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作者 陈绪军 杨勇新 +1 位作者 胡玲 戴木香 《福建建筑》 2008年第11期43-45,共3页
80年代以来,FRP(纤维增强复合材料)作为一种高性能的新型混凝土结构加固补强材料受到科研院所和工程界的广泛关注[1]。迄今为止,国内外关于FRP片材加固钢筋混凝土结构研究的试验和理论研究已相当丰富,并在工程界得到大量实践应用。本文... 80年代以来,FRP(纤维增强复合材料)作为一种高性能的新型混凝土结构加固补强材料受到科研院所和工程界的广泛关注[1]。迄今为止,国内外关于FRP片材加固钢筋混凝土结构研究的试验和理论研究已相当丰富,并在工程界得到大量实践应用。本文着重介绍了FRP片材加固钢筋混凝土梁的抗弯性能、抗剪性能、以及裂缝、刚度研究,以期为FRP片材的进一步研究和应用提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 frp片材钢筋混凝土梁抗弯性能抗剪性能裂缝 刚度
作者 赵利军 《鄂州大学学报》 2024年第1期109-112,共4页
桥梁的钢筋腐蚀会严重影响桥梁的使用寿命,增加维护成本。该文介绍了纤维增强聚合物钢筋在混凝土桥梁的创新应用,包括桥梁的施工细节、现场测试和有限元分析。混凝土桥面板使用不同类型的FRP钢筋以及普通钢筋。在桥梁的关键位置安装了... 桥梁的钢筋腐蚀会严重影响桥梁的使用寿命,增加维护成本。该文介绍了纤维增强聚合物钢筋在混凝土桥梁的创新应用,包括桥梁的施工细节、现场测试和有限元分析。混凝土桥面板使用不同类型的FRP钢筋以及普通钢筋。在桥梁的关键位置安装了光纤传感器用于收集内部温度和应变等数据,这些传感器用于监测施工期间至施工完成后桥梁的性能变化。使用校准的卡车荷载测试桥梁的使用性能。同时,进行了有限元分析,并根据现场载荷试验的结果进行了验证。然后,利用有限元分析进行参数研究,以研究FRP加固类型和比例等重要参数对桥梁的适用性和耐久性的影响。研究发现,钢筋和混凝土在实际使用条件下量测的挠度、裂缝、应变等结果与有限元分析的结果基本相同。 展开更多
关键词 桥梁桥面板 frp钢筋 现场测试 有限元分析
钢筋与FRP筋混合配筋混凝土梁最大裂缝宽度计算 被引量:2
作者 周满清 张智梅 魏久燚 《复合材料科学与工程》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第3期73-80,共8页
为研究钢筋与纤维增强聚合物复合材料(Fiber Reinforced Polymer,简称“FRP”)筋混合配筋混凝土梁的裂缝计算问题,首先,利用55组国内外混合配筋梁的裂缝相关试验数据分析现有混合配筋梁平均裂缝间距计算公式的适用性,并借助MATLAB对55... 为研究钢筋与纤维增强聚合物复合材料(Fiber Reinforced Polymer,简称“FRP”)筋混合配筋混凝土梁的裂缝计算问题,首先,利用55组国内外混合配筋梁的裂缝相关试验数据分析现有混合配筋梁平均裂缝间距计算公式的适用性,并借助MATLAB对55组试验数据进行多元回归分析,修正了现有公式中的相关待定系数,建立了混合配筋梁平均裂缝间距计算公式,并给出FRP筋相对黏结特性系数v_(i)的建议值。其次,分析确定了影响裂缝宽度计算的纵筋应变不均匀系数ψ的计算方法和短期荷载作用下构件受力特征系数α_(cr)取值,同时引入最大裂缝宽度修正系数k_(3),并利用其中45组裂缝宽度相关试验数据分析确定了k_(3)的取值,从而建立了最大裂缝宽度计算公式。与试验数据的对比分析结果表明,本文建立的混合配筋梁平均裂缝间距和最大裂缝宽度计算公式均具有较好的适用性。 展开更多
关键词 钢筋frp筋混合配筋梁 平均裂缝间距 相对黏结特性系数 最大裂缝宽度 复合材料
FRP片材加固钢筋混凝土梁挠度分析 被引量:1
作者 廖军龙 祝新 《山西建筑》 2006年第21期67-68,共2页
关键词 frp片材 钢筋混凝土梁 挠度分析
不同种类FRP加固混凝土梁加固效果试验研究 被引量:23
作者 黄丽华 李宇婧 +1 位作者 张耀烨 王清湘 《大连理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期102-107,共6页
选取6根不同种类的纤维布(FRP)加固的钢筋混凝土试验梁进行研究,分析对比了用玄武岩纤维布(BFRP)、碳纤维布(CFRP)和玻璃纤维布(GFRP)加固的钢筋混凝土梁的不同加固效果,讨论了初始预损伤及不同U形箍筋的布置方式对纤维布加固效果的影响... 选取6根不同种类的纤维布(FRP)加固的钢筋混凝土试验梁进行研究,分析对比了用玄武岩纤维布(BFRP)、碳纤维布(CFRP)和玻璃纤维布(GFRP)加固的钢筋混凝土梁的不同加固效果,讨论了初始预损伤及不同U形箍筋的布置方式对纤维布加固效果的影响;通过试验梁的开裂荷载、屈服荷载、极限荷载、跨中挠度及纤维布应变等参数,对粘贴纤维布加固钢筋混凝土梁的受弯性能及破坏特征进行了分析.对比研究结果表明碳纤维布加固梁的承载力和延性提高最大,玄武岩纤维布用于加固的性价比最优,初始预损伤对加固效果影响不大,而沿全梁横向布置U形锚固形式并不能有效发挥纤维布的抗拉性能. 展开更多
关键词 frp钢筋混凝土梁 Bfrp 预损伤 U形箍筋
植筋与特殊钢筋在桥梁维修加固中的运用探析 被引量:2
作者 张花 《山西建筑》 2013年第11期142-143,共2页
关键词 植筋技术 特殊钢筋 frp钢筋 桥梁维修 加固
Flexural behaviors of FRP strengthened corroded RC beams 被引量:1
作者 潘金龙 王路平 +1 位作者 袁方 黄毅芳 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2014年第1期77-83,共7页
The flexural behavior of eight FRP ( fiber reinforced polymer) strengthened RC (reinforced concrete) beams with different steel corrosion rates are numerically studied by Ansys finite element software. The influen... The flexural behavior of eight FRP ( fiber reinforced polymer) strengthened RC (reinforced concrete) beams with different steel corrosion rates are numerically studied by Ansys finite element software. The influences of the corrosion rate on crack pattern, failure mechanism, ultimate strength, ductility and deformation capacity are also analyzed. Modeling results show that the beams with low corrosion rates fail by the crushing of the concrete in the compression zone. For the beams with medium corrosion rates, the bond slip between the concrete and the longitudinal reinforcement occurs after steel yielding, and the beams finally fail by the debonding of the FRP plates. For the beams with high corrosion rates, the bond slip occurs before steel yielding, and the beams finally fail by the crushing of the concrete in the compression zone. The higher the corrosion rates of the longitudinal reinforcement, the more the carrying capacity of FRP strengthened RC beams reduces. The carrying capacity of RCB-1 (the corrosion rate is 0) is 115 kN, and the carrying capacity of RCB-7 (the corrosion rate is 20% ) is 42 kN. The deformation capacity of FRP strengthened corroded RC beams is higher than that of FRP strengthened uucorroded RC beams. The ultimate deflection of RCB-1 and RCB-7 are 20 mm and 35 nun, respectively, and the ultimate deflection of RCB-5 (the corrosion rate is 10% ) reaches 60 ilUn. 展开更多
关键词 corroded reinforced concrete beam frp fberreinforced polymer strengthening numerical analysis flexural behavior
FRP抗弯加固梁单元开发研究 被引量:1
作者 许天才 马生强 淡丹辉 《复合材料科学与工程》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第11期63-71,101,共10页
梁底粘贴FRP(Fiber Reinforced Polymer)材料可以极大程度地提高梁的抗弯刚度,从而减小梁的变形。本文基于刚度法建立了FRP抗弯加固梁在不同阶段的刚度计算公式,利用变分法推导得到FRP抗弯加固梁单元刚度矩阵,建立了FRP加固梁单元,并基... 梁底粘贴FRP(Fiber Reinforced Polymer)材料可以极大程度地提高梁的抗弯刚度,从而减小梁的变形。本文基于刚度法建立了FRP抗弯加固梁在不同阶段的刚度计算公式,利用变分法推导得到FRP抗弯加固梁单元刚度矩阵,建立了FRP加固梁单元,并基于有限单元法基本原理,利用数值软件建立FRP加固梁计算程序,对相关试验研究进行了分析。结果表明:本文所建FRP加固梁刚度计算方法在混凝土开裂后钢筋屈服前阶段计算结果偏大,通过计算FRP加固梁的屈服位移试验结果与本文计算结果的比值平均值,引入值为1.377的折减系数对这一阶段刚度进行了修正,修正后屈服挠度及极限挠度计算值误差分别在2 mm、8 mm以内,屈服弯矩及极限弯矩计算值平均误差分别为-3.0%、11.4%,同时,计算得到的各片梁荷载-位移曲线和试验所得荷载-位移曲线也能较好吻合。本文所建FRP加固梁单元计算结果精度较高,能够得到较好的分析结果,可为工程设计提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 frp加固钢筋混凝土梁 抗弯 刚度矩阵 加固
基于Open Sees的FRP加固RC圆柱拟静力实验数值分析 被引量:1
作者 丁辉 顾冬生 《山东农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 北大核心 2019年第2期216-220,共5页
纤维增强塑料(Fiber Reinforced Polymer简称FRP)加固钢筋混凝土圆柱(Reinforced Concrete简称RC)提高其抗震性能得到广泛运用,模拟FRP加固钢筋混凝土圆柱动力荷载作用下的非线性滞回反应是桥梁抗震研究的重要内容。以6个FRP加固圆形钢... 纤维增强塑料(Fiber Reinforced Polymer简称FRP)加固钢筋混凝土圆柱(Reinforced Concrete简称RC)提高其抗震性能得到广泛运用,模拟FRP加固钢筋混凝土圆柱动力荷载作用下的非线性滞回反应是桥梁抗震研究的重要内容。以6个FRP加固圆形钢筋混凝土桥墩柱的拟静力实验结果为依据,基于Open Sees中的非线性梁柱单元、零长度单元,建立了考虑弯曲变形、粘结滑移变形的桥墩柱抗震数值分析模型,同时考虑FRP及箍筋对混凝土的共同约束作用,选用吴刚强化模型作为混凝土强度依据,在对实验验证的基础上,进行参数分析。数值模拟结果与实验结果对比表明:吴刚强化模型计算的混凝土应力应变合理,纤维单元模型对加固柱的滞回曲线有较好的模拟,且能体现柱在加载过程中刚度、强度的变化,FRP加固量、轴压比、剪跨比对加固柱的承载力及破坏位移角有一定的影响。 展开更多
关键词 frp加固钢筋混凝土圆柱 轴压比 OPEN SEES 纤维模型
Bond Performance of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bars in Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC)
作者 Borvom Israngkura Na Ayudhya Yothin Ungkoon 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第8期37-44,共8页
This paper concerns the bond strength of FRP bars in AAC by the concentric pullout test. Specimens were subjected to compare with mild steel bars. The bond performance including the mode of failure and bond strength w... This paper concerns the bond strength of FRP bars in AAC by the concentric pullout test. Specimens were subjected to compare with mild steel bars. The bond performance including the mode of failure and bond strength was investigated with varying embedment length and surface treatment. Regarding the bond performance, embedment depth has influenced on bond strength as well as the sanded surface. Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) pronounced the most promising results with the highest bond strength attained. 展开更多
关键词 Bond strength fiber reinforced polymer autoclaved aerated concrete
Experimental and Computational Investigation of Hybrid FRP Bonded-Reinforced Concrete Beams under Cyclic Loading 被引量:1
作者 Hasan Nikopour M. Nehdi P. Broumand 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第3期322-333,共12页
Although several experimental and numerical studies have been carried out on the shear capacity of RC beams retrofitted by carbon or glass fibre-reinforced polymers, there has been little work on hybrid FRP sheet appl... Although several experimental and numerical studies have been carried out on the shear capacity of RC beams retrofitted by carbon or glass fibre-reinforced polymers, there has been little work on hybrid FRP sheet applications, particularly under cyclic loading. In the present research, five RC beams were constructed, and four of which were retrofitted using various schemes of FRP sheets. All beams were subjected to quasi-static cyclic loading in an attempt to represent the effect repetitive loading. The ultimate load, and deflection response at mid-span of the beams were measured and compared with predictions of a computational model based on finite element analysis. Experimental results demonstrated that hybrid applications of FRP sheets can improve the shear performance of retrofitted RC beams and increase the ultimate strain of the FRP sheets at failure. The results of the computational model were in reasonable agreement with the corresponding experimental results. 展开更多
关键词 BEAMS reinforced concrete fibre-reinforced polymer shear strength finite element method.
FRP片材增强钢筋混凝土梁刚度与变形计算 被引量:12
作者 张普 朱虹 +2 位作者 孟少平 吴刚 吴智深 《建筑结构学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期87-94,共8页
FRP(fiber reinforced polymer)片材增强钢筋混凝土梁纵筋屈服前刚度是其正常使用阶段的刚度,而纵筋屈服后刚度(又称二次刚度)则能够控制超载情况下梁的变形,因此,两个阶段的刚度都很重要。本文对FRP增强钢筋混凝土梁在受拉纵筋屈服前... FRP(fiber reinforced polymer)片材增强钢筋混凝土梁纵筋屈服前刚度是其正常使用阶段的刚度,而纵筋屈服后刚度(又称二次刚度)则能够控制超载情况下梁的变形,因此,两个阶段的刚度都很重要。本文对FRP增强钢筋混凝土梁在受拉纵筋屈服前和屈服后两个阶段的刚度进行了理论分析,将纵筋屈服前后截面弯矩表达为受拉纵筋和FRP应变的函数,推导了增强材料应变不均匀系数的计算式,通过全过程分析得到了受压区混凝土边缘平均应变综合系数随截面弯矩的变化规律,发现屈服后阶段的变化规律明显不同于普通钢筋混凝土梁;通过对80根试验梁数据和40根模拟梁的全过程分析数据进行回归,得到了FRP增强钢筋混凝土梁的刚度和挠度计算式;将计算值与本文试验的实测值以及全过程分析结果进行对比,最后用文献中的试验数据进行了验证。结果表明,本文提出的刚度和挠度计算式具有较高的精度。 展开更多
关键词 frp片材增强钢筋混凝土梁 全过程分析 刚度 挠度 二次刚度
Behavior and Flexural Prediction of Special Cementitious Bonding Material for Fiber Reinforced Strengthening Systems
作者 Judy M. I. Soliman Tarek K. Hassan +2 位作者 Amr A. Abdelrahman Osama Hamdy Sami H. Rizkalla 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2017年第3期232-239,共8页
Strengthening of RC structures with externally bonded FRP (fiber reinforced polymers) has become an important challenge in civil engineering. Epoxy is the main bonding agent used so far, but in the case of a fire, i... Strengthening of RC structures with externally bonded FRP (fiber reinforced polymers) has become an important challenge in civil engineering. Epoxy is the main bonding agent used so far, but in the case of a fire, it is subjected to complete loss of his bonding capabilities. Mineral based composites strengthening systems consist of FRPs and a cementitious bonding agent which form a repair or strengthening system that is more compatible with the concrete substrata, and roved its efficiency. The current research introduces the use of a special cementitious material "Grancrete" as a bonding agent. Test results of 32 T-section RC beams strengthened with various FRG (fiber reinforced Grancrete) strengthening systems are presented. The results demonstrated that most of the specimens were likely to fail by debonding of the FRP from the concrete either at the ends or at intermediate flexural cracks. This paper presents an in-depth study aimed at the development of a better understanding of debonding failures in RC beams strengthened with externally bonded FRP systems. Different analytical models, published in the literature for plate end debonding, are reviewed and compared to test results. The results also demonstrated that when using U-wraps, the specimens were likely to fail by FRP sheet rupture. 展开更多
关键词 C Beam concrete DEBONDING intermediate crack debonding frp Grancrete strengthening.
Study Progress of FRP Rebars in Concrete Structures
作者 Xue Weichen 《Science Foundation in China》 CAS 2005年第1期20-22,共3页
Fiber reinforced plastics (i. e. FRP) rebars are one kind of high-performance composite materi- als used in concrete structures of civil engineering. Compared with ordinary steel rebars, FRP rebars have the characteri... Fiber reinforced plastics (i. e. FRP) rebars are one kind of high-performance composite materi- als used in concrete structures of civil engineering. Compared with ordinary steel rebars, FRP rebars have the characteristics of high tensile strength, an- tisepsis, light weight, low elastics modulus and low shear strength, et al. At present time, FRP re- bars have been studied and applied in Europe, America and Japan Since 2000, in the Fund of NS- FC, we systematically carried out experimental and theoretical studies on FRP rebars The progress of our research is briefly introduced in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 frp rebar Bond strength Concrete beam PRESTRESSING frp grid rebar
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