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The Dynamic Interplay Between Language Motivation and English Speaking Fluency:Implications for Effective Teaching Strategies
作者 Yiran Yang 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2024年第7期56-62,共7页
In this study,we aim to investigate the reciprocal influence between language motivation and English speaking fluency among language learners,and to draw implications for effective teaching methodologies.By analyzing ... In this study,we aim to investigate the reciprocal influence between language motivation and English speaking fluency among language learners,and to draw implications for effective teaching methodologies.By analyzing multiple cases of language learners in conjunction with relevant theories and practical insights,the study uncovers a dynamic correlation between language motivation and speaking fluency.The research findings indicate that heightened language motivation can positively impact learners’speaking fluency,while improved oral skills,in turn,bolster learners’language confidence and motivation.Building on these insights,the study proposes impactful teaching approaches,such as cultivating learners’enthusiasm for language acquisition,providing diverse opportunities for oral practice,and fostering active engagement in language communication.These strategies are designed to enhance language motivation and speaking fluency among learners,offering valuable guidance and reference for educators. 展开更多
关键词 Language motivation English speaking fluency Language learners teaching methodologies Oral proficiency Language confidence
作者 王晓煜 《物流科技》 2024年第5期165-166,共2页
根据OBE思想,以学生为中心,探讨物流专业ERP信息化实践项目的建设。根据物流管理专业培养目标和ERP信息化实践项目的实践目标,从项目内容、项目教学设计、项目组织实施、教学方法与手段、项目考核评价等方面提出针对性的改革建议,从而... 根据OBE思想,以学生为中心,探讨物流专业ERP信息化实践项目的建设。根据物流管理专业培养目标和ERP信息化实践项目的实践目标,从项目内容、项目教学设计、项目组织实施、教学方法与手段、项目考核评价等方面提出针对性的改革建议,从而培养更多的ERP应用型人才。 展开更多
关键词 OBE erp 物流管理
作者 刘正刚 陈伊 +1 位作者 李晓 杨洁 《评价与管理》 2024年第1期22-28,共7页
课程体系建设作为培养人才素质与专业能力的核心环节,其整体结构优化急需多元化评价体系改革,尤其弥补大数据相关客观评价。本文以某高校ERP沙盘衔接的相关竞赛成绩和经管类课程成绩(含个人成绩和竞赛团队成绩)为线索,通过依托决策树算... 课程体系建设作为培养人才素质与专业能力的核心环节,其整体结构优化急需多元化评价体系改革,尤其弥补大数据相关客观评价。本文以某高校ERP沙盘衔接的相关竞赛成绩和经管类课程成绩(含个人成绩和竞赛团队成绩)为线索,通过依托决策树算法和随机森林算法的大数据挖掘分析方法,探明经管类课程对竞赛成绩的影响,并结合专业教学大纲变革展开相关经管类课程体系的结构优化分析。研究结果既为经管类课程体系结构优化提供建议,又为宏观层次的课程体系结构优化提供立足大数据客观分析的优化范例,一种衔接更多形成性评价的范例。 展开更多
关键词 课程体系 大数据分析 结构优化 决策树 随机森林 课赛衔接 erp沙盘
作者 蔡炯 王志亮 《全国流通经济》 2024年第8期129-132,共4页
自1958年新中国第一辆“东风”轿车生产装配试车成功至今,我国汽车产业发展进入新发展阶段,随着我国新能源汽车发展的弯道超车,我国汽车产业无论从市场还是制造都有了未来发展更大的底气。本文从我国汽车产业发展的数字化背景出发,分析... 自1958年新中国第一辆“东风”轿车生产装配试车成功至今,我国汽车产业发展进入新发展阶段,随着我国新能源汽车发展的弯道超车,我国汽车产业无论从市场还是制造都有了未来发展更大的底气。本文从我国汽车产业发展的数字化背景出发,分析了我国汽车产业发展中应用ERP系统的必要性,提出我国汽车产业应用ERP系统时“干中学”需要进行调整。在此基础上,本文对我国汽车产业应用ERP系统提出重视产学研合作人才培养、持续关注ERP系统运维、重视ERP系统投入以及重视ERP系统与其他相关信息技术的融合等完善建议。 展开更多
关键词 汽车产业 erp系统应用 “干中学”
作者 李娜 刘艺鲲 《合作经济与科技》 2024年第6期108-110,共3页
ERP作为企业信息化过程中不可或缺的一环,不仅重构企业传统业务模式和管理流程,而且提升企业整体战略管理能力。因此,面对竞争日益激烈的市场环境,企业以ERP系统为手段走向信息化趋势不可避免。但在人工智能技术逐渐发展背景下,ERP系统... ERP作为企业信息化过程中不可或缺的一环,不仅重构企业传统业务模式和管理流程,而且提升企业整体战略管理能力。因此,面对竞争日益激烈的市场环境,企业以ERP系统为手段走向信息化趋势不可避免。但在人工智能技术逐渐发展背景下,ERP系统在企业中发挥作用将面临着新的问题,同时也是新形势下ERP系统发展的机遇。本文首先对ERP系统概念进行简单概述,分析目前市场上主要的ERP系统品牌以及各自所擅长的领域,进而分析企业发展中ERP所起到的作用,探究在人工智能背景下ERP系统在企业发展中所面临的问题,并提出建议。 展开更多
关键词 人工智能 erp系统 企业发展
作者 陈帆 《科技风》 2024年第20期121-123,共3页
本文结合课程实践,分析了思维导图教学法导入“ERP原理与应用”课程的必要性,探讨了思维导图教学法的设计思路、具体实践和教学反思,详细阐述了归纳型思维导图、分析性思维导图和发散型思维导图的具体应用过程。实践表明,思维导图教学... 本文结合课程实践,分析了思维导图教学法导入“ERP原理与应用”课程的必要性,探讨了思维导图教学法的设计思路、具体实践和教学反思,详细阐述了归纳型思维导图、分析性思维导图和发散型思维导图的具体应用过程。实践表明,思维导图教学法的引入可以较好地提升学生的系统分析能力,还可以开拓学生的发散创新思维。 展开更多
关键词 思维导图 erp课程 教学改革
作者 张奋 阮仁桂 +2 位作者 贾小林 朱永兴 王龙 《全球定位系统》 CSCD 2024年第3期80-86,共7页
中国北斗卫星导航系统(BeiDou Navigation Satellite System,BDS)、美国GPS、日本准天顶卫星系统(Quasi-Zenith Satellite System,QZSS)、印度区域导航卫星系统(Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System,IRNSS)等系统在导航电文中... 中国北斗卫星导航系统(BeiDou Navigation Satellite System,BDS)、美国GPS、日本准天顶卫星系统(Quasi-Zenith Satellite System,QZSS)、印度区域导航卫星系统(Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System,IRNSS)等系统在导航电文中播发了地球自转参数(earth rotation parameter,ERP),即极移和世界时(Universal Time,UT)-协调世界时(Universal Time Coordinated,UTC)(ΔUT1).广播ERP主要用于需要在地球参考系和惯性参考系之间转换的GNSS星载应用,如卫星精密定轨、地月导航等.通过国际GNSS服务(International GNSS Service,IGS)收集了BDS、GPS、QZSS、IRNSS的广播ERP数据,评估了各GNSS的广播ERP不连续性,得到GPS和IRNSS的极移不连续性为0.9~1.4 mas,ΔUT1不连续性约为0.2 ms;QZSS的极移不连续性约为0.1 mas,ΔUT1不连续性约为0.02 ms;BDS的极移不连续性约为4.5 mas,ΔUT1不连续性约为1.3 ms.通过与国际地球自转和参考系服务(International Earth Rotation Service,IERS)14C04序列比较显示,QZSS极移误差约为0.6 mas,ΔUT1误差约为0.27 ms;GPS和IRNSS的极移误差约为2.4 mas,对于ΔUT1,GPS误差约为0.36 ms,IRNSS的ΔUT1误差相差较大,约为10.47 ms;由于更新间隔较长,BDS极移误差约为6 mas,ΔUT1误差约为1.2 ms;与GPS相比,BDS极移与ΔUT1误差分别差了近1.5倍和2.5倍. 展开更多
关键词 地球自转参数(erp) GNSS 极移 ΔUT1 不连续性 误差
作者 栾晓娜 侯嘉瑞 +1 位作者 张庆 焦绪丽 《中国现代教育装备》 2024年第9期43-46,50,共5页
随着信息技术的迅速发展,ERP在制造业中也得到广泛应用。基于ERP的智能制造技术包含传统加工、设备自动化、企业信息化等内容,对学生综合能力提出更高的要求,使高校实践教学面临新的挑战。为了改革原有ERP实践教学以沙盘模拟为主、授课... 随着信息技术的迅速发展,ERP在制造业中也得到广泛应用。基于ERP的智能制造技术包含传统加工、设备自动化、企业信息化等内容,对学生综合能力提出更高的要求,使高校实践教学面临新的挑战。为了改革原有ERP实践教学以沙盘模拟为主、授课和考核形式单一、缺乏对学生创造力和综合实践能力的培养等问题,提出了“基础—进阶—综合”的一体化实践课程体系,更加注重ERP理论知识和应用实践的融会贯通,突出体现学科交叉知识应用以及不同层次人才培养,对培养满足社会需求的制造业ERP专业人才具有重要的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 erp 智能制造 制造业 学科融合
作者 胡广富 程献 +1 位作者 程华东 许昭 《体育科技文献通报》 2024年第4期218-220,共3页
目的:以大脑神经抑制功能为切入点,利用事件相关电位(ERP)技术从脑电图水平解释短时自行车运动影响超重大学生抑制功能的具体机制。方法:以某高校16名超重大学生作为被试,采用功率自行车对其进行短时运动干预;采用Flanker范式测量抑制功... 目的:以大脑神经抑制功能为切入点,利用事件相关电位(ERP)技术从脑电图水平解释短时自行车运动影响超重大学生抑制功能的具体机制。方法:以某高校16名超重大学生作为被试,采用功率自行车对其进行短时运动干预;采用Flanker范式测量抑制功能,分析其行为和脑电数据;采用SPSS 25.0进行行为学数据分析;采用MATLAB、EEGLAB、FIELDTRIP进行ERP数据处理与分析。结果:(1)在Flanker任务相同刺激和不同刺激任务上,分别对运动干预前后的反应时进行配对样本t检验,结果显示,都具有显著性差异;抑制冲突反应时(不同刺激任务反应时减去相同刺激任务的反应时)前后测差异性不显著,但后测抑制冲突反应时有明显缩短趋势。(2)完成相同刺激任务和不同刺激任务时在运动干预前后诱发的N2振幅均显示有显著性差异,前额叶的电压值都有所增高。结论:短时自行车运动可激活超重大学生大脑前额叶皮层的兴奋性,能对其抑制功能进行显著的改善。 展开更多
关键词 短时自行车 超重大学生 抑制功能 erp
ERP系统在企业运营管理中的优化研究 被引量:1
作者 郭欣 《中国市场》 2024年第7期130-133,共4页
随着全球经济一体化的发展以及信息技术的快速进步,企业管理逐步向信息化发展。信息化运营管理也是企业在运营管理中一种新的发展趋势。作为企业运营管理的主要信息化手段,ERP系统的建设和使用能够进一步加强企业信息处理速度和能力,帮... 随着全球经济一体化的发展以及信息技术的快速进步,企业管理逐步向信息化发展。信息化运营管理也是企业在运营管理中一种新的发展趋势。作为企业运营管理的主要信息化手段,ERP系统的建设和使用能够进一步加强企业信息处理速度和能力,帮助企业降低管理成本,提高运营管理效率。但在实际操作中,由于ERP系统在企业当中没有进行广泛的推广,同时建设周期长、项目难度大、成本高等特点也影响了企业ERP系统的建设。文章通过梳理ERP系统在企业运营管理当中的运用,发现目前ERP系统建设的诸多问题,并针对这些问题进行分析、提出对策,旨在帮助企业更好地提高ERP系统的使用效率,发挥其作用,提高运营管理效率。 展开更多
关键词 erp系统 运营管理 企业管理
浅析 ERP 系统在企业财务管理中的应用 被引量:1
作者 马俊丽 《品牌研究》 2024年第5期0208-0210,共3页
进入互联网时代后,信息化办公已经成为常态,各类办公软件层出不穷,为企业经营提供了极大的便利。ERP 系统作为一种企业资源管理系统,利用一体化办公系统全面整合企业内外可利用资源,将其应用到企业财务管理工作中,帮助企业实现精准内控... 进入互联网时代后,信息化办公已经成为常态,各类办公软件层出不穷,为企业经营提供了极大的便利。ERP 系统作为一种企业资源管理系统,利用一体化办公系统全面整合企业内外可利用资源,将其应用到企业财务管理工作中,帮助企业实现精准内控,有利于推动企业完成业财融合改革。但由于企业受经营管理理念、自身信息化建设水平、对ERP系统的了解等因素限制,部分企业在ERP系统应用过程中还存在很多问题,因此企业需加强财务管理,消除潜在风险,从问题入手,探讨优化 ERP 系统在企业财务管理工作中应用的策略,对促进企业健康发展具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 erp系统 企业 财务管理
作者 梁牧寒 范琳 《语言科学》 北大核心 2024年第1期44-58,共15页
本研究采用ERP技术,通过操纵汉语违实条件句和因果条件句前件小句中语义信息与语境信息的一致性,对违实条件句前件小句语义表征加工的时间进程进行了考察。研究发现:1)在句首连词位置,“要是”比“因为”引发了更大的P3a成分和P600成分... 本研究采用ERP技术,通过操纵汉语违实条件句和因果条件句前件小句中语义信息与语境信息的一致性,对违实条件句前件小句语义表征加工的时间进程进行了考察。研究发现:1)在句首连词位置,“要是”比“因为”引发了更大的P3a成分和P600成分;2)在前件小句句中动词位置,语境不一致条件引发了更大的P600成分;3)在前件小句句末名词位置,在因果条件句中,语境不一致条件比一致条件诱发了更大的N400成分,而在违实条件句中该效应并未出现。结果表明,读者对汉语违实条件句前件小句中语义表征的加工分为三个阶段:首先,假设连词“要是”作为违实成分,引发了违实语境的建立;之后,读者建构并加工假设表征;最后读者建构起事实表征,并对假设表征和事实表征共同加工。本研究支持并扩展了双重表征理论。 展开更多
关键词 汉语违实条件句 前件小句 加工机制 双重表征 事件相关电位
Culturally competent care across borders: Implementing culturally responsive teaching for nurses in diverse workforces
作者 Abdulqadir J.Nashwan 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2024年第1期155-157,共3页
The migration of healthcare professionals,including nurses,is a global phenomenon.It is driven by various factors,including the pursuit of better opportunities,living conditions,and professional development,as well as... The migration of healthcare professionals,including nurses,is a global phenomenon.It is driven by various factors,including the pursuit of better opportunities,living conditions,and professional development,as well as political instability or conflict in their home countries.The World Health Organization(WHO)has noted that high-income countries often rely on foreign-trained nurses to fill gaps in their healthcare systems[1].For instance,as of 2021,over 40%(52 million)of all nurses in the United States(US)were expatriates[2].In the United Kingdom(UK),the percentage of expatriate nurses was even higher,reaching approximately 18%in 2021[3].Owing to globalization and migration,healthcare providers must possess cultural competence to deliver improved care[4,5].Culturally responsive teaching(CRT)is rooted in the idea that culture plays a vital role in shaping people’s behaviors,beliefs,values,and communication styles[6].Furthermore,these cultural factors influence patients’perspectives on health,illness,healing,and their preferences for care and communication[7].By recognizing and embracing these cultural differences,nurses can provide more effective and compassionate care to their diverse patient population[8]. 展开更多
关键词 teaching NURSE FORCES
Analysis of the History and Current Situation of the Development of General Practice Teaching Clinics in China
作者 Xiaotong Huo Yajun Lian 《Open Journal of Preventive Medicine》 2024年第2期29-38,共10页
A summary of the exploration of the teaching mode of the general practice teaching clinic, a summary of the deficiencies of the teaching clinic and a summary of the significance of the establishment of the general pra... A summary of the exploration of the teaching mode of the general practice teaching clinic, a summary of the deficiencies of the teaching clinic and a summary of the significance of the establishment of the general practice teaching clinic are presented with a view to promoting the development of general practice and cultivating more excellent successors in general practice. 展开更多
关键词 General Practice teaching Clinic teaching Models teaching Deficiencies in the Clinic Significance of the teaching Clinic
Exploration on Teaching Reform of Synthetic Biology Course Based on the New Engineering Concept
作者 Jie CHENG Shunyang HU +3 位作者 Fangkun YU Jiamin ZHANG Bingliang LIU Yin ZHANG 《Agricultural Biotechnology》 2024年第3期86-89,共4页
Synthetic biology is a new frontier of life science,which aims to design,transform and even synthesize organisms with engineering design concept.Doing a good job in the teaching of"synthetic biology"is of gr... Synthetic biology is a new frontier of life science,which aims to design,transform and even synthesize organisms with engineering design concept.Doing a good job in the teaching of"synthetic biology"is of great significance to the cultivation and reserve of biotechnology professionals in China,and also has an important impact on students' employment competitiveness.Under the background of"new engineering",the course reform of"synthetic biology"was carried out in terms of the construction of teaching staff,teaching methods,students' participation and the innovation of course content,and specific reform suggestions were put forward,hoping to effectively promote the sustainable development of"synthetic biology"and effectively improve the quality of education. 展开更多
关键词 teaching reform Synthetic biology teaching innovation teaching methods
作者 陈俊龙 余泊兆 张怡清 《洛阳理工学院学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第2期93-96,共4页
应用型、实践型人才的培养是当今教育领域的重要课题之一,ERP沙盘作为一门将理论与实践相结合的课程,为高校人才培养提供了新途径。立足ERP沙盘课程现状,分析教学过程中存在的典型问题,提出“学生角色中心化、教学模式规范化、评价方式... 应用型、实践型人才的培养是当今教育领域的重要课题之一,ERP沙盘作为一门将理论与实践相结合的课程,为高校人才培养提供了新途径。立足ERP沙盘课程现状,分析教学过程中存在的典型问题,提出“学生角色中心化、教学模式规范化、评价方式多元化、反思复盘常态化”的解决思路,以促进沙盘教学的完善与发展。 展开更多
关键词 erp沙盘模拟 教学实践 沙盘素养
Practical effect of different teaching modes in teaching gastrointestinal surgery nursing
作者 Xiao-Juan Rong Zhen Ning 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery》 SCIE 2024年第1期166-172,共7页
BACKGROUND With the continuous development and progress of medical technology,the position of surgical nursing in the field of clinical medicine is becoming in-creasingly prominent.As an important branch of the surgic... BACKGROUND With the continuous development and progress of medical technology,the position of surgical nursing in the field of clinical medicine is becoming in-creasingly prominent.As an important branch of the surgical field,the nursing requirements and difficulty of gastrointestinal surgery are also increasing.In order to improve the teaching quality of nursing care in gastrointestinal surgery,many educators and researchers are actively exploring new teaching methods.Among them,the teaching method case-based learning(CBL),scene-simulated learning(SSL),task-based learning(TBL),combining self-evaluation and training mode is considered as an effective method.This method aims to help students to better master knowledge and skills and improve their comprehensive quality by cultivating their self-evaluation ability.AIM To explore the practical effect of CBL-SSL-TBL combined with training mode and student self-assessment in nursing teaching of gastrointestinal surgery.METHODS Seventy-one nursing interns in our hospital from December 2020 to December 2021 were selected.According to different teaching modes,they were divided into observation group CBL-SSL-TBL combined with training mode combined with student self-assessment and control group(conventional teaching mode),of which 36 were in observation group and 35 were in control group.The results of operational skills,theoretical knowledge,nursing students'satisfaction,learning effectiveness questionnaire and teaching effect were compared between the two groups.RESULTS Compared between the two groups,the operational skills and theoretical knowledge scores of the observation group were higher than those of the control group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Compared between the two groups,the total satisfaction ratio of the observation group was higher than that of the control group,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Compared between the two groups,the observation group was lower than the control group in the questionnaire results of learning efficacy,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Compared between the two groups,the proportion of thinking ability,subjective initiative and understanding of theoretical knowledge in the observation group was higher than that in the control group,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).CONCLUSION The use of CBL-SSL-TBL combined with training mode and student self-assessment in gastrointestinal surgery nursing teaching can improve the operational skills of nursing interns,theoretical knowledge and satisfaction scores of nursing students,improve the results of learning efficiency questionnaire and teaching effect,which can be popularized in clinical teaching. 展开更多
关键词 Gastrointestinal surgery Nursing teaching teaching model Practical effect Learning ability
Exploration of Teaching Reform of Food Machinery and Equipment Course Based on New Engineering Concept
作者 Bingliang LIU Fangkun YU +2 位作者 Jie CHENG Yin ZHANG Dayu LIU 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2024年第7期53-55,共3页
The new engineering concept aims to train high-quality engineering talents to meet the needs of future science and technology and industrial development through the reform of education and teaching.Under the backgroun... The new engineering concept aims to train high-quality engineering talents to meet the needs of future science and technology and industrial development through the reform of education and teaching.Under the background of"new engineering",by introducing cutting-edge knowledge of the industry and interdisciplinary integration,adopting innovative teaching methods such as project-driven teaching and flipped classroom,strengthening experimental teaching and school-enterprise cooperation,and establishing comprehensive evaluation and feedback mechanism,Food Machinery and Equipment course is reformed to improve the teaching quality and train high-quality engineering talents to meet the needs of modern food processing industry. 展开更多
关键词 teaching reform Food machinery and equipment teaching innovation teaching method
An Improved Enterprise Resource Planning System Using Machine Learning Techniques
作者 Ahmed Youssri Zakaria Elsayed Abdelbadea +4 位作者 Atef Raslan Tarek Ali Mervat Gheith Al-Sayed Khater Essam A. Amin 《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》 2024年第5期203-213,共11页
Traditional Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems with relational databases take weeks to deliver predictable insights instantly. The most accurate information is provided to companies to make the best decisions ... Traditional Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems with relational databases take weeks to deliver predictable insights instantly. The most accurate information is provided to companies to make the best decisions through advanced analytics that examine the past and the future and capture information about the present. Integrating machine learning (ML) into financial ERP systems offers several benefits, including increased accuracy, efficiency, and cost savings. Also, ERP systems are crucial in overseeing different aspects of Human Capital Management (HCM) in organizations. The performance of the staff draws the interest of the management. In particular, to guarantee that the proper employees are assigned to the convenient task at the suitable moment, train and qualify them, and build evaluation systems to follow up their performance and an attempt to maintain the potential talents of workers. Also, predicting employee salaries correctly is necessary for the efficient distribution of resources, retaining talent, and ensuring the success of the organization as a whole. Conventional ERP system salary forecasting methods typically use static reports that only show the system’s current state, without analyzing employee data or providing recommendations. We designed and enforced a prototype to define to apply ML algorithms on Oracle EBS data to enhance employee evaluation using real-time data directly from the ERP system. Based on measurements of accuracy, the Random Forest algorithm enhanced the performance of this system. This model offers an accuracy of 90% on the balanced dataset. 展开更多
关键词 erp HCM Machine Learning Employee Performance Pythonista Pythoneer
Research on Blended Teaching Mode:A Case Study of Floristry
作者 Xiaoru CHEN 《Plant Diseases and Pests》 2024年第1期33-35,共3页
In order to better carry out research on education and teaching,the author consulted relevant literature on blended teaching mode from 2011-2021 through CNKI,Web of Science and other websites,summarized and analyzed t... In order to better carry out research on education and teaching,the author consulted relevant literature on blended teaching mode from 2011-2021 through CNKI,Web of Science and other websites,summarized and analyzed the research status of blended teaching mode,in order to lay a good foundation for studying blended teaching mode in course teaching. 展开更多
关键词 Blended teaching teaching mode Research review
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