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作者 蒋昌俊 《山东矿业学院学报》 CAS 1993年第1期95-97,共3页
关键词 f数列 牛顿迭代 符号算法
Molecular Phylogeny of the Lardizabalaceae Based on TrnL-F Sequences and Combined Chloroplast Data 被引量:5
作者 王峰 李德铢 杨俊波 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第8期971-977,共7页
The molecular phylogeny of the Lardizabalaceae is reconstructed based on chloroplast trn L_F sequences alone and combined trn L_F and rbc L sequences. The phylogenetic topologies agree well with Qin's and... The molecular phylogeny of the Lardizabalaceae is reconstructed based on chloroplast trn L_F sequences alone and combined trn L_F and rbc L sequences. The phylogenetic topologies agree well with Qin's and Takhtajan's tribal classification in both analyses. Decaisneae and Sinofranchetieae are basal clades in the phylogenetic trees and external to all other taxa in the family. Lardizabaleae consisting of Boquila and Lardizabala are well supported in both trn L_F (100%) analysis and trn L_F and rbc L combined analysis (99%). Tribe Akebieae are strongly supported by a bootstrap value of 100% in both trn L_F analysis and trn L_F and rbc L combined analysis. However, the new genus Archakebia is nested within the genus Akebia in the trn L_F trees. In the combined trees, Archakebia is sister to Akebia with high bootstrap support. The inter_relationships among three closely related genera Parvatia , Holboellia and Stauntonia are still problematic. P. brunoniana ssp. elliptica is sister to H. latifolia in both analyses with low bootstrap support. H. parviflora is nested within the Stauntonia and sister to S. cavalerieana . Therefore, these three genera of tribe Akebieae may not be monophylytic and their generic boundary and delimitation need to be further studied, by exploring more molecular data, together with more morphological characters. 展开更多
关键词 LARDIZABALACEAE molecular phylogeny trn L_f sequences rbc L sequences
作者 邱念慈 《扬州教育学院学报》 2006年第3期17-22,共6页
关键词 普遍联系 幂级数 f数列 对偶 方程(组) 代数结构
玄妙的自然节律——黄金分割律与人类生活 被引量:1
作者 杨世诚 《科学中国人》 1998年第Z1期71-72,共2页
自然界充满数学的模式。将一条线段分成两部分,使两段的比值为(√5-1)÷2≈0.618,这种分法为“黄金分割”,分割点为“黄金点”,0.618为“黄金数”。它最早由古希腊毕达哥拉斯学派发现;被古希腊美学家柏拉图誉为“黄金分割律”,并断... 自然界充满数学的模式。将一条线段分成两部分,使两段的比值为(√5-1)÷2≈0.618,这种分法为“黄金分割”,分割点为“黄金点”,0.618为“黄金数”。它最早由古希腊毕达哥拉斯学派发现;被古希腊美学家柏拉图誉为“黄金分割律”,并断言:宇宙万物,凡符合黄金分割律的,总是最美的形体。 展开更多
关键词 黄金分割律 0.618 黄金点 节律 人类生活 肚脐 f数列 黄金数 农历 地震
Smarandache函数在两数列上的下界估计 被引量:1
作者 张四保 《数学的实践与认识》 北大核心 2020年第7期273-276,共4页
设S(n)是Smarandache函数,其中n是一正整数.讨论Smarandache函数S(n)在数列F((2k),1)=F(n,1)=n2n+1(n=2k)与数列G(2n,1)=(2n)2n+1上的下界估计.基于初等方法证明了:当偶数n≥6时,有S(F((2k),1))=S(F(n,1))≥6×2n+1;当n≥4时,有S(G(... 设S(n)是Smarandache函数,其中n是一正整数.讨论Smarandache函数S(n)在数列F((2k),1)=F(n,1)=n2n+1(n=2k)与数列G(2n,1)=(2n)2n+1上的下界估计.基于初等方法证明了:当偶数n≥6时,有S(F((2k),1))=S(F(n,1))≥6×2n+1;当n≥4时,有S(G(2n,1))≥6×2n+1. 展开更多
关键词 SMARANDACHE函数 数列f((2k) 1)=f(n 1)=n2n+1 数列G2n 1=(2n)2n+1 下界估计
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