Lu:Engels once said,“No nation can be free if it oppresses othernations.”From that we can conclude that human civilization can obtainsustained ecological environment only from merging instead of“clashes”.From this...Lu:Engels once said,“No nation can be free if it oppresses othernations.”From that we can conclude that human civilization can obtainsustained ecological environment only from merging instead of“clashes”.From this,can we raise a concept of global civilization ecolo-gy which stresses more on the integrity and sustainability of civil devel-展开更多
文摘Lu:Engels once said,“No nation can be free if it oppresses othernations.”From that we can conclude that human civilization can obtainsustained ecological environment only from merging instead of“clashes”.From this,can we raise a concept of global civilization ecolo-gy which stresses more on the integrity and sustainability of civil devel-