Hanzi (Chinese characters) has a long history and affluent contents. To promote the popularity of historical and cultural knowledge of Chinese characters, an online program has been launched by Beihang University an...Hanzi (Chinese characters) has a long history and affluent contents. To promote the popularity of historical and cultural knowledge of Chinese characters, an online program has been launched by Beihang University and Beijing Normal University to explain Chinese characters' original meanings and evolution processes with vivid and expressive animation videos. Currently, More than 1,000 videos can be accessed through the website “http://www.chinesecharacter.org/”. Besides these online resources, a human-computer interaction system is also proposed to simulate clerical changes of Chinese characters through computer morphing technology. What we want is to make the teaching and learning of Chinese characters more reasonable, more easily understandable and more interesting.展开更多
文摘Hanzi (Chinese characters) has a long history and affluent contents. To promote the popularity of historical and cultural knowledge of Chinese characters, an online program has been launched by Beihang University and Beijing Normal University to explain Chinese characters' original meanings and evolution processes with vivid and expressive animation videos. Currently, More than 1,000 videos can be accessed through the website “http://www.chinesecharacter.org/”. Besides these online resources, a human-computer interaction system is also proposed to simulate clerical changes of Chinese characters through computer morphing technology. What we want is to make the teaching and learning of Chinese characters more reasonable, more easily understandable and more interesting.