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Experimental Ferrogravitational Field around Untwisting Closed Superconductor
作者 Robert A. Sizov 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2020年第11期1807-1826,共20页
The study by the author of magnetic scattering neutrons in the structures of ferrimagnets, as well as his experiments with the separation of magnetic charges in dipole pairs ±g in magnetic field, showed that fund... The study by the author of magnetic scattering neutrons in the structures of ferrimagnets, as well as his experiments with the separation of magnetic charges in dipole pairs ±g in magnetic field, showed that fundamental magnetic particles (magnetic charges) are real structural components of atoms and substance. It is the magnetic poles, and not the moving electric charges are the direct sources of all magnetic fields and magnetic manifestations in Nature. Basic reasons of ignoring the magnetic fundamental particles by world physical theory, for almost 150 years, are the ultra-harsh confinement of these particles in substance which radically is different from the confinement electrons, as well as the vicious concept of the electric magnetism Maxwell. Rotating magnetic dipoles in conductors which are untwisted by electric current, are direct sources of the vortex magnetic field rot<em><strong>H</strong></em>. One should also expect the formation of a vortex electric field rot<em><strong>E </strong></em>forming by rotating electric dipoles which are untwisted by the current of magnetic charges. This article provides an experimental answer to the question: what field is formed around a conductor if joint direct currents of electric<em> <strong style="white-space:normal;"><em>J</em></strong></em><sub>e</sub> and magnetic<strong><em> J</em></strong><sub>g</sub> charges are passed through it? The author’s experiments have shown that in this case the vortex electromagnetic current is realized which manifests itself as the vortex electromagnetic (gravitational) field. It is possible to implement such a process, according to the results of the author’s research, exclusively in superconductors. The vector character of the gravitational field is in many respects similar to the vortex magnetic field which makes it possible to introduce such it states as paragravitation and ferrogravitation into representations. To create joint currents of electric and magnetic charges, the author used the inertial forces of these particles under conditions of acceleration and deceleration of the rotational motion of the closed lead superconductor. The result of this experiment was the gravitational, as it turned out later, the ferrogravitational field, which was detected by effect repulsion of trial cargos from the coil with a superconducting winding at the stage of its untwist. The latter process is defined by the author as an effect of the gravitational (ferrogravitational) levitation. The values of ferrogravitational (levitational) forces noted in this experiment were: 120 mg for a tungsten trial cargo and 50 and 25 mg for a lead cargo with an error of ±15 mg. The values of ferrogravitational (levitational) forces noted in this experiment are: 120 mg for from tungsten trial cargo and 50 and 25 mg for a cargo from lead, with an error of ±15 mg. The “anomaly” noted by the author in this study was in the absence of any absence of a gravitational effect on stage a braking of the coil. Probable cause of the noted “anomaly” is discussed in the Discussion of Results chapter. 展开更多
关键词 Magnetic Charges Magnetons Antimagnetons Magnetic Dipoles True Antielectrons S-Gravitons Gravitational Field ferro- and paragravitation Gravitational “Dark Energy” Gravitational Levitation
The Gravito-Chemical Bond and Structures of Hydrocarbons and Water Molecules with Real Magnetic Charges
作者 Robert A. Sizov 《Open Journal of Physical Chemistry》 2021年第4期220-240,共21页
Experimental and theoretical studies of the author (period: 1968-present) have shown that true sources of </span><span style="font-family:"">the </span><span style="font-family... Experimental and theoretical studies of the author (period: 1968-present) have shown that true sources of </span><span style="font-family:"">the </span><span style="font-family:"">magnetic field are magnetic fundamental particles (magnetic charges), and not moving electrons. The main reason for <span>ignoring real magnetic charges, as well as true antielectrons in physical</span> science is the hard conditions for confinement of these particles in atoms and substance</span><span style="font-family:"">s</span><span style="font-family:"">, which </span><span style="font-family:"">is </span><span style="font-family:"">radically different from the confinement of electrons. Magnetic charges together with electric charges form the shells atoms which are <span>electromagnetic, and not electronic. Namely</span></span><span style="font-family:"">,</span><span style="font-family:""> electromagnetic shells are</span><span style="font-family:""> sources of gravitational field which is </span><span style="font-family:"">a </span><span style="font-family:"">vortex electromagnetic field and de<span>scribed by the vortex</span></span><span style="font-family:""> rot [<i>E</i> - <i>H</i>]</span><span style="font-family:"">. Depending on the state polarization o</span><span style="font-family:"">f vortex vectors </span><span style="font-family:"">rot [<i>E</i> - <i>H</i>]</span><span style="font-family:""> in compositions of atomic gravitational fields it </span><span style="font-family:"">is </span><span style="font-family:"">subdivided into paragravitational (PGF) and ferrogravitational fields </span><span style="font-family:"">(FGF). The overwhelming number of atoms emits PGF. Between the masses (bodies, atoms, nucleons and others) emitting PGF areas of negative gravitational “Dark Energy” are realized the forces of which press the masses towards each other. Namely</span><span style="font-family:"">,</span><span style="font-family:""> the compression of atoms by the forces of paragravitational “Dark Energy” underlies the chemical bond. The exception here is the ionic bond in ionic crystals. However, all ions have electromagnetic shells that generate the gravitational field. Consequently, ionic bonding is a relatively rare addition to gravito-chemical bond processes. The direct gravito-chemical bond of carbon atom</span><span style="font-family:"">s</span><span style="font-family:""> with hydrogen (<sup>1</sup>H) is physically forbidden due to </span><span style="font-family:"">the </span><span style="font-family:"">manifestation of the effect of ferrogravitational levitation between them and the repulsion of atoms from each other. Paradoxically, but all existing ideas about the structural device of hydrocarbons are based on such physically forbidden bonds which, moreover, must be realized through ionic <span>bonds which in reality do not exist. Chemical bonding of carbon and hydrogen </span>atoms to form hydrocarbons molecules is possible only if the hydrogen atoms are in the molecular form (<sup>1</sup>H<sub>2</sub>). In the composition of water, within the framework of the chemical formula H<sub>2</sub>O, two stable isomorphic molecular structures are formed. The chemical bond in the first structure is similar to the hydrocarbon scenario described above, </span><span style="font-family:""><i></span><i><span style="font-family:"">i.e.</span></i><i><span style="font-family:""></i></span></i><span style="font-family:""> in the process of combining paragravitational oxygen with a hydrogen molecule <sup>1</sup>H<sub>2</sub>. The second molecular structure in water is <span>formed under conditions of ferropolarization of the gravitational field of</span> oxygen atom</span><span style="font-family:"">s</span><span style="font-family:""> under the influence of FGF of neighboring <sup>1</sup>H atoms. In this case, the chemical bond is realized under the conditions of ferropolarization</span><span style="font-family:""> </span><span style="font-family:"">of the vortex vectors </span><span style="font-family:"">rot [<i>E</i> - <i>H</i>]</span><span style="font-family:""> of the gravitational fields of all atoms in</span><span style="font-family:""> the molecule and the co-directionality of them vectors </span><span style="font-family:""><i></span><b><i><span style="font-family:"">P</span></i></b><i><sub><span style="font-family:"">fp</span></sub></i><i><sub><span style="font-family:""></i></span></sub></i><span style="font-family:""> ferropolarization. The gravito-physical properties of the presented molecular structures in the composition of water make it possible to name them, respectively, as heavy and light clusters. 展开更多
关键词 Magnetic Charges True Antielectrons S-Gravitons Gravitational Field ferro- and paragravitation Gravitational Levitation Gravito-Chemical Bond Hydrocarbon and Water Molecules Heavy and Light the Water Clusters
Intra-Atomic Gravitational Shielding (Lensing), Nuclear Forces and Radioactivity 被引量:2
作者 Robert A. Sizov 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2019年第1期59-73,共15页
The discovery by the author of real magnetic charges and true anti-electrons in the atomic structures allowed him to establish that the gravitational field (GF) in reality is the vortex electromagnetic field. Dependin... The discovery by the author of real magnetic charges and true anti-electrons in the atomic structures allowed him to establish that the gravitational field (GF) in reality is the vortex electromagnetic field. Depending on the vector conditions the gravitational fields can be either paragravitational (PGF) or ferrogravitational (FGF). Masses (atoms, nucleons, etc.) emitting PGF manifest so-called attraction to each other. In fact, this process is the pressing of atoms or nucleons to each other by the forces of gravitational “Dark energy”. Namely the gravitational “Dark energy” which is formed between the masses emitting PGF and compressing of nucleons in atomic nuclei is the main force factor determining the formation of nuclear forces. Masses that emit FGF are repelled from PGF sources, for example, from the Earth. The last gravitational manifestation, discovered by the author, this is of the effect of the gravitational levitation. The atomic shell and atomic nucleus are autonomous sources of gravitational field in atomic compositions. The gravitational fields emitted these sources, by its physical parameters, are different gravitational fields, what associated with differences in the magnitudes charges of magnetic and electric particles in their compositions. The noted differences in the parameters of the GF are of reason that in atoms the process of extrusion of foreign gravitational field from the region of given gravitational source is realized. This effect should be called the effect of intra-atomic gravitational shielding (IAGS). Within the framework of this effect the shell of the atom is a kind of gravitational “insulator” that prevents the PGF of the nucleons from leaving beyond of the atom. As result of the IAGS effect, the concentration PGF of nucleons is realized only in the region of the nucleus, which leads to an increase in nuclear forces. However, the resistance of the marked “insulator” is finite and if the critical voltage PGF on the nucleus is exceeded, the complete shielding of the nucleon fields by the atomic shell is broken. As result of the leakage of a part of the PGF of nucleons beyond the atom, the density of this field in the region of the nucleus decreases significantly, which leads to a weakening of the nuclear forces and often leads to radioactivity. The effect of gravitational shielding is directly related to such a well-known concept as the mass defect of the nucleus. It is the exclusion of the gravitational field formed by the nucleons in the composition of the atomic nucleus as a result of the full IAGS effect that creates the illusion of atomic mass defect. 展开更多
关键词 Magnetic CHARGES Antielectrons Magnetons Antimagnetons Bispinors Physical MASS Negative MASSES Vortex Electromagnetic (Gravitational) Field paragravitation and Ferrogravitation “Dark Energy” GRAVITATIONAL SHIELDING (Lensing) Defect of MASS Nuclear Forces
Electromagnetic Shells of Atoms and the Periodic System of Elements 被引量:2
作者 Robert A. Sizov 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2016年第16期2374-2397,共24页
Experimental and theoretical researches performed by the author (period: 1969-present) showed that the magnetic spinor particles (magnetic charges) are real structural components of atoms and substance and are immedia... Experimental and theoretical researches performed by the author (period: 1969-present) showed that the magnetic spinor particles (magnetic charges) are real structural components of atoms and substance and are immediate sources of all mag-netic fields and magnetic manifestations in Nature. Magnetic charges, which constitute together with electrical charges the atomic shells, got of the Author’s title: magnetons and antimagnetons (respectively, with magnetic charges g<sup>&minus;</sup> and g<sup>+</sup>, under fundamental condition: g = e). Besides, together with electrons and magnetic charges in the structures of atomic shells, in the same quantities as the electrons, exist real electric antispinors, i.e. the true antielectrons. In the structures of the atomic shells on each electron fitted still three a real spinor particles: two magnetic (magneton and antimagneton) and one electric, i.e. true antielectron with a charge of e<sup>+</sup>. The spinor particles in atomic shells exist in the form of the two spinor associations: the electromagnetic dibispinors or S-Gravitons and magnetic bispinors (spinorial magnetic dipoles). Magnetic bispinors, which inhabited on the 3d and 4f-shells are the sources of the atomic magnetic fields and are responsible at all magnetic manifestations of the so-called magnetic atoms (iron, nickel, cobalt and others). In composition of S-Graviton is two related bispinor (electric and magnetic). S-Gravitons make up bulk of the charged density of atomic shells and are direct sources of the atomic gravitational field.If to replace all electrons on known of the atomic levels and sub-levels on S-Gravitons, can get an idea about the real electromagnetic device atomic shells most of the elements making up the Periodic Table. In article shows features the structural organization real (electromagnetic) shells of atoms that make up the periodic system of elements, as well as is considered the possibility of adaptation of the well-known quantum numbers, the Pauli’s principle and Hund’s rule, in relation to the atomic electromagnetic device. The main reasons for the fact that the real magnetic charges, as well as the true antielectrons, were “buried alive” in the modern theories are as physics confinement them in atoms and substance, which is cardinally different from the confinement, for example, electrons, so and vicious electromagnetic concept of Maxwell. In the framework of this concept really existing in atoms and substance the magnetic charges, have been mistakenly substituted on acts of the mechanical displacement of electrical charges. 展开更多
关键词 Magnetic Spinor Particles (Spinors and Antispinors) Magneton and Antimagneton Bispinor Dibispinor S-Graviton Physical Mass Vortex Electromagnetic (Gravitational) Field paragravitation and Ferrogravitation Gravito-Levitation Quantum Numbers
Recent advances of ferro-/piezoelectric polarization effect for dendrite-free metal anodes 被引量:1
作者 Hai-Xia Zhang Peng-Fei Wang +3 位作者 Chuan-Gang Yao Shi-Peng Chen Ke-Di Cai Fa-Nian Shi 《Rare Metals》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第8期2516-2544,共29页
Metal anodes based on plating/stripping electrochemistry,for instance,common alkaline metal lithium(Li),sodium(Na),potassium(K),polyvalent metal magnesium(Mg),aluminum(Al),calcium(Ca)and zinc(Zn)are imminently evoked ... Metal anodes based on plating/stripping electrochemistry,for instance,common alkaline metal lithium(Li),sodium(Na),potassium(K),polyvalent metal magnesium(Mg),aluminum(Al),calcium(Ca)and zinc(Zn)are imminently evoked and increasingly researched for future generation high-energy-density rechargeable batteries due to their large theoretical capacity,low electrochemical potential,and superior electronic conductivity in recent years.However,the uncontrolled dendrite formation issue induces low Coulombic efficiency,short lifespan,and hazardous security risks,hindering the actual applications of metal batteries.Among various solutions,the utilization of ferro-/piezoelectric materials for metal anodes displays active effects on decreasing local current density,suppressing dendrite growth,and tolerating volume expansion benefits from the unique ferro-/piezoelectric polarization effect.This review presents the research progress of ferro-/piezoelectric polarization effect for regulating the dendritic growth of metal anodes for the first time.First,the current challenges and strategies of metal anodes are proposed.Then,ferro-/piezoelectric materials and their working principle are discussed.Finally,the recent research progress of ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials on dynamic regulation of dendrite growth is summarized,and the future perspectives are prospected.We hope this review could draw more attention in designing metal anodes with self-polarization materials and promoting their practical applications. 展开更多
关键词 Metal anode ferro-/piezoelectric material Polarization effect Dendrite-free LITHIUM PEROVSKITE
Real Magnetic Charges in the Substance, Ferrogravitation and Technical Levitation
作者 Robert A. Sizov 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2015年第11期1591-1561,共11页
Experimental and theoretical investigations by author of the present article (period: 1968-2013) have shown that the magnetic spinor particles (magnetic charges) are real structural components of atoms and substance a... Experimental and theoretical investigations by author of the present article (period: 1968-2013) have shown that the magnetic spinor particles (magnetic charges) are real structural components of atoms and substance and are immediate sources of all magnetic fields in Nature. Joint orbital currents of electric and magnetic charges within atomic shells are the natural sources of gravitational field which is a vortex electromagnetic field. The vector character of the elementary gravitational field is similar to the vortex magnetic field that allows entering in the submission of such fundamental states of the gravitational field, as a paragravitation and ferrogravitation. Physical masses (atoms, nucleons, substance, etc.), which emit ferrogravitational field are repelled off from sources paragravitational field, for example, from Earth. It is a manifestation of the effect of levitation, which was discovered by the author of this article. Technical forces levitation, that induced by technical ferrogravitational fields, could be used in transport, lifting and space technology, power engineering and many other areas of human activity. The main reasons that real magnetic charges are “buried alive” in modern theoretical notions are as physics their of confinement in the structures of atoms and substance which are radically different from the confinement of electrons so and fallacious electromagnetic concept Maxwell in which the magnetic field is by mistake deprived of its own source of the magnetic pole or of the magnetic charge. 展开更多
关键词 Magnetic SPINOR Particles (Spinors and Antispinors) Magneton and Antimagneton Bispinor Physical Mass Vortical Electromagnetic (Gravitational) Field paragravitation and Ferrogravitation LEVITATION Effect
Real Magnetic Poles (Magnetic Charges) in the Physics of Magnetism, Gravitation and Levitation
作者 Robert A. Sizov 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2015年第8期1013-1022,共10页
Experiments executed by author of the present article (period 1968-1992) showed that the magnetic spinorial particles (magnetic charges) are real structural components of atoms and substance and are immediate sources ... Experiments executed by author of the present article (period 1968-1992) showed that the magnetic spinorial particles (magnetic charges) are real structural components of atoms and substance and are immediate sources of all magnetic fields in Nature. Joint orbital currents of electric and magnetic charges within atomic shells are the natural sources of gravitational field which is a vortical electromagnetic field. The vector nature of the gravitational field, in essence, is analogous to the vortical magnetic field that allows entering in the physical representations of such States of the gravitational field as paragravitation and ferrogravitation. Physical masses (atoms, substance, etc.), which emit ferrogravitational field, are repelled by sources paragravitational field, for example, from Earth. It is a manifestation of the effect of levitation, which was discovered by the author of this article. The forces of the technical levitation, which are formed by technical ferrogravitational fields, can be used in transport, lifting and space technology, energy and many other areas of human activity. The main reason that the real magnetic charges were “buried alive” in modern theoretical physics is the conditions of their confinement in the structures of atoms and substance, which is radically different from the confinement of electrons. Very negative role is played here by erroneous electromagnetic concept Maxwell, in which the magnetic field was officially deprived of their own source: magnetic pole or magnetic charge. 展开更多
关键词 Magnetic Spinorial Particles (Spinors and Antispinors) Magneton and Antimagneton Bispinor Physical Mass Vortical Electromagnetic (Gravitational) Field paragravitation and Ferrogravitation LEVITATION Effect
In-situ FTIR Spectroelectrochemical and Electrochemical Studies of Ferrocene and Derivatives at a Platinum Electrode
作者 PengDu BaoKangJIN +1 位作者 JiaXiangYANG XiangQinLIN 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第2期204-207,共4页
Redox mechanism of ferrocene, acetylferrocene, ferrocenyl cinnamenyl ketone at a platinum electrode was studied with cyclic voltammetry (CV) and in-situ Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroelectrochemistry. The ... Redox mechanism of ferrocene, acetylferrocene, ferrocenyl cinnamenyl ketone at a platinum electrode was studied with cyclic voltammetry (CV) and in-situ Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroelectrochemistry. The IR bands in the range of 2000-1000 cm-1 attributed to the stretching and ring vibrations of these materials show the main spectral changes in the processes. 展开更多
关键词 in-situ FTIR spectroelectrochemistry ferrocene(FcH) acetylferrocene(AFc) ferro- cenyl cinnamenyl ketone(FcCK). I
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