十九世纪美国图书馆运动的著名活动家。克特1837年3月14日出生在波士顿,1855年毕业于当时的哈佛顿学院,此后进入哈佛神学院。在神... 查尔斯·阿密·克特(Charles Ammi Cutter),如同图书十进分类法的创始人麦尔维·杜威一样,是十九世纪美国图书馆运动的著名活动家。克特1837年3月14日出生在波士顿,1855年毕业于当时的哈佛顿学院,此后进入哈佛神学院。在神学院学习期间,由于协助编制目录与整理图书,开始对图书馆工作发生兴趣。1860年返回哈佛学院,任图书馆长助理,在该馆持续工作八年。自1868致1893年。 展开更多
关键词 哈佛学院 克特 十进 八年 华盛顿广场 麦尔 索书号 类号 十九世纪 Donne
Celiac Disease Seen with the Eyes of the Principle Component Analysis and Analyse Des Données
作者 Cleto Corposanto Beba Molinari Susanna Neuhold 《Open Journal of Statistics》 2015年第3期211-222,共12页
This paper aims to deepen the quality of life of people with celiac disease with a focus on compliance to the diet through Principle Component Analysis and Analyse des Données. In particular, we will try to under... This paper aims to deepen the quality of life of people with celiac disease with a focus on compliance to the diet through Principle Component Analysis and Analyse des Données. In particular, we will try to understand whether these analyzes are also applicable in the context of research web2.0 carried out with web-survey. 展开更多
关键词 CELIAC DISEASE Web-Survey PRINCIPLE Component Analysis Analyse DES Données
作者 宋立平 《玉溪师范学院学报》 1985年第1期101-109,共9页
No man is an iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of theContinent, a part of the mane, if a clod be washed away by the sea,Europe is the lesse, as well as if a promontorie were, as well as if a Manor of thy ... No man is an iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of theContinent, a part of the mane, if a clod be washed away by the sea,Europe is the lesse, as well as if a promontorie were, as well as if a Manor of thy friend or of thine owne were; any man’s death diminishes me, because Ⅰ am involved in Mankinde. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. 展开更多
关键词 friend JORDAN Donne leave never FEELING FIGHT something mankind SOMEONE
John Donne’s Art of Conceit
作者 LI Zheng-shuan LI Yun-hua 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2020年第12期1087-1096,共10页
John Donne’s poetry is noted for its use of conceit. The reason why his poems have special charm is not only that heis able to master this rhetorical device skillfully, but also that he has made conceit into a mode o... John Donne’s poetry is noted for its use of conceit. The reason why his poems have special charm is not only that heis able to master this rhetorical device skillfully, but also that he has made conceit into a mode of thinking.Therefore, conceit carries his philosophical speculation, love oath and religious piety, and this unique expressionproduces novel effect of defamiliarization and strengthens the emotional tension of his poetry. 展开更多
关键词 John Donne’s poetry DEFAMILIARIZATION
A Wordless Departure, an Everlasting Love
作者 袁也 《海外英语》 2019年第14期245-246,共2页
John Donne,being famous for his use of metaphysical metaphors,is one of the most successful poets of the 17th century English.His metaphysical poem“A Valediction:Forbidding Mourning”plays a significant role during t... John Donne,being famous for his use of metaphysical metaphors,is one of the most successful poets of the 17th century English.His metaphysical poem“A Valediction:Forbidding Mourning”plays a significant role during the Renaissance.In his poems,the compass is compared to lovers,which becomes the classic love metaphor.This essay aims to analyze the discrepancy between the death at the beginning and the love’s constancylater,and how John Donne illustrates two groups of contrast:spiritual love and physical love,temporal love and eternal love. 展开更多
关键词 John Donne A Valediction Forbidding MOURNING Seperation LOVE
Alchemical Imagery in Donne`s Poems
作者 徐亚飞 《海外英语》 2013年第23期243-244,261,共3页
John Donne is particularly famous for his mastery of the metaphysical conceit.And among the diverse metaphorical conceits Donne`s use of the alchemical imagery is significant.This paper is to analyze the alchemical im... John Donne is particularly famous for his mastery of the metaphysical conceit.And among the diverse metaphorical conceits Donne`s use of the alchemical imagery is significant.This paper is to analyze the alchemical imagery in Donne`s poems and how Donne employs it for his poetic purpose through textual analyses.And this paper aims to give a panoramic view of the alchemical motif in Donne`s poems. 展开更多
关键词 John Donne POEM alchemical IMAGERY CONCEIT alchemi
Interpret Three Kinds of John Donne's Love Poetry
作者 孙小静 《海外英语》 2011年第8X期314-316,共3页
John Donne is the representative of the metaphysical in the literary history. Song and Sonnets are love poems which express Donne's love outlook and his attitude towards woman. In Song and Sonnets, the most well-k... John Donne is the representative of the metaphysical in the literary history. Song and Sonnets are love poems which express Donne's love outlook and his attitude towards woman. In Song and Sonnets, the most well-known poems are: "Song" ("Go and Catch a Falling Star"), "The Flea," "The Sun Rising" and "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning." This paper divides his love poetry into three kinds. Through close reading, on one hand, we can understand him and his poems better; on the other hand we can explore his love outlook better. 展开更多
Faithlessness in John Donne's Love Poetry
作者 刘雪绒 《海外英语》 2012年第21期170-171,共2页
It was a tradition in Elizabethan time that love poems were written to praise lovers'fidelity,but Donne boldly broke the tradition and chose faithlessness as the theme in some of his poems.The paper analyzes a ser... It was a tradition in Elizabethan time that love poems were written to praise lovers'fidelity,but Donne boldly broke the tradition and chose faithlessness as the theme in some of his poems.The paper analyzes a series of images in Donne's love po ems to present the theme of faithlessness and then it discusses the reasons why Donne deals with the theme.Faithlessness in Don ne's love poems can not be interpreted only as Donne's doubt about love.The discussion of love's fidelity in his poems also comes from Donne's sensibility about instability of the world and his perturbation of religious belief. 展开更多
关键词 John Donne METAPHYSICAL POETRY faithlessness Catho
作者 宋建福 《英语自学》 2004年第2期34-39,共6页
本文通过试题分析,试图弄清《英美文学选读》通常测试的内容,考察所测内容在教材中的重要性、所占比重,并进一步指出学习的方法。其次,简单地介绍一些答题技巧。试题分析按试卷顺序进行,每部分之后作一小结。(本次介绍Part One,Part Tw... 本文通过试题分析,试图弄清《英美文学选读》通常测试的内容,考察所测内容在教材中的重要性、所占比重,并进一步指出学习的方法。其次,简单地介绍一些答题技巧。试题分析按试卷顺序进行,每部分之后作一小结。(本次介绍Part One,Part Two将在下一期刊出) 展开更多
关键词 试题分析 英美文学 答题技巧 Donne 小说文体 主题思想 HUSBAND 华兹华斯 乔治·艾略特
西班牙的弗拉门科艺术 被引量:16
作者 孙晨荟 《中国音乐学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第2期115-129,共15页
弗拉门科是著名的西班牙民间艺术 ,本文据DonnE .Pohren的TheArtofFla menco和GilbertChase的TheMusicofSpain中的相应章节 ,并结合了其他的相关著述 ,介绍了它的起源、具体表现形式、发展状况。
关键词 西班牙 弗拉门科艺术 民间艺术 DonnE·Pohren The-Art-of-Fla-menco Gilbert-Chase 起源 表现形式 The-Music-of-Spain 安达卢西亚 深沉歌 舞蹈 吉他
赏析《别离辞——节哀》 被引量:3
作者 白润芳 郑爱英 《时代文学(下半月)》 2011年第4期64-65,共2页
17世纪初英国出现一批诗人,他们才智过人。喜欢使用"玄学奇喻",被称为玄学派诗人(Metaphysical Poets)。玄学派的主要代表人物有约翰.邓恩(John Donne),本文从作者的生平入手,赏析他的传世之作《别离辞——节哀》。
关键词 玄学派诗歌 传世之作 邓恩 英国诗歌 Donne 彼得拉克 多恩 讽刺诗 新颖奇特 诗所
作者 朴英爱 史延芳 《中国医师进修杂志》 1992年第3期43-44,共2页
自1839年法国Donne 首次发现粘性小球以来,有关白血病的研究已有100多年的历史。人类对本病的认识也逐步在提高,有关报导亦不少,但国内尚缺乏白血病性肾浸润的报导,现将我院收治的1例报告如下:病历摘要患儿,男,11岁。因双膝关节疼痛伴浮... 自1839年法国Donne 首次发现粘性小球以来,有关白血病的研究已有100多年的历史。人类对本病的认识也逐步在提高,有关报导亦不少,但国内尚缺乏白血病性肾浸润的报导,现将我院收治的1例报告如下:病历摘要患儿,男,11岁。因双膝关节疼痛伴浮肿4个月,神志不清2天入院。 展开更多
关键词 白血病细胞 双膝关节 Donne 骨质破坏 病理反射阴性 肝脾淋巴结 血压波动 肾脏受累 管状骨 原始淋巴细胞
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