Water storage dams worldwide are ageing, and many will reach the end of their designed lifespan by the middle of the 21st century. Some of these dams will likely need to be removed. While dam construction impacts have...Water storage dams worldwide are ageing, and many will reach the end of their designed lifespan by the middle of the 21st century. Some of these dams will likely need to be removed. While dam construction impacts have been widely discussed, dam removal impacts on society and the economy need to be synthesized and considered in the ageing dams’ decision-making process. This paper summarizes dam removal impacts on the local economy and industry, culture, history and heritage, property value, recreation, aesthetics, and disaster avoidance from identified studies worldwide. It demonstrates that these impacts may vary depending on geography and between developed and developing countries. It concludes that dam removal should consider the co</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">st, environmental, and the socio-economic impacts while including all</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> stakeholders who could be positively and negatively impacted by dam removal.展开更多
In China, combustion of fossil fuels and biomass has produced serious air pollution that does harm to human health. Based on dose-response relationships derived from epidemiological studies, the authors calculated the...In China, combustion of fossil fuels and biomass has produced serious air pollution that does harm to human health. Based on dose-response relationships derived from epidemiological studies, the authors calculated the number of deaths and people with health problems which were thought to be attributable to China's air pollution in the year of 2000. In order to estimate the corresponding economic impacts from the national point of view, the general equilibrium approach was selected as an analysis tool for this study. A computable general equilibrium (CGE) model was constructed involving 39 sectors and 32 commodities. The human capital approach (HCA) was also used for comparison. The economic burden of disease for people estimated by HCA was equivalent to 1.26‰ (ranging from 0.44‰ to 1.84‰) of China's gross domestic product (GDP). China's GDP loss estimated by the general equilibrium approach reached 0.38‰ (ranging from 0.16‰ to 0.51‰). The difference between the two approaches and the implications of the results were discussed.展开更多
This study evaluates the potential impacts of climate change on Nigeria's agriculture using Ricardian approach and brief analysis of farmer's adaptation strategies. Sampling was based on rural household survey condu...This study evaluates the potential impacts of climate change on Nigeria's agriculture using Ricardian approach and brief analysis of farmer's adaptation strategies. Sampling was based on rural household survey conducted on farming households in all the six zones of the country. The sampling frame considered the traditional typology of the country's agro ecological zones and dominant agricultural commodities. Random sampling was used to select 800 farming households from each of the selected 20 villages; however, only 650 household's data were useful for subsequent analysis. Both primary and secondary data were collected. About 83 percent of the respondents' perceived temperature is higher, while multiple crops cultivation under dry land farms is the most predominant adaptation strategy. Ricardian regression results show the estimated coefficient for adaptation is positive and statistically significant, thus suggesting that farmers who adopted climate change adaptation strategies had higher net revenue than those who did not. The marginal effect estimates show that households with climate change adaptation measures tended to produce about 87 kg more of food per hectare than those who did not take such measures. This accounts for about 15% of change in output in the survey areas.展开更多
This research developed a regional economic model to estimate the ex-ante impacts of biofuel production on the economy of the southeastern United States. The analysis focuses on biofuels produced using biochemical and...This research developed a regional economic model to estimate the ex-ante impacts of biofuel production on the economy of the southeastern United States. The analysis focuses on biofuels produced using biochemical and pyrolysis technologies. The primary feedstocks considered include switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) and poplar (Populus spp.). The economic analysis modifies the Impact Analysis for Planning (IMPLAN) input-output model to determine the macroeconomic impacts of a mature industry producing biofuels using these technologies and feedstocks. Optimal facility locations are determined using a site locator model that minimizes the costs of procuring feedstock. Given a change in the land use caused by industry demand for feedstock, shocks to the farm economy are forward-linked to sectors supporting biofuel production. Key economic indicators analyzed include changes in employment and value added to the economy. System output is analyzed using a nonparametric bootstrap procedure to simulate the distributions of the impacts. The null hypothesis is that the economic impacts following the introduction of the industries are not different from baseline economic activity. Findings suggest that the net changes in employment and value added to the regional economy are positive, but modest. For example, job increases attributed to the advancement of the industries analyzed range between 0.18% and 0.95%. Total value added to the regional economy ranged between 0.15% and 0.83%.展开更多
The objective of this research is to assess the global economic and greenhouse gas emission impacts of banning GMO crops. This is done by modeling two counterfac-tual scenarios and evaluating them apart and in combina...The objective of this research is to assess the global economic and greenhouse gas emission impacts of banning GMO crops. This is done by modeling two counterfac-tual scenarios and evaluating them apart and in combination using a well-know Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model, GTAP-BIO. The first scenario models the impact of a global GMO ban. The second scenario models the impact of increased GMO penetration. The focus is on the price and welfare impacts, and land use change greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with GMO technologies. Much of the prior work on the economic impacts of GMO technology has relied on a combination of partial equilibrium analysis and econometric techniques. However, CGE model-ling is a way of analyzing economy-wide impacts that take into account the linkages in the global economy. Here the goal is to contribute to the literature on the benefits of GMO technology by estimating the impacts on price, supply and welfare. Food price impacts range from an increase of 0.27% to 2.2%, depending on the region. Total welfare losses associated with loss of GMO technology total up to $9.75 bil-lion. The loss of GMO traits as an intensification technology has not only economic impacts, but also environmental ones. The full environmental analysis of GMO is not undertaken here. Rather we model the land use change owing to the loss of GMO traits and calculate the associated increase in GHG emissions. We predict a substan-tial increase in GHG emissions if GMO technology is banned.展开更多
Due to climate change,growing urbanization,and population migration the social and economic impacts of natural hazards have been increasing worldwide.The challenge for risk science,both methodologically and conceptual...Due to climate change,growing urbanization,and population migration the social and economic impacts of natural hazards have been increasing worldwide.The challenge for risk science,both methodologically and conceptually,is to integrate robust multi-hazard evaluation models with展开更多
In this paper we examine the impacts of carbon tax policy on CO2 mitigation effects and economic growth in China by using a dynamic energy-environment-economy computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. The results ...In this paper we examine the impacts of carbon tax policy on CO2 mitigation effects and economic growth in China by using a dynamic energy-environment-economy computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. The results show that 30, 60, and 90 RMB per ton CO2 of carbon tax rate will lead to a reduction of CO2 emissions by 4.52%, 8.59%, and 12.26%, as well as a decline in the GDP by 0.11%, 0.25%, and 0.39% in 2020, respectively, if carbon tax revenues are collected by the government. Moreover, with energy efficiency improvements the CO2 emission per unit of GDP will equally drop by 34.79%, 37.49%, and 39.92% in 2020, respectively. Negative impacts on sectors and households will be alleviated if carbon tax revenues are returned to these sectors and households.展开更多
Pilot reforms gradually implemented through key nodes have become an important pattern of regional development in China since the policy of reform and opening up was in- troduced in 1978. On the basis of an analysis o...Pilot reforms gradually implemented through key nodes have become an important pattern of regional development in China since the policy of reform and opening up was in- troduced in 1978. On the basis of an analysis of the evolution processes and characteristics of regional development policies in post-reform China, this paper develops the concept and analytical framework of national node strategies (NNS), defined as regional development strategies centered on specific spatial nodes, by addressing their theoretical basis and re- search scope. The regional economic impacts of NNS were explored quantitatively through the examples of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, Pudong New Area and Tianjin Binhai New Area in different stages of the reform and opening up. The results indicate that the evo- lution of China's regional development policies can be divided into three stages: the explora- tion stage led by Special Economic Zones (SEZs), the expansion stage dominated by Eco- nomic Development Zones and the optimization stage featuring State-level New Areas and National Comprehensive Reform Pilot Areas. During all the three stages, NNS have played an important demonstrative and leading role and promoted the rapid evolution of China's regional development policies from localized to widespread implementation, and the role of the government has also changed accordingly. As an innovative application and development of the growth pole theory in transitional China, NNS have become engines of regional de- velopment as well as important conduits of institutional innovations. NNS and regional de- velopment have achieved a benign coupling and formed a gradated regional development model. Empirical research indicates that NNS are an important method used by the govern- ment to guide and regulate regional economic development, with complex and diverse eco- nomic effects that differ depending on the stage of regional development and the spatial scale of analysis.展开更多
<strong>Introduction:</strong> <span style="white-space:normal;font-family:;" "="">Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of premature death worldwide. The management o...<strong>Introduction:</strong> <span style="white-space:normal;font-family:;" "="">Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of premature death worldwide. The management of its severe form requires angioplasty, not yet available a year ago in Togo, which motivated the evacuation of Togolese patients with this disease. <b>Objectives: </b>To evaluate the cost of angioplasty and the economic and psychosocial impacts in evacuated Togolese patients. <b>Methodology: </b>This was a three-year descriptive </span><span style="white-space:normal;font-family:;" "="">and </span><span style="white-space:normal;font-family:;" "="">prospective study (January 2015 to December 2018) that included all Togolese patients evacuated for coronary angiography from 4 health facilities in the city of Lomé. <b>Results:</b> The mean age was 56.8 ± 11 years. There was a male predominance with a sex ratio of 2.63. The main countries of evacuation were France (50%), Tunisia (25%) and Ivory Coast (20%). The main indications of coronary angiography were myocardial infarction in 47.5%, NSTEMI (22.5%) and ischemic heart disease (15%). Fifty-five percent of the patients had monotroncular involvement. Angioplasty was performed in 16 patients, 3 patients had bypass surgery and only one patient had medical treatment. Sixty percent of patients received an active stent and 20% a bare stent. The total cost of the 40 evacuations was four hundred and fifty one thousand four hundred and nineteen US dollars (US$451,419). The average cost per evacuation was eleven thousand two hundred and eighty-six US dollars (US$11,286), or 182 times the Togolese minimum wage. At the announcement of the disease and evacuation, 40% had been afraid and 35% had accepted their illness. Fifty-five percent perceived evacuation as a healthy outcome. In 25% of cases the coronary angiography was simple and 20% found it painful. After the coronary angiography 40% had regained hope of recovery, 37.5% had accepted their result and 37.5% were happy with the outcome. <b>Conclusion: </b>Coronary artery disease is a serious pathology in terms of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, especially its severe form, which is myocardial infarction, the treatment of which requires angioplasty. This comes back during an evacuation that is too expensive for the average Togolese;only its implementation in our country remains the solution to fight against its often fatal complications as well as the flight of capital and the stress of patients and their families.</span>展开更多
Heavy precipitation and extreme drought have caused severe economic losses over South China and Indochina(INCSC)in recent decades.Given the areas with large gross domestic product(GDP)in the INCSC region are distribut...Heavy precipitation and extreme drought have caused severe economic losses over South China and Indochina(INCSC)in recent decades.Given the areas with large gross domestic product(GDP)in the INCSC region are distributed along the coastline and greatly affected by global warming,understanding the possible economic impacts induced by future changes in the maximum consecutive 5-day precipitation(RX5day)and the maximum consecutive dry days(CDD)is critical for adaptation planning in this region.Based on the latest data released by phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP6),future projections of precipitation extremes with bias correction and their impacts on GDP over the INCSC region under the fossil-fueled development Shared Socioeconomic Pathway(SSP5-8.5)are investigated.Results indicate that RX5day will intensify robustly throughout the INCSC region,while CDD will lengthen in most regions under global warming.The changes in climate consistently dominate the effect on GDP over the INCSC region,rather than the change of GDP.If only considering the effect of climate change on GDP,the changes in precipitation extremes bring a larger impact on the economy in the future to the provinces of Hunan,Jiangxi,Fujian,Guangdong,and Hainan in South China,as well as the Malay Peninsula and southern Cambodia in Indochina.Thus,timely regional adaptation strategies are urgent for these regions.Moreover,from the sub-regional average viewpoint,over two thirds of CMIP6 models agree that maintaining a lower global warming level will reduce the economic impacts from heavy precipitation over the INCSC region.展开更多
Beyond posing a major health crisis,the COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted profound psychological,social,and economic impacts on populations worldwide.Mass quarantines and social isolation have affected the mental health...Beyond posing a major health crisis,the COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted profound psychological,social,and economic impacts on populations worldwide.Mass quarantines and social isolation have affected the mental health of the wider population,exacerbating other stressors,including fear of the virus and its repercussions,general uncertainty,and financial insecurity.The pandemic has challenged the broader delivery of healthcare––ranging from the need to triage limited hospital resources to balancing risk mitigation with maintaining medical care.Specific to gastroenterology,severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2)has not only been associated with complicating extant medical conditions of the gastrointestinal(GI)tract,but has also forced a shift in the practice of gastroenterology by patients,families,and healthcare providers alike.The gastroenterology field has been required to adapt its practices to minimize the possibility of viral spread while still upholding patient care.Healthcare practitioners in GI have helped to treat COVID-19 patients,stratified inpatient and outpatient visits and procedures,and shifted to telemedicine.Still,as is the case with much of the general population,healthcare providers working in GI practice or endoscopy have faced personal and professional stressors,mental health difficulties,social isolation,financial pressures,and familial burdens––all of which can take a toll on practitioners and,by extension,the provision of GI care overall.This article will highlight how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the psychological wellbeing,social engagement,and economic conditions of the public,healthcare providers,and GI professionals specifically.Recommendations for strategies that can continue GI services while maintaining safety for both caregivers and patients are put forth to help uphold critical GI care during this worldwide crisis.展开更多
We evaluate economic and environmental impacts of climate change mitigation in a country scale considering various time horizons in the analysis applying a single-country dynamic computable general equilibrium model w...We evaluate economic and environmental impacts of climate change mitigation in a country scale considering various time horizons in the analysis applying a single-country dynamic computable general equilibrium model with endogenous technological change. Although there is a possibility that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) becomes larger for the abatement cases than the baseline case in the earlier years, it tends to be lower than that in the later years. The longer the time horizon and/or the more severe the abatement, the larger the negative impacts will be. When subsidizing R&D investment, increase in GDP compared to the baseline case is realized in the middle of the time horizon, and the larger increase tends to be observed for the longer-term cases. These results would be due to technological change induced by the subsidies and emission abatement. Environmental indicators are also improved. We showed that the results were influenced by the target time horizon when using an intertemporal dynamic model.展开更多
1.This study is one of The Applied Economic Institutes Linkages Project(AERIL)which is funded by theCanadian International Development Agency(CIDA)and jiontly managed by The Conference Board of Canada(CBOC)and the Int...1.This study is one of The Applied Economic Institutes Linkages Project(AERIL)which is funded by theCanadian International Development Agency(CIDA)and jiontly managed by The Conference Board of Canada(CBOC)and the International Trade Research Institute in China.It is jointly implemented by the Institute ofEconomic Research of the Chinese State Planning Commission and the North—South Institute of Canada。展开更多
Customer churn poses a significant challenge for the banking and finance industry in the United States, directly affecting profitability and market share. This study conducts a comprehensive comparative analysis of ma...Customer churn poses a significant challenge for the banking and finance industry in the United States, directly affecting profitability and market share. This study conducts a comprehensive comparative analysis of machine learning models for customer churn prediction, focusing on the U.S. context. The research evaluates the performance of logistic regression, random forest, and neural networks using industry-specific datasets, considering the economic impact and practical implications of the findings. The exploratory data analysis reveals unique patterns and trends in the U.S. banking and finance industry, such as the age distribution of customers and the prevalence of dormant accounts. The study incorporates macroeconomic factors to capture the potential influence of external conditions on customer churn behavior. The findings highlight the importance of leveraging advanced machine learning techniques and comprehensive customer data to develop effective churn prevention strategies in the U.S. context. By accurately predicting customer churn, financial institutions can proactively identify at-risk customers, implement targeted retention strategies, and optimize resource allocation. The study discusses the limitations and potential future improvements, serving as a roadmap for researchers and practitioners to further advance the field of customer churn prediction in the evolving landscape of the U.S. banking and finance industry.展开更多
Introduction:Chronic diseases are becoming more prevalent worldwide.The effects of chronic illnesses are disastrous not only for the diagnosed person but also for their entire family.This study explores chronic disea...Introduction:Chronic diseases are becoming more prevalent worldwide.The effects of chronic illnesses are disastrous not only for the diagnosed person but also for their entire family.This study explores chronic diseases’social and economic impact on low-income families.The study aims to determine the economic and social implications of various chronic diseases and the loss of income due to these conditions among low-income individuals in Southern Punjab,Pakistan.Methodology:A sample of 424 patients was selected from different areas of Southern Punjab.Data were collected using a questionnaire that included questions about economic status,self-reported health status,social status,management strategies,and health insurance,among other factors.Results:The mean monthly income of the respondents was found to be 57,097.6 Pakistani rupee(PKR),and the mean monthly expenses for treatment were 8,256.1 PKR.The loss of income was calculated at 15%.Additionally,62%of patients spent more than 10%of their monthly income on managing their disease.Approximately 85%of the respondents reported that chronic diseases affected their social life.Furthermore,80%of patients lacked health insurance.Conclusion:Chronic diseases impose significant economic and social burdens on patients and their families in Southern Punjab.To reduce the burden of chronic diseases,the government should enhance healthcare services in this region and provide health insurance to low-income families.展开更多
A company that does a good job in human resource management will promote the process of regional economic development,and related enterprises will develop rapidly as a result.In future work,enterprises should carefull...A company that does a good job in human resource management will promote the process of regional economic development,and related enterprises will develop rapidly as a result.In future work,enterprises should carefully study the relationship between the two,and innovate their human resource management and development methods while fully considering the needs of talent development and regional economic development,in order to fundamentally optimize the regional economic development status.展开更多
To achieve the goals of national sustainable development, the peaking control of CO2 emissions is pivotal, as well as other pollutants. In this paper, we build a Chinese inter-regional CGE model and simulate 13 polici...To achieve the goals of national sustainable development, the peaking control of CO2 emissions is pivotal, as well as other pollutants. In this paper, we build a Chinese inter-regional CGE model and simulate 13 policies and their combinations. By analyzing the energy consumptions, coal consumptions, relating emissions and their impacts on GDP, we found that with the structure adjustment policy, the proportion of coal in primary fossil fuels in 2030 will decrease from 53% to 48% and CO2 emissions will decrease by 11.3%-22.8% compared to the baseline scenario. With the energy intensity reduction policy, CO2 emissions will decrease by 33.3% in 2030 and 47.8% in 2050 than baseline scenario. Other pollutants will also be controlled as synergetic effects. In this study we also find that although the earlier the peaking time the better for emission amounts control, the economic costs can not be ignored. The GDP will decrease by 2.96%-8.23% under different scenarios. Therefore, integrated policy solutions are needed for realizing the peaks package and more targeted measures are required to achieve the peaks of other pollutants earlier.展开更多
Super rice is an essendal part of China's rice production. Through survey on actual situation of 1568 households of rice growers in Heilongjiang, Hunan and Zhejiang provinces, this paper focused on influence of super...Super rice is an essendal part of China's rice production. Through survey on actual situation of 1568 households of rice growers in Heilongjiang, Hunan and Zhejiang provinces, this paper focused on influence of super rice development on increase of China's grain yield, influence on increase of rice growers' economic in- come, difference in production cost and profit between the North and the South, as well as profit percentage of super rice in production, processing, and sales. It obtained following results: rice price determines rice growers' income; expansion of super rice extension area plays a great role in increase of China's grain yield; by 2015 and 2020, keeping the yield of other crops not changed, merely the extension of super rice can increase grain for 5 million tons and 11 million tons separately; super rice significantly increases rice growers' economic income; for production cost of super rice, the South is higher than the North, and the profit ratio of cost is up to 35.54% on average; with respect of profit in production, processing, and sales, the ratio is 1:2:1.5; with the yield of other crops unchanged, every increase of 1% in area percentage of super rice to rice will additionally produce 1 million tons of grain for China, which is equivalent to saving the yield of 133 300 hm2 farmland and can additional feed 3.5 million people. In view of importance of super rice production, at the same time of strengthening research on super rice variety, it is required to accelerate expanding production area of super rice in suitable areas. Since the development of super rice can support China's ration demand of increasing population, China should make effort to realize "one yuan for one mu" financial subsidy for super rice of main grain production provinces and counties. Besides, China should establish special financial plan for extension of super rice.展开更多
Rapid economic growth in China has brought about great economic-social changes in rural areas, having considerable impact on the society in economy and environment. With a per capita possession of about 0.08 ha of cro...Rapid economic growth in China has brought about great economic-social changes in rural areas, having considerable impact on the society in economy and environment. With a per capita possession of about 0.08 ha of cropland, Chinese farmers in rural areas adopt various ways in response to these changes in a bit to maintain their livelihood, wherein the agricultural system is facing one more options possible. To understand how rural communities have used different mechanisms to adapt to the economic and natural changes, we joined a survey in dry valleys of the Min upriver area under Maoxian county of western Sichuan province, southwestern China and visited the local people. Changes in the main crop cultivation have shown up an important means to keep up their household income. Farm households start seeking economic growth through diversified cultivating of cereal and economic crops in five lines, namely cereal, apple monoculture, apple and vegetables, plum and vegetables, mixed fruits and vegetables. These new lines mirror farmers' flexibility to cope with today's economic-social and climatic changes. The farming operation has changed all the more from a subsistence on grain to special agricultural products. Economic reforms in the early 1980 s motivated theprogress first in conversion of production from grain to fruits, and the desire to increase family income turned out to be an impetus for the subsequent events. At present, more farmers moving out of the rural areas, uneasy availability of labor force, increased opportunity cost of labors and their wages, increased farm size, and the urgent demand for the agricultural labor force, all these combine into the trend of the agricultural system of China on facing further economic-social reforms and reconstruction of the countryside across China.展开更多
There has been an intense discussion on the energy infrastructure cooperation in Northeast Asia.Most studies have focused on the technical feasibility of grid interconnection,deployment of renewable energy,and have ig...There has been an intense discussion on the energy infrastructure cooperation in Northeast Asia.Most studies have focused on the technical feasibility of grid interconnection,deployment of renewable energy,and have ignored the quantitative analysis of social and economic benefits of these proposals.This study uses a computable general equilibrium model to evaluate the effects of energy interconnection in Northeast Asia.Key model development tasks include 1)constructing a new nesting structure,2)econometrically estimating the constant elasticities of substitution(CES)between fossil-and non-fossil-power generation bundles,3)developing a new base-case scenario,and 4)developing the policy scenario.We found that while Northeast Asia will benefit from energy interconnection development with higher GDP than in the base-case;there will be a trade-off between higher investment and lower consumption.Sector results and environmental implications in this region are also discussed.展开更多
文摘Water storage dams worldwide are ageing, and many will reach the end of their designed lifespan by the middle of the 21st century. Some of these dams will likely need to be removed. While dam construction impacts have been widely discussed, dam removal impacts on society and the economy need to be synthesized and considered in the ageing dams’ decision-making process. This paper summarizes dam removal impacts on the local economy and industry, culture, history and heritage, property value, recreation, aesthetics, and disaster avoidance from identified studies worldwide. It demonstrates that these impacts may vary depending on geography and between developed and developing countries. It concludes that dam removal should consider the co</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">st, environmental, and the socio-economic impacts while including all</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> stakeholders who could be positively and negatively impacted by dam removal.
文摘In China, combustion of fossil fuels and biomass has produced serious air pollution that does harm to human health. Based on dose-response relationships derived from epidemiological studies, the authors calculated the number of deaths and people with health problems which were thought to be attributable to China's air pollution in the year of 2000. In order to estimate the corresponding economic impacts from the national point of view, the general equilibrium approach was selected as an analysis tool for this study. A computable general equilibrium (CGE) model was constructed involving 39 sectors and 32 commodities. The human capital approach (HCA) was also used for comparison. The economic burden of disease for people estimated by HCA was equivalent to 1.26‰ (ranging from 0.44‰ to 1.84‰) of China's gross domestic product (GDP). China's GDP loss estimated by the general equilibrium approach reached 0.38‰ (ranging from 0.16‰ to 0.51‰). The difference between the two approaches and the implications of the results were discussed.
文摘This study evaluates the potential impacts of climate change on Nigeria's agriculture using Ricardian approach and brief analysis of farmer's adaptation strategies. Sampling was based on rural household survey conducted on farming households in all the six zones of the country. The sampling frame considered the traditional typology of the country's agro ecological zones and dominant agricultural commodities. Random sampling was used to select 800 farming households from each of the selected 20 villages; however, only 650 household's data were useful for subsequent analysis. Both primary and secondary data were collected. About 83 percent of the respondents' perceived temperature is higher, while multiple crops cultivation under dry land farms is the most predominant adaptation strategy. Ricardian regression results show the estimated coefficient for adaptation is positive and statistically significant, thus suggesting that farmers who adopted climate change adaptation strategies had higher net revenue than those who did not. The marginal effect estimates show that households with climate change adaptation measures tended to produce about 87 kg more of food per hectare than those who did not take such measures. This accounts for about 15% of change in output in the survey areas.
文摘This research developed a regional economic model to estimate the ex-ante impacts of biofuel production on the economy of the southeastern United States. The analysis focuses on biofuels produced using biochemical and pyrolysis technologies. The primary feedstocks considered include switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) and poplar (Populus spp.). The economic analysis modifies the Impact Analysis for Planning (IMPLAN) input-output model to determine the macroeconomic impacts of a mature industry producing biofuels using these technologies and feedstocks. Optimal facility locations are determined using a site locator model that minimizes the costs of procuring feedstock. Given a change in the land use caused by industry demand for feedstock, shocks to the farm economy are forward-linked to sectors supporting biofuel production. Key economic indicators analyzed include changes in employment and value added to the economy. System output is analyzed using a nonparametric bootstrap procedure to simulate the distributions of the impacts. The null hypothesis is that the economic impacts following the introduction of the industries are not different from baseline economic activity. Findings suggest that the net changes in employment and value added to the regional economy are positive, but modest. For example, job increases attributed to the advancement of the industries analyzed range between 0.18% and 0.95%. Total value added to the regional economy ranged between 0.15% and 0.83%.
文摘The objective of this research is to assess the global economic and greenhouse gas emission impacts of banning GMO crops. This is done by modeling two counterfac-tual scenarios and evaluating them apart and in combination using a well-know Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model, GTAP-BIO. The first scenario models the impact of a global GMO ban. The second scenario models the impact of increased GMO penetration. The focus is on the price and welfare impacts, and land use change greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with GMO technologies. Much of the prior work on the economic impacts of GMO technology has relied on a combination of partial equilibrium analysis and econometric techniques. However, CGE model-ling is a way of analyzing economy-wide impacts that take into account the linkages in the global economy. Here the goal is to contribute to the literature on the benefits of GMO technology by estimating the impacts on price, supply and welfare. Food price impacts range from an increase of 0.27% to 2.2%, depending on the region. Total welfare losses associated with loss of GMO technology total up to $9.75 bil-lion. The loss of GMO traits as an intensification technology has not only economic impacts, but also environmental ones. The full environmental analysis of GMO is not undertaken here. Rather we model the land use change owing to the loss of GMO traits and calculate the associated increase in GHG emissions. We predict a substan-tial increase in GHG emissions if GMO technology is banned.
文摘Due to climate change,growing urbanization,and population migration the social and economic impacts of natural hazards have been increasing worldwide.The challenge for risk science,both methodologically and conceptually,is to integrate robust multi-hazard evaluation models with
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.70941034)"Chinese Environmental Tax" Project of Peking University-Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy
文摘In this paper we examine the impacts of carbon tax policy on CO2 mitigation effects and economic growth in China by using a dynamic energy-environment-economy computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. The results show that 30, 60, and 90 RMB per ton CO2 of carbon tax rate will lead to a reduction of CO2 emissions by 4.52%, 8.59%, and 12.26%, as well as a decline in the GDP by 0.11%, 0.25%, and 0.39% in 2020, respectively, if carbon tax revenues are collected by the government. Moreover, with energy efficiency improvements the CO2 emission per unit of GDP will equally drop by 34.79%, 37.49%, and 39.92% in 2020, respectively. Negative impacts on sectors and households will be alleviated if carbon tax revenues are returned to these sectors and households.
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41401121 The New Teachers' Scientific Research Pro- gram funded by Beijing Forestry University, No.BLX2013028
文摘Pilot reforms gradually implemented through key nodes have become an important pattern of regional development in China since the policy of reform and opening up was in- troduced in 1978. On the basis of an analysis of the evolution processes and characteristics of regional development policies in post-reform China, this paper develops the concept and analytical framework of national node strategies (NNS), defined as regional development strategies centered on specific spatial nodes, by addressing their theoretical basis and re- search scope. The regional economic impacts of NNS were explored quantitatively through the examples of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, Pudong New Area and Tianjin Binhai New Area in different stages of the reform and opening up. The results indicate that the evo- lution of China's regional development policies can be divided into three stages: the explora- tion stage led by Special Economic Zones (SEZs), the expansion stage dominated by Eco- nomic Development Zones and the optimization stage featuring State-level New Areas and National Comprehensive Reform Pilot Areas. During all the three stages, NNS have played an important demonstrative and leading role and promoted the rapid evolution of China's regional development policies from localized to widespread implementation, and the role of the government has also changed accordingly. As an innovative application and development of the growth pole theory in transitional China, NNS have become engines of regional de- velopment as well as important conduits of institutional innovations. NNS and regional de- velopment have achieved a benign coupling and formed a gradated regional development model. Empirical research indicates that NNS are an important method used by the govern- ment to guide and regulate regional economic development, with complex and diverse eco- nomic effects that differ depending on the stage of regional development and the spatial scale of analysis.
文摘<strong>Introduction:</strong> <span style="white-space:normal;font-family:;" "="">Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of premature death worldwide. The management of its severe form requires angioplasty, not yet available a year ago in Togo, which motivated the evacuation of Togolese patients with this disease. <b>Objectives: </b>To evaluate the cost of angioplasty and the economic and psychosocial impacts in evacuated Togolese patients. <b>Methodology: </b>This was a three-year descriptive </span><span style="white-space:normal;font-family:;" "="">and </span><span style="white-space:normal;font-family:;" "="">prospective study (January 2015 to December 2018) that included all Togolese patients evacuated for coronary angiography from 4 health facilities in the city of Lomé. <b>Results:</b> The mean age was 56.8 ± 11 years. There was a male predominance with a sex ratio of 2.63. The main countries of evacuation were France (50%), Tunisia (25%) and Ivory Coast (20%). The main indications of coronary angiography were myocardial infarction in 47.5%, NSTEMI (22.5%) and ischemic heart disease (15%). Fifty-five percent of the patients had monotroncular involvement. Angioplasty was performed in 16 patients, 3 patients had bypass surgery and only one patient had medical treatment. Sixty percent of patients received an active stent and 20% a bare stent. The total cost of the 40 evacuations was four hundred and fifty one thousand four hundred and nineteen US dollars (US$451,419). The average cost per evacuation was eleven thousand two hundred and eighty-six US dollars (US$11,286), or 182 times the Togolese minimum wage. At the announcement of the disease and evacuation, 40% had been afraid and 35% had accepted their illness. Fifty-five percent perceived evacuation as a healthy outcome. In 25% of cases the coronary angiography was simple and 20% found it painful. After the coronary angiography 40% had regained hope of recovery, 37.5% had accepted their result and 37.5% were happy with the outcome. <b>Conclusion: </b>Coronary artery disease is a serious pathology in terms of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, especially its severe form, which is myocardial infarction, the treatment of which requires angioplasty. This comes back during an evacuation that is too expensive for the average Togolese;only its implementation in our country remains the solution to fight against its often fatal complications as well as the flight of capital and the stress of patients and their families.</span>
文摘Heavy precipitation and extreme drought have caused severe economic losses over South China and Indochina(INCSC)in recent decades.Given the areas with large gross domestic product(GDP)in the INCSC region are distributed along the coastline and greatly affected by global warming,understanding the possible economic impacts induced by future changes in the maximum consecutive 5-day precipitation(RX5day)and the maximum consecutive dry days(CDD)is critical for adaptation planning in this region.Based on the latest data released by phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP6),future projections of precipitation extremes with bias correction and their impacts on GDP over the INCSC region under the fossil-fueled development Shared Socioeconomic Pathway(SSP5-8.5)are investigated.Results indicate that RX5day will intensify robustly throughout the INCSC region,while CDD will lengthen in most regions under global warming.The changes in climate consistently dominate the effect on GDP over the INCSC region,rather than the change of GDP.If only considering the effect of climate change on GDP,the changes in precipitation extremes bring a larger impact on the economy in the future to the provinces of Hunan,Jiangxi,Fujian,Guangdong,and Hainan in South China,as well as the Malay Peninsula and southern Cambodia in Indochina.Thus,timely regional adaptation strategies are urgent for these regions.Moreover,from the sub-regional average viewpoint,over two thirds of CMIP6 models agree that maintaining a lower global warming level will reduce the economic impacts from heavy precipitation over the INCSC region.
文摘Beyond posing a major health crisis,the COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted profound psychological,social,and economic impacts on populations worldwide.Mass quarantines and social isolation have affected the mental health of the wider population,exacerbating other stressors,including fear of the virus and its repercussions,general uncertainty,and financial insecurity.The pandemic has challenged the broader delivery of healthcare––ranging from the need to triage limited hospital resources to balancing risk mitigation with maintaining medical care.Specific to gastroenterology,severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2)has not only been associated with complicating extant medical conditions of the gastrointestinal(GI)tract,but has also forced a shift in the practice of gastroenterology by patients,families,and healthcare providers alike.The gastroenterology field has been required to adapt its practices to minimize the possibility of viral spread while still upholding patient care.Healthcare practitioners in GI have helped to treat COVID-19 patients,stratified inpatient and outpatient visits and procedures,and shifted to telemedicine.Still,as is the case with much of the general population,healthcare providers working in GI practice or endoscopy have faced personal and professional stressors,mental health difficulties,social isolation,financial pressures,and familial burdens––all of which can take a toll on practitioners and,by extension,the provision of GI care overall.This article will highlight how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the psychological wellbeing,social engagement,and economic conditions of the public,healthcare providers,and GI professionals specifically.Recommendations for strategies that can continue GI services while maintaining safety for both caregivers and patients are put forth to help uphold critical GI care during this worldwide crisis.
文摘We evaluate economic and environmental impacts of climate change mitigation in a country scale considering various time horizons in the analysis applying a single-country dynamic computable general equilibrium model with endogenous technological change. Although there is a possibility that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) becomes larger for the abatement cases than the baseline case in the earlier years, it tends to be lower than that in the later years. The longer the time horizon and/or the more severe the abatement, the larger the negative impacts will be. When subsidizing R&D investment, increase in GDP compared to the baseline case is realized in the middle of the time horizon, and the larger increase tends to be observed for the longer-term cases. These results would be due to technological change induced by the subsidies and emission abatement. Environmental indicators are also improved. We showed that the results were influenced by the target time horizon when using an intertemporal dynamic model.
文摘1.This study is one of The Applied Economic Institutes Linkages Project(AERIL)which is funded by theCanadian International Development Agency(CIDA)and jiontly managed by The Conference Board of Canada(CBOC)and the International Trade Research Institute in China.It is jointly implemented by the Institute ofEconomic Research of the Chinese State Planning Commission and the North—South Institute of Canada。
文摘Customer churn poses a significant challenge for the banking and finance industry in the United States, directly affecting profitability and market share. This study conducts a comprehensive comparative analysis of machine learning models for customer churn prediction, focusing on the U.S. context. The research evaluates the performance of logistic regression, random forest, and neural networks using industry-specific datasets, considering the economic impact and practical implications of the findings. The exploratory data analysis reveals unique patterns and trends in the U.S. banking and finance industry, such as the age distribution of customers and the prevalence of dormant accounts. The study incorporates macroeconomic factors to capture the potential influence of external conditions on customer churn behavior. The findings highlight the importance of leveraging advanced machine learning techniques and comprehensive customer data to develop effective churn prevention strategies in the U.S. context. By accurately predicting customer churn, financial institutions can proactively identify at-risk customers, implement targeted retention strategies, and optimize resource allocation. The study discusses the limitations and potential future improvements, serving as a roadmap for researchers and practitioners to further advance the field of customer churn prediction in the evolving landscape of the U.S. banking and finance industry.
文摘Introduction:Chronic diseases are becoming more prevalent worldwide.The effects of chronic illnesses are disastrous not only for the diagnosed person but also for their entire family.This study explores chronic diseases’social and economic impact on low-income families.The study aims to determine the economic and social implications of various chronic diseases and the loss of income due to these conditions among low-income individuals in Southern Punjab,Pakistan.Methodology:A sample of 424 patients was selected from different areas of Southern Punjab.Data were collected using a questionnaire that included questions about economic status,self-reported health status,social status,management strategies,and health insurance,among other factors.Results:The mean monthly income of the respondents was found to be 57,097.6 Pakistani rupee(PKR),and the mean monthly expenses for treatment were 8,256.1 PKR.The loss of income was calculated at 15%.Additionally,62%of patients spent more than 10%of their monthly income on managing their disease.Approximately 85%of the respondents reported that chronic diseases affected their social life.Furthermore,80%of patients lacked health insurance.Conclusion:Chronic diseases impose significant economic and social burdens on patients and their families in Southern Punjab.To reduce the burden of chronic diseases,the government should enhance healthcare services in this region and provide health insurance to low-income families.
文摘A company that does a good job in human resource management will promote the process of regional economic development,and related enterprises will develop rapidly as a result.In future work,enterprises should carefully study the relationship between the two,and innovate their human resource management and development methods while fully considering the needs of talent development and regional economic development,in order to fundamentally optimize the regional economic development status.
基金funded by the National Natural Fund of China(71173206)the Strategic Priority Research ProgramdClimate Change:Carbon Budget and Related Issues of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDA05150300)
文摘To achieve the goals of national sustainable development, the peaking control of CO2 emissions is pivotal, as well as other pollutants. In this paper, we build a Chinese inter-regional CGE model and simulate 13 policies and their combinations. By analyzing the energy consumptions, coal consumptions, relating emissions and their impacts on GDP, we found that with the structure adjustment policy, the proportion of coal in primary fossil fuels in 2030 will decrease from 53% to 48% and CO2 emissions will decrease by 11.3%-22.8% compared to the baseline scenario. With the energy intensity reduction policy, CO2 emissions will decrease by 33.3% in 2030 and 47.8% in 2050 than baseline scenario. Other pollutants will also be controlled as synergetic effects. In this study we also find that although the earlier the peaking time the better for emission amounts control, the economic costs can not be ignored. The GDP will decrease by 2.96%-8.23% under different scenarios. Therefore, integrated policy solutions are needed for realizing the peaks package and more targeted measures are required to achieve the peaks of other pollutants earlier.
基金Supported by Super Rice Program for Agricultural Scientific&Technological Innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Agricultural SciencesSpecial Project of Public Welfare Industry of Ministry of Agriculture(201203029)Special Project for Construction of Modern Agricultural Industrial Technology System(CARS-01-09B)~~
文摘Super rice is an essendal part of China's rice production. Through survey on actual situation of 1568 households of rice growers in Heilongjiang, Hunan and Zhejiang provinces, this paper focused on influence of super rice development on increase of China's grain yield, influence on increase of rice growers' economic in- come, difference in production cost and profit between the North and the South, as well as profit percentage of super rice in production, processing, and sales. It obtained following results: rice price determines rice growers' income; expansion of super rice extension area plays a great role in increase of China's grain yield; by 2015 and 2020, keeping the yield of other crops not changed, merely the extension of super rice can increase grain for 5 million tons and 11 million tons separately; super rice significantly increases rice growers' economic income; for production cost of super rice, the South is higher than the North, and the profit ratio of cost is up to 35.54% on average; with respect of profit in production, processing, and sales, the ratio is 1:2:1.5; with the yield of other crops unchanged, every increase of 1% in area percentage of super rice to rice will additionally produce 1 million tons of grain for China, which is equivalent to saving the yield of 133 300 hm2 farmland and can additional feed 3.5 million people. In view of importance of super rice production, at the same time of strengthening research on super rice variety, it is required to accelerate expanding production area of super rice in suitable areas. Since the development of super rice can support China's ration demand of increasing population, China should make effort to realize "one yuan for one mu" financial subsidy for super rice of main grain production provinces and counties. Besides, China should establish special financial plan for extension of super rice.
基金financially supported by the Program of Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities or "111 Project" of China (B08037)
文摘Rapid economic growth in China has brought about great economic-social changes in rural areas, having considerable impact on the society in economy and environment. With a per capita possession of about 0.08 ha of cropland, Chinese farmers in rural areas adopt various ways in response to these changes in a bit to maintain their livelihood, wherein the agricultural system is facing one more options possible. To understand how rural communities have used different mechanisms to adapt to the economic and natural changes, we joined a survey in dry valleys of the Min upriver area under Maoxian county of western Sichuan province, southwestern China and visited the local people. Changes in the main crop cultivation have shown up an important means to keep up their household income. Farm households start seeking economic growth through diversified cultivating of cereal and economic crops in five lines, namely cereal, apple monoculture, apple and vegetables, plum and vegetables, mixed fruits and vegetables. These new lines mirror farmers' flexibility to cope with today's economic-social and climatic changes. The farming operation has changed all the more from a subsistence on grain to special agricultural products. Economic reforms in the early 1980 s motivated theprogress first in conversion of production from grain to fruits, and the desire to increase family income turned out to be an impetus for the subsequent events. At present, more farmers moving out of the rural areas, uneasy availability of labor force, increased opportunity cost of labors and their wages, increased farm size, and the urgent demand for the agricultural labor force, all these combine into the trend of the agricultural system of China on facing further economic-social reforms and reconstruction of the countryside across China.
基金supported by the Overseas Expertise Introduction Project for Discipline Innovation(B18014)National Natural Science Foundation of China(71733002)Science and Technology Foundation of SGCC(52450018000N)。
文摘There has been an intense discussion on the energy infrastructure cooperation in Northeast Asia.Most studies have focused on the technical feasibility of grid interconnection,deployment of renewable energy,and have ignored the quantitative analysis of social and economic benefits of these proposals.This study uses a computable general equilibrium model to evaluate the effects of energy interconnection in Northeast Asia.Key model development tasks include 1)constructing a new nesting structure,2)econometrically estimating the constant elasticities of substitution(CES)between fossil-and non-fossil-power generation bundles,3)developing a new base-case scenario,and 4)developing the policy scenario.We found that while Northeast Asia will benefit from energy interconnection development with higher GDP than in the base-case;there will be a trade-off between higher investment and lower consumption.Sector results and environmental implications in this region are also discussed.