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一份对人类环境最完整的报告——评《ONLY ONE EARTH》
作者 高文荣 《玉溪师范学院学报》 1994年第Z2期113-116,共4页
众所周知,环境问题资源问题与人口问题共同构成了当今世界面临的三大问题.而其中的环境问题直接影响和制约着人类的生存与繁衍.二十三年前,受联合国人类环境会议秘书长莫里斯·夫·斯特朗先生的委托,58个国家152位包括自然科学... 众所周知,环境问题资源问题与人口问题共同构成了当今世界面临的三大问题.而其中的环境问题直接影响和制约着人类的生存与繁衍.二十三年前,受联合国人类环境会议秘书长莫里斯·夫·斯特朗先生的委托,58个国家152位包括自然科学家、人类学家、工程师、社会科学家、银行家、法律家、工业家。 展开更多
关键词 环境问题 斯特朗 人类环境 ONLY ONE earth 法律家 自然科学家 人口问题 污染问题 杜博斯 国际合作
基于GoogleEarthEngine的黄土高原植被覆盖度时空变化特征分析 被引量:4
作者 姚楠 董国涛 薛华柱 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期260-268,共9页
[目的]探究黄土高原植被覆盖度变化的时空特征,揭示植被对气候因子变化的时滞效应,进而为地区生态保护与高质量发展提供数据支撑。[方法]基于2001年至2020年的黄土高原地区NDVI数据、气温和降水数据,利用像元二分法、一元线性回归和时... [目的]探究黄土高原植被覆盖度变化的时空特征,揭示植被对气候因子变化的时滞效应,进而为地区生态保护与高质量发展提供数据支撑。[方法]基于2001年至2020年的黄土高原地区NDVI数据、气温和降水数据,利用像元二分法、一元线性回归和时滞偏相关分析等方法,开展地区植被与气候因子变化关系的研究。[结果]过去20年间,黄土高原植被覆盖度以0.076/10 a的速率增加,在空间上主要呈现极显著增加,但占总面积38.29%的区域植被覆盖变化波动较大。黄土高原月植被覆盖度与气温和降水呈现显著正相关关系,其中降水是影响植被变化的主要因素。植被对降水的响应滞后时间主要集中在3个月,而气温的滞后时间在空间上存在较大差异,东南部植被主要滞后0至1个月,而西北部植被主要滞后2至3个月。[结论]黄土高原植被变化主要受降水影响,20年间植被恢复情况良好,但变化波动较大,未来应继续生态保护工作进行巩固。 展开更多
关键词 植被覆盖度 GEE 时滞相关 气候变化 黄土高原
基于GEOVIS Earth Studio的高中地理教学案例开发——以“河流地貌”为例 被引量:1
作者 陈奕文 吕红梅 +1 位作者 杨广斌 李亦秋 《地理教学》 北大核心 2024年第2期42-46,共5页
信息技术与教学的融合发展是教育改革发展的方向,地理信息技术在教育信息化2.0时代给地理教育提供了丰富的教学资源,可有效提高教学效果。本文通过挖掘GEOVIS Earth Studio平台在地理教学中的功能优势,构建其教学应用模式,以人教版必修... 信息技术与教学的融合发展是教育改革发展的方向,地理信息技术在教育信息化2.0时代给地理教育提供了丰富的教学资源,可有效提高教学效果。本文通过挖掘GEOVIS Earth Studio平台在地理教学中的功能优势,构建其教学应用模式,以人教版必修《地理1》“河流地貌”为例阐明平台操作过程并进行案例教学设计,创新地理教学技术手段,促进中学地理教学的信息化进程。 展开更多
关键词 GEOVIS earth Studio 高中地理 虚拟动画 河流地貌
基于Google earth engine渭-库绿洲果园遥感提取 被引量:1
作者 盛艳芳 买买提·沙吾提 +1 位作者 何旭刚 李荣鹏 《江苏农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期103-111,共9页
针对干旱区果园大面积遥感提取困难、识别精度低等问题,本研究基于GEE(Google earth engine)平台,综合应用Sentinel-1/Sentinel-2影像构建特征集。通过对比原始特征组合、Jeffries-Matusita(J-M)距离、属性重要度3种优化方式,结合随机森... 针对干旱区果园大面积遥感提取困难、识别精度低等问题,本研究基于GEE(Google earth engine)平台,综合应用Sentinel-1/Sentinel-2影像构建特征集。通过对比原始特征组合、Jeffries-Matusita(J-M)距离、属性重要度3种优化方式,结合随机森林(Random forest,RF)分类方法,对比得到最佳优化方式,探索果园最优分类特征集。结果表明:识别效果最好的方案为G17 JM,总体精度为91.25%,kappa系数为0.89,面积精度为82.55%。最优特征集为B8_asm、B8_ent、B8_idm、NDVI re3、B6、B7、a、e、b、EVI、B11、B8A、B8、VV。使用J-M距离进行特征集优化,有效降低数据量、提高计算效率,更有利于精确遥感识别果园种植面积。表明GEE快速、准确获取果园种植面积的可行性,为获取果园动态变化提供强有力的基础。 展开更多
关键词 Google earth engine(GEE) 特征优化 J-M距离 特征集
基于Google Earth Engine的前郭县春季农田覆膜提取
作者 邓韵谣 李晓洁 任建华 《地理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1417-1425,共9页
本文基于Google Earth Engine(GEE)云平台,综合考虑光学影像的波段反射率、光谱指数特征和雷达影像的极化、纹理特征,分别构建仅使用光学特征、仅使用雷达特征以及光学和雷达特征组合3种特征输入组合;根据精度确定最佳输入特征后,分别... 本文基于Google Earth Engine(GEE)云平台,综合考虑光学影像的波段反射率、光谱指数特征和雷达影像的极化、纹理特征,分别构建仅使用光学特征、仅使用雷达特征以及光学和雷达特征组合3种特征输入组合;根据精度确定最佳输入特征后,分别结合机器学习中的分类与回归树、支持向量机、最小距离分类法、梯度提升树和随机森林5种方法建立覆膜提取模型,依据结果精度评估不同方法的性能,并基于最优化模型提取出最终的覆膜农田面积。结果表明:①最佳输入特征为波段反射率特征+光谱指数特征+极化特征+纹理特征;②采用随机森林方法建立的模型精度最高,研究区I的总体精度达到了95.84%,Kappa系数为0.95,地物错分率为1.2%,明显优于其他4种方法(地物错分率较分类与回归树、支持向量机、最小距离和梯度提升树法降低0.8%、7.3%、38.0%和0.3%),研究区II的验证精度达到了87.84%,证明该模型在覆膜提取中可以取得更加准确的结果;③使用本文方法得到2022年研究区I覆膜农田面积为1302.48 km2,估算地膜使用量约为7585.62 t。本文综合考虑光学和雷达影像在地物识别中的特点建立模型,可以准确、高效的识别农田地膜,掌握地膜面积,对环境治理与防治具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 覆膜 Google earth Engine 特征提取 随机森林 支持向量机 分类与回归树 最小距离 梯度提升树
基于Google Earth Engine的八门湾红树林年际变化监测
作者 薛志泳 田震 +1 位作者 朱建华 赵阳 《自然资源遥感》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期279-286,共8页
该文基于Google Earth Engine(GEE)云平台,选择Landsat系列卫星数据,采用支持向量机(support vector machines,SVM)分类方法对八门湾地区进行地物类型分类,并基于分类结果监测该地区红树林年际变化。结果表明:红树林与陆地树木之间除红... 该文基于Google Earth Engine(GEE)云平台,选择Landsat系列卫星数据,采用支持向量机(support vector machines,SVM)分类方法对八门湾地区进行地物类型分类,并基于分类结果监测该地区红树林年际变化。结果表明:红树林与陆地树木之间除红外波段外反射光谱曲线极其相似,利用红外波段特征指数并结合地形数据可进行有效区分,分类结果总体精度达到0.91;研究区红树林存在先减少后增加的变化趋势,在2009—2013年减少,2014—2016年基本保持不变,2017—2021年缓慢增加,红树林增加和坑塘减少时期是在“南红北柳”政策颁布之后,说明退塘还林政策成效显著;红树林主要是和坑塘相互变化转移,说明毁林造塘和退塘还林是影响该地区红树林变化的重要因素。红树林年际变化监测结果可以精细化分析红树林演变过程,并能精确量化红树林与其他土地类型的转化过程,从而在经济、政策上分析红树林演变因素,更有效地保护红树林。 展开更多
关键词 红树林 Google earth Engine 年际变化监测 八门湾
基于Google Earth Engine遥感大数据云平台的盐城盐沼植被精细分类研究 被引量:1
作者 吕林 易文彬 +3 位作者 崔丹丹 王楠 张东 谢正磊 《海洋通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期114-126,共13页
江苏省自1982年开始引种互花米草以来,滨海盐沼植被景观格局发生了巨大变化,芦苇和互花米草面积不断增长,挤占了碱蓬生态位,破坏了生态系统平衡。滨海盐沼湿地是三大蓝碳生态系统之一,具有高固碳和缓解温室效应的生态功能。利用遥感云... 江苏省自1982年开始引种互花米草以来,滨海盐沼植被景观格局发生了巨大变化,芦苇和互花米草面积不断增长,挤占了碱蓬生态位,破坏了生态系统平衡。滨海盐沼湿地是三大蓝碳生态系统之一,具有高固碳和缓解温室效应的生态功能。利用遥感云平台手段监测滨海盐沼植被时空动态变化规律,可为滨海盐沼湿地生态系统保护以及修复提供科学支撑。本文选取植被类型丰富的江苏沿海地区为研究区,基于Google Earth Engine(GEE)平台,选取2000-2020年的Landsat 5、Landsat 7、Landsat 8以及Sentinel-2影像,提出了一种湿地植被提取方法。首先,构建盐城盐沼湿地地表覆盖分类体系,选取样本点,计算特征指数,进行地物分类;然后,利用时间谐波分析法对盐沼植被归一化植被指数(NDVI)变化特征进行分析,确定三类盐沼植被的物候差异;最后,基于物候特征,利用随机森林(Random Forest,RF)分类法提取盐城滨海湿地盐沼植被地表覆盖信息。结果表明:(1)相较传统监测方法,本文所构建的滨海盐沼植被精细化提取方法能够对滨海盐沼植被进行有效细分和监测;(2)2000-2020年,芦苇和互花米草面积呈扩张趋势,碱蓬面积不断缩减;(3)盐城三种典型盐沼植被NDVI值呈现不同变化特征;(4)降水对盐沼植被生长的影响较为显著,气温对盐沼植被生长的直接影响较小。研究结果可为盐城盐沼湿地自然遗产保护以及湿地生态可持续发展提供科学支撑。 展开更多
关键词 Google earth Engine 盐沼植被 特征提取 随机森林分类法 时间谐波分析
Biomedical rare-earth magnesium alloy:Current status and future prospects 被引量:1
作者 Mingli Yang Cheng Chen +5 位作者 Dongsheng Wang Yinjin Shao Wenhao Zhou Cijun Shuai Youwen Yang Xinghai Ning 《Journal of Magnesium and Alloys》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期1260-1282,共23页
Biomedical magnesium(Mg)alloys have garnered significant attention because of their unique biodegradability,favorable biocompatibility,and suitable mechanical properties.The incorporation of rare earth(RE)elements,wit... Biomedical magnesium(Mg)alloys have garnered significant attention because of their unique biodegradability,favorable biocompatibility,and suitable mechanical properties.The incorporation of rare earth(RE)elements,with their distinct physical and chemical properties,has greatly contributed to enhancing the mechanical performance,degradation behavior,and biological performance of biomedical Mg alloys.Currently,a series of RE-Mg alloys are being designed and investigated for orthopedic implants and cardiovascular stents,achieving substantial and encouraging research progress.In this work,a comprehensive summary of the state-of-the-art in biomedical RE-Mg alloys is provided.The physiological effects and design standards of RE elements in biomedical Mg alloys are discussed.Particularly,the degradation behavior and mechanical properties,including their underlying action are studied in-depth.Furthermore,the preparation techniques and current application status of RE-Mg alloys are reviewed.Finally,we address the ongoing challenges and propose future prospects to guide the development of high-performance biomedical Mg-RE alloys. 展开更多
关键词 Magnesium alloy Rare earth elements Biodegradation behavior Mechanical performance Biological properties
基于Google Earth Engine和Sentinel-2数据的耕地分类研究
作者 宋朝阳 史尚渝 +2 位作者 王飞 赵玉龙 刘元昊 《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第11期132-141,154,共11页
【目的】采用遥感影像对不同种类农作物耕地进行高效精准的分类,以期获取最优的农作物种植信息提取方案,为农业生产提质增效提供决策支持。【方法】以陕西省宝鸡市扶风县为研究区,利用Google Earth Engine(GEE)平台,基于2020年10月至202... 【目的】采用遥感影像对不同种类农作物耕地进行高效精准的分类,以期获取最优的农作物种植信息提取方案,为农业生产提质增效提供决策支持。【方法】以陕西省宝鸡市扶风县为研究区,利用Google Earth Engine(GEE)平台,基于2020年10月至2021年12月的Sentinel-2影像和目视解译与野外定位相结合选取的样本点,使用随机森林(random forest,RF)算法,结合归一化植被指数(normalized difference vegetation index,NDVI)、增强植被指数(enhanced vegetation index,EVI)、物候参数特征、遥感影像红边波段,且将根据NDVI计算出的物候参数的波段记为N,根据EVI计算出的物候参数的波段记为E,引入红边波段记为1,未引入红边波段记为2,在此基础上构建了8种不同的分类模型(NDVI-N1、EVI-E1、N1、E1、NDVI-N2、EVI-E2、N2、E2),并与4种样本分割比例(训练样本数与检验样本数的比例分别为5∶5,6∶4,7∶3和8∶2)组合,共计32种分类方案,利用这些方案对扶风县的不同种类农作物耕地进行分类,并计算了不同分类方案的总体精度和Kappa系数。【结果】(1)经S-G滤波法处理后,6种地物类型的NDVI和EVI时序曲线噪声减小且更为平滑,且NDVI和EVI曲线差异明显。(2)在32种分类方案中,只有样本分割比例为7∶3时的EVI-E1模型、EVI-E2模型和样本分割比例为6∶4时E2模型的总体精度高于90%,说明在扶风地区用EVI分类效果更好一些。(3)在样本分割比例为7∶3的情况下,EVI-E1模型的总体精度和Kappa系数均最高,分别为91.66%和89.41%,为最优分类方案。但是在该方案中引入红边波段后,其总体精度下降了1.18%,Kappa系数下降了1.53%,可知运用该分类方案时应剔除红边波段。(4)运用最优分类方案对小麦地、玉米地、土豆地的提取结果与实际调查情况大致相同。【结论】基于GEE平台和Sentinel-2数据实现了对县域级农作物种植面积的精确分类,可为扶风县农业生产提供决策支持。 展开更多
关键词 农作物分类 Sentinel-2 随机森林算法 Google earth Engine 扶风县
Lateral earth pressure of granular backfills on retaining walls with expanded polystyrene geofoam inclusions under limited surcharge loading 被引量:1
作者 Kewei Fan Guangqing Yang +2 位作者 Weilie Zou Zhong Han Yang Shen 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第4期1388-1397,共10页
Existing studies have focused on the behavior of the retaining wall equipped with expanded polystyrene(EPS)geofoam inclusions under semi-infinite surcharge loading rather than limited surcharge loading.In this paper,t... Existing studies have focused on the behavior of the retaining wall equipped with expanded polystyrene(EPS)geofoam inclusions under semi-infinite surcharge loading rather than limited surcharge loading.In this paper,the failure mode and the earth pressure acting on the rigid retaining wall with EPS geofoam inclusions and granular backfills(henceforth referred to as EPS-wall),under limited surcharge loading are investigated through two-and three-dimensional model tests.The testing results show that different from the sliding of almost all the backfill in the EPS-wall under semi-infinite surcharge loading,only an approximately triangular backfill slides in the wall under limited surcharge loading.The distribution of the lateral earth pressure on the EPS-wall under limited surcharge loading is non-linear,and the distribution changes from the increase of the wall depth to the decrease with the increase of the limited surcharge loading.An approach based on the force equilibrium of a differential element is developed to predict the lateral earth pressure behind the EPS-wall subjected to limited surcharge loading,and its performance was fully validated by the three-dimensional model tests. 展开更多
关键词 Retaining wall Expanded polystyrene(EPS)geofoam Limited surcharge loading Lateral earth pressure Model test Prediction
基于Google Earth Engine的洱海流域建成区范围及生态质量变化分析
作者 郑舒元 陈星宇 +1 位作者 海燕 王建雄 《湖北农业科学》 2024年第2期199-204,共6页
以洱海流域为研究区,借助Google Earth Engine云平台,利用Landsat 8 OLI系列影像,合成研究区域的增强的指数型建筑指数(EIBI)并对洱海流域建成区进行提取,再对研究区域遥感生态指数进行合成,通过对建成区范围与流域范围内遥感生态指数... 以洱海流域为研究区,借助Google Earth Engine云平台,利用Landsat 8 OLI系列影像,合成研究区域的增强的指数型建筑指数(EIBI)并对洱海流域建成区进行提取,再对研究区域遥感生态指数进行合成,通过对建成区范围与流域范围内遥感生态指数进行空间相关分析,从而对2014—2021年洱海流域及其建成区进行生态评估。结果表明,EIBI可有效增强建筑信息,使用EIBI可有效、准确地提取研究区域建成区,经过EIBI提取,洱海流域2014—2021年建成区扩张面积共14.712 km2;2014—2021年洱海流域生态明显改善,遥感生态指数增加0.008,其上升速率为0.001/年,流域内超过65%的区域生态得到改善;洱海流域建成区与生态未得到改善区域大致匹配,建成区经过生态修复后生态质量未见显著提升,且建成区生态质量呈逐年下降趋势,说明建成区对环境改善具有阻力。 展开更多
关键词 洱海流域 增强的指数型建筑指数 遥感生态指数 Google earth Engine 流域环境
Ecological environmental quality evaluation and driving factor analysis of the Lijiang River Basin,based on Google Earth Engine
作者 WEI Xi YANG Dazhi +2 位作者 CAI Xiangwen SHAO Ya TANG Xiangling 《中国生态农业学报(中英文)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期1592-1608,共17页
For regional ecological management,it is important to evaluate the quality of ecosystems and analyze the underlying causes of ecological changes.Using the Google Earth Engine(GEE)platform,the remote sensing ecological... For regional ecological management,it is important to evaluate the quality of ecosystems and analyze the underlying causes of ecological changes.Using the Google Earth Engine(GEE)platform,the remote sensing ecological index(RSEI)was calculated for the Lijiang River Basin in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region for 1991,2001,2011,and 2021.Spatial autocorrelation analysis was employed to investigate spatiotemporal variations in the ecological environmental quality of the Lijiang River Basin.Furthermore,geographic detectors were used to quantitatively analyze influencing factors and their interaction effects on ecological environmental quality.The results verified that:1)From 1991 to 2021,the ecological environmental quality of the Lijiang River Basin demonstrated significant improvement.The area with good and excellent ecological environmental quality in proportion increased by 19.69%(3406.57 km^(2)),while the area with fair and poor ecological environmental quality in proportion decreased by 10.76%(1860.36 km^(2)).2)Spatially,the ecological environmental quality of the Lijiang River Basin exhibited a pattern of low quality in the central region and high quality in the periphery.Specifically,poor ecological environmental quality characterized the Guilin urban area,Pingle County,and Lingchuan County.3)From 1991 to 2021,a significant positive spatial correlation was observed in ecological environmental quality of the Lijiang River Basin.Areas with high-high agglomeration were predominantly forests and grasslands,indicating good ecological environmental quality,whereas areas with low-low agglomeration were dominated by cultivated land and construction land,indicating poor ecological environmental quality.4)Annual average precipitation and temperature exerted the most significant influence on the ecological environmental quality of the basin,and their interactions with other factors had the great influence.This study aimed to enhance understanding of the evolution of the ecological environment in the Lijiang River Basin of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and provide scientific guidance for decision-making and management related to ecology in the region. 展开更多
关键词 Ecological environmental quality Remote sensing ecological index Driving factor Google earth Engine Lijiang River Basin
Note on:“Ballistic model for the prediction of penetration depth and residual velocity in adobe:A new interpretation of the ballistic resistance of earthen masonry”
作者 Andreas Heine Matthias Wickert 《Defence Technology(防务技术)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期607-609,共3页
A recently published modeling approach for the penetration into adobe and previous approaches implicitly criticized are reviewed and discussed.This article contains a note on the paper titled“Ballistic model for the ... A recently published modeling approach for the penetration into adobe and previous approaches implicitly criticized are reviewed and discussed.This article contains a note on the paper titled“Ballistic model for the prediction of penetration depth and residual velocity in adobe:A new interpretation of the ballistic resistance of earthen masonry”(DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dt.2018.07.017).Reply to the Note from Li Piani et al is linked to this article. 展开更多
Effect and Mechanism of Rare Earth Hydrotalcite Inhibiting Coal Spontaneous Combustion
作者 张小娟 LIU Bo +1 位作者 罗振敏 SUN Lu 《Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期50-59,共10页
A hydrotalcite(layered double hydroxide, LDH) inhibitor which is suitable for the whole process of coal spontaneous combustion and a LDH inhibitor containing rare earth lanthanum elements were prepared. The inhibition... A hydrotalcite(layered double hydroxide, LDH) inhibitor which is suitable for the whole process of coal spontaneous combustion and a LDH inhibitor containing rare earth lanthanum elements were prepared. The inhibition effect and mechanism were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM),X-ray diffraction(XRD), thermal performance analysis, in-situ diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy and temperature-programmed experiment. The results have shown that the inhibitor containing lanthanum can play a good inhibitory role in every stage of coal oxidation. During the slow oxidation of coal samples, the inhibitor containing lanthanum ions can slow down the oxidation process of coal and increase the initial temperature of coal spontaneous combustion. At the same time, because the hydroxyl groups in LDHs are connected with-COO-groups on the coal surface through hydrogen bonds, the stability of coal is improved. With the increase of temperature, LDHs can remove interlayer water molecules and reduce the surface temperature of coal. CO release rate of coal samples decreases significantly after adding inhibitor containing lanthanum element, and the maximum inhibition rate of the inhibitor is 58.1%. 展开更多
关键词 rare earth HYDROTALCITE coal spontaneous combustion MECHANISM
1990—2020年帕米尔高原无表碛覆盖冰川变化态势研究——基于Google Earth Engine平台
作者 陈逸青 段克勤 +1 位作者 石培宏 李朝纲 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 2024年第3期742-753,共12页
帕米尔高原是亚洲高山区最大的冰川作用中心,其冰川融水在区域水资源与水循环中发挥关键作用。然而,近年来对帕米尔高原冰川变化的认识仍存在争议,一方面认为喀喇昆仑-帕米尔高原冰川存在异常前进现象,另一方面认为帕米尔冰川正在加剧... 帕米尔高原是亚洲高山区最大的冰川作用中心,其冰川融水在区域水资源与水循环中发挥关键作用。然而,近年来对帕米尔高原冰川变化的认识仍存在争议,一方面认为喀喇昆仑-帕米尔高原冰川存在异常前进现象,另一方面认为帕米尔冰川正在加剧退缩。究其原因,一是研究时空范围不重合,二是研究中对冰川的定义有所不同。为明晰帕米尔高原无表碛覆盖冰川近30年来的时空变化情况,本研究基于Google Earth Engine(GEE)平台,利用Landsat 5 TM和Landsat 8 OLI遥感影像数据,消除掉云层遮蔽、季节性积雪和冰川表碛覆盖对无表碛覆盖冰川面积的影响,获取了帕米尔高原1990—2020年期间无表碛覆盖冰川时空变化特征。结果显示,在过去30年帕米尔高原无表碛覆盖冰川面积以116.42 km^(2)·a^(-1)的速率由(12 108.98±250.38) km^(2)缩减到(8 616.44±7.72) km^(2)。在空间上,帕米尔高原西部无表碛覆盖冰川面积总体上呈退缩趋势,而帕米尔东部无表碛覆盖冰川面积则相对稳定。特别是在2000—2010年期间,帕米尔东部无表碛覆盖冰川面积存在异常增加现象,但自2010年,冰川面积退缩加速,冰川末端前进现象已不存在。结合气候及冰川高程变化分析,冰川跃动引起的冰川厚度减薄、冰川末端前进,是1990—2010年间帕米尔高原冰川异常前进的主要原因。 展开更多
关键词 Google earth Engine 帕米尔高原 无表碛覆盖冰川 冰川异常
At-rest lateral earth pressure of compacted expansive soils:Experimental investigations and prediction approach
作者 Zhong Han Pan Zhang +3 位作者 Weilie Zou Kewei Fan Sai K.Vanapalli Lianglong Wan 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第4期1425-1435,共11页
This paper presents experimental studies on a compacted expansive soil,from Nanyang,China for investigating the at-rest lateral earth pressureσL of expansive soils.The key studies include(i)relationships between the... This paper presents experimental studies on a compacted expansive soil,from Nanyang,China for investigating the at-rest lateral earth pressureσL of expansive soils.The key studies include(i)relationships between theσL and the vertical stressσV during soaking and consolidation,(ii)the influences of initial dry densityρd0 and moisture content w 0 on the vertical and lateral swelling pressures at no swelling strain(i.e.σV0 andσL0),and(iii)evolution of theσL during five long-term wetting-drying cycles.Experimental results demonstrated that the post-soakingσL-σV relationships are piecewise linear and their slopes in the passive state(σL>σV)and active state(σL<σV)are similar to that of the consolidationσL-σV relationships in the normal-and over-consolidated states,respectively.The soakingσL-σV relationships converge to the consolidationσL-σV relationships at a thresholdσV where the interparticle swelling is restrained.TheσL0 andσV0 increase monotonically withρd0;however,they show increasing-then-decreasing trends with the w 0.The extent of compaction-induced swelling anisotropy,which is evaluated byσL0/σV0,reduces with an increase in the compaction energy and molding water content.TheσL reduces over moisture cycles and the stress relaxation in theσL during soaking is observed.An approach was developed to predict the at-rest soakingσL-σV relationships,which requires conventional consolidation and shear strength properties and one measurement of theσL-σV relationships during soaking.The proposed approach was validated using the results of three different expansive soils available in the literature. 展开更多
关键词 Lateral earth pressure Expansive soil SOAKING Vertical stress Swelling pressure
Explaining the dynamics of the sub-relativistic electron third belt in the Earth's radiation belts by using medium Earth orbit satellite observations
作者 JiaLi Chen Hong Zou YuGuang Ye 《Earth and Planetary Physics》 EI CAS CSCD 2024年第5期762-775,共14页
The Earth's electron radiation belts typically exhibit a two-belt structure.However,observations from the Van Allen Probes revealed the existence of a three-belt structure.This structure consists of an inner belt,... The Earth's electron radiation belts typically exhibit a two-belt structure.However,observations from the Van Allen Probes revealed the existence of a three-belt structure.This structure consists of an inner belt,a slot region,a remnant belt,a“second slot,”and a new outer belt(or the“third belt”).The formation of the structure involves both the partial loss of the original outer belts and the formation of the third belts.These processes are likely associated with radial diffusion induced by ultra-low-frequency(ULF)waves.In this study,we mainly analyzed electron flux data from medium Earth orbit(MEO)navigation satellites M17–M19 to supplement the observational evidence for the sub-relativistic electron(~100–500 keV)three-belt structure.Evidence of substorm injections and ULF waves during the three-belt event was identified,suggesting they played significant roles in the formation and evolution of the third belt.Substorm injections may introduce new electron populations to the third belt,whereas ULF waves may influence the evolution of the third belt through radial diffusion.Toward the end of the three-belt event,the compression of the magnetosphere by shocks may lead to the dropout of the third belt because of the magnetopause shadowing effect and outward radial diffusion,ultimately disrupting the three-belt structure.This study provides more evidence for the presence of a sub-relativistic electron three-belt structure and offers an analysis of the evolutionary mechanisms of the third belt,which may contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the electron three-belt structure in the radiation belts. 展开更多
关键词 BELT earth STORM
Changes in Sediment Sources in the Southern Muddy Area of Weihai,China,Since the Late Pleistocene:A Record from Rare Earth Elements
作者 ZHANG Zhichao LIU Jinqing +3 位作者 YIN Ping CAO Ke FENG Xiaokun WANG Shengyu 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第5期1221-1232,共12页
The small muddy areas developed in the southern Shandong Peninsula have attracted increasing attention from researchers because of complex changes in sediment sources driven by sea-level fluctuations and land-sea inte... The small muddy areas developed in the southern Shandong Peninsula have attracted increasing attention from researchers because of complex changes in sediment sources driven by sea-level fluctuations and land-sea interactions since the late Pleistocene.This study investigates the evolution of sediment sources and their responses to environmental changes since the late Pleistocene,using core WHZK01 collected from the nearshore muddy area in southern Weihai for rare earth element(REE)analysis.In doing so,this work highlights the changing patterns of material sources and the primary control factors.The results reveal that the sedimentary deposits in core WHZK01 exhibit distinct terrestrial characteristics.Discriminant function analysis(F_(D))and source discrimination dia-grams both suggest that the primary sources of these deposits are the Yellow River and adjacent small and medium-sized rivers,although the sources vary among different sedimentary units.Furthermore,the DU3 layer(17.82-25.10 m)displays typical riverine sedimentation,dominated by terrestrial detrital input,primarily from the local rivers,namely the Huanglei and Muzhu Rivers.The material in the DU2 layer(14.91-17.82 m)is mainly influenced by a mixture of the Qinglong and Yellow Rivers.The DU1 layer(0-14.91 m)is influenced by sea-level changes during the Holocene,with the Yellow River being the primary source,although there is also some input from local rivers.The changes in sea level during the Holocene and the input of Yellow River material carried by the coastal currents of the Yellow Sea are identified as the main controlling factors for the changes in material sources in the study area since the late Pleistocene,with small and mediumsized rivers also exerting some influence on the material sources.The above mentioned findings not only contribute to a better understanding of the source-sink systems of the Yellow River and adjacent small and mediumsized rivers but also deepen our understanding of the late Quaternary land-sea interactions in the Shandong Peninsula. 展开更多
关键词 rare earth element source identification environmental evolution muddy area southern Weihai
Rare Earth Elements(La,Ce,Pr)Modified Co/NC Catalyst for Efficient and Stable Ammonia Decomposition to Hydrogen Production
作者 ZHU Yi PAN Hongfei 《Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期1372-1378,共7页
Co/NC catalysts modified with rare earth elements(La,Ce,Pr)were prepared by pyrolysis of rare earth elements doped ZIF-67.The experimental results show that the modification of rare earth elements significantly improv... Co/NC catalysts modified with rare earth elements(La,Ce,Pr)were prepared by pyrolysis of rare earth elements doped ZIF-67.The experimental results show that the modification of rare earth elements significantly improves the ammonia decomposition activity and stability of the Co/NC catalyst.The La-Co/NC catalyst can achieve an 82.3%ammonia decomposition and 18.4 mmol hydrogen production rate at 550℃with a GHSV of 20000 cm^(3)·h^(-1).Furthermore,no obvious performance degradation is observed after 72 hours of reaction for all rare earth elements modified catalysts.It is shown that the modification of rare earth elements significantly improves the surface alkalinity and surface chemical state of the catalyst,and thus improves the ammonia decomposition activity of the catalyst.A new type of high-performance ammonia decomposition Co-based catalyst is proposed,and the promoting effect of rare earth elements on the activity of ammonia decomposition is revealed. 展开更多
关键词 hydrogen carrier hydrogen production ammonia decomposition rare earth elements cobalt-based catalysts
A Parallel Discrete Event Simulation Engine for the Low-Earth-Orbit Satellite Constellation Networks
作者 Su Hailong Liu Yaoqi +3 位作者 Zhou Yiqing Shi Jinglin Li Hongguang Qian Manli 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第8期264-275,共12页
Low-Earth-Orbit satellite constellation networks(LEO-SCN)can provide low-cost,largescale,flexible coverage wireless communication services.High dynamics and large topological sizes characterize LEO-SCN.Protocol develo... Low-Earth-Orbit satellite constellation networks(LEO-SCN)can provide low-cost,largescale,flexible coverage wireless communication services.High dynamics and large topological sizes characterize LEO-SCN.Protocol development and application testing of LEO-SCN are challenging to carry out in a natural environment.Simulation platforms are a more effective means of technology demonstration.Currently available simulators have a single function and limited simulation scale.There needs to be a simulator for full-featured simulation.In this paper,we apply the parallel discrete-event simulation technique to the simulation of LEO-SCN to support large-scale complex system simulation at the packet level.To solve the problem that single-process programs cannot cope with complex simulations containing numerous entities,we propose a parallel mechanism and algorithms LP-NM and LP-YAWNS for synchronization.In the experiment,we use ns-3 to verify the acceleration ratio and efficiency of the above algorithms.The results show that our proposed mechanism can provide parallel simulation engine support for the LEO-SCN. 展开更多
关键词 CONSTELLATION low earth orbit satellite ns-3 null-message parallel discrete-event simulation
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