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Simultaneous resonance of an axially moving ferromagnetic thin plate under a line load in a time-varying magnetic field 被引量:1
作者 Xie Mengxue Hu Yuda Xu Haoran 《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》 SCIE EI CSCD 2023年第4期951-963,共13页
In this paper,the simultaneous resonance of a ferromagnetic thin plate in a time-varying magnetic field,having axial speed and being subjected to a periodic line load,is studied.Based on the large deflection theory of... In this paper,the simultaneous resonance of a ferromagnetic thin plate in a time-varying magnetic field,having axial speed and being subjected to a periodic line load,is studied.Based on the large deflection theory of thin plates and electromagnetic field theory,the nonlinear vibration differential equation of the plate is obtained by using the Hamilton′s principle and the Galerkin method.Then the boundary condition in which the longer opposite sides are clamped and hinged is considered.The dimensionless nonlinear differential equations are solved by using the method of multiple scales,and the analytical solution is given.In addition,the stability analysis is also carried out by using Lyapunov stability theory.Through numerical analysis,the variation curves of system resonance amplitude with frequency tuning parameter,magnetic field strength and external excitation amplitude are obtained.Different parameters that have significant effects on the response of the system,such as the thickness,the axial velocity,the magnetic field intensity,the position,and the frequency of external excitation,are considered and analyzed.The results show that the system has multiple solution regions and obvious nonlinear coupled characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 ferromagnetic thin plate time-varying magnetic field simultaneous resonance axially moving line load
作者 洪伟 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1993年第3期20-25,共6页
本文将直线法和谱城法结合在一起而提出一种分析集成波导三维问题的混合方法——谱域直线法。这种方法吸取了谱域法存储空间小和直线法无相对收敛性的优点,因而是一种计算量小、收敛快和数值稳定的分析方法。对微带和悬置微带谐振器的... 本文将直线法和谱城法结合在一起而提出一种分析集成波导三维问题的混合方法——谱域直线法。这种方法吸取了谱域法存储空间小和直线法无相对收敛性的优点,因而是一种计算量小、收敛快和数值稳定的分析方法。对微带和悬置微带谐振器的分析结果与有关文献的数据一致,从而验证了方法的正确性和有效性。 展开更多
关键词 电磁场 数值计算 谐振器 谱域法
作者 李传起 曹天德 +1 位作者 赵德林 詹煜 《光电子技术与信息》 2004年第2期10-14,共5页
极向磁场(poloidal magnetic field)的大小是磁约束装置的主要参数之一.中性锂束注入磁约束装置后,受碰撞激发而发出的共振谱线在磁场中分裂,其中波长不变的谱线分量的偏振方向平行于磁场方向.本文详细分析中性束注入法的物理过程,给出... 极向磁场(poloidal magnetic field)的大小是磁约束装置的主要参数之一.中性锂束注入磁约束装置后,受碰撞激发而发出的共振谱线在磁场中分裂,其中波长不变的谱线分量的偏振方向平行于磁场方向.本文详细分析中性束注入法的物理过程,给出了完整的光探测实验设计,计算并讨论了实验中主要仪器——法布里-珀罗干涉仪、法拉第旋转器和渥拉斯顿棱镜的性能指标和参数选择. 展开更多
关键词 磁约束 极向磁场 塞曼效应 锂共振谱线 法拉第旋转
地磁场对铯原子磁力仪共振谱线的影响 被引量:2
作者 李庆萌 张军海 +2 位作者 曾宪金 黄强 孙伟民 《哈尔滨工程大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第12期1617-1620,共4页
为了研究地磁场对铯原子磁力仪灵敏度的影响,利用Breit-Rabi方程对Cs原子基态F g=4能级的塞曼分裂进行了理论分析;并重点讨论了在磁场强度约为0.05 mT的地磁场中,铯原子基态超精细结构的非线性塞曼效应对原子磁力仪共振谱线的影响.结果... 为了研究地磁场对铯原子磁力仪灵敏度的影响,利用Breit-Rabi方程对Cs原子基态F g=4能级的塞曼分裂进行了理论分析;并重点讨论了在磁场强度约为0.05 mT的地磁场中,铯原子基态超精细结构的非线性塞曼效应对原子磁力仪共振谱线的影响.结果显示非线性塞曼效应使共振谱线宽度由20 Hz变为53 Hz,相对幅值衰减50%左右,在不考虑引入额外系统噪声的前提下,磁测灵敏度将由微弱磁场条件下的0.3 pT/Hz1/2蜕化为1.6 pT/Hz1/2,由此得出地磁场下提高原子磁力仪灵敏度的技术瓶颈所在,提出将泵浦光频率改为F g=4→F e=4跃迁来突破这一瓶颈的技术方案. 展开更多
关键词 铯原子磁力仪 超精细结构 非线性塞曼效应 谱线宽度
磁化铁氧体电磁参数的测试 被引量:6
作者 刘春乐 《电子测量技术》 2012年第1期68-70,共3页
为研究微波铁氧体器件,需要获知磁化后铁氧体的电磁性能参数。以具有高磁晶各向异性场的六角晶型铁氧体为材料,在22~40GHz的频率范围内对磁化后材料的共极化和交叉极化透射系数进行了测试,然后采用数值仿真透射系数与实验测试结果拟合... 为研究微波铁氧体器件,需要获知磁化后铁氧体的电磁性能参数。以具有高磁晶各向异性场的六角晶型铁氧体为材料,在22~40GHz的频率范围内对磁化后材料的共极化和交叉极化透射系数进行了测试,然后采用数值仿真透射系数与实验测试结果拟合的方法,得到了磁化六角晶型铁氧体的各向异性场H0为1 095kA/m,共振线宽ΔH为7.5kA/m,饱和磁化强度Ms为160kA/m和在Ka频段时的介电常数ε约为22.1。结果表明六角晶系铁氧体具有高磁晶各向异性场,借助这些已获知的电磁参数,就可以使用此种材料进行微波铁氧体器件的研究与设计。 展开更多
关键词 磁化铁氧体 各向异性场 共振线宽 饱和磁化强度 介电常数
海上风电交流送出系统谐振过电压产生原因及抑制措施 被引量:8
作者 杨大业 宋瑞华 +3 位作者 项祖涛 刘冬 晁武杰 阎越圣 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第15期171-177,共7页
电缆单位长度电容为同电压等级架空线路的20倍以上,越来越多的海上风电经交流电缆并网使得送出系统自然谐振频率降低,增大了系统谐振风险。针对某海上风电场并网过程中出现的谐振过电压现象,分析了故障录波数据。基于送出系统阻抗模型... 电缆单位长度电容为同电压等级架空线路的20倍以上,越来越多的海上风电经交流电缆并网使得送出系统自然谐振频率降低,增大了系统谐振风险。针对某海上风电场并网过程中出现的谐振过电压现象,分析了故障录波数据。基于送出系统阻抗模型进行机理分析,并通过电磁暂态仿真验证了送出系统存在2倍频附近自然谐振频率为风电场合空载变压器、合空载线路操作引发谐振过电压的根本原因。结合工程实际,提出改变送出系统运行方式、优化静止无功发生器控制保护系统和增加接入负荷量的联合抑制措施。最后,通过仿真及现场试验验证了所提措施的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 海上风电 谐振过电压 空载变压器 空载线路 现场试验
实时MRI引导放射治疗中边缘磁场对电子枪束流特性的影响 被引量:1
作者 毛玲丽 刘春波 +1 位作者 裴曦 徐榭 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期433-438,共6页
目的观察实时MRI引导放射治疗(MRIgRT)系统中MR边缘磁场对电子枪束流特性的影响。方法以电磁场仿真软件模拟平行配置MRIgRT系统中1.5T MR不同边缘磁场下Varian 600C电子枪和Litton L2087电子枪的束流特性。结果 2款电子枪在磁场中的整... 目的观察实时MRI引导放射治疗(MRIgRT)系统中MR边缘磁场对电子枪束流特性的影响。方法以电磁场仿真软件模拟平行配置MRIgRT系统中1.5T MR不同边缘磁场下Varian 600C电子枪和Litton L2087电子枪的束流特性。结果 2款电子枪在磁场中的整体表现一致。随磁感应强度增大,Litton L2087和Varian 600C电子枪电流分别缓慢增加至无磁场时的2.72%和1.93%。电子枪阳极出口处电流在经历初始稳定水平后开始减少,达到最小值后电流缓慢增加,电流损失最大分别可达80.25%和73.48%;高场强处,束流半径出现周期性变化;束流均方根发射度存在波动。结论平行配置的MRIgRT系统中,边缘磁场会对电子枪束流轨迹产生影响,导致大量电流损失,均方根发射度变化巨大。 展开更多
关键词 电子枪 边缘磁场 平行配置 放射疗法 磁共振成像
作者 周全 邹晓兵 王新新 《现代应用物理》 2022年第4期148-154,共7页
从谐振频率的理论计算公式出发,借用理论分析和3维电磁场数值模拟,研究发现输入同轴线数与谐振频率大小成正相关、外圈半径和绝缘介质相对介电常数与谐振频率大小成负相关。对理论计算公式中忽略的3个因素,即输入结构、线型和挖孔设计,... 从谐振频率的理论计算公式出发,借用理论分析和3维电磁场数值模拟,研究发现输入同轴线数与谐振频率大小成正相关、外圈半径和绝缘介质相对介电常数与谐振频率大小成负相关。对理论计算公式中忽略的3个因素,即输入结构、线型和挖孔设计,对谐振频率的影响进行深入研究。研究发现,输入结构将降低谐振频率,而线型及挖孔设计对谐振频率大小的影响几乎可忽略。研究结果对整体径向传输线的设计和使用具有指导意义,可通过减小外圈半径或绝缘介质相对介电常数,增加输入同轴线数和合理设计输入结构,使谐振频率远离其工作频率范围,即第一个谐振频率大于其最大工作频率。考虑到在Z箍缩场景下整体径向传输线的工作主频范围约为0~10 MHz,对于Z-800装置,在原有设计基础上各参数单独变化的范围为输入同轴线数应大于22,外圈半径应小于17.5 m,绝缘介质相对介电常数应小于115。 展开更多
关键词 整体径向传输线 Z箍缩装置 谐振频率 散射参数 电磁场模型
作者 刘勇 《电力系统通信》 2000年第1期28-31,35,共5页
关键词 阻波器 自谐振 过电压 短时电流 阻波器 避雷器
Numerical study on ULF waves in a dipole field excited by sudden impulse 被引量:12
作者 YANG Biao FU SuiYan +4 位作者 ZONG QiuGang WANG YongFu ZHOU XuZhi PU ZuYin XIE Lun 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2008年第10期1665-1676,共12页
A three-dimensional numerical model is employed to investigate ULF waves ex-cited by the sudden impulse (SI) of the solar wind dynamic pressure interacting with a dipole magnetosphere. We focus on the solar wind-magne... A three-dimensional numerical model is employed to investigate ULF waves ex-cited by the sudden impulse (SI) of the solar wind dynamic pressure interacting with a dipole magnetosphere. We focus on the solar wind-magnetosphere energy coupling through ULF waves, and the influences of the SI spectrum on the cavity mode structure and the energy deposition due to field line resonances (FLRs) in the magnetosphere. The numerical results show that for a given SI lasting for 1 min with amplitude of 50 mV/m impinging on the subsolar magnetopause, the total ULF energy transported from the solar wind to the magnetosphere is about the magni-tude of 1014 J. The efficiency of the solar wind energy input is around 1%, which depends little on the location of the magnetopause in the model. It is also found that the energy of the cavity mode is confined in the region near the magnetopause, whereas, the energy of the toroidal mode may be distributed among a few specific L-shells. With a given size of the model magnetosphere and plasma density distri-bution, it is shown that the fundamental eigenfrequency of the cavity mode and the central locations of the FLRs do not vary noticeably with the power spectrum of the SI. It is worth noting that the spectrum of the SI affects the excitation of higher harmonics of the global cavity mode. The broader the bandwidth of the SI is, the higher harmonics of cavity mode could be excited. Meanwhile, the corresponding FLRs regions are broadened at the same time, which implies that the global cavity modes and toroidal modes can resonate on more magnetic L-shells when more harmonics of the global cavity modes appear. 展开更多
关键词 SUDDEN impulse ULF waves global cavity MODE TOROIDAL MODE field line resonanceS
Joint observations of the large-scale ULF wave activity from space to ground associated with the solar wind dynamic pressure enhancement
作者 SUN XiaoYing HU YunPeng +3 位作者 ZHIMA Zeren DUAN SuPing LV FangXian SHEN XuHui 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期2215-2229,共15页
This study reports the rare ultralow-frequency(ULF) wave activity associated with the solar wind dynamic pressure enhancement that was successively observed by the GOES-17(Geostationary Operational Environmental Satel... This study reports the rare ultralow-frequency(ULF) wave activity associated with the solar wind dynamic pressure enhancement that was successively observed by the GOES-17(Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) in the magnetosphere, the CSES(China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite) in the ionosphere, and the THEMIS ground-based observatories(GBO) GAKO and EAGL in the Earth's polar region during the main phase of an intense storm on 4 November 2021. Along with the enhanced-pressure solar wind moving tailward, the geomagnetic field structure experienced a large-scale change. From dawn/dusk sides to midnight, the GAKO, EAGL, and GOES-17 sequentially observed the ULF waves in a frequency range of0.04–0.36 Hz at L shells of ~5.07, 6.29, and 5.67, respectively. CSES also observed the ULF wave event with the same frequency ranges at wide L-shells of 2.52–6.22 in the nightside ionosphere. The analysis results show that the ULF waves at ionospheric altitude were mixed toroidal-poloidal mode waves. Comparing the ULF waves observed in different regions, we infer that the nightside ULF waves were directly or indirectly excited by the solar wind dynamic pressure increase: in the area of L-shells~2.52–6.29, the magnetic field line resonances(FLRs) driven by the solar wind dynamic pressure increase is an essential excitation source;on the other hand, around L~3.29, the ULF waves can also be excited by the outward expansion of the plasmapause owing to the decrease of the magnetospheric convection, and in the region of L-shells ~5.19–6.29, the ULF waves are also likely excited by the ion cyclotron instabilities driven by the solar wind dynamic pressure increase. 展开更多
关键词 ultralow-frequency(ULF)wave solar wind dynamic pressure(P_(sw)) magnetic field line resonance(flr) ion cyclotron instability
Recent progress on ULF wave and its interactions with energetic particles in the inner magnetosphere 被引量:16
作者 Theodore A. FRITZ 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2008年第10期1620-1625,共6页
The global distribution properties of Ultra Low Frequency wave (ULF) in the inner magnetospgere and its interactions with energetic particles, such as the wave-particle resonance, modulation, and particle acceleration... The global distribution properties of Ultra Low Frequency wave (ULF) in the inner magnetospgere and its interactions with energetic particles, such as the wave-particle resonance, modulation, and particle acceleration, are active topics in space physics research. These problems are fundamentally important issues to understand the energy transport from the solar wind into the magnetosphere. In this paper we briefly reviewed the recent research progress on ULF wave and its interactions with energetic particles in the inner magnetosphere; furthermore, we suggested some open questions for future study. 展开更多
关键词 radiation BELT PARTICLE PARTICLE acceleration ULF wave compressional MODE cavity MODE poloidal MODE TOROIDAL MODE field line resonance (flr) ENERGETIC particles modulation
Multi-spacecraft observations of ULF waves during the recovery phase of magnetic storm on October 30, 2003 被引量:11
作者 YongFu Wang SuiYan Fu +4 位作者 QiuGang Zong Biao Yang ZuYin Pu Lun Xie XuZhi Zhou 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2008年第10期1772-1785,共14页
Based on observations obtained by Cluster C1, GOES 10, 12, and Polar, the global ULF wave properties are studied during the recovery phase of a very intense magnetic storm-Halloween storm (October 31, 2003, 21:00–23:... Based on observations obtained by Cluster C1, GOES 10, 12, and Polar, the global ULF wave properties are studied during the recovery phase of a very intense magnetic storm-Halloween storm (October 31, 2003, 21:00–23:00 UT). The results indicate that the ULF waves’ properties observed by different satellites, such as amplitude, period, etc. show large variations. This can be interpreted as that Field Line Resonance (FLR) might take place in the region where Cluster C1 passed. The compressional wave of the cavity mode coupled with FLR’s shear Alfven wave and fed energy to the latter, forming a large-amplitude toroidal mode. From the point of period, Cluster C1 observed the shortest period, GOES 10, 12 observed the middle, while Polar observed the longest. The wave period of toroidal mode observed by Cluster C1 kept almost unchanging when Cluster C1 passed L range from 11.7 to 5.3. Using the Squared Wavelet Coherence analysis method, we estimated that the FLR region in the dayside magnetosphere could expand to at least 4 local time widths. The toroidal mode observed by Polar was a standing wave, while the poloidal mode was a propagating wave, the observation results could be well explained by the waveguide mode theory. Since the solarwind speed V <SUB>x</SUB> was &#8722;800 km/s and the dynamic pressure varied little, we speculated that the source of the ULF wave was the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability at the magnetopause triggered by high speed solarwind. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic STORM ULF wave poloidal MODE TOROIDAL MODE compressional MODE cavity MODE field line resonance (flr)
Numerical simulation of magnetospheric ULF waves excited by positive and negative impulses of solar wind dynamic pressure 被引量:6
作者 ZHANG XiangYun ZONG QiuGang +1 位作者 YANG Biao WANG YongFu 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第10期2886-2894,共9页
The sources of ultra low frequency (ULF) waves in the magnetosphere are generally believed to be either the external solar wind perturbations or the internal plasma instabilities. When a sudden impulse of the solar wi... The sources of ultra low frequency (ULF) waves in the magnetosphere are generally believed to be either the external solar wind perturbations or the internal plasma instabilities. When a sudden impulse of the solar wind dynamic pressure impinges on the magnetopause, ULF waves might be excited and thus the solar wind energy is transported into the earth's magnetosphere. In this paper, we study the ULF waves excited by different kinds of sudden solar wind pressure impulses through an MHD simulation. We primarily focus on the responses of the earth's magnetosphere to positive/negative impulses of solar wind dynamic pressure, and positive-negative impulse pairs. The simulation results show that the ULF waves excited by positive and negative impulse have the same amplitude and frequency, with 180° difference in phase, if the amplitude and durations of the input impulses are the same. In addition, it is found that field line resonances (FLRs) occur at certain L-shell regions of the earth's magneto-sphere after the impact of different positive-negative impulse pairs, which appear to be related to the duration of the impulses and the time interval between the sequential impulses. Another result is that the energy from the solar wind could be transported deeper into the inner magnetosphere by an impulse pair than by a single pulse impact. The results presented in this paper could help us to better understand how energy is transported from solar wind to the earth's magnetosphere via ULF waves. Also, these results provide some new clues to understanding of how energetic particles in the inner magnetosphere response to different kinds of solar wind pressure impulse impacts including inter-planetary shocks. 展开更多
关键词 POSITIVE and NEGATIVE IMPULSES of solar wind dynamic pressure ULF waves field line resonanceS (flrs)
原子核的第一性原理计算 被引量:3
作者 胡柏山 马远卓 +2 位作者 李健国 孙中浩 许甫荣 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第27期3570-3580,共11页
最近十余年,由于手征有效场论和量子多体理论的发展以及计算机能力的提升,原子核的第一性原理计算取得了较大的进展.另外,由于加速器设备和探测技术的发展,实验研究接近越来越多的滴线核,观测到一些新现象、新规律.这些实验新结果为理... 最近十余年,由于手征有效场论和量子多体理论的发展以及计算机能力的提升,原子核的第一性原理计算取得了较大的进展.另外,由于加速器设备和探测技术的发展,实验研究接近越来越多的滴线核,观测到一些新现象、新规律.这些实验新结果为理论模型的发展提供了很好的机遇,但也带来了巨大的挑战.本文回顾我们利用第一性原理计算的原子核结构,概述我们发展的手征有效场论三体力、含共振与连续态的第一性原理Gamow量子多体理论方法,讨论滴线位置、滴线区原子核壳演化以及三体力在滴线核区的作用. 展开更多
关键词 第一性原理 手征有效场论 三体力 连续态和共振态 滴线区原子核
作者 曾正君 张莹 +3 位作者 杜爱民 罗浩 区家明 郭志芳 《地球物理学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期918-924,共7页
基于2014年至2017年SWARM三颗卫星四年的磁场观测数据,我们挑选出Pc3压缩波事件,研究了顶部电离层Pc3压缩波活动强度的磁纬-磁地方时分布、随磁地方时变化的季节特征以及地理经纬度分布,并进一步分析了Pc3压缩波发生频次的分布特征.结... 基于2014年至2017年SWARM三颗卫星四年的磁场观测数据,我们挑选出Pc3压缩波事件,研究了顶部电离层Pc3压缩波活动强度的磁纬-磁地方时分布、随磁地方时变化的季节特征以及地理经纬度分布,并进一步分析了Pc3压缩波发生频次的分布特征.结果表明,中高纬和低纬的Pc3压缩波可能存在不同的激发机制.中高纬地区的扰动强度随高度衰减,且高纬地区几乎所有地方时都可以观测到Pc3压缩波,可能主要是由入射的阿尔芬波与电离层相互作用产生;而低纬地区扰动强度没有明显的高度依赖性且主要发生日侧,可能主要是上游波以快模波的形式直接传播到电离层所致.同时,该研究结果给出了入射阿尔芬波和电离层相互作用耦合产生Pc3压缩波理论模型的观测证据. 展开更多
关键词 Pc3压缩波 顶部电离层 阿尔芬波 场线共振
Faulty Feeder Identification in Resonant Grounding Distribution Networks Based on Deep Learning and Transfer Learning 被引量:1
作者 Xiuyong Yu Jun Cao +2 位作者 Zhong Fan Mingming Xu Liye Xiao 《CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems》 SCIE EI CSCD 2023年第6期2168-2178,共11页
Identification of faulty feeders in resonant grounding distribution networks remains a significant challenge dueto the weak fault current and complicated working conditions.In this paper, we present a deep learning-ba... Identification of faulty feeders in resonant grounding distribution networks remains a significant challenge dueto the weak fault current and complicated working conditions.In this paper, we present a deep learning-based multi-labelclassification framework to reliably distinguish the faulty feeder.Three different neural networks (NNs) including the multilayerperceptron, one-dimensional convolutional neural network (1DCNN), and 2D CNN are built. However, the labeled data maybe difficult to obtain in the actual environment. We use thesimplified simulation model based on a full-scale test field (FSTF)to obtain sufficient labeled source data. Being different frommost learning-based methods, assuming that the distribution ofsource domain and target domain is identical, we propose asamples-based transfer learning method to improve the domainadaptation by using samples in the source domain with properweights. The TrAdaBoost algorithm is adopted to update theweights of each sample. The recorded data obtained in the FSTFare utilized to test the domain adaptability. According to ourvalidation and testing, the validation accuracies are high whenthere is sufficient labeled data for training the proposed NNs.The proposed 2D CNN has the best domain adaptability. TheTrAdaBoost algorithm can help the NNs to train an efficientclassifier that has better domain adaptation. It has been thereforeconcluded that the proposed method, especially the 2D CNN, issuitable for actual distribution networks. 展开更多
关键词 Deep-learning method faulty feederc identification full-scale test field(FSTF) resonant groundingc distribution network single line to ground fault transfer learning
作者 李想 陈兴燃 +2 位作者 宗秋刚 李泉翰 张东和 《中国科学:技术科学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第8期948-958,共11页
行星际激波能使近地空间发生剧烈扰动.本文使用高时间分辨率(1 s)的地面GPS接收机数据,分析了2015年3月17日行星际激波事件中电离层总电子含量(TEC)的扰动.研究发现,激波到达地球后, TEC扰动呈现出超低频波动的特征,且不同纬度区域的波... 行星际激波能使近地空间发生剧烈扰动.本文使用高时间分辨率(1 s)的地面GPS接收机数据,分析了2015年3月17日行星际激波事件中电离层总电子含量(TEC)的扰动.研究发现,激波到达地球后, TEC扰动呈现出超低频波动的特征,且不同纬度区域的波动特征不同:极区台站观测到的TEC波动幅度为~0.4 TECU,持续时间10 min以上,波动周期2~3 min,随穿刺点纬度的升高而增大;中低纬地区台站观测到的TEC波动幅度为~0.2 TECU,持续时间5~10 min,波动周期均为2 min左右.我们认为等离子体层的存在可能是导致这种TEC波动差异的原因,同时我们认为极区的TEC波动可能与磁力线共振有关,中低纬地区的TEC波动可能与空腔模振荡有关.本工作利用GPS TEC技术探测到了由行星际激波引发的电离层TEC波动,这将有助于进一步理解超低频波动在地球磁层-电离层系统中的性质,同时也进一步显示出GPS TEC技术在近地空间环境研究中的重要作用. 展开更多
关键词 总电子含量(TEC) 行星际激波 超低频波 磁力线共振 空腔模振荡
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