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作者 张颂 程露 吴学科 《原子与分子物理学报》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第4期93-99,共7页
利用基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理对M@B_(12)N_(12)(M=Sc-Zn)团簇的几何、电子结构,电偶极性和红外吸收光谱进行详细的研究.结果显示:当B_(12)N_(12)团簇内嵌过渡金属原子后,虽然结构稳定性稍稍降低,但其化学活性得到提高,摩尔体积明... 利用基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理对M@B_(12)N_(12)(M=Sc-Zn)团簇的几何、电子结构,电偶极性和红外吸收光谱进行详细的研究.结果显示:当B_(12)N_(12)团簇内嵌过渡金属原子后,虽然结构稳定性稍稍降低,但其化学活性得到提高,摩尔体积明显增大.过渡金属原子与B_(12)N_(12)结合的过程中,除Cu和B原子外,剩余金属与N原子的Mulliken电荷出现负值.另外,金属原子的加入,不仅增加电偶极矩和极化率的值,还促使其红外吸收光谱发生红移. 展开更多
关键词 团簇 结构 性质 第一性原理
作者 苗婷婷 吴中能 +5 位作者 刘俊龙 丁昌俊 曹志华 孙慧 闫彩霞 杨传宝 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期134-146,共13页
为了探明季节性淹水对林分地力的影响,以安徽沿江地区滩地杨树林土壤为研究对象,对季节性淹水前后,土壤(0<深度(h)≤60 cm)的养分质量分数、物理性质及酶活性进行测定;采用高通量测序技术对土壤微生物群落组成、多样性、空间结构及... 为了探明季节性淹水对林分地力的影响,以安徽沿江地区滩地杨树林土壤为研究对象,对季节性淹水前后,土壤(0<深度(h)≤60 cm)的养分质量分数、物理性质及酶活性进行测定;采用高通量测序技术对土壤微生物群落组成、多样性、空间结构及功能类群等进行测定,分析环境因子与土壤微生物群落的相互作用及其潜在关系。结果表明:季节性淹水后,滩地杨树林土壤0<h≤60 cm土层的pH显著升高;除全磷、速效钾、水解氮养分外,其他养分质量分数均极显著降低;田间持水量极显著增加;土壤脲酶、酸性磷酸酶的活性均有所下降,其中酸性磷酸酶活性降幅达99.68%;过氧化氢酶活性总体上升。季节性淹水改变了土壤细菌、真菌优势菌群的相对丰度,未显著提高微生物群落的丰富性和多样性,但改变了土壤真菌群落多样性在各土层间的变化趋势。非度量多维尺度分析(NMDS)和相似性分析(ANOSIM)发现,淹水前的细菌群落结构与淹水后具有显著差异;淹水前的真菌群落结构与淹水后具有极显著差异;且淹水后各土层间的细菌、真菌群落均呈显著差异。功能预测结果表明:土壤细菌生态功能以化能异养、好氧化能异养、硝化作用、氨氧化作用功能类群为主,季节性淹水后,土壤40 cm<h≤60 cm土层中,细菌群落的亚硝酸盐呼吸、硝化、亚硝态氮反硝化功能较为丰富。土壤真菌群落主要功能在淹水后,由病理-腐生-共生过渡型(33.13%)向病理营养型(20.74%)转变。淹水前后,土壤0<h≤20 cm土层真菌群落的植物病原菌相对丰度差异显著。冗余分析和相关性分析结果表明:pH、酸性磷酸酶、脲酶、过氧化氢酶、水解氮、全钾是影响微生物群落的主要环境因子。 展开更多
关键词 季节性淹水 杨树人工林 地力维护 土壤理化性质 微生物群落
作者 李永进 汤玉喜 +1 位作者 唐洁 黎蕾 《森林与环境学报》 北大核心 2025年第1期107-112,共6页
为探究湿心材与对照材物理力学性能差异,以13年生南方型黑杨(XL-90杨)为研究对象,分别测定湿心材与对照材的木材密度、干缩率、湿胀性、抗弯强度、抗弯弹性模量、抗压强度及硬度等物理力学指标,对比分析其物理力学性能差异。结果表明:... 为探究湿心材与对照材物理力学性能差异,以13年生南方型黑杨(XL-90杨)为研究对象,分别测定湿心材与对照材的木材密度、干缩率、湿胀性、抗弯强度、抗弯弹性模量、抗压强度及硬度等物理力学指标,对比分析其物理力学性能差异。结果表明:对照材密度(气干、基本、全干)、干缩率(气干、全干)和湿胀性(气干、饱水)均高于湿心材,且对照材和湿心材的径向干缩率、湿胀性均低于弦向,其中对照材的径向、弦向、体积气干干缩率分别较湿心材提高1.123%、2.335%、3.292%,径向、弦向、体积气干湿胀性分别提高0.916%、3.475%、4.221%。对照材的抗弯强度、抗弯弹性模量、顺纹抗压强度及径向、弦向横纹抗压强度分别较湿心材降低5.617、1862.853、8.200、0.496、0.426 MPa,湿心材端面、径面、弦面硬度较对照材分别提高613.333、702.917、692.500 N,且对照材与湿心材的抗弯弹性模量、抗压强度、硬度存在显著或极显著差异。XL-90杨湿心材密度、干缩率和湿胀性等物理性能均低于对照材,而抗弯强度、抗弯弹性模量、抗压强度和硬度等力学性能均高于对照材,该研究结果可为XL-90杨在木材加工利用方面提供应用性指导。 展开更多
关键词 XL-90杨 湿心材 对照材 物理力学性质
作者 顾丹丹 董雪 +3 位作者 张金秀 王晓茹 赵宗硕 王立安 《食品工业科技》 北大核心 2025年第4期237-245,共9页
以小麦粒为原料,羊肚菌为发酵菌株,采用固态发酵工艺制备小麦羊肚菌菌粮(fungus fermented wheat,FFW)。以粗纤维含量和非淀粉多糖(NSP)含量为评价指标,料液比、基质起始pH、接种量、发酵天数为考察因素,利用正交试验优化小麦羊肚菌菌... 以小麦粒为原料,羊肚菌为发酵菌株,采用固态发酵工艺制备小麦羊肚菌菌粮(fungus fermented wheat,FFW)。以粗纤维含量和非淀粉多糖(NSP)含量为评价指标,料液比、基质起始pH、接种量、发酵天数为考察因素,利用正交试验优化小麦羊肚菌菌粮制备工艺,并分析菌粮的营养成分、理化性质和抗氧化活性。结果表明最佳发酵工艺为:料液比为1:0.9(g:mL)、基质起始p H为7.0、接种量为5块(直径0.8 cm的菌丝块)、发酵天数为10 d,该条件下制备的小麦羊肚菌菌粮粗纤维含量为4.09%,NSP含量为9.31%。与发酵前相比,小麦羊肚菌菌粮表面出现孔洞,沟壑增多,褶皱加深,菌粮的蛋白质含量提高了78.79%,碳水化合物含量降低了17.79%;可溶性膳食纤维SDF增加了43.70%、不可溶性膳食纤维IDF降低了19.24%、总膳食纤维TDF在发酵前后变化不明显。发酵后菌粮的持水性、吸附不饱和脂肪酸能力、吸附饱和脂肪酸能力和溶胀性分别增加了77.84%,11.49%、25.00%、26.00%;在模拟人体胃和小肠的环境下对胆固醇吸附率分别提高了86.29%、290.14%。发酵后菌粮的总抗氧化活性、DPPH自由基清除率、超氧阴离子自由基清除率和羟自由基清除率分别提高了41.29%、14.54%、490.68%、10.80%。该工艺制备的小麦羊肚菌菌粮可显著提升小麦的营养价值、理化性质和抗氧化活性,本研究为开发小麦羊肚菌菌粮新产品提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 羊肚菌 菌粮 固态发酵 工艺优化 营养成分 理化性质 抗氧化活性
作者 李富 董道旭 +2 位作者 郑大劲 李维刚 葛宜元 《现代农业研究》 2025年第2期1-13,共13页
为了能够进一步提高三江平原水稻秸秆腐解率和改善土壤理化性质。本研究采用室内冻融模拟试验,实验设定A(-10~10℃)和B(-20~20℃)两种冻融幅度,1(150%)、2(200%)两种土壤持水量,以及3(3 cm)、5(5 cm)和10(10 cm)三种秸秆长度。试验设定... 为了能够进一步提高三江平原水稻秸秆腐解率和改善土壤理化性质。本研究采用室内冻融模拟试验,实验设定A(-10~10℃)和B(-20~20℃)两种冻融幅度,1(150%)、2(200%)两种土壤持水量,以及3(3 cm)、5(5 cm)和10(10 cm)三种秸秆长度。试验设定冻24小时后融24小时为一次冻融循环(Freeze-thaw cycle,FTC)过程,15 d取一次样,共设置6次取样(90 d)后常温培养(30 d),总时长为120 d的室内冻融模拟,在每次冻融结束后测定土壤理化性质及相关酶活性。试验结果显示,施加菌剂提升了秸秆腐解速率,秸秆配施菌剂还田显著降低冻融期三江平原土壤容重与0.5~1 mm粒径的团聚体数量,增加了土壤孔隙度,且在大幅度冻融循环表现最为明显。秸秆还田显著提高了土壤有机碳(TOC)、总磷(TP)、总钾(TK),但土壤全氮显著降低,不同冻融幅度差异不显著。秸秆还田配施菌剂显著提高了冻融期土壤淀粉酶、蔗糖酶和纤维素酶活性,而不同冻融幅度与冻融循环次数对土壤酶活性均产生影响,且随着冻融时长的增加而减弱。不同冻融幅度和不同的持水量对土壤淀粉酶活性影响显著,对土壤蔗糖酶活性影响不显著。秸秆还田配施菌剂对冻融期土壤理化性质具有显著影响,而对土壤酶活性的影响具有差异性。因此,秸秆还田配施菌剂对于三江平原冻融期土壤提升土壤肥力具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 低温菌剂 土壤理化性质 冻融期 土壤酶活性
作者 杨英 包兴幸 +1 位作者 赵彦琦 翟梓萌 《黑龙江农业科学》 2025年第1期76-85,共10页
为探讨猪粪废弃物资源化利用途径,将不同温度处理下的水热产物作为添加剂,对土壤进行培养研究其特性变化,通过小白菜种植试验验证不同温度处理下猪粪水热产物对土壤的改良效果。结果表明,与CK相比,土壤培养49 d时,各猪粪水热产物处理均... 为探讨猪粪废弃物资源化利用途径,将不同温度处理下的水热产物作为添加剂,对土壤进行培养研究其特性变化,通过小白菜种植试验验证不同温度处理下猪粪水热产物对土壤的改良效果。结果表明,与CK相比,土壤培养49 d时,各猪粪水热产物处理均显著降低了pH,且碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾、有机质及EC显著提升,其中ZF180处理组提升最为明显,碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾、有机质及EC分别提高了29.10%、61.78%、22.94%、20.31%和25.70%。种植60 d时,小白菜产量、生物量、株高、单株叶面积、根长都有所提高,其中ZF180处理组小白菜的生长性状表现最好,与CK对照组相比,分别增加了225.17%、225.39%、61.50%、104.78%和90.67%。因此,180℃水热处理温度是猪粪废弃物水热处理资源化利用的最适温度。 展开更多
关键词 猪粪废弃物 水热产物 温度 土壤性质 小白菜
Development of advanced anion exchange membrane from the view of the performance of water electrolysis cell 被引量:3
作者 Chao Liu Zhen Geng +6 位作者 Xukang Wang Wendong Liu Yuwei Wang Qihan Xia Wenbo Li Liming Jin Cunman Zhang 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期348-369,I0009,共23页
Green hydrogen produced by water electrolysis combined with renewable energy is a promising alternative to fossil fuels due to its high energy density with zero-carbon emissions.Among water electrolysis technologies,t... Green hydrogen produced by water electrolysis combined with renewable energy is a promising alternative to fossil fuels due to its high energy density with zero-carbon emissions.Among water electrolysis technologies,the anion exchange membrane(AEM) water electrolysis has gained intensive attention and is considered as the next-generation emerging technology due to its potential advantages,such as the use of low-cost non-noble metal catalysts,the relatively mature stack assembly process,etc.However,the AEM water electrolyzer is still in the early development stage of the kW-level stack,which is mainly attributed to severe performance decay caused by the core component,i.e.,AEM.Here,the review comprehensively presents the recent progress of advanced AEM from the view of the performance of water electrolysis cells.Herein,fundamental principles and critical components of AEM water electrolyzers are introduced,and work conditions of AEM water electrolyzers and AEM performance improvement strategies are discussed.The challenges and perspectives are also analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 HYDROGEN Water electrolysis Anion exchange membrane Electrolysis cell
Proton‑Prompted Ligand Exchange to Achieve High‑Efficiency CsPbI_(3) Quantum Dot Light‑Emitting Diodes 被引量:1
作者 Yanming Li Ming Deng +2 位作者 Xuanyu Zhang Lei Qian Chaoyu Xiang 《Nano-Micro Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期53-62,共10页
CsPbI_(3)perovskite quantum dots(QDs)are ideal materials for the next generation of red light-emitting diodes.However,the low phase stability of CsPbI_(3)QDs and long-chain insulating capping ligands hinder the improv... CsPbI_(3)perovskite quantum dots(QDs)are ideal materials for the next generation of red light-emitting diodes.However,the low phase stability of CsPbI_(3)QDs and long-chain insulating capping ligands hinder the improvement of device performance.Traditional in-situ ligand replacement and ligand exchange after synthesis were often difficult to control.Here,we proposed a new ligand exchange strategy using a proton-prompted insitu exchange of short 5-aminopentanoic acid ligands with long-chain oleic acid and oleylamine ligands to obtain stable small-size CsPbI_(3)QDs.This exchange strategy maintained the size and morphology of CsPbI_(3)QDs and improved the optical properties and the conductivity of CsPbI_(3)QDs films.As a result,high-efficiency red QD-based light-emitting diodes with an emission wavelength of 645 nm demonstrated a record maximum external quantum efficiency of 24.45%and an operational half-life of 10.79 h. 展开更多
关键词 CsPbI_(3) perovskite quantum dots Light-emitting diodes Ligand exchange Proton-prompted in-situ exchange
Solar wind ion charge state distributions and compound cross sections for solar wind charge exchange X-ray emission 被引量:1
作者 Dimitra Koutroumpa 《Earth and Planetary Physics》 EI CSCD 2024年第1期105-118,共14页
Solar Wind Charge eXchange X-ray(SWCX) emission in the heliosphere and Ea rth’s exosphere is a hard to avoid signal in soft Xray obse rvations of astrophysical targets.On the other hand,the X-ray imaging possibilitie... Solar Wind Charge eXchange X-ray(SWCX) emission in the heliosphere and Ea rth’s exosphere is a hard to avoid signal in soft Xray obse rvations of astrophysical targets.On the other hand,the X-ray imaging possibilities offered by the SWCX process has led to an increasing number of future dedicated space missions for investigating the solar wind-terrestrial inte ractions and magnetospheric interfaces.In both cases,accurate modelling of the SWCX emission is key to correctly interpret its signal,and remove it from obse rvations,when needed.In this paper,we compile solar wind abundance measurements from ACE for different solar wind types,and atomic data from literature,including charge exchange cross-sections and emission probabilities,used fo r calculating the compound cross-section a for the SWCX X-ray emission.We calculate a values for charge-exchange with H and He,relevant to soft X-ray energy bands(0.1-2.0 keV)for various solar wind types and solar cycle conditions. 展开更多
关键词 solar wind charge exchange X-rays MAGNETOSPHERE HELIOSPHERE
作者 陈花 刘娜 +2 位作者 姚晓倩 刘拉香 李强 《山西农业科学》 2025年第1期90-100,共11页
煤炭资源的大量开采造成土地资源严重破坏,为了改良矿区土壤,以榆林市某煤矿区土壤为试样,设置空白对照(CK1)、5%煤气化渣(CK2)、5%煤气化渣与平菇菌渣配施、5%煤气化渣与玉米秸秆生物炭配施、5%煤气化渣+平菇菌渣+玉米秸秆生物炭配施,... 煤炭资源的大量开采造成土地资源严重破坏,为了改良矿区土壤,以榆林市某煤矿区土壤为试样,设置空白对照(CK1)、5%煤气化渣(CK2)、5%煤气化渣与平菇菌渣配施、5%煤气化渣与玉米秸秆生物炭配施、5%煤气化渣+平菇菌渣+玉米秸秆生物炭配施,共计13个处理,测定处理后土壤的理化性质,并运用主成分分析法对改良效果进行综合评价,以筛选矿区土壤改良的有效配方。结果表明,与CK1相比,CK2处理的土壤毛管持水性、孔隙度、pH值、碱解氮含量分别增加12.32%、0.92%、21.41%、12.89%,有机质含量、有效磷含量、速效钾含量、含盐量分别显著降低76.52%、39.56%、26.85%、25.12%。与CK2处理相比,5%煤气化渣与平菇菌渣配施、5%煤气化渣与玉米秸秆生物炭配施、5%煤气化渣+平菇菌渣+玉米秸秆生物炭处理均能有效改善土壤理化性质,其中,矿区土壤中施入5%煤气化渣+30%平菇菌渣+10%生物炭后,土壤容重、密度和土壤含盐量均显著降低;土壤田间持水量、有机质含量、有效磷含量、速效钾含量和碱解氮含量显著增加。主成分分析发现,5%煤气化渣+30%平菇菌渣+10%生物炭处理对煤矿区土壤改良效果最佳。 展开更多
关键词 煤气化渣 食用菌菌渣 生物炭 主成分分析 煤矿区土壤 理化性质
Two methods for separating the magnetospheric solar wind charge exchange soft X-ray emission from the diffuse X-ray background 被引量:2
作者 YingJie Zhang TianRan Sun +5 位作者 JenniferACarter WenHao Liu Steve Sembay ShuiNai Zhang Li Ji Chi Wang 《Earth and Planetary Physics》 EI CSCD 2024年第1期119-132,共14页
Solar wind charge exchange(SWCX)is the process of solar wind high-valence ions exchanging charges with neutral components and generating soft X-rays.Recently,detecting the SWCX emission from the magnetosphere is propo... Solar wind charge exchange(SWCX)is the process of solar wind high-valence ions exchanging charges with neutral components and generating soft X-rays.Recently,detecting the SWCX emission from the magnetosphere is proposed as a new technique to study the magnetosphere using panoramic soft X-ray imaging.To better prepare for the data analysis of upcoming magnetospheric soft X-ray imaging missions,this paper compares the magnetospheric SWCX emission obtained by two methods in an XMM-Newton observation,during which the solar wind changed dramatically.The two methods differ in the data used to fit the diffuse X-ray background(DXB)parameters in spectral analysis.The method adding data from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey(RASS)is called the RASS method.The method using the quiet observation data is called the Quiet method,where quiet observations usually refer to observations made by the same satellite with the same target but under weaker solar wind conditions.Results show that the spectral compositions of magnetospheric SWCX emission obtained by the two methods are very similar,and the changes in intensity over time are highly consistent,although the intensity obtained by the RASS method is about 2.68±0.56 keV cm^(-2)s^(-1)sr^(-1)higher than that obtained by the Quiet method.Since the DXB intensity obtained by the RASS method is about 2.84±0.74 keV cm^(-2)s^(-1)sr^(-1)lower than that obtained by the Quiet method,and the linear correlation coefficient between the difference of SWCX and DXB obtained by the two methods in diffe rent energy band is close to-1,the diffe rences in magnetospheric SWCX can be fully attributed to the diffe rences in the fitted DXB.The difference between the two methods is most significant when the energy is less than 0.7 keV,which is also the main energy band of SWCX emission.In addition,the difference between the two methods is not related to the SWCX intensity and,to some extent,to solar wind conditions,because SWCX intensity typically va ries with the solar wind.In summary,both methods are robust and reliable,and should be considered based on the best available options. 展开更多
关键词 solar wind charge exchange(SWCX) ROSAT All-Sky Survey(RASS) soft X-ray X-ray imaging MAGNETOSPHERE
Effects of drip and flood irrigation on carbon dioxide exchange and crop growth in the maize ecosystem in the Hetao Irrigation District,China 被引量:1
作者 LI Chaoqun HAN Wenting PENG Manman 《Journal of Arid Land》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第2期282-297,共16页
Drip irrigation and flood irrigation are major irrigation methods for maize crops in the Hetao Irrigation District,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,China.This research delves into the effects of these irrigation metho... Drip irrigation and flood irrigation are major irrigation methods for maize crops in the Hetao Irrigation District,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,China.This research delves into the effects of these irrigation methods on carbon dioxide(CO_(2))exchange and crop growth in this region.The experimental site was divided into drip and flood irrigation zones.The irrigation schedules of this study aligned with the local commonly used irrigation schedule.We employed a developed chamber system to measure the diurnal CO_(2)exchange of maize plants during various growth stages under both drip and flood irrigation methods.From May to September in 2020 and 2021,two sets of repeated experiments were conducted.In each experiment,a total of nine measurements of CO_(2)exchange were performed to obtain carbon exchange data at different growth stages of maize crop.During each CO_(2)exchange measurement event,CO_(2)flux data were collected every two hours over a day-long period to capture the diurnal variations in CO_(2)exchange.During each CO_(2)exchange measurement event,the biological parameters(aboveground biomass and crop growth rate)of maize and environmental parameters(including air humidity,air temperature,precipitation,soil water content,and photosynthetically active radiation)were measured.The results indicated a V-shaped trend in net ecosystem CO_(2)exchange in daytime,reducing slowly at night,while the net assimilation rate(net primary productivity)exhibited a contrasting trend.Notably,compared with flood irrigation,drip irrigation demonstrated significantly higher average daily soil CO_(2)emission and greater average daily CO_(2)absorption by maize plants.Consequently,within the maize ecosystem,drip irrigation appeared more conducive to absorbing atmospheric CO_(2).Furthermore,drip irrigation demonstrated a faster crop growth rate and increased aboveground biomass compared with flood irrigation.A strong linear relationship existed between leaf area index and light utilization efficiency,irrespective of the irrigation method.Notably,drip irrigation displayed superior light use efficiency compared with flood irrigation.The final yield results corroborated these findings,indicating that drip irrigation yielded higher harvest index and overall yield than flood irrigation.The results of this study provide a basis for the selection of optimal irrigation methods commonly used in the Hetao Irrigation District.This research also serves as a reference for future irrigation studies that consider measurements of both carbon emissions and yield simultaneously. 展开更多
关键词 carbon dioxide exchange maize growth drip irrigation harvest index net primary productivity Hetao Irrigation District
Influence of initial check, information exchange, final accuracy check, reaction information nursing on the psychology of elderly with lung cancer 被引量:2
作者 Cui Jiang Jing Ma +1 位作者 Wen He Hai-Ying Zhang 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2024年第4期737-745,共9页
BACKGROUND As one of the fatal diseases with high incidence,lung cancer has seriously endangered public health and safety.Elderly patients usually have poor self-care and are more likely to show a series of psychologi... BACKGROUND As one of the fatal diseases with high incidence,lung cancer has seriously endangered public health and safety.Elderly patients usually have poor self-care and are more likely to show a series of psychological problems.AIM To investigate the effectiveness of the initial check,information exchange,final accuracy check,reaction(IIFAR)information care model on the mental health status of elderly patients with lung cancer.METHODS This study is a single-centre study.We randomly recruited 60 elderly patients with lung cancer who attended our hospital from January 2021 to January 2022.These elderly patients with lung cancer were randomly divided into two groups,with the control group taking the conventional propaganda and education and the observation group taking the IIFAR information care model based on the conventional care protocol.The differences in psychological distress,anxiety and depression,life quality,fatigue,and the locus of control in psychology were compared between these two groups,and the causes of psychological distress were analyzed.RESULTS After the intervention,Distress Thermometer,Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale(HADS)for anxiety and the HADS for depression,Revised Piper’s Fatigue Scale,and Chance Health Locus of Control scores were lower in the observation group compared to the pre-intervention period in the same group and were significantly lower in the observation group compared to those of the control group(P<0.05).After the intervention,Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30(QLQ-C30),Internal Health Locus of Control,and Powerful Others Health Locus of Control scores were significantly higher in the observation and the control groups compared to the pre-intervention period in their same group,and QLQ-C30 scores were significantly higher in the observation group compared to those of the control group(P<0.05).CONCLUSION The IIFAR information care model can help elderly patients with lung cancer by reducing their anxiety and depression,psychological distress,and fatigue,improving their tendencies on the locus of control in psychology,and enhancing their life qualities. 展开更多
关键词 Initial check information exchange final accuracy check reaction information care model Lung cancer Mental health
Spin wave resonance frequency in bilayer ferromagnetic films with the biquadratic exchange interaction
作者 Xiaojie Zhang Yuting Wang +3 位作者 Yanqiu Chang Huan Wang Jianhong Rong Guohong Yun 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期607-613,共7页
The dependences of spin wave resonance(SWR)frequency on the surface anisotropy field,interface exchange coupling,symmetry,biquadratic exchange(BQE)interaction,film thickness,and the external magnetic field in bilayer ... The dependences of spin wave resonance(SWR)frequency on the surface anisotropy field,interface exchange coupling,symmetry,biquadratic exchange(BQE)interaction,film thickness,and the external magnetic field in bilayer ferromagnetic films are theoretically analyzed by employing the linear spin wave approximation and Green’s function method.A remarkable increase of SWR frequency,except for energetically lower two modes,can be obtained in our model that takes the BQE interaction into account.Again,the effect of the external magnetic field on SWR frequency can be increased by increasing the biquadratic to interlayer exchange ratio.It has been identified that the BQE interaction is of utmost importance in improving the SWR frequency of the bilayer ferromagnetic films.In addition,for bilayer ferromagnetic films,the frequency gap between the energetically highest mode and lowest mode is found to increase by increasing the biquadratic to interlayer exchange ratio and film thickness and destroying the symmetry of the system.These results can be used to improve the understanding of magnetic properties in bilayer ferromagnetic films and thus may have prominent implications for future magnetic devices. 展开更多
关键词 spin wave resonance frequency biquadratic exchange interaction interface exchange coupling surface anisotropy
Enhanced Mechanism for Link Failure Rerouting in Software-Defined Exchange Point Networks
作者 Abdijalil Abdullahi Selvakumar Manickam 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第9期4361-4385,共25页
Internet Exchange Point(IXP)is a system that increases network bandwidth performance.Internet exchange points facilitate interconnection among network providers,including Internet Service Providers(ISPs)andContent Del... Internet Exchange Point(IXP)is a system that increases network bandwidth performance.Internet exchange points facilitate interconnection among network providers,including Internet Service Providers(ISPs)andContent Delivery Providers(CDNs).To improve service management,Internet exchange point providers have adopted the Software Defined Network(SDN)paradigm.This implementation is known as a Software-Defined Exchange Point(SDX).It improves network providers’operations and management.However,performance issues still exist,particularly with multi-hop topologies.These issues include switch memory costs,packet processing latency,and link failure recovery delays.The paper proposes Enhanced Link Failure Rerouting(ELFR),an improved mechanism for rerouting link failures in software-defined exchange point networks.The proposed mechanism aims to minimize packet processing time for fast link failure recovery and enhance path calculation efficiency while reducing switch storage overhead by exploiting the Programming Protocol-independent Packet Processors(P4)features.The paper presents the proposed mechanisms’efficiency by utilizing advanced algorithms and demonstrating improved performance in packet processing speed,path calculation effectiveness,and switch storage management compared to current mechanisms.The proposed mechanism shows significant improvements,leading to a 37.5%decrease in Recovery Time(RT)and a 33.33%decrease in both Calculation Time(CT)and Computational Overhead(CO)when compared to current mechanisms.The study highlights the effectiveness and resource efficiency of the proposed mechanism in effectively resolving crucial issues inmulti-hop software-defined exchange point networks. 展开更多
关键词 Link failure recovery Internet exchange point software-defined exchange point software-defined network multihop topologies
Exchange环及其比较条件 被引量:1
作者 陈焕艮 秦厚荣 《数学物理学报(A辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期335-341,共7页
该文得到了 Exchange性质的内直和刻画 ,给出了局部环的一个 Exchange新特征 ,进一步地研究了
关键词 exchange性质 局部环 相关比较性 exchange 结合环 合R-模
Petrology of Spinel-Lherzolite Xenoliths from Mazéléand Others Northen Xenoliths Localities of Cameroon Volcanic Line: Exchange Reactions and Equilibrium State
作者 Nguihdama Dagwai Kamgang Pierre +2 位作者 Mbowou Gbambié Isaac Bertrand Chazot Gilles Ngounouno Ismaïla 《Open Journal of Geology》 CAS 2024年第5期629-653,共25页
The alkaline volcanism of the Cameroon Volcanic Line in its northern domain has raised many fresh enclaves of peridotites. The samples selected come from five (05) different localities (Liri, in the plateau of Kapsiki... The alkaline volcanism of the Cameroon Volcanic Line in its northern domain has raised many fresh enclaves of peridotites. The samples selected come from five (05) different localities (Liri, in the plateau of Kapsiki, Mazélé in the NE of Ngaoundéré, Tello and Ganguiré in the SE of Ngaoundéré and Likok, locality located in the west of Ngaoundé). The peridotite enclaves of the above localities show restricted mineralogical variation. Most are four-phase spinel-lherzolites, indicating that this is the main lithology that forms the lithospheric mantle below the shallow zone. No traces of garnet or primary plagioclase were detected, which strongly limits the depth range from which the rock fragments were sampled. The textures and the wide equilibrium temperatures (884˚C - 1115˚C) indicate also entrainment of lherzolite xenoliths from shallow depths within the lithosphere and the presence of mantle diapirism. The exchange reactions and equilibrium state established in this work make it possible to characterize the chemical composition of the upper mantle of each region and test the equilibrium state of the phases between them. Variations of major oxides and incompatible elemental concentrations in clinopyroxene indicate a primary control by partial melting. The absence of typical “metasomatic” minerals, low equilibration temperatures and enriched LREE patterns indicate that the upper mantle below septentrional crust of Cameroun underwent an event of cryptic metasomatic enrichment prior to partial melting. The distinctive chemical features, LREE enrichment, strong U, Ce and Pr, depletion relative to Ba, Nb, La, Pb, and T, fractionation of Zr and Hf and therefore ligh high Zr/Hf ratio, low La/Yb, Nb/La and Ti/Eu are all results of interaction of refractory peridotite residues with carbonatite melts. 展开更多
关键词 XENOLITHS Upper Mantle Northern Region Adamawa Cameroon Volcanic Line exchange Reaction
Towards high-performance and robust anion exchange membranes(AEMs)for water electrolysis:Super-acid-catalyzed synthesis of AEMs
作者 Geun Woong Ryoo Sun Hwa Park +3 位作者 Ki Chang Kwon Jong Hun Kang Ho Won Jang Min Sang Kwon 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期478-510,I0012,共34页
The increasing demand for hydrogen energy to address environmental issues and achieve carbon neutrality has elevated interest in green hydrogen production,which does not rely on fossil fuels.Among various hydrogen pro... The increasing demand for hydrogen energy to address environmental issues and achieve carbon neutrality has elevated interest in green hydrogen production,which does not rely on fossil fuels.Among various hydrogen production technologies,anion exchange membrane water electrolyzer(AEMWE)has emerged as a next-generation technology known for its high hydrogen production efficiency and its ability to use non-metal catalysts.However,this technology faces significant challenges,particularly in terms of the membrane durability and low ionic conductivity.To address these challenges,research efforts have focused on developing membranes with a new backbone structure and anion exchange groups to enhance durability and ionic conductivity.Notably,the super-acid-catalyzed condensation(SACC)synthesis method stands out due to its user convenience,the ability to create high molecular weight(MW)polymers,and the use of oxygen-tolerant organic catalysts.Although the synthesis of anion exchange membranes(AEMs)using the SACC method began in 2015,and despite growing interest in this synthesis approach,there remains a scarcity of review papers focusing on AEMs synthesized using the SACC method.The review covers the basics of SACC synthesis,presents various polymers synthesized using this method,and summarizes the development of these polymers,particularly their building blocks including aryl,ketone,and anion exchange groups.We systematically describe the effects of changes in the molecular structure of each polymer component,conducted by various research groups,on the mechanical properties,conductivity,and operational stability of the membrane.This review will provide insights into the development of AEMs with superior performance and operational stability suitable for water electrolysis applications. 展开更多
关键词 Green hydrogen production Water electrolysis Anion exchange membrane water electrolyzer(AEMWE) Anion exchange membranes(AEMs) Super-acid-catalyzed condensation(SACC)
Simulation of charge-exchange induced NBI losses on EAST
作者 Zhanhong LIN Feng WANG +3 位作者 Ming XU Chaofeng SANG Chen ZHANG Zhengxiong WANG 《Plasma Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期133-147,共15页
The neutral beam injection is widely adopted in tokamaks as a key heating tool,playing a crucial role in generating burning plasmas.However,the loss of beam ions can damage the first wall and reduce the heating effici... The neutral beam injection is widely adopted in tokamaks as a key heating tool,playing a crucial role in generating burning plasmas.However,the loss of beam ions can damage the first wall and reduce the heating efficiency,resulting in failure to maintain steady-state conditions.In this work,the effect of neutral particles in the edge on fast ions generated by NBI in the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak(EAST)device is studied using the particle tracer code(PTC).The poloidal distribution of neutral particles is calculated by edge plasma simulation code SOLPS-ITER.In this simulation,four beam lines in EAST are considered:co-current tangential(co-tang),co-current perpendicular(co-perp),counter-current tangential(ctr-tang)and counter-current perpendicular(ctr-perp).It is shown that,in the absence of neutral particles,the loss fraction of ctr-injection is considerably higher than that of the co-injection.When considering the neutral particles,it is found that the ctr-perp injection demonstrates a significant variation in particles loss fraction(ranging from 18.56%to 25.42%)compared to the other three injection configurations.In terms of the loss fraction induced by neutral particles,ctr-injection exceeds co-injection,and perpendicular configuration exceeds tangential configuration.Furthermore,the difference of charge exchange ratios of three different energy(full energy,half energy,one third energy)of the four injections can be attributed to variations in the poloidal trajectories associated with each of these injections.Moreover,approximately half of fast ions which undergo neutralization directly lose to the first wall while the rest re-enter the bulk plasma and re-ionize.Except for the ctr-tang injection,the reionization ions from the other three injections exhibit effective confinement. 展开更多
关键词 NBI charge exchange fast ion loss
Influence of Al_(2)O_(3)/SiO_(2) Ratio on the Structure and Properties of Na^(+)/K^(+)Ion Exchange Na_(2)O-MgO-Al_(2)O_(3)-SiO_(2) Glasses
作者 吴建磊 CHEN Junzhu +4 位作者 TIAN Xiaokun LI Jiahao GAO Wenkai YUE Yunlong 康俊峰 《Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期606-612,共7页
In this work,the structure,viscosity and ion-exchange process of Na_(2)O-MgO-Al_(2)O_(3)-SiO_(2) glasses with different Al_(2)O_(3)/SiO_(2) molar ratios were investigated.The results showed that,with increasing Al_(2)... In this work,the structure,viscosity and ion-exchange process of Na_(2)O-MgO-Al_(2)O_(3)-SiO_(2) glasses with different Al_(2)O_(3)/SiO_(2) molar ratios were investigated.The results showed that,with increasing Al_(2)O_(3)/SiO_(2) ratio,the simple structural units Q_(1) and Q_(2) transformed into highly aggregated structural units Q_(3) and Q_(4),indicating the increase of polymerization degree of glass network.Meanwhile,the coefficient of thermal expansion decreased from 9.23×10^(-6)℃^(-1) to 8.88×10^(-6)℃^(-1).The characteristic temperatures such as melting,forming,softening and glass transition temperatures increased with the increase of Al_(2)O_(3)/SiO_(2) ratio,while the glasses working temperature range became narrow.The increasing Al_(2)O_(3)/SiO_(2) ratio and prolonging ion-exchange time enhanced the surface compressive stress(CS)and depth of stress layer(DOL).However,the increase of ion exchange temperature increased the DOL and decreased the CS affected by stress relaxation.There was a good linear relationship between stress relaxation and surface compressive stress.Chemical strengthening significantly improved the hardness of glasses,which reached the maximum value of(622.1±10)MPa for sample with Al_(2)O_(3)/SiO_(2) ratio of 0.27 after heat treated at 410℃for 2 h. 展开更多
关键词 network structure viscosity ion exchange aluminosilicate glass
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