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基于EPICS的ERL加速器控制系统 被引量:3
作者 冯立文 林林 +2 位作者 王芳 黄森林 刘克新 《核电子学与探测技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期787-790,806,共5页
EPICS是国际上比较大型的加速器广泛采用的分布式控制系统。针对北京大学ERL实验装置的需求,设计研发了一套基于EPICS的计算机控制系统并成功用于注入器调试和实验研究中。首先对EPICS控制系统平台进行了介绍,然后描述了控制系统的整体... EPICS是国际上比较大型的加速器广泛采用的分布式控制系统。针对北京大学ERL实验装置的需求,设计研发了一套基于EPICS的计算机控制系统并成功用于注入器调试和实验研究中。首先对EPICS控制系统平台进行了介绍,然后描述了控制系统的整体设计方案,最后较为详细地描述了各个子系统的软硬件选型和调试过程。 展开更多
关键词 北京大学erl实验装置 控制系统 实验物理及工业控制系统
作者 余英 《吕梁教育学院学报》 2014年第1期63-65,81,共4页
通过自己在美国奥克兰大学ERL中心一年的亲身体验和课堂学习,本人深深的感受到该中心的教学有很多成功的方面值得我们学习和借鉴。如:合理的课程设置,科学的教学方法,灵活实用的教学材料,人性化的评估和测试等。在此基础上,本文将结合... 通过自己在美国奥克兰大学ERL中心一年的亲身体验和课堂学习,本人深深的感受到该中心的教学有很多成功的方面值得我们学习和借鉴。如:合理的课程设置,科学的教学方法,灵活实用的教学材料,人性化的评估和测试等。在此基础上,本文将结合我国高校非英语专业的教学现状,进一步指出美国英语教学对我国高校英语教学的启发。 展开更多
关键词 erl 课程 教学方法 学习材料 启示
作者 徐超 马忠剑 +2 位作者 石皓屿 李冠稼 郭思明 《核技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期72-76,共5页
中国科学院高能物理研究所提出了ERL-FEL(Energy recovery linac-Free electron laser)"一机两用"的概念,通过同一直线加速器将能量回收加速器(Energy recovery linac,ERL)和自由电子激光(Free electron laser,FEL)结合到一... 中国科学院高能物理研究所提出了ERL-FEL(Energy recovery linac-Free electron laser)"一机两用"的概念,通过同一直线加速器将能量回收加速器(Energy recovery linac,ERL)和自由电子激光(Free electron laser,FEL)结合到一起。本文讨论ERL-FEL两用实验装置主体屏蔽设计中,利用离散抽样的方法实现多个损失源项的整合,在同一FLUKA用户程序中实现多源抽样,并将蒙特卡罗计算结果与各源项独立处理的累积结果进行对比。计算表明,两者的结果吻合较好。基于束流损失源项整体建模的方法适用于其他小型直线加速器的整体屏蔽计算,可方便在其他装置上扩展应用。 展开更多
关键词 FLUKA 用户程序 离散抽样 可扩展性 erl—FEL
作者 栗强 孙承媛 范文波 《情报科学》 CSSCI 1999年第3期257-258,278,共3页
关键词 erl 光盘网络 检索平台
作者 刘文豪 孔宪辉 +4 位作者 王旭文 司爱君 马麒 赵福相 余渝 《绿洲农业科学与工程》 2022年第2期15-20,共6页
棉花是我国重要的经济作物,其生长发育过程中易受非生物胁迫和病菌危害。而ERL1基因是植物体内重要的信号转导因子,其在植物抗逆和生长发育过程中有重要作用。通过分析不同胁迫模式下陆地棉ERL1基因的表达特征,了解其在逆境胁迫中具有... 棉花是我国重要的经济作物,其生长发育过程中易受非生物胁迫和病菌危害。而ERL1基因是植物体内重要的信号转导因子,其在植物抗逆和生长发育过程中有重要作用。通过分析不同胁迫模式下陆地棉ERL1基因的表达特征,了解其在逆境胁迫中具有的功能,以期为分子育种创新种质提供基因资源。本研究以ERECTA家族成员中的ERL1为研究目标,采用生物信息学方法分析陆地棉GhERL1的理化性质、蛋白质结构、亚细胞定位建模、基因的组织特异性表达和蛋白互作调控网络。生物信息学分析表明陆地棉GhERL1含有998个氨基酸残基,理论等电点为5.76,具有典型的LRR富集区,属于稳定蛋白。蛋白质二级结构以α螺旋和无规卷曲为主,亚细胞定位预测GhERL1分布在细胞膜。GhERL1在子叶、纤维、胚珠、根、茎和叶组织均有表达,在根和茎组织的表达量高于其他组织。在不同时间的冷胁迫、热胁迫、干旱胁迫和盐胁迫下,GhERL1基因的表达存在差异性。而在蛋白互作调控网络中,GhERL1和参与气孔发育、生物信号传递、细胞周期调控相关的蛋白构成共表达网络。陆地棉GhERL1的鉴定及不同胁迫模式下的表达分析为棉花生长发育过程中的非生物胁迫研究提供了重要的线索。 展开更多
关键词 陆地棉 erl1 胁迫 表达分析 生物信息学
作者 郝建奎 《科技资讯》 2016年第19期181-181,共1页
强流超导加速器是ERL的关键部件之一。该研究结合ERL对超导加速器的要求,对高性能射频超导腔的研制、强流高阶模耦合器研制、强流加速器恒温器设计研制、频率调谐器设计研制、麦克风效应和洛伦兹力失谐等问题进行深入研究。该年度主要... 强流超导加速器是ERL的关键部件之一。该研究结合ERL对超导加速器的要求,对高性能射频超导腔的研制、强流高阶模耦合器研制、强流加速器恒温器设计研制、频率调谐器设计研制、麦克风效应和洛伦兹力失谐等问题进行深入研究。该年度主要进行强流超导腔的研制,包括冲压、成型、焊接、表面处理、场调平;进行强流超导腔的垂直性能测试;进行强流超导加速单元设计。研究组在强流超导腔研究中取得了进展,9-cell超导腔在32 MV/m时Q值在1E10以上,单cell超导腔在1.8 K,25 MV/m时,品质因数达到3E10以上,这对于强流超导加速器的运行有重要的意义。对超导腔场致发射点的定位进行了深入研究,为提高超导腔的性能提供了一种非常有效的方法。 展开更多
关键词 超导腔 能量回收直线加速器 强流
作者 孙斯文 《轮胎工业》 CAS 2013年第8期462-462,共1页
关键词 子午线轮胎 推土机 装载机 矿用 工程机械轮胎 捷克共和国 erl
作者 刘雪枫 《歌剧》 2008年第2期49-52,共4页
我曾在奥地利蒂罗尔州的Erl获得过别具一格的瓦格纳体验,它既不同于拜罗伊特歌剧汇演的庄重肃穆,也与萨尔茨堡复活节音乐节“柏林爱乐制造”的神圣严谨全然迥异。在这个奥地利与德国隔因河相望的小山村里,传统的瓦格纳观念似乎被消... 我曾在奥地利蒂罗尔州的Erl获得过别具一格的瓦格纳体验,它既不同于拜罗伊特歌剧汇演的庄重肃穆,也与萨尔茨堡复活节音乐节“柏林爱乐制造”的神圣严谨全然迥异。在这个奥地利与德国隔因河相望的小山村里,传统的瓦格纳观念似乎被消解得一干二净,剩下的居然就是怎样在瓦格纳的旗帜下实现“过节”的欢乐,不仅是为了来自世界各地观众的欢乐,Erl及其附近村庄的村民们在丰衣足食的闭塞生活之外,亦要享受德国式的甚至是国际式的狂欢。在我看来,歌剧节的组织者层出不穷的创意,使参与到表演当中的村民所获得的欢乐远远大于不远万里付出不菲费用的外来客人。 展开更多
关键词 瓦格纳 erl 狂欢节 小城 别具一格 萨尔茨堡 奥地利 德国式
作者 王强 《电信工程技术与标准化》 2005年第3期15-19,共5页
蜂窝网采用空间频率再用技术大大地缓解了频谱资源有限与用户不断增长之间的矛盾。其中CDMA蜂窝网的容量最大,而且还具有软容量特性。但是由于CDMA是自干扰系统,它在直接应用ErlB定理之前受空间Erl容量概念的制约。本篇文章简要分析了在... 蜂窝网采用空间频率再用技术大大地缓解了频谱资源有限与用户不断增长之间的矛盾。其中CDMA蜂窝网的容量最大,而且还具有软容量特性。但是由于CDMA是自干扰系统,它在直接应用ErlB定理之前受空间Erl容量概念的制约。本篇文章简要分析了在CDMA系统中计算Erl容量的方法,并涉及了一些针对这一CDMA特有概念的优化工作。 展开更多
关键词 CDMA系统 蜂窝网 蜂窝系统 容量 自干扰 频谱资源 空间频率 用户 技术 概念
Recent Progress on RF Superconductivity and ERL 被引量:1
作者 郝建奎 赵夔 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第z1期200-203,共4页
RF superconducting cavities can work in CW mode or long pulse mode.RF superconducting technology is widely used in particle accelerators.The development of RF superconductivity is limited by the material,surface treat... RF superconducting cavities can work in CW mode or long pulse mode.RF superconducting technology is widely used in particle accelerators.The development of RF superconductivity is limited by the material,surface treatment and installation.SRF technology is improved greatly after dozens of years'researches.Lots of techniques and experiences have been accumulated by running superconducting accelerators.In recent years,researches and developments have been carried out for future large scientific project.New cavity shape and superconducting cavities made of large grain niobium are the hot frontiers in SRF field.Energy Recovery Linacs have been developed in recent years.ERLs has many advantages such as high efficiency,energy saving,good stability,low radiation level,etc.ERLs are more and more used in advanced light sources and free electron laser facilities. 展开更多
关键词 RF superconductivity erl accelerating gradient
作者 杨韬 刘惟一 田雯 《云南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 2000年第1期5-8,共4页
关键词 erl 语义约束 覆盖语义 聚集语义
作者 杨韬 刘惟一 田雯 《云南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 2000年第1期1-4,共4页
关键词 erl 语义约束 继承循环 模型化语言
Design studies on a 500kV DC gun photo-injector for the BXERL test facility 被引量:2
作者 刘圣广 徐金强 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第1期88-91,共4页
BXERL is a proposal for a test facility (Beijing X-ray Energy Recovery Linac), which requires its injector to provide an electron beam of 5 MeV, 77 pC/ bunch at a repetition rate of 130 MHz (average current of 10 m... BXERL is a proposal for a test facility (Beijing X-ray Energy Recovery Linac), which requires its injector to provide an electron beam of 5 MeV, 77 pC/ bunch at a repetition rate of 130 MHz (average current of 10 mA). In this paper, we present the design of the injector, which consists of a 500 kV photocathode DC gun equipped with a GaAs cathode preparation device, a 1.3 GHz normal conducting RF buncher, two solenoids, and one cryomodule containing two 1.3 GHz 2-cell superconducting RF cavities as the energy booster. The detailed beam dynamics show that the injector can generate electron bunches with a RMS normalized emittance of 1.49 πmm.mrad, a bunch length of 0.67 mm, a beam energy of 5 MeV and an energy spread of 0.72%. 展开更多
关键词 erl DC gun photo-injector BUNCHER
Beam dynamics studies of the photo-injector in low-charge operation mode for the ERL test facility at IHEP 被引量:2
作者 焦毅 肖欧正 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第6期86-92,共7页
The energy recovery linac test facility (ERL-TF), which is a compact ERL-FEL (free electron laser) two-purpose machine, was proposed at the Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing. As one important component of ... The energy recovery linac test facility (ERL-TF), which is a compact ERL-FEL (free electron laser) two-purpose machine, was proposed at the Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing. As one important component of the ERL-TF, the photo-injector that started with a photocathode direct-current gun has been designed. In this paper, optimization of the injector beam dynamics in low-charge operation mode is performed with iterative scans using Impact-T. In addition, the dependencies between the optimized beam quality and the initial offset at cathode and element parameters are, investigated. The tolerance of alignment and rotation errors is also analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 erl photo-injector beam dynamics
Design studies on the ERL-FEL test facility at IHEP, Beijing 被引量:1
作者 王书鸿 王九庆 +13 位作者 陈森玉 池云龙 王光伟 曹建社 刘圣广 高杰 翟纪元 刘渭滨 崔小昊 徐金强 周祖圣 李小平 陆辉华 肖琼 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第5期469-474,共6页
A proposed compact ERL test facility at IHEP, Beijing, is presented in this paper, and includes the design parameters, the essential lattice, and the key components features, such as the photocathode DC gun and the CW... A proposed compact ERL test facility at IHEP, Beijing, is presented in this paper, and includes the design parameters, the essential lattice, and the key components features, such as the photocathode DC gun and the CW superconducting accelerating structures. Some important beam physics issues such as the space charge effect, the coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) effect and the beam break-up (BBU) effect are briefly described with the simulation results. 展开更多
关键词 erl test facility DC gun CW superconducting accelerating structure CSR BBU
BBU effect in an ERL-FEL two-purpose test facility 被引量:1
作者 崔小昊 焦毅 +1 位作者 王九庆 王书鸿 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第7期70-75,共6页
Both the energy recovery linac (ERL) and the free electron laser (FEL) are considered to be candidate fourth generation light sources. It is proposed to combine an FEL into an ERL facility to integrate the advanta... Both the energy recovery linac (ERL) and the free electron laser (FEL) are considered to be candidate fourth generation light sources. It is proposed to combine an FEL into an ERL facility to integrate the advantages of both, and to realize a compact two-purpose light source. A test facility to verify this principle is being designed at the Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing. One main concern is the beam breakup (BBU) instability which limits the available beam current. To this end, we developed a numerical simulation code to calculate the BBU threshold, which is found to have only a small reduction even in a high-FEL-bunch-charge operation mode, compared with that in the case with ERL bunches only. However, even with the ERL beam current far below the BBU threshold, we observed a fluctuation of the central orbit of the ERL bunches in the presence of an FEL beam. We then present a physical model of BBU and understand the mechanism of the orbit-fluctuation in an ERL-FEL two-purpose machine. We found that by choosing an appropriate FEL bunch repetition rate, the central orbit fluctuation amplitude can be well controlled. 展开更多
关键词 erl FEL two-purpose machine BBU
BXERL photo-injector based on a 217 MHz normal conducting RF gun 被引量:1
作者 刘圣广 黄彤明 徐金强 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第9期865-869,共5页
The Beijing X-ray Energy Recovery Linac (BXERL) test facility is proposed in Institute of High Physics (IHEP). In this proposal, the main linac requires the injector to provide an electron beam with 5 MeV energy a... The Beijing X-ray Energy Recovery Linac (BXERL) test facility is proposed in Institute of High Physics (IHEP). In this proposal, the main linac requires the injector to provide an electron beam with 5 MeV energy and 10 mA average current. An injector based on DC gun technology is the first candidate electron source for BXERL. However, the field emission in the DC gun cavity makes it much more difficult to increase the high voltage to more than 500 kV. Another technology based on a 217 MHz normal conducting RF gun is proposed as the backup injector for this test facility. We have designed this RF gun with 2D SUPERFISH code and 3D MICROWAVE STUDIO code. In this paper, we present the optimized design of the gun cavity, the gun RF parameters and the set-up of the whole injector system. The detailed beam dynamics have been done and the simulation results show that the injector can generate electron bunches with RMS normalized emittance 1.0 7πmm-mrad, bunch length 0.77 mm, beam energy 5.0 MeV and energy spread 0.60%. 展开更多
关键词 erl normal conducting RF gun photo-injector CW mode
Towards one machine, two purposes: using a common SC linac for XFEL and ERL simultaneously 被引量:1
作者 CHEN Sen-Yu WANG Shu-Hong ZHU Xiong-Wei 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期112-114,共3页
The linac based XFEL and ERL are advanced (or, say, 4th generation) light sources, with different electron beam parameters and different advantages. However, the linac used for XFEL and ERL should provide very advan... The linac based XFEL and ERL are advanced (or, say, 4th generation) light sources, with different electron beam parameters and different advantages. However, the linac used for XFEL and ERL should provide very advanced beams with high energy, high peak and/or average current, very low emittance and low energy spread, thus making the linac very complicated and expensive. To share the XFEL and ERL advantages and save the construction-operation budget, a proposal of using a common superconducting electron linac for hard X-ray XFEL and ERL is described in this paper. The interactions between the XFEL and ERL beams via the accelerating structure are studied and the result is positive. 展开更多
关键词 electron linac XFEL erl
Evolutionary genetic optimization of the injector beam dynamics for the ERL test facility at IHEP
作者 焦毅 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第8期97-102,共6页
The energy recovery linac test facility (ERL-TF), a compact ERL-FEL (free electron laser) two-purpose machine, has been proposed at the Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing. As one important component of the ... The energy recovery linac test facility (ERL-TF), a compact ERL-FEL (free electron laser) two-purpose machine, has been proposed at the Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing. As one important component of the ERL-TF, the photo-injector was designed and preliminarily optimized. In this paper an evolutionary genetic method, non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II, is applied to optimize the injector beam dynamics, especially in the high-charge operation mode. Study shows that using an incident laser with rms transverse size of 1-1.2 ram, the normalized emittance of the electron beam can be kept below 1 mm.mrad at the end of the injector. This work, together with the previous optimization of the low-charge operation mode by using the iterative scan method, provides guidance and confidence for future construction and commissioning of the ERL-TF injector. 展开更多
关键词 erl photo-injector beam dynamics non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm
Design study on the merger for BXERL-FEL
作者 朱雄伟 王书鸿 陈森玉 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第8期696-700,共5页
In North China, there is a preliminary proposal for ERL-FEL light source (BXERL-FEL) with its aim at "one machine, two purposes" (the XFEL and ERL work simultaneously). One of the key technologies is the merger ... In North China, there is a preliminary proposal for ERL-FEL light source (BXERL-FEL) with its aim at "one machine, two purposes" (the XFEL and ERL work simultaneously). One of the key technologies is the merger section. In this paper, we give the physical design of the merger section for BXERL-FEL which merges three kinds of electron beam. 展开更多
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