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Determination of Element Levels of Lagoon from Townships near Cocody City Abidjan Côte D’Ivoire Using Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence 被引量:1
作者 Alfred Djoman Djama Agbo Koudou Djagouri +1 位作者 Jean-Claude Olkalé Brigui Konin Pierre-Claver Kakou 《World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》 2021年第2期109-118,共10页
Eight water bottles from Ebrie lagoon with pollution potency were studied using nuclear chemistry technique and Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence. This pollution is characterized by pH and conductivity parameters, ... Eight water bottles from Ebrie lagoon with pollution potency were studied using nuclear chemistry technique and Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence. This pollution is characterized by pH and conductivity parameters, concentrations average in mg/L of metals such Fe (0.731), Mn (0.345), Cr (0.070), Cu (0.014) and concentrations of nutrients known to be pollutants and toxic for living or-ganisms. These heavy metals are dangerous to the lives, the local inhabitants and also a threat to aquatic life since this water is essential for the economical town, Abidjan. According to the Manganese concentration average (0.345 mg) values that higher than WHO (0.05 mg) value, the main likely source of pollu-tants is anthropogenic, industrial and agricultural. This study also shows the use of materials and lubricants near the lagoon that pollute this water. 展开更多
关键词 Ebrie Lagoon POLLUTION Heavy Metals energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence
能量色散X射线荧光分析中改进型基本参数法研究 被引量:4
作者 程锋 张庆贤 +6 位作者 葛良全 谷懿 曾国强 罗耀耀 陈爽 王雷 赵剑锟 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第7期2034-2037,共4页
能量色散X射线荧光分析方法是目前常用的一种多元素分析方法,但该方法检出限和分析精度,受到分析基体的影响。基本参数法是目前一种常用的分析方法,但在使用过程必须获取净峰面积和基体所有成分,而在实际使用时,尤其在分析低含量样品时... 能量色散X射线荧光分析方法是目前常用的一种多元素分析方法,但该方法检出限和分析精度,受到分析基体的影响。基本参数法是目前一种常用的分析方法,但在使用过程必须获取净峰面积和基体所有成分,而在实际使用时,尤其在分析低含量样品时,净峰面积计算、基体中"暗物质"影响了测量精度,制约了基本参数法的应用。针对基本参数法的不足,将谱线解析方法与基本参数法融合,将重叠峰剥离过程嵌入基本参数法迭代过程中。在含量计算过程中,采用分析样品特征X射线分支比的理论系数,对重叠峰进行剥离,解决能量色散X射线荧光测量中净峰面积计算和定量分析问题;在计算过程中,对"暗物质"进行均一化处理。通过对标准物质测量分析,结果表明对于Ni,Cu,Zn三个元素改进型基本参数法(改进型FP)测量结果准确度高于影响系数法。 展开更多
关键词 基本参数法 能量色散X射线荧光分析 谱线解析
能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪研究现状 被引量:9
作者 赵奉奎 王爱民 《核技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第10期52-58,共7页
归纳了能量色散X射线荧光(EDXRF)光谱仪的主要部件及能谱处理算法的研究进展及现状,通过分别对比不同类型高压电源、X射线激发源和探测器在光谱仪上的使用,总结了X射线激发电压、X射线强度和探测器分辨率等对仪器灵敏度和分辨率等指标... 归纳了能量色散X射线荧光(EDXRF)光谱仪的主要部件及能谱处理算法的研究进展及现状,通过分别对比不同类型高压电源、X射线激发源和探测器在光谱仪上的使用,总结了X射线激发电压、X射线强度和探测器分辨率等对仪器灵敏度和分辨率等指标的影响。通过分别对比不同算法在能谱去噪、本底扣除、谱峰分解及荧光强度提取等方面的应用,分析了各种算法的适用范围,并比较了小波变换、人工神经网络和偏最小二乘法等在能谱分析中的独特优势。阐述了为提高仪器性能亟待解决的问题,并指出了EDXRF仪器的发展趋势及进一步研究该课题的必要性。 展开更多
关键词 能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪 探测器研制 能谱处理 研究现状
基于NMF-PLS对含水量影响下土壤重金属含量反演模型研究 被引量:3
作者 吴希军 张杰 +5 位作者 肖春艳 赵学亮 李康 庞丽丽 史彦新 李少华 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期271-277,共7页
土壤中过高的重金属含量危害巨大,不仅造成了严重的环境污染,而且通过食物链进入人体对人体健康造成严重威胁,所以对重金属检测十分重要。X射线荧光光谱法具有检测时间短、无损检测、检测成本低等特点被广泛使用,然而检测的光谱数据因... 土壤中过高的重金属含量危害巨大,不仅造成了严重的环境污染,而且通过食物链进入人体对人体健康造成严重威胁,所以对重金属检测十分重要。X射线荧光光谱法具有检测时间短、无损检测、检测成本低等特点被广泛使用,然而检测的光谱数据因受到土壤含水量因素的严重干扰,导致直接对土壤重金属含量估算精度较低。以河北省保定市满城区土样为研究对象,对采集的土样进行除杂、过筛、烘干后加入一定量重金属溶液制备不同含水量不同重金属的样本进行检测。对实验中异常数据计算了马氏距离和进行NJW聚类予以剔除,分析了土壤含水量对土壤重金属光谱的影响,结果表明不同含水量间光谱重复性差,随着土壤含水量的增加光谱强度呈非线性降低。采用Savitzky-Golay卷积平滑去噪法和线性本底法对光谱进行预处理,以解决因环境、仪器本身带来的噪声和基线漂移等问题。然后针对于土壤含水量这一主要干扰,采用非负矩阵分解算法进行处理,并使用峰值信噪比这一评价模型确定端元数目,结果表明当端元数目增至10时峰值信噪比趋于稳定波动很小,非负矩阵分解处理后相同重金属含量不同含水量间光谱重复性好、相似性好,并计算了光谱间的相关系数进一步证明了光谱间的相似性。去除含水量对于光谱干扰后建立了偏最小二乘法预测模型,为了验证预测模型的精度,建立了未去除含水量的偏最小二乘法预测模型和使用外部参数正交化法去除含水量建立的偏最小二乘法预测模型,并使用评价参数决定系数(R^2)、交叉验证均方根误差(RMSECV)、平均绝对误差(MAE)和相对分析误差(RPD)进行评价。验证结果表明,相比较未去除含水量建立的模型,使用非负矩阵分解去除含水量建立的偏最小二乘法模型R^2和RPD分别提高了0.0197和1.0292,RMSECV和MAE分别降低了2.3863和1.4396;相对于外部参数正交化法建立的偏最小二乘法模型,R^2和RPD分别提高了0.0099和0.1081,RMSECV和MAE分别降低了0.2447和0.3566,说明了经过非负矩阵分解去噪后建立的模型有效提高了预测的精度和鲁棒性。非负矩阵分解可以有效消除土壤含水量对光谱的影响,在此基础上建立的偏最小二乘法模型实现了土壤重金属含量的反演,为重金属定量检测提供了一定的技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 土壤重金属 X射线荧光光谱 非负矩阵分解 偏最小二乘法
能散XRF能谱解析和基体修正方法的研究 被引量:2
作者 李振坤 《核技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第1期32-36,共5页
关键词 能散XRF 能谱解析 修正方法 稀土样品
Rapid Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Cymbopogan Citratus (Lemongrass) and its Antimicrobial Activity 被引量:4
作者 Shalaka A.Masurkar Pratik R.Chaudhari +1 位作者 Vrishali B.Shidore Suresh P.Kamble 《Nano-Micro Letters》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第3期189-194,共6页
The present study deals with the rapid green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using fresh leaves of Cymbopogan Citratus(Lemongrass). Silver nanoparticles were formed within 8~10 minutes by microwave irradiation usin... The present study deals with the rapid green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using fresh leaves of Cymbopogan Citratus(Lemongrass). Silver nanoparticles were formed within 8~10 minutes by microwave irradiation using aqueous solution of Ag NO3(1 m M) with fresh leaves extract of Cymbopogan Citratus. The synthesized silver nanoparticles were characterized by using UV-visible spectrophotometer analysis, nanoparticle tracking analyzer, transmission electron microscope and energy dispersive X-ray spectra. The antibacterial activity of these nanoparticles was studied against multiple drug resistant hospital isolates of E.coli, S.aureus,P.mirabilis and hospital isolates of S. typhi, K.pnuemoniae. Also, the antifungal activity of these nanoparticles was studied against C.albicans(hospital isolate) and A.niger(NCIM 616). The synergistic effect of silver nanoparticles along with antibiotics was also studied against multiple drug resistant hospital isolates and found to be effective. The extracellular synthesis of Silver nanoparticles using leaves of Cymbopogan Citratus appears to be rapid and eco-friendly. 展开更多
关键词 Green synthesis Cymbopogan Citratus Nanoparticle tracking analyzer Transmission electron microscope energy dispersive x-ray spectra
基于能量色散-X射线荧光光谱方法对轻稀土料液配分含量的在线测定 被引量:5
作者 陈吉文 许涛 +5 位作者 刘威 方哲 屈华阳 梁元 胡学强 刘明博 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期2284-2289,共6页
稀土精矿分离出单一稀土元素的工艺过程属于连续流程制造,多采用人工取样-ICP实验室分析测试的方法进行工艺监测与控制,检测结果滞后于生产实际,可能造成产品质量不稳定等后果。实验基于能量色散X射线荧光光谱技术,建立了一种在线测定... 稀土精矿分离出单一稀土元素的工艺过程属于连续流程制造,多采用人工取样-ICP实验室分析测试的方法进行工艺监测与控制,检测结果滞后于生产实际,可能造成产品质量不稳定等后果。实验基于能量色散X射线荧光光谱技术,建立了一种在线测定稀土分离过程中稀土配分含量的方法。通过对北方稀土典型元素镧、铈、镨、钕的能量色散-X射线荧光光谱特征分析,利用多元逐步回归从稀土混合料液中剥离出单一稀土元素信号。依据相对理论偏差对滤光片、管压、管流等条件进行优化,为稀土配分含量在线分析奠定了基础。开发了XOR-50稀土配分在线分析设备和在线检测方法,快速反映稀土分离萃取工艺状况,提供实时的在线萃取数据,为工艺调整提供精准可靠的数据支撑。研究结果显示,采用0.2mm Al滤光片,25kV光管激发电压,1 100μA光管电流的测试条件,同一样品的稀土元素配分含量连续11次测定的相对标准偏差小于1%;现场分析结果与ICP-AES检测结果相符。镧,铈,镨,钕等轻稀土元素的仪器检出限小于5μg·mL-1,完全满足稀土配分在线监测对准确性和可靠性要求。 展开更多
关键词 能量色散-X射线荧光光谱 稀土料液 配分含量 萃取分离 在线
Palaeodiet of Miocene Producers and Depositional Environments:Inferences from the First Evidence of Microcoprolites from India
作者 Vivesh VKAPUR Kamlesh KUMAR +1 位作者 P.MORTHEKAI Amritpal Singh CHADDHA 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第5期1574-1590,共17页
This paper reviews research on coprolites from India,providing the first evidence of microcoprolites from the early Miocene(Aquitanian)Khari Nadi Formation sedimentary succession,exposed about 1.5 km northeast of the ... This paper reviews research on coprolites from India,providing the first evidence of microcoprolites from the early Miocene(Aquitanian)Khari Nadi Formation sedimentary succession,exposed about 1.5 km northeast of the village of Kotada,Kachchh(Kutch)District,Gujarat State,western India.Morphometric and size comparisons(in a statistical framework)with known coprolites from the Mesozoic-Cenozoic successions of India(including those recorded herein)and globally suggest that fishes were the likely producers of the Kotada coprolites.Scanning electron microscopy confirms the presence of fish dental remains within the coprolites,while both Scanning Electron Microscopy(SEM)and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy(EDS)reveal the phosphatic nature of the microscopic coprolite specimens(recorded herein)hinting that the producer(s)were predominantly carnivorous(ichthyophagous)in their diet.Furthermore,X-Ray Fluorescence(XRF)analysis of the host and associated lithologies allows us to deduce that the Kotada coprolites were deposited in a shallow marine environment,with possible aerial exposure of the host lithology occurring at some point after deposition.To the best of our knowledge,the present report is the first record of microscopic fish coprolites from India,as well as being the first from the Aquitanian of India and the oldest Neogene record from India. 展开更多
关键词 COPROLITES palaeodiet PALAEOENVIRONMENT energy dispersive Spectroscopy(EDS) x-ray fluorescence(XRF)analysis Miocene(Aquitanian)
镁牺牲阳极法制备羟基磷灰石涂层的电化学性能(英文) 被引量:1
作者 吴波 梁成浩 王鹏 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期2069-2074,共6页
羟基磷灰石(HA)作为一种最重要的生物材料被成功采用镁牺牲阳极法在Ti6Al4V合金表面合成,以提高该复合材料的电化学抗腐蚀性能。使用电子能谱(EDX)、电子探针(EPMA)、傅里叶红外变换图谱(FTIR)和X射线衍射(XRD)对HA涂层进行分析。结果表... 羟基磷灰石(HA)作为一种最重要的生物材料被成功采用镁牺牲阳极法在Ti6Al4V合金表面合成,以提高该复合材料的电化学抗腐蚀性能。使用电子能谱(EDX)、电子探针(EPMA)、傅里叶红外变换图谱(FTIR)和X射线衍射(XRD)对HA涂层进行分析。结果表明,涂层主要由针状羟基磷灰石晶体组成,Ca/P比为1.4063。浸泡30 d后,HA涂层在汉克氏溶液中晶体变大,在林格氏溶液和台氏溶液中针状晶体分别转变为片状和柱状。通过测试在3 种模拟体液和人血中的开路电位、极化曲线和交流阻抗图谱表明,有HA涂层的Ti6Al4V合金比未涂层的Ti6Al4V合金具有更好的电化学性能。 展开更多
关键词 镁牺牲阳极 法制备 羟基磷灰石涂层 solution TI6AL4V合金 energy dispersive infrared spectra 傅里叶红外变换 immersion test 林格氏溶液 针状晶体 交流阻抗图谱 电化学性能 biomaterials 牺牲阳极法 抗腐蚀性能 x-ray characters 生物材料 射线衍射
Chinese Jingdezhen blue and white imperial porcelain 被引量:2
作者 WU Juan1, LI Jiazhi1, DENG Zequn1 & WANG Changsui2 1. Laboratory of Ancient Ceramics, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050, China 2. Department of History of Science and Archaeometry, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2004年第3期366-375,共10页
Jingdezhen blue and white imperial porcelain specimens from the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties have been systematically analyzed using a nondestructive test method—— energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis (EDX... Jingdezhen blue and white imperial porcelain specimens from the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties have been systematically analyzed using a nondestructive test method—— energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis (EDXRF). The derived data of major and trace element compositions have been treated by correspondence analysis. The variation laws of the composition patterns for Jingdezhen blue and white imperial porcelain in different historical periods owing to the change in raw materials, recipe and technology have been discussed, and a time model related to variation of element composition has been preliminarily established, It would be helpful for scientific dating of Jingdezhen blue and white imperial porcelain, and even for the studies on the whole field of identification of ancient ceramics. 展开更多
关键词 energy dispersIVE x-ray fluorescence analysis BLUE and WHITE imperial porcelain CORRESPONDENCE analysis.
Scientific studies on pottery and pro-porcelain from group of graves in Henglingshan, Guangdong Province 被引量:2
作者 WU Juan WU JunMing +3 位作者 LI QiJiang LI JiaZhi LUO HongJie DENG ZeQun 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第10期3085-3091,共7页
The findings of the Henglingshan group of graves, Guangdong Province, were appraised as one of the ten major archaeological excavations in 2000. The pottery and proto-porcelain samples excavated from the group of grav... The findings of the Henglingshan group of graves, Guangdong Province, were appraised as one of the ten major archaeological excavations in 2000. The pottery and proto-porcelain samples excavated from the group of graves in Henglingshan are very important for studying the development history of Guang-dong ceramics. In this paper, the chemical compositions, micro-structure and physical properties of the samples were systematically analyzed. The results were subjected to multivariate statistical analysis. Different compositional patterns were found for specimens from different periods. The reasons for these variations were discussed. In addition, compared with the pottery and proto-porcelain samples from different production sites in other provinces of China, the obvious regional characters and unique law of the development for ancient ceramics of Guangdong were also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 energy dispersIVE x-ray fluorescence ANALYSIS POTTERY proto-porcelain CORRESPONDENCE ANALYSIS
Use of geochemical fingerprints to trace sediment sources in an agricultural catchment of Argentina 被引量:2
作者 Romina Torres Astorga Yanina Garcias +4 位作者 Gisela Borgatello Hugo Velasco Román Padilla Gerd Dercon Lionel Mabit 《International Soil and Water Conservation Research》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第4期410-417,共8页
Soil erosion and associated sediment redistribution are key environmental problems in Central Argentina.Specific land uses and management practices,such as intensive grazing and crop cultivation,are considered to be s... Soil erosion and associated sediment redistribution are key environmental problems in Central Argentina.Specific land uses and management practices,such as intensive grazing and crop cultivation,are considered to be significantly driving and accelerating these processes.This research focuses on the identification of suitable soil tracers from hot spots of land degradation and sediment fate in an agricultural catchment of central Argentina with erodible loess soils.Using Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence(EDXRF),elemental concentrations were determined and later used as soil tracers for geochemical characterization.The best set of tracers were identified using two artificial mixtures composed of known proportions of soil sources collected from different lands having contrasting soil uses.Barium,calcium,iron,phosphorus,and titanium were identified for obtaining the best suitable reconstruction of source proportions in the laboratory-prepared artificial mixtures.Then,these elements,as well as the total organic carbon,were applied for pinpointing critical hot spots of erosion within the studied catchment.Feedlots were identified to be the main source of sediments,river banks and dirt roads together are the second most important source.This investigation provides key information for optimizing soil conservation strategies and selecting land management practices and land uses which do not generate great contribution of sediment,preventing pollution of the waterways of the region. 展开更多
关键词 Fingerprinting Geochemical elements energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence Soil erosion Mixing models
多矿物晶体标本的无损鉴定分析 被引量:1
作者 朱桂军 侯治华 +2 位作者 彭君 田宗平 秦毅 《矿物岩石》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期1-5,共5页
为探究多矿物晶体标本的无损鉴定方法,本次研究采用宝石显微镜、能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪、红外光谱仪等,对采自贵州省赫章县一块矿物标本上的五种矿物晶体进行无损鉴定。总结出多矿物晶体标本的四种无损鉴定方法:(1)形态特征法:依据样... 为探究多矿物晶体标本的无损鉴定方法,本次研究采用宝石显微镜、能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪、红外光谱仪等,对采自贵州省赫章县一块矿物标本上的五种矿物晶体进行无损鉴定。总结出多矿物晶体标本的四种无损鉴定方法:(1)形态特征法:依据样品的晶体形态、物理特征与共生、伴生矿物等确定种属。(2)红外光谱法:具有红外特征基团的矿物,红外光谱是快捷的鉴定方法。(3)能量色散X射线荧光光谱法:红外无法确认,具有重金属特征元素的矿物,能谱为最佳方法。(4)综合鉴定法:一种方法不能确定的矿物,用上述多种方法互诊。 展开更多
关键词 能量色散X射线荧光光谱 傅里叶变换红外光谱 矿物 晶体 鉴定
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