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基于大数据分析的医院医保监管研究 被引量:1
作者 李彧 李建邦 王浜琴 《现代医院管理》 2024年第2期118-120,共3页
医保监管是新形势下医院医保管理工作的重要任务,在数据大爆炸的时代,大数据是推动医保治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要力量,是医院医保智能化管理不可或缺的技术手段。笔者基于大数据背景,以广西某三级医疗机构住院病人数据为研究样本... 医保监管是新形势下医院医保管理工作的重要任务,在数据大爆炸的时代,大数据是推动医保治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要力量,是医院医保智能化管理不可或缺的技术手段。笔者基于大数据背景,以广西某三级医疗机构住院病人数据为研究样本,分析药品、诊疗项目数据的变化趋势,精准发现医保违规收费疑点,探索建立Excel软件与数据分析融合下的医院医保监管新模式。 展开更多
关键词 大数据 医保监管 EXCEL软件 数据分析
作者 朱莹 姜道旭 +1 位作者 盛俊 李建龙 《环境科学导刊》 2024年第1期42-47,91,共7页
通过Excel软件对监测点收集的空气质量数据进行拆分及构造函数的方法,拟合了“两尘四气”的六个方程,这些方程可用于对自建点数据进行校准。在对所收集的数据标准化后,利用SPSS软件对“两尘四气”数据误差产生的原因进行回归分析,建立... 通过Excel软件对监测点收集的空气质量数据进行拆分及构造函数的方法,拟合了“两尘四气”的六个方程,这些方程可用于对自建点数据进行校准。在对所收集的数据标准化后,利用SPSS软件对“两尘四气”数据误差产生的原因进行回归分析,建立了多元线性回归方程。方程显示:压强、温度和风速更容易导致自建点数据误差,可使用对上述三种因素不敏感的材质制造检测仪的传感器。以上使用Excel和SPSS软件对大数据进行比对处理及建模的方法可用于环境监测、农业生产等领域促进高质量生态文明建设。 展开更多
关键词 “两尘四气” Excel和SPSS 曲线拟合 多元线性回归
作者 郭雪鹏 梁颖 《物理教学探讨》 2024年第2期55-56,59,共3页
匀变速直线运动的位移公式是教学中的难点。在分析人教版新教材编写设计和高一学生学情后,提出以Excel软件作为技术支持的科学探究教学改进方案。通过v-t图像围成的面积和真实位移的数据对比,得到匀变速直线运动v-t图像围成的面积表示... 匀变速直线运动的位移公式是教学中的难点。在分析人教版新教材编写设计和高一学生学情后,提出以Excel软件作为技术支持的科学探究教学改进方案。通过v-t图像围成的面积和真实位移的数据对比,得到匀变速直线运动v-t图像围成的面积表示位移的结论。 展开更多
关键词 匀变速直线运动 位移公式 EXCEL 科学探究
作者 赵文明 康京山 +1 位作者 张存 康自明 《计量与测试技术》 2024年第2期106-107,111,共3页
变频器作为微波信号发射端和接收端的重要器件,对收发系统性能具有较大影响,因此,需对相关参数进行测试。本文针对其种类、测试参数和测试仪器设备多,以及测试人员要求高、人工测试效率低,开发设计变频器自动测试程序,并基于Excel测试模... 变频器作为微波信号发射端和接收端的重要器件,对收发系统性能具有较大影响,因此,需对相关参数进行测试。本文针对其种类、测试参数和测试仪器设备多,以及测试人员要求高、人工测试效率低,开发设计变频器自动测试程序,并基于Excel测试模板,实现定制化测试。 展开更多
关键词 变频器 自动测试 EXCEL模板
作者 黄远泽 程振 《东北水利水电》 2024年第1期68-70,共3页
施工进度计划是建设项目施工组织设计中的重要内容,横道图是水利水电项目设计阶段施工总进度计划的主要表示方法。本文依托Microsoft Office Excel内嵌的VBA语言简单、方便、高效的特点和优势,探索研发了一款符合水利水电行业设计习惯... 施工进度计划是建设项目施工组织设计中的重要内容,横道图是水利水电项目设计阶段施工总进度计划的主要表示方法。本文依托Microsoft Office Excel内嵌的VBA语言简单、方便、高效的特点和优势,探索研发了一款符合水利水电行业设计习惯的施工进度横道图制图软件,可以减少人力投入,提高设计效率,满足行业设计需求。软件具有自动进行工程量汇总、强度累计、制作强度曲线图、绘制施工总进度横道图并标注线条强度、分期分幅出图、进度线条批量平移(含部分项目跨停工时段平移)等功能,在诸多水利水电项目设计中得到良好应用。 展开更多
关键词 水利水电工程 施工进度横道图 VBA EXCEL
作者 刘易 《电脑编程技巧与维护》 2024年第5期45-47,共3页
关键词 PYTHON语言 Python-docx库 EXCEL文档 WORD排版
作者 邬雪山 《电脑知识与技术》 2024年第11期117-119,共3页
在医学数据统计处理中,常用的统计软件包括SAS、SPSS和R。此外,掌握Excel软件中的统计功能对于提高数据处理能力也是一个极佳的选择。文章以《卫生统计学》教材为例,展示了数据处理的过程,并探讨了计量资料的均数、标准差、配对设计资料... 在医学数据统计处理中,常用的统计软件包括SAS、SPSS和R。此外,掌握Excel软件中的统计功能对于提高数据处理能力也是一个极佳的选择。文章以《卫生统计学》教材为例,展示了数据处理的过程,并探讨了计量资料的均数、标准差、配对设计资料的t检验、两个独立样本的t检验以及单因素方差分析在统计分析中的应用方法。Excel软件可以作为医学统计学课程的辅助教学软件。 展开更多
关键词 EXCEL 统计学处理 计量资料
作者 蒋志芬 吴基润 《数字通信世界》 2024年第3期167-169,共3页
数据分析技术在人力资源管理行业中的应用越来越广泛,但目前人力资源管理专业学生的数据分析能力相对薄弱。通过对应用型本科高校“Excel人力资源管理工具应用”课程建设进行研究,找出原有课程教学中存在的主要问题,对课程内容进行重构... 数据分析技术在人力资源管理行业中的应用越来越广泛,但目前人力资源管理专业学生的数据分析能力相对薄弱。通过对应用型本科高校“Excel人力资源管理工具应用”课程建设进行研究,找出原有课程教学中存在的主要问题,对课程内容进行重构和设计,注重Excel工具应用的教授及数据分析素养的提升,培养高素质的应用型人力资源数据分析人才。 展开更多
关键词 EXCEL 人力资源管理工具应用 应用型人才 课程建设
作者 董志辉 闫云敬 +2 位作者 杨永贵 朱炳耀 韩立星 《汽车与驾驶维修》 2024年第5期77-80,共4页
本文以柳州城市职业学院汽车检测与维修专业学生为研究对象,通过“互联网+”环境下的在线学习数据,采用Excel和Origin软件进行数理统计分析,以探讨学生的学习行为如何影响学习效果。研究结果表明:学生在学期开始阶段的学习投入程度较高... 本文以柳州城市职业学院汽车检测与维修专业学生为研究对象,通过“互联网+”环境下的在线学习数据,采用Excel和Origin软件进行数理统计分析,以探讨学生的学习行为如何影响学习效果。研究结果表明:学生在学期开始阶段的学习投入程度较高,学习效果相对较高好;但在后续阶段则更多关注完成课后作业,而对学习的深层意义和持续投入有所忽视,并没有达到预期学习效果。根据数理统计分析得到的研究结果,并剖析问题结论,本文提出了改进在线课程设计、优化考核方式、加强在线学习监督与引导以及提供丰富的学习资源等教学改进建议。 展开更多
关键词 互联网+ 职业教育 学习行为 EXCEL ORIGIN
作者 端木德庆 吕汉明 马崇启 《工业控制计算机》 2024年第5期129-130,132,共3页
A企业属于典型纺织设备离散制造企业,在采购业务实际运转中,由于部门职能分工不合理、业务流程不完善等问题,导致EBOM向PBOM转化困难。在企业现有条件下,通过部门职能调整、业务流程整改、数据整理、编码以及系统优化多方面探索,实现了... A企业属于典型纺织设备离散制造企业,在采购业务实际运转中,由于部门职能分工不合理、业务流程不完善等问题,导致EBOM向PBOM转化困难。在企业现有条件下,通过部门职能调整、业务流程整改、数据整理、编码以及系统优化多方面探索,实现了企业外购件的BOM转换,为企业后续数字化转型奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 BOM 业务流程 物料编码 Excel VBA
畅游数学海洋,探索圆的奥秘——《圆的周长》教学设计 被引量:1
作者 佟金霖 《中国信息技术教育》 2024年第3期9-12,共4页
关键词 倍数关系 EXCEL表格 在线编辑 教学设计 数据直观 学生课堂 《圆的周长》 快速生成
作者 韩松源 王宏霞 蒋子渝 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期374-381,共8页
Excel文档被广泛应用于金融财务、科学研究、数据分析、统计报告等领域,在教育培训、在线办公等诸多场景中扮演着重要角色,却也潜藏着违规使用、侵权行为和信息泄露等安全隐患。为保护Excel文档内容的安全,迫切需要研究更安全可靠的文... Excel文档被广泛应用于金融财务、科学研究、数据分析、统计报告等领域,在教育培训、在线办公等诸多场景中扮演着重要角色,却也潜藏着违规使用、侵权行为和信息泄露等安全隐患。为保护Excel文档内容的安全,迫切需要研究更安全可靠的文档保护技术。文中基于Excel文档格式,提出了一种面向流动追踪的多层鲁棒Excel文档水印算法,该算法通过将多层水印信息嵌入Excel文档的单元格样式和边框的RGB颜色值中,从而能在实际应用场景中明确敏感文档传播链条,对文档泄露源头进行追踪溯源,定位泄密责任人,以减少信息泄露事件的发生。经实验对比发现,所提水印算法不可感知性好,对增加、删除、重新键入、格式刷、复制粘贴和另存为等多种常见文档操作和攻击具有很强的鲁棒性,同时支持多层水印嵌入。与其他基于文档格式的水印算法相比,所提算法具有更好的水印不可见性、更强的鲁棒性和更宽广的应用范围。 展开更多
关键词 EXCEL 文档水印 鲁棒性 多层嵌入 追踪溯源
Facile synthesis of composite polyferric magnesium-silicate-sulfate coagulant with enhanced performance in water and wastewater
作者 Xiangtao Huo Rongxia Chai +2 位作者 Lizheng Gou Mei Zhang Min Guo 《International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期574-584,共11页
The coagulation process is a widely applied technology in water and wastewater treatment.Novel composite polyferric mag-nesium-silicate-sulfate(PFMS)coagulants were synthesized using Na_(2)SiO_(3)·9H_(2)O,Fe_(2)(... The coagulation process is a widely applied technology in water and wastewater treatment.Novel composite polyferric mag-nesium-silicate-sulfate(PFMS)coagulants were synthesized using Na_(2)SiO_(3)·9H_(2)O,Fe_(2)(SO_(4))_(3),and MgSO_(4) as raw materials in this paper.The effects of aging time,Fe:Si:Mg,and OH:M molar ratios(M represents the metal ions)on the coagulation performance of the as-pre-pared PFMS were systematically investigated to obtain optimum coagulants.The results showed that PFMS coagulant exhibited good co-agulation properties in the treatment of simulated humic acid-kaolin surface water and reactive dye wastewater.When the molar ratio was controlled at Fe:Si:Mg=2:2:1 and OH:M=0.32,the obtained PFMS presented excellent stability and a high coagulation efficiency.The removal efficiency of ultraviolet UV254 was 99.81%,and the residual turbidity of the surface water reached 0.56 NTU at a dosage of 30 mg·L^(-1).After standing the coagulant for 120 d in the laboratory,the removal efficiency of UV254 and residual turbidity of the surface wa-ter were 88.12%and 0.68 NTU,respectively,which accord with the surface water treatment requirements.In addition,the coagulation performance in the treatment of reactive dye wastewater was greatly improved by combining the advantages of magnesium and iron salts.Compared with polyferric silicate-sulfate(PFS)and polymagnesium silicate-sulfate(PMS),the PFMS coagulant played a better decolor-ization role within the pH range of 7-13. 展开更多
关键词 polyferric-magnesium-silicate-sulfate composite coagulants water and wastewater excellent stability high coagulation ef-ficiency DECOLORIZATION
Reactive molecular dynamics insight into the thermal decomposition mechanism of 2,6-Bis(picrylamino)-3,5-dinitropyridine
作者 Jianbo Fu Hui Ren +3 位作者 Xinzhou Wu Yongjin Chen Mi Zhang Yazhi Cheng 《Defence Technology(防务技术)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期134-146,共13页
2,6-bis(picrylamino)-3,5-dinitropyridine(PYX)has excellent thermostability,which makes its thermal decomposition mechanism receive much attention.In this paper,the mechanism of PYX thermal decomposition was investigat... 2,6-bis(picrylamino)-3,5-dinitropyridine(PYX)has excellent thermostability,which makes its thermal decomposition mechanism receive much attention.In this paper,the mechanism of PYX thermal decomposition was investigated thoroughly by the ReaxFF-lg force field combined with DFT-B3LYP(6-311++G)method.The detailed decomposition mechanism,small-molecule product evolution,and cluster evolution of PYX were mainly analyzed.In the initial stage of decomposition,the intramolecular hydrogen transfer reaction and the formation of dimerized clusters are earlier than the denitration reaction.With the progress of the reaction,one side of the bitter amino group is removed from the pyridine ring,and then the pyridine ring is cleaved.The final products produced in the thermal decomposition process are CO_(2),H_(2)O,N_(2),and H_(2).Among them,H_(2)O has the earliest generation time,and the reaction rate constant(k_(3))is the largest.Many clusters are formed during the decomposition of PYX,and the formation,aggregation,and decomposition of these clusters are strongly affected by temperature.At low temperatures(2500 K-2750 K),many clusters are formed.At high temperatures(2750 K-3250 K),the clusters aggregate to form larger clusters.At 3500 K,the large clusters decompose and become small.In the late stage of the reaction,H and N in the clusters escaped almost entirely,but more O was trapped in the clusters,which affected the auto-oxidation process of PYX.PYX's initial decomposition activation energy(E_(a))was calculated to be 126.58 kJ/mol.This work contributes to a theoretical understanding of PYX's entire thermal decomposition process. 展开更多
关键词 PYX Thermal decomposition ReaxFF-lg MD simulations Excellent thermostable explosives
Can ChatGPT evaluate research quality?
作者 Mike Thelwall 《Journal of Data and Information Science》 CSCD 2024年第2期1-21,共21页
Purpose:Assess whether ChatGPT 4.0 is accurate enough to perform research evaluations on journal articles to automate this time-consuming task.Design/methodology/approach:Test the extent to which ChatGPT-4 can assess ... Purpose:Assess whether ChatGPT 4.0 is accurate enough to perform research evaluations on journal articles to automate this time-consuming task.Design/methodology/approach:Test the extent to which ChatGPT-4 can assess the quality of journal articles using a case study of the published scoring guidelines of the UK Research Excellence Framework(REF)2021 to create a research evaluation ChatGPT.This was applied to 51 of my own articles and compared against my own quality judgements.Findings:ChatGPT-4 can produce plausible document summaries and quality evaluation rationales that match the REF criteria.Its overall scores have weak correlations with my self-evaluation scores of the same documents(averaging r=0.281 over 15 iterations,with 8 being statistically significantly different from 0).In contrast,the average scores from the 15 iterations produced a statistically significant positive correlation of 0.509.Thus,averaging scores from multiple ChatGPT-4 rounds seems more effective than individual scores.The positive correlation may be due to ChatGPT being able to extract the author’s significance,rigour,and originality claims from inside each paper.If my weakest articles are removed,then the correlation with average scores(r=0.200)falls below statistical significance,suggesting that ChatGPT struggles to make fine-grained evaluations.Research limitations:The data is self-evaluations of a convenience sample of articles from one academic in one field.Practical implications:Overall,ChatGPT does not yet seem to be accurate enough to be trusted for any formal or informal research quality evaluation tasks.Research evaluators,including journal editors,should therefore take steps to control its use.Originality/value:This is the first published attempt at post-publication expert review accuracy testing for ChatGPT. 展开更多
关键词 ChatGPT Large Language Models LLM Research Excellence Framework REF 2021 Research quality Research assessment
Design,preparation,application of advanced array structured materials and their action mechanism analyses for high performance lithium-sulfur batteries
作者 Nanping Deng Xiaofan Feng +7 位作者 Yongbing Jin Zhaozhao Peng Yang Feng Ying Tian Yong Liu Lu Gao Weimin Kang Bowen Cheng 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期266-303,I0007,共39页
Lithium-sulfur battery(LSB)has brought much attention and concern because of high theoretical specific capacity and energy density as one of main competitors for next-generation energy storage systems.The widely comme... Lithium-sulfur battery(LSB)has brought much attention and concern because of high theoretical specific capacity and energy density as one of main competitors for next-generation energy storage systems.The widely commercial application and development of LSB is mainly hindered by serious“shuttle effect”of lithium polysulfides(Li PSs),slow reaction kinetics,notorious lithium dendrites,etc.In various structures of LSB materials,array structured materials,possessing the composition of ordered micro units with the same or similar characteristics of each unit,present excellent application potential for various secondary cells due to some merits such as immobilization of active substances,high specific surface area,appropriate pore sizes,easy modification of functional material surface,accommodated huge volume change,enough facilitated transportation for electrons/lithium ions,and special functional groups strongly adsorbing Li PSs.Thus many novel array structured materials are applied to battery for tackling thorny problems mentioned above.In this review,recent progresses and developments on array structured materials applied in LSBs including preparation ways,collaborative structural designs based on array structures,and action mechanism analyses in improving electrochemical performance and safety are summarized.Meanwhile,we also have detailed discussion for array structured materials in LSBs and constructed the structure-function relationships between array structured materials and battery performances.Lastly,some directions and prospects about preparation ways,functional modifications,and practical applications of array structured materials in LSBs are generalized.We hope the review can attract more researchers'attention and bring more studying on array structured materials for other secondary batteries including LSB. 展开更多
关键词 Array structured materials Preparation methods and structural designs Action mechanism analyses Advanced Li-S batteries Excellent electrochemical performances and safety
作者 董慧来 《化工自动化及仪表》 CAS 2024年第1期69-76,共8页
烟气连续监测系统(CEMS)在检测烟气中颗粒物的质量浓度时,几乎没有可用的标准物质对颗粒物监测单元进行校准。因此,需要对光学原理颗粒物单元测得的原始参数进行回归计算,转换为环保要求的质量浓度数据。分析比较了国内外相关标准中颗... 烟气连续监测系统(CEMS)在检测烟气中颗粒物的质量浓度时,几乎没有可用的标准物质对颗粒物监测单元进行校准。因此,需要对光学原理颗粒物单元测得的原始参数进行回归计算,转换为环保要求的质量浓度数据。分析比较了国内外相关标准中颗粒物测量仪表的校准计算方法,重点参照HJ 75/76标准要求,以Excel作为回归计算工具,实现了快速的相关校准计算,并自动绘制相关曲线。同时,对目前颗粒物校准中遇到的普遍问题也探索了解决方法。 展开更多
关键词 CEMS 颗粒浓度+气态污染物 相关校准 EXCEL 回归分析 T分布 置信区间 允许区间
Enable Excel-Based Basic Cybersecurity Features for End Users by Using Python-Excel Integration
作者 Mohamed Breik Osama Magdy +2 位作者 Essam Amin Tarek Aly Mervat Gheith 《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》 2024年第6期522-529,共8页
In the digital age, the global character of the Internet has significantly improved our daily lives by providing access to large amounts of knowledge and allowing for seamless connections. However, this enormously int... In the digital age, the global character of the Internet has significantly improved our daily lives by providing access to large amounts of knowledge and allowing for seamless connections. However, this enormously interconnected world is not without its risks. Malicious URLs are a powerful menace, masquerading as legitimate links while holding the intent to hack computer systems or steal sensitive personal information. As the sophistication and frequency of cyberattacks increase, identifying bad URLs has emerged as a critical aspect of cybersecurity. This study presents a new approach that enables the average end-user to check URL safety using Microsoft Excel. Using the powerful VirusTotal API for URL inspections, this study creates an Excel add-in that integrates Python and Excel to deliver a seamless, user-friendly interface. Furthermore, the study improves Excel’s capabilities by allowing users to encrypt and decrypt text communications directly in the spreadsheet. Users may easily encrypt their conversations by simply typing a key and the required text into predefined cells, enhancing their personal cybersecurity with a layer of cryptographic secrecy. This strategy democratizes access to advanced cybersecurity solutions, making attentive digital integrity a feature rather than a daunting burden. 展开更多
关键词 Python End-User Approach EXCEL Excel Add-In CYBERSECURITY URL Check API Virustotal API Encryption Decryption Vigenère Cipher Python-Excel Integration
作者 刘进平 杨华龙 +1 位作者 吴泽锐 肖俊 《航海教育研究》 2024年第1期74-79,共6页
啤酒游戏是“供应链管理”课程教学过程中一项普遍应用的实验教学内容。在传统手动啤酒游戏的基础上,增加深圳中诺思与大连海事大学联合开发的数智啤酒游戏在线实验,引导学生自主设计基于Excel的多个供应链决策仿真实验,体现基于系统思... 啤酒游戏是“供应链管理”课程教学过程中一项普遍应用的实验教学内容。在传统手动啤酒游戏的基础上,增加深圳中诺思与大连海事大学联合开发的数智啤酒游戏在线实验,引导学生自主设计基于Excel的多个供应链决策仿真实验,体现基于系统思考的供应链管理相关教学内容,构建以行动学习和以学生为中心的依托三阶段啤酒游戏的一体化教学框架,增强学生的自主研究能力、创新能力和批判性思维。 展开更多
关键词 啤酒游戏 供应链管理 一体化课程设计 实验教学Excel仿真
Enhancing Data Analysis and Automation: Integrating Python with Microsoft Excel for Non-Programmers
作者 Osama Magdy Ali Mohamed Breik +2 位作者 Tarek Aly Atef Tayh Nour El-Din Raslan Mervat Gheith 《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》 2024年第6期530-540,共11页
Microsoft Excel is essential for the End-User Approach (EUA), offering versatility in data organization, analysis, and visualization, as well as widespread accessibility. It fosters collaboration and informed decision... Microsoft Excel is essential for the End-User Approach (EUA), offering versatility in data organization, analysis, and visualization, as well as widespread accessibility. It fosters collaboration and informed decision-making across diverse domains. Conversely, Python is indispensable for professional programming due to its versatility, readability, extensive libraries, and robust community support. It enables efficient development, advanced data analysis, data mining, and automation, catering to diverse industries and applications. However, one primary issue when using Microsoft Excel with Python libraries is compatibility and interoperability. While Excel is a widely used tool for data storage and analysis, it may not seamlessly integrate with Python libraries, leading to challenges in reading and writing data, especially in complex or large datasets. Additionally, manipulating Excel files with Python may not always preserve formatting or formulas accurately, potentially affecting data integrity. Moreover, dependency on Excel’s graphical user interface (GUI) for automation can limit scalability and reproducibility compared to Python’s scripting capabilities. This paper covers the integration solution of empowering non-programmers to leverage Python’s capabilities within the familiar Excel environment. This enables users to perform advanced data analysis and automation tasks without requiring extensive programming knowledge. Based on Soliciting feedback from non-programmers who have tested the integration solution, the case study shows how the solution evaluates the ease of implementation, performance, and compatibility of Python with Excel versions. 展开更多
关键词 PYTHON End-User Approach Microsoft Excel Data Analysis Integration SPREADSHEET PROGRAMMING Data Visualization
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