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作者 李燕琴 颜虹 +1 位作者 白斌 张倩 《卫生研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期335-338,共4页
目的研究孕晚期母亲不同铁营养状态下胎盘ferroportin1(FP1)的蛋白定位、蛋白表达及其mRNA的表达。方法临床选择不同铁营养状态的孕妇,收集分娩时的胎盘。采用免疫组织化学方法测定FP1蛋白的定位,Western Blot测定蛋白表达量的变化,采... 目的研究孕晚期母亲不同铁营养状态下胎盘ferroportin1(FP1)的蛋白定位、蛋白表达及其mRNA的表达。方法临床选择不同铁营养状态的孕妇,收集分娩时的胎盘。采用免疫组织化学方法测定FP1蛋白的定位,Western Blot测定蛋白表达量的变化,采用实时定量RT-PCR测定mRNA表达。结果FP1蛋白主要表达在人足月胎盘的合体滋养细胞(STB)胞浆;母亲不同铁营养状态下胎盘FP1蛋白和mRNA的表达均无明显变化。结论孕晚期胎盘FP1蛋白和mRNA的表达不受孕妇铁状态的影响。 展开更多
关键词 胎盘 铁转运 ferroportin1 孕期
作者 马磊 梁秀芳 +1 位作者 王赫 刘冰 《广东化工》 CAS 2017年第16期17-19,共3页
目的阐明Ferroportin1(FPN1)mRNA及蛋白在人胃癌、结直肠癌、乳腺癌、肺癌及肝癌等多种肿瘤组织与癌旁组织中的表达分布情况,为肿瘤的诊断和治疗寻找新的靶点。方法利用Oncomine数据库,对多种肿瘤组织及正常组织中FPN1 mRNA的表达情况... 目的阐明Ferroportin1(FPN1)mRNA及蛋白在人胃癌、结直肠癌、乳腺癌、肺癌及肝癌等多种肿瘤组织与癌旁组织中的表达分布情况,为肿瘤的诊断和治疗寻找新的靶点。方法利用Oncomine数据库,对多种肿瘤组织及正常组织中FPN1 mRNA的表达情况进行挖掘及荟萃分析。同时,采用免疫组织化学方法,研究FPN1蛋白在人类胃癌、结直肠癌、乳腺癌、肺癌及肝癌肿瘤组织和癌旁组织中的表达。结果结果发现,经数据挖掘FPN1 mRNA在神经系统肿瘤、食管癌、畸胎瘤中表达上调;在白血病、肺癌、卵巢癌、前列腺癌中表达下调。FPN1蛋白在结肠及肝脏组织中表达相对较高(中度阳性),在被检测的五种肿瘤标本中,其表达均有不同程度降低,却仅在乳腺癌及肝癌中存在统计学差异(P<0.05)。结论免疫组化证实FPN1蛋白表达在乳腺癌及肝癌组织中显著降低,而芯片数据却未发现其mRNA表达的相同趋势,这可能提示转录后调节在FPN1的表达调节中发挥更为主要的作用,且其有望作为乳腺癌及肝癌的诊断及治疗新靶点。 展开更多
关键词 ferroportin1 oncomine数据库 表达差异 免疫组化
黄芩苷抑制鱼藤酮帕金森病大鼠黑质铁积聚及作用机制 被引量:18
作者 宋扬文 陈忻 +3 位作者 张楠 郭春彦 熊珮 穆阳 《中国药理学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期1740-1744,共5页
目的研究PD大鼠中脑黑质多巴胺(DA)神经损伤、铁积聚、铁转运蛋白表达及氧应激水平改变之间的关系,探讨铁积聚在PD发生发展中的作用及黄芩苷保护DA能神经、抑制铁积聚的机制。方法实验采用鱼藤酮PD模型大鼠,观察黑质铁含量及TH、DMT1、... 目的研究PD大鼠中脑黑质多巴胺(DA)神经损伤、铁积聚、铁转运蛋白表达及氧应激水平改变之间的关系,探讨铁积聚在PD发生发展中的作用及黄芩苷保护DA能神经、抑制铁积聚的机制。方法实验采用鱼藤酮PD模型大鼠,观察黑质铁含量及TH、DMT1、FP1的表达,检测血清、肝脏铁含量以及大脑皮层GSH和MDA含量。结果鱼藤酮PD大鼠DA能神经元明显缺失,同步发生了脑内氧化应激水平增加、GSH降低;血清铁降低而肝铁增高;黑质铁大量积聚发生在DA能神经元大量脱失和铁转运蛋白DMT1、FP1表达改变之后;黄芩苷可调节DMT1、FP1表达,减少黑质铁积聚,降低脑内氧应激水平,增加GSH含量。结论研究证明铁转运蛋白DMT1表达增加和FP1表达降低参与了黑质铁积聚;铁积聚及过高的氧应激反应促进了黑质DA能神经细胞损伤的发展;黄芩苷对PD大鼠DA能神经细胞具有保护作用,机制与抑制铁积聚、调节铁转运蛋白DMT1、FP1表达、降低氧应激有关。 展开更多
关键词 帕金森病 鱼藤酮 黄芩苷 二价金属离子转运蛋白1 膜铁转运蛋白1 酪氨酸羟化酶
运动性低血色素形成中大鼠十二指肠铁吸收蛋白HCP1、DMT1及FPN1表达的动态变化 被引量:2
作者 孙娟 王海涛 +4 位作者 李海洲 程康康 吕军 宋文靖 刘玉倩 《中国运动医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第9期831-835,共5页
目的:研究运动性低血色素形成中大鼠十二指肠铁转运蛋白血红素转运蛋白1(heme carrier protein 1,HCP1)、二价金属离子转运体1(divalent metal transporter1,DMT1)及膜铁转运蛋白1(ferroportin1,FPN1)表达的动态变化,探讨运动性低血色... 目的:研究运动性低血色素形成中大鼠十二指肠铁转运蛋白血红素转运蛋白1(heme carrier protein 1,HCP1)、二价金属离子转运体1(divalent metal transporter1,DMT1)及膜铁转运蛋白1(ferroportin1,FPN1)表达的动态变化,探讨运动性低血色素的发生机制。方法:36只雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为对照组和运动组。运动组大鼠进行为期5周、6 d/周、坡度为0、速度30 m/min的递增负荷跑台训练。前2周每天训练1次,时间从1 min开始,每次递增2 min。从第3周开始,每天训练2次。分别于运动第3、4、5周末取材,采用血细胞自动分析仪测定血红蛋白(Hb)含量;Western Blot检测十二指肠上皮细胞HCP1、DMT1及FPN1表达。结果:(1)长时间大强度运动后大鼠Hb含量逐渐降低。运动组3周末Hb与其对照组相比有下降趋势,4周和5周末显著低于其对照组(P<0.05,P<0.01)。(2)运动组大鼠3周末小肠上皮细胞HCP1、DMT1及FPN1表达均显著高于其对照组(P<0.01),4周末与其对照组相比均无显著差异(P>0.05),5周末均显著低于对照组(P<0.01)。结论:大强度运动开始阶段,机体通过增加肠铁吸收维持运动机体对铁的需求,随运动时间延长,机体肠铁吸收能力降低,这是引发运动性低血色素的重要原因之一。 展开更多
关键词 运动性低血色素 血红素转运蛋白1 二价金属离子转运体1 膜铁转运蛋白1
铁与脂质代谢相关蛋白在动脉粥样硬化中的表达与调节机制 被引量:5
作者 周瑜 乔彤 《中国血管外科杂志(电子版)》 2017年第1期43-47,共5页
目的了解动脉粥样硬化(AS)斑块与巨噬细胞内铁代谢之间的关系,探讨造成AS斑块内巨噬细胞铁代谢紊乱的分子机制。方法取AS斑块组织、正常动脉组织各25份,油红染色和酶联免疫法检测脂质含量。检测铁代谢相关蛋白[铁蛋白(FT),膜铁转运蛋白(... 目的了解动脉粥样硬化(AS)斑块与巨噬细胞内铁代谢之间的关系,探讨造成AS斑块内巨噬细胞铁代谢紊乱的分子机制。方法取AS斑块组织、正常动脉组织各25份,油红染色和酶联免疫法检测脂质含量。检测铁代谢相关蛋白[铁蛋白(FT),膜铁转运蛋白(FPN1),亚铁氧化酶(HP),铜蓝蛋白(CP)]含量。免疫组化、免疫荧光定位FPN1在巨噬细胞的表达情况。取12名AS患者及12名正常人血清样品,测定血清铁调素(Hep)浓度。结果 AS斑块脂质富集,结合胆固醇含量明显高于正常对照(P<0.001)。正常人血清Hep浓度显著低于AS患者,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。AS患者斑块处FT含量明显高于正常组织,细胞中FPN1含量增加,而CP、HP表达量降低(P<0.01)。免疫荧光显示,AS斑块处FPN1主要存在于巨噬细胞胞质内。结论 AS斑块组织中铁代谢紊乱,细胞中FPN1的非细胞膜定位和CP、HP的表达下降,阻止铁从巨噬细胞中排出。同时血清中Hep的水平较高,也加重了巨噬细胞中铁的累积。说明铁的累积可能加剧了AS斑块的形成及发展。 展开更多
关键词 动脉粥样硬化 膜铁转运蛋白 铁蛋白 亚铁氧化酶 铜蓝蛋白
铁调素与冠心病关系的研究进展 被引量:3
作者 苟峻琦 付国齐 +3 位作者 黄禄勇 张智 郎明健 吕湛 《心脑血管病防治》 2022年第2期61-64,77,共5页
铁调素是调节体内铁代谢的重要物质,其表达主要受到血浆铁含量、缺氧、贫血、炎症感染等多种因素的调控。血浆高水平铁将诱导铁调素高表达,铁调素通过与膜铁转运蛋白相互作用,导致巨噬细胞内铁潴留,促进动脉粥样硬化斑块形成和使斑块不... 铁调素是调节体内铁代谢的重要物质,其表达主要受到血浆铁含量、缺氧、贫血、炎症感染等多种因素的调控。血浆高水平铁将诱导铁调素高表达,铁调素通过与膜铁转运蛋白相互作用,导致巨噬细胞内铁潴留,促进动脉粥样硬化斑块形成和使斑块不稳定。虽然铁代谢异常引起心血管疾病一直是近年来研究热点,但目前对于铁调素与动脉粥样硬化相关的具体机制研究尚不全面。未来针对铁调素及其与膜铁转运蛋白1的相互作用的靶向治疗可能是治疗心血管疾病的一种新方法。 展开更多
关键词 铁调素 膜铁转运蛋白1 动脉粥样硬化 冠心病
Effective components of Chinese herbs reduce central nervous system function decline induced by iron overload 被引量:14
作者 Xian-hui Dong Jiang-tao Bai +7 位作者 Wei-na Kong Xiao-ping He Peng Yan Tie-mei Shao Wen-guo Yu Xi-qing Chai Yan-hua Wu Cong Liu 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第5期778-785,共8页
Abnormally increased levels of iron in the brain trigger cascade amplification in Alzheimer's dis- ease patients, resulting in neuronal death. This study investigated whether components extracted from the Chinese her... Abnormally increased levels of iron in the brain trigger cascade amplification in Alzheimer's dis- ease patients, resulting in neuronal death. This study investigated whether components extracted from the Chinese herbs epimedium herb, milkvetch root and kudzuvine root could relieve the abnormal expression of iron metabolism-related protein in Alzheimer's disease patients. An APPs,~JPSI^E9 double transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease was used. The intragas- tric administration of compounds from epimedium herb, milkvetch root and kudzuvine root improved pathological alterations such as neuronal edema, increased the number of neurons, downregulated divalent metal transporter 1 expression, upregulated ferroportin 1 expression, and inhibited iron overload in the cerebral cortex of mice with Alzheimer's disease. These com- pounds reduced iron overload-induced impairment of the central nervous system, indicating a new strategy for developing novel drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. 展开更多
关键词 nerve regeneration neurodegenerative diseases Alzheimer's disease transgenic animalmodels mice epimedium herb milkvetch root kudzuvine root divalent metal transporter 1 ferroportin 1 neural regeneration
DL-3-n-butylphthalide alleviates motor disturbance by suppressing ferroptosis in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease 被引量:6
作者 Chun-Bo Hu Hui Jiang +5 位作者 Yin Yang Guo-Hua Wang Qiu-Hong Ji Zhong-Zheng Jia Li-Hua Shen Qian-Qian Luo 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第1期194-199,共6页
DL-3-n-butylphthalide(NBP)-a compound isolated from Apium graveolens seeds-is protective against brain ischemia via various mechanisms in humans and has been approved for treatment of acute ischemic stroke.NBP has sho... DL-3-n-butylphthalide(NBP)-a compound isolated from Apium graveolens seeds-is protective against brain ischemia via various mechanisms in humans and has been approved for treatment of acute ischemic stroke.NBP has shown recent potential as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease.However,the underlying mechanism of action of NBP remains poorly understood.In this study,we established a rat model of Parkinson’s disease by intraperitoneal injection of rotenone for 28 successive days,followed by intragastric injection of NBP for 14-28 days.We found that NBP greatly alleviated rotenone-induced motor disturbance in the rat model of Parkinson’s disease,inhibited loss of dopaminergic neurons and aggregation ofα-synuclein,and reduced iron deposition in the substantia nigra and iron content in serum.These changes were achieved by alterations in the expression of the iron metabolism-related proteins transferrin receptor,ferritin light chain,and transferrin 1.NBP also inhibited oxidative stress in the substantia nigra and protected mitochondria in the rat model of Parkinson’s disease.Our findings suggest that NBP alleviates motor disturbance by inhibition of iron deposition,oxidative stress,and ferroptosis in the substantia nigra. 展开更多
关键词 cystine/glutamate antiporter solute carrier family 7 member 11 DL-3-n-butylphthalide ferritin light chain ferroportin 1 ferroptosis glutathione peroxidase 4 oxidative stress iron ROTENONE transferrin receptor
Baicalin suppresses iron accumulation after substantia nigra injury: relationship between iron concentration and transferrin expression 被引量:6
作者 Chunyan Guo Xin Chen Pei Xiong 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第6期630-636,共7页
Previous studies have shown that baicalin prevented iron accumulation after substantia nigra injury, reduced divalent metal transporter 1 expression, and increased ferroportin 1 expression in the substantia nigra of r... Previous studies have shown that baicalin prevented iron accumulation after substantia nigra injury, reduced divalent metal transporter 1 expression, and increased ferroportin 1 expression in the substantia nigra of rotenone-induced Parkinson's disease rats. In the current study, we investigated the relationship between iron accumulation and transferrin expression in C6 cells, to explore the mechanisms of the inhibitory effect of baicalin on iron accumulation observed in Parkinson's disease rats. Iron content was detected using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy. Results showed that iron content decreased 41% after blocking divalent metal transporter 1 and ferroportin 1 proteins. After treatment with ferric ammonium citrate of differing concentrations (10, 50, 100, 400 ktg/mL) in C6 glioma cells, cell survival rate and ferroportin 1 expression were negatively correlated with ferric ammonium citrate concentration, but divalent metal transporter 1 expression positively correlated with ferric ammonium citrate concentration. Baicalin or deferoxamine reduced divalent metal transporter 1 expression, but increased ferroportin 1 expression in the 100 μg/mL ferric ammonium citrate-loaded C6 cells. These results indicate that baicalin down-regulated iron concentration, which positively regulat- ed divalent metal transporter 1 expression and negatively regulated ferroportin 1 expression, and decreased iron accumulation in the substantia nigra. 展开更多
关键词 nerve regeneration Parkinson's disease iron BAICALIN divalent metal transporter 1 ferroportin 1 DEFEROXAMINE C6 cells the Scientific Research Common Program of Beijing MunicipalCommission of Education neural regeneration
Quantitative Study of Iron Metabolism-related Genes Expression in Rat
作者 LI Yan Qin BAI Bin +2 位作者 ZHENG Quan Qing YAN Hong ZHUANG Gui Hua 《Biomedical and Environmental Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第10期808-819,共12页
Objective To investigate the multiple iron metabolism-related genes expression, its regulation by iron and the expression correlation among the genes in rat tissues. Methods Two groups (n=30) of Sprague-Dawley femal... Objective To investigate the multiple iron metabolism-related genes expression, its regulation by iron and the expression correlation among the genes in rat tissues. Methods Two groups (n=30) of Sprague-Dawley female weanling rats were fed with a control diet and an iron deficient diet respectively for 4 weeks. All rats were then sacrificed, and blood and tissue samples were collected. The routine blood examination was performed with a veterinary automatic blood cell analyzer. Elemental iron levels in liver, spleen and serum were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The mRNA expression of genes was detected by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR. Results After 4 weeks, the hemoglobin (Hb) level and red blood cell (RBC) count were significantly lower in the iron deficient group compared with those in the control group. The iron levels in liver, spleen and serum in the iron deficient group were significantly lower than those in the control group. In reference to small intestine, the relative expression of each iron-related gene varied in the different tissues. Under the iron deficiency, the expression of these genes changed in a tissue-specific manner. The expression of most of the genes significantly correlated in intestine, spleen and lung, but few correlated in liver, heart and kidney. Conclusion Findings from our study provides new regulation by iron and correlation among the mRNA divalent metal transporter 1, ferritin, iron regulation protein, hepcidin, ferroportin 1 and hephaestin in intesti understandings about the relative expression, expressions of transferrin receptors 1 and 2, proteins 1 and 2, hereditary hemochromatosis ne, liver, spleen, kidney, heart, and lung of rat. 展开更多
单核巨噬细胞铁代谢相关蛋白的表达调控 被引量:2
作者 孔卫娜 张彩云 +1 位作者 段相林 常彦忠 《生物物理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期275-284,共10页
人类机体的铁代谢表现为受限制的对外界铁的吸收和有效的机体内的铁的再循环利用,单核巨噬细胞系统通过吞噬衰老的红细胞,储存和释放铁,在机体铁的循环再利用方面起到了重要的作用。因此,单核巨噬细胞系统对整个机体铁稳态的维持非常重... 人类机体的铁代谢表现为受限制的对外界铁的吸收和有效的机体内的铁的再循环利用,单核巨噬细胞系统通过吞噬衰老的红细胞,储存和释放铁,在机体铁的循环再利用方面起到了重要的作用。因此,单核巨噬细胞系统对整个机体铁稳态的维持非常重要。近年来,随着转铁蛋白受体1(transferrin receptor1,TfR1)、铁蛋白(ferritin,Fn)、二价金属离子转运蛋白1(divalent metal transporter1,DMT1)、膜铁转运蛋白1(ferroportin1,FPN1),以及铁调素(hepcidin)等在单核巨噬细胞系统中功能和调控机制研究的不断深入,日益加深了人们对单核巨噬细胞系统的铁代谢过程和调控机制的了解。该文综述了铁水平、NO以及炎症等因素对单核巨噬细胞系统TfR1、Fn、DMT1、FPN1、hepcidin等蛋白表达的调控及其机制研究的最新进展。 展开更多
关键词 单核巨噬细胞系统 铁调素 血红素加氧酶 铁蛋白 膜铁转运蛋白1
作者 赵晋英 黄泽智 +4 位作者 李艳伟 侯玉英 王秀虎 何跃华 孙友平 《中国病原生物学杂志》 CSCD 2010年第12期904-907,F0003,共5页
目的探讨刚地弓形虫感染孕鼠后对胎鼠体内铁(Fe)含量和胎盘铁转运蛋白表达的影响。方法孕8 dBALB/c小鼠经腹腔接种弓形虫速殖子,在孕10、12、14、16和18 d剖腹,取胎鼠,采用原子吸收分光光谱法测定胎鼠体内铁含量;用DAB增强的铁染色法... 目的探讨刚地弓形虫感染孕鼠后对胎鼠体内铁(Fe)含量和胎盘铁转运蛋白表达的影响。方法孕8 dBALB/c小鼠经腹腔接种弓形虫速殖子,在孕10、12、14、16和18 d剖腹,取胎鼠,采用原子吸收分光光谱法测定胎鼠体内铁含量;用DAB增强的铁染色法观察胎鼠组织中铁分布;用免疫组织化学染色法检测胎盘膜铁转运蛋白(FP1)和铜蓝蛋白(Cp)的表达。结果在孕10 d,感染组胎鼠体内铁含量与对照组比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);孕12~18d,铁含量均低于对照组(P〈0.05)。感染组胎鼠整体、胎肝及胎脑组织铁染色强度与对照组相比显著减弱。FP1和Cp主要表达于胎盘合体滋养层细胞(STB)基底侧,在孕10、12 d,感染组FP1和Cp与对照组比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);在孕14、16和18 d,感染组FP1和Cp表达显著高于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论小鼠孕期感染弓形虫可使胚胎铁含量降低,并影响胚胎的生长发育;胎盘FP1和Cp高表达可能是胎鼠体内铁缺乏的代偿反应;胎盘FP1和Cp的表达可能受胎鼠体内铁浓度的调控。 展开更多
关键词 刚地弓形虫 胎盘 膜铁转运蛋白 铜蓝蛋白
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